Karibib Borrow Pit 3
Karibib Borrow Pit 3
Karibib Borrow Pit 3
3 Page No:
Private bag 12030 Nr 6 Otto Nitzshe Street Farm: TransNamib Krazenberg Location : KM 20.9 Sheet of Sheets:
Ausspannplatz Klein Windhoek Owner: Distance to CL : 150 m Date: May-16
Windhoek, Namibia Namibia Type of Material Approved for Min % Comp. Available m
Required m
BORROW PIT PLAN LOCALITY SKETCH Calcrete gravel 93% 21,000 64,000
GPS coordinates ( WGS84 00,00000° )
GM = Grading Modulus
SP = Shrinkage Product (LSx<0.425mm)
GC = Grading Coefficient ([<26.5-<2.0]x<4.75)/100
DESIGN Vehicle:
OMC = Optimum Moisture Content
Hole No Sample No TP1 314 TP3 316 TP5 318 NO AMENDMANTS DATE APPROVED
Data Depth (mm) TRH14 (CBR - A/Limits - Grad) 2300 - 3000 G5 2100 - 2900 G5 1900 - 3300 G5
After compaction / After Penetration / Natural Natural Natural Natural
Flakiness Index PH
Sand Equivalent
53.0 4.75 93 69 90 70 89 69
37.5 2.00 87 60 88 61 87 60
26.5 0.425 84 36 85 37 84 37
19.0 0.075 79 13 80 14 79 12
Constants LL PI 33 10 34 12 29 10
Surveyed Traced Checked Designed Drawn Checked
Density Mod. AASHTO Optimum Moisture Content 2010 10.0 2013 9.7 2016 8.7 NAME SH
at 95 % comp. Swell at 100 % 58 0.04 78 0.02 70 0.04 Divisional Engineer: N.P & C
Hole No Sample No TP2 315 TP4 317 TP6 319 Chief Executive Officer
Data Depth (mm) TRH14 (CBR - A/Limits - Grad) 2500 - 3000 G5 200 - 3000 G5 2100 - 3000 G5
After compaction / After Penetration / Natural Natural Natural Natural
Flakiness Index PH
Sand Equivalent
53.0 4.75 97 74 95 73 98 75
37.5 2.00 97 57 95 55 96 65
26.5 0.425 95 33 94 31 95 34
Constants LL PI 23 8 22 8 30 10
Density Mod. AASHTO Optimum Moisture Content 2132 6.8 2122 7.0 2127 9.3 CONTRACT NO. RA/CS-CR/09-2015
2.54 mm 100 % comp. 93 % comp. 88 49 85 47 80 50
Remarks: blck = black ol = olive all = alluvial cons = consolidated hpan = hardpan ref = refusal st = silt amph = amphibolite dlrt = dolorite mc = mica sdst = sandstone RA No. : n/a SCALE
br = brown or = orange bld = boulders crs = coarse hrd = hard sd = sand sty = silty btite = biotite frc = ferricrete micac = micaceous shl = shale NOT TO SCALE
dk = dark pk = pink bnk = bank dcmp = decomposed nod = nodular sdy = sandy weath = weathered ca = calcrete frgns = ferruginous qz = quartz si = silcrete Cons. No. : n/a AMENDMENTS
grn = green rd = red cly = clay fi = fine mat = material sft = soft mo = mottled calc = calcareous gnss = gneiss qzt = quartzite slf = silicified 0
gry = grey wh = white clyy = clayey fr = fractured peb = pebbles sl = soil chrt = chert grnt = granite qztc = quartzitic Sheet No. : 3 of 3 Consultant Roads Authority
lt = light yel = yellow cngl = conglomerate grv = gravel pwy = powdery sltly = slightly dlmt = dolomite grntc = granitic sch = schist
TR7/1BP03 TR7/1