Dental/Nursing/Pharmacy Students: Biochemistry
Dental/Nursing/Pharmacy Students: Biochemistry
Dental/Nursing/Pharmacy Students: Biochemistry
Dental/Nursing/Pharmacy Students
Other Publications by the Same Author
• Textbook of Medical Biochemistry, 7th Edn, 2000
• Clinical Chemistry: Organ Function Tests and Laboratory Investigations, 1st Edn, 1999
• Viva in Biochemistry, 1st Edn, 1999
Textbook of
Dental/Nursing/Pharmacy Students
(Also for Medical Science/Life Science/Agriculture/DMLT and
Homeopathy/Ayurvedic Colleges, etc.)
Third Edition
Dr (Brig) MN Chatterjea
BSc MBBS DCP MD (Biochemistry)
Professor and Head
Department of Biochemistry
Armed Forces Medical College, Pune
Professor and Head
Department of Biochemistry
Christian Medical College, Ludhiana
Professor and Head
Department of Biochemistry
MGM's Medical College, Aurangabad
Specialist in Pathology and Biochemistry and
Reader in Pathology
Armed Forces Medical College
Pune, India
USA Office
1745, Pheasant Run Drive, Maryland Heights (Missouri), MO 63043, USA, Ph: 001-636-6279734
This book has been published in good faith that the material provided by author is original. Every effort is made to ensure
accuracy of material, but the publisher, printer and author will not be held responsible for any inadvertent error(s). In case of any
dispute, all legal matters are to be settled under Delhi jurisdiction only.
I consider this a privilege to be associated with this publication of the Textbook of Biochemistry by
Dr (Brig) MN Chatterjea which is a book specially for Dental/Nursing and Pharmacy students.
Biochemistry is one of the basic sciences on which the Medical Science is built upon. This subject
needs special talent to make it attractive, enjoyable and understandable to students. The discipline
of biochemistry has expanded in recent years and accordingly, a good knowledge is essential for all
students related with allied basic sciences. The book is written in simple and lucid language, easily
understandable and clinically oriented.
I am sure that this book will prove handy and will be welcomed by undergraduate dental and
other students.
I feel great pleasure and satisfaction to present the third edition of the book Textbook of Biochemistry
for Dental/Nursing/Pharmacy Students to my beloved students and esteemed teachers. As already
pointed out the book can be useful for students of Ayurveda, Homeopathy, DMLT Course and
Home Sciences. The book can be of immense value to MBBS students also, who can use the book as
a concise companion for rapid revision.
Though, the main framework has been retained, extensive revisions of certain portions have
been made. Topics like ‘Protein Synthesis’ have been rewritten keeping in view of the recent advances.
New chapters like ‘Recombinant DNA Technology’ and ‘Biochemistry of AIDS’ hot topics have
been incorporated.
The overall objective has been to provide concise yet authoritative coverage of the “Basics of
Biochemistry” to the Dental/Nursing/Pharmacy students, for applying the knowledge gained for
understanding the disease processes.
I have highlighted the important points to be remembered by the students by bold/italic prints.
I have tried my utmost to ensure that the language used is simple, lucid and easily understandable
by the students. My aim has been to make the book clinically oriented and I have given clinical
significance and biomedical importance wherever necessary.
I hope the new edition of the book will fulfil the needs and expectations of the students and
teachers of Dental/Nursing/Pharmacy and allied disciplines. I shall look forward for valuable
comments and fruitful suggestions, if any, for further inclusions/corrections for improving the
quality of the book.
I extend my appreciation and sincere thanks to Shri Jitendar P Vij (Chairman and Managing
Director), Mr PG Bandhu (Director-Sales) and Mr Tarun Duneja (Director-Publishing) for their
untiring work and keen efforts to bring out the new revised edition of the book.
Dr (Brig) MN Chatterjea
Preface to the First Edition
It gives me immense pleasure and satisfaction in introducing a Textbook of Biochemistry for Dental/
Nursing/Pharmacy Students.
The discipline of biochemistry, in recent years has expanded by leaps and bounds. The current
efflorescence in the knowledge in this subject has necessitated that it should be learnt separately
from physiology.
A sound and comprehensive knowledge in biochemistry has now become essential for the
students of dental and allied basic sciences. At present there is paucity of a comprehensive standard
clinically oriented biochemistry textbook for these students.
My Textbook of Medical Biochemistry is being used in certain Dental and Homeopathy Colleges.
The book is rather voluminous for them and contains a few topics which are not required by them.
Hence, I have attempted to extract the essential elements from the parent book and put in the
present concise form.
An attempt has been made in this book to present the subject pointwise, clinically oriented in
simple and lucid language avoiding complicated chemical formulae so that it becomes
comprehensive, and an average student of dental and basic science can easily understand the subject.
No one can claim to be perfect and even with best of my efforts, there may be some flaws and
shortcomings in the book. I shall be highly delighted to welcome constructive criticisms and
comments, if any, along with fruitful suggestions to improve the quality of the book in its future
In writing a textbook, one has to take help from others and this book is no exception. I am highly
indebted to all my colleagues, friends and authors consulted and referred in compiling the book.
I am grateful to Mr JP Vij, CMD and Mr RK Yadav, Director (Publishing) and the staff of Jaypee
Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. for giving a proper shape in bringing out the first edition of the
book successfully.
Dr (Brig) MN Chatterjea