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(Rules & Regulations)

B a do S u i s&E a i a i n or f tde xmntos Hand Book

Directorate of Technical Education Guindy, Chennai 600 025

Phone 2235 1018

HAND BOOK ON DIPLOMA & POST DIPLOMA COURSES 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Introduction Formation of Directorate of Technical Education Functions of the Department State Board of Technical Education and Training Board of Studies and Examinations Diploma and Post Diploma Courses Description of the Course - Details of Polytechnic Colleges & Special Institutions - List of Autonomous Institutions Admission in Diploma Courses Lateral Entry Admissions Admission in Post Diploma Courses Admission in Part-Time Diploma Courses Re-admission of Candidates Time Limit to complete the Diploma and Post Diploma Course Procedure for completing the Diploma Course Eligibility - to continue in the next higher semester / year Working Days / Hours Subject Pattern Institution Transfers Change of Branch Adherence to Due dates Board Examination - Exam Pattern Conduct of Board Examinations - General Requirements to appear for Examinations Condonation of Attendance Reasons for disqualifying a student from appearing Board Examination Payment of Examination Fees Issue of Hall Tickets / Duplicate Hall Tickets Acts of Malpractice in Examinations and Punishments awarded 1

Approved by Board of Studies and Examinations Department of Technical Education Guindy, Chennai 600 025

3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 4.0

Passing requirements Classification of successful candidates Issue of Mark sheets / Diploma Certificates - regarding With-held results Revaluation of Examination Papers Corrections in Mark Sheets & Diploma Certificates Issue of Duplicate Mark Sheets & Diploma Certificates Verification of Certificates Cancellation of Certificates Revision of fees Mode of payment of fees Conclusion ANNEXURE A-I A-II A-III A-IV A-V A-VI A-VII A-VIII Administrative Chart of DOTE List of Institutions Format for Readmission proposal Institution Transfer Application Application form for getting Xerox copy of Answer Script Application form for revaluation of Answer Script Application form for getting Migration Certificate / Duplicate Mark Sheet Application form for getting Duplicate Diploma Certificate

DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION TAMIL NADU DIPLOMA & POST - DIPLOMA COURSES RULES & REGULATIONS 1.0 INTRODUCTION : 1.1 Formation of Directorate of Technical Education : Tamil Nadu get its pride from the fact that the first engineering institution to come into being in the country was the Survey School established in 1794 at Madras by the East India Company. Out of this grew the reputed College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai. The output of the engineering institutions was not commensurate with the demand in the then developing India and the industrialization all over India necessitated the expansion of technical institutions at all levels during the Five Year Plans. The Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics were initially under the control of the Directorate of Public Instruction and the Directorate of Industries and Commerce respectively. The Directorate of Technical Education was formed with effect from 14th October 1957, consequent to the suggestions made by the State Standing Advisory Board of Technical Education. 1.2 Functions of the Department : The Technical Education Department under the control of Higher Education Department of Tamilnadu State is a vast one dealing with Diploma, Post Diploma, Degree, Post Graduate Courses and Research Programmes in various fields; nearly in more than 50 disciplines. Apart from the above, it monitors the establishment and functioning of Engineering Colleges, Polytechnic Colleges, Special Institutions, Technical Institutions including Commerce Institutions such as Typewriting / Shorthand / Accountancy Institutes, Hotel Management & Catering Colleges etc. in the State. The administrative chart, depicting the hierarchy of officers who administer the Directorate of Technical Education are enumerated in Annexure - I. The Director of Technical Education is the head of this Department by whom the overall administration is controlled. While the Examinations for the Under Graduate & Post Graduate Degree Courses, conducted in the Engineering Colleges

governed by this Department, are being held by the Anna University, the Examinations for all the Certificate, Diploma and Post Diploma Courses conducted in the Polytechnics, Special Institutions, Commerce Institutes, Hotel Management & Catering Colleges etc. are being held by the Directorate of Technical Education, itself. 1.3 State Board of Technical Education and Training : State Board of Technical Education and Training is an apex body formed in 1957 with the Honble Minister for Education as its Chairman and Education Secretary to Government as Member Secretary with the following members : (i) Director of Technical Education (ii) Representatives from industries and commerce department, public works department nominated by the Government of Tamil Nadu (iii) Representative from AICTE (Southern Region) (iv) Representative of Tamilnadu Electricity Board and (v) Principals of Engineering Colleges The functions of the Board will be to advise the Government on the general programme as well as specific individual schemes necessary for bringing about co-ordinated development of Technical Education and Training in the State, at all levels; and in particular, on the measures to be adopted in order to secure the following purposes : (a) Affiliation and recognition of Institutions conducting courses other than University courses and the prescription of such courses of study; Arrangements for ensuring that the standards of the courses and the instructional facilities provided are satisfactory, and for verifying fulfillment of conditions attached to Grant-in-Aid including periodical inspection of Institutions ; The regulations to be framed and the agency to be maintained for conducting examinations and awarding Diplomas and certificates conforming to the minimum standards prescribed by the All-India Council; and Arrangements to be made for establishing and maintaining cooperative relationship between education agencies and the industrial and commercial establishments in Tamilnadu. 4

The Board thus constituted will meet at regular intervals and keep the progress of execution of schemes for the expansion and improvement of Technical Education at all levels, under systematic review. 1.4 Board of Studies and Examinations : The Board of Studies and Examinations had been constituted vide G.O.Ms.No.1219, Education dated 11.10.1985 with the Additional Director of Technical Education (Examinations) as Chairman and Additional Director of Technical Education (Polytechnics) as Member-Secretary and 13 Polytechnic College Principals as members. The Board of Studies and Examinations is an Administrative & Executive Body which frames the rules and regulations relating to the Academic performance of all Polytechnic Colleges and other Institutions affiliated to the Directorate. The Diploma and Post - Diploma Examinations, Government Technical Examinations etc. are being conducted by the Board of Studies and Examinations. The Board, by forming various sub-committees, revise and update the syllabus of various courses, from time to time, whenever found necessary. After its formation, it had made complete revision of syllabus of all courses five times (till 2004). 2.0 DIPLOMA AND POST DIPLOMA COURSES : This hand book furnishes the details of Diploma & Post Diploma Courses offered, Institutions offering the above courses, Mode of admissions / readmission, Transfers, Conduct of Examinations, Rules and Regulations of the Board etc. 2.1 Description of the Course - Details of Polytechnic Colleges & Special Institutions - List of Autonomous Institutions : Description of the Course : The Full Time Regular Diploma Course in Engineering shall be for a period of three academic years. The Course will run on annual pattern for the first year and on semester pattern for the second and third years comprising of four semesters. The first year course will be of 32 weeks duration and the semester courses will be of 16 weeks duration each. The Full Time Sandwich Diploma Course shall be for a duration of three and a half years consisting of five semesters after the completion of first year, out of which one or two semesters will be of practical training, in the concerned field. 5




The Part Time Diploma Course in Engineering shall be for a period of four years which include the first year course of one year duration on annual pattern and the rest of second, third and fourth year courses of semester pattern comprising of six semesters. The First Year Diploma Course of study is common for almost all branches of Engineering / Technology including Sandwich Diploma Courses, except for Diploma course in Modern Office Practice and few other special courses. Details of Polytechnic Colleges & Special Institutions : There are 200 Polytechnics (in the year 2004) in the State offering Diploma Courses, Post Diploma Courses and Certificate Courses on various branches of studies in Engineering and Technology. Eleven Institutes of Hotel Management and Catering Technology offering 3 year Diploma Courses are also under the control of this Department. Sixteen other Special Institutions have also been affiliated to the State Board of Technical Education and Training, Tamil Nadu, which also offer Certificates / Diplomas in Specialised Fields. I. Polytechnic Colleges :
Sl. No. Description No. of Institutions

III. Hotel Management & Catering Technology Institutions :

Sl. No. Description No. of Institutions

1. 2. 3.

Government - Tamilnadu - Other Departments Government - Pondicherry Self-Financing Total GRAND TOTAL (200 + 16 + 11) =

01 01 09 11 227


The List of Institutions are given in Annexure - II

Multi Point Entry and Credit System : To introduce flexibility into the system of Polytechnic Education for meeting the diverse manpower needs within and across disciplines, the Multi Point Entry and Credit System has been introduced from the academic year 1994-95 in ten Polytechnics (both Government and Government Aided) and they have been granted full autonomy for the effective implementation of Multi Point Entry and Credit System. The target groups for this Multi Point Entry and Credit System have been identified as 10, (10 + ITI) and (10+2) students. The branch allocation for Multi Point Entry and Credit System has been done at the time of admission itself and semester system is being followed for all the three years of study period. To enable the student to choose different clusters of competencies as per his / her needs, credit system has been incorporated in the course structure. The Diploma programme under Multi Point Entry and Credit System has been categorized as foundation course, core course, applied course and diversified or advanced course. For these courses credits of 20%, 30%, 40% and 10% respectively of the total credit requirement of the Diploma programme have been allotted. The student shall earn the prescribed minimum credits of 165 for award of Diploma under this Multi Point Entry and Credit System. Few of the Government and Government Aided Autonomous Polytechnic Colleges are running the Multi Point Entry and Credit System from 1994 - 95 onwards. 7

1. 2. 3. 4.

Government - Tamilnadu - Education Department Government - Pondicherry Government Aided Self-Financing Total

17 05 34 144 200

II. Special Institutions :

Sl. No. Description No. of Institutions

1. 2. 3. 4.

Government - Tamilnadu - Education Department Government - Tamilnadu - Other Departments Central Government Self-Financing Total 6

05 05 01 05 16

The allotment of seats are done in the following ratio : S.S.L.C. H.S.C. (A) H.S.C. (V) 10 + I.T.I. 75% 10% 10% 5% 3 Years

2.2 Admission in Diploma Courses : The candidates who pass X Standard or equivalent examinations with Mathematics and Science subjects are eligible for admission into Polytechnic Colleges and Special Institutions (except for few special courses) whereas candidates who pass XII Standard or equivalent examinations only are eligible for admission into Hotel Management and Catering Technology Institutions. There is no age restriction to join the Diploma Courses with effect from the academic year 2004 - 2005. Special Reservation is being given to the following category for admission in Government / Government - Aided Polytechnic Colleges : (i) Son and Daughter of Ex-Servicemen (ii) Physically Handicapped People (iii) Son and Daughter of Burma / Ceylon repatriates (iv) Candidates sponsored by other States (v) Son, Daughter, Grandson and Granddaughter of Freedom Fighters (vi) Sports Quota - Participants of State Level and National Level Competitions only (vii) Apart from the above, Special Reservation for Physically Handicapped people are being offered in the following Polytechnic Colleges under Central Government sponsored Scheme (MHRD) : No. of Seats (1) Dr. Dharmambal Government Polytechnic College for Women, Tharamani, Chennai - 600 113 (2) Government Polytechnic College for Women, Coimbatore (3) Arasan Ganesan Polytechnic College, Sivakasi

Duration of Course :

The Examinations for Multi Point Entry and Credit System are being conducted by the Institutions under semester pattern right from the first year Diploma Examinations. Under this system, if a student get the specific number of credits prescribed even before completing the course duration he / she will be awarded the Diploma. List of Autonomous Institutions : As per the regulations of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi, the autonomous status will be conferred by its Parent Board in consultation with the State Government. The following 12 Polytechnic Colleges have autonomous status in Tamil Nadu : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Tamil Nadu Polytechnic College, Madurai Dr. Dharmambal Government Polytechnic College for Women, Chennai P.S.G. Polytechnic College, Coimbatore Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem Nachimuthu Polytechnic College, Pollachi Murugappa Polytechnic College, Avadi VSV Nadar Polytechnic College, Virudhunagar P.A.C. Ramasamy Rajas Polytechnic College, Rajapalayam Seshasayee Institute of Technology, Trichy Sankar Polytechnic College, Sankar Nagar Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Polytechnic College, Coimbatore Periyar Centenary Girls Polytechnic College, Vallam (Partially) 8

25 25 25

And, merit wise - communal reservations are being followed in the general admissions also in all Government and Government - Aided institutions. Before the commencement of admission process, the minimum required qualifications and number of seats available in the various categories of special reservations are being published in the leading dailies by DOTE so that students can decide their choice of Polytechnic College, Course, etc. well in advance. 9

The candidates have to apply in separate form prescribed for admissions under special reservation, to DOTE. All admissions under special reservations will be done only by DOTE. Usually Notification for general admission into Government Institutions is being given by the Directorate in leading dailies at the time of publication of X Standard (Tamil Nadu) results and the last date for receipt of such applications will be fixed somewhere in the 2nd or 3rd week of June. The candidates belonging to Tamilnadu only can apply for the general admission in Government and Government - Aided Institutions. The candidates have to obtain and submit separate applications for separate institutions. The application form received from one institution cannot be used to apply for another institution. The filled - up application forms have to be submitted to the concerned institution on or before the prescribed due date. Applications received after the due dates will be summarily rejected. 2.3 Lateral Entry Admissions : For Lateral Entry into the Second year (III Semester) of the three year diploma courses, the candidates shall be required to have passed the Higher Secondary Examination (Academic or Vocational) of 10 plus 2 pattern, with the following conditions : (i) Academic Stream candidates should have compulsorily studied Maths, Physics & Chemistry at 10 + 2 level (ii) Vocational Stream candidates should have studied either Maths or Physics or Chemistry as one of the subjects of study along with the related Vocational Subject (Theory & Practical) at 10 + 2 level Their intake is restricted to 20% (10% for Academic + 10% for Vocational) of the sanctioned intake of the I Year Diploma Courses. The candidates belonging to Tamilnadu State only are eligible to apply for the lateral entry admissions in Government & Government - Aided Institutions. There is no age limit for the admission. Usually Notification is being given for general admission into Government Institutions in leading dailies at the time of publication of +2 results of Tamil Nadu and the last date for receipt of such applications will be fixed somewhere in the last week of May / first week of June. Applications received by the institutions after the prescribed due dates will not be accepted on any ground. 10

2.4 Admission in Post Diploma Courses : Few Government and Government Aided Polytechnics offer Post Diploma Courses in various branches of Engineering. The Post Diploma Courses are generally offered as Full time Regular Courses whereas Central Polytechnic College, Chennai offers Part-time Post Diploma Courses also. Candidates who already possess Degree / Diploma can apply for Post Diploma Courses in the respective / relative branches. There is no age limit for applying for admission to the above programmes. Most of the Post Diploma Programmes are in Semester Pattern (2 to 3 Semesters) whereas few Programmes are being offered in Annual Pattern (1 year duration). Usually Notification is being given in leading dailies during the last week of May and the last date for receipt of such applications will be fixed somewhere in the third / last week of June. Apart from Post Diploma Courses, some Institutions also offer several short-term courses and Certificate Courses. These Courses are being conducted based on the response from the Candidates. The concerned institutions may be contacted for more information on course details. 2.5 Admission in Part-time Diploma Courses : The following Polytechnic Colleges have been permitted to conduct Part - Time Diploma Courses for the benefit of the Employed Persons. (i) Government Polytechnic Colleges : (1) Central Polytechnic College, Tharamani, Chennai - 600 113 (2) Thanthai Periyar EVR Govt. Poly. College, Vellore - 632 002 (3) Tamilnadu Polytechnic College, Madurai - 625 011 (4) Government Polytechnic College, Coimbatore - 641 014 (5) Government Polytechnic College, Tuticorin - 628 003 (6) Government Polytechnic College, Nagercoil - 629 001 (7) Government Polytechnic College, Trichy - 620 022 (8) Alagappa Polytechnic College, Karaikudi - 630 004 (9) Government Polytechnic College, Krishnagiri - 635 001 11


Government - Aided Polytechnic Colleges : (1) (2) (3) (4) CN Polytechnic College, Vepery, Chennai - 600 007 CIT Sandwich Polytechnic College, Coimbatore - 641 014 Mohamed Sathak Polytechnic College, Kilakarai - 623 806 Muthiah Polytechnic College, Chidambaram R.S. - 608 002

(iii) A candidate who had received his / her transfer certificate (T.C.) on his / her own from one institution without getting proper transfer orders from the office of Chairman, Board of Examination, can not apply for readmission to any other institution. He / She has to be readmitted only in the old institution and application for transfer to any other institution has to be submitted through the parent institution only. (iv) A candidate who had been expelled from one institution, for any reason, shall not be admitted into any other institution. Readmission proposals shall not be sent for such candidates, by the new institution. (v) A candidate who had been debarred from writing Boards Examinations for his / her involvement in any malpractice, shall not be allowed to continue his / her studies or readmitted in any other institution until the period of punishment is over. And till then, the institution shall not issue Transfer Certificate or Course completion Certificate to such candidates. (vi) A candidate, whose petition is pending in any court with respect to his / her admission /exam results / punishments etc. and who had discontinued the studies shall not be readmitted in the institution without getting the prior permission of the Chairman, Board of Studies and Examinations. (vii) Readmissions are not permissible in First year for regular students and in third semester for lateral entry students, who have not written any Board Examination, before their discontinuance of study. They have to forego their candidature and seek admission again afresh. A last date, usually 15 days after the day of re-opening of Institutions for the semester, is being fixed and announced for the readmission of students. The Principals can themselves readmit the candidates who apply for their readmission on or before the prescribed due date in the semester / year in which they had discontinued, if they satisfy all the conditions specified above and send the proposal to the office of the Chairman, Board of Examinations in the standard format with necessary documents for approval and ratification. The Principals may permit such readmitted students to attend the classes, without waiting for the receipt of approval orders from the Chairmans office, after obtaining an undertaking from the candidates to the effect that they will abide to the decision of the Chairman, Board of Examinations.[Annexure - III : Readmission Format] 13

(5) Valivalam Desikar Polytechnic College, Nagapattinam - 611 001 (iii) Self-Financing Polytechnic College : (1) CPCL Polytechnic College, Manali, Chennai - 600 068 Candidates who are working in Technical / Engineering field in Government / Quasi - Government / Registered organizations in Tamil Nadu and are possessing X Standard or equivalent qualification with Mathematics and Science subjects are eligible for admission into Part-time Diploma Course in the related branch. Apart from this, he / she should be a native of Tamil Nadu and his / her place of work shall not be at more than 60 K.M. distance from the institution to which he / she is applying for. Weightage will be given to work experience during admission. The Notification for admission will be generally given in the month of May. The Course will be conducted only if sufficient number of eligible candidates apply. 2.6 Readmission of Candidates : A student who had discontinued his / her studies in the middle of a semester or who had not appeared for Board Examination of current semester of study, can apply and get readmission in the same semester in the following or subsequent academic years if he / she desires to complete the Course and satisfies the following conditions : (i) The candidate should not have exhausted the total period of study permitted (SIX years for full time, SIX AND A HALF years for Sandwich and SEVEN years for part time - [J SCHEME] candidates from the year of admission in first year) to complete the course (Refer 2.7). (ii) He / She, on readmission, should be able to complete his / her full course of study within the above stipulated total period. A candidate who had discontinued his / her studies continuously or in spells for more than 3 years shall not be recommended for readmission. 12

The percentage of attendance for the readmitted candidates shall be calculated from the actual date of their readmission, but on no account based on any date later than the prescribed last date for readmission. Even if a student starts attending the classes on a later date, after submitting his/ her request letter before the due date, his / her percentage of attendance shall be calculated based on the total number of working days from the prescribed last date for readmission. The proposal for readmission has to be submitted by the Principal of the institution, in the standard format only. The request letter given by the student shall not be simply forwarded to the Chairman without furnishing the particulars in the format. The applications with the proposal should reach the Chairmans office within 7 days from the last date prescribed for readmission. A student seeking readmission into a particular semester should enclose the xerox copy of his / her marksheet of the just previous semester he / she had completed before discontinuing his / her studies and that copy has to be sent along with the readmission proposal. Arrear Mark Sheets or marksheets with ALL ABSENT shall not be sent as evidence for their appearance in Boards Examination. 2.7 Time Limit to complete the Diploma Course : The Board of Studies and Examinations has prescribed the following time limit to complete the Diploma course of 3 years duration and pass all the subjects pertaining to the course: For candidates admitted under D and G Schemes : (Admitted in I year from academic years 1991 - 92 to 2001 - 2002) : Full Time (Regular & Sandwich) : 6 Years Full Time (Lateral Entry) : 5 Years Part Time (Regular) : 8 Years Part Time (Lateral Entry) : 7 Years For candidates admitted under J Scheme : (Admitted in I Year from academic year 2002 - 2003 onwards) : Full Time (Regular) : 6 Years Full Time (Sandwich) : 6 Years Full Time (Lateral Entry) : 5 Years Part Time (Regular) : 7 Years Part Time (Lateral Entry) : 6 Years 14

Those who had studied under old regulations (admitted prior to 1990 - 91) were permitted upto April 1997 irrespective of their year of admission, to write their arrear papers. However, considering the plight of weak students, the Board may decide and give a maximum of two additional chances to the students, on exhausting the prescribed time limit and after stopping them for one or two examinations, to complete the arrear papers. But, NO candidate can claim the additional chances as a matter of right. The candidates, who do not pass in all their arrear papers even in the additional chances, so given, will not be permitted to appear for the examinations, afterwards. Similarly, a maximum time limit of 4 years had been prescribed to complete the Post-Diploma (full time and part-time) courses of 1 / 1 years duration. 2.8 Procedure for completing the Diploma Course : (i) The candidate on completion of studies in each year / semester should necessarily register himself / herself for the examinations of all the subjects of the current year / semester as well as for all the arrear subjects of all the previous years / semesters and shall appear for the Boards Examinations. A student having shortage of attendance in a semester should repeat the same semester in the next academic year. Similarly, a student who had not attended at least a single paper (theory or practical) of a particular semester examination, cannot continue his / her studies in the next semester, even if he / she had enough attendance in that semester with usual conditions. Candidates will not be permitted to discontinue the course of study for a duration of more than three years during any part of their course of study. For candidates for whom continuous break in study is less than or equal to three years, permission of the Chairman, Board of Examinations is necessary to continue the course and write the examinations (Refer 2.6) .



2.9 Eligibility to continue in the next higher semester / year : Runthrough system had been introduced for the Diploma / Post Diploma Courses from the year 1990 in which the students are being permitted to continue 15

their studies in the next higher semester / year even if they do not pass in the lower semester / year examinations. But, (i) a student with enough attendance in a particular semester / year and who had registered himself / herself for the Boards Examination by paying the fee on time and received the hall ticket from the Chairmans office, has to necessarily appear for the Boards Examination in atleast one paper (Either Theory or Practical) of the concerned regular semester / year (not in supplementary paper of previous semester / year) in which he / she is studying to become eligible to continue his / her studies in the next semester / year, in the Institution. A regular candidate who had received the Hall Ticket from the Chairmans Office, but not appeared for the Boards Examination atleast in a single paper (Theory or Practical) of the current semester / year of study, shall not be permitted either to continue his / her studies in the next semester / year or to appear for the papers as arrears in the subsequent examinations. He / She will be considered as a discontinued candidate. Such candidates have to be re-admitted in the same semester/ year in the next academic year and satisfy all the prescribed requirements with respect to attendance, payment of fees etc. to become eligible to write the Boards Examinations. In any case, a candidate will not be permitted to appear afresh for the examinations of two semesters / years in the same sitting.

Working Days Working Hours (i) Theory & Drawing (ii) Practical Physical Education

: :


N.S.S. Activities for I & II Years :

5 Days / Week 35 Hours / Week As stipulated in the syllabus framed from time to time by the CDC 2 Hours / Week after the normal working hours 2 Hours / Week after the normal working hours (Only as per N.S.S. Guidelines)


2.11 Subject Pattern : (i) REGULAR DIPLOMA COURSES : (a) Duration of the Course (b) Medium of Instruction (c) Subject Pattern : (1) Number of Theory subjects per Semester (2) Number of Practical subjects including drawing and Project Work per Semester

: 3 years : English : 3

: 3 Total Number of subjects per semester : 6 There may be two Elective subjects one each in V & VI Semesters. (ii) SANDWICH DIPLOMA COURSES : (a) Duration of the Course : 3 Years Duration of Industrial Training : one or two semesters of 14 weeks duration each (b) Medium of Instruction : English (c) Subject Pattern : I Year : Common with regular course III to VII Semester : All the 24 (4 x 6) Papers pertaining to the Regular Courses are equally distributed to 3 or 4 Semesters of institution study. (3 x 8 or 4 x 6 as the case may be) 17

2.10 Working Days / Hours : Duration of the Programmes for each semester : Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. Programme Theory & Practical Classes including intervening holidays Practical Examinations & Study Leave Theory Examinations and Supplementary Examinations 16 Duration 14 Weeks 02 Weeks 02 Weeks

(iii) PART - TIME DIPLOMA COURSES : (a) Duration of the Course : 4 Years (b) Medium of Instruction : English (c) Subject Pattern : I Year : 9 Subjects of Full time I Year Course [Except Basics of Computer Science and Technical Drawing, in J-Scheme] III to VIII Semester : Theory, Drawing, Practical subjects of four full time semesters and the two subjects of I Year Course (i.e. Basics of Computer Science and Technical Drawing J Scheme), distributed to the six semesters : 26 [ 4 x 6 + 2]

(ii) The transfers will be given on genuine grounds only. The factors which had existed during the admission itself (distance, climate, conveyance facilities, fees, food, expense etc.) cannot be cited as the reasons for seeking institution transfer. The genuineness for transfer is to be substantiated with proper evidences such as transfer orders of parents, medical certificates from approved medical practitioners etc. (iii) Students from Self-Financing Institutions cannot be transferred to Government / Government - Aided Institutions and Vice-versa. However, the students of self supporting courses of Aided Polytechnic Colleges may be transferred to other self financing institutions. (iv) The sanctioned intake in any branch shall not exceed in the event of any such transfer. The students should verify themselves the vacancy position in the institute for which they seek transfer, before submitting their application. (v) The institution to which the candidate seeks transfer shall not retain the application for more than 3 days. It has to be either forwarded to the Chairmans office with necessary certificates or returned to the parent institution with a mention about the reason immediately, to avoid unnecessary claims by the candidates, when their applications are being rejected for late submission, on a later date. (vi) The filled-in application (with full particulars in the standard proforma) should reach the Chairmans office within the due date prescribed for the same (To see the tentative programme for the concerned academic year). The Principals should affix their signatures in the application form with date seal and Institution seal. Anti-dated applications shall not be forwarded after the due date. [Annexure IV - Transfer Application Format] (vii) Transfer Certificate shall not be issued by the institution to any candidate before getting the approval for the transfer from the Chairmans office; similarly the candidate shall not be admitted in the Institution to which he / she seeks transfer before the receipt of transfer orders from the Chairmans office. The candidate shall attend classes in the parent institution till he / she gets the orders and that attendance may be carried over to the new institution. The percentage of attendance for the transferred candidates has to be calculated from 19

Total Number of subjects for the 06 Semesters [III & IV Semester V to VIII Semesters 2.12 Institution Transfers : : :

(4+1) x 2 = 10 4 x 4 = 16]

A student admitted in a particular institution is expected to undergo and complete the full course in the same institution. On extra-ordinary circumstances, with genuine reasons, students are being transferred from one Institution to another Institution during the beginning of academic years i.e. in III / V Semester of study. But transfers are being claimed by the students as a matter of right, without any valid reasons even in the middle of semesters. In this connection, the following guide lines are being given for the benefit of Principals and students : (i) Institution transfers cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The Chairman, Board of Examinations has every right to approve or reject the application of a candidate seeking transfer. 18

the last date prescribed for the receipt of transfer applications and not from the date of joining the new institution. To avoid loss of money and attendance, the students seeking institution transfer, are asked to submit their application during the vacation period itself. (viii) No student will be transferred during the I year, IV Semester and VI Semester of studies. i.e. in the middle of the academic years. The Principals shall not forward any application, for transfer, of their students, in the middle of the academic year. (ix) The candidate should furnish all the particulars asked in the transfer application form and submit the same in triplicate to the Principal of the parent institution. He should verify and endorse the particulars and forward the form in duplicate to the Principal of the institution to which the candidate seeks transfer, who in turn shall countersign it with vacancy position mentioned and shall send one copy to the Chairmans office within the last date prescribed. Incomplete applications and the applications received after the prescribed due date shall be summarily rejected. 2.13 Change of Branch : The students while being admitted in the first year are being allotted a particular branch of study based on their merit rank, willingness, community reservation, seat availability etc. Permanent Register Numbers are being assigned to the candidates according to their branch of study while they register themselves for the first year examination. It leads to more complications when their branches are being changed in the third semester on request from the candidate / institute. From the academic year 2001 - 2002 admissions are being made by the institutions only. Hence all the Principals are requested to inform their students that the branch they choose during their admission in first year is final and it could not be changed during the second year of study even when vacancies exist. However, if there exists any vacancy due to drop outs, branch reallocation can be done during the first year of study itself, before registering for the Boards Examination, with the prior permission from the Admission Section of DOTE. Applications for change of branch of a student shall not be entertained after writing the I Year Board Examinations. The Principals shall not forward any list or the requests of their students for branch transfers, to the Chairmans office. 20

2.14 Adherence to Due dates : A tentative programme is being sent to all institutions in the beginning of each academic year which specifies due dates / last dates for various activities. Unless any of the mentioned date / dates are changed through any special instructions from the Chairman, Board of Examinations, those dates are to be strictly adhered by the Principals / Students. The tentative programmes has to be informed to the staff and students as and when they are issued by the Chairmans office. The same has to be incorporated in the hand books / calendars of the institutions. 3.0 BOARD EXAMINATION - EXAM PATTERN: Board Examinations for all the Diploma Courses except Hotel Management and Catering Technology, are being conducted in the following Pattern : Year / Semester I Year III, V & VII Sem. IV, VI & VIII Sem. Span of Study June - April June - October December - April Examination April October April

For Hotel Management and Catering Technology, the course of study is being conducted in Annual pattern for all the three years, from June to April and the Board Examinations are being conducted in April. 3.1 Conduct of Board Examinations - General : Every year more than one lakh students appear for diploma examinations twice. The schedule of examination is being displayed in the departments website well in advance and exhibited in the Notice Boards of the concerned institutions. The candidates are well informed of the details regarding payment of examination fees, last dates, examination time - table etc. for all semesters through the Principals of Institutions and also through the official website www.tndte.com . Examination applications with the prescribed fee have to be submitted to the Principal of the institution in which the student is studying / had studied. Board Examinations in Diploma and Post-Diploma Courses as well as Certificate Courses are being conducted in the institution centres where the students study the course. The old students also have to appear for their supplementary exams in the same centre only; change of centers other than their colleges are not permitted. External staff are being appointed as Hall Superintendents for the effective supervision of the examinations. Number of 21

Flying Squads are being constituted by the Chairman, Board of Examinations and they inspect all the centres and make sure that examinations are conducted without any lapse, in a free and fair manner giving no room for any malpractice. Students booked for involvement in malpractices in the examination centres are being given fair chances to defend themselves during the enquiry conducted at the institution itself and punishment are being awarded by the Disciplinary Action Committee according to the nature of malpractice. Even though, the medium of instruction of diploma and post diploma courses is English, the candidates are being permitted to answer in Tamil also. To facilitate rural candidates who studied X standard in Tamil Medium, the I Year question papers are being printed both in English and Tamil. The Answer papers are being valued in about 30 Common Valuation Centres after assigning dummy numbers and the results published within 30 to 40 days after the examinations are over. The results of the examinations with state-wide rank lists are being published in the departments website and the institute-wise consolidated mark sheets are being sent to the concerned institutions by post. The individual mark sheets, provisional / diploma certificates will be printed and sent to the institutions within 60 days from the date of publication of results. The Diploma Certificates for the students who pass out from Autonomous Institutions are also being issued by the State Board of Technical Education. All mark sheets and certificates will be sent to the candidates through their institutions only; they will not be issued directly to the candidate from the Chairmans office. The Principals shall not direct any of their students to the Chairmans office for getting their certificates directly. The Institutions should maintain records for the issue of mark sheets and certificates to their students, with date of issue, serial number of certificates, signature of students etc. 3.2 Requirements to appear for Examinations : The Examinations will be conducted at the end of the year for the first year subjects and at the end of each semester for semester subjects by the Board of Examinations. A candidate will be permitted to appear for the Boards Examinations, only if : (i) he / she secures 80% attendance in the year / semester concerned (ii) he / she earns a progress certificate from the head of the institution for satisfactorily completing the course of study as required by the regulations, and (iii) his / her conduct was satisfactory during the course of study. 22

3.3 Condonation of Attendance : The minimum overall percentage of attendance (in all subjects of the current semester / year put together) required for a candidate to become eligible to write the Boards Examination is 80% . Under extraordinary circumstances, if there exist genuine and valid reasons, the Principal of the college has been empowered by the Chairman, to condone upto a maximum of 5% shortage to a candidate, subject to the condition that he/ she satisfies all the other requirements to appear for the Boards Examination. Under no circumstances a candidate with attendance less than 75% be permitted to write the Boards Examination. The condonement of 5% shortage shall not be done as a routine to all candidates, but only for genuine cases; It shall not be claimed as a matter of right by all candidates. 3.4 Reasons for disqualifying a student from appearing Boards Examination : (1) A student who had failed to acquire the minimum required percentage of attendance during a semester / year of study or discontinued his / her studies in the middle of a semester / year and who had not paid the examination fee in time shall not be permitted to appear for the Boards Examination. A regular student who had failed to register himself / herself for the forthcoming Board Examination by paying the examination fee in his institution within the prescribed time limit shall not be permitted to continue his / her studies in the semester / year after the due date is over. (2) A student who had paid the examination fee in time, but do not have enough attendance in the course of study, shall not be permitted to appear for the Board Examination even if he / she receives the hall ticket from the Chairmans Office. Such candidates, however, will be permitted to write the supplementary examinations of previous semesters / years, if any, using the same hall ticket. While issuing the hall ticket to such candidates, the Principal of the institution has to score out the column pertaining to the current semester / year (all papers) and mention in the hall ticket as Supplementary papers only. 23

(3) A student who had been debarred from appearing for the Boards Examination for his / her involvement in any malpractice in the previous examination shall not be permitted to attend the class or pay the fee or appear for the examinations till the punishment period is over. (4) A student who had exhausted the maximum permitted time limit of 5 / 6 / 6 / 7 years from the date of joining the course shall not be permitted to pay the fee or appear for the examinations, unless otherwise notified. (5) A regular student, who had been expelled from the institution on disciplinary measures shall not be permitted to register / appear for the Boards Examinations. (6) A student could not claim eligibility to appear for the examination on the ground that he / she had received the hall ticket from the Chairmans office, since hall tickets are being printed and sent to the institutions for all the candidates who had paid the examination fee, normally one month prior to the commencement of the examinations. The Principals will issue the hall tickets only for those who satisfies all the conditions specified in 3.2. 3.5 Payment of Examination Fees : A candidate appearing for the Boards Examination should remit the prescribed fee for all the papers in which he / she had not yet passed. Even though edit lists of arrear papers are being sent by the Chairmans office with respect to each regular student of the institution, it is the duty of the institution to verify, in each case, the papers he / she had already passed before accepting the application and fee from the candidate. The mark sheets / certificates received by a candidate without appearing for all the arrear subjects will be cancelled on a later date when the mistake is detected. Further, action will be initiated against such institutions which receives the fee from the candidates leaving one or two failed subjects and submits the list to the Chairmans office without proper verification. The examination fee with the application has to be collected by the institution from the students without penalty fee / with a penalty fee of Rs.100/ - as the case may be, only upto the last dates prescribed by the Chairmans office. The candidates have to obtain, the receipt from the institution with the date of payment mentioned, for the examination fee paid, without fail and keep them safe with them for verification when necessity arises. 24

For such of those candidates who have missed the opportunity to pay the examination fee in their institutions on or before the due dates prescribed, a special provision has been introduced from October 2004 Board Examinations by which the candidate could submit a fully filled up application form duly countersigned by the Principal of the institution along with a Demand Draft for the usual examination fee plus a penalty of Rs.500/- drawn in favour of The Additional Director of Technical Education (Examinations), Chennai - 600 025 at the Chairmans office in Chennai in person on or before the due date prescribed for the same (usually 10 days before the commencement of Practical Examinations). The hall tickets and the Nominal Roll of the above candidates will be sent separately to the respective institutions. These candidates should necessarily enclose the photostat copies of all the previous appearance marksheets duly attested by the Principal along with their application forms. The applications submitted by the candidate without the counter signature of the Principal concerned or sent by post will not be accepted, on any grounds. 3.6 Issue of Hall Tickets / Duplicate Hall Tickets : Hall Tickets are being sent to all those who had registered themselves for the examination by paying the prescribed examination fee within the prescribed time limit. Before issuing the hall tickets to the candidates, the Principal of the institution should verify the eligibility of the candidates to appear for the examination. The hall tickets shall not be issued to candidates who do not have the minimum required attendance in the current semester. The Principal / Chief Superintendent should attest the signature of the candidate on the hall ticket and check the photo embossed on it while issuing the same to him / her. If there is no photo in the space provided, a pass port size photo of the candidate has to be affixed and attested by the Principal. No candidate will be permitted to write the examination without a valid hall ticket. If a candidate had lost the hall ticket issued to him, on request, he / she may be issued with a duplicate hall ticket by the Chief Superintendent on payment of a fee of Rs.25/-. A passport size photo of the candidate has to be affixed on the hall ticket & the photo and signature of candidate have to be attested by the External Additional Chief Superintendent of the Centre, before it is being issued. 25

If the candidate has forgotten to bring the hall ticket to the Hall on the examination day, or if the candidate who lost the hall ticket do not have any passport size photo with him / her, a temporary hall ticket without photo may be issued to the candidate for the days examination only, after receiving an undertaking from the candidate that either the original hall ticket or a photo attested duplicate hall ticket will be produced to the Additional Chief Superintendent on the following day for verification of the genuineness of the candidate. A fee of Rs.25/- will be collected for the temporary hall ticket also. The candidate should be personally identified by the Principal of the institution at the examination hall, when temporary duplicate hall ticket without photo is being used by him / her, and this fact should be noted in the temporary hall ticket itself, as identified. The duplicate hall tickets issued to the candidates, with the photo and signature of candidate attested by the Additional Chief Superintendent, and the temporary duplicate hall tickets with identification certificate by Principal shall be collected back from them after the days examination and sent to the Chairmans office for verification, on the last day of the examination with a consolidated statement along with the DD for the total amount thus collected. 3.7 Acts of Malpractice in Examinations and Punishments awarded : A candidate indulging in any of the following acts in the examination hall will be considered as committed malpractice in the examination and booked for the same : (1) Possession of printed / Xerox / written materials pertaining / not pertaining to the days examination, or pertaining to the examination already appeared by the candidate in the form of book or loose sheets that have been either made use of or not made use of in the examination. Possession of Programmable Calculators, Mobile Phones, Pagers, Organizers, Digital memory pad etc. with / without matters related to the days examination stored in them and made use of them or not in the examination. Writing any matter, formula, definitions, sketches, pertaining / not pertaining to the days examination, in any part of the candidates body, dress, instrument box, calculator cover, wall, 26

table, drawing board, question paper, hall ticket etc. and made use of them or not in the examination. (4) Writing any appeal to Examiner offering money or any irrelevant matters in the answer book, attaching money in answer books and giving contact address, telephone numbers etc. Writing the register number anywhere in the answer book or additional sheets other than in the fly slip. Enclosing empty additional sheets, wasting the exam stationery wantonly. Writing the examination without valid hall ticket. Noting down the answers of problems in his/her question paper before leaving the Hall. Tearing off sheets from the answer book Keeping with them, Tables, Hand books, Code books etc. which are not permitted by the Chairman, Board of Examinations, for the days examination and made / not made use of them in the examination Talking with neighbours, showing signs or signals to others in the hall / verandah Copying from printed / xerox / handwritten bits / sheets / book / programmable calculators, organizers, digital memory pad etc. in the examination Exchanging with neighbours hall tickets, question papers, scales, calculator, instrument box etc. with any formula, answers, sketches, hints related to the days examination written on them. Showing the answer book / additional sheet to the neighbours or allowing them to copy. Giving / Getting the main answer book or additional sheet to / from neighbour for copying. Writing cine songs, stories, poems or drawing sketches irrelevant to the subject in the answer book or additional sheet. 27

(5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

(11) (12)



(14) (15) (16)


(17) (18)

Writing the examination even after the final bell, not obeying to hall superintendents instructions. Striking off all the pages including the correct answers written by him / her in the answer book, when being caught for any act of malpractice. Telling the answer or formula related to any of the question to others writing the same examination. Inserting pre-written additional sheet(s) having matters related to the subject of the days examination into the main answer book. Replacing the answer book supplied in the hall by pre-prepared answer book brought by the candidate himself / herself or got from outsiders. Writing answers in main answer book or additional sheets from outside the hall and passing the same to any candidate writing the examination for replacement / attachment. Refusing to give written statement, refusing to receive show cause notice, absenting from enquiries, running away from examination hall when caught for any malpractice, trying to destroy the evidences by tearing / swallowing / erasing / throwing away the bits, materials etc. Writing filthy / indecent / vulgar words or sketching obscene figures etc in the answer book or additional sheets attached. Acts of threats, violence, creating disturbance inside / outside the examination hall, preventing other candidates from entering the hall, misbehaviour with the supervising staff etc. Repetitive action of malpractice either in the same sitting or in different sittings in the course of his / her study. Taking away with him / her the written answer book, without handing over the same to the Hall Superintendent Trying to take away or damage other candidates answer book Violating any other special rules / regulations prescribed then and there by the Board of Examinations. 28


Impersonation - Arranging some other person to write the examination for the candidate (or) attempting to write the examination for somebody else. Assaulting Physically or attempting to attack any examination staff while being caught / booked for any malpractice Causing damage to examination records Arranging outside persons to terrorise the examination staff Leaving the examination hall with the question paper of the days examination before the expiry of the period prescribed by the Board of Examinations (normally 45 minutes from the commencement of exam), in spite of the warning of Hall Superintendent / Additional (or) Chief Superintendent. Causing damage to the belongings of Examiners, as an act of vengeance.

(31) (32) (33) (34)

(19) (20) (21)




The candidates who had been booked under any of the above mentioned malpractice will be enquired by a Enquiry Committee headed by the Chief Superintendent of the examination center and punishments will be awarded by the Disciplinary Action Committee constituted by the Chairman depending on the nature & severity of the malpractice. The following are the punishments being awarded to such students : (1) All papers of the concerned semester written by the candidate in that sitting including practicals will be cancelled. (2) All papers written by the candidate in that sitting (all semester papers including practicals) will be cancelled. (3) All papers written by the candidate in that sitting (all semester papers including practicals) will be cancelled and the candidate will be debarred for two / four more Board Examinations, as the case may be. (4) All papers written by the candidate in that sitting (all semester papers including practicals) will be cancelled and the candidate will be debarred for six more Board Examinations, in addition to which legal / disciplinary action will be taken by the institution against that candidate. 29

(24) (25)

(26) (27) (28) (29)

3.8 Passing Requirements : No candidate shall be eligible for the award of Diploma unless he / she has undergone the prescribed course of study successfully in an institution approved by AICTE and affiliated to the State Board of Technical Education and Training, Tamil Nadu. A candidate shall be declared to have passed the examination in a subject if he / she secures not less than 40% in theory subjects and 50% in practicals in the Boards Examinations. 3.9 Classification of successful candidates: Classification of candidates who pass out final examination from April 2003 onwards (joined in first year in 2000 - 2001) is being done as specified below : FIRST CLASS WITH HONOURS : A candidate will be declared to have passed in First Class with Honours if he / she secures not less than 75% of the aggregate marks in all semesters put together, except first year and passes all the above semesters in the first appearance itself and completes all papers including that of first year within the stipulated period of study 3 / 31/2 / 4 years, without any break. FIRST CLASS : A candidate will be declared to have passed in First Class if he / she secures not less than 60% of the aggregate marks in all semesters put together, except first year and completes all papers including that of first year within the stipulated period of study 3 / 31/2 / 4 years, without any break. SECOND CLASS : All other successful candidates will be declared to have passed in Second Class. The above mentioned classification is applicable for the Part - Time students who pass out final examination from October 2004 onwards (joined in first year in 2000 - 2001).

Table showing the minimum marks required for award of I Class with Honours / I Class : Regular Courses : Total marks in 4 semesters For I Class with Honours For I Class : : : : : : : : : 2400 1800 & above 1440 & above 2400 + 200 1950 & above 1560 & above 2600 1950 & above 1560 & above

marks required marks required

Sandwich Courses : Total marks in 5 (4+1) semesters For I Class with Honours For I Class Part - Time Courses : Total marks in 6 semesters For I Class with Honours For I Class

marks required marks required

marks required marks required

3.10 Issue of Mark sheets / Diploma Certificates - regarding With-held results : The final semester mark sheets of candidates who pass in the final semester examination, but do have arrears in the lower semester examinations, will be with-held by the Board till they clear all the arrears. Such with-held marksheets will be automatically released by the Board and sent to the institution along with the Provisional / Diploma certificates, when the candidates do pass their arrear papers. The candidate or the institution need not apply to the Office of the Chairman for releasing such with-held marksheets, as having done in the previous years. But, before issuing the Provisional / Diploma certificate to the concerned candidate, the Principal of the institution should personally verify his / her mark sheets of all semesters to confirm that the candidate had passed in all subjects of all year / semesters. If it is found that the candidate is still having arrears in one or two lower semester papers, his / her final semester mark sheet, provisional certificate and diploma certificate should be returned to the Chairmans Office ; such certificate shall not be issued to the candidate on any account. However, final semester mark sheets of failed candidates will be issued as in the case of other semester mark lists. If any failed candidate do not receive his / her mark list, that should be intimated to the Chairmans Office immediately ; he / she shall not simply assume that his / her mark sheet had been with-held. 31


3.11 Revaluation of Examination Papers : In respect of Diploma Courses, any candidate can apply for revaluation of his / her answer script of any theory paper he / she had appeared, if he / she do not satisfy with the marks awarded to him / her in the paper. First, the candidate has to fill in the prescribed application form and remit necessary fee (Rs.100/- per paper) for getting the Xerox copy of answer script by way of Demand Draft, obtained from any nationalized bank in the name of Additional Director of Technical Education (Examinations), Chennai - 600 025 payable at Chennai and submit the same to the Chairman through his / her institution within the last date prescribed (generally 15 days from the date of publication of results). The Xerox copy of the answer script will be sent to the candidates address directly from the Chairmans office within 15 days from the date of receipt of application. [Annexure V - Application form for getting Xerox copy of Answer Script] After going through the script, if the candidate desires for revaluation of his / her answer script, he / she has to fill the application form enclosed with the Xerox copy, pay the revaluation fee (Rs.400/- per paper) by way of Demand Draft as specified above and send the application directly to the Chairmans office within the prescribed date (usually one week from the date of sending Xerox copy). After the expiry of last dates, the script will be revalued by a panel of valuators and the revised marks will be intimated to the candidates. The candidates who secure increase in marks in the revaluation have to surrender their original mark sheets to the Chairmans office to get revised marksheets. Those who get lesser marks in revaluation are permitted to retain their original marks. A candidate, who had applied for the Xerox copy of the answer book only can apply for revaluation of the same. The revaluation system is not applicable for the practical subjects of diploma courses including written practicals and project works and for all subjects of certificate and post-diploma courses. Applications received after the prescribed due dates will not be entertained by the Board. [Annexure VI - Application form for Revaluation of Answer Script] 3.12 Issue of Migration Certificate : Migration Certificate / No Objection Certificate is being issued by this Department to the Diploma holders who want to pursue higher education in Universities / Institutions outside Tamil Nadu. At present, the fee prescribed for issue of Migration Certificate is Rs.100/- which has to be remitted in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Additional Director of Technical Education (Examinations), Chennai - 600 025 payable at Chennai. The candidate has 32

to submit the duly filled in application form enclosing the DD along with an attested Xerox copy of his Diploma certificate through the Institution in which he had completed the Diploma Course, to the Chairmans office for issue of the migration certificate. Migration certificate will be sent within a weeks time from the date of receipt of application, directly to the candidates address. [Annexure VII - Application form for getting Migration Certificate / Duplicate Mark Sheet]. 3.13 Corrections in Mark Sheets & Diploma Certificates : The application for any correction in the certificate (Diploma (or) Mark Sheet) should reach the Chairmans Office within 60 days from the date of issue along with the original defective certificates. The candidate / institute has to pay the correction fee prescribed by the Government by way of Demand Draft drawn in the name of Additional Director of Technical Education (Examinations), Chennai - 600 025 payable at Chennai and send the same along with the prescribed application duly signed by the Principal. Increased fee (applicable for duplicate certificates) will be collected from those applying after 60 days, for corrections. The candidate should enclose a Xerox copy of his S.S.L.C. mark sheet attested by the Principal of his / her institution as a proof for the corrections required. The name of candidate (spelling and initials) and the date of birth will be printed in the mark sheets as in the X standard mark sheet only. No correction will be made in the certificates based on Gazette Notifications, for change of names, initials, date of birth etc. 3.14 Issue of Duplicate Mark Sheets & Diploma Certificates : In case of loss of original Diploma certificate / Mark sheets, one can apply for the Duplicate certificate in the prescribed format with necessary documents through the Principal of the Polytechnic college where he had last studied by remitting necessary fee by way of Demand Draft as specified earlier. Duplicate Diploma certificate will be issued only after giving due notification in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette. Those who lost the Diploma certificate during transit etc. has to prefer a police complaint in the nearest Police station and produce the certificate issued by them. Those who lost the same in fire accidents etc. should produce a certificate from the concerned Revenue department Officials. In the case of retrieval of the Original certificate, the duplicate certificate has to be surrendered immediately. [Annexure VIII - Application form for getting Duplicate Diploma Certificate].


3.15 Verification of Certificates : Diploma holders who are going abroad & the organizations employing diploma holders often seek genuineness / verification certificate for the mark sheets & diploma certificates issued by this department. The fee prescribed for the issue of Genuineness / Verification Certificate is as detailed below : Fee for verifying the mark sheets and certificates issued within a period of 10 years from the date of application (per certificate) Fee for verifying the mark sheets and certificates more than 10 years old from the date of application (per certificate) 3.16 Cancellation of Certificates : The Board of Studies and Examinations, by a resolution, can withdraw / cancel / withhold the marksheets, Provisional / Diploma Certificates already issued to a candidate on the following grounds : (i) for involvement of the candidate in any act of malpractice in the Boards examination such as impersonation, replacing the answer book / additional sheets of other candidates, conveying malpractice materials into the examination hall, helping other candidates for copying etc. (ii) for writing the examination, illegally ; i.e., without the minimum required attendance, without eligibility to appear for the examination, without paying the examination fee, without getting the hall ticket from the Chairmans office etc. (iii) for not registering and appearing for any of the lower semester papers not yet passed by the candidate, leaving it as if he / she had already passed in that paper. (iv) for sparing / giving his / her mark sheets / certificates to other persons for any kind of misuse / duplicating / forgery etc. (v) for making any kind of unauthorized corrections in the certificates. The mark sheets / certificates issued, by mistake, to unsuccessful candidates will be cancelled when it is detected, without any prior notice or 34

explanation. Ineligible candidates cannot claim to retain such certificates, on the simple ground that they had been already issued. The Principal of the institution, shall not issue such certificates to the ineligible candidates, but surrender them to the Chairmans office for cancellation. Getting back the issued certificates from such ineligible candidates will be the responsibility of the Principal concerned. 3.16 Revision of fees :

Rs. 200/-

The fees, penalties and charges mentioned in various places of this hand book are subject to revisions by Government from time to time. The candidate / institute has to pay the amount as per the existing rates of the day. 3.17 Mode of Payment of Fees : All fees related to Examinations & Certificates have to be paid by the candidate / institute in the form of Demand Draft Pay order obtained from any one of the nationalized bank drawn in favour of Additional Director of Technical Education (Examinations), Chennai - 25 payable at Chennai. The service charge for obtaining DD shall not be deducted from the amount to be paid to the Chairmans office. The amount paid by chalan through sub-treasuries will not be accepted. 3.18 Conclusion : The Principals and students have to go through the rules and regulations carefully and follow them scrupulously, to avoid unnecessary correspondences, legal complications etc. The Board of Examination can amend, revise, alter or cancel any of the above rules by a resolution in its meeting. In case of disputes in interpretation of any of the above rules, the decision of the Chairman will be final.

Rs. 300/-


ANNEXURE - II 2004 - 2005 List of Polytechnic Colleges / Special Institutes & Hotel Management & Catering Technology Colleges I. Polytechnic Colleges : (Total 200 Nos.) 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 2. 1. Govt. Polytechnics - Education Department, Tamil Nadu (17 Nos.) 101 109 110 111 112 113 115 116 117 118 119 120 175 176 177 178 218 Central Polytechnic College Tharamani Chennai 600 113 Thanthai Periyar E.V.R. Govt. Polytechnic College Vellore 632 002 Government Polytechnic College Krishnagiri 635 001 Government Polytechnic College Coimbatore 640 014 Government Polytechnic College Udhagamandalam 643 006 Government Polytechnic College Aranthangi 614 616 Government Polytechnic College Trichy 620 022 Tamilnadu Polytechnic College Madurai 625 011 Alagappa Polytechnic College Karaikudi 630 004 Government Polytechnic College Tuticorin 628 008 Government Polytechnic College Nagercoil 629 004 Govt. Polytechnic College Purasawalkam @CPT Campus Dr.Dharmambal Government Polytechnic College For Women, Tharamani, Chennai 600 113 Govt. Polytechnic College For Women Coimbatore 641 044 Government Polytechnic College For Women Madurai 625 011 Bharathiyar Centenery Memorial Womens Polytechnic College, Ettayapuram 628 902 Srinivasa Subbaraya Polytechnic College Puttur 609 108 (05 Nos.)

Pondicherry Government Polytechnics 401

Motilal Nehru Government Polytechnic College Pondicherry 605 008 37


2. 3. 4. 5. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

414 415 419 515

Karaikal Polytechnic College Varichikudy Karaikal 609 609 Womens Polytechnic College Lawspet Pondicherry- 605 008 Indira Gandhi Polytechnic College Mahe, Chokli P.O. 670 672 Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Polytechnic College Yanam 533 464 (34 Nos.)

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

217 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 275 276 277 279 280

S.S.M. Inst. of Textile Tech. & Polytechnic College Komarapalayam 638 183 Valivalam Desikar Polytechnic College Nagapattinam 611 001 Pattukkottai Polytechnic College Pattukkottai 614 601 Seshasayee Institute Of Technology, Trichy 620 010 Arulmigu Palaniandavar Polytechnic College Palani 624 601 Rukmini Shanmugam Polytechnic College Varichiyur Madurai Dist. 625 020 Annamalai Polytechnic College Chettinad Sivagangai District 630 102 VSV Nadar Polytechnic College Virudhunagar 626 001 P.A.C Ramasamy Raja Polytechnic College Rajapalayam 626 108 Mohamed Sathak Polytechnic College Kilakarai Ramnad District 623 806 Arasan Ganesan Polytechnic College Sivakasi 626 123 Sankar Institute Of Polytechnic College Sankarnagar 627 357 Kamaraj Polytechnic Pazhavilai Kanyakumari District 629 501 NPA Centenary Polytechnic College Kotagiri Nilgiris Dist. 643 217 GRG Polytechnic College For Women Kuppepalayam Coimbatore Dt. 641 107 Periyar Centenary Girls Polytechnic College Vallam Thanjavur Dist. 613 403 Padmabhushan Sri N.Ramaswami Ayyar Memorial Polytechnic College For Girls, Trichy 620 002 Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal Polytechnic College Chinnakkamanpatti, Sivakasi Dt 626 189 A.D.J.Dharmambal Womens Polytechnic College Nagapattinam 611 001 39

Government - Aided Polytechnics 201 202 203 204 205 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216

C.N. Polytechnic College Vepery Chennai 600 007 Ramakrishna Mission Technical Institute College Mylapore, Chennai 600 004 Murugappa Polytechnic Sathyamurthy Nagar Avadi Chennai 600 062 Bhaktavatsalam Polytechnic College Kanchipuram 631 552 A.M.K. Technological Polytechnic College Sembarambakkam 602 103 Rajagopal Polytechnic College Gandhi Nagar Gudiyattam 632 604 Muthiah Polytechnic College Annamalai Nagar Chidambaram R.S 608 002 P.S.G. Polytechnic College Post Box No.1611 Peelamedu, Coimbatore 641 004 C.I.T Sandwich Polytechnic College Coimbatore 641 014 Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Polytechnic Coimbatore- 641 020 Nachimuthu Polytechnic Mackinaickenpatti Post Pollachi 642 003 VLB Janakiammal Polytechnic College Kovaipudur, Coimbatore 641 042 Erode Institute Of Technology Kavindapadi Erode District 638 455 Sakthi Institute Of Technology, Sakthinagar Erode 638 315 Thiagarajar Polytechnic College Salem 636 005 38

4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Self - Financing Polytechnics 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 317 318 319 320 321 323

(144 Nos.)

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.

324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 340 341 342 343 344

V.Ramakrishna Polytechnic College Tiruvottiyur, Chennai 600 019 Meenakshi Ammal Polytechnic College Uthiramerur 603 403 Sri Nallalaghu Polytechnic Puzhal Chennai 600 066 Adhiparasakthi Polytechnic College Melmaruvathur 603 319 Arulmigu Thiripurasundari Amman Polytechnic College Thirukalukundram 603 109 Sriram Polytechnic Perumalpattu Tiruvallur Dist 602 024 Valliammai Polytechnic College Kattankulathur 603 203 St. Michaels Polytechnic College Vellanur Village, Chennai- 600 062 Meenakshi Krishnan Polytechnic Pammal Chennai 600 075 Swamy Abedhanandha Polytechnic College Thellar, Thiruvannamalai Dist. 604 406 Pandiyan Polytechnic College Adhiyur Village Tirupattur, Vellore District 635 602 Elumalai Polytechnic Villupuram 605 602 The Dharmapuri Dist. Co-Op. Sugar Mills Polytechnic Palacode, Dharmapuri Dist. 636 808 Sankara Inst. Of Technology Saravanampatty Coimbatore- 641 035 Sree Narayana Guru Inst. Of Technology Madukkarai, Coimbatore 641 105 Nanjiah Lingammal Polytechnic Mettupalayam Coimbatore Dist. 641 301 Nanjappa Polytechnic College Karumathamaptty Coimbatore Dist. 641 659 Kongu Polytechnic College Perundurai Erode District 638 052 Erode Institute Of Chemical Technology Vijayamangalam, Erode Dist. 638 056 Thiru Ramakrishna Nallammai Polytechnic College Dharapuram, Erode Dist. 638 656 40

Al-Ameen Inst. Of Technology Karundevanpalayam Erode District 638 104 Annai J.K.K. Sampoorani Ammal Polytechnic College Thookkanaickenpalaym Post 638 506 The Salem Polytechnic College Gajjalnaickenpatti Salem 636 201 Muthayammal Polytechnic College Kakkaveri, Rasipuram Tk 637 408 K.S. Rangasamy Inst. Of Technology Tiruchengode, Namakkal Dist. 637 209 C.S.I. Polytechnic College Yercaud Road, Salem 636 007 Salem Co-Op.Sugar Mills Polytechnic College Mohanur, Namakkal Dist 637 015 Subramanian Polytechnic College Rayavaram, Pudukkottai Dist. 622 506 A.V.C Polytechnic College Mayiladuthurai Mannampandal, Nagapattinam Dt. 609 305 Shanmugha Polytechnic College Tirumalaisamudram Thanjavur 613 402 C.C.M.R. Polytechnic College Kuruvady, Ramapuram Post Thanjavur 613 003 The Karur Polytechnic College Karur 639 002 Thanthai Roever Institute Of Polytechnic College Perambalur 621 212 M.I.E.T Polytechnic College Trichy 620 007 K.L. Nagaswamy Memorial Polytechnic College Kozhimedu, Madurai 625 009 Ratnavel Subramaniam Polytechnic Dindigul 624 005 The Christian Institute For Technical Education Oddanchatram, Dindigul Dist. 624 619 Thangam-Muthu Polytechnic College Periyakulam East, Theni Dist. 625 604 Arulmigu Kallalakar Polytechnic College Melur, Madurai District 625 106 41

40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.

345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 362 363 364

Thanapandiyan Polytechnic College Astinpatty P.O,Madurai 625 008 Seikalathur Kamatchi Amman Polytechnic College Manamadurai,Sivagangai Dist. 630 606 Arulmigu Kalasalingam Polytechnic College Anand Nagar, Krishnankoil 626 190 Ramu-Seetha Polytechnic College, Kariapatti Virudhunagar Dist. 625 020 Seethai Ammal Polytechnic Keelakandai Sivagangai 630 561 Sri Sowdambika Polytechnic Aruppukottai 626 101 Pasumpon Nethaji Polytechnic Melaneelithanallur Tirunelveli District 627 953 Lakshmi Ammal Polytechnic College K.R. Nagar 628 503 S.A.Rajas Polytechnical College Raja Nagar, Vadakangulam 627 116 Gomathi Ambal Polytechnic College, Maveeran Poolithevar Nagar, Malayadikurichi 627 755 St. Xaviers Polytechnic College Seydunganallur, Tuticorin Dt. 628 809 Morning Star Polytechnic College Chunkankadai, Kanyakumari Dist 629 807 Noorul Islam Polytechnic College Punkarai, Thiruvithamcode 629 174 Sri Venkateswara Polytechnic Adukkamparai Vellore 632 011 Thai Moogambigai Polytechnic College, Poonamallee High Road, Mugappair, Nerkundram, Chennai 600 107 Christ The King Polytechnic College, Othakkalmandapam Coimbatore 641 032 Rajaji Inst. Of Technology Periaseeragapadi Salem District 636 308 Srinivasa Polytechnic Kalamavur, Keeranur Pudukkottai District 622 502 M.A.V.M.M. Polytechnic College Alagar Kovil Madurai District 625 301 42

59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77.

365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384

Arulmigu Chandigeswarar Polytechnic College Karumathampatty, Coimbatore 641 659 Arulmigu Senthilandavar Polytechnic College Tenkasi, Tirunelvei Dist. 627 811 M.S.P. Velayutha Nadar Lakshmithaiammal Poly. College Pavoorchatram,Tirunelveli Dt. 627 808 Kalaivanar Nsk Polytechnic College, Chenbagaramanputhur Kanyakumari District 629 304 Thirumathi Elizabeth Polytechnic College Annamangalam, Perambalur Dist 621 102 Pallavan Polytechnic College Iyyengarkulam Kancheepuram District 631 502 Annai Velankanni Polytechnic College Anguchettypalayam, Panruti Tk 607 110 Panimalar Polytechnic College Chennai 600 029 Thiru Seven Hills Polytechnic College Maduravoyal, Chennai 602 102 CPCL Polytechnic College Cpcl Refinery Campus Manali, Chennai 600 068 Moderator Gnanadasan Polytechnic College Nagercoil 629 001 N.A. Manjammal Polytechnic College Melapattam Karisalkulam Post 626 110 I.R.T Polytechnic College Chromepet Chennai 600 044 I.R.T Polytechnic College Bargur Dharmapuri Dist. 635 108 I.R.T Polytechnic College Konganthanparai Tirunelvei District 627 007 Sree Krishna Polytechnic College Nagercoil 629 003 Adhidyamaan Polytechnic College Hosur 635 109 Bharath Polytechnic College Agaram-Then Road, Thiruvanchery Selaiyur Po, Chennai 600 073 Vingesh Polytechnic College Melputhiyandal,Tiruvannamalai 606 603 43

78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95.

385 386 387 388 389 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513

Sri Balaji Polytechnic Kolappakkam, Vandalur Chennai 600 048 Dr.M.G.R Polytechnic College Arcot Road, Arni Tiruvannamalai Dist. 632 317 Sri Krishna Polytechnic Arakkonam 631 003 Ranippettai Institute Of Technology College Thenkadappanthangal,Vellore Dt 632 513 Pee Gee Polytechnic College Periyanahalli Dharmapuri District 635 205 Jayaraj Annapackiam Csi Polytechnic College Nazareth, Tuticorin Dist. 628 617 Sri Sai Ram Polytechnic College Tambaram West 600 044 S.A. Polytechnic College Sundarasolavaram Chennai 600 077 S.R.M Polytechnic College Kattankulathur Kancheepuram Dist. 603 203 P.S.B Polytechnic College Kelambakkam 603 103 Kumaran Polytechnic College Velu Nagar Tiruvannamalai Dist. 606 603 Priyadarshini Polytechnic College Vaniyambadi, Vellore Dist. 635 751 Maruthi Polytechnic College Manivizhundan Souht Salem District 636 121 Er.Perumal Manimekalai Polytechnic College Koneripalli, Hosur Tk. 635 117 Rudhraveni Muthuswamy Polytechnic College Palappampatti, Udumalpet 642 128 Sri Ramakrishna Polytechnic College Vattamalaipalayam, Coimbatore 641 022 Sri Venkateswara Polytechnic College Parasur Village, Cheyyar Tk. 604 409 Latha Mathavan Polytechnic College Kidaripatti, Alagarkoil 625 301 44

96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113.

514 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 525 526 527 528 529 531 532 533 534

Aalim Muhammed Salegh Polytechnic College Muthapudupet, Avadi IAF 600 055 Venkatesvara Polytechnic College Kaikurichi, Pudukkottai 622 303 Krishnasamy Memorial Polytechnic College S.Kumarapuram, Cuddalore 607 109 Sun Institute Of Technology Erachakulam Kanyakumari District 629 902 SCAD Polytechnic College Cheranmahadevi Tirunelveli District 627 414 Sri Muthalamman Polytechnic Paramakudi Ramnad District 623 707 Suguna Polytechnic College Nehru Nagar Coimbatore 641 014 Murugesan Inst. Of Technology Karumapuram Karipatty Po, Salem 636 106 Sri Ragavendra Polytechnic College B.Komarapalayam, Namakkal Dist 638 183 K.S.R. Polytechnic College K.S.R. Kalvi Nagar Tiruchengode, Namakkal Dist. 637 209 Sri Ayyappa Polytechnic College Aivadhugudi, Cuddalore Dist. 606 305 Tirupattur Polytechnic College Pachal Tirupattur 635 601 Sembodai R.V. Polytechnic College Sembodai, Nagapatinam Dist 614 820 KAR Polytechnic College M C Road Ambur 635 802 Infant Jesus Polytechnic College K.Kallikudi, Trichy 620 009 Sri Krishna Polytechnic College Batlagundu, Dindigul Dist. 624 202 Paavai Polytechnic College Paavai Nagar Pachal, Namakkal 637 018 Padalesuwarar Polytechnic College K.K. Nagar, Cuddalore 607 001 45

114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132.

535 537 538 539 540 541 542 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555

Raja Desingh Polytechnic College Nattarmangalam, Gingee Tk 604 206 Karpagam Polytechnic College Pollachi Main Road Eachanari Post, Coimbatore Dt. 641 021 S.B.M. Inst. Of Technology Thamaraipadi Dindigul 624 005 Anndavar Polytechnic College, Kovai Privu, Allukkuli, Erode District 638 453 Little Flower Polytechnic College Moulivakkam, Porur 600 116 Sri Durga Devi Polytechnic College Kavaraipettai,Gummidipooni Tk 601 206 Laxmi Narayana Polytechnic College Pagalahalli, Dharmapuri Dist. 636 807 S.M. Arumugam Polytechnic College Dharmapuri 636 702 Vivekananda Polytechnic Seplanatham Neyveli 607 802 The Kavery Polytechnic College M.Kalipatti, Mecheri Mettur Tk, Salem District 636 453 S.R.I. Polytechnic College Birudur, Vandavasi T.K Thiruvannamalai Dist. 604 408 Aries Polytechnic College Karunkuzhi Vadalur 607 303 P.G.P. Polytechnic College Namakkal, Karur Main Road, Namakkal 637 206 Nandha Polytechnic College Pitchandampalayam Post Erode 638 052 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Polytechnic College Perambalur 621 212 Bharath Polytechnic College Manickampalayam Tiruchengode 637 202 Sri Venkatachalapathy Polytechnic College Villupuram-1 605 601 Cheyyar Polytechnic Kolamandhai Vil Cheyyar, Thiruvannamalai Dist. 604 401 Muruga Polytechnic College Melur, Kallakurichi Villupuram District 606 201 46

133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144.

556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567

Thiruthani Polytechnic College, Tiruttani 631 204 Vel Tech Polytechnic College No.42, Avadi - Alamathi Road Vallava Nagar P.O., Chennai 600 062 D.P.C. Polytechnic College Pagalpatty, Omalur Tk Salem District 636 304 P.V.Polytechnic College Pelakkuppam Village Tindivanam 604 001 Samuel Polytechnic College Mudivaithanendal Tuticorin Dist. 628 102 Annai Indira Polytechnic For Women Dusi & P.O., Cheyyar Tk 631 702 Shri Sitheswarrar Polytechnic College Poongodu, Arcot 632 503 John Bosco Polytechnic Manavala Nagar Tiruvallur R.S 602 002 Sri Adhisankarar Polytechnic College, (Near Ramar Koil ) Irungalur, Trichy 621 105 Lalgudi Co-Operative Polytechnic Lalgudi 621 601 Pastor Lenssen Polytechnic Kuthenkuly Tirunelveli Dist 627 104 Jaya Polytechnic College Thiruninravur 602 024

II. Special Institutions : (Total 16 Nos.) 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Government - Education Department, Tamil Nadu (05 Nos.) 102 103 104 105 106 Institute Of Printing Technology Tharamani, Chennai 600 113 Institute Of Chemical Technology Tharamani, Chennai 600 113 Institute Of Leather Technology Tharamani, Chennai 600 113 Institute Of Textile Technology Tharamani, Chennai 600 113 State Institute Of Commerce Education Tharamani, Chennai 600 113 47

2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Government - Other Departments (05 Nos.) 402 404 405 406 413 Film & Tv Institute Of Tamilnadu Chennai 600 113 Government Technical Training Centre, Guindy Chennnai 600 032 Inst. Of Ceramic Technology Vriddhachalam 606 001 School Of Prosthetics & Orthetics Engineering K.K.Nagar, Chennai 600 083 Institute Of Tool Engineering Soundara Raja Mills Road Dindigul 624 003

3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Self - Supporting Colleges (9 Nos.) 602 603 604 606 607 608 610 611 612 MGR Inst. Of Hotel Management And Catering Technology Valasaravakkam, Chennai 600 087 Sree Balaji College Of Hotel Management Srirangam Trichy 620 006 Shevaroys College Of Hotel Management & Catering Tech. Yercaud-Hills 636 601 VJP College Of Catering And Hotel Management Siruganur Trichy 621 105 Asan Memorial Inst. Of Hotel Management & Catering Tech. Jaladampet,Chennai 601 302 Empee Inst. Of Hotel Management & Catering Tech. Anna Nagar (E), Chennai 600 102 Dr. MGR International Instt. Of Hotel Mgmt & Catering Tech. D-103, Anna Nagar (E), Chennai 600 102 Jenneys Academcy Of Tourism And Hotel Management Ramjee Nagar, Trichy 620 009 Sriram Inst. Of Hotel Management & Catering Tech. Perumalpattu 602 024

3. 1. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Government - Central (01 No.) 416 Regional Labour Institute Chennai 600 113 6. 7. 8. 9.

Self - Supporting Institutions (05 Nos.) 407 408 409 410 530 Nava Nirmana Social Institute 22 Cathedral Road Chennai 600 086 Salesian Inst. Of Graphic Arts 50 Taylors Road Chennai 600 010 Hindustan Institute Of Engineering Technology St. Thomas Mount, Chennai 600 016 Sivakasi Institute Of Printing Technology Sivakasi 626 123 Lexicon School Of Fashion Technology, 2A, 4th Street Abiramapuram, Chennai 600 018

III. 1. 1.

Hotel Management & Catering Technology Colleges : (Total 12 Nos.) Government - Other Department (01 No.) 411 State Inst. Of Hotel Management & Catering Tech. Thuvakkudi, Trichy 620 015

2. 1.

Pondicherry Government (01 No.) 417 Pondicherry Inst. Of Hotel Management & Catering Tech. Pondicherry 605 001 48 49


Sl. No.

Name and Register Number of the Student

Academic Year Examination in which appeared he / she prior to joined the discontinuing Course in the study I year / III (Semester / Semester Month & Year)* (HSC) Semester / Branch in which discontinued (3) (4) (5) (6)

Month & Year of Reasons for discontinuance last appearance in Board Exams

Semester / Branch in which readmission required

(1) (2) * Attested Xerox Copy of Mark Sheet attached.



Certified that the particulars furnished in the format are correct as per the College records. Certified that the candidate, if readmitted, could complete the Course of study within the prescribed period.

Date : Office Seal : Signature of the Principal

3. Course and year in which he / she is studying now :

2. Institution in which he is studying now :

Sl. No. Name of the Examinations

5. a. If the candidate has discontinued his studies, state the semester and year in which he has discontinued :

4. Furnish the particulars of the Diploma Examinations already appeared and lastly appeared :

1. Name of the student (Full address in case of private candidates) :

c. If so, Proc. No. / Date in which permission on order has been obtained : 51

b. In case, if the candidate is a discontinued student, Whether he/ she has applied for readmission through the Principal of the Institution in which he is studying now. :



Register Number Month and year of examination Result

6. Is the student in receipt of scholarships, stipend, and fee concession under 92 M.E.R. of Madras Educational Loan Rules? If so, particulars may be given. : 7. Reasons for transfer to another institution : 8. The name of the institution to which the student seeks transfer. : 9. Branch of Engineering he/she requires (in the order of preference). State the name of the semester or year of the course. :

Endorsement No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Forwarded to the Principal,____________________________________ The particulars furnished in the application are correct. I have no objection to transfer the student to your institution. His request for transfer cannot be considered. The student has not / has taken part in anti-social activities and was not / was awarded punishment (or) fined for his misbehaviour. His character and conduct are good/ are not commendable. I hereby certify that the candidate is eligible to study the course mentioned in column 9 in the institution where he/she seeks for transfer. The student is a discontinued student. Necessary proposal for readmission has been sent to Chairman, Board of Examinations vide this Office Letter No. Signature of the Principal
(of the Institution where the student is studying)

DECLARATION BYTHE CANDIDATE I hereby declare that the particulars recorded against item 1 to 9 above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

To The Principal Endorsement No. Dated He/She may be transferred to this Institution. He/She will be admitted in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineering Branch as requested by the student.

Station : Date : Signature of the Candidate He/She may be transferred to this institution provided he/she accepts the branch mentioned above only, as there is no vacancy in other branches. Sanctioned intake Present Strength Number of Vacancy : : :

Note : (1) The discontinued students should get re-admission order and then only apply for Transfer. (2) The students those who seek transfer in V Semester will have to undergo the study in the same branch in which he / she had studied earlier.

Signature of the Principal

(of the Institution where the student seeks transfer)

To The Director of Technical Education, Guindy, Chennai 600 025. 52 53


Endorsement No. 1. 2. Submitted.

Date :

The particulars furnished by the candidate is found to be correct and recommended for issuing xerox copy of Answer Book.

3. Address to which the xerox copy of Answer Book should be despatched : 4. Name of the Institution in which studying / studied : 5. Branch of study 6. Register Number : :

Encl.: 1. D.D. for Rs.100/2. Candidates self Addressed cover (without affixing postage stamp) of size 32 cm X 24 cm

Institution Seal with Date

Signature of the Principal (with date and Institution code)

7. Name of the subject for which xerox copy is required : 8. Code number of Question Paper : 9. Marks obtained 10. Amount paid : : Rs. 100/-

11. Demand Draft No. & Date (Drawn in favour of ADTE (Examination) payable at Chennai) : 11. Name of the Bank and Branch (Separate application should be submitted for each paper) :

Station: Date: 54 Signature of the Candidate 55

ANNEXURE VI BOARD EXAMINATIONS, APRIL / OCTOBER 200 . APPLICATION FOR REVALUATION OFANSWER SCRIPT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of the Candidate Fathers Name Name of the Institute Branch of study Register Number Name of the subject for which revaluation is required Code No. of Question Paper Marks obtained Amount paid Demand Draft No. and Date (Drawn in favour of ADTE (Examination) payable at Chennai) Name of the Bank and Branch : : : : : 3 . : 4 . 7. 8. 9. 10. : 5 . : 6 . : : Rs. 400/2 .




(A) Ut UlTi Rs (Duplicate Mark Sheet) (B) RPuUf NuRr (NOC / Micration Certificate) (RYV] NuRZ Nn lPm)

. 1

iQlTRWu TVo (Ro YVjRp YZeLlThP UlTi Rp BeXjp Es[T) iQlTRWd AlTYiV LY iQlTRWo Lp TXLju TVo Lp Tu\ TPl lTl TPju TVo

NuRr : Tu\ : : :

( ) Lm SLp UlTi Ru TWm Z lPm A (B) RPuUf NuRr LYo RXi Rp CVi YWX] Ro T GiL[ lh ARtL] UlTi RsLu SLpL[ CQdLm SWm / T SWm / R iQlTRWo


Ro T URm G i


Lm NUvPo

AYttL] TPeLu TVoLs

Station: Date: Signature of the Candidate

Important Note: 1. Separate application should be submitted for each Paper. 2. Only those candidates who obtained xerox copy of Answer scripts are eligible to apply for revaluation. 56 57

7 .

Lp jR C Biu Ro T Gi. URm YPm (6 Y / 8 Y NUvPo) : ( Ye 1 ) YWYXu RL YWm : : 1.

ANNEXURE VIII APPLICATION FOR THE ISSUE OF DUPLICATE DIPLOMA CERTIFICATE IN LIEU OF THE LOST Diploma Certificate Name of the Applicant (in CAPITAL LETTERS) In full as entered in the mark sheets/diploma issued by the Board (with address) : Name of the Institution where in he/she qualified for the award of Diploma Certificate. : (a) Name of the Course (b) Elective (if any) : :

8 .

( LhPQj 2 )

( NuRr LhTRtL] LWQm: 3 )




UX LiP NWj 1 Rp 8 YW LdLlThP YWeLs A]jm EiUV Gum E \u.


C P m: Ss : iQlTRWu Ss : LVlTm

4. 5. 6. 7.

Register number, month and year in which he/she secured a final pass : Results of the final year examinations/class secured : Serial Number of the original Diploma/Certificate : Particulars of fees remitted (a) Amount (b) D. D. Number : : :

Utl Gi.: ( AlTlT\. 1 ) ( iQlTjp 2 )



A]jm NV]R Gu Nu AdLlT\. ( iQlTRWo Lm Ut UlTi Rs / 3 ) RPuUf NuRr YZeLXm G]d Lhd Ls[lT\. CQl : RpYu LVlTm TXL jWPu TSo RXYo Ro YVm Nu]-600 025 58 9.

(c) Name of the bank from which the D.D. has been drawn : 8. Circumstances under which the original Diploma Certificate was lost. : Steps or efforts taken by the applicant to recover the loss of Diploma / Certificate : 59

DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT 1. I hereby declared that the particulars furnished by me in this application against columns 1 to 9 are true and correct. 2. I hereby declare that the original Diploma / Certificate issued to me by the board has not been allowed to be misused by any body and that if it is recovered at a later stage, the same will be surrounded to the Chairman, Board of Examinations, Chennai 600 025, for cancellation. 3. And in case if the particulars furnished by me are found to be false or not true, I hereby abide to any disciplinary action against me by the Chairman, Board of Examinations, Chennai 600 025.

CERTIFICATE FROM A GAZETTED OFFICER I,...................................................................hereby certify that the reason for the loss of Diploma certificates, as stated in column 8 of this application is true to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of Gazetted Officer Designation: Station: Date :

Signature of the Applicant

Office Seal:

(Endorsement by the Principal of the Institution) Note : 1. The candidate has to pay a fee of Rs. 300 (for the First time) / Rs. 600 (for the Second time) in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Additional Director of Technical Education (Examinations) from any nationalised bank, Payable at Chennai. The Original Certificate issued by the Police/revenue Department regarding the loss/damage has to be enclosed with the application. The Duplicate Diploma Certificate will be sent to the Institution concerned and issued to the candidate after making necessary entries in the records. Signature of the Principal Station : Date : ENDT. No: Certified that the particulars furnished by the applicant in 1 to 7 of this application have been duly verified with reference to the records available in this Institution and found to be correct. I recommend that a Duplicate Diploma Certificate in lieu of the lost Diploma Certificate May be issued to the candidate.

2. 3.

Office Seal : 60 61

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