Companies Act 2013
Companies Act 2013
Companies Act 2013
CA Foundation
CA Deepika Rathi
Companies Incorporated under the Companies Act ,2013
Corporate Incorporation
Features Share Capital Shares MOA AOA
Vaile Theory of Company
Companies incorporated under this Act or under any previous company law.
Any other company governed by any Special Act for the time being in force.
Such body corporate which are incorporated by any Act for time being in force, and as the
Central Government may by notification specify in this behalf.
Insurance companies (when the provisions of the Companies Act are inconsistent with the
provisions of the Insurance Act, 1938 or the IRDA Act, 1999 the provisions of these Acts
shall apply).
Banking companies (when the provisions of the Companies Act are inconsistent with the
provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 the provisions of these Act shall apply).
Companies engaged in the generation or supply of electricity (when the provisions of the
Companies Act are inconsistent with the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003 the
provisions of these Act shall apply).
Section 2(20) of
Companies Act • “Company means a company incorporated under this Act or under any previous company law”.
1. Separate Legal Entity
• Company acquires a unique character of being a separate legal entity. Separate
• when a company is registered, it is clothed with a legal personality.
• It comes to have almost the same rights and powers as a human being.
• Its existence is distinct and separate from that of its members.
• A company can own property, have bank account, raise loans, incur liabilities and
Company Members
enter into contracts.
2. Perpetual Succession
• Members may die or change, but the company goes on till it is wound up on the grounds specified by the Act.
• The shares of the company may change hands infinitely but that does not affect the existence of the company.
• Since a company is an artificial person created by law, law alone can bring an end to its life. Its existence is not affected by the
death or insolvency of its members.
• A company’s existence is distinct and separate from that • The existence of a company is not affected by the
of its members. It can own property, have bank account, death or insolvency of its members. The
raise loans, incur liabilities and enter into contracts. shareholders keep changing but that does not
• A company is capable of owning, disposing etc of property in affect the existence of the company.
its own name, Although the capital and assets are • Even on death of all the members of the company, it
contributed by the shareholders, the company becomes the continues to exist. Its existence is not affected by
owner of its capital and assets. the death or insolvency of its members.
• Case Law : Macaura Vs. Northern Assurance Co.
Limited (1925)
The liability of a member depends upon • Company is an artificial person as it • Common seal is the official
the kind of company of which he is a is created by a process other than signature of a company, which
member. natural birth. is affixed by the officers and
a) Limited liability company – Liability • It is legal/judicial as it is created by employees of the company on
limited to the extent of unpaid value law. its every document.
on the share • It is a person since it is clothed with • The common seal is a seal
b) Company Limited by guarantee – all the rights of an individual. used by a corporation as the
Limited to the extent of amount • It act through some human agency symbol of its incorporation.
guaranteed. i.e. Directors • The Companies (Amendment)
c) Unlimited Company – The liability of • It can own property, have banking Act, 2015 has made the
members is unlimited. account, raise loans, incur liabilities common seal optional
and enter into contracts.
• As per Sec 2(22), when the liability of • As per Sec 2(21), when the liability of a
• As per Sec 2(92), a company where
member by the memorandum is limited member is limited to the extent of
there is no limit on the liability of
to the extent of unpaid value on amount guaranteed by him.
each member.
shares. • Unlike a company limited by shares, this
• The unlimited liability exists only at
• This unpaid amount can be called up at company does not have shareholders a
the time of winding up.
anytime by the company. company limited by guarantee has one or
• Theliability ceases when the
• It means that for meeting the debts of more members.
member ceases to be a member of
the company, the shareholder may be • The guaranteed amount can be called up
the company.
called uponto contribute only to the only at the time of winding up.
• Liability of each member extends to
extent of unpaid value on the share. His • Members cannot be called upon to
amount of Company’s debt and
personal assets cannot be used to meet contribute any amount beyond the agreed
the company’s debt. amount.
• OPC differs from sole proprietary : OPC differs from sole proprietary concern in an aspect that OPC is a
separate legal entity with a limited liability of the member whereas in the case of sole proprietary, the
liability of owner is not restricted and it extends to the owner’s entire assets constituting of official and
No Non-Banking
Significant Nominee has a right to
Financial Investment
Points withdraw his consent
Natural person
Member and Nominee
Indian Citizen Whether
in only one OPC
Resident* of India or not
As per Sec 2(68), Private Company means a company having a minimum paid-up share
capital as may be prescribed and its Articles of Association:
-Restricts transferability of shares
-Limits the number of members to 200
In calculation of number of members the following things must be considered:
a. Employees who are also members are not to be considered
b. Ex-employees are not to be considered provided they had acquired shares
while in employment.
c. Joint Holders are considered as one.
-Prohibits invitation to public to subscribe to securities of the company.
• According to section 3(1)(a), a company may be formed for any lawful purpose by seven or more persons, where the
company to be formed is to be a public company.
• Is not a private company (Articles do not have the restricting clauses).
• Shares freely transferable.
• No minimum paid up capital requirement.
• Minimum number of members – 7.
• Maximum numbers of members – No limit.
• Subsidiary of a public company is deemed to be a public company.
• Holding Company : As per Sec 2(46), a company is a holding company if one or more are its subsidiaries.
• Subsidiary Company : As per Sec 2(87), Subsidiary company in relation to any other company means a company in which
the holding company
- controls the composition of board of directors or
- exercises or control more than half of the total voting power either on its own or together with one or more of
its subsidiary Companies.
• A private company which is a subsidiary of a public company shall be deemed to be public company for the purposes of
this Act.
• As per Sec 2(6), a company in which the other company has a significant influence, but which is not a subsidiary
company of the company having significant influence.
• “Significant Influence” means control of at least 20% of the total voting power or control of or participation in business
decisions under an agreement.
5. Other Companies
Government • Government Company means any company in which not less than 51% of the paid-up share capital is held
Company by-
[Section 2(45)] i. the Central Government, or
ii. by any State Government or Governments, or
iii. partly by the Central Government and partly by one or more State Governments, and the section
includes a company which is a subsidiary company of such a Government company.
• Explanation : The “paid up share capital” shall be construed as “total voting power”, where shares with
differential voting rights have been issued.
Foreign • It means any company or body corporate incorporated outside India which—
Company i. has a place of business in India whether by itself or through an agent, physically or through electronic
[Section 2(42)] mode; and
ii. conducts any business activity in India in any other manner.
• Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 deals with the formation of companies which
Objective of are formed to
formation - promote the charitable objects of commerce, art, science, sports, education,
research, socialwelfare, religion, charity, protection of environment etc.
- Such company intends to apply its profit in
✓ promoting its objects and
✓ prohibiting the payment of any dividend to its members.
• Example : section 8 companies are FICCI, ASSOCHAM, National Sports Club of India,
CII etc.
• On registration the company shall enjoy same privileges and obligations as of a limited
Wind Up
Where a licence is revoked the Central Amalgamate with any other company having similar
Government shall direct to company objective.
• Not less than Rs.10 lakhs which may be extend to RS.1
Nidhi Company
Company which has been incorporated as a nidhi with the object of
- Cultivating the habit of thrift (Cost Cutting) and
- Saving amongst its members, receiving deposits from and lending to
- Its members only for their mutual benefit and which complies with such rules as are
prescribed by the Central Government for regulation of such class of companies.
Section 2(69) On whose advice, direction or instructions the Board of
Directors is accustomed to act.
Seven to form
Public Company
2. Issue of certificate of incorporation on registration: The Registrar on the basis of documents and information filed, shall
register all the documents and information in the register and issue a certificate of incorporation in the prescribed form to the
effect that the proposed company is incorporated under this Act.
4. Maintenance of copies of all documents and information : The company shall maintain and preserve at its registered
office copies of all documents and information as originally filed, till its dissolution under this Act.
5. Furnishing of false or incorrect information or suppression of material fact at the time of incorporation (i.e. at the
time of Incorporation): If any person furnishes any false or incorrect particulars of any information or suppresses any
material information, of which he is aware in any of the documents filed with the Registrar in relation to the registration
of a company, he shall be liable for action for fraud under section 447.
6. Where, at any time after the incorporation of a company, it is proved that the company has been got incorporated
by furnishing any false or incorrect information or representation or by suppressing any material fact or information in
any of the documents or declaration filed or made for incorporating such company, or by any fraudulent action, the
promoters, the persons named as the first directors of the company and the persons making declaration under this
section shall each be liable for action for fraud under section 447.
• Drafting & signing of MOA & AOA and its submission to ROC. These documents have to be e-filled and e-stamped.
capable of exercising all the All other persons, who may from time
Having perpetual succession with power
functions of an to time become members of the
to acquire, hold and dispose of property,
incorporated company company, shall be a
both movable and immovable, tangible
under this Act - body corporate by the name
and intangible, to contract and to sue
contained in the
and be sued, by the said name.
Registration of
Money payable by the
MOA & AOA member to company
shall bind the
Shall be the debt due
from member to the
Members who had signed company
the same as members
The word capital means share capital, i.e., the capital or figure in terms of so many rupees dividedinto shares of fixed amount.
The proportion of the capital to which each member is entitled is hisshare.
Nominal or Authorized or
Registered Capital Issued Capital Subscribed Capital Called up Capital Paid-up capital
Section 2(8) Section 2(50) Section 2(86) Section 2(15) It is the total amount
Authorized or • Issued Capital means Subscribed • Called-up capital is paid or credited as
Nominal Capital such capital as the capital is that that part of the paid up on shares
means suchcapital company issuesfrom part of capital capital, which has issued, it is equal to
as is authorized by time to time for which is been called for called-up capital less
the memorandum subscription. payment, calls in arrears.
subscribed by
of a company to be • It is that part of the • it is the total
the members of
the maximum authorized capital amount called up
which is offeredby the company.
amount of share on the shares
capital of the company for issued.
company. subscription.
➢ Section 2(84) : Shares which means a ➢ Case Law : Borland Trustees vs. Steel ➢ Section 44: The shares or
share in the share capital of a company Bors. & Co. Ltd. debentures or other interests of
and includes stock. ➢ It was observed that “a share is not a any member in a company shall be
➢ A share thus represents such proportion sum of money but is an interest measured movable property transferable in
of the interest of the shareholders as the by a sum of money and made up of the manner provided by the
amount paid up thereon bears to the various rights contained in the contract, articles of the company.
total capital payable to the company. including the right to a sum of money of a
➢ It is a measure of the interest in the more or less amount’’.
company’s assets to which a person
holdinga share is entitled.
➢ Section 45: Every share in a company having share capital shall be distinguished by its distinctive number
➢ This implies that every share shall be numbered.
➢ However, this shall not apply to a share held by a person whose name is entered as holder of beneficial interest in such share in the
records of a depository.
• Equity share capital with reference to a • With reference to any company limited by
company limited by shares, meansall share shares, means that part ofthe issued share
capital which is not preference share capital. capital of the company which carries or would
carry a preferential right with respect to-
Equity Share with Equity Share with a. Payment of dividend, either as a fixed
Uniform Voting Differential Voting amount or an amount calculated as a fixed
Rights Rights rate
• Capital Shall be deemed to be Preference Capital :-Despite that it is entitled to either or both of the following rights,
namely :-
a. that in respect of dividends, in addition to the preferential rights to the amounts specified as above, it has a right
to participate, whether fully or to a limited extent, with capital not entitledto the preferential right aforesaid
b. that in respect of capital, in addition to the preferential right to the repayment, on a winding up, of the
amounts specified above, it has a right to participate, whether fully or to a limited extent, with capital not entitled
to that preferential right in any surplus which may remain after the entire capital has been repaid.
• Exception: In case of private company - Section 43 shall not apply where memorandum or articles of association of the
private company so provides.
• The shareholders must know the It contains the object for which the company
purposes for which his money can be is formed and therefore identifies the
used by the company and what risks he is possible scope of its operations beyond
taking in making the investment.
which its actions cannot go.
As per Section 4, Memorandum of a company shall be drawn up in such form as is given in Tables A, B, C, D and E in
Schedule I of the Companies Act, 2013
Contents of Memorandum
Name Clause Registered Object Clause Liability Clause Capital Clause Association Clause
Office Clause
Memorandum must be
• The articles of association of a • The document containing the • The articles of association are in fact
company are its rules and articles of association of a the bye-laws of the company
regulations, which are framed to company (the Magna Carta) is a according to which director and
manage its internal affairs. business document; hence it has other officers are required to
• Just as the memorandum contains to be construed strictly. perform their functions as regards
the fundamental conditions upon • It regulates domestic the management of the company, its
which the company is allowed to management of a company and accounts and audit.
be incorporated, so also the creates certain rights and • It is important therefore that the
articles are the internal obligations between the auditor should study them and,
regulations of the company members and the company while doing so he should note the
• Case Law : Guiness vs. Land • Case Law : S.S. Rajkumar vs. provisions therein in respect of
Corporation of Ireland Perfect Castings (P) Ltd. relevant matters.
Regulation • The articles of a company shall contain the regulations for management of the company.
Inclusion of • The articles shall also contain such matters, as are prescribed under the rules.
matters • However, a company may also include such additional matters in its articles as may be considered
necessary for its management
Contain • The articles may contain provisions for entrenchment (to protect something) to the effect that specified
provisions for provisions of the articles may be altered only if conditions or procedures as that are more restrictive than
entrenchment those applicable in the case of a special resolution, are met or complied with.
Manner of • The provisions for entrenchment shall only be made either on formation of a company, or by an
inclusion of the amendment in the articles agreed to by all the members of the company in the case of a private company
entrenchment and by a special resolution in the case of a public company.
Notice to the • Where the articles contain provisions for entrenchment, whether made on formation or by amendment,
registrar of the the company shall give notice to the Registrar of such provisions in such form and manner as may be
entrenchment prescribed.
1. Whether a person reads the documents or not, he is presumed to have knowledge of the contents of the documents, He
is not only presumed to have read the documents but also understood them in their true perspective, and
2. Every person dealing with the company not only has the constructive notice of the memorandum and articles, but also of
all the other related documents, such as Special Resolutions etc., which are required to be registered with the Registrar.
Thus, if a person enters into a contract which is beyond the powers of the company as defined in the memorandum, or
outside the authority of directors as per memorandum or articles, he cannot acquire any rights under the contract against the