5 TON SINGLE - WIRE Verlinde
5 TON SINGLE - WIRE Verlinde
5 TON SINGLE - WIRE Verlinde
Date 14-12-2021
Attention Eng/ Mohamed Attyia
LOCATION 6th October
Offer number MOT, 600 VERLINDE
After Greeting
General Terms:-
Supplying : - 3-4 months from the date of PO or Technical approval which come later.
Prices : - All prices with Egyptian pound and Exclude 14% VAT.
Capacity 5 Ton
Lifting 5m
Span 20 m
Capacity 5 ton
Lifting height 5m
Type of protection IP 55
Insulation class F
Rated power 0.7/4.5 KW
3- Control panel: -
• Crane will be provided with control panel which contains for:-
▪ Main Isolator for switch ON/OFF for crane.
▪ Thermal protection.
▪ Phase error.
• Control Panel with protection IP 55 as minimum.
4- Crane Control: -
I. Pendent Control:
• Crane will be provided with pendent control that controls six motions (up/ down - backward/
• Pendant control protection: IP 65.
• Cable length: 4.5m
6- Crane Girder: -
Type of girder Single girder
Span of girder 20 m
➢ Steel Properties:
• Steel grade is St 37 at least.
➢ Steel Painting:
• Sandblasting with grad SA 2.5.
• Painting with three layers of coating (Base, Middle and Top coat).
• Base & Middle coat will be with epoxy.
• Top coat with yellow color RAL 1028.
7- Top running end carriage (two end carriage – one for each side ) -
Type of wheels Flanged steel wheels
Number of lines 1 line one for crane power and push button
Cable length 20 m
Crane Protection: -
• Crane will be protected as following:
- Hoist motors protection IP 55, Insulation class F and Wire rope safety factor ≥ 5.0.
- Hoists will be provided with Load limiter which prevent lifting over than 110% of total load.
- Buffers and end stopper for End carriage and Trolley.
- Limit switches that control crane motions in six directions.
1- From Verlinde:
- Copy of Certificate of origin and EURO 1.
- Hoist test certificate.
- Wire rope certificate.
- Hook certificate.
- Hoist wiring diagram.
- User manual for crane operation.
: ملحوظة هامة
" منشأة فرست للتصنيع و نظم االوناش "ياسر ابراهيم جمعه بدر: يتم اصدار الشيكات باسم -