CGL - Rinku
CGL - Rinku
CGL - Rinku
➢Commercial General Liability (CGL) Policy was first introduced in USA in 1941 by
AIG & has become the most trusted & followed-by liability policy world –wide
because of its well-tested definitions, wordings , clauses etc.
➢In 1986,the American Association of Insurers filed & replaced the old version
with a simplified CGLPolicy with two distinct versions “Occurrence based” &
“Claims based” which has been adopted in toto by the Insurers operating in
Indian market.
➢The two new versions differ from each other in terms of coverage of claims only
on following lines
Commercial General Liability Coverage Form:
▪ Section I- Coverage :
• Coverage A-Bodily Injury & Property Damage Liability :
i. The policy pays if the insured is legally obliged to pay damages for
bodily injury or property damage covered under the policy . This
occurrence must take place in the covered territory . It should
happen within the policy period .
ii. The Insurer has the right & duty to defend the case . However, this
right will be exercised only where the law of land permits the
Insurer to defend the case.
i.Expenses for injury to insured, employees, tenants or occupiers of
insured owned or rented property.
ii. Persons eligible under WC policy or similar laws.
iii. Participation in athletics.
iv. War & allied perils.
Supplementary Payments-Coverage A & B
(v) Premium Audit – Recognizes the insurer’s right to conduct an audit of the
insured’s books & the requirements for the insured to keep appropriate records.
(vi) Representations- Confirms that the insurance policy has been issued based on
the representations made by the insured in the application.
(vii)Separation of Insureds - Except with respect to the Limits of Insurance & rights
or duties specifically assigned in the Coverage Part to the Named Insured , this
insurance applies to each Named Insured independently & separately to each
insured against whom claim is made.
Commercial General Liability contd..
➢ Section V – Definitions :
(a) Advertisement- a notice that is broadcast or published in the general
public or specific market segments about the insured’s goods , products
or services for the purpose of attracting customers or supporters.
(b) Auto means a land motor vehicle trailer or semi trailer designed for
travel on public roads, including any attached machinery or equipment.
But not mobile equipment.
(c) Bodily injury means bodily injury sickness or disease sustained by a
person including death resulting from any of these at any time.
(d) Coverage territory means the territory specified in the schedule
Commercial General Liability contd..
Section V – Definitions
(e) Employee is permanent employee or contract employee.
(f) Executive Officer means a person holding office as per Company Law.
(g) Hostile fire means one which becomes uncontrollable or breaks out from where
it was intended. (h) Impaired property means tangible property other than the
insured’s product or work.
(i)Insured contract means a contract for lease of premises. However, it does not
include the part of the contract that indemnifies the landlord or owner of the
property for fire damage to the premise leased to or temporarily tenanted by the
Commercial General Liability contd..
Section V – Definitions
(i) Leased worker is a person leased to you by a labour leasing firm under agreement to perform
duties related to the insured’s conduct of business.
(j)Loading or unloading means movement into or onto an aircraft, watercraft or auto ,whilst in
such craft or whilst being moved from such craft. It does not include movement by means of a
mechanical device other than hand truck not attached to such craft or auto.
(k)Local underlying policy means a primary policy effective on or after the inception of this
policy which has been issued at insurer’s direction or coordinated specifically for this insurance
Commercial General Liability contd..
Section V – Definitions
(i) Leased worker is a person leased to you by a labour leasing firm under agreement
to perform duties related to the insured’s conduct of business.
(j)Loading or unloading means movement into or onto an aircraft, watercraft or
auto ,whilst in such craft or whilst being moved from such craft. It does not include
movement by means of a mechanical device other than hand truck not attached to
such craft or auto.
(k) Local underlying policy means a primary policy effective on or after the
inception of this policy which has been issued at insurer’s direction or coordinated
specifically for this insurance programme.
Commercial General Liability contd..
(n) Personal & advertising injury means injury, including consequential bodily
injury arising out of the following offences like false arrest ,detention or
imprisonment, malicious prosecution, wrongful eviction from or entry into or
invasion of the right of private occupancy of a room, oral or written publication of
material that slanders or libels a person or organization or disparages a person or
organization’s goods, products or services , oral or written publication of material
that violates a person’s right of privacy etc.
Commercial General Liability contd…
• Claim processing office should also immediately call for full details of the event
(if not already provided) & depending upon the circumstances & extent of
injuries/loss reported to have been caused ,may also appoint an independent/in-
house agency “without prejudice” to verify the facts & collect all evidences for
defense in a discreet manner without alerting the affected parties or other agencies
to lodge claim which otherwise may not have been lodged.
• Simultaneously, the insured is also to be advised to pass on to the insurer any
notice of claim that may be received by them without admitting liability.
Public Liability Insurance (Industrial & Non-Industrial Risks)
• Investigator’s Report & the related documents may be preserved at Claims Processing Office till a
regular claim is preferred by the claimant against the insured. Thereafter, the general procedure as
described below may be followed in dealing with the claim.
➢ Claim Processing :
• On receipt of formal claim intimation, procedure as enumerated above may be followed.
• In cases wherein notices or summons are received directly from the court whether or not any
intimation has been given by the insured ,a competent advocate should be engaged to defend the
case effectively . Generally , defence is taken on lack of privity of contract between the claimants
Public Liability Insurance (Industrial & Non-Industrial Risks)
and the insurer , as the insurer is liable to indemnify the insured only subject to the
terms & conditions of policy of insurance.
• To verify whether the claim is barred by limitation placed by statute or policy
➢ Documents :
• Depending on individual case, following documents may be obtained:
(a) Detailed version about the incident.
(b)Details of loss caused/injury/death/property damage including all available
information on victims as well as estimated liability.
Public Liability Insurance (Industrial & Non-Industrial Risks)
• Whether vendor’s Liability covered & claim has arisen there under.
• Specialist/experts to be engaged to determine whether product is
• Collaborator’s Liability.
• Whether compromised settlement is worthwhile.
• Recovery Right, if any.
• Loss Minimization Measures- Recall; stoppage of sale/destruction of
the concerned product.
Liability Claims
Where the Collector has given the Award, but the liability does not,
strictly fall within the purview of the PLI Act Policy, a competent
advocate should immediately be consulted for further course of action.
However, it must be borne in mind that Act allows a period of 30 days ,
calculated from the date of award for its satisfaction & speed in follow-
up action is therefor of essence.
Thank You