Vi Int368 Ml-I
Vi Int368 Ml-I
Vi Int368 Ml-I
List of practical
• Write a code which works exactly like normalize(data).
• Based on the given cost function, write a code for implementing it. Session 2022-23 Page:1/2
• You’re given two lists, the first of which contains the name of some people and the second contains
their corresponding ‘response’. These lists have been converted to a dataframe.Now, the values that
the ‘response’ variable can take are ‘Yes’, ‘No’, and ‘Maybe’. Write a code to map these variables to
the values ‘1.0’, ‘0.0’, and ‘0.5’.
• The equation given below represents a model used to predict if a child is likely to choose commerce as
their major in high school. The features of the model are x1 = marks in 10th class (use percentage
value directly, e.g., for 60% marks, use 60), x2 = a boolean value representing whether some family
member is a CA.?p=1/1+e-(0.005x1+0.5x2)?For a particular child scoring 80% marks in class ?10th
and their elder brother being a CA, find the probability of the child opting for commerce (Solve th
• Consider the minimisation of the function L(w1,w2)=w21+w22. We have already performed one
iteration starting from w0=(5,-4) which moves to w1=(4,-3.2). Continue one more iteration with the
same learning rate a=0.1. What is the value of W2? (Write a code to calculate W2)
• A logistic regression model is trained on the following data setx1x2x3y10-0.510550.301 During the
gradient descent, the weights calculated in the 20th iteration are w1 = 0.04, w2 = -1, w3 = 0.4.
Calculate the weights of the 21st iteration (assume the learning rate of 0.2, and use the batch
gradient algorithm). (Write a code to solve the problem)
• Using the weights: w1=-0.025;w2=-0.957;w2=0.322?, predict the class of a data point with the
following features:?x1=40; x2=0.6; x3=1?Assume the threshold to be 0.6. Write the code to find ?s
and then based on the threshold classify the data point.
• Which among accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity is the highest for the model below?
Actual/PredictedNot ChurnChurnNot Churn8040Churn3050 Write a code to find accuracy, sensitivity,
and specificity and then input the given values.
• There is a measure known as F1-score, which essentially combines both precision and recall. It is
basically the harmonic mean of precision and recall, and its formula is given by:?F=2×
(precision×recall)/(precision+recall?)The F1-score is useful when you want to look at the
performance of precision and recall together.Write a code to calculate the F1-score for the model
below.Actual/PredictedNot ChurnChurnNot Churn400100Churn50150
• Bag A contains 3 Red and 4 Green balls, and bag B contains 4 Red and 6 Green balls. One bag is
selected randomly, and a ball is drawn from it. If the ball drawn is found Green, find the probability that
the bag was chosen was A. (Write a code for Bayes Theorem and input the given values)
• Consider points, A(7,50) and B(23,34). Write a code to compute the Euclidean and Manhattan
distance between the two. [Round off the answer to two decimal places]
• Write a code defining Hopkins statistic function which checks whether the dataset is suitable for
clustering or not when a dataframe is passed through it.
• Given a dataset here about the batting figures of batsmen in ODI matches.Choose the number of
clusters as four. Does ?SR Tendulkar fall in the same cluster as Virat Kohli?
• Given a dataset here about the batting figures of batsmen in ODI matches.Based on the clustering, given
that the clusters formed are (high SR, high Ave) - A, (low SR, low Ave) - B, (High SR, Low Ave) - C,
(Low SR, High Ave) - D. Who all fall in group A?
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