Wave Optics MCQ
Wave Optics MCQ
Wave Optics MCQ
TOPIC- Refraction TOPIC-Refraction at Spherical Surfaces and by
1. Identify the factor on which the angle of deviation Lenses
of the prism does not depend. 1. How many types of spherical refracting surfaces
a) The angle of incidence are there?
b) The material of the prism a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
c) The angle of reflection 2. Which among the following is a portion of a
d) The wavelength of light used transparent refracting medium bound by one
2. Calculate the refractive index of the material of an spherical surface and the other plane surface?
equilateral prism for which the angle of minimum a) Concave mirror b) Plane mirror
deviation is 60°. c) Lens d)Prism
a) 3√2 b) √3 c) 12 d) √12 3. X is thicker in the middle than at the edges,
3. Which of the following causes dispersion? whereas, Y is thicker at the edges than in the middle.
a) Refraction Identify ‘X’ and ‘Y’.
b) Reflection a) X = concave lens; Y = convex lens
c) Total internal reflection b) X = convex lens; Y = concave lens
d) Total internal dispersion c) X = plane lens; Y = convex lens
4. What happens to the frequency and the d) X = concave lens; Y = plane lens
wavelength when light passes from a rarer to a 4. Sign conventions for spherical refracting surface
denser medium? are the same as those for spherical mirrors.
a) Wavelength remains unchanged but frequency a) True b) False
changes 5. Identify the Lens Maker’s Formula.
b) They are independent a) f=(μ-1)(1/R1–1/R2)
c) Wavelength and frequency changes b) 1/f=(μ-1)(1/R1–1/R2)
d) Wavelength changes but the frequency remain c) 1/f=(μ+1)(1/R1–1/R2)
unchanged d) 1/f=(μ-1)(1/R1+1/R2)
5. What is the relative refractive index of water with 6. According to the thin lens formula, which one of
respect to glass? the following is true regarding the focal length of the
a)Unity b) More than unity lens?
c) Less than unity d) Zero a) f is positive for concave lens
6. The refraction in a water tank makes apparent b) f is negative for convex lens
depth the same throughout. c) f is positive for a diverging lens
a) True b) False d) f is negative for concave lens
7. What will be the color of the sky in the absence of 7. What is the SI unit of power of a lens?
the atmosphere? a)Watts b) Unit less c) Diopter d) Joule
a) White b) Dark c) Blue d) Pink 8. The power of a convex lens is negative.
8. On what factor does the normal shift through a a) True b) False
refracting medium depend? 9. Calculate the focal length of a biconvex lens if the
a)The thickness of the refracting medium radii of its surfaces are 50 cm and 20 cm, and index
b) Angle of Prism of refraction of the lens glass = 1.2.
c) Angle of deviation a) 0.014 cm b) 0.715 cm c) 0.14 cm d) 71.5 cm
d) Convection 10. A lens has a focal length of 10 cm. Where the
9. A lens immersed in a transparent liquid is not object should be placed if the image is to be 40 cm in
visible. Under what condition can this happen? the positive direction from the lens?
a) Less refractive index b) Higher refractive index a)12 cm b) 40 cm c) 13 cm d) 0.075
c) Same refractive index d) Total internal reflection 11. Find the magnification of the lens if the focal
is zero length of the lens is 10 cm and the size of the image
10. What is the cause of the blue color of the ocean? is -30 cm.
a) Reflection a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
b) Scattering of light by water molecules 12. A lens has a power of +3 diopters in air. What
c) Total internal reflection will be the power of the lens if it is completely
d) Refraction
6. The upper part of the bi-focal lens is a convex lens refractive index of glass is 1.5, find the time taken by
while its lower part is a concave lens. light to travel a distance of 10 cm in the glass.
a) True b) False a) 0.5 × 10-10 s b) 5 × 10-10 s
7. ‘X’ can see objects in the ultra-violet light while c) 50 × 10 s d) 500 × 10-10 s
human beings cannot do so. Identify X. 8. The speed of yellow light in a certain liquid is 2.4 ×
a) Penguin b) Bees c) Ant d) Tiger 108 m/s. Find the refractive index of the liquid.
8. How does the magnifying power of a telescope a) 1.25 b) 5.55 c) 6.25 d) 12.25
change on increasing the diameter of its objective?
a) Independent b) Doubled TOPIC- Refraction and Reflection of Plane
c) Halved d) Becomes zero Waves Using Huygen’s Principle
9. What focal length should the reading spectacles The speed of the yellow light in a certain liquid is 2.4
have for a person for whom the least distance of × 108 m/s. Find the refractive index of the liquid.
distinct vision is 50 cm? a)6.25 b) 5.73 c) 1.25 d) 9.73
a) + 25 cm b) – 25 cm c) + 50 cm d) – 50 cm 2. The wavelength of light coming from a sodium
10. An object is to be seen through a simple source is 589 nm. What will be its wavelength in the
microscope of power 10 D. Where should the object water?
be placed to reduce maximum angular a)625 nm b) 443 nm c) 789 nm d) 125 nm
magnification? The least distance for distinct vision 3. A light wave enters from air into glass. How will
is 25 cm. the energy of the wave be affected?
a) + 7.1 cm b) – 7.1 cm c) + 25 cm d) – 25 cm a)Decreases b) Increases
c) Remains the same d) Independent
4. If a wave undergoes refraction, what will be the
phase change?
a)180o b) 270o c) 90o d) 0o
5. When a wave undergoes reflection at a denser
Topic – Huygen’s principle medium, what will be the phase change?
Which among the following isn’t a suitable a)2π radian b) 0 c) π radian d) 3π radian
phenomenon to establish that light is wave motion? 6. Two wave-fronts intersect each other.
a)Interference b) Diffraction a) True b) False
c) Reflection d) Polarization 7. A light wave enters from air into glass. How will
2. The optical path of monochromatic light is the the frequency of the wave be affected?
same if it travels 2 cm thickness of glass or 2.25 cm a) Increases b) Remains unchanged
thickness of water. If the refractive index of water is c) Decreases d) Insignificant
1.33, what is the refractive index of glass?
a) 2.5 b) 1.5 c) 3.5 d) 4.5 TOPIC- Coherent and Incoherent Addition of
3. Identify the condition which is not necessary for
two light waves to be coherent.
a) The two waves must be continuous 1. Which of the following is a form of light whose
b) The two waves should be of the same frequency photons share the same frequency and whose
or wavelength wavelengths are in phase with one another?
c) They should have a constant or zero phases a) Coherent sources b) Incoherent sources
difference c) Electromagnetic waves d) Sunlight
d) They two light sources should be narrow 2. Which among the following is an example of
4. The absolute refractive indices of glass and water coherent sources?
are 32 and 43. Determine the ratio of the speeds of a) Fluorescent tubes b) LED light
light in glass and water. c) LASER d) Tungsten filament lamps
a) 5:7 b) 9:8 c) 7:5 d) 8:9 3. Pick the odd one out.
5. The refractive index of glass is 1.5 and that of a LASER b) LED c) Sound waves d) Radio
water is 1.3, the speed of light in water is 2.25 × transmitters
108 m/s. What is the speed of light in glass? 4. Scattering of waves can be coherent and
a) 7.95 × 108 m/s b) 9.95 × 108 m/s incoherent.
c) 1.95 × 10 m/s d) 3.95 × 108 m/s a) True b) False
7. The speed of light in air is 3 × 108 m/s. If the
5. Identify the factor is not the same for coherent compared to the wavelength of light
waves. c) The size of the aperture must be comparable to
a) Frequency b) Phase difference constant the wavelength of light
c) Amplitude d) Wavelength in phase with each d) The size of the aperture should not be compared
other to the wavelength of light
2. What is the cause of diffraction?
TOPIC- Interference of Light Waves and a Interference of primary wavelets
Young’s Experiment b) Interference of secondary wavelets
c) Reflection of primary wavelets
In Young’s double-slit experiment with d) Reflection of secondary wavelets
monochromatic light, how is fringe width affected, if 3. What should be the order of the size of an
the screen is moved closer to the slits? obstacle or aperture for diffraction light?
a) Independent b) Remains the same a)Order of wavelength of light
c) Increases d) Decreases b) Order of wavelength of obstacle
2. In Young’s double-slit experiment, lights of green, c) Order in ranges of micrometer
yellow, and orange colors are successively used. d)Order in ranges of nanometer
Write the fringe widths for the three colors in 4. A small circular disc is placed in the path of light
increasing order. from a distant source. Identify the nature of the
a) βG < βY < βO b) βO < βY < βG fringe produced.
c) βO < βG < βY d) βY < βG < βO a)Dual b) Narrow c) Dark d) Bright
3. In Young’s double-slit experiment, the two parallel 5. Single slit diffraction is completely immersed in
slits are made one millimeter apart and a screen is water without changing any other parameter. How is
placed one meter away. What is the fringe the width of the central maximum affected?
separation when blue-green light of wavelength 500 a) Insignificant b) Increases
nm is used? c) Decreases d) Becomes zero
a)0.5 mm b) 50 mm 6. Diffraction is common in light waves.
c) 0.25 mm d) 25 mm a) True b) False
4. What would be the resultant intensity at a point 7. Determine the half angular width of the central
of destructive interference, if there are two identical maximum, if a wavelength of 1000 nm is observed
coherent waves of intensity I0 producing an when diffraction occurs from a single slit of 2 μm
interference pattern? width.
a)5 I0 b) 2 I0 c) I0 d) zero a)100o b) 30o c) 90o d) 150o
5. What happens to the interference pattern if the 8. What will be the linear width of the central
phase difference between the two sources varies maximum on a screen that is kept 5 m away from
continuously? the slit, if a light of wavelength 800 nm strikes a slit
a)Brightens b) No change of 5 mm width.
c) Disappears d) Monochromatic pattern a) 1.2 mm b) 5.6 mm c) 6.5 mm d) 9.7 mm
6. Two independent light sources act as coherent
a) True b) False
7. What will be the effect on the fringes formed in NUMERICALS
Young’s double-slit experiment if the apparatus is 1. An object is placed at a certain distance
immersed in water? from a convex lens of focal length 20 cm.
a) Increases b) Decreases Find the distance of the object if the image
c) Remains the same d) Independent obtained is magnified 4 times.
2. Obtain the lens maker's formula for a lens
of refractive index n2 which is separating
TOPIC- Diffraction
two media of refractive indices ni and n3 on
1. State the essential condition for diffraction of
the left and right respectively.
light to occur.
3. A thin converging glass lens made of glass
a) The size of the aperture must be less when
with refractive index 1.5 has a power of +
compared to the wavelength of light
5.0 D. When this lens is immersed in a liquid
b) The size of the aperture must be more when
of refractive index n, it acts as a divergent
lens of focal length 100 cm. What must be should an object be placed in front of this
the value of n? lens so that the image is formed on the
4. If the distance D between an object and object itself?
screen is greater than 4 times the focal 13. A monochromatic light is incident on an
length of a convex lens, then there are two equilateral prism at an angle 30º and
positions of the lens for which images are emerges at an angle of 75º. What is the
formed on the screen. This method is called angle of deviation produced by the prism?
conjugate foci method. If d is the distance 14. Light ray falls at normal incidence on the
between the two positions of the lens, first face of anequilateral prism and
obtain the equation for focal length of the emerges gracing the second face. What is
convex lens. the angle of deviation? What is the
Ans: ( f = [D2 −d2] / 4D ) refractive index of the material of the
5. Find the ratio of the intensities of lights 15. The angle of minimum deviation for a prism
with wavelengths 500 nm and 300 nm is 37º. If the angle of prism is 60º, find the
which undergo Rayleigh scattering. refractive index of the material of the
6. Prove that when a reflecting surface of light prism.
is tilted by an angle θ, the reflected light
will be tilted by an angle 2θ. WAVE OPTICS
7. One type of transparent glass has refractive 1. Two light sources with amplitudes 5
index 1.5. What is the speed of light units and 3 units respectively interfere
through this glass? with each other. Calculate the ratio of
8. A coin is at the bottom of a trough maximum and minimum intensities.
containing three immiscible liquids of
2. Two light sources have intensity of light
refractive indices 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 poured
as I0. What is the resultant intensity at
one above the other of heights 30 cm, 16
a point where the two light waves have
cm, and 20 cm respectively. What is the
a phase difference of π/3?
apparent depth at which the coin appears
to be when seen from air medium outside?
3. The wavelength of a light is 450 nm.
How much phase it will differ for a path
In which medium the coin will be seen?
of 3 mm?
9. What is the radius of the illumination when
seen above from inside a swimming pool 4. In Young’s double slit experiment, the
from a depth of 10 m on a sunny day? What two slits are 0.15 mm apart. The light
is the total angle of view? [Given, refractive source has a wavelength of 450 nm.
index of water is 4/3] The screen is 2 m away from the slits.
10. A biconvex lens has radii of curvature 20 cm (i) Find the distance of the second
and 15 cm each. The refractive index of the bright fringe and also third dark fringe
material of the lens is 1.5. What is its focal from the central maximum.
length? Will the focal length change if the (ii) Find the fringe width.
lens is flipped by the side? (iii) How will the fringe pattern change
11. An object of 5 mm height is placed at a if the screen is moved away from the
distance of 15 cm from a convex lens of slits?
focal length 10 cm. A second lens of focal (iv) What will happen to the fringe
length 5 cm is placed 40 cm from the first width if the whole setup is immersed in
lens and 55 cm from the object. Find (a) the water of refractive index 4/3.
position of the final image, (b) its nature 5. Two lights of wavelengths 560 nm and
and (c) its size. 420 nm are used in Young’s double slit
12. A thin bicnvex lens is made up of a glass of experiment. Find the least distance
refractive index 1.5. The two surfaces have from the central fringe where the
equal radii of curvature of 30 cm each. One bright fringe of the two wavelengths
of its surfaces is made reflecting by silvering coincides. Given D = 1 m and d = 3 mm.
it from outside. (a) What is the focal length 6. Light of wavelength 500 nm passes
and power of this silvered lens? (b) Where through a slit of 0.2 mm wide. The
TOPIC- Extrinsic Semiconductor 1. What will happen when a p-n diode is reversed-
1. On doping germanium metal, with a little amount a) No current flows
of indium, what does one get? b) The depletion region is increased
a)Intrinsic semiconductor b) Insulator c) The depletion region is reduced
c) n-type semiconductor d) p-type semiconductor d) The height of the potential barrier is reduced
2. In a pure semiconductor crystal, if current flows 2. What will be the resistance measured by an
due to breakage of crystal bonds, then what is the ohmmeter, if a p-n diode is reverse biased?
semiconductor is called? a)Zero b) Low c) High d) Infinite
a)Acceptor b) Donor 3. Find out the application of the diode.
c) Intrinsic semiconductor d) Extrinsic semiconductor a)Oscillator b) Amplifier
3. Which of the following, when added as an c) Rectifier d) Modulator
impurity, into the silicon, produces n-type 7. What accounts for the flow of charge carriers in
semiconductor? forward and reverse biasing of silicon p-n diode?
a)Phosphorous b) Aluminum a) Drift in forward bias and diffusion in forward bias
c) Magnesium d) Sulfur b) Drift in reverse bias and diffusion in forward bias
4. In n-type semiconductors, which one is the c) Drift in both reverse and forward bias
majority charge carriers? d) Diffusion in both forward and reverse bias
a)Holes b) Protons c) Neutrons d) Electrons 8. Which of the following accounts for the presence
5. A small impurity is added to germanium to get a p- of the potential barrier in the depletion layer?
type semiconductor. Identify the impurity? a)Ions b) Holes c) Electrons d) Forbidden band
a)Bivalent substance b) Trivalent substance 9. Which of the following is true in case of the
c) Pentavalent substance d) Monovalent substance unbiased p-n junction?
6. Boron when added as an impurity, into the silicon, a) The high potential at n-side and low potential at
produces n-type semiconductor. p-side
a) True b) False b) The high potential at p-side and low potential at
7. Identify the property which is not characteristic n-side
for a semiconductor? c) p and n both are at the same potential
d) Undetermined a)1 b) 5 c) 2 d) 4
10. What causes drift current in a p-n junction 3. What is the ripple factor for a half-wave rectifier?
diode? a)2.0 b) 1.21 c) 0.482 d) 0.877
a) Electric field b) Charge carriers density 4. The ripple frequency of a full-wave rectifier is
c) Collision of electrons d) Electric potential twice to that of a half-wave rectifier.
a) True b) False
TOPIC- Semiconductor Diode 7. An alternating voltage of 360 V, 50 Hz is applied to
1. Why is there a sudden increase in current in Zener a full-wave rectifier. The internal resistance of each
diode? diode is 100 W. If RL = 5 kW, then what is the peak
a) Due to the rupture of ionic bonds value of output current?
b) Due to rupture of covalent bonds a) 0.9 A b) 0.07 A c) 0.097 A d) 1.097 A
c) Due to viscosity 8. Find the value of output direct current if the peak
d) Due to potential difference value of output current is given as 0.095 A.
2. What is the semiconductor diode used as? a) 0.6 b) 0.060 c) 0.05 d) 6.06
a)Oscillator b) Amplifier 9. What is the rms value of output current if the
c) Rectifier d) Modulator peak value of output current is given as 0.092 A?
4. What is rectification? a) 0.65 A b) 6.5 A c) 0.45 A d) 0.065 A
a) Process of conversion of ac into dc 10. Calculate the value of peak reverse voltage
b) Process of conversion of low ac into high ac (P.I.V.) if the full-wave rectifier has an alternating
c) Process of conversion of dc into ac voltage of 300 V.
d) Process of conversion of low dc into high dc a) 849 V b) 800 V c) 750 V d) 870 V
5. Forward biasing of p-n junction offers infinite
a) True b) False
7. When a junction diode is reverse biased, what
causes current across the junction?
a) Diffusion of charges b) Nature of material
c) Drift of charges d) Both drift and diffusion
of charges
8. Identify the condition for a transistor to act as an
a) The emitter-base junction is forward biased and
the base-collector junction is reverse biased
b) No bias voltage is required
c) Both junctions are forward biased
d) Both junctions are reverse biased
9. What can a p-n junction diode be used as?
a)Condenser b) Regulator
c) Amplifier d) Rectifier
10. What is a transistor made up of?
a) Chip b) Insulator
c) Semiconductor d) Metal