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Programmable Logic
Controller – An Overview

Maziyah Mat Noh (Ph.D)

Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology
Universiti Malaysia Pahang
What is PLC?
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Chapter 1: Outline

• Background and Development of PLC

• Parts of a PLC
• PLC Operation
• PLC vs Computer control
• Advantages of PLC
• Size and applications
Learning Outcome
At the end of the chapter students will be
able to:
• Define the PLC, List the advantages and
LO1 disadvantages of PLC

• Identify the main components of PLC system

LO2 and its functions

• Explain the basic sequence of PLC operation,

LO3 Identify and differentiate the types of PLC.
Background &
Development of PLC
Background and development of PLC

Principle of control system

Control system consists of:

• Inputs (sensors)
• Processor (CPU) or “brain”
• Outputs (actuators)


Inputs Outputs
Principle of control system
Input signals:
• Usually come from various sensors that convert
physical quantities into electrical signals. These
sensors may be simple push-button switches,
limit switches or proximity sensors, etc.
• Depending on the sensor uses this information
may be an on/off(binary) or a continuous
(analogue) representation of the input quantity
• From the input signals the automatic control system
has to produce the necessary output signal in
accordance to the control plant built into the
• The control plant can be implemented into two
different ways, using either hard – wired control
system or programmable control system.
• Hard-wired control systems have the control function
fixed permanently when the system components are
connected together (eg. Electrically).
• Programmable control system the control function is
programmed and stored within a memory unit. This
program can be changed or modified when
• Motors, cylinders, relays, etc. are
the output devices which convert
signals from the control system into
other necessary quantities.
• Example: A pneumatic cylinder,
converts pneumatic signals into
linear motion.

• The PLC was introduced around

1969 largely as a result of
specifications written by the General
Motors Corporation.
• Developed to offer the same
functionality as the existing relay logic
Year Development
1968 Programmable concept was developed
1969 Hardware CPU controller, with logic instructions, 1 K of memory
and 128 I/O points.
1974 Use of several (multi) processors within a PLC - timers and
counters; arithmetic operations; 12 K of memory and 1024 I/O
1977 Microprocessors - based PLC introduced
1980 • Intelligent I/O modules developed
• Enhanced communications facilities
• Enhanced software features (e.g. documentation)
• Use of personal microcomputers as programming aids
1983 Low - cost small PLC’s introduced
1985 Networking of all levels of PLC, computer and machine using
SCADA software.
Hard-wired Programmable

Relay Computer

Electronic logic Microprocessor

Pneumatic logic
Programmable Logic
Hydraulic logic Controller (PLC)
National Electrical Manufacturer

• A digitally operating electronic apparatus which uses

programming memory for the internal storage of
instructions for implementing specific functions such
as logic, sequencing, timing, counting and arithmetic
to control through digital or analog modules, various
types of machines or process.
Description of PLC
• In an automated system, the PLC is commonly
regarded as the heart of the control system.
• The PLC may used to control a simple and
repetitive task.
• Or a few of them may be interconnected
together with other controller or host computer
through a sort of communication network, in
order to integrate the control in a complex
Description of PLC

• Heart of control
system- a  Designed to
specialised and operate in • Equipped with special input
computerised to industrial and output interfaces and
control machines environment control programming
& processes. (e.g: control a language.
repetitive task)
Parts of PLC
Major Components of a common PLC


From E T E

Pushbuttons, Solenoids,
contacts, contactors,
limit switches, alarms, motors
Major Components of a common PLC

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Major Components of a common PLC

Major Components of a common PLC

Component Function
Power supply Provides the voltage needed to run the
primary PLC components
I/O modules Provides signal conversion and isolation
between the internal logic-level signals
inside the PLC and the field’s high level
Processor (CPU) Provides intelligence to command and
govern the activities of the entire PLC
Programmable Used to enter the desired program that will
devices determine the sequence of operation and
control of process equipment or driven
Major Components of a common PLC

CPU (Example)
Omron PLC model Communicate with
CQM1H-CPU51 external devices

Coordinate activities
in PLC system

Executes program

Process I/O signals

Major Components of a common PLC


Microprocessor • Analyse data

• Make decision

Memory • Store information

• To make the
Supporting circuitry
system works
Major Components of a common PLC
Processor – Central Processing Unit (CPU)
• The processor module contains
• PLC’s microprocessor
• Supporting circuitry
• Memory system
• The main function of the microprocessor is to analyse
data coming from field sensors through input modules,
make decisions based on the user’s defined control
program and return signal back through output modules to
the field devices. Field sensors: switches, flow, level,
pressure, temp. transmitters, etc. Field output devices:
motors, valves, solenoids, lamps, or audible devices.
• The memory system in the processor module has two
parts: a system memory and an application memory
Memory is the part of a PLC
controller that stores data,
instructions, and the control program.

• Memory size is usually expressed in K values: 1K, 6K,

12K, and so on.
• The measurement kilo, abbreviated K, normally refers to
1000 units.
• When dealing with computer or PLC memory, however,
1 K means 1024, because this measurement is based on
the binary number system (210 = 1024).
• Depending on memory type, 1 K can mean 1024 bits,
1024 bytes, or 1024 words.

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The amount of memory
required depends on:

• Number of I/O points

• Size of control program
• Data-collecting
• Supervisory functions
• Future expansion

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Major Components of a common PLC
• System memory includes an area called the EXECUTIVE,
composed of permanently-stored programs that direct all system
Memory activities, such as execution of the users control program,
Mapping communication with peripheral devices, and other system
Organisation •The system memory also contains the routines that implement
the PLC’s instruction set, which is composed of specific control
functions such as logic, sequencing, timing, counting, and
SYSTEM arithmetic.
•System memory is generally built from read-only memory

•The application memory is divided into the data table area and
user program area.
•The data table stores any data associated with the user’s
APPLICATION control program, such as system input and output status data,
and any stored constants, variables, or preset values. The data
•Data Table table is where data is monitored, manipulated, and changed for
control purposes.
•User Program •The user program area is where the programmed instructions
entered by the user are stored as an application control
Major Components of a common PLC
Type of Memory Description
Volatile • RAM – Random Access Memory • The words random access refer to the ability of
any location (address) in the memory to be
accessed or used.
• Must have battery backup to retain or protect the
stored program
• ROM – Read Only Memory • Read only indicates that the information stored in
memory can be read only and cannot be changed
Non-volatile • PROM – Programmable Read Only • Allows initial and/or additional information to be
• Able to retain Memory written into the chip
information • EPROM – Erasable Programmable • Ideally suited when program storage is to be semi-
when power is Read On Memory permanent or additional security is needed to
removed, prevent unauthorized program changes
accidentally or • Has a quartz window over a silicon material that
intentionally contains the electronic integrated circuits
• Do not require • Also referred as UVPROM
back-up battery • EEPROM – Electrically Erasable • Can be programmed using a standard
Programmable Read Only Memory programming device and can be erased by the
proper signal being applied to the erase pin
• Used as a backup for the normal RAM memory
Major Components of a common PLC
Major Components of a common PLC
I/O Modules
• The I/O interface section of a PLC connects it to
external field devices.

• The main purpose of the I/O interface is to condition the

various signals received from the external input and sent to
the output devices.

• Input modules converts signals from discrete or analog

input devices to logic levels acceptable to PLC’s processor.

• Output modules converts signal from the processor to

levels capable of driving the connected discrete or analog
output devices.
Major Components of a common PLC
Input Module Output Module


Major Components of a common PLC

I/O devices

Analogue signal
Analogue • 4-20mA
• 0-10V

Two states signal:

• Binary (0/1)
1.2 Background and development of PLC

Input devices

Analogue Analogue

Major Components of a common PLC
Programming Device
• Types
– Hand held unit with LED / LCD
– Desktop type with a CRT display
– Compatible computer terminal
• Also known as:
– Industrial Terminal ( Allen Bradley )
– Program Development Terminal (
General Electric )
– Programming Panel ( Gould
Modicon )
– Programmer ( Square D )
– Program Loader ( Idec-Izumi )
– Programming Console ( Keyence
/ Omron )
PLC Operation
The basic operation of PLC:
1. The Input system senses the status of the real world inputs (a switch,
a level, etc.)
2. Translates them to values that can be used by the CPU, and writes
those values to the Input table.
3. The application program is executed, and writes values to the Output
4. The Output system then converts the output value to a real world
change (motor turns on, valve opens, etc.) These steps continually
take place in a repeating loop.
Starts with the CPU
reading the status of all

Concludes with the
updating of all
Computer vs PLC
The architecture of a PLC is basically the
same as that of a personal computer.

Unlike PCs, the PLC is

designed to operate in
the industrial
environment with wide
ranges of ambient
temperature and

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A properly designed PLC installation is not as affected
by the electrical noise inherent in most industrial

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Unlike the personal computer, the PLC is
programmed in relay ladder logic or other easily
learned languages.

The PLC comes with its program language built into its memory
and has no permanently attached keyboard, CD drive, or monitor.

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Computers are complex computing
machines capable of executing several
programs or tasks simultaneously and
in any order.

PLCs execute a single program

in an orderly and sequential
fashion from first to last

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PLC control systems have been designed
to be easily installed and maintained.

Troubleshooting is
simplified by the use of
fault indicators and
messaging displayed on
the programmer screen.

Input/output modules for

connecting the field devices are
easily connected and replaced.

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Software associated with a PLC but written
and run on a personal computer falls into the
following two broad categories:

• PLC software that allows the user to program and document

gives the user the tools to write a PLC program—using ladder
logic or another programming language—and document or
explain the program in as much detail as is necessary.

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PLC software that
allows the user to
monitor and control the
process is also called
a human machine
interface (HMI).

It enables the user to:

 view a process - or a graphical representation
of a process on a monitor
 determine how the system is running, trend
 and receive alarm conditions
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Computer vs PLC

1. A PLC is designed for A computer optimized for
(logic) control and calculation and display task
regulation tasks

2. A PLC is programmed by A computer is programmed

a non- specialist by a specialist

3. A PLC is well adapted to

industrial environment
What PLC Can Do
Sequences Control •Conventional Relay Control Logic Replacer
/P.C.B Card Controller Replacer
•Auto/Semi-auto/Manual Control of machine
and Processes
Sophisticated Control / •Arithmetic Operation
Regulatory Control •Information handling
•Analog Control (Temperature, Pressure)
•P.I.D (Proportional-Integral-Derivation)
•Servo Motor and Stepper Motor
Supervisory Control •Process Monitoring and Alarm
•Fault Diagnostic and Monitoring
•Interfacing with Computer -Printer/ASCII
•Factory Automation
•Local Area Network / Wide Area Network
Computer vs PLC
Sound Heat
sensor sensor

Motion Light
Light pen sensor sensor

Keyboard Mouse
PLC control
Data -

Motor Light
Monitor Plotter

Solenoid Heater
Advantages of PLC
Conventional Control Panel (Hard-wired)
and its difficulties

• Beginning of industrial
revolution, in 1960 & 1970
automated machines were
controlled by
electromechanical relays.
• Relays were all hardwired
together inside control panel.
• Conventional relay control
panel is very inflexible.
Disadvantages of Conventional Control

• There is to much wiring work in the panel.

• Modification can be quite difficult.
• Troubleshooting can be quite troublesome as you
may require a skillful person.
• Power consumption can be quite high as the coil
consumer power.
• Machine downtime is usually long when problem
occur, as it take long time to trouble shooting.
Advantages of PLC
Advantages of PLC

• The wiring of the system usually reduces by 80%.

• Power consumption greatly reduced as PLC consume
much less power.
• The PLC self-diagnostic function enable easy and fast
troubleshooting of the system.
• Modification of the control sequence or application
can easily be done by programming through the
console or computer software without changing of I/O
Advantages of PLC
• In PLC system, spare parts for relays and hardware
timers are greatly reduced as compared to
conventional control panel.
• The machine cycle time is improved due to the speed
of PLC operation is in millisecond.
• Faster Response Time - Machines that process
thousands of items per second and objects that spend
only a fraction of a second in front of a sensor require
the PLC’s quick-response capability.
Advantages of PLC

• It cost much less compared to conventional

system in situation when the number of I/Os is
very large and control function are complex.
• The reliability is high and easy maintenance.
• Easier to Troubleshoot - To find and fix
problems, users can display the control
program on a monitor and watch it in real time
as it executes.
Disadvantages of PLC
• Most PLCs manufacturers offer only closed
architectures for their products .
• PLC devices are proprietary, which means that parts
and software from one manufacturer can ‘t easily be
used in combination with parts of another
manufacturer, which limits the design and cost
• PLC were Designed for Relay Logic Ladder and have
Difficulty with some Smart Devices.
• To maximize PLC performance and Flexibility, a
number of Optional Modules must be added
Summary of PLC vs Conventional
ITEM Conventional PLC
Controlled Device Specific Purpose General Purpose
Control Scale Small and Medium Medium and large
Change or addition Difficult Easy
to specification
Delivery period Several Days Almost immediate
Maintenance (by Difficult Easy
makers and users)
Reliability Depends on design and Very High
Economic Efficiency Advantage on small scale Advantage on small
operation medium and large scale
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PLC Size and
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The criteria used in categorizing PLCs include
functionality, number of inputs and outputs, cost, and
physical size

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The I/O size can be categorised as
• Nano is the smallest size with less
than 15 I/O points.
• Micro PLC: I/O up to 32 points
• Small PLC: I/O up to 128 points
• Medium PLC: I/O up to 1024
• Large PLC: I/O up to 4096 points
• Very Large: I/O up to 8192 points
Matching the PLC with the application
is a key factor in the selection process.

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There are three major types of PLC
applications: single ended, multitask, and
control management.

A single ended application involves one PLC controlling one process

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A multitask PLC application involves one PLC
controlling several processes.

Adequate I/O capacity is

a significant factor in
this type of installation.

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A control management PLC application involves
one PLC controlling several others.

• This kind of application requires a large PLC processor designed

to communicate with other PLCs and computers
• The control management PLC supervises several PLCs by
downloading programs that tell the other PLCs what has to be

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PLCs’ manufacturers
Allen Bradley
Schneider (Modicon,
Telemecanique, Square D)
GE Fanuc
Automation Direct (Koyo)
Texas Instruments
©snaim 2008
PLC Application
• Widely used in:
1. Material Handling
2. Conveyor system • Mainly used to do:
3. Packaging Machine 1. Motion Control
4. Pump Control 2. Position control
5. Water Treatment 3. PID control
6. Chemical Processing Plant 4. Safety control
7. Printing Industries 5. Arithmetic
6. Analog I/O
8. Traffic Light system
9. etc…
Mixer Process Control Problem
 A mixer motor is to be
used to automatically stir the
liquid in a vat when the
temperature and pressure
reach preset

 Manual operation of the

motor is provided by means
of a separate pushbutton

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PLC Application

Silo dispensing station

PLC Application

Labeling Station

Bottle filling station

Any question?
What have you learned?
Suppose can answer the following questions:
• When the PLC was developed?
• What is PLC?
• What are the major components of PLC and its functions?
• How the PLC works?
• What are advantages and disadvantages of PLC?
• What are the difference between PLC control and
conventional control?
• Where are the PLC can be used?
• What are the PLC leading brands

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