Computer Security Ch2
Computer Security Ch2
Computer Security Ch2
Class of Attacks
1. Fabrication
2. Interception
3. Interruption
4. Modification
5. Intrusion
• SQL Injection
• User / Credential Counterfeiting
• Log / Audit Trail Falsification
• Email Spoofing
• Eavesdropping on communication.
• Wiretapping telecommunications networks.
• Illicit copying of files or programs.
• Obtaining copies of messages for later replay.
• Packet sniffing and key logging to capture data from a computer system
or network.
Entry Between Client and Server by Force then exploiting the Resources
Using these steps, an attacker will aim to gain the following information about a
• File permissions
• Running network services
• OS platform
• Trust relationships
• User account information
8. Access
Access attacks require some sort of intrusion capability. These can consist of
anything as simple as gaining an account holder’s credentials to plugging
foreign hardware directly into the network infrastructure. They usually happen
when Reconnaissance Attacks have already performed by the
A. Logical access attacks like exploitation through brute force attacks or testing
passwords on the net by rainbow tables or dictionary attacks tend to create a
ton of traffic on the network and can be easily spotted by even a lower
experienced level network monitor.
Mitigation(Remedial Solution)
These type of attacks really come down to network hardening. Most companies
are limited to the capabilities of their equipment, so if your Cisco router is
Update often and regularly. This cannot be stressed enough in the computer
Additional steps include monitoring the probing from any recently recognized
reconnaissance attacks. If hackers are researching you, there is a greater
possibility of future attack attempts.
Again, bring in outsourced teams to test and audit current security standings, if
you don't have right team setup within.
Program flaws
3.1 Buffer overflows
A flaw is a security risk, cause the program to crash, or cause other issues. To
resolve flaws, the software developer release updates or ..
What is a Security Flaw in a Program? , a security flaw is a part of a pro- gram
that can cause the system to violate its security requirements.
In software development, comes in two ways
1. Boundary Overflow: Input exceeds an assumed boundary thereby
causing vulnerability. For example, the application may run out of
memory, a variable might reach its maximum value and roll over to its
minimum value, etc.
2. Buffer Overflow: A special case of Boundary Overflow, where the bounds
checking on the size of input being stored in a buffer array is not
performed or in error. This type of vulnerability comes with different flavors,
Data Type: Buffer of all data types (character, integer, floating point, wide
character, pointer, unsigned character, and unsigned integer) may be
overflowed. The attacker may use different technique for different data
type to exploit the buffer overflow vulnerability.
Errors can occur when the status changes unexpectedly, either maliciously or
unintentionally, between a check and a subsequent operation. A TOCTTOU
attack exploiting such conditions can lead to privilege escalation, allowing
unauthorized access to resources, such as read and write access, as well as
avoiding log and audit controls. This sort of attack is difficult to detect. It requires
not only looking for evidence, but also determining whether it could be caused
The root cause of many TOCTTOU vulnerabilities lies in the lack of concurrency
control in an operating system's file-system API
How to Mitigate
Defenses against TOCTTOU errors
• When performing a privileged action on behalf of
another party, make sure all information relevant
to the access control decision is constant between
the time of the check and the time of the action (“the race”)
For example
with Windows Vista, Microsoft added transaction support (TxF) to their NTFS file
system. Within a transaction, all updates are kept isolated until committed, when
they are atomically published to the rest of the system. Programmers should be
aware of the dangers of TOCTTOU vulnerabilities and make use of these recent
features to prevent TOCTTOU race conditions or reduce their potential impact
Why do we care?
• What’s the security issue here?
• What happens if someone fills in:
• DOB: 98764874236492483649247836489236492
• Buffer overflow?
• DOB: ’; DROP DATABASE clients; --
• SQL injection?
• We need to make sure that any user-supplied input falls within well-specified
values, known to be safe other wise SQ: Injection wo;; occur
How to Mitigate
Defences against buffer overflows
Use catches exception and data validation
Activity Monitoring
monitoring is enabled on their systems and that logs are sent to a secure
repository. Monitoring systems must use behavior-based analysis to detect
unusual user activity, especially among users with administrative access.
Encryption is a critical best practice for database security. Businesses should use
strong encryption to protect their databases in three ways:
Types of Threats:
A security threat is a threat that has the potential to harm computer systems and
organizations. The cause could be physical, such as a computer containing
sensitive information being stolen. It’s also possible that the cause isn’t physical,
such as a viral attack.
(ii) Virus: It is a program that replicates itself and infects your computer’s files
and programs, rendering them inoperable. It is a type of malware that spreads
by inserting a copy of itself into and becoming part of another program. It
spreads with the help of software or documents. They are embedded with
software and documents and then transferred from one computer to another
using the network, a disk, file sharing, or infected e-mail. They usually appear as
an executable file.
(iii) Spyware: Spyware is a type of computer program that tracks, records, and
reports a user’s activity (offline and online) without their permission for the
purpose of profit or data theft. Adware is a sort of spyware that is primarily
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utilized by advertising. When you go online, it keeps track of your web browsing
patterns in order to compile data on the types of websites you visit.
(iv) Worms: Computer worms are similar to viruses in that they replicate
themselves and can inflict similar damage. Unlike viruses, which spread by
infecting a host file, worms are freestanding programs that do not require a host
program or human assistance to proliferate. Worms don’t change programs;
instead, they replicate themselves over and over. They just eat resources to
make the system down.
(v) Trojan: A Trojan horse is malicious software that is disguised as a useful host
program. When the host program is run, the Trojan performs a
harmful/unwanted action
How to mitigate:
In order to keep your system data secure and safe, you should take the
following measures:
3. Make use of strong and difficult to crack passwords (having capital & small
alphabets, numbers, and special characters).
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