12th IT Prelim Ques.P (20-21)
12th IT Prelim Ques.P (20-21)
12th IT Prelim Ques.P (20-21)
Q:4 Multiple Choice Two Correct answer Q:6 Match the Following (4 Marks)
(20 Marks) Column A Column B
1.Following are the Models of Cloud Computing 1.Cipher Text a. Allows greater
a) IaaS b) Private Cloud flexibility
c) PaaS d) Hybrid Cloud 2.Hybrid Cloud b. Returns a random
2. Encryption consists of two processes……& ….. number between 0 & 1.
a) encryption b) signature c) decryption 3.random() c. meta tag
d) digitization e) Security 4.Description about d. alt attribute
3.Comment in PHP is possible using …,…… author
a) // b) /* */ c) # d) <!... …> e) $ e. Coded form of data
4. Following are the types of cloud.
a) Public Cloud b) Private Cloud
c) Personal Cloud d)Secure Cloud Q:7 Answer in brief (Any 5) (10 Marks)
5. The page content optimization can be done by a. Write advantages of e-governance?
using keyword in……………. b. Explain any two features of PHP?
a) <font> b) <title> c) <hr> c. Explain concepts of 5G?
d) <meta> e) <input> d. Briefly explain features of JavaScript
6.Properties of document object are………& ……….. e. Define SEO. State types of SEO?
a) URL b) title c) name d) status f. Explain Cascading Style Sheet?
7.The………. & ……….are valid datatypes in PHP g. Explain Protocols any two
a) Double b) Integer h. Write down types of Web hosting?
c) Array d) Varchar
8. Social commerce is a subset of electronic
commerce that involves social media like ……& …… Q:8 Answer in brief (10 Marks)
a) Facebook b) Instagram A) Write a program using HTML with following
c) whatsapp d) gmail CSS specification-
9. Client-side image map can be created using two 1. The background color of the company
elements ………..& ……………… name should be in green
a) <area> b) <image> 2. The text color of the company name
c) <map> d) <server> should be red.
10. Other factors to rank the website higher are… 3. The heading should be large with font”
a) Desktop friendly b) Speed of the website comic sans ms”
c) Creating robots.txt d) No backlinks 4. The description of the company should
be displayed in blue color in a program
Q:5 Multiple Choice Three Correct answers(6 Marks OR
1.Types of web hosting are…………………. A) Write a program using HTML to Display a
a) fixed hosting b) Dedicated hosting Audio file.
c) Formal hosting d) shared hosting B) Create JavaScript program for the form
e) free hosting f) No hosting validations.
2.PHP runs on following platforms……….. OR
a) System b) Words c) Linux B) Explain Events in JavaScript.
d) Excel e) Unix f) Windows