Mutant City Blues 2e
Mutant City Blues 2e
Mutant City Blues 2e
Ever since the Sudden Mutation Event, people have been able to fly. Phase BY ROBIN D. LAWS AND
through walls. Read minds. Shoot bolts of energy from their fingertips.
Walk into dreams.
With new human capacity has come new science. Your squad brings
forensic science to bear on the solution of mutant crimes. Need to know if
a suspect is the victim of mind control or dream observation? Perform an
EMAT protocol to detect the telltale signs of external influence. Was your
victim killed by a light blast? Use Energy Residue Analysis to match the
unique wound pattern to the murderer, as surely as ballistic science links
a bullet to a gun.
Does your crime scene yield trace evidence of two separate powers? Use
your trusty copy of the Quade Diagram, the infallible map of genetic
relationships between mutant powers, to tell if one suspect could have
used both – or if you have two perps on your hands.
• Push rules make the acclaimed GUMSHOE investigative rules set even
faster and more flexible
• New modes of play help GMs tailor the game to their players
• Personal crisis rules bring the stress of the job into play
• Character templates to help players build their officers
• Expanded chase rules for superpowered action
• Rules for superpowered private investigators
• A thrilling new scenario, Blue on Blue, delves into buried secrets of
Mutant City and the early days of the Sudden Mutation Event
PELGM201 $39.95
BLUES By Robin D. Laws
Additional material and design by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan
Interior Artists: Tangmo Cecchini, Mary Corbalis, Douglas P. Lobo, Miguel Santos, Lily Serrentino,
Phil Stone, Jessica Trevino, Karolina Węgrzyn
Playtesters: (1st edition): Benjamin B, Paolo Bongiovanni, Aaron Cattle, Dave, Steve Dempsey, Troy Duffy,
Alex Fradera, Zane Goodin, Chuk Goodwin, Mike Grace, Lynne Hardy, Richard Hardy, Kev Hickman, Chris
Huth, Paul Jackson, Alex Johnson, Wai Kien, Rob Lim, Peter Macejka, Robert Mill, Justin Mohareb, Matthew
Radings, Jesse Scoble, Simon Stroud, Anthony Sweeting, Peter Tracy, Graham Walmsley, Gordon Wilson,
Playtesters (2nd edition): Steve Alonso, Paul Aparicio, Tashfeen Bhimdi, Phil Catterall, Grace Cheetham,
Will Cooper, Michael Duxbury, Clayton Embrey, Nook Harper, Daniel Klinestiver, Jeanna Lundgren, Robert
Lundgren, Melissa Marsh, Stephen Marsh, Andy Mason, Elena Morris, Alex Paulsen, Russ Paulsen, Douglas
Radmore, Charles Richards, Scot Ryder, Matt Sands, Emily Savidge, David Sparkes, Cissy Street-Mellor, Jak
Van Der Graaf.
©2020 Pelgrane Press Ltd. All rights reserved. Mutant City Blues is a trademark of Pelgrane Press Ltd.
IT’S NOT A BIRD, IT’S NOT A PLANE �������������������� 5 Cover������������������������������������������������������������������ 94
THE WORLD OF THE ENHANCED�������������������������� 6 Free-For-All Combat������������������������������������������ 94
Mutants and Geopolitics������������������������������������ 7 Range������������������������������������������������������������������ 94
THE GAME IN A NUTSHELL��������������������������������� 11 Smashes and Throws���������������������������������������� 94
Roleplaying Basics�������������������������������������������� 11 Suppressive Fire������������������������������������������������ 94
Surprise�������������������������������������������������������������� 94
YOUR CHARACTER����������������������������������������������� 12
Exhaustion, Injury and Death������������������������� 95
Modes����������������������������������������������������������������� 12
Fighting Example���������������������������������������������� 95
Buying Abilities������������������������������������������������� 12
Chases���������������������������������������������������������������� 96
General abilities������������������������������������������������ 13
Simultaneous Reveal���������������������������������������� 97
What Good are Ratings?����������������������������������� 14
The Lead������������������������������������������������������������� 97
Mutant powers�������������������������������������������������� 14
Raises����������������������������������������������������������������� 97
Templates���������������������������������������������������������� 14
Pursuit Intervention����������������������������������������� 98
Pushes���������������������������������������������������������������� 17
Mutant Stunts �������������������������������������������������� 98
Choosing Your Mutant Powers������������������������ 17
Investigative Abilities��������������������������������������� 99
The Quade Diagram������������������������������������������ 18
Hazards�������������������������������������������������������������� 99
Example������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
Improvised Power Use����������������������������������� 100
And Finally…������������������������������������������������������ 20
ROLLING ON UP������������������������������������������������ 102
STANDARD ABILITIES������������������������������������������ 21
Investigative Abilities��������������������������������������� 21 HCIU PROCEDURE���������������������������������������������� 103
General Abilities����������������������������������������������� 28 Mission Statement������������������������������������������ 103
Recruitment���������������������������������������������������� 103
THE INTERVIEW���������������������������������������������������� 32
Organizational Structure������������������������������� 104
MUTANT POWERS����������������������������������������������� 33 Ranks���������������������������������������������������������������� 104
Power Quick Reference������������������������������������ 33 DNAS Officers in the HCIU����������������������������� 104
Power Descriptions������������������������������������������ 36 Assignments���������������������������������������������������� 106
Investigative Powers���������������������������������������� 36 Shifts and Scheduling������������������������������������� 108
General Powers������������������������������������������������� 41 Evidence Collection���������������������������������������� 108
Genetic Risk Factors����������������������������������������� 77 Interviews and Interrogations���������������������� 108
STEAK & SHAKE���������������������������������������������������� 80 EMAT Protocol������������������������������������������������� 111
THE GUMSHOE RULES SYSTEM��������������������������� 81 Testimony in Court����������������������������������������� 111
Why This Game Exists��������������������������������������� 81 A Bridge Between Communities������������������� 112
From Structure to Story����������������������������������� 81 Media Relations���������������������������������������������� 112
Gathering Clues������������������������������������������������� 82 FORENSIC ANAMORPHOLOGY������������������������ 114
Pushes���������������������������������������������������������������� 82 Anamorphology 101��������������������������������������� 114
Inconspicuous Clues����������������������������������������� 83 DNA Analysis��������������������������������������������������� 116
Tests������������������������������������������������������������������� 84 Organ Grafting������������������������������������������������ 116
Contests������������������������������������������������������������� 87 Energy Residues���������������������������������������������� 117
Composure�������������������������������������������������������� 88 Assorted Forensic Anamorphology�������������� 119
Overwork����������������������������������������������������������� 88 REFERENCE: ASSORTED TESTS, BY POWER������� 122
Regaining Pool Points��������������������������������������� 88
THE HEIGHTENED AND THE LAW��������������������� 123
Forced Refreshes���������������������������������������������� 89
Article 18���������������������������������������������������������� 123
Improving Your Character������������������������������� 89
Proof of Heightened Status��������������������������� 123
Improving Mutant Powers������������������������������� 89
Probable Cause����������������������������������������������� 124
I.D.������������������������������������������������������������������������� 90 Incarceration��������������������������������������������������� 124
SUPER-POWERED ACTION����������������������������������� 91 Dorphing���������������������������������������������������������� 125
Distance������������������������������������������������������������� 91 MUTANTS FOR HIRE������������������������������������������ 127
Fighting�������������������������������������������������������������� 92 Playing Private Investigators������������������������ 127
Non-Lethal Attacks������������������������������������������� 92 The Firm����������������������������������������������������������� 128
Lethal Attacks — Shooting������������������������������ 93 Clients�������������������������������������������������������������� 128
Ammo Capacity������������������������������������������������� 93 Getting Paid����������������������������������������������������� 128
Armor����������������������������������������������������������������� 93 The Law & Private Investigators������������������� 129
Automatic Weapons����������������������������������������� 94 Mutant Investigators������������������������������������� 129
In most settings where characters possess extraordinary abilities, like magic spells, psionic abilities
or mystical fu powers, it is never quite clear to what degree the inhabitants of the world are aware of
the game’s rules artifacts. When a sorcerer casts a magic missile spell, does he call it a magic missile?
Does an abomination know it uses a feat called Absorptive Tentacles?
In Mutant City Blues, not only the characters, but everyday inhabitants of the world, are well aware
of the existence of mutant powers. They refer to them by the names given here. These were defined
by Dr. Lucius Quade and his team of anamorphologists, first in a series of scientific papers and finally
in his popular book, The New Helix.
Few people have the Quade Diagram (p. 19) memorized, just as few people know the Periodic Table
by heart1. But even kids understand that it exists, and can easily access it with a quick internet search.
The idea that the various powers appear in an immutable pattern of genetic relationships has seeped
down into popular culture, the same way that people in our world know that DNA can be used to
conclusively identify people.
Mutants who are out of the closet about their parahuman powers may discuss them openly. They
may list their mutant abilities in their profiles on social networking sites. At social gatherings, mutants
tend to cluster together. In some circles, that stock question of awkward small talk, “What do you do?”,
refers not to your occupation, but your superpowers.
In everyday conversation, people sometimes alter the names of powers. You say Observe Dreams,
I say Dream Observation. Nicknames for the powers are also common: you might hear “dreampeep-
ing” more often than either formal term.
1 Yes, we realize that a disproportionately high number of people reading a book like this have committed
the periodic table to memory. Still, you get our point, right?
This section is addressed to players and shows them how
to create their characters. GMs should read it, too.
Before starting play, the GM asks the players if they want
The default assumption is that your character is a
to include personal subplots mirroring the emotional
member of the Heightened Crimes Investigation
crises cops often undergo in police procedural television
Unit (HCIU), an elite police squad set up to deal with
shows. These might involve struggles with family trouble,
crimes that involve mutant perpetrators. Your character
alcoholism, trauma, addiction, rage, or the temptations
has already accumulated years of positive performance
of corruption or brutality. Though a staple of the cop
evaluations while serving in other detachments, such as
genre, some players may find these elements too close
robbery-homicide, special victims, gang units, organized
to the bone to make for an enjoyable experience at the
crime control, vice, or narcotics. Your character is most
gaming table.
likely a heightened individual, although they might be
• To skip that part and focus only on
one of the few non-heightened individuals with sufficient
mysteries and superpowers, play in Safe
expertise to be accepted without these abilities.
Mode. Rules that apply only to this mode
The GUMSHOE rules define your character by
are marked with the Safe Mode icon:
what they can accomplish in an investigative scenario.
The component elements of each ability don’t matter • To explore the genre’s dark personal
in rules terms. The rules don’t care if your Forensic drama, play in Gritty Mode. Rules that
Accounting ability is one part native mental acuity to two apply only to this mode are marked with
parts training or vice versa, although you can mention the Gritty Mode icon:
them when describing your character to others. All that
matters is how you solve cases, and overcome other
obstacles arising from them.
Each player may spend 60 points on standard General
Your character, therefore, has two sets of abilities.
abilities (see p. 28), 30 points on mutant powers (see p.
• Investigative abilities help you gather information
33) and a variable number of points on Investigative
to solve cases.
abilities that depends on the number of regularly-
• General abilities let you overcome obstacles and
attending players in your group.
Your mutant powers also fall into the two categories of
Investigative or General. The categories aren’t completely INVESTIGATIVE BUILD POINTS
exclusive — you’ll sometimes use your General knowledge
to pick up a clue, or cleverly bypass an obstacle. # Of Players Investigative Build Points
2 18
3 14
Private Investigators
4 12
Template Type
Cold Case Special Crimes
Commercial Crimes Special Crimes
Forensic Science Division Support
Gang and Narcotics Special Crimes
Homicide Special Crimes
Investigative Analysis Support
Juvenile Special Crimes
Patrol Uniform
Robbery Special Crimes
Special Assault Special Crimes
Special Weapons and Training Uniform
Technical Investigation Support
Traffic Uniform
Undercover Support
Homicide Juvenile
8 Investigative, 30 General
8 Investigative, 30 General
Investigates high-profile or complex murder cases.
Deals with young offenders, at-risk teens, child abuse and
Anamorphology, Anthropology, Bullshit Detector, exploitation.
Evidence Collection, Forensic Anthropology,
Interrogation, Law, Streetwise Bullshit Detector, Data Retrieval, Evidence Collection,
Forensic Psychology, Pharmacy, Popular Culture,
Athletics 2, Composure 5, Driving 2, Health 5, Infiltration Reassurance, Streetwise
2, Medic 2, Preparedness 2, Scuffling 2, Sense Trouble 4,
Shooting 4, Surveillance 2 Athletics 4, Composure 5, Driving 2, Health 5,
Infiltration 2, Medic 2, Preparedness 4, Scuffling 2,
Shooting 2, Surveillance 4
Special Assault
8 Investigative, 30 General
Investigates cases of sexual violence and assault.
Bullshit Detector, Evidence Collection,
Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Psychology,
Interrogation, Pharmacy, Reassurance,
Athletics 2, Composure 5, Driving 2, Health 5,
Infiltration 2, Medic 4, Preparedness 2, Scuffling
2, Sense Trouble 2, Shooting 4, Surveillance 2
Technical Investigation
Patrol 8 Investigative, 30 General
4 Investigative, 30 General The technical side of policing, focusing on retrieving evidence
from electronic devices and crime scene analysis.
These are regular beat cops, patrolling the city streets and keeping
public order. Data Retrieval, Document Analysis, Electronic
Surveillance, Evidence Collection, Research
Community Relations, Evidence Collection, either
Intimidation or Reassurance (pick one), Streetwise Pick any three from: Anamorphology, Ballistics,
Cryptography, Explosive Devices, Fingerprinting,
Athletics 4, Composure 5, Driving 2, Health 5, Medic 2, Photography or Traffic Analysis
Scuffling 4, Sense Trouble 2, Shooting 4, Surveillance 4
Composure 5, Driving 2, Health 5, Infiltration 4,
Mechanics 6, Preparedness 4, Shooting 2, Surveillance 4
8 Investigative, 30 General
Investigates major robberies, especially bank robberies, and
kidnappings. 4 Investigative, 30 General
Evidence Collection, Fingerprinting, Negotiation, Traffic control may not be the most glamorous assignment, but it
Photography, Research, Streetwise gives a close-up view of the whole city.
Pick two from: Architecture, Art History, Criminology, Negotiation, Photography, Streetwise, Traffic Analysis
Forensic Accounting, Forensic Anthropology, Athletics 2, Composure 5, Driving 6, Health 5,
Reassurance Mechanics 2, Scuffling 2, Sense Trouble 2, Shooting 4,
Athletics 4, Composure 5, Driving 2, Filch 2, Health Surveillance 4
5, Infiltration 4, Mechanics 2, Scuffling 2, Shooting 2,
Surveillance 4
hair, at least two mutants were present, as the Lightning them, some reward heavy investment, and some require
and Entangling Hair traits are too widely separated only a minimal number of points to be useful.
on the diagram to belong to the same individual1. The Where ordinary General abilities require that your
connection between mutant traits and certain personality second-highest rating be at least half that of your highest
disorders similarly makes the Quade Diagram a useful rating, mutant powers face no such restriction. You can,
tool in criminal profiling. if you want, spend all of your points on a single General
To ensure that the statistical linkage between your mutant power, starting with, say, a Force Field rating of
mutant powers is reflected in your choice of enhanced 27.
abilities, players use the Quade Diagram during character Entries in black boxes are not powers, but Genetic
creation. Game Moderators must also follow the Quade Risk Factors (GRFs). In order to connect certain powers
Diagram when creating supporting characters. (A GM on the Quade Diagram, you must also acquire the GRFs
could conceivably create a scenario in which a mutant’s between them.
apparent divergence from the Quade Diagram is a major Safe Mode: Taking a GRF costs you
plot point, but this would be both an exception and a 3 points. This extra price paid during
huge deal in the game world.) character creation is its only impact on play.
You start out with 30 build points with which to Gritty Mode: A GRF connected by
purchase mutant powers for your character. These points a solid line to any ability you already have
must be allocated between the purchase of the powers costs you nothing. If connected by a dotted
themselves, and then in rating points for each power. line, you must pay 4 points. You may not pay
points to leapfrog a GRF. A GRF represents
THE QUADE DIAGRAM a latent propensity for the problem in question. Each
GRF lists one or more Stress Penalties, each keyed to
Start by buying any one ability anywhere on the Quade one of seven tags: Addiction, Corruption, Fear, Home
Diagram. A General power costs 4 build points. An Life, Medical, Obsession, and Rage. As you acquire
Investigative power costs 1 point. them, note them on the Stress Penalties section of your
You may then, if you wish, choose to buy more character sheet. Stress Penalties stack: if you have two
powers. These must be adjacent to powers you already GRFs, each of them causing a -1 penalty to Rage, your
have, or nearly so. As you follow the Quade Diagram to total Rage penalty is -2.
assemble your list of powers, you can branch in multiple
directions; you don’t have to follow a single path from
point A to point B. EXAMPLE
Following an unbroken line, denoting that the two
powers are connected, costs you nothing. Every time You decide to start with the Regeneration ability. As
you cross a dotted line, denoting that the two powers a General ability, this costs you 4 points, reducing
are correlated, you pay an additional 4 points. You may your total to 26 build points. You then take Strength,
leapfrog abilities by paying 2 build points for each ability which is connected to Regeneration by a single solid
skipped. If you cross a dotted line while leapfrogging an line. Crossing the line costs you nothing; Strength is
ability, you must also pay the 4 points for that, in addition also a General ability, costing you 4 build points,
to the 2 points for skipping the ability. You never pay reducing your total to 22.
more than once to leapfrog the same ability. Then you acquire Toxin Immunity (Inhaled),
Buying an Investigative power gets you that power. which is connected to Regeneration by a dotted line.
Like regular Investigative abilities, you either have an Crossing the line costs you 4 points. The ability is
Investigative power or you don’t. You can spend Pushes General, and so costs you 4 build points. You pay a
on Investigative powers. total of 8 points, reducing your total to 14.
Buying a General power gets you a rating of 1. To Next, you want the Healing ability. The Messiah
increase any General power rating, pay one build point Complex GRF lies between it and Regeneration,
per rating point. Check the description of the power — connected by a solid line. To get Healing, you
some powers require a minimum point spend to activate must also acquire Messiah Complex. It costs you
nothing (Gritty Mode) or 3 points (Safe Mode.) (To
Unless, that is, the perp has the Absorption power and prevent this example from branching off into two
has borrowed both Lightning and Entangling Hair from two
separate victims.
sub-examples, let’s say that we’re playing in Gritty
This chapter covers all Investigative and General abilities find the best ability for the task during play, by scanning
which aren’t mutant powers. the most likely portion of the overall list.
Many standard technical abilities have new
INVESTIGATIVE ABILITIES applications in the world of Mutant City Blues. For more
on this subject, see Forensic Anamorphology on p. 114.
The following abilities are the bread and butter of
GUMSHOE characters.
Ability listings consist of a brief general description, Anamorphology (Technical)
followed by examples of their use in an investigation. Anamorphology (“the science of change”) is the study
Creative players should be able to propose additional uses of mutant powers, their genetics, and the origins of the
for their abilities as unexpected situations confront their SME. Although any untrained investigator can read a
characters. Quade Diagram, you can also:
Certain specific actions may overlap between a • identify an individual’s mutant powers from a DNA
couple of abilities. For example, you can enhance image sample
resolution with either Data Retrieval or Photography. • conduct a medical examination to identify the
Some abilities, like Research, are broadly useful, and presence of GRFs (p. 17), and to pinpoint their present
will crop up constantly. Others may be called for many stage of development
times in the course of one scenario, and not at all in • on a brief but close-up visual inspection (in person or
others. When building your character, strike a balance via photographic or video image) spot the telltale signs
between the reliable workhorse abilities and their exotic, of retracted mutant organs and appendages, including
specialized counterparts. gills, fangs, stingers, and natural weaponry
Investigative abilities are divided into the following • tell when a subject is using a non-obvious mutant
sub-groups: Academic, Interpersonal, and Technical. power, and make a solid educated guess as to what
The purpose of the sub-groups is to allow you to quickly power is in use (any layman can see what’s going on
when a mutant flies through the air or doubles the Ballistics (Technical)
length of their forearm).
You process evidence relating to the use of firearms. You
Anthropology (Academic) • identify the caliber and type of a bullet or casing
You are an expert in the study of human cultures, from found at a crime scene
the stone age to the internet age. You can: • determine whether a particular gun fired a given
• identify artifacts and rituals of living cultures bullet
• describe the customs of a foreign group or local • trace the ownership of a particular firearm
subculture • identify unusual weapons, and guess at the sort
• intelligently analyze academic treatises on crime rates, of criminal group who might employ a particular
the effects of incarceration and other topics related to weapon (“the Bosnian cartels use that sort of gun”).
• extrapolate the practices of an unknown culture from Bullshit Detector (Interpersonal)
similar examples
You can tell when people are lying. You must usually be
• guess at power structures and subfactions within a
interacting with them or observing them from a close
group — identifying, say, a gang leader, or the most
distance, but sometimes you can spot liars on television,
influential person in a neighborhood
too. Unfortunately, nearly everyone lies, especially when
• spot cultural trends and influence.
facing possible trouble from the authorities. Sometimes
you can infer why they’re lying, but it’s hard to reliably
Architecture (Academic) discern motive or get at the facts they’re working to
You know how buildings are planned and constructed. obscure.
You can: Not all lies are verbal. You can tell when a person is
• guess what lies around the corner while exploring an attempting to project a false impression through body
unknown structure language.
• judge the relative strength of building materials Certain individuals may be so adept at lying that they
• identify a building’s age, architectural style, original never set off your bullshit detector. Some people believe
use, and history of modifications their own falsehoods. Psychopathic personality types
• construct stable makeshift structures lie reflexively and without shame, depriving you of the
• identify elements vital to a building’s structural telltale tics and gestures you use to sense when a person
integrity. is deceiving you.
In play, the most important use of Bullshit Detector
is to cut off unprofitable lines of investigation. The GM
Art History (Academic) will ensure that you can tell when a particular suspect has
You’re an expert on works of art from an aesthetic and given you everything you need to know, or that you can
technical point of view. You can: rely on a witness’ testimony in your investigation.
• distinguish real works from fakes With a Push of Bullshit Detector, you may be able to
• tell when something has been retouched or altered identify exactly what they’re lying about.
• identify the age of an object by style and materials
• call to mind historical details on artists and those
around them.
You also have connections in the art world: you know the
market, the dealers, and the fences.
Chemistry (Technical)
Why No Lying Ability? You’re trained in the analysis of chemical substances.
You can:
Unlike many other RPG rulesets, GUMSHOE • among a wide variety of other materials, identify
does not treat lying as an ability unto itself. drugs, pharmaceuticals, toxins, and viruses
Instead characters employ it as a tactic while • match samples of dirt or vegetation from a piece of
using any of the various interpersonal abilities. evidence to a scene
With Bureaucracy, you tell functionaries what • match paint flecks and other physical evidence
they want to hear. Using Interrogation, you • test for the presence of various substances.
convince suspects that you’re their kind of
guy, and so on. There’s a little bit of deception
in nearly every successful interpersonal
Community Relations
interaction — at least when you’re on the job (Interpersonal)
for the HCIU. You’re practiced at projecting an impression of
competence, trustworthiness and media-savvy heroism.
Middle-class, law-abiding civilians see you as a good,
Bureaucracy (Interpersonal) upstanding cop and are willing to help you with your
You know how to navigate a bureaucratic organization, inquiries. (Compare Streetwise, p. 27). You can:
whether it’s a governmental office or a large business • quickly and efficiently elicit information from
concern. You know how to get what you want from it in witnesses
an expeditious manner, and with a minimum of ruffled • inspire witnesses to come forward and volunteer what
feathers. You can: they saw
• convince officials to provide sensitive information • reassure people or disperse crowds of bystanders
• gain credentials on false pretenses • navigate newspaper or other media interviews without
• find the person who really knows what’s going on embarrassing yourself or the department.
• locate offices and files
• borrow equipment or supplies. Cop Talk (Interpersonal)
Bureaucracy is not a catch-all information gathering You know how to speak the lingo of police officers, and to
ability. Bureaucrats wish to convey the impression that make them feel confident and relaxed in your presence.
they are busy and harried, whether or not they actually You can:
are. Most take a profound, secret joy in directing inquiries • coolly ply cops for confidential information
elsewhere. When players attempt to use Bureaucracy to • get excused for minor infractions
gain information more easily accessible via other abilities • demonstrate you are a colleague
(such as Research), their contacts snidely advise them to • navigate both official regulations and unspoken
do their own damn legwork. A Push can get you more customs
assistance from staff. • pick up on gossip and intrigue within the department.
This ability also covers your own expertise in dealing
with paperwork and police administration. If you need to
fill out lots of forms, or pull strings to get something done Criminology (Academic)
within the system, use Bureaucracy. You’ve studied the history and sociology of crime,
especially international organized criminal syndicates;
Charm (Interpersonal) you’re a crime nerd. You’re familiar with obscure
criminal groups and techniques, famous cases and
You’re good at getting people to help you by
criminals, and you stay current with bulletins and reports
complimenting them, as subtly or blatantly as they prefer.
from international agencies like Interpol. You can:
You can get them to:
• identify international criminals and their connections,
• reveal information
known or suspected
• perform minor favors
• identify cases where a major criminal syndicate may
• regard you as trustworthy.
be involved
This ability also covers flirting with people who find you • liaise with federal and international enforcement
sexually attractive, and exploiting this attraction to get agencies.
them to reveal information.
You perform autopsies on deceased
subjects to determine their cause of
death. In the case of death by foul
play, your examination can identify:
• the nature of the weapon or
weapons used
• the presence of intoxicants or
other foreign substances in the
• the contents of the victim’s last
• the approximate time of death
• the crime scene, in the case of a
dumped body.
In many cases, you can reconstruct
the sequence of events leading to the
victim’s death from the arrangement
of wounds on the body.
You also perform DNA analysis
on samples found at crime scenes,
matching them to samples provided
by suspects.
Forensic Psychology
You apply psychological insight to
the solving of criminal cases. From
the details of a crime scene, you can, based on past case Impersonate (Interpersonal)
studies of similar offenses, assemble a profile detailing You’re good at posing as another person, whether briefly
the perpetrator’s likely personal history, age, habits and misrepresenting yourself during a phone call or spending
attitudes. long periods undercover in a fictional identity.
You can also glean useful information from simple Successfully disguising yourself as an actual person
observation of individuals, especially as they react to known to those you’re interacting with is extraordinarily
pressure. difficult, and requires a Push in each scene you maintain
the deception.
History (Academic)
You’re an expert in recorded human history, with an
emphasis on its political, military, and economic and
technological developments. You can:
• recognize obscure historical allusions
• identify artifacts by culture and usage
• distinguish real artifacts from fakes
• recall capsule biographies of famous historical figures
• tell where and when an object made during historical
times was fashioned
• identify the period of an article of dress or costume.
Photography (Technical)
You’re proficient in the use of cameras, including still and
video photography. You can:
• take useful visual records of crime scenes
• rapidly sort through hours of surveillance camera
footage to find a particular individual or vehicle, and
track the target across other camera feeds
• analyze and enhance blurred images
• spot manual retouching or digital manipulation in a
photographic or video image
• realistically retouch and manipulate images.
Unlisted Abilities
Athletics (Physical)
Players may propose abilities not listed Athletics allows you to perform General acts of physical
here. To get the cost benefit of Investigative derring-do, from running to jumping to dodging
abilities, they must persuasively argue for oncoming objects. Any physical action not covered
by another ability probably falls under the rubric of
the field’s direct application to investigations.
GMs should reject abilities that overlap
If your Athletics rating is 8 or more, your Hit
substantially with current ones. The most Threshold (the Target Number your opponents use when
likely sort of ability to pass muster is an attempting to hit you in combat) is 4. Otherwise, your
academic pursuit not included here. Hit Threshold is 3.
Preparedness (Presence) and accessories. If you have Shooting, you have a gun, and
so on. Preparedness does not intrude into their territory.
You expertly anticipate the needs of any mission by
It covers general-purpose investigative equipment, plus
packing a kit efficiently arranged with necessary gear.
oddball items that suddenly come in handy in the course
Assuming you have immediate access to your kit, you can
of the story.
produce whatever object the team needs to overcome an
The sorts of items you can produce at a moment’s
obstacle. You make a simple test (p. 84); if you succeed,
notice depend not on your rating or pool, but on narrative
you have the item you want. You needn’t do this in
credibility. If the GM determines that your possession of
advance of the adventure, but can dig into your kit bag
an item would seem ludicrous and/or out of genre, you
(provided you’re able to get to it) as the need arises.
don’t get to roll for it. You simply don’t have it. Any item
Items of obvious utility to a superpowered investigation
which elicits a laugh from the group when suggested is
do not require a test. These include but are not limited
probably out of bounds.
to: police credentials, handcuffs, note paper, writing
Inappropriate use of the Preparedness ability is like
implements, a laptop computer, a cellphone, a mini USB
pornography. Your GM will know it when they see it.
drive, various types of tape, common tools and hardware,
light weapons, flashlights of various sizes, chem lights,
batteries, magnifying glasses, a thermometer, and a no- Scuffling (Physical)
frills audio recording device. You can hold your own in a hand-to-hand fight, whether
Other abilities imply the possession of basic gear you wish to kill, knock out, restrain, or evade your
suitable to their core tasks. Characters with Medic have opponent. This includes unarmed combat and use of
their own first aid kits; Photographers come with cameras hand weapons like knives or clubs.
Shooting (Physical)
You are adept with firearms. As well as being able to
shoot accurately, you may have knowledge about models,
availability and maintenance.
The Interview
“You don’t remember anything?” Lomax sighed. God, was I ever that young? thought Lomax. The
The driver — Larry Sigmor, according to his ID — uniformed cop looked like a high school student.
scratched his head and stared blearily at the detective “It was the weirdest thing, sir. I was at the
across the interrogation room table. intersection of 17th and Lafayette, and the image of
“No… not a thing. I made a delivery at a restaurant that truck and its license plate just popped into my
on 17th street, and then… it’s just a blur.” mind. I could tell it was…” The young cop waved his
“Which restaurant?” hands vaguely — describing telepathic impressions in
“Fontanelli’s.” ordinary language was always tricky. “…dangerous,”
“Who did you talk to there? What time? Where he finished awkwardly. “Like it was poisonous, or
did you go then?” More shrugs and blank stares. radioactive.”
Lomax choked down the question he wanted to ask — Chu took a note. “Did you get any impression of
did you intend to kill Rick Clooter? It wasn’t time to show the tipster? Any emotional bleedthrough, any sense of
that card, not yet. a voice?”
“Let’s take a break,” said the detective. The cop shrugged. “Not really. Maybe a little
Outside, Chu waited for him. She held up a scared and guilty?”
printout. “Results of Sigmor’s EMAT. He was clearly “What time get you get the tip-off?”
under the effects of some mental influence, probably “2.37.”
Possession, which is consistent with his behavior. High “Was there anyone around?”
responsiveness to all keyword prompts, clear deviation “Lots of people.”
from baseline. The shrink says it’s a textbook case of Lomax groaned. “Anyone could have sent that
external mental influence. The memory loss is a little warning.”
hinky, though.” “Fucking teeps,” swore Chu. She dismissed the
Lomax leafed through the report. “He could be uniformed cop with a wave of her hand, and turned
faking it. Or it’s a stress thing.” to Lomax. “So, what do you think? Someone knew
She snorted derisively at that thought. “You saw Sigmor was possessed, and decided to beam in an
how totally out of it he was. He was still possessed anonymous tip? Or… I don’t know.” She drummed
when we pulled him out of the truck. Someone else her fingers on the table in anger. “Maybe we should
was running him.” have let that truck hit Clooter. At least he’d be off the
“Someone at the restaurant?” streets. I want to get that bastard, Lomax. I want it
“Maybe. It’s Fontanelli’s Steakhouse, right? bad.”
Possession’s strongly correlated with plasma “Chu.”
deficiency.” Chu glanced at the door of the She looked down. Four little separate wisps of
interrogation room. “He doesn’t know anything. He smoke rose from the cheap plywood of the cafeteria
was a puppet. With that strong an EMAT report, desk. Tiny bolts of electricity trailed from Chu’s
there’s no way he can be held responsible for his fingers as she lifted her hand.
actions.” “I’m fine. I’m fine. The medics checked me out.
Lomax paused. “The tip that got called in. Where I’m fine, OK.”
was that from?” “OK.” Lightning’s correlated with genetic risk for limbic
hypertrophy — heightened aggression, he thought, but out
loud he said: “Telepathy’s correlated with influence
detection… but let’s check Fontanelli’s first.”
This chapter provides a complete list of documented
enhanced powers. They are organized by category,
Here are all of the powers, listed in alphabetical order,
with Investigative abilities appearing first, followed by
categorized into Investigative, or General along with
General abilities. Finally we detail the GRFs to which
their category - Focus, Physical, or Presence. Grid
the enhanced are prone. The relationship between the
references show you where the power appears on the
powers is shown on the Quade Diagram (see p. 203).
Quade Diagram.
noise, zeroing in on a particular frequency, or maximizing Composure test (Difficulty 5): Empathy, Enter Dreams,
sound from a single source (such as a pair of people Observe Dreams, Possession, Psionic Blast, Read Minds,
conversing in the middle of a large crowd). You can even and Telepathy.
mentally replay a garbled noise, for example a misheard Upon awakening, subjects with any of these abilities
word or phrase, in order to make it out properly. Once may, on a Difficulty 4 Composure test, retroactively sense
you’ve identified a sound you can mentally compare it that their dreams were observed.
to another sound, to see if it derives from a similar or Legal ramifications: Observing an individual’s
identical source. dreams without a legal warrant is a felony punishable by
You can pick up most clues available to a user of a prison term of up to five years. HCIU officers must,
the Electronic Surveillance ability, though, for obvious working through prosecutors, demonstrate probable
reasons, you are unable to create recordings for later cause before obtaining a dream observation warrant.
study or use as evidence. Witnessed dreams are admissible in court but, as
unfiltered material from the subject’s unconscious mind,
Grid: B6 can be easily reinterpreted by any halfway competent
Connected: Insula Skew defense lawyer.
Correlated: Olfactory Center
Slang terms: eavesdrop, earwig, gondo Grid: F0
Connected: Enter Dreams, Empathy, Meta-Persona
Microvision Identity Disorder
Slang terms: sandmanning, nodding, dreampeeping
You can selectively alter your visual perceptions to
examine items at a high level of magnification, from
that of an ordinary light microscope (around 1500x) to Olfactory Center
that of an electron microscope (up to 50 million times). You can detect and process smells to a degree far
In tandem with certain technical Investigative abilities, superior to a normal human. By practicing comparative
microvision may allow you to perform complicated lab smell-testing, you have become adept at identifying and
studies instantaneously, right at the crime scene. It can distinguishing various smells.
be used to enhance or speed up the use of Ballistics, You can distinguish and recognize people by body
Chemistry, and Fingerprinting. odor. Like a sniffer dog, you can detect and identify
the smells of various chemical compounds including
Grid: D6 narcotics and explosives.
Connected: Night Vision
Slang terms: Scoping, sliding, m-peeping Grid: C6
Connected: Tracking
Observe Dreams Correlated: Hearing, Night Vision
Slang terms: Stinkread, sniffing, inhale-o-vision
When within direct visual perception range of a sleeping
individual undergoing REM sleep, you are able to enter a
trance state, close your eyes, and see the subject’s dreams. Plant Communication
You see what the subject is dreaming from their point of You can attune yourself to the electromagnetic, non-
view. You are unable to control the circumstances of the sentient consciousness of plants, gleaning information on
dream, or control the dreamer’s actions within it. (The the following and similar subjects.
mutant General power Enter Dreams allows you to do • Has the area been disturbed recently?
this under certain circumstances.) • Have any traumatic events happened here lately?
You may share the dreamer’s emotions, experiencing • Have there been any storms lately?
fear, sorrow, or sexual arousal. To shut down these feelings, • Is a storm coming?
make a Composure test (Difficulty 4). Emotionally raw • Is the soil moist?
subjects, with Composure pools of 3 or less, add 2 to your • Is the soil well fertilized?
Difficulty. • What is eating the plants here, and to what extent?
The dreamer remains unaware of your intrusion, • For flowering or fruiting plants, when was the last
unless they become lucid during the dream. Individuals time you were harvested?
whose dreams are being observed, and who possess You are not literally talking to the plants, but sensing the
any of the following abilities, may become lucid on a answers based on their general health and the state of
their electromagnetic auras.
Grid: B5
Connected: Phase, Reduce Temperature
Slang terms: feely, the rubs, Braille-o-vision
You can’t convincingly mimic the exact form of a Blade Immunity (Physical)
known person; to do that requires the connected ability
When struck with any cutting or stabbing weapon,
including the natural weapons of animals and your fellow
When you alter your form to a member of the opposite
mutants, your skin cells arrange themselves to deflect the
sex, you acquire the outward characteristics, but not the
blade of your enemy’s weapon. After you are struck with
internal organs to match.
such a blow, you may spend 1 Blade Immunity point to
Your new form must fall within the range of human
reduce the damage dealt to 0.
possibilities: you can’t give yourself a wolf head, grow
wings, or replicate the anatomical changes brought on Grid: B1
by other mutant powers. Connected: Armor, Scleroderma, Quills, Wall Crawling
Correlated: Secrete Acid
Grid: E5
Slang terms: turnaway, knifeslip, schmenkel
Connected: Impersonate
Slang terms: blobbing, morphing, switch-out,
zeligging Blood Spray (Physical)
You can perform a ranged attack in which you send a
Armor (Physical) high-pressure spray of your own blood gushing from your
mouth. You hit your target on a successful Blood Spray
At will, you can cause your skin to harden to the
test. If you hit, the opponent must make an Athletics test,
consistency of a rhino’s hide. Like anyone’s, your skin
the Difficulty of which equals 4 plus any Blood Spray
cells contain a fibrous structural protein called keratin.
points you spent on the attack. If they fail the test, they
This power causes your keratin to swell and harden on
are knocked over and must, in lieu of their next attack,
make an Athletics test (against the same Difficulty) in
Even more so than a real rhino’s hide, armor protects
order to regain their footing. If they fail, they continue to
you against kinetic impact, including bullets, blunt force,
slip on the blood, losing further attacks until they finally
unarmed blows in hand to hand combat, as well as
injuries sustained when you fall or get crushed. For every
A blood spray attack inspires instinctive revulsion.
3 Armor points spent when activating your power, you
Anyone within direct visual range must make a
reduce any instance of damage from any of those sources
Composure test or suffer the urge to flee. Victims with
by 1 damage point.
the Olfactory Center power add your Blood Spray pool
It takes about a minute to activate your armor, and
to the Difficulty of this test.
about ten to relax your keratin back to its normal state.
Characters who do not flee suffer ill effects while
The armor is extremely itchy; after you’ve had it activated
they remain able to see and smell your blood: their Hit
for about ten minutes, the discomfort and distraction
Threshold decreases by 1, and the Hit Threshold of
you suffer increases the Difficulty of all General ability
anyone they’re attempting to attack effectively increases
tests by 1. The itch recedes five minutes after you’ve
by 1.
deactivated your armor.
In addition to any Blood Spray points you spend, each
Grid: B2 use of this power costs you 3 Health points. Health points
Connected: Blade Immunity lost to Blood Spray use can be refreshed with a large
Slang terms: rhino, hairy, kevin meal of red meat, washed down with large quantities of
orange juice or a similarly sugary drink, followed by an
hour’s nap.
Clever mutants will also find non-combat uses for
this outré power: for example, to cover the lenses of
inconvenient security cameras.
Cognition (Focus)
Your brain exhibits the raw calculating power of an Animal Command Powers
advanced supercomputer. You are able to perform
complex mathematical calculations off the top of All animal command abilities (Command Amphibians
your head. You may spend 3 Cognition points to and Reptiles, Command Fish, Command Insects, and
rapidly accomplish any task involving calculations Command Mammals) work as follows.
and correlating reams of information — in effect, Test your Command [Animal Type] against a
you can use it to Push abilities like Research or Difficulty set by the GM. The Difficulty increases
Traffic Analysis to get the job done faster. as the gulf between the desired action and the
This General ability allows you to identify
creature’s normal range of behavior widens. If the
moments when players, including yourself, arrive
task is an ongoing one, the GM increases the Difficulty
at an essentially correct interpretation of facts
gathered using your Investigative abilities. You accordingly. Animals with more complicated behavior
may at any time spend 3 Cognition points to test patterns can perform longer-term tasks.
the validity of a theory of the case at hand. The In all cases, the power operates by establishing
GM responds by telling you whether the theory is a psychic connection with the creature’s brain
hot, warm, cold, or freezing. As per the traditional structures or nervous systems. The communication
kid’s game of hotter-colder, hot means that you’re is one-way only, from you to the creatures. They
correct, or very close to it, and cold means that cannot convey information to you. Animal command
you’re far from the mark. does not render them intelligent. It is possible that
The GM may also simply respond that you
your character anthropomorphizes them, attributing
haven’t got enough information to come up with a
rationally grounded theory. To qualify for analysis to them personality and volition they don’t in fact
by the Cognition power, the reconstruction of an possess.
event must be reasonably complete. Generally Animals exhibiting strong paternal or maternal
speaking, it must name a suspect, describe the instincts can be prompted to undergo long periods
method by which the crime was committed, of hunger or sacrifice their own lives to protect
and stipulate a motive. It must also account for something. In effect, you are hijacking these instincts
any puzzling anomalies surrounding the event to your own ends. Creatures lacking these instincts
you’re investigating. Cognition doesn’t help you behave in a more self-protective manner. They’ll
to identify lucky guesses or tell you, without
follow commands until they become hungry, and will
evidence, whether a particular likely-seeming
then resume their standard search for food.
suspect is indeed the perpetrator.
Sometimes a player will lay out a correct The range of your power is 10m per point in
theory of the case and then immediately discard your Command [Animal Type] pool. The subject
or forget it. After some time has passed, if the creature(s) must be within this range when you first
group continues to head off in a less productive establish the link and issue the command. After that,
direction, the GM may tell you that someone at the distance between you and the creatures is no
some point already hit on the correct theory. They longer relevant: you can leave the area, or command
do not specify when this happened, who said it, or the animals to do so.
what the theory was. This use of Cognition costs If a creature has already been commanded by
no points.
another mutant wielding the same power, you
Grid: E3 can cancel the previous set of commands with a
Connected: Telepathy, Technopathy, Precision successful use of the power. Ending an existing
Memory command always carries a flat Difficulty of 4. You
Correlated: Lightning Decisions must do the same to cancel an ongoing behavior
Visual cues: Individuals possess slightly to you’ve ordered yourself. To avoid having to do so,
dramatically convex foreheads, accommodating build an endpoint into your first command, so that
their enlarged frontal lobes.
the creatures go back to their normal behavior after
Slang terms: bumhead, calc, lobey
a specified condition is fulfilled.
Grid: C6
Connected: Environmental Awareness
Slang terms: furring, Rover, zigroy
Blast Powers
Concussion Beam (Focus) conditions like chronic obesity. Certain toxins are cured
by Cure Disease; others, by Healing.
This blast power emits a beam of pure kinetic energy,
The difficulty of your attempt is also the number of
which hits your opponents with blunt force trauma,
hours before you can use the ability again.
visible as a rippling distortion in the air. You can also
use concussion beams to shove objects around or smash Grid: E1
through barriers. It’s impossible to use this power gently; Connected: Forced Genetic Drift, Spread Pathogen
even if you try to “pull your blow”, it’s still a strong shove Slang terms: quinner, faithing, bac-smack
or punch.
Decide during character generation whether the
beam is emitted from your hands or eyes. Deplete Oxygen (Presence)
Unlike most other blast powers, Concussion Beam is Some people are said to suck the air out of a room. You
not countered by High Energy Dispersal, but instead by are literally capable of this. You can deplete the oxygen
Kinetic Energy Dispersal. from any area, centered on any point within range. The
approximate size of the area you can deplete determines
Grid: D3 the Difficulty of your test, as follows.
Connected: Kinetic Energy Dispersal
Slang terms: the slam, invisipunch, two-by-four
Enclosed Space Difficulty
Coffin 4
Cure Disease (Presence)
Compact car 5
By touching an ailing subject, you can cure any disease
caused by infection or bodily degeneration. It cures Family car 6
mental disorders rooted in physical disorders of the SUV or van 7
brain, but not personality disorders, like sociopathy.
Small room 8
The Game Moderator chooses the Difficulty of your
Cure Disease test according to the severity of the illness, Large room 9
with the following table as a guideline. Airplane 11
Cathedral 13
Illness Difficulty
Entire skyscraper 15
Common cold 2
Influenza, mumps, chicken pox 3 If you’re outdoors, oxygen will diffuse in from the
surrounding air, countering the effect. In an enclosed and
Stinger venom (see p. 121) 4
relatively airtight space, people and creatures experience
Pneumonia 4 near-immediate breathing trouble. Those in the area of
Cancer, early stage 5 effect lose 1 point from each of their General abilities
(except Preparedness) per minute. These are refreshed
Diabetes 5
after spending as many minutes breathing normally as
Alzheimer’s 6 they have spent in a state of oxygen deprivation.
Cancer, advanced 6 Victims in a fully airtight space suffer hypoxia. After
8 minutes, they must make Difficulty 8 Health tests, or
Ebola 6
suffer immediate and fatal heart attacks. Survivors must
Cancer, inoperable 8 make additional Health tests every minute thereafter,
with the Difficulty increasing by 2 each time.
GRFs arising from mutant powers can’t be cured Deplete Oxygen confers no immunity to oxygen
outright, but you can spend Cure Disease points to deprivation, so if you’re in the affected area, you suffer
assist in a patient’s recovery. You can’t heal congenital along with everyone else.
GRFs; nor does this ability heal wounds, or reverse This power immediately quenches all fires within
damage already visited on a patient by the effects of its area of effect, whether enclosed or not. Neither Fire
illness, such as cardiac arrest or stroke. It can’t change a Projection or Spontaneous Combustion powers can be
patient’s body morphology, and so can’t be used to cure used within an affected area in an enclosed or airtight
Grid: E1
Connected: Addictive Personality, Pain Immunity
Slang terms: benny, the benediction, Colonel Zodd,
Entangling Hair (Physical) While in the dream, you may interact with the
subject’s dream persona. You may take control of their
Your hair is long, luxurious, and prehensile. You can
dream environment, shaping it to your will, introducing
use it to reach out and immobilize a single foe within
new characters, changing the setting, or altering the
range. Use it in lieu of an attack, testing Entangling Hair
fundamentals of its illusion of reality.
against your opponent’s Hit Threshold. If successful,
If the changes you make to the dream seem too strange
you have entangled your target, who is then unable to
or diverge too sharply from the subject’s usual dreams,
launch attacks or take other actions. Instead, they must
they may achieve a state of lucidity. The subject’s persona
(assuming they don’t just give in) struggle to get free from
realizes that they are dreaming, and gains an ability to
your hair’s constricting grip. This requires an Athletics
manipulate the dream environment equal to your own. If
test, with your Entangling Hair pool as the Difficulty.
they try to alter your dream persona, they automatically
When you have a target entangled, you must devote all
fail — and identify you as an intruder. A lucid dreamer
of your attention and energy to maintaining your grip
will always remember what happened in a dream.
and can’t take any but the most trivial of physical actions.
If the changes you make to the dream render it too
This power’s range is nonstandard, at 1m per rating
terrifying, the dreamer will immediately awaken, in
a state of extreme agitation. They will remember the
Grid: A1 dream, but, unless they were lucid, will not automatically
Connected: Scleroderma know you were responsible for it. (This does not prevent
Slang terms: hopper, folf, leashing them from figuring it out later, especially if they are
aware of you and your ability.)
Enter Dreams (Focus) Legal ramifications: As per Observe Dreams, p. 38.
By putting yourself in a trance state, you are able to Grid: F0
enter the dreams of a sleeping person currently engaged Connected: Meta-Persona Identity Disorder
in REM sleep. To do so, you must succeed at an Enter Slang terms: fuselation, sandscooping, remixing
Dreams test, against a difficulty determined by the
distance between you and the subject. Fangs (Physical)
Your upper canine teeth are two to three inches long,
Distance Difficulty sharp, and hollow. They can be used as weapons in
Scuffling tests, with a +0 damage modifier. You can spend
Touch 4
points from your Fangs pool in addition to Scuffling
Unaided visual range 5 points, but only if you’re attacking with the intent to
Within 500m 6 injure (in other words, you can’t use Fangs if you’re trying
to restrain, wrestle or knock a foe unconscious).
Within 2km 7
If you also have the Venom (Bite) power, you can use
Within 200km 8 this bite to deliver venom.
Within 2000km 9 If you also have the Plasma Deficiency GRF, you
can use a bite from your fangs to extract plasma from a
Anywhere on planet 10
A successful fang strike counts as touching the victim,
Where subjects possess any of the following mutant
a requirement for use of the Absorption power, and using
abilities, add their current pool in the relevant ability to
Fangs reduces the Difficulty of Absorption (p. 41).
your difficulty: Threat Calculus, Enter Dreams, Observe
You do not need to succeed at a Scuffling test to bite a
Dreams, Possession, Read Minds, or Telepathy. If they
willing or possessed subject.
have more than one of these abilities, add the highest
You can spend 1 Fangs point to retract your fangs, so
pool only.
that they appear like normal teeth. It costs 1 Fangs point
You may remain within the subject’s dream for one
to extend them again.
minute. After that, you must spend 1 Enter Dreams point
per minute to remain in the dream. Note that, contrary Grid: D1
to popular conception, dreams do not occur in a hyper- Connected: Absorption, Plasma Deficiency
accelerated timescale; rather, they use film-like editing Correlated: Disease Immunity, Venom (Bite)
techniques to jump around from one scene to the next, Slang terms: stickers, pokers, vamps
giving the impression of a compressed chronology.
Force Field (Focus) spend 2, the movement rates of all characters within the
area are halved. If you spend 4, anyone within the area
You can will into existence an invisible wall or bubble at
must make an Athletics test with a Difficulty equal to your
any point within range. If you create a wall, the difficulty
Gravity Control rating to move at all. In combat, this
of the Force Field test to create it is 1 per square meter.
attempt takes all of the character’s energy and attention,
The wall must conform to a straight line. The difficulty
forfeiting their chance to make an attack during the
to create a bubble is 12 per meter of radius.
current round. The gravity field remains in force for
When you first create a Force Field, multiply your
a number of rounds equal to your rating, or until you
pool value (after taking into account the loss of any
choose to drop it.
points you spent on the original test) by 4. This is the
You can also decrease the pull of gravity on a
amount of damage your force field can sustain before
particular object, causing it to rise into the air and float
vanishing - any excess damage rolls over to you. Through
uncontrollably upwards like a balloon, where it remains
great mental concentration, you can fortify your existing
for a number of rounds equal to your Gravity Control
force field by spending Composure points. The damage
rating. It then drifts gently downwards for an equal
it can sustain before collapsing increases by 2 for every
number of minutes, like a depleted helium balloon,
Composure point spent.
coming to a harmless landing on the nearest horizontal
Once created, the force field remains stationary.
surface. While suspended in the air, the object’s
Though impervious to liquids and solids, gases pass
weightless state may cause it to be buffeted by winds, so
through the force field unimpeded. It cannot be used to
that it eventually lands far from its point of origin. Even
protect you from airborne toxins, or to suffocate those
a gentle breeze can move it a considerable distance. The
trapped inside it.
cost of levitating an object varies depending on its mass.
Force fields protect against lightning and disintegration
blasts, but provide no shelter from light blasts. Feat Cost
Grid: F5 Lift 100kg (manhole cover,
Connected: Sensory Overload average grown man)
Slang terms: stayaway, the gate, boundary issues Lift 150kg (linebacker) 2
You can breathe underwater, thanks to a set of gills which Lift 300 kg (motorcycle) 4
open up at the sides of your neck. By spending 2 Gills
Lift 400kg (street light, kiosk) 5
points, you can cause them to seal up, so that you look
normal to all but the closest medical examination. To Lift 500kg (telephone pole) 6
reactivate your gills, spend another 2 points. Lift 600kg (sailboat) 8
Polluted waters may lack sufficient oxygen to breathe;
Lift 800kg (dumpster) 10
make a Gills test against a Difficulty of 4 to remain
normally active in any oxygen-depleted body of water. Lift 1000kg (car) 15
Grid: A4
Connected: Swimming People and animals can easily (that is, without having to
Correlated: Sonar, Toxin Immunity (Inhaled) make a roll) slip out of the anti-gravity bubble created
Slang terms: scalo, the pinks, wetnap by this effect before they get more than a few inches off
the ground. It works only on living creatures who are
unwilling or unable to resist it.
Gravity Control (Focus)
Grid: E4
You can increase the pull of gravity in a chosen area.
Connected: High Energy Dispersal
The area is centered on any point within range, with
Slang terms: crushing, helium, planetary
a diameter of your choice, up to your current Gravity
Control pool in meters. You may spend either 2 or
4 Gravity Control points to activate the power. If you
Healing (Presence) You can melt 1kg of the substance for each minute of
effort you devote to the task. To keep your heat blast
You can cure wounds and injuries (though not diseases or
going for an extended period, spend 1 Heat Blast point
genetic GRFs) with a touch of your hands — skin contact
for each minute after the first.
required. Each Healing point spent restores one Health
Heat Blast can cancel an Ice Blast before it reaches
point to any living subject. Recipients’ final Health pools
its target. The character generating the blast calculates
may not exceed their Health ratings.
what the damage will be if it hits; you test Heat Blast
By making a Healing test, you can revive the recently
against it, using the potential damage as the Difficulty. If
dead. The Difficulty depends on the time that has elapsed
you succeed, the ice attack has no effect.
since the patient died.
Grid: B5
Time Since Death Difficulty Connected: Flight
0–5 minutes 6 Slang terms: the ripple, toaster, convection
6–15 minutes 8
16–59 minutes 10
High Energy Dispersal (Presence)
With a quick shake of your head, you can disperse all
1–2 hours 12
energy generated by nearly any blast power within range.
3–6 hours 16 By spending 2 High Energy Dispersal points in
response to the use of a blast power by a nearby mutant,
No revivals are possible after six hours. you can prevent most blast powers from doing any damage
You may cure your own wounds, although if you also to any target; human, animal, or inanimate. The beam is
have Regeneration, you will find that a more economical dispersed after it is generated but before it hits its target.
method of repairing damage to your own body. Any points expended by the blast power’s wielder on its
Certain toxins are cured by Healing; others, by Cure damage modifier remain spent. High Energy Dispersal
Disease. does not counter Concussion Beam or Ice Blast.
The power has no visible effect but is accompanied
Grid: B3 by a low swishing noise, like the air being let out of a tire.
Connected: Messiah Complex You have to be in range to use this ability (see Blast
Correlated: Transmutation Powers sidebar, p. 45).
Slang terms: handsing, waveaway, fixiting
Grid: E4
Connected: Gravity Control, Lightning, Reflexes
Heat Blast (Focus) Correlated: Kinetic Energy Dispersal
You can radiate a narrow blast (see sidebar, p. 45) of Slang terms: nuh-uh, tude, NYD
intense scorching heat.
In addition to damaging your opponents in combat, Ice Blast (Physical)
you can use your heat blast to melt objects. The difficulty
depends on the type of substance — see table for You can create a stream of hard ice pellets and send them
examples. hurtling at an opponent, causing damage. This is a blast
power; see sidebar, p. 45.
Ice Blast can be countered by Kinetic Energy
Substance Difficulty
Dispersal or Heat Blast.
Wax 1 Conversely, Ice Blast can cancel a Heat Blast before
Plastic 3 it reaches its target. The character generating the Heat
Blast calculates what the damage will be if it hits; you
Tin 4 test Ice Blast against it, using the potential damage as the
Silver 5 Difficulty. If you succeed, the heat attack has no effect.
Gold 6
You can also use an ice blast to coat objects in ice,
freeze bodies of water and so on, but remember, you’re
Especially bold impersonators have been known The effect lasts for 3 rounds of combat. To extend
to, after performing extensive research, move in with it past then, spend 1 Induce Aggression point for each
their victims’ families, taking over their lives like additional round.
cuckoos commandeering a nest full of hatchlings. The Legal ramifications: Acting under the influence of
extended absences of their subjects are often secured Induce Aggression has been accepted as an affirmative
through murder. In at least one notorious case, the legal defense against assault and murder charges. The
wife of a wealthy victim in such a scheme stood by the vagaries of the justice system being what they are,
impersonator at trial, proclaiming him infinitely more defendants in several high-profile cases have nonetheless
loving and attentive than the original. been convicted, despite evidence that they were targeted
Legal ramifications: Gaining advantage by posing by it.
as another person constitutes fraud, and may also be
punishable under identity theft statutes. Law enforcement Grid: C0
operatives using Impersonate to go undercover in Connected: Induce Fear
the pursuit of their official duties are granted waivers Correlated: Induce Mental Disorder
shielding them from prosecution on either count. Slang terms: matador, the pike, the angries
Checks to identify impersonators (typically blood
tests) are part of various high-security protocols. Induce Fear (Presence)
Grid: E5 You can send a signal deep into a subject’s limbic system,
Connected: Alter Form prompting them to immediately flee the scene in terror.
Slang terms: cowbell, Limewire, catwalk To use this power, make an Induce Fear test. If
successful, the subject may make a Composure test, with
the result of your test as the Difficulty. If they succeed,
Induce Aggression (Presence) the power has no effect. If they fail, they must exit the
You can send a psychic signal directly into a subject’s area at maximum speed using the best means at their
limbic system, prompting them to launch an immediate disposal. They continue to flee for at least ten minutes.
attack against the person on the scene they consider to be When they first begin their flight, you can increase that
most threatening to them. If they consider more than one time by spending 1 Induce Fear point for each additional
person equally threatening, they attack the one closest at five minute interval.
hand. Although the power itself grants you no influence Even after the subject stops running, they feel a
over your victim’s choice of target, you can always try to powerful aversion to the spot where you terrified them.
manage the situation in other ways to achieve the desired They must make a Difficulty 4 Composure test to return
result. there. After having done so, they still feel a nagging
To use this power, make an Induce Aggression test unease at that location, which dissipates over weeks,
against the standard Difficulty of 4. If successful, the months, or years, depending on how often they have
subject may make a Composure test, with the result of occasion to return to that spot. If you scare them out of
your test as the Difficulty. If they succeed, the power their own home, for example, they readjust much more
has no effect. In rare cases where the victim doesn’t quickly than if you terrorized them from a location they
feel remotely threatened by anyone around them, the rarely visit.
GM may grant a bonus to their Composure test. It is Induce Fear mirrors the visual manifestations of
frighteningly easy to use this power to turn people against Induce Aggression (above) but with bright yellow eyes.
their loved ones and family members. Underneath the
strongest and most sincere bonds of affection lurk deeply Grid: C0
buried fears and resentments, which this ability ruthlessly Connected: Induce Aggression, Cortisol Elevation
exploits. Slang terms: limbo, the terrors, number nineteen
Reduce the Difficulty for targets with appropriate
Stress Penalties.
When you Induce Aggression, your eyes briefly but
obviously glaze over, as if covered with opaque red
contact lenses. The subject, if affected, then displays the
same red-eyed appearance for the effect’s duration.
are propelled by kinetic energy. Dr. Lucius Quade has You can’t blot out the sun, or other massive or distant
argued that the fault lies within the mutant’s imposition light sources, but can dampen their rays within a sphere
of a false mental framework on their own abilities, but centered on any point within range. The sphere has a
has so far been unable to prove his hypothesis. diameter of 1m per Light Control point in your pool.
Grid: D4 Grid: D5
Connected: Limb Extension, Concussion Beam Connected: Invisibility, Light Blast, X-Ray Vision
Correlated: High Energy Dispersal, Light Blast Slang terms: switch, panel, dimmer
Slang terms: jiu-jambo, bulletproof, trix
Lightning (Focus)
Light Blast (Focus) This is a blast power; see sidebar, p. 45.
You can project a beam of blinding white light from your Lightning, which follows a jagged line to find its
hands. This is a blast power; see sidebar, p. 45. target, is erratic and hard to dodge. When making a
Light Blast is slightly less damaging than other blast Lightning attack, you may choose to roll two dice and
powers; you begin with a base damage modifier of –1, take whichever one you prefer when rolling to hit.
instead of the usual 0. However, if both rolls miss, then your blast hits some
Victims of a Light Blast must make Difficulty 4 Health innocent bystander or another player character.
tests after each hit. Those who fail suffer momentary,
partial blindness, causing a +3 increase to the Difficulties Grid: E4
of any tasks requiring clear vision, as per the GM’s Connected: High Energy Dispersal
discretion. This condition lasts until the end of the next Slang terms: jaggy, zap, golfhater
round. Successive light blasts don’t increase the penalty,
but do make it last longer. Lightning Decisions (Focus)
Light blasts are always non-lethal.
When determining whether you are an aggressor or
Grid: D4 defender in any contest, you may spend 2 Lightning
Connected: Light Control Decisions points to be considered the aggressor, regardless
Correlated: Kinetic Energy Dispersal of your pool number in the relevant ability compared to
Slang terms: lumo, whiteout, spotty the other contestant.
If the other contestant also has Lightning Decisions,
the character willing and able to spend the higher number
Light Control (Focus) of Lightning Decisions points is declared the aggressor.
You can increase or decrease the light output of any or all If you are both willing to spend the same number
light sources within range. Make a Light Control test; the of Lightning Decisions points, your pools in the ability
Difficulty equals 2, plus the number of steps of change up both drop by that amount, and the normal method of
or down on the following list. determining aggressor and defender is then used.
• No light emitted You can also spend Lightning Decisions points on the
• Candle first test you make in any chase or combat. So, if the first
• Incandescent (less than 100W) or glass halogen thing you do is draw a gun and shoot, you can spend
• Incandescent (100W) or quartz halogen Lightning Decisions on Shooting; if the first thing you do
• Fluorescent, LED is take cover, you can use it on Athletics.
• Arc lamp
• Sodium lamp Grid: E3
• Sunlight Connected: Threat Calculus, Limbic Hypertrophy
Correlated: Cognition
To plunge an area illuminated by glass halogen lights into Slang terms: yepster, jumper, tinsky
darkness would incur a Difficulty of 4: the base of 2, plus
2 for the two steps down from “glass halogen” to “no
light emitted.”
Limb Extension (Physical) threshold, you spoil the original attack but fail to harm
the new target.
You can extend your arms or legs far beyond their normal
Mutants with this power are sometimes hired as
length. Your bones and musculature enter a semi-liquid
bodyguards by tabloid celebrities. They use their
state for the duration of the effect.
Magnetism to wipe memory cards used by paparazzi.
Spending 1 Limb Extension point gains you up to an
This has resulted in several lawsuits.
additional meter of length on one limb. You may extend
a single limb by more than one meter, and/or extend Grid: E6
multiple limbs at once. Extension becomes tiring after Connected: Earth Control
ten minutes, after which you must make a Health test Slang terms: uby, filer, fridge
(Difficulty 4) or be forced to retract the limb or limbs in
question. If successful, you must test again after each ten
minute interval, with the Difficulty increasing by 1 each Memory Alteration (Focus)
time. Retracting costs you nothing. You can send a scrambling electronic pulse into a subject’s
brain, interfering with their centers of memory storage.
Grid: C4 You can erase memories from a given period, possibly
Connected: Skeletal Mineralization, Kinetic Energy masking the period of amnesia with false memories of
Dispersal your choice.
Correlated: Strength To simply erase an individual’s memory of a given
Slang terms: stretch, bandman, armstrong block of time, make a Memory Alteration test against
a Difficulty determined by the interval you want to
Magnetism (Focus) obliterate.
You manipulate magnetic waves, allowing you to perform To implant a false memory, multiply the Difficulties
the following stunts. given above by 1.5, rounding up to the nearest whole
Demagnetize: By spending 1 Magnetism point, you number. The memory is only as detailed as the player’s
can create eddy currents in any single electronic device verbal description of it, so it’s much easier to implant a
within X meters of your fingertips, where X is your believable memory that covers a short interval than one
current Magnetism pool before taking the required spanning a longer period.
expenditure into account, disrupting it and erasing any To use this ability, you must touch the victim’s
stored information. cranium with your bare hands. If they know you’ve done
Magnetize: By spending 1 Magnetism point per kg of this, they’ll seek out means to recover their memory (see
a metal item’s weight, you can charge it with magnetic below), so you’ll either want to include the alteration
energy, causing it to adhere powerfully to the nearest in your selected interval, or ensure that they are under
larger metal object. The force is sufficient to send sedation or otherwise unable to accurately perceive your
the object hurtling dangerously through the air to its actions.
destination. When you tamper with someone’s memory, you can
Redirect Bullets: When another character fires a gun spend any number of additional Memory Alteration
within your range, you may pay 2 Magnetism points to points; these are added to the Difficulty of any Composure
choose a new target for the bullets. The target must also tests the victim may later make to recover their stolen
be within range. Wait to announce you’re using this stunt recollections.
until after the shooter has fired the gun, making their The memory alteration is of indefinite duration.
test and deciding how many Shooting points to add to it. Whenever the subject might have reason to regain
You must then make a Magnetism test, at least matching their memory, they may make a Composure test (base
the shooter’s result; otherwise, you fail to snag the bullets Difficulty 4). Reasons to make this test might include
with your magnetic field and they continue on to their hypnotic regression therapy, or traumatic events evoking
original target. If you succeed and if your Magnetism the suppressed incident. If your victim succeeds, they
test exceeds the new target’s Hit Threshold, they hit your remember the truth, and reject their false memories.
target. The bullets lose kinetic energy when magnetically Although of little to no use in ethically performed
redirected, delivering 2 damage points less than they police work, Memory Alteration is a power in great
otherwise would. If your Magnetism result is enough economic demand. Mutants with this power set up
to snag the bullets but does not match the new target’s private practices, erasing patients’ unwanted memories.
They enforce corporations’ draconian non-disclosure
Interval Difficulty
Night Vision (Physical)
You can switch your visual senses to see plainly at night
0–5 min 4
or in complete darkness. You perceive the world in the
6–10 min 5 green hues of a night vision scope. Unlike technological
11 min–1 hour 6 night vision equipment, you can even see in places where
no radiation is present, a fact anamorphological science
1–3 hours 7 has yet to convincingly explain. Spend 1 Night Vision
1 day 8 point for every ten minute interval of active power use.
1 week 11
At night, you can spend Night Vision points on
Surveillance and Sense Trouble tests; any Night Vision
1 month 14 spends are doubled so spending 1 point gives a +2 bonus
1 year 17 to your result.
3 years 20 Grid: D6
10 years 23 Connected: Microvision, Watcher Syndrome
Correlated: Olfactory Center, Spatial Awareness
Erase all memories 26
Slang terms: N-peeper, greenscope, blairbing
in to torture or ceasing an activity that’s causing you depending on the location of the attack. You are reduced
injury to –8 Health. If you recover, you lose one third of your
• any Difficulty modifiers you incur due to distraction Health rating, and no longer have the hand or foot. For
from pain or injury. obvious reasons, this is an ill-advised move in all but the
If Hurt, you may spend 2 Pain Immunity points to ignore most desperate circumstances. Having Regeneration
the penalties of that condition for the rest of the scene, is no help here, as the lack of an extremity to reattach
including the need to make Consciousness tests. prevents you from fully restoring yourself.
If Seriously Wounded, you may spend 4 Pain You can phase up to about a kilogram of clothing
Immunity points to ignore the penalties of that condition. and small personal effects with you. You cannot solidify
If reduced to -12 Health, you may spend 2 Pain clothing or other objects while inside another person (or
Immunity points to keep acting for one round. You living organism).
can keep doing this, but once you stop spending Pain Legal Ramifications: Phase is an Article 18 power;
Immunity, you perish. see p. 123.
Grid: E1 Grid: B2
Connected: Endorphin Control (Self) Connected: Dissociation, Touch
Correlated: Disease Immunity Slang terms: ghosting, slipout, tweening
Slang terms: macho, wireless, nullgrunt
Plant Control (Presence)
Phase (Physical) You can invest all plants within a discrete area with rapid
You can render yourself insubstantial, walking through growth and mobility, allowing them to immobilize one
walls and other solid barriers. Spend 3 Phase points or more targets. Choose any point within range as the
to pass through any single obstruction. Barriers of 0.5 center of the effect; it works on all vegetation within a
meters or more may, at the GM’s discretion, cost an circular area with a diameter of 1m per point in your
additional 3 points for each half a meter of thickness. Plant Control pool (before any points are spent to increase
You may also render yourself immune to most weapons your test result or the number of targets). Designate
by becoming insubstantial; this reduces the damage the number of targets you want to restrain, paying an
suffered from any attack to 0 and costs you 3 Phase points additional 1 Plant Control point for each after the first.
per attack. You do this after your attacker has made a If your result equals or exceeds a target’s Hit
successful attack test, but before they announce the result Threshold, they are immobilized. Assuming they resist,
of their damage roll. (You do not lose your opportunity they must spend their next action attempting to get free
to phase if the GM or opposing player forgets that you from the entangling vegetation. This requires a test of
have the power and goes straight to the announcement Athletics, Strength, or any blast power against a Difficulty
of damage.) of 4. Each additional Plant Control point you spend adds
A suspect takes a swing at you in the interrogation 1 to the difficulty for all entangled opponents.
room, using his Scuffling ability. He spends 2 Scuffling Obviously, this power is useless in areas without
on the test and rolls a 2, for a test result of 4, enough to significant plant life, like many streets in highly urbanized
get past your Hit Threshold. “Are you going to phase?” areas.
asks your GM. You decide to do so, spending 3 Phase Grid: E0
points. The GM does not bother to roll damage, so you Connected: Plant Communication
never know how hard a blow you just spent your points Slang terms: thumbing, gardening, mad salad
Phasing offers you no protection against blast powers,
except for Concussion Beam and Ice Blast. Possession (Presence)
You can solidify a hand or other extremity while still You can override the consciousness of a chosen victim,
inside another person (or other living organism), but controlling their motor impulses and impelling them
as well as destroying all of your opponent’s tissue with to perform one or more actions. The subject must be
which you overlap, it destroys your extremity. You must within 1m of you, and you must be able to make direct
succeed at a Scuffling test to move your fist or foot into eye contact with them. Make a Possession test (Difficulty
a critical organ, like the brain, heart, or liver. You then 4). The victim must be able to see your eyes, it doesn’t
automatically reduce the opponent to –11 or –12 Health, matter if you can see theirs. Mirrorshades and similar
Grid: C3
Radiation Immunity (Physical) Connected: Radiation Immunity, Self-Detonation
Whenever you suffer damage from Radiation Projection, Correlated: Transmutation
or any other radiation source, you may pay 1 Radiation Slang terms: millirad, Chernobyl, three-mile
Immunity point to reduce the damage to 0.
If you also possess the Radiation Projection power, Reduce Temperature (Presence)
you are automatically immune to the damage inflicted
You can reduce temperatures in a spherical area centered
by your own power, and needn’t pay points to reduce it
on any point within range. The diameter of the sphere
to 0. You must still pay when targeted by other mutants’
is 1m for each point in your Reduce Temperature pool.
Radiation Projection.
To activate the power, make a Reduce Temperature test.
Grid: C2 The Difficulty equals 3, plus 1 for every 5°C you want
Connected: Radiation Projection, Toxin Immunity the temperature to drop.
Grid: A2
Slang terms: shroomer, clicky, Homer
Connected: Ice Blast, Touch
Slang terms: popsicle, freezer, chiller
Radiation Projection (Physical)
You can bombard targets with highly concentrated Reflexes (Focus)
radiation. This is a blast power; see sidebar, p. 45.
You react to incoming threats with preternatural speed.
Whenever you use your power, everyone within
You may spend 2 Reflexes points to automatically
X meters of you (where X is your current Radiation
succeed at any dodge attempt that would normally
Projection pool) must make a Health test or lose 1 point
require an Athletics test.
of Health to radiation damage. This includes you, unless
To avoid a successful Shooting or Scuffling attempt,
you also possess the power Radiation Immunity.
make a successful Reflexes roll, with the result of the
At the end of any scene or combat in which you
Shooting or Scuffling attempt as your Difficulty. You can
used your power, everyone who took damage from you
only dodge attacks that you’re aware of; you can’t dodge
must make a Health test against a Difficulty equal to
a sucker punch or sniper shot.
the number of Health points you cost them. Again, this
includes you, unless you also have Radiation Immunity. Grid: E4
Characters who fail contract radiation sickness. Every Connected: High Energy Dispersal, Speed
Slang terms: hooper, fly-fast, bounce
At the end of the activation, make your test. On a Legal Ramifications: Self-Detonation is an Article
success, the specified explosion occurs, with your position 18 power, incurring draconian legal restrictions on
as its center. Your body literally flies apart with deadly anyone possessing it.
force. Grid: C2
Your constituent atoms float about in the atmosphere Connected: GABA Oversufficiency, Radiation
for a period called the Reconstitution Interval (see table, Projection
above). When it elapses, you reform, unharmed, with Correlated: Disintegration
all of your pools refreshed. Your reappearance occurs at Slang terms: dynomite, TNT, blammo
a location of your choice within a distance of the blast
location equal to your Self-Detonation rating times 250 Equivalent Reconstitution
meters. Class Difficulty
To Interval
If you also possess the power Radiation Projection,
1 Pipe Bomb 4 1 hour
you can choose to activate it as you explode, heavily
irradiating the area of the explosion, and, in the case of 2 Grenade 8 2 hours
an open-air explosion, polluting the air with radioactive 3 IED 12 12 hours
You are unable to produce explosions less effective 4 Truck Bomb 32 1 week
than a pipe bomb. Bunker
5 64 1 month
6 Nuke 96 1 decade
Speed (Physical) removed. Keep the original result but reduce the damage
inflicted by the acid by 1 each round. So, if you hit a foe
You can run at a highly accelerated speed.
for 4 damage this round, they’ll take 3 points of damage
So long as you have 1 or more points in your Speed
next round, 2 points in the following round, and 1 point
pool, you can move at the following rates during combat.
in the round after that. The target may stop this ongoing
You can travel 20m (or ten grid squares, if you’re
damage if they somehow wash away the acid in time.
using – see “Distance,” p. 91), if all you’re doing is
The acid produced by this power is chemically distinct
moving. Or you can take significant action and also move
from that of the Secrete Acid power, and is incapable of
10m (or 5 grid squares). This movement can take place
doing significant damage to inorganic matter.
before or after your action, or you can break it up, in 2m
increments, bookending your action as desired. You can Grid: C1
therefore move 2m, take an action, then move another Connected: Secrete Acid
8m, or move 6m and then 4m, and so on. Slang terms: xeno, wark, sprayjob
Under difficult terrain or environmental conditions,
like uneven ground or storms, your maximum speed
is 10m/5 grid squares (without an action) or 4m/2 grid Spontaneous Combustion
squares with an action. (Presence)
To run at high rates of speed over long distances, pay
You can initiate a process of rapid oxidization, causing
the following number of Speed points for each km, or
objects within standard range to burst into flames.
fraction of a km, you run at the following speeds.
Test Spontaneous Combustion against a Difficulty
determined by the type of material. GMs should
Speed Cost for Time to extrapolate Difficulties for unlisted materials based on
(in km/h) 1km Travel Travel 1km the entries below.
40 1 90 sec
100 2 36 sec Material Difficulty
200 3 18 sec
Paper 1
500 4 7.2 sec
Gasoline 2
750 5 4.8 sec
Wood 3
1000 7 3.6 sec
Plastic, Cloth 4
Additionally, you can dodge gunfire and other Shooting Living Flesh 8
attacks by making Speed tests. Use the value of the attack Metal 10
roll as the Difficulty.
Lift 600kg
8 Not possible
Lift 800kg
10 Not possible
Throw person 3m 4 12
Suppress Influence (Presence)
You can block mind-controlling mutants from exercising
Throw person 6m 6 Not possible their influence in a particular area. Specify an area of up
to 3 cubic meters. No individual within that area, other
Throw person 9m 8 Not possible than yourself, can be targeted by mutant powers resisted
by a Composure test. The protection remains active for
Throw person 12m 12 Not possible ten minutes for each Suppress Influence point you spend.
You may expand the area by 3 cubic meters for each
Break reinforced additional Suppress Influence point you spend.
4 12
door unaided
Grid: F2
Break steel door Connected: Detect Influence
8 Not possible
unaided Slang terms: the cone, foiler, wormshield
Telekinesis (Focus)
Machine Difficulty
You can move objects by sheer force of will. The base
Difficulty of the Telekinesis test to move an object is 0,
Gas pump 2
modified by factors including its size, the distance you
Tennis ball machine 2 want it to travel, and its speed.
Car, vintage 3
Change to
Stereo 3 Factor
Television 3
Vending machine 3 For every 1kg mass +1
Automated teller 4
For every 1m of distance
Cell phone 4 +1
object is to travel
Electronic lock 4 For every additional object
Steam shovel 4 moved, after the first
Car, modern 5 Object travels distance in 5
Firearm with electronic seconds
Object travels distance nearly
Missile launcher 9 instantaneously
Cruise missile 10 Object travels distance in 15
Although you can override a machine’s controls, locks
and safety mechanisms, you can’t cause it to do anything Objects moved nearly instantaneously can, if your
beyond the limits of its design. You can command a Telekinesis test result exceeds a target’s Hit Threshold,
vending machine to spit out its coins or release all of do damage, like a missile weapon. The Damage Modifier
its cans of soda, but you can’t get it to fire missiles at from such attacks is determined by the mass of the item.
incoming attackers or trundle down a corridor to block a
door for you, because it is not designed to perform these
tasks. Mass (in kg) Damage Modifier
Grid: E4 1 -2
Connected: Technopathy
2 -1
Slang terms: shorting, twelve, blinkster
3 0
4 +1
5 +2
6 +3
7 +4
Grid: E6
Connected: Sensory Overload, Spatial Awareness
Slang terms: geisting, spacek, whooshing
You can’t intentionally teleport into the middle of an Threat Calculus (Focus)
object, barrier, or person. If an object or barrier has
You are able to predict what physical moves the people
been moved to your desired destination since you last
around you are about to make. So long as you are able
familiarized yourself with it, you will instead appear at
to observe a subject, they can never make a physical
the nearest safe location.
move that surprises you. If another character makes a
Like any other power (except where explicitly noted)
move, you may spend 3 Threat Calculus to interrupt
teleportation takes an action in combat. Therefore, you
their action with a move of your own. You can only use
can’t both attack and teleport, or vice versa, during the
Threat Calculus once per combat round (it doesn’t give
same round. (This is our roundabout way of confirming
you extra actions, it just lets you move your own action up
that, sorry, you can’t do the cool thing that blue guy with
in response).
the tail in those comics and movies does.)
When you or a comrade gets hit by a blast attack
Legal Ramifications: Teleportation is an Article 18
whose base damage was increased by a point spend,
power; see p. 123.
you may spend 1 Threat Calculus point to cancel that
Grid: E5 extra damage against you, or 2 Threat Calculus points to
Connected: Spatial Awareness cancel it against another target.
Slang terms: bamfing, redshirting, besting You can also spend a point of Threat Calculus to
determine the amount of force a target is willing to use to
resist arrest. You can tell at a glance if they won’t resist,
Telescopic Vision (Focus) if they’ll just try to flee, if they’ll fight back, if they’ll use
You can selectively alter your vision to see distant objects lethal force, or if they’re overwhelmingly dangerous.
as if they are right in front of you. This allows you to, Threat Calculus does not protect you from actions
among other things, conduct surveillance without the taken by people you are unaware of.
need for cumbersome equipment. The range of this sense
depends on your rating. Grid: E3
Connected: Lightning Decisions, Psionic Blast
Slang terms: TC, Will Robinson, conred
Rating Range
Toxin Immunity (Ingested)
1 250m
2 500m
Your enhanced liver processes toxins that would kill an
3 1km ordinary person, allowing them to pass through your
body without harm. The toxins are neutralized in the
4 2km
process, so you can urinate in the serene confidence that
5 4km you’re not introducing dangerous substances into the
water supply.
Telescopic Vision does not allow you to see through Whenever you ingest a poisonous substance, including
objects, but if you have X-Ray Vision as well, you can bacterial toxins from food poisoning, spend 2 Toxin
combine the two powers. Immunity (Ingested) points to ignore any damage and
If you spend a point of Telescopic Vision, you can ill effects you would otherwise incur, without having to
ignore the effects of Range (p. 94) for one Shooting or make a Health test.
Blast attack. Grid: C4
Legal ramifications: Several mutants have been Connected: Fire Control, Radiation Immunity
successfully prosecuted for using telescopic vision to Correlated: Regeneration
violate Peeping Tom statutes. Slang terms: tiger, cast iron, guts
Grid: D6
Connected: Microvision
Slang terms: telepeeping, scroping, teevee
Grid: A4
Transmutation (Focus)
Connected: Deplete Oxygen You can alter the elemental composition of inanimate
Correlated: Gills, Regeneration objects. To do so, test Transmutation against a Difficulty
Slang terms: teach, aqualung, dealt-it of 4, or the number of steps separating the elements in
the following list, whichever is greater.
Tracking (Focus) Graphite
If provided with a scent sample from a living subject, Sulfur
and a location where the subject recently was, you can Calcium
track them to their current location. Your tracking Titanium
sense is so highly developed that methods used to throw Iron
off bloodhounds don’t work on you. Even if the quarry Nickel
crosses a river or masks their scent with perfume, you’ll Copper
still find them — although you may be delayed as you Aluminum
search for the real trail. Silver
If finding a subject’s location provides a clue necessary Tin
to the solving of a case, you automatically succeed. Platinum
Otherwise, you must spend points to find the present Gold
location of other subjects. The cost varies according to Lead
the time elapsed between the subject’s presence at your
start point, and the beginning of your tracking effort. You can transmute 100 g or less of material per day,
(Where durations on the chart overlap, use the most based on the weight of the substance before it is changed,
forgiving option.) without strain. To transmute more than this in a single
day, pay 3 Transmutation points for each additional 100
Maximum Time Elapsed Cost g.
Transmuted elements are identifiable as such using a
15 minutes 1 simple Herceg-Mikkelson test, which any trained person
1 hour 2 can quickly administer with the aid of an inexpensive
chemical solution. Transmuted precious metals typically
3 hours 3 fetch 1% of the price of their naturally-occurring
6 hours 4
counterparts and are not used in coinage or luxury items.
However, many mutants with this power make a living
9 hours 5 transmuting base metals into precious ones for industrial
12 hours 6
You may transmute part of an object; turning iron
1 day 7 into calcium causes significant damage to any machine
made of steel.
2 days 8 Legal ramifications: Passing off transmuted
3 days 9 precious metals as genuine constitutes fraud.
1 week 10
when you first hit them, they are paralyzed immediately.) Water Blast (Focus)
A victim may not refresh Athletics while paralyzed.
You can emit a high-pressure stream of water from your
Every ten minutes, they may make a new Health test, at
fingertips. This is a blast power; see sidebar, p. 45.
first against the result of your Venom (Stinger) attack. After
On a successful hit, your opponent is knocked back
every subsequent ten minutes, the Difficulty decreases by
by the spray, moving 1m directly away from you, in the
2. On a successful result, the effect ends.
same direction as your blast, for every point of difference
The toxin’s effects may be ended at any time with a
between your Water Blast result and their Hit Threshold.
successful application of the Cure Disease power, against
If this knocks them into a solid barrier, such as a wall,
a Difficulty of 4.
they lose an additional 2 Health points.
Grid: C1 An opponent who is suitably braced and prepared for
Connected: Webbing, Venom (Bite), Venom (Spit) your blast may try to resist in a contest of Athletics vs
your Water Blast. If you win, the opponent is knocked
over and pushed away.
Wall Crawling (Physical) Water Blast is countered by Kinetic Energy Dispersal.
Tiny filaments protrude from your palms and the
undersides of your fingers, allowing you to cling to walls Grid: A5
and ceilings without other aid. You automatically succeed Connected: Water Manipulation
at any climbing attempt. Your rate of speed while climbing Slang terms: H2, scour, cannoning
depends on your Wall Crawling rating, as follows.
Water Manipulation (Focus)
Rating Climbing Speed You can shape water, causing it to cohere into a bounded,
though still liquid, form, and directing its movements.
1–4 Normal movement/2
Here are some of the stunts you can perform and
5–8 Normal movement accompanying Difficulties.
Grid: A5
Connected: Swimming, Water
Slang terms: fountain, Plumber’s
Helper, weatherman
Webbing (Physical)
You secrete sticky proteinaceous
fibers from glands located in your
forearms. Though lighter than rope,
the web material possesses a tensile
strength comparable to steel. The
webbing has three primary uses.
Adhesive: You can secrete a sticky
blob of webbing, which you can
use as a powerful glue to stick two
objects together. For example, you
could use it to quickly stick a GPS
device on the bottom of a suspect’s
car. Pay 1 or more Webbing points
each time you do this. The glue
remains insoluble for thirty minutes
for each point you spend, after
which it quickly biodegrades into a
watery goo.
Movement: You can cast the web
up above you and then climb it like
you would a rope, scaling up or rappelling down sheer successful Shooting test. If you shoot webbing at a subject
surfaces. The sticky webbing adheres to any ordinary and miss, you still have to pay the 2 points. A webbed
surface, supporting your weight even more securely than subject can make an Athletics or Strength test to get free,
would a grappling hook. Spinning a length of climbing- with a Difficulty equal to 4 plus your Webbing pool as of
suitable webbing costs you 2 Webbing points. Making the moment you began to spin the restraint webbing (that
difficult maneuvers using your webbing requires the is, before you spent the 2 points to activate it). Another
Athletics ability. Swinging from web to web is possible person who is not caught in the web can carefully cut a
but very difficult, with a base Difficulty of 6, which can restrained person out of it with a utility knife or other
be additionally complicated by other factors, such as blade of similar sharpness, though this takes several
wind speed and storm conditions. minutes.
Restraints: You can restrain subjects by spraying
them with a wide arc of webbing, which keeps them Grid: B1
immobilized for a cost of 2 Webbing points for every Connected: Venom (Stinger), Wall Crawling
two hours you want the webbing to retain its strength. Correlated: Command Insects
Hitting a moving target with your webbing requires a Slang terms: silking, rackrope, nidding
Insula Skew
Resistance Ability: Composure
Stress Penalties: Corruption -1
Limbic Hypertrophy
Resistance Ability: Composure
Stress Penalties: Rage -1
Meta-Persona Identity Disorder You are at a heightened risk of a chronic disease in which
excess collagen gathers in deposits in your skin. Advanced
Resistance Ability: Composure
cases lead to renal failure.
Stress Penalties: Roll a die during character generation.
Even: Obsession -1. Odd: Corruption -1
Sensory Overload
You have the urge to create an alter-ego, hiding your
Resistance Ability: Composure
powers behind a mask or costume. If your Stress Penalty is
Stress Penalties: Fear -1
Obsession, then your instinct is to be a costumed vigilante,
bringing justice to those who consider themselves above If this GRF manifests, input from your five senses ramps
the law. If it’s Corruption, then you must fight the secret up to a distracting, perhaps even alarming or painful
desire to be a villain. degree.
gathered and 2) have the right ability to discover the clue
and 3) tell the GM that you’re using it. As long as you do
these three things, you will never fail to gain a piece of Certain clues allow you to gain special benefits by
necessary information. It is never dependent on a die roll. spending a Push. During your first few scenarios, your
If you ask for it, you will get it. GM will offer you the opportunity to spend a Push as
You can specify exactly what you intend to achieve: you uncover these clues. After that it’s up to you to ask if
“I use Document Analysis to determine if the memo was there’s anything to be gained by spending extra time or
really written by Danziger.” effort on a given clue. You can even propose specific ways
Or you can engage in a more general informational to improve your already good result: if your suggestion
fishing expedition: “I use Evidence Collection to search is persuasive or entertaining, the GM may award you a
the crime scene.” special benefit not mentioned in their scenario notes.
Each benefit costs a Push on an Investigative ability.
If your suggested action corresponds to a clue in the
Players each get two Pushes per session; unused Pushes
scenario notes, the GM provides you the information
don’t carry over. You can only Push Investigative abilities
arising from the clue.
you possess.
Additional information gained provides flavor or
Dedicated cop John Brody looks for the campsite helps overcome a challenge, but is never required to
hideout of a gang of anti-mutant thugs called solve the case or move on to a new scene. Often it makes
barheads. He searches a section of forested land off the character seem clever, powerful, competent, or
the highway for evidence of their presence. His player, heroic. Alternatively, you may wish to present the Push
Justin, says, “I put my video camera in infrared mode as your character putting in extra effort to the point of
and scan the area for heat traces.” This is all he needs obsession. It may grant you benefits useful later in the
to do to get the information he needs to proceed to scenario, frequently by making a favorable impression on
the next scene, a confrontation with the barheads supporting characters. If you think of your GUMSHOE
in their encampment. “Blobs of heat energy pop game as a TV series, an extra benefit gives the actor
up to your right, about a hundred yards away. It playing your character a juicy spotlight scene.
looks like there’s four or five people, appearing and
disappearing behind a barrier.”
“Can I tell what kind of barrier they’re behind?”
asks Justin. The GM knows that it’s the barheads’
Some clues would be obvious to a trained investigator tricked-out recreational vehicle. This information
immediately upon entering a scene. These passive clues isn’t necessary to move forward, and in fact Justin’s
are provided by the GM without prompting. Scenarios character, John, will stumble across it in a moment
suggest which clues are passive and which are active, if he keeps going toward the cannibal camp. But it
but your GM will adjust these in play depending on how would be mighty impressive, in a Sherlock Holmes
much guidance you seem to need. On a night when you’re kind of way, if he could answer that question now.
cooking with gas, the GM will sit back and let you prompt “Do you want to Push Evidence Collection?”
them for passive clues. When you’re bogging down, they asks the GM. Justin agrees, and marks off one of his
may volunteer what would normally be active clues. two remaining Pushes.
For each scene, the GM designates at least one core The GM explains as follows: “You remember the
clue. This is a clue you absolutely need to move to the contours of this vehicle from the course on automotive
next scene, and thus to complete the entire investigation. identification you took when you were detailed for
A scene may have multiple core clues; either there’ll be training at the FBI headquarters in Quantico. It’s
several possible next steps for the players to follow, or a luxury motor home, a 2006 Patriot from Beaver
several different clues point to the same scene and the Motor Coaches. You remember the price tag on one of
players only need to find one of them to progress. GMs those puppies. Over three hundred grand.”
will avoid making core clues available only with the use John whistles through his teeth. “Somebody’s
of obscure Investigative abilities. (The character creation funding these idiots, big time.”
system is set up so that the group as a whole will have
This ability is used to resist various mutant powers, and What Do Pushes and Pool Points
to stave off the effects of neurological and personality Represent?
disorders. In Mutant City Blues, unlike some other
GUMSHOE games, Composure does not go below 0. Pushes and pool points are a literary
A character reduced to 0 Composure can still attempt
abstraction, representing the way that each
Composure tests, but has no points to spend to boost their
character gets their own time in the spotlight
chances of success. Depict a 0-Composure character as
exhausted, anguished, emotionally depleted or impulse- in the course of an ensemble drama. When
driven; without Composure, a character is prone to you do something remarkable, you expend
making mistakes and bad decisions. a little bit of your spotlight time. More active
players will spend their points sooner than
Lomax hustled Chu out the door of the restaurant. tense? She was a mutant. A jolter. Lisa Ramirez. She
Confronting Fontanelli now wouldn’t be helpful. took her mom’s maiden name after the divorce.”
Out into twilight; all the street lamps were lighting “Shit. Yeah, I remember the case file.” Chu took a
up. The two cops got into their car and drove slowly sip of coffee as crowds of high school students streamed
down 17th. past the car. “So, what, it was a hit? Fontanelli wants
Lomax yawned. “If Sigmor and the puppeteer Clooter dead, but he wants to keep his hands clean.
were in cahoots —” He hires the Puppeteer to zap Sigmor. No, wait, he
Chu laughed. “Cahoots?” hires both of them. The Puppeteer is Sigmor’s alibi.
“In cahoots with each other,” he continued Mind control’s a valid defense — he says he was
doggedly, “then we don’t know when he was possessed. mind controlled, and he’s got the EMAT report to
We assumed he was possessed at the restaurant, but if prove it. Jury’s told that Sigmor’s a victim too —
they left together…” and investigating the Puppeteer’s a dead end, ‘cos
“We have to find that tipster. And fucking Clooter, Fontanelli’s covering for him. Neat.”
too.” She yawned, too, then winced. “My headache’s “They knew Clooter was on the move, too. They’ve
back. I need sleep, Lomax.” got better intel than we do,” groused Lomax, but Chu
“I’ll drive you home.” interrupted him.
He dropped Chu off at her apartment. “That’s him,” she said. “Wes Polman.” Head
“You turning in, too?” down, nervous, the boy walked alone towards the
“I want to check something first.” school.
Lomax stepped out of the car and hurried to catch
Back at the precinct, he checked the archives. up with the student.
Fontanelli didn’t have a criminal record, but he was “Wes Polman? I’m Detective Lomax. You’re not
in HCIU’s files. As he flipped through the old case in trouble, but would you mind answering a few
file, a familiar face stared back at him. questions?” Hands open at his sides, trying to be as
Rick Clooter. non-threatening as possible.
His phone chimed. Chu. MEET ME 17TH STREET “I didn’t do anything!” protested Polman.
HIGH SCHOOL. HAVE ID’ED OUR TIPSTER. “Where were you yesterday, around two-thirty?”
“I don’t know! In school!”
Another morning. Another stakeout. “I’ll tell you where you were,” said Lomax. “You
Chu showed him a yearbook photo of a skinny- were looking that way, and you saw a refrigerated
looking kid. She gestured towards the high school. truck drive by with two men in the front. And you
“One of my sister’s kids goes there. She told me a sensed one of them using a power.” Lomax raised his
few months ago about this boy in her math class who hand and concentrated, and a soft light welled up
was perving on the girls with telepathy. Sending them from his fingers. I’m like you. “Warning the police that
psychic dick pics or something. They caught the little something bad was going down was the right thing to
bastard, suspended him for a few months, but he’s do, Wes.”
back there now. It’s him, I bet you.” The boy nodded slowly. “Okay. That was me.”
“Telepathy’s correlated with influence detection,” “We’re going to need to call your parents. We may
agreed Lomax, uneasily. “On a related topic — did need you as a witness.”
you know that Fontanelli had a daughter — past
Mutant City Blues series may include as little combat
and action as any other GUMSHOE series. GMs
Distance is usually de-emphasized as a factor in
can structure their games so that the player characters
GUMSHOE combat, to be treated with the hand-waving
investigate crimes, and an enhanced tactical squad goes
usual for fight sequences in story-heavy roleplaying games.
out to capture the mutant wrongdoers once the arrest
Mutant City Blues involves more chases and intentional
warrants have been drawn up. This is a realistic touch: in
combats than most of its sibling games, but most combats
real police organizations, crime investigation and high-
can still be run with a minimum of worrying about
risk takedowns are handled by separate squads with quite
relative position.
different skill sets.
The ranges for firearms and mutant powers are listed
Most players, however, will look over their lists of
in meters; assume a character can run around 10 meters
super powers and expect to be able to use them in the
in one combat round under typical conditions, or move
occasional comic-style donnybrook. GMs who choose
about half that if doing something else like shooting or
to recognize this desire can structure their scenarios to
hiding. Most encounters take place at relatively close
include the possibility of one or more big action set piece
range, within 25 meters or so.
sequences per investigation.
Game Moderators who enjoy using tactical maps and
Doing so requires a more tactical approach than
miniatures can use a scale of one square = 2 meters.
GUMSHOE has to date presented. This section provides
the rules crunch necessary to run super-powered battles
and action sequences.
numbers in the abilities they’re using in the fight. The
character with the higher number chooses whether to act
as aggressor or defender. (Unlike an ordinary contest, in
a fight it is often advantageous to strike first.) For notes Scuffling
on handling combats with more than two characters, see In Mutant City Blues, a trained police officer can effectively
“Free-for-all Combat”, p. 94. restrain an unarmed subject with a success in a Scuffling
A contest proceeds between the two abilities. When vs. Scuffling contest, followed by an expenditure of an
combatants using the Scuffling or Shooting abilities roll additional 2 Scuffling points. If another officer is on hand
well, they get the opportunity to deal damage to their and free to physically assist, that officer can complete
opponents. the restraint for their partner, spending only 1 Scuffling
Hit Thresholds: Each character has a Hit Threshold point. The subject is then subdued, cuffed, and ready for
of either 3 (the standard value) or 4 (if the character’s transport to a holding cell.
Athletics rating is 8 or more). The Hit Threshold is the
Difficulty Number the character’s opponent must match Tasers
or beat in order to harm them. Less competent supporting
characters may have lower Hit Thresholds. Creatures Although tasers exist in the world, they are not used by
may have Hit Thresholds of 4 or higher, regardless of HCIU officers. A string of incidents in which victims
their Athletics ratings. suffered fatal heart attacks after overzealous taser
Dealing Damage: When you roll on or over your use have led to stringent departmental restrictions.
opponent’s Hit Threshold, you may deal damage to them. Although patrolmen get them as standard equipment,
To do so, you make a damage roll, rolling a die which is the paperwork requirements for taser requisitions by
then modified according to the relative lethality of your detectives are onerous. Using them in the field leads to
weapon, as per the following table. (Some superpowers even more red tape. Departmental lore has it that you’ll
have their own rules for damage.) get passed over for promotion if the brass sees too many
taser use reports stapled to your personnel jacket.
(This emulates the treatment of tasers in the source
Weapon Type Damage Modifier material. In real life they might arguably be a life-
Fist, kick -2 saving non-lethal technology. Because they make action
sequences boring and short, popular fiction occasionally
Small improvised weapon, puts them in the hands of bad guys and their minions, but
police baton, knife does not give them to the heroes. Sympathetic characters
Machete, heavy club, light use holds, punches, mutant powers and/or threats of gun
0 violence to subdue recalcitrant suspects.)
Sword, heavy firearm +1
For firearms, add an additional +2 when fired at point Most blast powers (p. 45) can be used to take foes down
blank range. at range non-lethally. This works just like Scuffling — you
Characters may never spend points from their combat can choose to stun or disable foes instead of killing them
pools to increase their damage rolls. with most blasts. (Of course if you then want to restrain
them you have to move in first.)
AUTOMATIC WEAPONS The fight continues until one side capitulates or flees,
or all of its members are unconscious or otherwise unable
In general, if you’re caught out in the open by automatic
to continue.
weapons fire, you’re dead. If there’s a narratively plausible
reason why the GM wants to avoid an instant kill (a
protective mutant power, the target’s running for cover, RANGE
the attacker’s firing from a moving vehicle), then resolve The effect of range on firearms combat is likewise
as follows. After making a successful Shooting attack with simplified nearly out of existence. Handguns and
an automatic weapon, the attacker may spend another shotguns can only be accurately fired at targets within
3 Shooting points to inflict another instance of damage. around 25 meters. Firing beyond this range increases the
Determine damage after the attacker decides how many Difficulty of the attack by +2.
instances they wish to pay for. The range limit for rifles is 100 meters; firing at targets
If there are multiple targets close to the original beyond this range incurs a Difficulty penalty.
target, the attacker may ‘walk’ instances of damage to
The time it takes to go through the ranking order
once, with each character taking an action, is called a
round. When one round ends, another begins. When Characters are surprised when they find themselves
called upon to act, each character may strike at any suddenly in a dangerous situation.
opponent within range of their weapons. Surprise supporting characters by sneaking up
Characters who join a combat in progress come last on them with a successful Infiltration test. The basic
in order of precedence. If more than two characters join Difficulty is 4, which may increase for especially vigilant
during the same round, the GM determines their relative characters.
precedence using the rules above.
Avoid being surprised with a successful Sense Trouble Whether or not you maintain consciousness, you are
test. The basic Difficulty is 4, but may be higher in the no longer able to fight. Until you receive first aid, you
case of notably sneaky opponents. will lose an additional Health point every half hour.
Surprised characters suffer a +2 increase to all General A character with the Medic ability can stabilize your
ability Difficulties for any immediately subsequent condition by spending 2 Medic points. However, they
action. In a fight, the penalty pertains to the first round can’t restore your Health points.
of combat. Even after you receive first aid, you must convalesce
in a hospital or similar setting for several days. Your
EXHAUSTION, INJURY period of forced inactivity is a number of days equal
to the number value of the lowest your Health pool
AND DEATH reached. (So if you were reduced to –8 Health, you are
Unlike most abilities, your Health pool can drop below 0. hospitalized for 8 days.) On the day of your discharge,
When it does this, you must make a Consciousness roll. your Health pool increases to half its maximum value.
This uses a die with the absolute value2 of your current On the next day, it refreshes fully.
Health pool as your Difficulty. You may deliberately strain When your pool dips to –12 or below, you are
yourself to remain conscious, voluntarily reducing your dead. Time to create a replacement character.
Health pool by an amount of your choice. For each point Again, most bad guys get eliminated at 0 Health.
you reduce it, add 1 to your die result. The Difficulty of If you’re intervening in a bar brawl, then the mooks
the Consciousness roll is based on your Health pool before go down when you reduce them to 0 Health. Save the
you make this reduction. full Health rules for significant bad guys and important
Kim faces a meth-crazed concussion beamer in
the urine-stained hallways of a filthy squat. She FIGHTING EXAMPLE
takes a force blast that drops her Health pool to
–2. The tweaker turns and runs; Kim struggles to
While undercover as a corrections officer in a facility
remain conscious so she can radio backup with a
housing mutant convicts, John fends off Alejandro
description. The absolute value of –2 is 2, so this is
Reiter, a beefy guard who’s been helping gang leader
the Difficulty of her Consciousness roll. She chooses
El Monstroso run his criminal empire from behind
to expend another 1 Health point she doesn’t have.
bars. Reiter comes at him from behind in the break
That gives her a bonus of 1 to her roll. She rolls a 6,
room, making this a close quarters fight, for which
for a final result of 7. Kim calls it in, but now her
the Scuffle ability is required. The GM declares that
Health pool is down to –3.
Reiter is the aggressor. Reiter has a Scuffle rating
and current pool of 12, a Health rating and pool
If your pool is anywhere from 0 to –5, you are of 10, a Hit Threshold of 4, and, thanks to his
hurt, but have suffered no permanent injury, beyond Strength power, a Damage Modifier of 2. John’s
a few superficial cuts and bruises. You must make a Scuffle rating is 10 but his pool is down to 6. His
Consciousness roll to stay active. The pain of your injuries Health pool is down to 8 from a rating of 12. His
makes it impossible to Push Investigative abilities, and Hit Threshold is 4. With no weapons at hand, his
increases the Difficulty Numbers of all tests and contests, Damage Modifier is –2.
including opponents’ Hit Thresholds, by 1. The GM spends 2 points from Reiter’s Scuffling
A character with the Medic ability can improve your pool, dropping it from 12 to 10. The GM rolls,
condition by spending Medic points. For every Medic getting a 2. Modified by the point spend, that comes
point spent, you regain 2 Health points — unless you are out to a 4, which beats John’s Hit Threshold. Reiter
the Medic, in which case you only regain 1 Health point may then make a damage roll. The GM rolls a
for every Medic point spent. The Medic can only refill 4; with his Damage Modifier of 2, that equals 6
your pool to where you were before the incident in which points of damage. Reiter places him in a choke hold,
you received this latest injury. reducing John’s Health pool from 8 to 2.
If your pool is between –6 and –11, you have John attempts a judo throw to break the hold.
been seriously wounded. You must again make a His player, Justin, spends 3 points, taking his pool
Consciousness roll to stay active. from 6 to 3. He rolls a 3, for a result of 6, which
more than meets Reiter’s Hit Threshold. Justin rolls
In other words, treat the negative number as a positive.
For example, if your Health pool is at –3, the Difficulty of the
roll is 3, and so on
In a vehicular pursuit, a police vehicle
may attempt what’s known as the PIT
maneuver (Pursuit Intervention Technique,
or fishtailing) — a precise bump or ram,
designed to force the target into a spin.
This technique is dangerous, especially at
speed — police prefer less hazardous ways of
bringing a chase to an end, like waiting for
the quarry to run out of gas, or setting up a
block or spike strips on the road ahead. If the
situation warrants it, though, the PIT may be
A PIT attempt can only take place if the
Lead is 1 or 2. A PIT attempt always costs the
pursuer 3 points from their Driving before
any die is rolled. The Driving test Difficulty
for the PIT is 5 (or 4 if the target vehicle is
smaller and lighter than the pursuit car).
• If the test fails, the pursuer must spend
2 points immediately from their Driving
pool; if their pool is insufficient, the Lead
alters in the opposition’s favor by 1 for
every point by which they fall short. MUTANT STUNTS
• If the test succeeds, the Lead alters in the pursuer’s Both pursuer and runner can attempt to use mutant
favor by 1. powers to knock the other out of the chase. To attempt to
• If the pursuer rolls a 6 on the die and succeeds, the use a power in the middle of a chase, spend 3 points from
other vehicle has crashed, and likely been forced off the mutant power’s pool before any die is rolled. Then
the road. make a mutant ability power test as normal, describing
how you’re using your power to alter the dynamics of the
In a foot chase, if the Lead has been reduced to 1,
the pursuer may spend 2 Scuffling to grab the runner,
• If the test fails, the character using the power must
turning the chase into a Scuffling vs Scuffling fistfight.
spend 2 points immediately from their chase pool.
If the Lead has been reduced to 2, the pursuer may If the pool is insufficient, the Lead alters in the
make a Scuffling test (Difficulty 4) to tackle the target; if opposition’s favor by 1 for every point by which it falls
successful, the chase ends in a fistfight. If the test fails, short.
then the pursuer misses the tackle and the Lead increases • If the power test succeeds, the Lead alters in the
by 3 instead. mutant’s favor by 1.
• If the character using the power rolls a 6 on the die and Moderate shock, equivalent to a jolt from a stun
succeeds, the chase ends immediately in their favor gun. You lose 2 Health and (if in combat time) your next
unless the other character responds with a mutant four actions. You always lose at least one action, but may
stunt of their own. The responder doesn’t need to roll buy off the loss of other actions by paying 3 Athletics,
a natural 6 to counter. If the circumstances especially Lightning Reflexes or Regeneration points per action.
suit that use of the power, or the GM’s especially Extreme shock, equivalent to a lightning strike. You
impressed by the description, then the stunt may end suffer one die of damage, with a +4 modifier.
the chase on a lower roll too (4-6). The GM should always give you some opportunity
to avoid being shocked, whether it be an Athletics test to
INVESTIGATIVE ABILITIES avoid unexpected contact, or a Sense Trouble test to spot
the danger.
During a chase, the characters may also Push investigative
If you are reduced to –6 or fewer Health, the current
abilities. A Push might:
is assumed to have traveled through your heart or brain,
• increase or decrease Lead by 1
causing cardiac arrest or brain damage, respectively.
• increase or decrease the Difficulty of a test by 1
The GM describes appropriate symptoms during your
• give a partial (2-point) refresh of the chase ability
hospital convalescence, and may — if narrative credibility
• increase or decrease the goal by 2.
so demands — decide that you need a session of mutant
• For example, Push:
Healing to fully recover.
• Cop Talk to call in backup and co-ordinate the chase
• Community Relations to shout “Stop that thief!”
• Electronic Surveillance to track a subject on Explosives
security cameras Explosives divide into six classes.
• Architecture to know a short cut across a rooftop Should you find yourself within a bomb’s annihilation
• Intimidation to get those pedestrians out of your radius when it detonates, you will find the term grimly
way. self-explanatory. A tearful funeral sequence, followed by
the introduction of your new character, will ensue shortly
HAZARDS afterwards.
If you are within a device’s damage radius (but
In or out of combat, the characters’ survival may be
outside of its annihilation radius) when it explodes, you
threatened by assorted hazards, from electrical shock to
take a die of damage, plus a modifier equal to three times
the explosive’s class.
If you are outside of an explosion’s annihilation and
Electricity damage radii but within its debris radius, make an
Damage from exposure to electricity varies according to Athletics test with its class times three as the Difficulty. If
voltage. you fail, you take a die of damage, plus a modifier equal
Mild shock, equivalent to briefly touching a “hot” to its class.
microphone or open household electrical circuit. You GMs are free to create additional explosive devices
falling between these six broad increments. Some
lose 1 Health and are blown backwards for a couple of
weapons, like fragmentation grenades or pipe bombs
Class Equivalent To Annihilation Radius Damage Radius Debris Radius
1 Pipe Bomb — 1m 4m
2 Grenade — 2m 6m
3 IED — 3m 12m
4 Truck Bomb 3m 9m 36m
5 Ballistic Missile 12m 60m 240m
6 Nuke 500m 3km 4km
Rolling On Up
Sigmor had lawyered up. “My client is the victim Chu’s report, afterwards, describes it in
here, not a suspect!” blustered the lawyer. “He was dispassionate, careful phrases.
Possessed when operating the vehicle.”
“Possession is a defense if it’s non-consensual,”
said Chu. “But if you willingly allowed yourself to be Detective Lomax identified himself as a police
possessed as part of conspiracy to murder — that’s a officer. The suspect immediately attempted to
different matter.” use the mutant power of Possession to control
“And we have evidence that your client and the Detective Lomax. (I personally observed the
Possessor met for a considerable time before any mind characteristic green flash from my position
control took place,” added Lomax. “Prosecutors hate on the far side of the automobile, and the use
the mind control defense; I bet any DA would love to of Possession was later confirmed in the lab
take a case where they can nail your client for trying by a standard PCD test). He then verbally
it fraudulently.” commanded Lomax to attack me. Detective
“Mike said —” began Sigmor, but his lawyer Lomax turned and attempted to deploy his Light
shushed him. Blast, which I Dispersed. I then used a gravitic
“Mike Fontanelli,” said Chu, “can’t help you now.” restraint technique to incapacitate Detective
Lomax and both suspects.
Sigmor gave them a name. An address. A quiet
Mister Fontanelli agreed to assist with
little house in the ‘burbs.
investigations into Richard Clooter, on the
Fontanelli’s car was parked outside.
understanding that his co-operation would
Lomax rolled down the window and took a look
be taken into account in the event charges are
with X-Ray Vision.
brought against him.
“Just the two of them. Fontanelli and the
“Want to call for backup? If he gets a whammy on
one of us, it’s three on one.” At the time, though:
Lomax shook his head. “Fontanelli wants the Chu pulled Fontanelli out of the gravity warp and
same thing we do — he wants to get Clooter. He just slammed him up against the doorframe. “Do you
picked a stupid way to do it. I want his source within have any idea how many people your stupid stunt
Clooter’s operation, though. Let’s play it soft and get could have killed? How many lives was Clooter worth
him to co-operate.” to you?” Lightning crackled around her, leaping from
“Your call,” said Chu, “you go first.” her to the metal of the handle, the hinges, blowing out
“Why me?” the porch light in a shower of glass and sparks.
“Because I threw a fucking truck, and your Light “He… he ruined my daughter’s life… The cops
Blast is shit.” did nothing. He’s untouchable.”
“Right.” He got out of the car and crossed the “So you decided to hit him with a truck?” snarled
street towards the little house. Chu followed. She Chu.
brushed her hand against the hood of Fontanelli’s car. “Chu… softly…” muttered Lomax.
Little sparks of static jumped from her fingers to the “Right.” She released the gravity field. Lomax
metal. “Still warm. He just got here.” pulled a blindfold out of his pocket and tied it around
Lomax nodded, took a breath, and rang the the eyes of the puppeteer.
doorbell. “Mr. Fontanelli, we’re arresting you for conspiracy
to murder Rick Clooter…”
The material in the following chapter is
excerpted from your local police department’s
Heightened Crime Investigation Unit
operations manual. To balance its official
perspective with the between-the-lines
realities of the job, we also present, as a
series of sidebars, blog entries written by
the anonymous HCIU officer who goes by
the handle UpCopper, and handwritten
annotations by another HCIU officer.
Your duty as members of the Heightened
Crimes Investigation Unit is the same as any
police officer’s — to serve and protect.
You do this by investigating serious crimes
where a preliminary survey of the scene
suggests the potential involvement of one or
more members of the mutant community.
In the course of your duties you will identify
persons of interest, gather evidence against
suspects, and, where warranted and in
consultation with prosecutors, lay charges.
To do so effectively, you must gather sufficient
evidence to gain arrest warrants and, finally,
to secure convictions against the guilty.
Under high scrutiny from the media,
you will conduct yourselves at all times with
dignity, rectitude, and respect. Your actions,
on and off duty, will bring honor and positive in undercover operations. Others from technical
repute to the force. backgrounds may have transferred from our various
forensics departments, from crime scene analysis to the
coroner’s branch.
RECRUITMENT The leadership of this detachment does not believe
Assignment to the HCIU is a coveted honor. The squad in leadership by micromanagement. You will be granted
currently consists of only twenty-four investigating wide latitude to pursue avenues of investigation and to
officers, plus commanders and support staff. You won employ unconventional tactics afforded you by your
assignment to this squad by demonstrating excellence, extraordinary capabilities. When we say that you occupy
first as a cadet, then as a patrol officer, then finally as a position of extreme visibility, and that your work
a detective. As detectives, you accumulated years of will be carefully monitored to ensure that it meets the
positive performance evaluations while serving in other justifiably high expectations of the department and its
departments, such as robbery-homicide, special victims, civilian overseers, it is not to induce in you an attitude
gang units, organized crime control, vice, or narcotics. of excessive caution. It is to merely point out that, as
Some of you, particularly those with disguise-oriented rare as heightened police officers might be, there is no
powers such as Impersonation, Illusion, Form Alteration, shortage of candidates hoping to take your place, should
and Nondescript, may have distinguished yourselves you stumble and fall.
Follow UpCopper
Follow UpCopper
SHIFTS AND SCHEDULING The first thing I want to know when I hit a
Each watch commander oversees three eight-hour shifts, homicide scene as primary is: was the vic killed
assigning one squad to each: 6 AM to 2 PM, 2 PM to 10
PM, and 10 PM to 6 AM. Squads are rotated between here, or dumped? If it’s the former, telling
shifts on a quarterly basis.
When you are not working a case or assigned to a
physical evidence will be everywhere. If it’s a
specific support duty, such as appearing in court or dumper, I know I’m screwed.
engaging in a public relations exercise, your presence
is required in the squad room during your shift hours.
While waiting to catch cases, you field inquiries, file INTERVIEWS AND
paperwork and rework cold investigations. Officers are
expected to maintain a professional, diligent demeanor.
In accordance with memos #43907D, 324097A, and Successful interviews and interrogations are the key
E39780-12, our crackdown on newspaper reading, to a high clearance rate. Scientific evidence may prove
internet surfing, and nerf basketball tournaments during facts, but narratives win convictions. During the early
office hours remains in place. stages of an investigation, you want to establish what
While working on a case, squads may arrange hours might have happened, then narrow it down to what
as needed to contact witnesses, conduct stakeouts, did happen. Interviews allow you to do this. When
and consult with technical personnel. The primary interviewing witnesses who are not suspects, be polite,
is responsible for keeping time records of all squad firm, and professional. Witnesses are often reluctant to
members’ activities. Squad members must clock in for involve themselves in a police investigation. Without
full work weeks. They may bank lieu time with approval triggering complaints, be sure to inform persons holding
of watch commanders. Watch commanders have limited vital information of the benefits of sharing it, and of the
discretion to permit overtime hours on high-priority consequences of withholding it.
cases. Officers receive time-and-a-half for approved The official policy of the department as to a suspect’s
overtime, and double time for case work extending into access to legal counsel is that we never discourage people
statutory holidays. from availing themselves of their legal rights.
A truism of police work is that the most likely suspect
probably did it. Murders among the heightened are no
EVIDENCE COLLECTION different than any other. Most are committed among
Although HCIU officers often possess the expertise and family members, then close friends, and then business
equipment (or mutant powers) to examine and process associates (especially associates in criminal enterprises.)
evidence, actual evidence collection is handled, as with The chief motivations for murder are commonly listed as
any investigation, by civilian criminalists detailed to the sex and money. Even more prevalent is the temporary
Crime Scene Processing unit. Although you can expect alleviation of annoyance — the hot-headed murder
them to exercise judgment and collect obvious pieces of committed out of momentary anger by a person with
evidence, a good detective always remains at the scene to limited financial and emotional resources. These are the
request the bagging and tagging of all relevant materials. easy murders to clear. Be grateful when you get them.
You must perform all necessary paperwork when Suspects are easy to locate and easier to persuade in the
either accessing or removing materials from Evidence interrogation room.
Storage, to thoroughly document the whereabouts of The hardest murders to clear arise from organized
each piece of evidence that might be introduced in court crime activities, especially the drug trade. Witnesses are
at all times. This process flow is called the Chain of savvy to interrogation tactics and aware that confession
Custody. Defense lawyers win acquittals by successfully is never in their best interests. These cases are solved
calling into question the chain of custody. When the outside the interrogation room, by working informants
chain of custody is broken, police careers go along with and establishing communications surveillance.
it. It is in these cases, where suspects are connected
to multiple murders, draw on considerable financial
resources, and can effectively intimidate any witnesses
against them, that mind-reading warrants may be applied
for, and granted.
Follow UpCopper
During playtest we found that some players who’d excelled in interviews as fake cops (The Esoterrorists),
ordinary people (Fear Itself) and self-appointed inquirers into cosmic terror (Trail Of Cthulhu) became
suddenly tentative when called upon to extract information from witnesses and suspects as the
badge-wearing police officers of Mutant City Blues. The pressure of properly playing trained cops kept
them dallying and fretting rather than diving into interpersonal scenes to get the information they
needed to move forward.
The following tips should keep interviews on track.
Game Moderators
Takebacks. Players may be too worried about making mistakes in interviews, for fear that they’re
playing their cop characters incorrectly. Allow them to take back any obviously out-of-character
remarks they happen to blurt out as they feel their way through a scene.
Passive use of Interpersonal abilities. By default, GUMSHOE assumes that the use of Interpersonal
abilities is active; the players have to correctly choose an appropriate ability and describe how they’re
using it to open the witness up to questioning. When you see that players are hesitant, tell the player
with the relevant ability that his experienced cop character can sense that it will work here:
• “You get the feeling that this guy will crack if you lean on him a little.” (Intimidation)
• “He seems kind of smitten by you.” (Charm)
• “The squeal of a police scanner tells you you’ve got a wannabe cop on your hands.” (Cop Talk)
Kibitzing. Permit players whose characters are absent from the interview to give advice to the players
taking the lead in it. If you feel the need to make this convention seem realistic, specify that the
interviewing characters are wearing tiny ear-implant radio receivers.
When in doubt, remind yourself of the following.
• Find and exploit your angle. It’s rarely in anyone’s interest to talk to the cops. You’re a con artist,
selling a bill of goods. As you begin an interview with a resistant subject, your first step is to figure
out what they want. That’s your angle, usually exploitable through the use of an Interpersonal
ability. Work your angle to convince the subject that they can get what they want by cooperating
with you. When they buy in, you’ve got your opening. Take advantage of your opening to pry loose
the information you seek.
• Never undercut your partner. Most interviews are tag-team affairs. Except when working an
angle (like the classic good cop/bad cop stratagem), never block or negate a partner’s gambit.
Instead, build on what they’re doing, even when you disagree with it, or sit back and let them make
their play. If it blows up in their face, you can come back around to try a new angle. Otherwise
you’re giving the subject the leverage to play you off against each other.
• If they’re talking, you’re winning. Don’t sweat the occasional setback. In the typical interview,
you don’t have much to lose. At worst, the subject will clam up entirely. Even if you feel a sense of
embarrassment or temporarily lose control of the exchange, you still have a chance of moving it
back in your direction.
• When in doubt, let the line go slack. If something goes wrong, turn it around and use it. You don’t
have to control the interview or dominate the subject at all times. Often you can close your con
by letting the subject feel that they are on top. Then pull the rug out from under them with new
information or a sudden switch to hardball tactics. Comfortable or confident subjects blab. The
more someone talks, the more likely they are to give themselves away.
The HCIU exists not only to police the
mutant community, but to act as a bridge
between it and the department. Like any
police force, we are often unfairly branded as
an instrument of prejudice. Persuading your
community of our good faith is part of your
In furtherance of this goal, you may
sometimes be detailed to community
outreach assignments. Do not think of these as
distractions from real police duties. Creating
a bond of trust between the department and
the gene-expressive community lays essential
groundwork for your later investigative work.
When you knock on a mutant’s door, you
want him to happily welcome you into his
home, and to open up to you when you ask
him what he knows.
Dealing with mutant rights activists
requires special diplomacy. Even if you
personally dislike their strategies or agendas,
we recommend that you express sympathy
with them while in turn communicating to
them the department’s own priorities.
All police officers are representatives of the
entire department, and should comport
themselves with dignity and circumspection when
the factual evidence that fits their chosen side. You must interacting with reporters. An HCIU officer must exercise
present yourself to the jury as personable, trustworthy, and special care and restraint, because they are a figure of
professional. great interest to the media. Members of the public are
Answer prosecutor’s questions in a clear, direct manner. fascinated by the activities of the city’s mutant police
A skillful defense attorney will attempt to elicit misleading officers. Any controversy involving you will be magnified
evidence by framing questions in an unfavorable way. a hundredfold.
Within the limitations imposed on you by the judge, do In the past, certain former officers have fallen prey
your best to respond in a way that makes your point, not to the siren song of media attention, and have courted
the defense’s. publicity, promoting themselves at the expense of the
Expect defense attorneys to attempt to bait you. department. HCIU officers are expected to at all times
Although judges will prevent them from openly appealing know the difference between themselves and rock stars.
to anti-mutant prejudice, they may do so in covert ways, Those hoping to use the unit as a stepping stone to book
attempting to portray you as strange or unreliable. This is deals or Hollywood consultancies will face swift, harsh
why it is essential to maintain a spotless personnel file. If reprimand.
you lose your temper or cross a line in the course of one Coordination with the press, especially when
investigation, you are negatively impacting not only that entreating the public to come forward with information,
case, but every other case you investigate in the future. can be an invaluable technique in finding missing persons,
Officers with certain powers should expect the locating fugitives, and gathering tips. Media strategy is
implication that they suffer the well-known GRFs the province of the watch commander. Unauthorized
connected or correlated with them, even when they do not. leaks to the press will not be tolerated.
Follow UpCopper
To figure out which reporters have your back, and which ones are out to jam you up,
check out some of their articles. Look for ones whose copy divides the world into citizens
and scrotes, like you do. Generally, the police beat reporters are stand-up guys, and the
investigative reporters are scumbag-enabling weasels out to score points at your expense.
The one mistake you should never make is to take credit for anything, because that’s the brass’
job. They live for press conferences. Steal their thunder in public, and you’ll be reassigned to
guarding the auto yard before you know what hit you.
In a world where super powers are widespread and derive
from a consistent, if incompletely understood, point of
As previously mentioned, the Quade Diagram is an
origin, their physical traces can be subjected to scientific
invaluable aid to any HCIU investigator, and can be used
analysis which holds up in court. Just as detectives in
by any layman to tell which powers are likely to be found
our world rely on ballistics to identify bullets found at a
in combination, and which are too far apart to occur in a
crime scene, HCIU officers can use forensics to analyze
single individual.
the physical after-effects of mutant abilities, most notably
HCIU officers trained in anamorphology will also
blast powers. DNA evidence can be scoured to tell mutant
be aware of Lucius Quade’s system of Mutation Siting.
from norm, and to identify which powers individuals are
Different sets of related mutations are considered to be
likely to manifest.
sited in various organs or systems of the body, because
Forensic scientists have been at the forefront of
they either alter the anatomy of those bodily structures,
efforts to find practical applications for the discoveries
or because they contain a high concentration of S-cells.
of anamorphology. The Quade Institute maintains a
department of forensic science, which offers training
to criminalists and police investigators. Your character S-Cells
may have attended classes there. Even if you didn’t, the S-cells are found in all mutants. These are strange cells
techniques you rely upon when analyzing crime scenes which are formed from undifferentiated stem cells,
for traces of mutant powers were shaped in its ultra- but which do not reproduce and serve no discernable
modern corridors. anatomical function. Anamorphologists believe that these
are a by-product of the mutation process, but have not Intestinal: Analytic Taste, Secrete Acid, Self-
yet pinpointed the mechanism that produces them. Some Detonation, Spit Acid, Suppress Explosion, Venom (Bite),
speculate that the secret of the SME can be found by Venom (Spit), Venom (Stinger).
better understanding the origins of S-cells. Others suggest Lymphatic: Cure Disease, Disease Immunity, Forced
that S-cells are responsible in some way for the slightly Genetic Drift, Plant Communication, Plant Control,
lower incidence of cancer in mutants. Spread Pathogen.
Another theory, credited more by crazy people and Muscular: Flight, Healing, Heat Blast, Regeneration,
comic book writers than by anamorphologists, claims Strength.
that S-cells contain the latent potential for a second, even Nucleus Accumbens: Endorphin Control (Others),
more staggering SME. When that day comes, the hidden Endorphin Control (Self), GABA Oversufficiency, Induce
powers of the S-cells will unlock themselves, transforming Mental Disorder, Insula Skew, Pain Immunity. (The
mutants into creatures no longer recognizable as humans. nucleus accumbens is a collection of neurons in the brain
These theories tend toward the apocalyptic, envisioning believed to control pleasure and reward, and to play a
that the new species will manifest as either angelic beings role in addictive behaviors.)
of light, or grotesque demon-like monsters. Nervous: Gravity Control, High Energy Dispersal,
At any rate, S-cells are found throughout every Lightning, Lightning Decisions, Reflexes, Speed.
mutant’s body, but cluster in larger numbers in the Orbitofrontal Cortical: Cognition, Illusion, Psionic
systems where their powers are sited. Blast, Read Minds, Threat Calculus. (This complex is
sited in the brain region associated with decision-making.
Olfactory: Command Mammals, Environmental
Power Complexes Awareness, Olfactory Center, Tracking.
The Quade team has identified twenty-three groups of Optical: Alter Form, Impersonate, Invisibility,
mutant powers, each of them referred to as a complex. Light Blast, Light Control, Microvision, Night Vision,
Individual complexes are named for the organs or systems Telescopic Vision, Thermal Vision, X-Ray Vision.
their mutant powers modify, giving you the Alimentary Parahippocampal Gyrus: Earth Control, Force
Complex, the Epidermal Complex, and so on. Although Field, Magnetism, Sensory Overload, Spatial Awareness,
some controversy still attends some of the Quade team’s Telekinesis, Teleportation. (This brain region was once
classifications, the generally accepted power complexes, considered a site of memory storage and retrieval, but the
and their constituent abilities, are as follows. siting of these peculiar mutant powers there has called
Alimentary: Radiation Immunity, Radiation this into question.)
Projection, Toxin Immunity (Ingested). Renal: Fire Control, Fire Immunity, Fire Projection,
Amygdalic: Command Amphibians & Reptiles, Spontaneous Combustion.
Cortisol Elevation, Induce Aggression, Induce Fear, Lymbic Respiratory: Asthma, Command Birds, Deplete
Hypertrophy. Oxygen, Toxin Immunity (Gaseous), Wind Control.
Auditory: Hearing, Sonar, Sonic Blast. Salivary: Analytic Taste, Secrete Acid, Spit Acid,
Circulatory: Absorption, Blood Spray, Command Venom (Bite).
Insects, Fangs, Plasma Deficiency, Possession. Skeletal: Concussion Beam, Kinetic Energy
Epidermal: Armor, Blade Immunity, Entangling Dispersal, Limb Extension, Natural Weaponry, Skeletal
Hair, Quills, Scleroderma, Wall Crawling, Webbing Mineralization.
Hippocampal: Memory Alteration, Precision Somatosensory: Disintegration, Ice Blast,
Memory, Technopathy, Telepathy, Translation. (Sited in Phase, Reduce Temperature, Sensory Overload, Touch,
the hippocampus, part of the brain below the temporal Transmutation
lobes.) Throat: Command Fish, Gills, Swimming, Water
Hypothalamic: Emotion Control, Empathy, Blast, Water Manipulation.
Enter Dreams, Nondescript, Observe Dreams, Sexual Apart from the known proximity of powers on the
Chemistry. (The hypothalamus is the portion of the brain Quade Diagram, there appears to be no limit to the
connecting the endocrine and nervous systems.) number of complexes a single mutant’s powers belong
to. As the diagram shows, the complexes are usually
composed of correlated, as opposed to connected, powers.
PIC Tests
Genetic Risk Factors and Even more challenging is the Power Identification
Genetic Markers Centrifuge test, or PIC, which tells you exactly which
powers the subject possesses. It requires a perfect
Lucius Quade identifies two types of GRFs sample and many hours of painstaking prep work. Some
arising from genetic mutations: anatomical
technicians claim to be able to take a sample from a
subject suffering the symptoms that foretell the onset of a
and psychosocial. (These correspond to
new power, and identify which power will manifest at the
the abilities that require Health as their end of the process.
resistance ability, and those that require
Composure.) Anamorphologists have located
genetic markers corresponding to all of the Lab Work
anatomical mutations, but none for any of the Characters can access this information directly by using
psychosocial GRFs. This seems to imply that their own Forensic Anthropology abilities, with access
to HCIU laboratory facilities. Or they can send evidence
the psychosocial GRFs are not mutations, per
out for testing by staff technicians. As always, each
se, but are instead proclivities that arise from
approach has its drawbacks. You get it faster if you do it
the experience of using the powers to which yourself; generally in a day if not within hours. (This is
they are connected or correlated. the same unrealistically quick pacing you see in forensics-
heavy procedural shows.) However, sustained lab work
prevents you from being out in the field, actively moving
DNA ANALYSIS the case forward by interviewing witnesses and gathering
The presence of mutant genes can be detected via DNA further evidence. Leaving it to the specialists allows you
analysis. The information gatherable from any quantity to continue to pound the pavement for additional clues
of biological material depends on two factors: the but leaves you at the mercy of their perpetual backlog.
time devoted to testing, and the quality of the sample.
Reasons for poor sample quality include degradation, in
which the DNA has decomposed, and contamination,
Some mutant powers have proved to be transmissible
where it is mixed with other substances. Mixed samples
via transplantation. This sometimes occurs when the
containing DNA from multiple sources is a common type
biological material in which the power is sited (see
of contamination; well-established techniques exist to
above) is successfully transplanted into a new host. The
separate them.
phenomenon was originally discovered accidentally,
The easiest information to extract from a sample is the
when organs or tissues from donors of unrevealed
presence of S-cells, which confirms that a sample comes
heightened status were used in medical procedures. In
from a mutant source. This can be gleaned even from
recent years, a covert industry has sprung up to conduct
samples of such poor quality that they can no longer be
transplants purely for the purpose of inducing mutant
used to for a positive identification.
powers. Whether necessary or elective, these surgeries
carry considerable risk. The chances of tissue rejection
PCD Tests increase significantly when mutant genes are present
More difficult to extract are the genetic markers in transplanted biological materials. Even when the
corresponding to particular power complexes. If transplant takes, there is only a small chance that the
successful, these tests tell you which complex or complexes power sited in the material will be transmitted to its user.
the individual’s powers belong to. They’re called PCD It always takes some time for a heightened power to
tests, which is short for Power Complex Detection. PCD manifest after a transplant. The shortest documented
tests require either many hours of painstaking work, or a interval is twenty-eight days; the longest is 1,469 days.
sample of impeccable quality. Typically the recipient gains a single power from the site
complex corresponding to the type of tissue involved.
(In other words, a lung transplant recipient receives one
power from the respiratory complex, a bone graft patient
gets one from the skeletal complex, and so on.) The first
power may be a GRF.
Organ/ Rejection
Complex Acquisition
Tissue Rate
Circulatory 78% 12%
PROBABLE CAUSE Even more invasive than PCD tests are court-approved
mental eavesdropping efforts, in which an HCIU officer
Just as police can obtain court orders to force rape
or asset uses the Read Minds power to glean information
suspects to provide DNA samples, persons of interest to
directly from a subject’s brain. These are subjected to an
the HCIU can be required to submit to testing for mutant
even greater judicial scrutiny than wiretap warrants. They
powers. Officers receive permission to force such invasions
are typically permitted only for brief periods of time, and
of privacy only by securing warrants. Acting through
only when all other avenues of investigation have been
prosecutors, officers must prove probable cause to a judge.
exhausted. Typically applicants must also establish an
To show probable cause, investigators must establish that
ongoing threat to the public posed by the subject of the
their suspicions are founded on solid evidence, and that
warrant, as in the case of violent gang leaders or serial
there is no other way of getting the information they need
killers. Mind-reading warrants are rarely doled out
to proceed with their investigation.
just to prove who previously committed a single crime
Because the PCD test may establish an individual
which is unlikely to be repeated, like a domestic killing.
belongs to a stigmatized group, most judges place great
Neither rule or practice requires that the subject of a
weight on the privacy side of the scale in determining
mind reading warrant be a mutant; they are most often
whether probable cause exists to force a test. Officers must
deployed against high-ranking organized crime figures or
provide solid reasons to believe that the particular person
suspected terrorists, regardless of their genetic status.
they’re seeking to test committed a serious crime, and
It is well-known among cops and district attorneys that
that certain knowledge of their mutant status is required
the standards required for probable cause vary widely
to proceed with charges. They can’t, for example, have
between judges. Some are skeptical hard cases, anxious
everyone with access to a crime scene tested to see if they
to preserve privacy rights against ever-expanding state
spit venom or can wield a heat blast.
power. Others are pushovers for the prosecution who sign
However, all individuals who are remanded to
any search warrant put in front of them. (In other words,
custody awaiting trial, or sentenced to prison terms, are
GMs can easily justify why a warrant might, for plot
given PCD tests as part of their admittance procedure.
purposes, be available in one case and not in the next,
These tests are administered across the board, whether
even under very similar circumstances.)
or not officials suspect that the inmate is a mutant.
They warn prison authorities of the need to take special
incarceration measures (see below). Results of these INCARCERATION
tests remain confidential until the inmate is convicted In a practice many heightened rights activists find
of a crime, at which time they become part of his rap discriminatory, mutant prisoners are segregated in all but
sheet and enter police databases nationwide. Until then, the smallest prison facilities. Mutant prisoners who would
prosecutors are not, barring a contrary order by the judge otherwise be housed in local jails are shipped to larger
in the case, permitted access to prison PCD tests. Judges prisons more equipped to handle them.
will also disallow testimony intended to introduce such Sections of prisons reserved for mutant inmates are
evidence via a back door. For example, a prosecutor most often called Heightened Inmates Wing, or HIWs.
who visits prison to explore a plea arrangement with a These were established out of fear that mutant inmates
defendant and his lawyer and sees that he’s incarcerated would terrorize and dominate other prisoners. Activists
in the Heightened Inmates Wing can’t, as a way of argue that this outcome, even if it happened, would not
backhandedly showing that his PCD test confirmed him vary significantly from the status quo, where the toughest
as a mutant, ask a witness to describe the circumstances and best-connected inmates tyrannize the others.
of his incarceration. Mutant prisoners are divided into three groups,
HCIU officers often rely on mutant profile information according to the security threat their powers pose.
on rap sheets when investigating cases. This information So-called access-approved prisoners are permitted to
may be introduced in subsequent trials only when the interact with their fellow mutant prisoners, sharing cells,
judge decides that its probative value outweighs the risk recreational and work facilities. They have powers which
that it will prejudice jury members against the defendant. are deemed to pose a minimal threat to themselves, other
HCIU officers relying on less-than-recent PCD results inmates, and corrections officers.
in their investigations should remember that they will not Access-denied prisoners are kept in isolation, because
include any new powers that manifested after the test was their powers are considered a threat to others. However,
taken. their powers are not considered likely to aid in escape
from this ultra-secure wing of the facility. These include
Blood Spray, Entangling Hair, Fangs, Flight, Induce When it became known that certain
Aggression, Induce Fear, Induce Mental Disorder, mutants could induce a heroin-like high, it took about
Natural Weaponry, Secrete Acid, Webbing, Strength, five seconds for addicts worldwide to start tracking them
Quills, and Venom (all types). down, sweaty fistfuls of cash in hand. Endorphin Control
Prisoners in the ominous-sounding induced-quiescence (Others) offered the doper’s dream — a safe, reliable,
class are kept sedated around the clock, and fed through intense, and — most of all — legal high. The practice
tubes. Those nearing the ends of their sentences are given of receiving recreational jolts of the Endorphin Control
involuntary physiotherapy, much of it machine-aided, so (Others) power became known as dorphing.
that their muscles won’t have completely atrophied by Proponents of the worldwide war on drugs reacted
the time they’re released. (An earlier version of induced- to this phenomenon with horror, viewing it as the thin
quiescence incarceration included no such benefit, but end of the wedge that would eventually lead to the
legitimization of all drug use. They fed hysterical stories From the perspective of most cops, all anti-dorphing
to an eager media, demonizing mutants with Endorphin laws achieve is to push the activity underground, where
powers and portraying the practice as wildly unsafe. it intermingles with various other criminal enterprises.
That this required blatant manipulation of the facts HCIU investigators, who are as a rule uninterested in
fazed anti-drug campaigners not one whit. Dorphing is vice or narcotics offenses, see them mostly as leverage to
in fact safer than intravenous drug use by several orders use against dorpher witnesses. Although everyone knows
of magnitude, offering zero risk of blood-borne infection that convictions are rare, no user wants the hassle of even
or overdose. However, the propaganda campaign was an inconclusive brush with the system.
a huge success: most people believe that dorphers face HCIU officers are more interested in the crimes that
a high risk of cerebral hemorrhage every time they, to surround dorphing than in the act itself. Dorphing is
use the dorpher parlance, take a jolt. In response to the highly addictive, inspiring users to commit various crimes
outcry of anxious parents, legislators quickly enacted to fund their expensive habits. Users tend to become
stiff criminal penalties for abuse of this power, both for emotionally fixated on the people who sell them their jolts
the mutant and the recipient. The formal names of the (known as fixers), sometimes committing crimes of passion
charges are Administration of a Restricted Intoxicant and to ensure their access to them. In a crime analogous to
Willful Metabolization of a Restricted Intoxicant. pimping, criminal syndicates have been known to kidnap
In practice, however, prosecutions for either crime are and coerce law-abiding mutants unfortunate enough to
rarely mounted, as the crimes are nearly impossible to possess the power into acting as fixers.
prove. There is no physical evidence and no smuggling A subculture within the drug culture practices
network. Even if you videotape a mutant administering sdorphing (pronounced suh-DORF), in which an addict
a jolt, there is no certain proof that the power was used forms a permanent submissive bond with a mutant,
or the subject’s brain chemistry temporarily altered. who gets them high in exchange for engaging in various
Attempts to have undercover narcotics officers pose as degrading acts. In the public’s mind, ordinary dorphing
dorphers permit an entrapment defense. is often conflated with the kinkier practice of sdorphing.
Player groups who want more flexibility — and less
responsibility and authority — than HCIU officers should
play private investigators. Character creation follows the
same rules as on p. 12-20; a private investigator does not
have to take a template, but can if they wish, indicating
the character is a former law enforcement officer.
Characters built without a template can pick any one
Interpersonal Ability instead of having to choose between
Cop Talk and Bureaucracy.
Mutant Detectives should read their mutant powers
carefully, especially the legal limitations and consequences
of using them, and decide how much they’re willing to
risk on behalf of a client.
THE FIRM Clients are not always honest; your attorney may not care
about discovering the truth. But they’re not paying you to
As a group, the players must agree on answers to the
have a conscience.
following questions.
• What sort of private investigation firm do they • Background Checks: Companies making new
run? A small firm, operating out of an anonymous hires in sensitive areas, landlords with troublesome
industrial estate on the edge of town? A slick corporate clients, firms who suspect employees of cheating or
operation on the 12th floor of a skyscraper, with a defrauding them, spouses who suspect their partners
shiny logo and a smart office that looks like a legal of cheating, political groups seeking dirt on rivals —
firm? A two-bit office in a dying strip mall? a lot of private detective work involves digging up
• Who’s got the detective license? Who officially runs information on people. Technically, it’s illegal under
the company? Many states require the lead investigator anti-discrimination legislation to do a background
to be qualified and licensed. Who owns the company? check to determine whether someone is a mutant,
• Who are their typical clientele? What sort of but it’s permissible to investigate a suspected use of
person usually hires them? Does the firm specialize an undeclared mutant power. (So you can’t be hired
in a particular type of case, like missing persons or to determine whether a client’s neighbor is a Phasing
cheating spouses, or do they take whatever walks mutant, but the client can believe that someone’s
through the door? Phasing into their property and want you to find out if
• How far behind are they on rent? How precarious that’s true or not, and who’s responsible.)
are their finances? Can they afford to turn down the • Background investigations are often dull, routine
occasional dodgy client, or do they operate in a grey work, but they pay the bills and can occasionally
area with respect to the law? Or are they behind on turn up something interesting. Assume most of your
rent because they only take honest, deserving clients? firm’s work between adventures is run-of-the-mill
• What staff do they have? Do they have a receptionist? background checking.
An accountant? Technical support? A pet hamster? • Desperate People: Relatives of missing people, or
• What’s their relationship with the police? Do unsolved murder cases. People unsatisfied or otherwise
the cops trust the investigators, or do they consider unable to go through regular legal channels. People
them nuisances and troublemakers? What’s their in need of discretion, who want matters handled
relationship with HCIU? With senior police officers? privately. People in need of protection. People willing
With the cops on the beat? to pay you not to ask certain questions. People with
nowhere else to go.
CLIENTS While a client’s paying the bills, and you’ve got to keep
them onside, that doesn’t mean they get to direct your
Here are some common types of clients for private
investigation, or that they need to be kept informed of
investigation firms.
every lead you follow. Assume they’re as unreliable,
• Attorneys: There’s no such thing as private detective/
biased and potentially deceitful as anyone else you talk to.
client privilege. However, if you’re hired through an
They’re paying for your time, not your trust.
attorney, then you’re technically working for that
attorney and your reports count as work product that
is covered by privilege. Most clients, therefore, hire GETTING PAID
detectives through their attorneys. This may pay well Speaking of getting paid — the usual practice is to charge
and provide regular employment to reliable detectives, a client an initial retainer, based on an estimate of how
but attorneys expect a high degree of professionalism. much time and effort the case will require. When the
If you screw up and damage their reputation, or if the retainer is nearly exhausted, start sending monthly bills.
information you provide won’t hold up in court when In addition to your paycheck, you take professional
necessary, you’ll quickly be cut loose. expenses like travel and subsistence out of the retainer. It’s
• Attorneys typically want you to gather information up to you whether you charge extra for the use of mutant
that supports their client’s case. If a client’s going to powers. Some powers are clearly services that can be
sue for divorce, then you need to get court-admissible provided to a client, like Suppress Influence. Other cases
evidence of the affair. If a client wants to sue their old are less clear-cut — good luck getting travel expenses out
employer for damages, you might be called in to gather of a stingy client if you’ve got Teleportation.
evidence proving that the employer was negligent.
Some firms have an “unusual circumstances” or • Mutant Powers: Mutant investigators have physical
“danger money” clause in their contracts that lets them gifts that put them on par with a fully-equipped
charge extra when detectives have to use mutant abilities forensics department. With Microvision, you can spot
in the course of an investigation, treating mutations as a fingerprint on a glass; with Tracking, you can follow
special professional qualifications. a suspect across the city with consummate ease.
• Risk: Sometimes, you’ve got to bend the law a little
THE LAW & PRIVATE — especially when dealing with criminals. Sneaking
into that warehouse may technically be breaking and
INVESTIGATORS entering, but if it’s the only way to find out what’s
Private investigators don’t have any more privileges or going inside, the risk may be worth it. You’ll only get
(legal) powers than the average Joe Citizen. They can’t into legal trouble if someone calls the cops.
break the law. They can’t get warrants. They can’t Keep in mind that the burden of proof for private
trespass. No access to crime scenes. No powers of arrest. investigators is often lower than for cops. A police
No wiretaps. Investigators have to rely on: officer’s evidence has to stand up in court, and survive
• Loose tongues and shoe leather: Investigation is attacks by zealous defense lawyers. Tainted evidence or
all about talking to people, and more importantly, questionable testimony can sink a case. By contrast, a
getting them to keep talking. The investigators can’t private investigator may not need to meet such a standard
compel people to sit down for an interview, so they — if you’re just writing a report for a client, what matters
have to use other methods: getting subjects drunk in is what information you uncover, not how you get it.
a bar, blackmailing or persuading people into talking,
relentlessly asking questions, finding ways to pressure
people into cooperating, or just keeping on talking to MUTANT INVESTIGATORS
one person after another until you find the one obscure Some mutant investigators advertise their abilities.
witness with the clue you need. A lot of detective work Mutants with Tracking can easily make a living as bounty
relies on patience and Interpersonal Pushes. hunters or finders of missing people; Mutants with Detect
• Public information: A lot of information is in the and Suppress Influence are often hired as the psychic
public domain, from city records to social media. equivalent of bodyguards. If you’ve got an analytic
Poring through old files, searching through online ability like Touch or Microvision, you can do forensic
data troves, or just going through endless newspaper investigation on the fly, a valuable talent for any detective
articles is part of the job. Expert contacts and agency.
informants who are willing to share information with Other mutants prefer to keep their abilities hidden. If
you are also vital; your detectives have a network of people know you can Read Minds, then you’re in trouble.
such contacts they can draw on. Cultivate relationships You can’t legally Read Minds without a warrant, but your
with journalists, clerks, receptionists, beat cops, social clients will keep pushing you to use your abilities on their
workers, bartenders and other people who keep their behalf, and you’ll be buried with lawsuits and accusations
eyes open. from witnesses that you brain-zapped them. It’s much
• Deception and cunning: A private investigator better to hide your abilities (some detectives advertise
can’t trespass, but you can bluff your way past the they’ve got related abilities, like Threat Calculus, and let
receptionist if he assumes you’re a pizza delivery guy. clients draw their own conclusions).
A private investigator can’t demand access to phone
records, but can send you a fake email promising you
a special discount if you download a coffee app that
tracks your movements. The line between private
investigator and con artist is sometimes a thin one.
Embrace the grey zone.
When it first became apparent that significant numbers
of people had spontaneously gained inhuman powers, a
Perhaps the most dramatic ethical crisis surrounding the
wave of apocalyptic panic swept the world. Commentators
use of mutant powers in everyday life occurred in sports.
predicted a new dark age, in which superhuman gangs
After initial resistance, both the NBA and major league
would rove the earth, laying waste to civilization and
baseball permitted the use of certain powers during play.
enslaving the unheightened populace. People flocked to
The NFL briefly experimented with a similarly permissive
stores to stock up on water and non-perishable foods.
attitude, but, after several deaths on the field resulted from
Abandoned backyard fallout shelters were rebuilt.
tackles by super-strong players, has retreated to its original
Then the hysteria gradually dissipated. A few murders
no-mutants policy. Mutant athletes continue to be barred
were committed by mutated suspects. Mutants with
from the Olympics, but several court cases threaten to
pre-existing criminal backgrounds went on sprees of
overturn the IOC’s prohibitions on the grounds that they
looting and destruction. However, the widely predicted
are discriminatory.
consolidation of mutants into a single tyrannical political
Needless to say, pro wrestling quickly embraced
entity never materialized. Mutant powers proved as
mutant powers in all their permutations. Matches are
prevalent among cops and national guardsmen as among
still quasi-scripted, with predetermined results and soap
violent criminals. The body politic breathed easier, aware
opera storylines, but now allow the combatants to use
that, even in a new world of mutant abilities, decent, law-
every power this side of Radiation Projection in the ring.
abiding people vastly outnumbered the psychopaths and
Mutant wrestlers sweat to put on a good show while
shielding their screaming audiences from stray lightning
Instead the SME changed the world in subtler ways.
bolts and blood sprays.
Few people allowed the sudden acquisition of mutant
powers to alter their sense of identity. Most individuals
who discovered that they were immune to radiation or MEDICINE
could elongate their limbs did nothing much about it. Mutants with Healing or Cure Disease are highly sought
Most went on being accountants, farmers, engineers, or after by hospitals and private clinics. A small handful of
whatever they were before the SME. If they didn’t keep them go to the trouble of gaining medical degrees. Most
their powers completely secret, they limited them to the instead wait to perform their miracles under prescription,
occasional impromptu demonstration at office parties and essentially acting as walking, talking pieces of medical
family gatherings. A handful sought out more lucrative equipment.
occupations centered around their new abilities, or tried The existence of these powers has provided oncologists,
to leverage them into entertainment industry careers. surgeons and other expert doctors with additional and
Only a few occupations are sufficiently remunerative highly effective treatment options, but has hardly exiled
to lure mutants in large numbers. Empathy can earn them to the unemployment line. Seriously ill patients still
one a lucrative career in the marketing industry, as a outnumber mutant healers by a wide margin, so access
highly tuned meter of consumer reactions during focus to their services is rationed either by need (in nations
groups. Their clients include not only manufacturers and with socialized medicine) or (in the United States) by the
marketers, but political operatives testing responses to new patient’s ability to pay.
slogans and candidates. People with the Transmutation Even under national health care schemes, most
power can, if they want it, find employment producing practicing mutant healers are sufficiently well rewarded
quantities of desired metals for industrial use. Limb financially and socially to ensure their participation in
Extension is surprisingly prevalent among buskers. the system. A few rogues, however, practice underground
mutant medicine, secretly and illegally selling their
services to high-paying patients lower down on the
official priority list. The limited availability of guaranteed
cures for otherwise untreatable illnesses has intensified
the health care debate in the US. The deep-pocketed
lobby group AHMA (American Heightened Medical
Association) vigorously fights attempts to regulate its
standards have plummeted. (The same trend can be seen Neither side enjoys a monopoly on moral rectitude.
in many other high-reward, high-risk industries.) To restrict a person’s rights due to a mutation they have
Since the embrace of these trailblazers by a sensation- no control over seems unfair or draconian, depending on
hungry public, many older movie and TV stars stepped how extreme the truncation of their liberties. But many
forward to admit that they could levitate toasters or frolic powers do threaten public safety or national security if
in their groupies’ dreams. Determining which real-life completely unchecked.
tabloid figures gained mutant powers in the SME is left as As both mutants and cops, the HCIU detectives stand
an exercise for individual GMs. in the middle of this ideological divide. Cops believe in
Mutant creators have made their mark on the more authority and tend to see civil libertarians as protectors
rarefied planes of the art world. Several contemporary of criminals. If your play group is like most, they’ll treat
dance companies consist entirely of mutants. Their the privacy of suspects and witnesses with a cavalier
interpretative choreography incorporates powers such as disregard. On the other hand, they’re members, albeit
Flight, Limb Extension, Gravity Control, Telekinesis and relatively high-status ones, of a group still treated with
Webbing. widespread fear and prejudice. Every day a politician
Performance art is increasingly dominated by appears on cable news to propose new restrictions on the
mutants. The best known practitioner is Jean Iboshi, nation’s mutant population.
whose internally-generated light displays have won her Probably because mutation cuts across all class and
a coveted so-called “genius grant” from the MacArthur identity boundaries, anti-mutant measures have yet
Foundation. to win the approval of more than a hard-line fringe.
Author Deena Tynan regularly tops the best-seller However, mutant rights crusaders are often viewed as
list with her series of detective novels featuring mutant annoying troublemakers. Most people, including many
private eye Jimmy Setzer. A TV show based on the books, of the closeted heightened, basically want the issue to go
“Setzer”, is now in its second season. Smart-alec cops away.
sometimes refer to their HCIU colleagues by yelling out, Mutant politicians have made gains at the local level,
“Hey, Setzer!” where they can draw on concentrated populations of the
gene-expressive. There is, as of yet, no mutant occupying
POLITICS statewide office in the US. In many democracies, a single
token mutant functionary serves as a cabinet minister —
Just as it was before the SME, most voters in industrial always in a junior portfolio.
democracies concern themselves primarily with the
state of the economy, healthcare and national security.
However, mutant rights issues continue to generate TIMELINE
controversy. In every democracy, advocates for greater The following is a brief overview of events since the SME.
monitoring and control of mutant activities have Because the date of the SME floats depending on when
aligned themselves with the party, usually on the right, you start your game, we represent years with the formula
most concerned with projecting an image of toughness PY+X, where PY is the current year when you start
on internal security matters. Those who fight against playing, and X is the number of years out from that. So if
apparently discriminatory measures have aligned you’re playing in 2019, and an event is said to take place
themselves with the party associated with civil liberties. in PY+3, it happens in 2022.
Many of the events are local to Mutant City, the real-life
city of your choice where the action of your series occurs.
The ### is a placeholder indicating a customizable local
reference; see p. 138 for more on these.
Jan 16, PY: Apex of ghost flu panic. Worldwide pandemic feared. Riots break out in dozens of cities, mostly in
the developing world.
Jan 18, PY: Panic abates as world populations realize that the flu appears to be non-fatal.
Jan 23, PY: All symptoms end simultaneously. The unnatural suddenness of the epidemic’s end fuels a new, less
demonstrative wave of paranoia.
April 2, PY: First power manifestation occurs when Tammy Graves takes flight during a softball game in Slocum,
April 3, PY: Three new manifestations are caught on video and reach the attention of the international media.
Roman Shevchenko of Bradavka, Ukraine, is hit by a truck — and passes through it, unharmed. In a quarantine
unit in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, hospital orderly Yasiin Muhinda lays hands on the sufferer of an Ebola-like virus,
healing him instantly. Adriana Mori, a bored tour guide at an Etruscan burial site in Cerveteri, Italy, apparently
causes a cloud of flies to form into a moving, three-dimensional representation of actor Brad Pitt.
April 4, PY: Online video hosting sites are flooded with footage of hundreds of people manifesting strange
powers. These appear on news cable channels, fueling another worldwide panic.
April 12, PY: In the absence of disasters, panic subsides, and attention returns to other local or international
news stories.
May 30, PY: Mutant City experiences its first mutant-related homicide, when unemployed construction worker
Don David French enters into a drunken argument with step-brother Jack Guest over the validity of an impending
football record. French hits Guest in the chest with a lightning bolt, electrocuting him.
June 13, PY: Mutant City’s first large-scale mutant crime occurs when six heightened individuals, all of them
boasting lengthy criminal records, botch a bank robbery, which devolves into a hostage situation. Self-styled
costumed heroes calling themselves the Blue Team attempt a raid on the bank, leading to the maiming of a hostage
and the severe beating of several Blue Team members, including leader Eugene “Thunder Squall” Pavnicki. The
incident is finally defused by police hostage team negotiator, Eric Krose.
June 17, PY: The militant anti-mutant organization Human Integrity Campaign forms during a meeting in
Mutant City, attended by concerned citizens and apostate neo-Nazis from around the country.
June 28, PY+1: The Blue Team is involved in another humiliating incident. Mutant youths assault anti-mutant
goons, or barheads, in the neighborhood that will later become known as Helixtown. Blue Team members
intervene, and are turned on and beaten by both sides. Eugene “Thunder Squall” Pavnicki is hospitalized with a
July 13, PY+1: The Blue Team announces a change in focus from active crimefighting to “outreach”: that is,
dressing up and doing personal appearances.
Aug 18, PY+1: Lucius Quade, professor at Mutant City’s most prestigious science university, coins term
“anamorphology” to describe study of mutant powers, an area he has already been researching.
Oct 28, PY+1: Venture capitalist Galen Birch holds a press conference to announce his mutant status. He calls
for all mutants to reveal themselves, and “stand without shame as harbingers of a new era.”
Jan 13, PY+2: Quade publishes paper unveiling preliminary version of his famous diagram.
Apr 13, PY+2: Radical Evolve Movement (p. 151) founded in Seattle, WA.
Aug 18, PY+2: Lucius Quade announces foundation of department of Anamorphological Studies at ###.
May 6, PY+2: Mainstream political lobbying group the Heightened Information Alliance is founded during
invitation-only conclave in Mutant City. Attendees include Lucius Quade, Galen Birch, and Brian Schmiederer
(p. 143).
Aug 18, PY+3: With key funder Galen Birch, Lucius Quade breaks ground on site of his new independent
research foundation, the Quade Institute.
Last weekend before Labor Day, PY+3: First annual CapeCon, an SF media con with heavy goob (comic
book emulation) fandom track, debuts at the ### convention center.
Sept 9, PY+3: The ### Park Riot. A large Human Integrity Campaign rally turns into a deadly riot when
protesters are attacked by a team of masked, blast-wielding assailants. The perpetrators disappear in the chaos
after 18 people are killed. Even more deaths are averted by police lieutenant Ellis Deakins, who calms the crowd
and averts a stampede.
Sept 12, PY+3: Homicide detectives establish that the heightened perpetrators of the ### Park killings were
foreign mercenaries hired by leaders of the Human Integrity Campaign to foment anti-mutant outrage.
Sept 14, PY+3: First media reference to gentrifying Mutant City’s downtown neighborhood with high mutant
population as “Helixtown.”
Nov 2, PY+3: Separatist organization Continental Nation of Mutants is founded in Mutant City.
Nov 12, PY+3: First issue of scientific journal Proceedings of the Quade Institute publishes finalized Quade Diagram.
2nd weekend in May, PY+4: Quade Institute hosts first annual Symposium Of Anamorphological Research
(SOAR). Participants in panel discussion “Faith and Mutation” form the Ecumenical Working Group, an
organization devoted to reconciling mutant status with various Christian denominations.
Sept 25, PY+4: Continental Nation of Mutants activist Eddie “The Machine” Florence presides over grand
opening of the local chapter’s Freedom Hall.
Nov 3, PY+4: Brian Schmiederer elected as municipal councillor for downtown ward including Helixtown.
Apr 29, PY+4: Leaders of the Ecumenical Working Group announce its dissolution in favor of a new, mutant-
oriented religious faith, the Eighth Day Church.
May 1, PY+5: Trial of Human Integrity Campaign leaders for the ### Park Riot concludes. They are convicted
of murder and sentenced to (depending on where you locate Mutant City) either death or life imprisonment.
May 2, PY+5: In Quebec City, flamboyant Catholic heretic turned Eighth Day Church pastor Gilles Tremblay
experiences an ecstatic vision of an alien invasion, and the mutant counter-insurgency that ultimately defeats it.
Sept 9, PY+5: Deakins announces formation of first HCIU unit, commanded by Lieutenant Eric Krose.
Sept 12, PY+5: From the ashes of the disgraced Human Integrity Campaign, lower-level leaders launch the
Neutral Parity League.
Nov 19, PY+5: Gilles Tremblay and entourage move to Mutant City.
Apr 28, PY+6: In Philadelphia, PA, author and activist Davon Riddle publishes Heliopolis Awaits, the manifesto
of the Heliopolan movement, which hopes to establish a homeland for mutants in northern Somalia.
May 2, PY+6: Gilles Tremblay announces plans for Bulwark of God cathedral in Mutant City’s old Anglican
Oct 1, PY+6: Davon Riddle moves to Mutant City, where he establishes worldwide structure for his movement,
declaring himself its Chief Delegate In Exile.
altered. The mainstream mutant rights group is the Tremblay, a Quebecker now resident in Mutant City,
Heightened Information Alliance (HIA). This middle- foretells an alien invasion. Each is surrounded by a small
of-the-road lobbying outfit avoids making waves and corps of zealots who continually denounce the other
favors incremental legislative solutions to anti-mutant leader. Most eighters take a wait and see approach,
discrimination in public and private life. They take planning to rescue humanity from whichever apocalypse
plenty of flak from the boisterous Evolve Movement, a rears its head.
loud and confrontational group who prefer non-violent Some mutants make an effort to intermarry only
civil disobedience, including demonstrations and site with other gene-expressives, in the hope of producing
occupations, as their main way of demanding immediate a new generation of heightened with even greater or
fair treatment for their people. They target specific more varied powers than are currently known. They are
locations or social problems for ‘forced evolution’ and called strainers, after their desire to refine the mutant
disruption (“Evolve Wall Street! Evolve Health Care” and strain. Strainers appear within the eighter and separatist
so forth). communities, but also include many heightened with no
In the public mind, the radical expressivists of Evolve particular ideological ambitions. So far no child born of
are often confused with separatists. In fact, these parents who were mutants at the time of conception has
radical groups regularly clash. Where expressivists want shown any heightened powers whatsoever — but then,
better treatment for mutants within society, separatists they’d all be ten years old at most, and powers in children
advocate the formation of an all-mutant state. The two tend to manifest during puberty. Strainers predict a new
main separatist organizations are the Heliopolans, who wave of world-changing mutations in a few years, when
advocate an exodus to northern Somalia, which will be the children of mutant matches develop their powers.
taken over by mutants and renamed Heliopolis, and the Anamorphologists see no solid evidence for these claims.
Continental Nation of Mutants (CNM), who merely Most mutants are apolitical: they may pay some
want to create all-mutant neighborhoods in each major attention to the political endorsements of the HIA, but
city, to be run autonomously from any municipal, state or in general try to keep their mutant status from interfering
federal authority. Although both disclaim terrorism as a with their everyday lives. They prefer to define their
tactic, many of their leaders have long rap sheets for both identities by their ties to other interests and communities.
violent protest and organized criminal activity. CNM There are mutant Republicans, mutant Democrats,
members are known for adopting colorful nicknames mutant Scientologists, mutant Seventh-Day Adventists,
inspired by their super powers, giving them a surprising mutant environmental activists, and so on.
commonality with goobs. Although the two separatist
groups include representatives of all colors and creeds,
many of their top leaders cut their teeth in ethnic or
racial autonomy movements, including the Nation of
Four Colour
Islam, Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán, Costumes
and the American Indian Movement, before acquiring
superpowers and setting aside their old allegiances. In safe mode, play up the comic-book
Over the past decade, some mutants have developed sensibilities of Mutant City by having more
their own religious denomination, the Eighth Day costumed villains. Even in the real world,
Church, abbreviated as 8DC. Followers are known criminals often adopt colorful nicknames;
as eighters, for short. Originally strictly Christian in
add in mutant powers, and you can make
its theology, the 8DC has evolved into an ecumenical
adversaries more memorable by giving
movement in which various major religions are blended
with a message of God’s special mission for His mutant them villainous sobriquets and even the
children. Believers hold that the SME was a revised act occasional costume. Similarly, it might be
of creation — some even use the computing analogy of common practice for HCIU officers to be given
a firmware update — to prepare humanity for a coming superhero-esque callsigns or nicknames. If
period of calamity. It is the duty of eighters to shepherd you establish this to be true, then have each
the entire species through the imminent crisis. Competing player suggest names for the other members
prophets Bonita Moroyiannis and Gilles Tremblay of the team (i.e. you can’t name yourself, but
offer conflicting visions on what this disaster might be. you can pick the best or least worst suggestion
Moroyiannis, a Greek citizen, predicts an environmental
from the table).
cataclysm brought on by global climate change, while
Of particular interest to HCIU detectives is its In his public persona, Quade is an animated raconteur,
Department of Forensic Anamorphology, whose cutting- who wraps thorny concepts of science and social policy in
edge labs and pioneering techniques may provide down-to-earth language and a twinkling sense of humor.
more advanced evidence analysis than that offered by In private, he can seem distracted and abrupt. He’s always
the police labs. To working detectives, the Quade labs in motion, usually racing to some meeting he’s already
offer temptation and disappointment in equal measure: late for while he checks his messages and fields entreaties
investigators know that prosecutors hate new science, from a train of anxious assistants. Though often seen at
which is very difficult to introduce into evidence. As expert cultural and fundraising events with his dazzling and
witnesses, Quade Institute scientists are considered a much younger wife, Lily, rumor has it that Quade remains
mixed blessing: although juries love their credentials, few a persistent womanizer. His celebrity and charisma give
of them are good at communicating scientific information him ample opportunity to stray. Police officers detailed
to a lay audience. to his bodyguard report having to constantly peel him off
The Institute also houses a department of social attractive women.
science, the Quade Center for Public Policy. Though Quade’s goals are to advance the field of
unaffiliated with any political organization, it serves as anamorphology and to expand his empire at the Quade
a specialized think tank advancing the general cause of Institute. He fights for mutant rights but views the more
mutant rights. militant activists for the cause as naïve hotheads whose
attention-seeking efforts do more harm than good.
Although persistent rumors claim that Quade
Lucius Quade
himself has been gifted with mutant powers, perhaps of
Cognition, his consistent reply to all such inquiries is, “If
only I were so lucky.”
Sarita Sandhu
“This technique is too unproven to hold up in court, but
just between you, me, and the electron microscope, I
think I’ve got your criminal.”
Dr. Sarita Sandhu is the public face of the Quade
Institute’s Forensic Anamorphology Department.
Before switching her focus to pure research, she served
for several years as a criminalist for the Los Angeles
Police Department, where she learned to like cops and
identify with the prosecution. HCIU detectives draw on
her expertise when their own lab techs draw a blank.
“Fear is the enemy, and knowledge is the sword we use to
Although a credible presence on the witness stand, her
conquer it.”
evidence is invariably in too preliminary a stage to be
Celebrity scientist Lucius Quade is a striking, middle-
admissible in court. As such, she can point detectives in
aged, thrice-divorced African-American. Quade dove
the right direction, but without satisfying their need for
into SME research earlier than other geneticists, and has
evidence they can base charges on.
dominated the field ever since. Online futures markets
Attractive and personable, Sarita is single and used to
peg him as the leading candidate for next year’s Nobel
charmingly deflecting the flirtations of male detectives.
Prize in medicine. He’s a constant presence not only
in Mutant City, but on the national scene, as a regular General Abilities: Athletics 4, Composure 10, Health
fixture on cable news and televised political roundtables. 8, Mechanics 3, Medic 4.
Though avowedly apolitical, his pleas for tolerance on Mutant Powers: None.
behalf of the heightened have made him a bogeyman of
reactionary pundits.
Eleni Roberts
“I understand the sentiment, but if
you read the literature you’ll find that
similar proposals have always failed in
the past.”
Head of the Quade Center
for Public Policy, Professor Eleni
Roberts is a frequent participant in
symposia and talking heads gabfests,
where she offers sober, sane and
somewhat boring analysis of mutant
issues. Married to the CEO of a
major telecom firm, she acts as the
center of a social circle consisting of
wealthy mutants. Although her own
gene-expressive status is no secret,
she discreetly de-emphasizes it. Her
demeanor is patrician and polished,
more stylish society lady than rumpled
professor. In addition to fundraising
for the Institute and the Heightened
Information Alliance, she is also active
in various environmental causes.
registers only in person: he still appears as his usual lumpy Betula’s livelihood depends on excellent cooperation
self in photographs or on television. with the police. Its personnel are required to be fully
Galen’s priorities, in rough order of importance, are: forthcoming in response to any police enquiry. Former
personal aggrandizement, the advancement of mutant cops, including ex-HCIU, are found throughout its staff
rights, amassing wealth faster than his rivals, and enjoying and management. The biggest problem PCs will find in
life’s luxuries. dealing with them is their habit of crowing about how
much better they have it than the poor underworked,
General Abilities: Athletics 8, Composure 8, Driving overpaid saps still working for the force.
8, Health 8, Surveillance 8.
Mutant Powers: Illusion 24.
Reg Taylor
“Sorry it took a while to get here. I was hanging out on
my boat. You guys do have boats, right? Oh wait, sorry,
CONSULTANTS you still work for the department, don’t you?”
Ex-HCIU detective Reg Taylor serves as liaison
The city’s largest and best-known private security firm between Betula and the police force. His official title is
is headquartered in Birch Towers. Though founded by Vice President In Charge Of Special Communications.
Galen Birch, he is now a minority shareholder. One of The PCs, who are presumed to have been working for
the city’s dominant financial companies, ###, owns a the HCIU for a while, know him from his days on the
majority interest. squad. He was a kidder then, and he’s a kidder now. His
Betula advertises itself as the ideal security firm for a latest riff centers around his cushy new lifestyle now that
post-mutant world. Run and staffed almost exclusively he’s making the big corporate bucks. He seems to have
by mutants, it offers a lucrative profession to individuals aged in reverse by about ten years since making the leap:
lucky enough to have expressed combat-ready powers. he sports a fuller head of hair, fewer lines around the
Betula puts applicants through extensive physical eyes, and straighter, whiter teeth. Reg can’t help flaunting
training, rejecting otherwise unimpressive specimens his gold cuff-links, Rolex watch, or top-of-the-line new
who just happen to be able to shoot fire or shrug off mobile phone. But he does it with enough of a shit-eating
bullets. They provide bodyguard, site security and rapid grin to get away with it.
response services to the city government, as well as its top Deep down, he still yearns to nail the bad guys, so
corporations and richest private individuals. Their sleek, he’ll be as cooperative as possible when his old colleagues
streamlined vans and discreetly paramilitary uniforms are come around seeking information. He’s the one who
such a common sight around the city that they’ve become provides security camera footage and makes sure that
almost invisible. Betula personnel talk openly to the cops. Occasionally he
The firm features prominently in the fantasies of asks for a favor in return, requesting that the detectives
conspiracy theorists and crazy people. After a few well- tread discreetly among the firm’s important clients.
publicized stumbles in the Galen Birch era, it has posted On very rare occasions, if the detectives can convince
a surprisingly good incident record since the new owners him that the guy they’re going after is a complete and
bought out the bulk of his shares. Wannabe cops and total scumbag, Reg may be prevailed upon to use his
soldiers are thoroughly screened out during a lengthy shape-shifting powers on their behalf — “Purely on an
probation period. Without powers of arrest or detention, extra-curricular basis, you understand.”
its personnel can’t rely on the intimidating power of the Reg loves sports and always tries to rope his buddies
law to secure cooperation. Betula trains its people to into making ill-considered wagers on an upcoming game.
ramp down confrontations with calming words and body He himself shows a weird weakness for betting on the
language. Its personnel respond in a purely defensive eighth horse in any race, no matter what the odds. Reg
capacity. If a person or site they’re guarding comes under belongs to the Eighth Day Church. He’s low-key about
attack, they fight back. They do not pursue attackers his beliefs and thinks that Gilles Tremblay (see below) is a
or intruders when they flee or disengage. Nor do they nutjob of enormous proportions.
conduct investigations of suspects. Betula keeps a tiny
General Abilities: Athletics 8, Composure 8, Driving
staff of investigators on hand, but only for self-policing
8, Filch 8, Health 8, Infiltration 8, Scuffling 8, Shooting
purposes, or to perform security evaluations of sites or
8, Surveillance 8.
individuals they’re guarding.
Mutant Powers: Alter Form 8, Impersonate 8.
Location: downtown, near other historic
Physical description: This impressive
cathedral was purchased from the local
Anglican Diocese, which found it too
costly to maintain. It has since been
extensively refitted in keeping with the
pseudoscientific iconography of the
Eighth Day Church (see p. 136).
The new metal-clad structure
combines post-modernist lines with the
imposing authority of medieval Gothic
cathedrals. Tapestries behind the altar
vividly depict a future war between
superhumans and aliens. They jarringly
combine the aesthetics of the Bayeux
Tapestry with Topp’s original Mars
Attacks bubblegum cards. Their aliens
and ships are more inspired by H. R.
Giger than 1950s pulp covers, though.
Everybody says that the church’s
flamboyant founder, Gilles Tremblay,
installed various fortress-like facilities,
including an impregnable fallout shelter,
in the building when he remodeled it.
They’re there to make the church a
defensive strongpoint when the aliens
invade, or so the story goes. Supposedly,
its spires have even been outfitted with emplacements for
machine- and anti-aircraft guns, which can be assembled sect within the Eighth Day church, which predicts an
with parts from the vault on a few hours’ notice. environmental collapse instead of an alien attack.
The Institution: The Bulwark of God is a congregation
of the Eighth Day Church, regarded as a loose cannon Gilles Tremblay
by more conservative followers of that new faith. It draws “At the day of reckoning, we will be reforged, in a crucible
a large congregation to Tremblay’s showy, emotionally of alien fire.”
potent church services. The cathedral supports an Gilles Tremblay was a pipe-fitter from rural Quebec
impressive network of social outreach charities, including when, in the wake of the SME, he developed the power
soup kitchens, addiction counseling, and women’s to heal others, and to mend his own rent flesh. After a few
shelters. Tremblay also aggressively funds combat training years as a well-paid healer, he started his own heretical
for church members and other volunteers, to which both Catholic cult, proclaiming himself a saint. When the
mutants and DNASes may apply. Although this project is Eighth Day church arose, he switched affiliations, aligning
regarded as sinister by many people, including most cops, himself with its predictions of an unspecified future
he says that he’s merely preparing for the sadly inevitable disaster which would be averted by its worshippers. Four
war against the saucer people. years ago, during an election to choose the church’s next
The cathedral is a frequent target of attacks by zealots Moderator, Tremblay announced that he had received an
of all stripes. They include anti-mutant types as well as ecstatic vision of a terrible alien invasion. Although he
various religious fanatics, including members of a rival lost the election to a more moderate figure, he has gone
on to build a cult of personality around himself within the neighborhood furniture store into a city-wide chain of
church. Leaders have deftly acknowledged the possibility mid-priced stores. His successful election was due in
of Tremblay’s claims without fully endorsing them, large part to his high recognition factor as the star of his
preventing a schism. own television advertising. Manny loves to glad-hand
Tremblay moved to Mutant City to further develop his and preside at high-profile events. As a politician, he’s a
empire, establishing the Bulwark of God as its temporal consummate balancer of competing community interests.
outpost. He hates it when a big criminal case hits the headlines,
In person, he is a short, squat man whose wild hair especially if it makes the city look dangerous to tourists
wreathes his head like a crazy halo. He speaks in a and investors. Naranjo’s fiercely protective staffers, many
charismatically intense manner, most often about himself. of whom came up with him in the Hispanic Business
Association, are quick to lean on police headquarters
General Abilities: Athletics 8, Composure 12, when an alarming case seems to be dragging on too long.
Driving 4, Filch 4, Health 7, Infiltration 4, Mechanics Naranjo considers the heightened an overly vocal
6, Medic 4, Preparedness 8, Scuffling 8, Shooting 12, community who lack the sheer numbers at the voting
Surveillance 8. booth to justify sustained attention. Rather than
Mutant Powers: Healing 12, Regeneration 6, addressing their deeper concerns, he placates them,
Transmutation 4. hoping they’ll shut up.
GRF: Megalomania.
General Abilities: Athletics 2, Composure 12,
CITY HALL Driving 2, Health 6.
Mutant Powers: None.
Location: use the existing city hall for your chosen
Councillor Brian Schmiederer
The Institution: The SME has done little to change the
structure and function of municipal government. City “Okay, first thing we should do is set up a task force to
Hall has, however, beefed up its security measures, in part deal with this, with plenty of community consultation.
by hiring Betula Security to guard its facilities and key And then we’ll draw up a feasibility study and — wow,
personnel. this’ll be great!”
The only mutant city councillor is Brian Schmiederer,
whose ward includes a funky downtown neighborhood
Mayor Manuel Naranjo with high concentrations of the heightened, gays, and
artists. Schmiederer is an energetic, idealistic guy who’s
always coming up with new ideas — some of them good
but unworkable, others just plain kooky. His constituents
love him, thanks to his charm and tireless appearances at
community events.
He’s an advocate of a careful public relations approach
to heightened affairs. Schmeiderer advises the mutant
community to keep their cool, project a non-threatening
image, and show understanding toward those who fear
them. Radical mutant rights activists take as many shots
at him as do the anti-mutant crowd.
With his oversized glasses, skinny frame, and over-
reliance on polo shirts, he resembles a young Elvis
Costello gone preppie. He mentions his mutant powers
in his campaign literature and can occasionally be seen
to use his Translation ability when communicating with
constituents. Brian lives with his partner of seven years, a
city fireman named Greg Carlos.
“Don’t worry, friends — Mayor Manny is here for you!”
Manuel Naranjo, known to friend and foe alike General Abilities: Athletics 5, Composure 8, Health
as Manny, is a bundle of energy and model of civic 7.
boosterism. A self-made man, he parlayed his family’s Mutant Powers: Empathy 8, Translation.
Lieutenant Hoyt Haigh three jobs to put himself through the police academy.
He ingratiated himself to the mayor by working tirelessly
“People have good reason for thinkin’ we’re freaks.”
for his first election campaign, and won a cushy job as
From his donut-eating physique and rumpled clothing
the mayor’s driver soon after joining the force. Bevan
to his gruff, stolid demeanor, Hoyt Haigh appears every
parlayed his connections to a series of plum assignments,
inch the old school cop.
finally securing his present post at the HCIU.
He had been a desk sergeant for many years when,
The most media-conscious of the watch commanders,
while defusing a squad room brawl, he revealed his mutant
Bevan sees to it that his boyishly handsome face is
powers. Haigh disintegrated the floorboards beneath a
splashed across the front pages whenever a high-profile
mammoth, PCP-addled perp gone berserk, safely lodging
case hits his desk. Observers of department politics can’t
him in the resulting hole until his colleagues could get
quite decide whether he’s angling for a job as police brass,
their tasers out. Three years ago, when heightened rights
or aiming for electoral office. Although Bevan’s clearance
activists protested the lack of gene-expressive individuals
rate is not as high as Krose’s, he’s the one the politicos
in the HCIU command structure, the chief of detectives
go to when they need something handled quietly, or with
elevated Haigh from his happy obscurity to the heartburn-
media savvy. Bevan’s network of contacts at all levels of
rich environment of the unit.
the city’s power structure enables him to pull strings for
Haigh seems content with the lowest clearance rate of
his detectives. However, he’s strictly a quid pro quo kind
all the unit watch commanders. Opinion in the unit is
of guy. When he does a favor for you, he makes sure you
divided as to whether he thinks himself untouchable, or
understand that one day he’ll come to collect on it.
is hoping to get busted back down to his comparatively
Bevan’s interest in mutant affairs is limited to their
stress-free former position. At any rate, the screw-ups
high media profile. As far as he’s concerned, the HCIU
and loose cannons on the squad tend to gravitate toward
is a stepping stone, not a cause or crusade. On camera,
him. Whenever the PCs have a problem with a fellow
he supports mutant rights precisely to the extent that
unit member, it’s probably with one of Haigh’s detectives.
mainstream public opinion allows.
Persistent rumors have it that Haigh ran with dirty cops
Bevan is married to his childhood sweetheart, who is
early in his career, when he served in the vice squad.
currently expecting their first child. Demure and poised,
If it weren’t for his own genetic status, Haigh would
she seems well cast for the role of political wife.
be considered an anti-mutant bigot. He routinely refers
to the heightened as lixers, genies, and chromes. His General Abilities: Athletics 10, Composure 12,
contempt for goobs is especially ill-concealed. Then Driving 8, Health 10, Infiltration 2, Scuffling 4,
again, his discomfort level with women, blacks, Asians Shooting 12.
and Hispanics isn’t exactly hidden, either. Mutant Powers: None.
Seemingly ashamed of his genetic status, he never uses
his Disintegration power when he doesn’t have to, and
has so far kept his other mutant abilities secret. Sergeant Mike Nadler
Haigh is twice-divorced and lives with a long-term “Hang on, kid. There’s only one of me.”
partner, Monica Landford, who he continually derides as When detectives need the assistance of uniformed
a nagging pain in the ass. officers, they go through the station’s desk sergeant,
Mike Nadler3. With his broad shoulders, world-weary
General Abilities: Athletics 2, Composure 4, Driving bearing, and shrewdly suspicious sense of character, he
6, Filch 4, Health 5, Infiltration 2, Mechanics 4, fits the role of patrolman herder to a T. Nadler never has
Preparedness 5, Scuffling 8, Shooting 4, Surveillance 6. enough officers to go around, and responds to all requests
for assistance with beleaguered sighs. After letting the
Mutant Powers: Disintegration 16, Transmutation 4,
detectives know how badly they’re imposing on him, he
Healing 4.
always manages to get the job done — though perhaps
more slowly than impatient investigators would like.
Lieutenant Sean Bevan Nadler is required to be responsive to the watch
“The mayor’s office wants this to go away quietly. So commanders but does not answer to them. He outranks
that’s what’s going to happen.” the detectives but is not in their chain of command. The
The youngest watch commander in the squad is Sean
Bevan, an adroit political maneuverer tipped for a sterling 3
If you want to be strictly realistic about it, you’ll create at least
career in the department’s higher reaches. The oldest two additional desk sergeants, varying their appearance by
son of a widowed supermarket cashier, Bevan worked shift. But who wants to remember that many desk sergeants?
No one loves guns and ammo with greater fervor Ed “the Ted” Riley
than the alarming intense Leonard Northrup. Balding,
“Sorry, dudes. The print is too blurred to get more than
mustachioed and extravagantly muscled for a man
a four-point match.”
pushing sixty, Leonard is a down-the-line law-and-order
Fingerprint and evidence analysis guru Ed Riley
man and lifetime member of the country’s leading gun
wears loud Hawaiian shirts under his lab coats, used to be
owners’ movement (or whatever cause is most associated
a championship video game player, and is trying to lose
with reactionary testosterone in your Mutant City). He
eighty pounds before his wedding, scheduled for two years
assumes that all cops share his reflexively right-wing
from now. As a young man he learned to hide his brilliant
views, which he wears on his sleeve — literally, as a series
intellect behind a curtain of nerd humor and surfer-speak.
of patriotic tattoos, from back in the day when only
He refers to himself as “The Ted” and encourages others
sailors, soldiers and longshoremen sported ink.
to do likewise.
General Abilities: Athletics 8, Composure 6, Driving
General Abilities: Composure 10, Health 3,
4, Health 10, Mechanics 6, Medic 4, Preparedness 4,
Mechanics 12.
Scuffling 6, Shooting 18.
Mutant Powers: None.
Mutant Powers: None.
Lucy Bellaver
Mariya Zolotukhin
“It’s amazing how much this FBI software can enhance a
“There is no data which can be erased so that I may not
simple JPEG, isn’t it?”
find it.”
Photographic technician Lucy Bellaver is a former
The lab’s data retrieval expert is a dour young Russian
nun who decided to pursue the Lord’s work by helping
whose small talk consists mostly of minor complaints about
to protect the meek from the predatory. Although she’s
her day, especially the difficulty of the work detectives
renounced her vows, she remains celibate, living alone in
have assigned to her. Her natural beauty shines through
a small downtown apartment. From the way she talks,
a clear disinterest in personal styling, and she responds
detectives may mistakenly believe that she’s shacked up
to flirtations with a sense of impatient nausea. What she
with somebody named Martin. This is the name of her
lacks in sparkle she makes up for with miraculous feats
beloved pet, an African grey parrot.
of computer wizardry. She is highly secretive about her
mutant status, especially around others of her kind. General Abilities: Composure 12, Health 6,
Mechanics 4, Preparedness 4.
General Abilities: Athletics 2, Composure 5, Health
Mutant Powers: None.
6, Mechanics 6, Preparedness 4.
Mutant Powers: Armor 4, Blade Immunity 6,
Entangling Hair 6. Henry Glass
“I compared the measurements we took at the scene and
Chieko Renan the original plans and found a six-foot discrepancy. If I
were you, I’d go back and check for a secret compartment,
“It’s your lucky day, detectives: the paper bears a specialty
right about — here.”
Failed architect Henry Glass works for the plan
In her spare time, document analysis expert Chieko
drawing department. Though brilliant at his job,
Renan practices origami and writes unpublished mystery
detectives have to be careful to keep him on topic, or he’ll
novels about a plucky document analyst who solves
launch into a critique of the visionless idiots who built
crimes the poor stupid police detectives are too dumb
whatever structure he’s drawing or reconstructing. He
to understand. Although her work is top-notch, she will,
has to check himself from treating the detectives like all
if not interrupted, bombard the team with completely
the lackey architecture students who used to work for him
absurd theories of the crime they’re investigating. She’s
back before his firm went bankrupt. Glass is in his mid-
a slightly plump woman in her thirties who owns many
forties, wears thick-framed glasses, and surrounds himself
pairs of cute eyeglasses. Her somewhat unusual name
with objects of severe modernist design.
reflects her Japanese-French heritage.
General Abilities: Composure 8, Health 6,
General Abilities: Composure 8, Health 5,
Mechanics 8.
Mechanics 3.
Mutant Powers: None.
Mutant Powers: None.
league drug dealing. He handles inquisitive cops by an initial position as a queen bee volunteer, she now
cheerfully talking their ears off until they get tired of him jealously guards her secrets and prerogatives. Notorious
and leave him alone. Guerra is currently on probation for for keeping no records except in her head, Betsy has all
torching Conrad Priestley’s car. of the show’s details at her sharp-tongued command. If
General Abilities: Athletics 12, Composure 6, something happened to her, the show would collapse into
Driving 4, Filch 8, Health 12, Infiltration 6, Mechanics utter disaster — a fact she’s always ready to remind you
4, Medic 4, Scuffling 12, Surveillance 4. of, if you happen to forget. She incessantly complains of
Mutant Powers: Fire Immunity 4, Spontaneous the burdens placed on her, while viciously resisting any
Combustion 8, Toxin Immunity (Ingested) 4. effort to pry even the smallest responsibility from her
GRF: Trance Susceptible. hands. An incorrigible gossip, Betsy can be relied upon
to gather — and freely dispense — the secret poop on any
THE MUTANT notable member of the goob community. A middle-aged
woman with long, limp blond hair, Betsy keeps trying to
COMMUNITY lose weight, but is always thwarted by omnipresent snack
The city includes notable exponents of most major mutant food when the stress of convention season descends.
groups, many of whom are quick to insert themselves into Betsy has used her Memory Alteration power precisely
high-profile HCIU cases as a way of gaining publicity. once, to erase a fellow committee member’s recollection
Local mutants tend to cluster in Helixtown, a once- of an embarrassing gaffe she made during a show. She
shabby downtown neighborhood now in the midst of a has regretted this ever since, and sworn never to deploy
gentrification process. it again.
Janice Saralegui
“I bet this problem has a simple solution if we all sit
down and put our minds to it.”
Executive Director Janice Saralegui is a veteran of
various non-profit organizations, having headed an
affordable housing lobbying group, an arts fundraising
foundation, and a cancer research charity. She did not
come out as a mutant until applying for her present
position, a fact that continues to rankle more radical
expressive rights activists. Janice, a vivacious, slightly
pear-shaped woman in her early fifties, practices a relaxed
management style, earning her the loyalty of her devoted
staff. She regularly rubs elbows with Lucius Quade, Galen
Birch, and others of the city’s leading lights, mutant and
Doesn’t want to
What Sharon Bryson overthrow the
thinks of...
— oppressor —wants to
A spooky creep. A tool of The Man.
become the oppressor
A dangerous fantasist
What Eddie Florence A spoiled brat, raised
thinks of... on privilege.
— devoted to an A tool of The Man.
impossible cause.
What Davon Riddle Unworthy of Theres a knife behind A tool of the inferior
thinks of... consideration. his smile.
— species.
capture him, he claims he was hired by David Graber — though, that players are capricious and unpredictable
and following the money confirms that. by nature, and will make unexpected choices.)
The Culprit(s): The real mastermind is Bremmer • In Interviewing Kari, the players can also confirm
Cord, Anthony Cord’s son. He discovered his father’s Graber was murdered. While there are no immediate
half-formed plan to kill Graber, and put it into action. lead-outs from this scene, the players can return
He tracked down Kari Kristobel and convinced her to to question Kari again later once they pick up the
seduce Graber. prerequisite clue that David Graber’s money was used
Starting with this tangled tale of lust and murder, the to pay for his own murder.
next step is to break it down into scenes. There are three • Scenes like Anthony Cord, Cynthia Graber and
clear lines of investigation. First, there’s the circumstances Cord’s Files are all investigative scenes where the
of Graber’s death, where forensic investigation points to players pick up clues that point in various directions, or
a phasing mutant. Second, there’s Graber’s business and illuminate more about the backstory of the case. Take
family contacts. And thirdly, there’s Kari Kristobel and a look at the list of investigative abilities and pick the
her involvement. The GM notes down some clues that ones that the players will obviously employ (Bullshit
could be found from all three lines of inquiry, and where Detector and Interrogation when questioning a
they might lead — and how each one might cross-over suspect; Data Retrieval and Accounting when
with another, tying the case together. looking at corporate files). Then look at other abilities,
and see if you can include some unexpected or oblique
clues. Maybe Electronic Surveillance coupled with
Scenes Anamorphology to spot that you need an electronic
Here’s a possible break-down of the scenes. The passcard to get into Graber’s building — even if the
investigation begins with a Locked Room Murder, assassin can walk through walls, Phasing isn’t easy, so
where the team’s called to investigate the apparent suicide it’s possible that someone on the inside helped them
of David Graber. That leads to three possible scenes. enter the building.
• In The Dead Man, the players confirm it was a • If the players need a push, then Bremmer Cord
murder made to look like a suicide, and learn about “accidentally” gets arrested; a search of his car in A
who Graber was and his close associates — Anthony Busted Tail Light discovers clues pointing toward his
Cord and Cynthia Graber. father’s files. (Remember, Bremmer’s trying to pin the
• In The Killer, the players learn what little they can murder on his father and Cynthia Graber so he can
about the murderer from physical evidence, previous swoop in and control everything.)
crimes committed by the assassin, and police files. • Chasing the Killer is a chase scene against a murderer
Note that while there’s a way for the players to get who can phase through walls. If they capture him,
to Chasing the Killer early (maybe a lot of legwork they can question him in Questioning the Killer,
and some investigative Pushes get a clue pointing to but if the players fail to capture the killer, they can still
the assassin’s hideout), it’s much more likely that the find the core clue in the alternate scene The Hideout.
players find it through the more satisfying route of • Both those scenes give access to the clue that the killer
questioning key characters like the Cords and Cynthia was paid in cash — but there’s a matching withdrawal
Graber. Players tend to prioritize the most immediately from Graber’s personal credit card. Following
interesting or time-sensitive clues — given a choice the Money discovers that David Graber gave his
between spending days doing background checks, and young lover Kari access to his card — she hired the
talking to the witness who’s right there, they’ll usually assassin. When confronted with this, she confesses that
go for the latter. When designing your mysteries, try Bremmer Cord convinced her to put his father’s plan
to put yourself in the players’ shoes and think about into action.
their most likely line of inquiry, their second most • Finally, in Resolution, the player characters arrest
likely and so on, and prepare for those. (Bear in mind, Bremmer Cord for conspiracy to murder.
Interviewing Kari
The Killer
Investigation -
Investigation - Any
Cord’s Files
A Busted Tail Light
Investigation -
Antagonist Reaction
The Hideout
Investigation -
RUNNING THE GAME and definite resolutions. Players who resolve questions of
procedure with swift efficiency, or who prefer to focus on
An investigative story in any medium is, by its very
characterization over storyline, require a looser hand on
nature, highly structured. The investigators learn of a
the structural tiller.
mystery, then move through a series of scenes, each of
which concludes in the acquisition of a clue which segues
into the next scene. The story reaches its climax when Perception Is (Nearly) All
the investigator discovers and reveals the answer to the Some groups are hyper-sensitive to issues of railroading.
mystery. It may or may not conclude, for extra punch, These concerns, which are absolutely legitimate, may
in a physical confrontation with the story’s now-revealed be based on past bad experiences with controlling GMs
antagonist. who forced them to enact essentially passive roles in
Structure can be difficult to achieve in the roleplaying unalterable, preset storylines. If members of the group
medium. Guide the players too little and they lose the are avid roleplaying theorists, they may respond out of
thread, resulting in a loose and sloppy narrative that a general ideological feeling that players ought to shape
provides none of the neat, order-making pleasure the and drive the story, taking on responsibilities traditionally
genre is meant to provide. Guide them too much and they given to the GM.
feel that their freedom of action has been taken away from The most important way to prevent players from
them, and that they’re merely observers moving through feeling railroaded is to remain flexible and reactive to the
a predetermined sequence of events. (As you probably choices the characters make. We’ll discuss this a bit more
know, this latter syndrome is known in roleplaying jargon in the next section.
as railroading.) However, nearly as crucial is avoiding the appearance
The trick to successfully running investigative of railroading.
scenarios is to strike the right balance between the two Some players may feel that the GUMSHOE system’s
extremes. The exact balance is a matter of collective reliance on automatic successes inevitably leads to a
taste. Groups prone to flailing about may welcome a railroaded result. In practice, this simply isn’t so. The
strong structure with clear goals, a straight narrative path degree of narrative flexibility a GM exercises is entirely
unrelated to the game’s resolution mechanic (or relative • Tailor characters and situations to the player
lack of same). Flexibility remains up to the GM, and characters. If a player portrays a sloppy, rumpled
your ability to improvise within the basic structure reporter, confront her with a neat-freak, press-hating
of the investigative story, as it does in nearly any set of authority figure. A character known to fall for sexy
roleplaying rules. muscular types should meet successions of sexy
As proof of this, we cite a weird phenomenon that muscular types, and so on.
occurred during playtest. The groups that expressed the • Introduce story elements giving players opportunities
strongest misgivings about possible railroading were those to flesh out their characters’ backstories. Weave old
whose GMs had done the most improvising. friends, acquaintances, mentors, colleagues and rivals
This result can be partly attributed to variances in into your supporting casts.
group tastes, but also suggests the enormous importance
of maintaining the perception of free choice. When you’re
on a roll as a GM, you can create the perception of free
Any Track Is the Right Track
choice even when players respond predictably to the Although it may be, oddly enough, more important to
scenario. On an off night, you can convey the impression maintain apparent than actual narrative freedom, we
of constricted options even you’re improvising furiously should still endeavor to provide the real thing to the
to keep up with their completely unexpected choices. maximum extent possible.
Here are five ways to maintain the perception of Fortunately, it’s easier to provide freedom than it is to
narrative freedom. seem like you’re providing it. Simply ensure that any clue,
• When using a prewritten adventure, paraphrase especially any core clue, is available not only to players
as much as possible. Avoid reading right from the using the ability specified in the scenario, but to any player
scenario. Even if it’s well-written, your narration, no who provides a credible and entertaining alternate method of
matter how halting and tentative, will seem more acquiring that clue. The scenario is a foundation to work
spontaneous than canned text. Some GMs read too from, which ensures that there is at least one way to move
much of the scenario out loud because they have through the story. It should never be regarded as the only
trouble extracting the necessary nuggets from a way to get to the resolution. A group of players will often
prewritten text. Judicious use of a highlighting pen come up with better ideas than the scenario writer ever
can work wonders to zero in on the best details, which could. Give yourself permission to go with them.
you can then weave into your own extemporaneous One slight exception: this advice pertains only to clues
sentences. available in the current scene. Allow players to leapfrog
• During scenes of character interaction, listen carefully scenes by acquiring information they’re meant to get later
to player dialogue and respond accordingly. Riff with only when pacing permits. If you’re early in a session when
the players. This is more important than spewing the the threat of leapfrogging occurs, and you’re not confident
supporting characters’ clues or talking points, even if you can improvise enough new intervening scenes to
that means altering the characterization from what make a full evening’s entertainment, by all means block
you see on the page. the players’ efforts. If you’re zooming toward evening’s
• Encourage players to flesh out minor details of the end, leapfrogging may prove a blessing — just be sure to
setting and situation. If they ask you what the weather squeeze in all of the necessary ancillary information the
is like, ask them what they want it to be. If they ask players might miss by skipping ahead.
if such and such an item is present at a particular Scenes in the middle of an investigation can often be
location, tell them that it is and ask them to describe juggled around with no ill effect to the storyline. When
it. On rare occasions the mystery plot will turn on this is the case, it’s always better to let the players dictate
these little details, and you’ll have to pull back from pacing than to force them back into the order of events
this technique and stick to your clue trail. Otherwise, envisioned by the scenario.
seek out opportunities for player input. The scenario is only the blueprint. The building
happens during play.
Imprisonment as Plot Device Unlike mundane Investigative abilities, including those
introduced in this book, game designers can’t assume
Obstacles where the punishment for failure that the players will have access to any particular mutant
is imprisonment or other loss of freedom to Investigative power. For this reason, mutant powers can
maneuver should be introduced with caution. never be the only way of getting core clues in published
If the characters can gain information while scenarios. You, with your comprehensive knowledge of
your players’ characters, can of course design adventures
captured, and will be presented with a fairly
that hinge on their particular mutant abilities.
easy avenue of escape afterwards, by all
Mostly Investigative mutant powers allow the
means include them. You can allow tests or characters to gather the same information they would
contests to avoid such consequences. with their normal abilities, but in a faster, cooler way.
However, plot turns in which characters
are captured and cannot escape invariably
bring game sessions to a screeching, thudding
With your scenario sketched out, take time to consider
halt. Either allow the characters to avoid them
ways to connect it to your player characters. Do any of
with automatic successes on Interpersonal
them have mutant powers that you can showcase? Maybe
abilities, or build an escape hatch into your Hearing can pick up extra clues from the recording of
story. The team’s superiors serve this purpose Kira’s phone call, or perhaps Plant Communication
well. They can always deploy resources to get can turn David Graber’s desk plant into a witness. Look
the characters sprung, after a suitable interval for ways to connect the players’ backstories and subplots
of nail-biting and discomfort. — if a character is having money troubles, then maybe
Bremmer Cord could offer them a bribe.
While it’s not necessary, some GMs enjoy preparing Look out for plotting pitfalls when introducing new
facsimile handouts, digging up street maps, finding powers. We’ve omitted certain standard comic book
photographs of people who look like key characters (who powers, because they screw up mystery plots. Time
would you cast as Bremmer Cord?) or planning setpiece travel and precognition are prime examples. Be equally
action sequences (what cool things could a phasing cautious when modifying the capabilities of existing
character do in a chase scene? Phase onto a moving bus? powers. Certain troublesome powers, like Read Minds
Phase into a wall and climb up it while intangible?). and Phase, have been included, but limited in such a way
as to minimize their mystery-wrecking potential.
The rules offer a number of ways to call on abilities,
The world of Mutant City Blues is not one in which
depending on the situation. Choosing the right way to
absolutely anything can happen. Mutant powers exist, but
call on an ability is crucial to the forward momentum of
operate in a predictable fashion. The nature of the SME
your investigative plot. Make this choice according to the
remains mysterious, but the interrelationships between
consequences of failure.
the powers are well known.
If the consequence of failure is that a character fails
This consistency of background is necessary so that
to get a piece of crucial information, success should be
the players know what is and isn’t possible whenever they
automatic provided that the character has the ability in
attempt to reconstruct events connected with a crime
question, and the player thinks to ask for it. (Even at that,
scene. They know that an apparent locked-room mystery
you may need to improvise during play if no player steps
might be explained by a mutant with the Phase power,
up to claim the needed clue, bending the details of the
or that a suspect might have escaped by flying off the
scenario so that the same information can be garnered
balcony. However, if a case rests on a witness’ claim to see
with a different ability, possibly by another player.)
the future, they can safely dismiss him as crazy or deluded
If you have a piece of information that offers a fun
— this is as impossible in the game world as it is in ours.
sidelight on the action but is not essential to move
Avoid diverging from the established pseudoscience
through the story, you can make this available if the
of mutant powers when creating cases. Doing so
players actively use the relevant ability. Don’t bombard
undermines the setting’s sense of reliable reality. If you
them with unasked-for information that isn’t relevant.
do create exceptions to the way powers work, don’t do
If a piece of information is illuminating and useful, but
it offhandedly, or to justify close up minor holes in your
not crucial to solving the case, make it available with a
plotting. The existence of a character whose cluster of
Push. Pushes are opportunities for characters to take the
powers defies the Quade Diagram would be an incredibly
spotlight and demonstrate their competence and insight;
big deal, as would one with a previously undocumented
make them feel worth it. (If you can, give the players a
power. Should you include these elements in a case, make
core clue from the scene too. For example, a telltale
them central to it. Also, construct the mystery so that the
footprint might be found with Evidence Collection —
players don’t have to guess that you’ve cheated the setting
but if the players haven’t found it yet, you could give it to
details in order to solve it. Rather than forcing them to
them as part of a Reassurance Push. The empathetic
figure out that a suspect has a nonstandard power or
officer consoles the terrified witness, who mentions as
cluster to understand what’s going on, make that part of
part of his testimony that he heard some noise outside
the premise, or allow them to discover it in some other
the kitchen window. Checking the flowerbed outside
the window reveals the print without any invocation of
More satisfying still is to tease players with the prospect
Evidence Collection.
of a stunning new development in anamorphology, but
Interrogation scenes can get repetitive. Feel free to
resolve the story so that it turns out to be bogus, restoring
either summarize interviews, or let the players know
the informational status quo. A mutant with an apparently
through their Investigative abilities that a prisoner won’t
undocumented power might, for example, be faking it to
talk unless they go out and obtain some added leverage
defraud the Quade Institute or gain a false alibi.
(“He won’t talk unless you can tie him to the car thefts” or “You
If you see something about the state of mutant powers
can tell he’s trying to protect someone”).
that you want to change, do it at the start of play. You
If an action’s consequence of failure might be death
might decide to introduce additional powers; if you do,
or injury, by all means make it a test. If game world logic
place them on a modified Quade Diagram and give your
suggests that a supporting character will actively oppose
players access to them during character creation.
the PC, make it a contest.
When the test fails, the character takes the moment stressful situation. The list of tags is:
hard, as represented by a Stress card. A sample Stress o Addiction (substance abuse)
card looks like this: o Corruption (becoming a dirty cop)
o Fear (anxiety triggered by the dangers of the job)
o Home Life (difficulty sustaining relationships
Home Life o Medical (physical injuries or debilitating conditions
-1 to Focus tests. -1 to Composure tests to avoid that might require eventual reassignment to desk
Stress cards tagged Home Life. duty)
Deactivate: by mollifying the disappointed loved o Obsession (emotional tunnel vision, often but not
one. always about the job)
Discard: by breaking from case work to attend to o Rage (anger management problems).
the disappointed loved one. • Text: Describes what the card does — often a penalty
to certain tests.
• Deactivates: Cards can go from your active pile
to inactive status. When inactive, they do not count
STRESS CARDS against your total number of Stress cards held, or exert
Stress cards consist of the following elements. their effects. This entry describes the conditions under
• Title: An evocative card name invoking either the which the card deactivates. The card may also have
situation that caused the Stress, or its lingering information about what causes it to reactivate.
emotional or physical consequences. • Discard: This entry tells you how to get rid of the
• Tag(s): One or more identifiers marking the type of card entirely.
When you meet the discard
condition, you discard the card even
if it is currently inactive.
Some card effects reactivate an
inactive card.
The full set of Stress cards can
be found at the back of this book,
starting on p. 195.
Card Terms
Certain terms used on the cards
refer to the following definitions.
• Interval: The time that passes
between the acquisition of two
core clues. A new interval begins
whenever the group gains a core
• Margin: The difference
between the Difficulty number
and a final test result (including
point spend).
• Table time: The amount of
real time that passes for GM
and players during your game
• World time: An amount of
imaginary time that passes
for the PCs and GMCs in the
fictional setting.
Player Character Subplots Crisis Penalties Last Crisis
Player Character Subplots Crisis Penalties Last Crisis
Brother loses
Aser Aiza Regis Home Life -1 July 7
control of powers
internal affairs
Karen Billie Trent Corruption -1
Of the players attending the new session, pick one to When it’s time to introduce a Subplot for a character
feature in the evening’s personal crisis Subplots. When with no Crisis penalties, and you can’t think of a natural
making the choice, narrow down the candidates by personal moment to arise out of the scenario, ask the
weighing these criteria, in this order: player what sort of problem they want to encounter.
1. who has gone the longest without a Subplot
2. who has the highest total number of crisis
penalties CRISIS TESTS
3. whose character or ongoing personal storyline When the character faces the moment of crisis, the player
best mirrors the theme of the case, or can be makes a Difficulty 4 test of the ability keyed to Health (for
dovetailed into the case. medical crises) or Composure (for any other crisis). On a
Having chosen your Subplot PC, think of a crisis that success, the player can choose whether to give in to the
fits, in this order, the following factors: temptation or succumb to the medical problem. (Players
1. their crisis penalties rarely say yes to the second, because there’s no benefit to
2. their characterization and known past history it, but might decide the upside of temptation beats the
3. the theme of the scenario. risk. If they know that ahead of time, they won’t bother
When an immediate idea doesn’t present itself to you, to spend pool points to increase their chances of success.)
enlist the player. This may involve asking what kind of On a failure, or if the player chooses to have the
crisis they want to deal with, or suggesting a GMC you character bested by the crisis, the player takes the Stress
might introduce that the squad member cares about. card you’ve chosen to represent the consequences of that.
Of the three players who still haven’t had a personal When Buck makes his offer to Billie, Karen makes
crisis crop up, only Johan and Karen are present for a Composure test, against which her penalty of 1
tonight’s session. Neither has yet had a Subplot, and against Corruption applies. Karen elects to spend
both have a single crisis penalty. Tonight’s mystery 2 Composure. She rolls a 2, which, if not for the
involves crooked fire inspectors, which fits Karen’s penalty, would have succeeded. You give her the most
Corruption penalty better than Johan’s Rage penalty. basic of the Corruption Stress cards, “No One Will
So you pick Karen’s PC, Billie Trent, to feature in Ever Find Out.”
the Subplot. Karen has suggested an internal affairs
investigation of her character, but you want to save On a failure, you may need to collaborate with the player
that for later in the campaign. to create a set of circumstances where the character
You ask Karen to describe a friend who works as would credibly make the terrible decision that leads to
an arson investigator, who might, like Billie, have the Stress card. When the player says, “This would be
played fast and loose with the law in their shared out of character,” ask, “What circumstances would have
past. “Buck Nakamura,” says Karen. “We grew up to exist for it to be in character?” Then introduce those
in the same neighborhood in Newburgh, New Jersey, circumstances so that it makes sense and doesn’t seem to
where we had to scrabble to survive. I was sweet on come from left field.
him for a while, before he figured out he preferred
You adjust your scenario to turn a GMC featured SPONTANEOUS CRISES
in it into her old pal Buck. He accepts bribes from From time to time a story element may arise organically
the mob to cover up their insurance fires. One of his from the story that either:
clients has taken advantage of a rash of fires set by a • provokes a crisis test, which might lead to the character
mutant firebug to torch his own place. When Billie taking a Stress card, or
figures this out, Buck will offer her expensive concert • inspires a player to make a choice for which a Stress
tickets to look the other way. He doesn’t expect her card is clearly warranted, with no test to avoid it.
to frame the firebug for this arson — just fail to pass Embrace these situations as they come up. They show
along her discovery that this one building owes its that the group has immersed itself in the gritty side of the
demise to an opportunistic copycat burn-down. cop/detective genre.
Use the Stress cards found in the book’s Appendices (p.
195) to fit the following situations.
Your case work leads to a missed pickup from school, CRISIS SITUATION TABLE
A loved one seeks your aid after a scrape with the law
Loved One Gets Busted Home Life, Corruption
leads to an arrest.
You commit a petty act of professional malfeasance. No One Will Ever Know Corruption
The cops all think you’re dirty. Under a Cloud Corruption, Fear
A close call leaves you worrying about physical danger. Jumpy Fear
You just can’t get calm any more. Off Your Game Fear
You return to the job after a brush with death. You Nearly Bought It Medical
You have the Forced Genetic Drift GRF but it hasn’t been
Tension Headache Home Life
doing that much harm.
A loved one dies. You feel like you could have prevented
Wracking Guilt All tags
it, if only you’d done something differently.
You’re in debt and need a cash injection. Hiding from the Bank Home Life, Corruption
• Relative drawn into Gilles Tremblay’s secret army of interview techniques, but your characters are. To help
anti-alien warriors you take on their roles, a list of standard questions appears
• Relative has a brush with the law below. Most of them assume a murder investigation.
• Separatist mutants prove to be bad neighbors Refer to them when you find yourself lost for direction in
• Someone rats me out to Internal Affairs the middle of an interview sequence.
• Straightener researcher convinced my blood contains • Where were you between the hours of X and Y? [Where X and
cure for mutant powers Y represent the time frame of the crime you’re investigating.]
• Troubled, long-lost relative comes back into my life • [If an alibi is offered] Can anyone confirm this?
• When a scumbag defendant gets off on a shaky judicial • Who stands to benefit from this crime?
ruling, I suspect corruption in the justice system • Do you know anyone who had reason to wish the victim
• Wooed to jump to the Quade Institute’s forensic harm?
anamorphology department • Was he receiving threats of any kind?
Subplots are supposed to be about you. If you want to • Were you on good or bad terms with the victim?
involve another PC in your subplot idea, get the player’s • What sort of person were they?
assent first, collaborating as necessary so that both of you • What was their family situation?
are equally happy with the suggestion’s possibilities. • Were they having problems in their family or relationship?
• What was their financial situation?
• Do you know anyone the victim would have confided in?
INTERVIEWING TECHNIQUES • What notable projects or activities was the victim involved
Although GUMSHOE never withholds a clue from you in?
if you have an appropriate ability and look in the right • Was the victim [or other figures in the case] a known mutant?
place, you do still have to look. In police investigations, Vary your tactics according to your sense of the witness’
interviews with witnesses, experts and potential suspects temperament and emotional state. If you can’t get a read
provide the bulk of the information you’ll need to clear on your witness, ask the GM if Forensic Psychology
your cases. If you fail to ask the right questions, you can provides you any useful hints into their character. These
miss crucial clues. You, the players, aren’t trained in may suggest whether, for example, you’re better off using
Intimidation or Charm to overcome a witness’ reluctance.
Blue on Blue
This introductory mystery pulls double duty as a potted
history of Mutant City and a compelling mystery.
The mastermind behind the crime spree is an ambitious
and well-connected criminal mutant, Malcolm Shandell.
BACKSTORY He used his technokinetic abilities to commit the initial
Nine years ago, police officer Adrian Mulrovey was one of series of burglaries, known as the Glitch Case, and has
the first cops in the precinct to develop mutant powers. He since invested the profits from the robberies into a small
took medical leave, and volunteered as a test subject with commercial empire that covers his ongoing criminal
Dr. Lucius Quade. He was part of Quade’s original study activities.
group. Unable to cope with his burgeoning mutations, His brief crime spree taught Shandell how useful
Mulrovey committed suicide. mutant powers can be in the commission of crime; rather
At least, that’s the official story. than risk himself, he’s set himself up as a fixer, connecting
mutants to criminals. Need a chemical Transmuter
for your drug lab, or a super-strong leg-breaker, or a
shapeshifter? He’s got the names and the numbers if
The HCIU get involved when an Evolve Movement (p. you’ve got the money. To ensure a constant supply of
136) demonstration goes awry, and Mulrovey’s case is mutant recruits, Shandell seeks to poison the minds of the
brought up as proof that the authorities deliberately try mutant community against the authorities. He’s fostering
to wipe out mutants. HCIU are asked to look into the the conspiracy theory that Mulrovey was killed by the
case to disprove the allegations. government because he discovered their plan to eradicate
Cold Case gives the known facts of the case and CONCLUSIONS
Mulrovey’s life and death. From there, they can talk to There are two possible endings to this scenario. If you
The Widow, or visit The Quade Institute to access want to wrap everything up neatly, then Malcolm
the sealed records. Either can point to Typhoid Mary, Shandell attempts to kill the investigating officers to cover
Mulrovey’s former lover Sandra Pryde. up his crimes in The Big Lie (p. 192). Use this climactic
Talking to the Widow or researching the Cold Case action scene if you want a conclusive, dramatically
provides a pipe clue to The Glitch Case. satisfying ending.
An alternate line of inquiry runs through the Evolve Alternatively, if you’re using this adventure as the
Movement; Interrogating Angie points to All Fired starting point for an ongoing Mutant City Blues series, a
Up. more downbeat but open-ended final scene is better; for
Either the Institute or Pryde can provide the list of that purpose, use Clearing the Case. In that ending, the
Mulrovey’s fellow test subjects — the Spider, All Fired officers may correctly suspect that Malcolm Shandell is
Up, and the Fixer. both a murderer and the mastermind of a mutant-fueled
As the investigation draws closer to its target, the team criminal syndicate, but they are unable to prove either
may need to deal with Fake News or Attack of the suspicion. You can then use Shandell as an ongoing
Spider. adversary in your series, where the officers slowly pick
apart his operation until they have enough proof to arrest
Three of Mulrovey’s fellow test subjects were criminals,
and used their mutant powers to carry out a frantic crime
spree before police forensics and techniques caught up to
the challenge. Now, they’re trying to bury the sins of their
The Arrest
The other Evolve protestors
take up Angie’s cry, shouting
to any police who displayed
mutant powers that they
should be on Evolve’s side.
“The government wants us
dead,” they shout. However,
there are no more violent
incidents when Angie’s
arrested and detained.
• Popular Culture:
Underground rumors
claim that the government,
or some other sinister
faction, has schemed to
develop a mutant-killing
virus ever since the first
days of the Ghost Flu.
Various stories alternately
blame the government,
the Quade Institute,
— she’s super-strong, so she can spend Strength on
the Neutral Parity League, the military-industrial
the Scuffling contest if she concentrates, and she’s
complex or the Russians.
flying three meters off the ground. She’s close to the
• (Core) Several of the protestors — along with Angie
bank, though, so officers could jump on her from the
and her t-shirt — mention Adrian Mulrovey. As Cop
windows. Alternatively, luring her down to the ground
Talk/History/Pop Culture informs the characters,
works. Remind the players that they can team up on
Adrian Mulrovey was the first cop in Mutant City to
her — they could take her by surprise (p. 94) or use
develop powers, back in the early days of the Ghost
non-lethal attacks (p. 92). She won’t use her Strength
Flu. He committed suicide.
in a fight unless she’s injured.
• Streetwise or Interrogation: Protestors claim that
• Stunning Her: A power like Concussion Beam,
Mulrovey uncovered this scheme, and was murdered
Endorphin Control, Deplete Oxygen, Emotion
to cover it up. He’s a martyr to the mutant cause.
Control or Webbing can take her down.
If any of the player characters were involved in Angie’s
• Shooting Her: Deadly force (or potentially deadly
arrest, or if HCIU want to take the case, they can follow
force) is a last resort, especially with TV cameras and
up by Interrogating Angie, p. 186. Otherwise go straight to
Cold Case, below.
The Garage
It’s a nine-year-old crime scene.
There’s no physical evidence left
here. When Adrian Mulrovey
was alive, they kept a washer and
dryer here; since the kitchen was
remodelled, they moved those
utilities in there. If asked, Danica
complains that the appliances never
worked properly afterwards — she
blames the forensic team.
Electronic Surveillance spots
that the garage (and the main house)
both have high-quality but old
burglar alarms, presumably fitted by
Adrian Mulrovey. These alarms did
not go off on the night he committed
More usefully, Evidence
Collection (Core Clue) spots
boxes of old papers. Checking
through those files discovers some
other useful clues.
• Mulrovey has a number of
files and clippings — including
photocopies of police reports,
which he definitely shouldn’t
have had. He must have obtained
them from police buddies.
The reports relate to a series of
burglaries called The Glitch Case
(p. 184). They describe a string
of robberies where thieves broke
into high-value targets like jewelry stores and banks.
Electronic alarms mysteriously failed to work; there
was no forensic evidence of the intruders. There should The Truth
be a fuller report in the police archives. The Glitch
robberies started around the same time Mulrovey first Mulrovey was investigating the Glitch Case
took medical leave, and ended around the time of his before he died. Shandell realized that Mulrovey
death. was on the verge of exposing the criminals -
• There are also a few issues of a newsletter sent by the Parson’s impulsive use of Fire Projection was
old Human Integrity Campaign, a now-defunct anti- the clue Mulrovey needed to connect the
mutant group that became the Neutral Parity League. dots. With Castle’s aid, Shandell broke into
The dates on the newsletters are from the year after Mulrovey’s home (disabling the alarms with
Adrian Mulrovey’s death; if questioned, Danica admits
Technokinesis). They paralyzed Mulrovey with
she briefly subscribed but stopped her association with
webbing and shot him.
the group after the ### Park Riot (p. 134). (This is a
red herring, intended to throw suspicion on Danica.)
by Parsons, Shandell and Castle, spending a Push on • After several successful burglaries, the thieves were
Anamorphology, Criminology or Popular Culture interrupted by a security guard. The guard was
lets the investigator vaguely recall the Glitch Case (p. attacked by a “blast of flame” and stunned; the thieves
184). fled. The guard saw at least two people fleeing the
scene. After that, there were no more Glitch incidents.
o Energy Residue Analysis suggests that the attack
was a Fire Projection blast. The techniques used to
THE GLITCH carry out such an analysis weren’t developed until
several years after the Glitch Case — but, luckily,
CASE the rentacop’s half-melted gun is right there in a
plastic baggie in the case file.
Scene Type: Core o The officers can use their own Energy Residue
Lead-Ins: The Widow, The Quade Institute Analysis to examine the gun using modern
Lead-Outs: Any techniques; the blast signature isn’t one on file, but
if the officers get a sample from Lynn Parsons (p.
188), it’s a match.
PCs who follow up on the references to the Glitch Case
in Mulrovey’s papers can obtain the official case files with
Bureaucracy, Cop Talk or Research. The facts of the
case are these. TYPHOID MARY
• Nine years ago, there was a string of burglaries, all
Scene Type: Core
using the same modus operandi (MO).
• All high-value targets — jewelry stores, banks, private Lead-Ins: The Widow, The Quade Institute,
residences belonging to wealthy citizens. All had Interrogating Angie
electronic security systems of some sort. Lead-Outs: The Quade Institute, All Fired Up,
• In each case, security systems mysteriously failed. The Fixer
Cameras shut down, alarms failed to go off, electronic
doors unlocked themselves. Sandra Pryde now lives in a trailer on an old farm outside
o Anamorphology: That sounds like a use of the the city. She’s a late-stage Forced Genetic Drifter — her
Technokinesis power. aura is powerful enough that any non-mutants who come
o If the officers have already interviewed Danica close to her are very likely to develop various genetic
Mulrovey and discovered that there was a conditions. She isolates herself from society because she’s
mysterious power cut in her house on the night a danger to others.
of Adrian’s suicide, that too might be a sign of If contacted by the officers, she’s willing to talk, but on
Technokinetic activity. two conditions.
o Technokinesis is strongly correlated with the Article First, she warns any non-mutant officers that they’ll
18 power Technopathy — and the Cognition ability need to take precautions. They can talk with her from the
possessed by Malcolm Shandell. opposite side of the yard, or by phone.
• Mechanical locks and other barriers were cut through Second, she wants the cops to get rid of the stupid
with a blowtorch — or highly focused Fire Projection. Evolve kids who’ve been shooting videos and protesting
Again, no fire alarms ever went off. outside her farm.
• No fingerprints were found on any of the crime
scenes. However, there were patches of some sort of
liquid deposit, which may have been a residue of some Signs and Portents
cleaning agent. On arrival at Pryde’s farm, the officers spot a number
o Chemistry: That looks similar to the report of of discarded signs, along with several bunches of flowers.
Adrian’s death; his clothing was similarly stained. A Checking (Evidence Collection or Popular Culture)
push of Evidence Collection or Anamorphology discovers that the signs are similar to those used at the
suggests that it could be the watery residue left over Evolve Movement protest; mutant kids, claiming that
from a use of the Webbing power, which would also Pryde was either another early victim of a government
explain the lack of fingerprints; a mutant could use plot to wipe out mutants, or that her Genetic Risk Factor
web-lines to tear open doors, smash display cases was deliberately engineered and she was infected during
and so on. her treatment at the university under Gaushell. See
Interrogating Angie, p. 186.
Meeting Pryde scared and confused, and no one else understood. Just
Sandra Pryde’s beautiful, even with her prominent
• And then he shot himself.
fangs deployed. She’s suspicious of HCIU, and bristles
• And a few years later, she discovered that she’s a
at any mention of the Quade Institute — a legacy of her
walking plague vector. That was fun.
experiences as one of the first cases of a highly developed
• If asked about the other subjects from the study, she
Genetic Risk Factor. If questioned with Reassurance or
claims she doesn’t remember any of them. Bullshit
Interrogation, she reveals the following.
Detector (core clue): She’s lying, as she doesn’t want
• She was one of the first mutants in the city. The fangs
to get her friend in trouble with the police. If pressed,
came first, but she can do other things too — like kill
she admits she’s still in infrequent contact with Lynn
people just by being around them. Her own sister
Parsons. They can’t meet, any more, but sometimes
developed leukemia and died from it; thirty-seven
talk on the phone. She’s involved with some mutant
people she closely associated with developed life-long
rights group, and even paid for Sandra’s trailer. See All
conditions that they traced back to her. Stay away from
Fired Up, p. 188.
• Interrogation: By showing her file photographs and
• She remembers Adrian. They went through those first
reminding her of the names of the other test subjects,
changes together. It was through being with him that
the character can jog her memory. She remembers
she discovered she could absorb powers. Good times.
Malcolm Shandell in particular as being fascinated by
Well, actually, those were shit times, but he was nice.
her mutant powers. Everyone else was just trying to
• She admits to having an affair with him. They were
come to terms with the changes, but he pushed them all
to experiment with their powers.
He was creepily intense about it.
He also told her not to tell Dr.
Gaushell that she’d developed a
second power after Fangs.
• If asked about the troublesome
‘mutant kids’, she says that
because she was one of the first
diagnosed GRF cases, she’s
become a weird sort of celebrity
or something. It’s especially bad
lately — some mutants from the
Evolve Movement came out here
and tried to get her to say that
she was deliberately infected with
her risk factor by the government
when she was being studied by
Quade’s team.
• Negotiation and the promise
that the cops will keep the
protestors away, or a Negotiation
push, gets Pryde’s permission to
unseal the research files at the
Quade Institute (p. 183).
Sandra Pryde
General Abilities: Athletics
8, Composure 10, Health 6,
Scuffling 4
Mutant Powers: Absorption
10, Fangs 6, Forced Genetic Drift
ANGIE that the email with a link to the video was sent from
their server, but they claim they were hacked. The
HIA does not believe that risk factors are anything
Scene Type: Alternate
other than tragic genetic conditions, and certainly
Lead-Ins: Sins of the Helix
does not endorse any conspiracy theories linking it
Lead-Outs: All Fired Up
to deliberate infection by the government or any
other party. All that implies that someone’s hacked
Super-strong mutant agitator Angie Sholter is still in or stolen the HIA mailing list.
custody after the events of the Evolve Movement protest. o Forensic Psychology: It looks like someone’s
Special restraints are available for super-strong prisoners, deliberately stirring up tension between the mutant
but Angie has — so far — co-operated with her arrest. community and the authorities, encouraging
She knows she went too far in her protest, and is scared of mutants to think the government and police are
facing serious jail time. their enemies.
Reassurance coupled with Interrogation is the best
way to get information from her. The Lawyer
• She’s quick to apologize for her actions at the protest.
At a suitable moment in Angie’s interrogation, the
She doesn’t want to go to prison.
interview’s interrupted by the arrival of Gary Hoster, a
• She quarreled with her parents when her powers
lawyer who claims he’s here to represent Ms. Sholter. He
developed, and moved out of home to Mutant City.
tells her not to talk to the police, and declares that she was
She doesn’t know if they even know she’s been arrested.
attacked by the riot cops at the protest and that she was
• One of the riot cops called her a ‘lixer freak’ and she
acting purely in self-defense.
got mad.
Confused, Angie looks to the PCs for guidance. Do
• She joined the protest after she got sent a link to a
they tell her to listen to her lawyer, or try to argue with
video that showed her that Genetic Risk Factors are
artificial — an attempt by the government to sabotage
• Accounting/Law/Streetwise: (Core Clue): Hoster’s
the evolution of humanity.
not a public defender, and he’s certainly not cheap —
o Interrogation: It was the first time she’s protested
who hired him? Sholter didn’t. If asked, Hoster says
with the radical Evolve Movement; she’s a member
he was hired by Lynn Parsons of the Heightened
of the more mainstream Heightened Information
Information Alliance. (All Fired Up, p. 188).
Alliance. She thought the link came from them.
o Photography: The video is a low-budget, If Angie co-operates with her lawyer, Hoster gets her out
melodramatic propaganda video — lots of talking on bail. If kept under surveillance, then the officers spot
heads freezing and turning to black and white, Hoster dropping her off at the electronics store run by The
lots of stock footage. Some scenes in the video Spider (p. 189) — Shandell’s syndicate will try to recruit
were shot outside Sandra Pryde’s farm. There’s her into their criminal operation.
a thread of a conspiracy theory that suggests the
Quade Institute was hired by the government to
deliberately infect mutants like Adrian Mulrovey,
Gary Hoster
but the overarching message is “don’t trust norms General Abilities: Athletics 2, Composure 8, Filch 6,
— mutants are under attack”. There’s no link to a Health 4, Scuffling 2
campaign or mailing list at the end, just a link to Mutant Powers: None
the Heightened Information Alliance.
Bridget Sharp
FAKE NEWS General Abilities: Athletics 4, Composure 4, Health 6,
Scuffling 4
Scene Type: Hazard Mutant Powers: Phase 10
Lead-Ins: Any
Bridget’s in her mid-20s. Her Phase ability is an Article
Lead-Outs: All Fired Up, The Fixer
18 power (p. 123); it developed at a young age, and she’s
used to regular surveillance and questioning over every
Throw this scene in if you want to delay the player time she uses her power. She has no criminal record —
characters, or if you’ve had several scenes in a row of low- but as a registered Article 18 mutant, she’s got a degree
key interrogation and want some added action. of indulgence not usually granted by the authorities, so
While the officers are en route to the next location in minor incidents in her past may have been unofficially
the story, they’re intercepted by a pair of young mutants overlooked.
— part of the same group who showed up outside Sandra She won’t use her Phase power offensively, but may
Pryde’s farm (p. 184), and who appear in the video use it to bypass barriers — close a door in her face, and
that triggered the Evolve protest in Sins of the Helix. she’ll just phase through it.
The mutants confront the cops, shoving cellphones and
cameras in their faces and insisting that HCIU is a front Chad Massey
for the government’s secret mutant eradication project.
The mutants are Bridget Sharp and Chad Massey. General Abilities: Athletics 6, Composure 4, Health
Sharp takes the lead, demanding the officers admit 10, Scuffling 6
that they’re trying to suppress the truth about Adrian Mutant Powers: Light Control 10, Light Blast 6
Mulrovey’s death, shouting that they’re intimidating Chad’s in his early 20s. He has a criminal record — he
witnesses like Sandra Pryde and Danica Mulrovey. used his Light Control abilities to assist in a series of
Massey stands back and films everything with his digital muggings and burglaries when he was younger. He
camera; he’s also speed-dialed several reporters, so was still a juvenile at the time, and escaped a custodial
there’ll be a media presence here just in time to catch any sentence.
altercation between cops and mutants. • Bureaucracy: His counsel during the trial was Gary
Sample questions: Hoster, the same lawyer who represents Angie Sholter.
• Did you threaten Adrian Mulrovey’s widow? • Evidence Collection: The camera he uses to record
• Was Mulrovey ostracized by the police? the player characters has a sticker on it, noting that
• Did the police kill Mulrovey? it belongs to Shandell Electronics. It was rented from
• Did he infect Sandra Pryde? Were they having an the shop run by The Spider (p. 189).
No-commenting is the safest option.
Streetwise/Bullshit Detector/Popular Culture: Wrap It Up
These two are obviously trying to stir up trouble between
mutants and non-mutants, perhaps trying to trigger more If Sharp and Massey get any usable recordings
violent protests like the Evolve demonstration. that put HCIU in a bad light, then Lieutenant
If any of the player characters do anything foolish, it’ll Krose calls the player characters back to the
be caught on camera and add fuel to the controversy over station. He says that it’s becoming politically
the Evolve protest and the mystery of Adrian Mulrovey. untenable to continue this investigation —
See the sidebar “Wrap It Up”. he’s being told to drop it and just ignore the
use of a dead cop in the videos. He’s come to
believe that someone is deliberately agitating
the mutant community against the cops — but
unless the officers have a clear lead to follow
and believe they can make an arrest with 24
hours, he has to tell them to drop the case.
• She doesn’t know how they sold off the jewels they Interviewing Castle
stole; either Castle or Shandell knew someone who
Castle’s immediately defensive — he says he hasn’t been
could fence the goods.
in trouble with the cops in a long time, and they won’t pin
• She stopped when they ran into a security guard. She
anything on him. He initially refuses to talk to them; using
could have killed the man. She swore never to use her
Intimidation and threatening to bring him down to the
powers for criminal purposes again — but she kept the
station gets him to grudgingly answer a few questions.
• He was part of one of the first mutant studies. It was
• She had no idea that Mulrovey’s death was anything
a waste of time. He doesn’t remember much about it.
other than a suicide.
• He recalls Mulrovey. Sad to hear he ate his gun. Of
course, the way some cops treat mutants, he’s not
surprised. Mulrovey might have worn a uniform, but
THE SPIDER it’s the genes underneath that count, right? HCIU
should know — you think the other cops will back you
Scene Type: Alternate up if things get bad? Nah — you’re just a bunch of
Lead-Ins: The Quade Institute, Typhoid Mary lixers to them.
Lead-Outs: The Fixer, Attack of the Spider • He admits that he met Mr. Shandell in that initial
study group.
• If presented with the video camera used by Chad
Ten years ago, Glen Castle was a small-time crook, with a Massey (p. 187), he admits that he knows Chad; Chad
string of convictions for assault and robbery. Now, he’s an also works for Mr. Shandell sometimes.
aging small-time crook who can Control Insects and spit
webs. He works in one of the chain of electronics repair
stores owned by Malcolm Shandell, in a run-down part of Threatening Castle
Helixtown. The store is grubby and unwelcoming. If the officers try to arrest or physically threaten Castle, he
• Streetwise: They sell second-hand electronics here; panics. Run Attack of the Spider (next page).
the place is almost certainly being used to resell
stolen goods. Pickpocketed phones and other stolen
electronics cycle through these places.
Inside, Glen Castle sits on a stool, with a half-disassembled
computer on the desk. A host of ants swarm across
the innards of the computer, cleaning out dust and re- SPIDER
screwing loose connections.
Scene Type: Hazard
• Anamorphology: Clearly, he’s got Command
Lead-Ins: The Spider
Lead-Outs: None
• Architecture: There’s a room just off to the side of
the main office that’s heavily insulated, like he’s trying
to keep it warm. (Castle has a large collection of exotic Run this scene if the officers try to arrest Glen Castle,
insects, some of which are illegal and dangerous.) or if they’re getting too close to tracking down Malcolm
• Evidence Collection: There’s a sticky, whitish Shandell.
residue on various objects around the room — on Glen Castle attacks the officers, using his powers
drawer handles, coffee mugs, boxes and the like. It’s to their fullest effect. He’s got Command Insects and
likely that Castle’s (a) got the power of Webbing and Webbing, both of which he’s honed to a considerable
(b) is really lazy. degree.
o That residue decays over time to a watery liquid, If indoors (in his repair shop), for example, he begins
similar to that described on Mulrovey’s clothing by using Command Insects to command his scorpions
(Cold Case, p. 180) and in the Glitch Case (p. 184). to attack the police officers. A successful Athletics test
However, without a more recent sample, there’s no (Difficulty 4) lets an officer dodge past the scorpions; a
way to conclusively tie Castle to either crime scene. successful Scuffling test (Difficulty 5) lets an officer squish
a scorpion. Assume there are two scorpions per player
character. If either test is failed, the character gets stung
(Difficulty 6 Health test; if you fail, you count as Hurt
until you receive medical attention.
While the scorpions crawl over the officers, Castle Chasing Castle
flees, shooting webs to cover his retreat. Any character
In a chase, Castle uses his Webbing to full effect, slinging
stuck in the webs can’t make tests to avoid getting stung.
his way onto rooftops and weaving barriers and nets to
If outdoors, then Castle uses his webbing to climb
slow any pursuers down. Castle’s desperate to escape,
to the roof of the building, then flings a heavy glass
taking unsafe risks and jumping off rooftops. Optionally,
terrarium containing his scorpions down at the officers.
have him fall off a building to his death rather than
A Sense Trouble test (Difficulty 6) lets the officers spot
Castle before the scorpion-tank comes swinging down
If the players do manage to overtake and restrain
at them. If they’re on foot, then it counts as a Shooting
Castle, they can arrest and interrogate him.
attack with +1 damage; if they’re in a vehicle, then Castle
aims for the windshield, smashing the tank into the glass
and sending a hail of glass shards and scorpions flying Interrogating Castle
through the interior of the car (everyone inside takes -2 Castle refuses to answer any questions without his lawyer
damage, and are now covered in scorpions). present (the stalwart Gary Hoster, once again). If the
In either case, after flinging the scorpions, Castle tries officers present evidence tying him to either the Glitch
to escape — his goal here is to dissuade the police from Case or the death of Adrian Mulrovey, he’ll take the rap
following and to distract them to give Shandell a chance for either crime, claiming that he acted alone. He says he
to prepare for any arrest. has no idea why the alarms failed in the Glitch Case and
the death of Mulrovey, or who fired a fire blast in the last
Glen Castle Glitch robbery.
Bullshit Detector gives the investigator the gut feeling
General Abilities: Athletics 7, Composure 6, Health
that Castle’s protecting someone else with his confessions.
8, Shooting 7, Scuffling 10
This is an accurate hunch - Castle’s shielding Shandell -
Mutant Powers: Command Insects 12, Webbing 16,
but a hunch isn’t proof.
Wall Crawling 4
Weapon: Screwdriver (-1 damage)
Interviewing Shandell
THE FIXER Shandell isn’t a naturally charming or charismatic figure;
he seems calculating in any conversation, suddenly
Scene Type: Core lurching into outbursts of flattery or defensiveness like
Lead-Ins: The Quade Institute, Typhoid Mary, All he’s hitting buttons on a conversational minigame.
Fired Up It’s hard to use Bullshit Detector on him; he seems
Lead-Outs: The Big Lie, Clearance disingenuous about absolutely everything.
He’ll admit the following freely.
• He was part of the initial mutant study under Dr.
The Sudden Mutation Event changed people in very
different ways. Some people were destroyed by their
• He’s still in contact with Lynn Parsons and Glen
powers — look at Sandra Pryde. Other people, like Lynn
Parsons, embraced their new abilities and used them to
• He possesses Cognition and Technokinesis (but not
create a new life for themselves.
the Article 18 power Technopathy). His Technokinesis
And then there are people like Malcolm Shandell. To
developed three years ago — well after the events of
an external observer, his life was barely affected by his
the Glitch Case.
mutant gifts. He developed the power of Cognition, to
If specifically questioned, he denies:
rapidly draw together disparate facts and process them
• any knowledge of the fake news claiming that the
at lightning speed, but he didn’t become a mutant super-
research subjects were deliberately infected with their
genius. At most, he’s a semi-successful local businessman,
GRFs, or any involvement in the videos made about
running a chain of electronics and phone repair stores.
that topic
• Popular Culture: Shandell’s made a number of
• any knowledge of how such videos were mysteriously
high-profile donations to various pro-mutant causes,
distributed through the Heightened Information
especially the Heightened Information Alliance. He’s
Alliance servers
also sponsored a program targeting newly-manifested
• any connection to the Glitch Case
mutants, designed to teach them to control and
• any connection to the death of Adrian Mulrovey.
explore their powers.
If the officers are in position to push Interrogation
He’s also donated considerable amounts to various or Intimidation while questioning him, then he’s shaken
political campaigns, including the mayor. enough for Bullshit Detector to work; he’s lying about
• Streetwise: Some of Shandell’s stores are used to his knowledge of the various crimes.
fence stolen electronics, according to the word on the
We’ll Be Back
To arrest Shandell, the officers need to have some evidence
Meeting Shandell or testimony tying him to a crime. Their first interview
Shandell meets the player characters at the offices of with Shandell won’t give them that proof, although they
Shandell Electronics. The company has a distribution may come to strongly suspect him of being a criminal.
warehouse full of electronics — brand-new boxed They need to keep investigating.
items, spare parts, and shelves upon shelves of broken
or half-repaired items. Across the yard is a low building
containing the company offices. Arresting Shandell
A successful Sense Trouble test (Difficulty 4) notes The best possible witness is Lynn Parsons, who (if arrested
that some of the workers out in the yard have mutant herself) can implicate Shandell in the Glitch Case. The
powers — there’s a telekinetic mutant lifting spare parts, officers may suspect him of involvement in the Mulrovey
and another who’s using his elongated limbs to pluck murder and/or the propaganda, but are unlikely to have
items off a high shelf. enough evidence to prove his involvement there.
Optionally, if you want a conclusive ending, run The
Big Lie when the officers try to detain Shandell.
• Accounting flags a number of irregularities — without permission; in any case, it’s enough to stem
including the money he got to start the firm. There the distribution of the conspiracy theory.
are several large cash injections a few months after
the Glitch cases. There’s no way to prove that this is
laundered money from the proceeds of the robberies, Following On
but it would fit the pattern. If you’re using Blue on Blue as the starting point for a
• Data Recovery finds a list of names on a computer Mutant City Blues series, here are some possible future
in Shandell’s office. All of the individuals on the list cases connected to this one.
are mutants; some of them have not publicly admitted • The Fix Is In: For years, Malcolm Shandell has used
they possess powers. his connections to steer mutants into a life of crime.
• Evidence Collection finds a storeroom containing He identifies young, vulnerable mutants with useful
hard drives, phone SIMs and other data storage powers, recruits them, then sells their services to
devices. Shandell claims that it’s to ensure customer criminal contacts. Angie Sholter is now on his radar
privacy — if his staff are repairing a customer’s — Shandell will try to use her debt to Gary Hoster
computer, they remove any storage to protect their to draw her into his orbit. When the officers discover
personal data. Angie’s fingerprints all over a crime scene, can they
• Anamorphology: If Shandell has the Technopathy see beyond the facts of that one case and uncover the
power, he might be illegally accessing data off those larger conspiracy?
drives — which might explain how he was able to • Key Witness: Lynn Parsons is the linchpin of any
assemble a list of mutants. attempt to convict Shandell for the Glitch burglaries.
• Photography: On one of the computers in Shandell Without her, Glen Castle will take the fall for the
Electronics, the officers find the raw video footage crime, and Shandell will walk free. Shandell’s obvious
used to assemble the viral video that triggered next move is to eliminate or discredit Parsons. He
the Evolve protest. Shandell claims that one of his might have her die in an “accident”, or set up a
employees made the video without his knowledge and confrontation between the HCIU and either the HIA
-1 to Presence tests.
Deactivate: by annoying or harassing Shandell.
Discard: when Shandell’s convicted.
You’re attracted to Sandra Pryde.
-1 to Presence tests.
When you are at loose ends, make a Difficulty
4 Composure test. Failure: you pursue your
apparently mutual, but unwise, attraction to her.
Deactivate: by visiting the beautiful recluse
without succumbing to your desires.
Discard: at end of case, if inactive. Alternatively,
swap for Infidelity if appropriate.
Player Character Subplots Crisis Penalties Last Crisis
Corruption Lose 1 Composure at the end of each interval.
-1 to Composure tests to avoid Stress cards. Reactivates when you talk to a lawyer or
Reactivates at beginning of each scenario. investigator about the charges against you.
Deactivate: by making a Push. Deactivate: after two intervals where the charges
Discard: if you are Seriously Wounded in the against you go unmentioned.
honest performance of your duties. Discard: when charges are dropped, or when you
are exonerated in court.
Rage, Home Life HAIR TRIGGER
-1 to Presence. Rage, Corruption
Reactivates when you initiate contact with the When first received and when reactivated, lose
person who’s threatening you with legal action. 2 times X points from your Presence pools. You
Make Difficulty 4 Composure test to keep choose distribution. X = the number of active
your cool during this scene. Failure: trade for Stress cards you hold.
“Lawsuit.” Reactivates when someone disrespects you.
Deactivate: by convincingly apologizing to the Deactivate: by striking a prisoner.
person. Discard: by beating up a prisoner.
Discard: if the person first appeared as part of
the main mystery, discard at end of scenario. If
the person first appeared in a subplot, discard
when person is imprisoned or dies.
-1 to Composure tests to avoid Stress cards
bearing the Fear tag.
LAWSUIT Deactivate: by spending 3 Sense Trouble points.
Rage, Home Life Discard: at end of session.
-1 to Presence tests. -1 to Presence tests for any
other PC who might be called to testify in the suit.
When you initiate contact with the person
who’s threatening you with legal action, make a
Difficulty 5 Composure test to keep your cool.
Failure: also gain “Bubbling Frustration.” Success:
trade for “Legal Threat.”
Discard: when you win the case in court.
Fear Addiction
Roll a die before any combat. Odd: -2 to Shooting -1 to Focus tests.
pool and -1 to Scuffling pool. -1 to Composure tests vs Addiction stresses.
Reactivates when you drop below 0 Health. Deactivate: by spending a Push. Then roll a die.
Deactivate: when you win a fight or chase down Even: regain the Push.
a perp. Discard: when you go for an entire scenario
Trade: at end of session, if desired, trade for without making a test vs. an Addiction stress, roll
“Hair Trigger.” a die. Even: discard.
Discard: if this card remains inactive for three
scenarios in a row.
-2 to Focus tests. Addiction
Reactivates at the end of any fight or chase. -2 to Focus and Presence tests.
Deactivate: when you attend a counseling -2 to Composure vs Addiction and Obsession
session. stresses.
Discard: at the end of a session in which you Deactivate: spend 3 Composure.
attended a counseling session, roll a die. 1-2: Discard: at end of scenario, admit to your
discard. superiors that you have a substance problem and
enter a program.
-1 to Physical tests. Addiction, Rage
-1 to Composure tests vs Fear and Medical Choose either Focus or Presence when you receive
stresses. this card. -1 to tests of that ability category.
Deactivate: at end of scenario. You can’t spend Pushes to gain favors from police
Discard: when you go for an entire scenario superiors, or anyone who has heard of what you
without taking a new Fear or Medical card. said and has lost respect for you as a result.
Deactivate: apologize to someone you offended.
Discard: apologize to someone you offended and
spend a Push.
Home Life
Forced Genetic Drift only SUSCEPTIBLE
Your Forced Genetic Drift condition has made Fear
everyone around you irritable, ill or miserable: -2 to Composure tests to resist Emotion Control,
-1 to Focus tests. You can’t make Interpersonal Possession, Induce Aggression or Induce Fear.
Pushes without also making a 2-point Health -1 to Composure tests to resist any other mutant
spend per Push. power, or ordinary hypnosis.
If active when you drop to 0 Health or lower, roll When you fail such a test, trade for “Puppet.”
a die. Odd: trade for “Cancer Scare.” Reactivates on any Composure failure.
If inactive when you drop to 0 Health or lower, Deactivate: on any Composure success.
reactivates. Discard: when you arrest the perp whose actions
Deactivate: if you conclude a scenario with no led to your taking this card.
other Stress cards.
Discard: if you conclude a scenario with no other
Stress cards and 3 or more points in your Health
You automatically fail tests to resist Emotion
Control, Possession, Induce Aggression or Induce
CANCER SCARE Fear. -2 to Composure tests to resist any other
Home Life mutant power, or ordinary hypnosis.
Forced Genetic Drift only Reactivates on any Composure failure.
Your Forced Genetic Drift has given one of Deactivate: on any Composure success with a
your co-workers or household members painful margin greater than 2.
skin lesions, which may be symptoms of a drift- Discard: in any subsequent scenario, if you go for
generated cancer. -2 to Focus tests while you wait an entire session without a Composure failure.
for the results of testing.
Deactivate: by consciously prioritizing your work
instead of worrying about your victim’s health.
Discard: at end of scenario, roll a d6. On a 1,
swap this card for “You’re A Carcinogen”. On any
other result, discard.
Academic Interpersonal Technical
Anthropology Bullshit Detector Anamorphology
Architecture Bureaucracy Ballistics
Art History Charm Chemistry
Criminology Community Relations Cryptography
Forensic Accounting Cop Talk Data Retrieval
Forensic Psychology Impersonate Document Analysis
History Influence Detection Electronic Surveillance
Languages Interrogation Energy Residue Analysis
Law Intimidation Evidence Collection
Natural History Negotiation Explosive Devices
Occult Studies Reassurance Fingerprinting
Popular Culture Streetwise Forensic Anthropology
Research Pharmacy
Traffic Analysis
Tag Penalty
Home Life
Key to entries:
G/F (a): General/ G/Pr (p): General/Presence power
Focus ability
G/Ph (a): General/Physical ability I/A (a): Investigative/Academic ability
G/Pr (a): General/Presence ability I/I (a): Investigative/Interpersonal ability
I/T (a): Investigative/Technical ability
G/F (p): General/Physical power
G/Ph (p): General/Physical power I (p): Investigative power
Symbols Bellaver, Lucy (forensic services) 148 arms; See also Shooting
### 138 Betula Security Consultants 141 ammunition 93
8DC. See Eighth Day Church Bevan, Sean (HCIU lieutenant) 146 armor 93
Birch, Galen (mutant venture capitalist) chases 96–98
A 140–141 cover 94
Absorption (G/Pr (p)) 41 introduction to 8 damage 92
A-category mutations 76 Birch, Svetlana 140 death 95
Action scenes 154 Birch Towers 140–141 distance 91
Activists 149–152 Blade Immunity (G/Ph (p)) 42 exhaustion 95
group relations 152 Blast powers 45, 92 fighting 92
Addiction (stress penalty) 18 energy residue analysis 117–119 Fighting example 95–96
Addictive Personality (GRF) 77 Blood Spray (G/Ph (p)) 42 free-for-all combat 94
Additional Power Onset Complex 89, 137 Blood testing 119 initiative 94
Advice for GMs 153–174 Blue Team (costumed mutant superhe- injury 95
Advice for players 175–176 roes) 133, 134, 150 non-lethal attacks 92
Alter Form (G/Ph (p)) 41 Botanical enzyme testing 120 range 91
Ammunition 93 Bryson, Sharon 151 restraining 92
Analytic Taste (I (p)) 36 Build points 12 smashes and throws 94
Anamorphology 114–121 and character improvement 89 suppressive fire 94
ability - I/T (a) 21 ignoring the Quade Diagram 20 surprise 94
blood testing 119 non-enhanced liaison officer 14 Command Amphibians and Reptiles (G/Pr
botanical enzyme testing 120 saving to spend later 13 (p)) 44
cellular plasticity biopsy 120 Bullshit Detector (I/I (a)) 22 Command Animal powers 43
DNA analysis 116 The Bulwark of God 142–143 Command Birds (G/Pr (p)) 44
energy residue analysis 117–119 Bureaucracy (I/I (a)) 23 Command Fish (G/Pr (p)) 44
follicular expansion check 120 Command Insects (G/Pr (p)) 44
forensic dentistry 120 C Command Mammals (G/Pr (p)) 44
forensic tests reference 122 Campaign structures 173–174 Commercial Crimes (PC template) 14
Genetic Markers and GRFs 116 CapeCon Enterprises 150 Community outreach 112
lab work 116 CapeCon (event) 134, 150 Community Relations (I/I (a)) 23
magnetic field viewer 121 Cases 153–156 Composure 88
materials SEM 121 Category A & B mutations 137 ability: G/Pr (a) 28
mutation siting 114 Cellular plasticity biopsy 120 average rating 13
new forensics tests 120 Character creation 12–31 overwork 88
organ grafting 116 Character improvement 89 refreshes 88
power complexes 115 Charm (I/I (a)) 23 starting freebie points 13
S-Cells 114 Chases 96–98 Concussion Beam (G/F (p)) 46
secretion analysis 121 Chemistry (I/T (a)) 23 energy residues 118
setule analysis 121 Chrome (slur) 137 Connected mutant powers 17
veterinary PET imaging 121 City Hall 143 Consciousness roll 95
wound pattern analysis 121 Cleansers. See Straighteners (sub-culture) Contests 87
Animal Command Powers 43 Clues 154 Continental Nation of Mutants (CNM) 150
Anna May (Category B mutant) 137 acquiring 82–83, 158, 160–161 timeline 134–136
Antagonist Reaction scenes 154 and Detect Influence 47 Cooperation (between players) 86
Anthropology (I/A (a)) 22 and Empathy 49 Cop Talk (I/I (a)) 23
Architecture (I/A (a)) 22 gathering 82 Core clue 154
Armor 93 interval 167 Correlated mutant powers 17
power: G/Ph (p) 42 timed results 162 Corruption (stress penalty) 18
Art History (I/A (a)) 22 Clue types Cortisol Elevation (GRF) 77
Article 18 (dangerous powers) 123 core clues 82 Cosper. See Goobs (sub-culture)
Arts post-SME 131–132 floating clues 154 Costumed personalities. See Goobs
Asthma (GRF) 77 inconspicuous clues 83 (sub-culture)
Athletics (G/Ph (a)) 28 leveraged clues 154 Court in play 111
passive clues 82 Cover 94
B CNM. See Continental Nation of Mutants Creatingn an adventure 154
Ballistics (I/T (a)) 22 (CNM) Criminal law (in response to the SME) 9
Barhead (NPL member) 137. See also Neu- Cognition (G/F (p)) 43 Criminology (I/A (a)) 23
tral Parity League Cold Case (PC template) 14 Crises
B-category mutations 76 Combat. See also Scuffling; See also Fire- choosing your crisis 168–169
crisis scenes 166 Expressivists (sub-culture) 135. See quick reference table 33–36
Crisis Situation Table 170–172 also Heightened Information Alli- Genetic Risk Factors (GRFs) 77–79
crisis tests 169–173 ance (HIA) Anamorphology 21
spontaneous crises 169 Extended series 173–174 choosing your mutant powers 17–18
Crisis Situation Table 170–172 Crises 166
Cryptography (I/T (a)) 24 F Cure Disease 46
Cure Disease (G/Pr (p)) 46 Fangs (G/Ph (p)) 50 Disease Immunity 47
Fear (stress penalty) 18 forced refreshes 89
D Fighting. See Combat gaining from power increases 89
Damage 92–93 Filch (G/F (a)) 29 genetic markers 116
Data Retrieval (I/T (a)) 24 Fingerprinting (I/T (a)) 24 Healing 53
Deakins, Ellis (police commissioner) 144 Firearms 31 Induce Mental Disorder 56
timeline 134–135 ammunition 93 supporting characters 164
Death 95 armor 93 types 116
Deplete Oxygen (G/Pr (p)) 46 automatic weapons 94 Genie (slur) 137
Detect Influence (G/F (p)) 47 Ballistics 22 Ghost flu. See Sudden Mutation Event
Dice (six-sided) 84 cover 94 Gills (G/Ph (p)) 52
Difficulty number 84–85 damage modifiers 92 Glass, Henry (forensic services) 148
for Animal Command powers 43 range 94 GM. See Game Moderator (GM)
for Consciousness rolls 95 Shooting 92 GMC. See Game Moderator Character
for Crisis tests 166 suppressive fire 94 (GMC)
for forced refreshes 89 Fire Control (G/F (p)) 51 Goobs (sub-culture) 135
ranged attack 94 Fire (hazard) 100 Graves, Tammy (first mutant manifest) 6,
Disease Immunity (G/Ph (p)) 47 Fire Immunity (G/Ph (p)) 51 133
Disintegration (G/F (p)) 47 Fire Projection (G/F (p)) 51 Gravity Control (G/F (p)) 52
Dissociation (GRF) 77 energy residues 118 GRFs. See Genetic Risk Factors (GRFs)
Distance (in combat) 91 First aid 29, 30, 73, 95 Gritty Mode. See Modes (of play)
DNA analysis 116 Fishtailing. See Pursuit intervention tech- GRFs 18
and blood tests 119 nique icon 12
and Forensic Anthropology 25 Fitton, Sheldon (forensic services) 147 Guerra, Adoni (Racks) 149
DNAS. See DNA standard (DNAS) Flight (G/Ph (p)) 51 Guest, Jack (first homicide victim of a mu-
DNA standard (DNAS) 137 Floating clues 154 tant power) 133
Document Analysis (I/T (a)) 24 Florence, Eddie “The Machine” (CNM) 134, GUMSHOE (rules system) 11–14, 81–89
Dorphing 125–126 151 and narrative freedom 157
Dramatic 154 Follicular expansion check 120 and player-facing statistics 164
Dramatic scenes 154 Forced Genetic Drift (GRF) 78 super-powered comic-book style 20
Driving (G/Ph (a)) 29 blood tests for 119
Drugs. See also Toxins (hazard) Force Field (G/F (p)) 52 H
dorphing 125–126 Forensic Accounting (I/A (a) 24 Haigh, Hoyt (HCIU lieutenant) 146
identifying with Pharmacy 27 Forensic anamorphology 114–122 Hazards 99–100
devising new tests 120 HC / HCIU. See Heightened Crime Investiga-
E test quick reference table 122 tive Unit (HCIU)
Earth Control (G/F (p)) 47 Forensic Anthropology (I/T (a)) 25 Healing (G/Pr (p)) 53
Earthquake (from Earth Control) 47 Forensic Dentistry 120 Health
Ecumenical Working Group 134, 135 Forensic Psychology (I/A (a)) 25 ability: G/Ph (a) 29
EDC. See Eighth Day Church Forensic Science Division (PC template) 14 average rating 13
Eighters. Followers of Eighth Day Church Forensic services (department) 147–148 death 95
Eighth Day Church 135 Form 334. See EMAT Protocol exhaustion 95
Electivists. See Straighteners (sub-culture) French, Don David (first mutant murderer) hazards 99–100
Electricity (hazard) 99 133 injury 95
Electronic Surveillance (I/T (a)) 24 opponents & GMCs 92
from Surveillance 31 G recovering with Healing 53
EMAT Protocol 111 GABA Oversufficiency (GRF) 77 recovering with Medic 29
and Influence Detection 26 Game Moderator Character (GMC) 11, refreshes 88
Emotion Control (G/Pr (p)) 48 164–165 starting freebie points 13
Empathy (G/Pr (p)) 48 Game Moderator (GM) 11. See also Game Hearing (I (p)) 37
Empathy Loop (GRF) 77 Moderator Character (GMC) Heat Blast (G/F (p)) 53
Endorphin Control (Others) (G/Pr (p)) 49 advice for GMs 175–196 energy residues 118
Endorphin Control (Self) (G/Pr (p)) 49 interrogation tips for GMs 110 Heightened Crime Investigative Unit (HCIU)
Energy residue analysis 117–119 Gang and Narcotics (PC template) 15 assignments 106
ability: I/T (a) 24 Gene-expressive (mutants) 137 community outreach 112
Entangling Hair (G/Ph (p)) 50 Gene-neutral (non-mutants) 137 court sequences 111–112
Enter Dreams (G/F (p)) 50 General abilities DNAS Officers in the HCIU 104
Environmental Awareness (I (p)) 37 build points 12 EMAT protocol 111
ERA 137. See also Energy residue analysis buying cost 13 evidence collection 108
Evidence 84 categories 28 GMCs 145–147
Evidence Collection (I/T (a)) 24 choosing ratings 13 HQ 145
Evolve Movement (pro-mutant subculture) descriptions 28–31 incarceration 124
134, 136, 151 improving with experience 89 interviews and interrogations 108
Exhaustion 95 master list 29 media relations 112
Experience points. See Character improve- refreshing 88–89 mission statement 103
ment restrictions 13 organizational structure 104
Explosive Devices (I/T (a)) 24 tests 84–87 probable cause 124
Explosives (hazard) 99–100 General powers 41–76 proof of heightened status 123
public view 9 Law (I/A (a)) 26 Nadler, Mike (HCIU desk sergeant) 146–
ranks 104 Leveraged clues 154 147
recruitment 103 Light Blast (G/F (p)) 57 Naranjo, Manuel “Manny” (Mayor of Mu-
shifts and scheduling 108 energy residues 118 tant City) 143
Heightened Information Alliance (HIA) 134, Light Control (G/F (p)) 57 Natural History (I/A (a)) 26
136, 140, 151 Lightning Decisions (G/F (p)) 57 Natural Weaponry (G/Ph (p)) 59
Heightened Inmates Wing (mutant prison Lightning (G/F (p)) 57 Negotiation (I/I (a)) 27
section) 137 energy residues 119 Neutral Parity League 149
Heliopolans (separatist mutant organiza- Limb Extension (G/Ph (p)) 58 timeline 135–137
tion) 136 Limbic Hypertrophy (GRF) 78 The New Helix (book by Lucius Quade) 10
Temple of Heliopolis 152 Lixer (term for mutants) 137 Night Vision (G/Ph (p)) 59
Helixtown (Mutant City area) 134, 135, 150, Low Impulse Control (GRF) 78 Nondescript (G/Pr (p)) 59
151, 152 Lying 23 Non-enhanced liaison officer
High Energy Dispersal (G/Pr (p)) 53 build points 14
History (I/A (a)) 25 M Non-Player Character (NPC). See Game
Hit Threshold 92 Magnetic Field Viewer 121 Moderator Character (GMC)
with cover 94 Magnetism (G/F (p)) 58 Norm (non-mutants) 137
Home Life (stress penalty) 18 Materials SEM 121 Northrup, Leonard (forensic services)
Homicide (PC template) 15 Mechanics (G/F (a)) 29 147–148
Human Integrity Campaign (anti-mutant Media relations 112 NPC. See Game Moderator Character
campaign) 134, 135, 149. Now Neu- Medic (GMC)
tral Parity League ability: G/F (a) 29
spending to heal 95 O
I Medical Examiner’s Office 147 Observe Dreams (I (p)) 38
Ice Blast (G/Ph (p)) 53 Medical (stress penalty) 18 Obsession (stress penalty) 18
energy residues 118 Medicine post-SME 130–131 Occult Studies (I/A (a)) 27
Illusion (G/F (p)) 54 Megalomania (GRF) 79 Olfactory Center (I (p)) 38
Impersonate Memory Alteration (G/F (p)) 58 Overwork (Composure 0 spends) 88
ability: I/I (a) 25 Messiah Complex (GRF) 79
power: G/Pr (p) 54 Meta-Persona Identity Disorder (GRF) 79 P
Imprisonment as plot device 159 Microvision (I (p)) 38 Pacing 162
Improvised power use 87, 100–101 Minor mutations. See B-category mutations Pain Immunity (G/Ph (p)) 59
Induce Aggression (G/Pr (p)) 55 Modes (of play) 12 Passive clues 82
Induce Fear (G/Pr (p)) 55 Mori, Adriana (early mutant) 133 Patrol (PC template) 16
Induce Mental Disorder (G/Pr (p)) 56 Moroyiannis, Bonita (8DC prophet) 136 Pavnicki, Eugene “Thunder Squall” (Blue
Infiltration (General/Focus) 29 Muhinda, Yasiin (early mutant) 133 Team leader) 133, 134, 150
Influence Detection (I/I (a)) 26 Mutant City PCD tests. See Power Complex Detection
Initiative (group combat) 94 activists and protestors 149–152 (PCD) tests
Injury 95 Betula Security Consultants 141 Perreau, Nina (police lieutenant) 145
Insula Skew (GRF) 78 building your city 138–152 Personality Drift (GRF) 79
Interrogation (I/I (a)) 26 the Bulwark of God 142 Personal subplots 166
Interviewing techniques 176 City Hall 143 Pharmacy (I/T (a)) 27
Intimidation (I/I (a)) 26 HCIU HQ 145 Phase (G/Ph (p)) 60
Investigative abilities ignoring the setting 20 Photography (I/T (a)) 27
build points 12 policing 144–148 PIC tests. See Power Identification Centri-
buying cost 13 the Quade Institute 138–140 fuge (PIC) tests
categories 21 slang and jargon 137 Piggybacking (groups of PCs) 86
creating new abilities 28 Mutant investigators 129 Plant Communication (I (p)) 38
descriptions 21–29 Mutant powers Plant Control (G/Pr (p)) 60
difference from 1st ed 13 animal command powers 43 Plasma Deficiency (GRF) 79
improving with build points 89 Article 18 (dangerous powers) 123 Player Subplot tracker 168
master list 21 blast powers 45 Poisons. See Toxins (hazard)
meaning 14 build points 12 Police Forensic Services 147–148
Investigative Analysis (PC template) 15 buying cost 14 Police Headquarters 144
Investigative powers 36–40 buying powers 18 Politics post-SME 132
quick reference table 33–36 chase powers 96 Pool points
Investigative scenes 153–154 choosing your mutant powers 17 regaining 88–89
Invisibility (G/Ph (p)) 56 connected powers 17 Popular Culture (I/A (a)) 27
correlated powers 17 Possession (G/Pr (p)) 60
J descriptions 36–39 Power Complex Detection (PCD) tests 116,
Jargon 137 energy residues 117–119 123, 137
Jason, Richard Wayne (Neutral Parity forced refreshes 89 Power Identification Centrifuge (PIC) tests
League) 149 improving 89 116, 137
Jensen, Mads (Chief Medical Officer) 147 improvised power use 87, 100–101 Powers. See Mutant powers
Jolt (endorphin hit) 137 in chases 98–99 Precision Memory (G/F (p)) 61
Juvenile (PC template) 15 master list 33–36 Pregs, the. See Additional Power Onset
mutant investigators 129 Complex
K power complexes 115 Preparedness (G/Pr (a)) 30
Kinetic Energy Dispersal (G/Pr (p)) 56 power Quick Reference 33–36 Priestley, Conrad (Neutral Parity League)
Krose, Eric (police lieutenant) 145 range 41 149
timeline of 133–135 Command Animals 43 Private investigators, playing 127–129
Mutation siting 114 Psionic Blast (G/F (p)) 61
L energy residues 119
Languages (I/A (a)) 26 N Pure (non-mutants) 137
Pursuit intervention technique 98 directed scenes 166 Technical Investigation (PC template) 16
Pushes 17, 82–83 Schmiederer, Brian (mutant city councillor) Technokinesis (G/F (p)) 68
example Push benefits 83 134, 135, 143, 151 Technology post-SME 131
in chases 99 Scleroderma (GRF) 79 Technopathy (I (p)) 39
number per session 82 Scuffling 92–93 Telekinesis (G/F (p)) 69
ability: G/Ph (a) 30 Telepathy (G/F (p)) 70
Q Sdorph 137 Teleportation (G/Ph (p)) 70
Quade Diagram 19 Secrete Acid (G/Ph (p)) 63 Telescopic Vision (G/F (p)) 71
abadoning 20, 41 Secretion analysis 121 Template (for character creation) 13–17
A-Category mutations 76 Self-Detonation (G/Ph (p)) 63 list of templates 15
choosing your powers 17–18 Sense Trouble (G/Pr (a)) 31 Temple of Heliopolis 152
connected & correlated powers 36 Sensory Overload (GRF) 79 Tests 84–86
maintaining power consistency 160 Separatists (pro-mutant subculture) 136 contests 87
publication of 134 Setule analysis 121 cooperation (between players) 86
using 11, 17 Sexual Chemistry (G/Pr (p)) 65 crisis tests 169–173
Quade, Dr. Lucius 139 Shevchenko, Roman (early mutant) 133 Difficulty numbers 84–85
introduction to 8 Shockley, Dennis (Chief of Detectives) 144 piggybacking (group of PCs) 86
Quade Institute 8, 138–140 Shooting 92. See also Firearms simple tests 84
and scintillation patterns 119 ability: G/Ph (a) 31 Thermal Vision (I (p)) 40
Department of Forensic Science 114 ammunition 93 Threat Calculus (G/F (p)) 71
timeline of 134 armor 93 Throws. See Combat
Quills (G/Ph (p)) 62 automatic weapons 94 Timed results (pacing technique) 162
cover 94 Timeline post-SME 132–135
R suppressive fire 94 Touch (I (p)) 40
Racks (activist group) 149–150 tasers 92 Toxin Immunity (G/Ph (p))
Radiation Immunity (G/Ph (p)) 62 Simple Tests 84 Ingested 71
Radiation Projection (G/Ph (p)) 62 Skeletal Mineralization (GRF) 79 Inhaled 72
energy residues 119 Skinner, Eula (oldest mutant manifest) 6 Toxins (hazard) 100
Radical Evolve Movement 134 Slang 137 Tracking (G/F (p)) 72
Rage (stress penalty) 18 Smashes. See Combat Traffic Analysis (I/T (a)) 28
Ramming. See Pursuit intervention tech- SME. See Sudden Mutation Event Traffic (character template) 16
nique Sonar (G/Ph (p)) 65 Trance Susceptible (GRF) 79
Range 91 Sonic Blast (G/Ph (p)) 65 and Influence Detection 26
blast powers 45 Spatial Awareness (I (p)) 39 Translation (I (p)) 40
Command Animals 43 Special Assault (PC template) 16 Transmutation (G/F (p)) 72
firearms 94 Special Weapons & Training (PC template) Tremblay, Gilles (8DC pastor) 135, 136,
mutant General powers 41 16 141, 142, 176
Read Minds (I (p)) 39 Speed (G/Ph (p)) 66
Reassurance (I/I (a)) 27 Spit Acid (G/Ph (p)) 66 U
Redirect Bullets (Magnetism stunt) 58 Spontaneous Combustion (G/Pr (p)) 66 Undercover (character template) 17
Reduce Temperature (G/Pr (p)) 62 Sports post-SME 130
Reflexes (G/F (p)) 62 Spread Pathogen (G/Ph (p)) 67 V
Refreshes 88–89 Story arcs 173–174 Vehicles. See Driving (G/Ph (a))
Regaining pool points. See Pool points: Straighteners (sub-culture) 135 Venom (G/Ph (p))
regaining Strainers (pro-mutant subculture) 136 Bite 73
Regeneration (G/Ph (p)) 63 Streetwise (I/I (a)) 27 Spit 73
Renan, Chieko (forensic services) 148 Strength (G/Ph (p)) 67 Stinger 73
Research (I/A (a)) 27 Stress 166–173 Veterinary PET imaging 121
Resist Influence (G/Pr (p)) 63 and ability categories 28
Restoring pool points. See Pool points: and GRFs 77–79 W
regaining card terms 167 Wall Crawling (G/Ph (p)) 74
Restraining opponents 92 choosing cards 169–173 Watch Commander
Riddle, Davon (Heliopolan CDE) 152 from forced refreshes 89 choosing 175
Riley, Ed “the Ted” (forensic services) 148 penalties 18 list 145–146
Robbery (PC template) 16 penalties and Induce Aggression 55 Watcher Syndrome (GRF) 79
Robert, Eleni (Quade Institute) 140 stress-related departures 173 Water Blast (G/F (p)) 74
Subplots 166–168 energy residues 119
S how to choose 175–176 Water Manipulation (G/F (p)) 74
Safe Mode. See Modes (of play) Sudden Mutation Event 6, 78 Weapons. See also Firearms; See also Scuf-
GRFs 18 changes to the world post-SME 130–137 fling
icon 12 timeline 132–135 tasers 92
Sandhu, Sarita (Quade Institute) 139 Supporting characters. See Game Modera- Webbing (G/Ph (p)) 75
Sandstorm (causing with Earth Control) 47 tor Character (GMC) The Whitebark Group (charitable founda-
Saralegui, Janice (HIA) 151 Suppress Explosion (G/Ph (p)) 68 tion) 140
S-Cells (in mutants) 114–115 Suppress Influence (General/Presence Wind Control (G/F (p)) 76
Scene Flow Diagram power) 68 Wound Pattern Analysis 121
example 156 Suppressive fire 94 Wrap-up scenes 154
Scenes 153–156 Surprise (combat) 94
ending scenes 161 Surveillance (G/Pr (a)) 31 X
flashback scenes from Pushes 83 Swimming (G/Ph (p)) 68 XP. See Character improvement
personal subplots 166 X-Ray Vision (I (p)) 40
secondary cases 166 T
Scene types 153–154 Tasers 92 Z
Crisis scenes 166 Taylor, Reg (Betula Security) 141 Zolotukhin, Mariya (forensic services) 148
Ever since the Sudden Mutation Event, people have been able to fly. Phase BY ROBIN D. LAWS AND
through walls. Read minds. Shoot bolts of energy from their fingertips.
Walk into dreams.
With new human capacity has come new science. Your squad brings
forensic science to bear on the solution of mutant crimes. Need to know if
a suspect is the victim of mind control or dream observation? Perform an
EMAT protocol to detect the telltale signs of external influence. Was your
victim killed by a light blast? Use Energy Residue Analysis to match the
unique wound pattern to the murderer, as surely as ballistic science links
a bullet to a gun.
Does your crime scene yield trace evidence of two separate powers? Use
your trusty copy of the Quade Diagram, the infallible map of genetic
relationships between mutant powers, to tell if one suspect could have
used both – or if you have two perps on your hands.
• Push rules make the acclaimed GUMSHOE investigative rules set even
faster and more flexible
• New modes of play help GMs tailor the game to their players
• Personal crisis rules bring the stress of the job into play
• Character templates to help players build their officers
• Expanded chase rules for superpowered action
• Rules for superpowered private investigators
• A thrilling new scenario, Blue on Blue, delves into buried secrets of
Mutant City and the early days of the Sudden Mutation Event
PELGM201 $39.95