As 9
As 9
As 9
1. Revenue:
Revenue is the gross inflow of
• cash,
• receivables or
• other consideration
Arising in the course of the ordinary activities of an enterprise from the:
• Sale of goods,
• Rendering of services, and
• Use of enterprise resources by others yielding interest, royalties and
➢ Trade discounts and volume rebates given should be deducted in
determining revenue.
➢ An entity shall exclude from revenue all amounts collected on behalf
of third parties such as GST
➢ In an agency relationship, an entity shall include in revenue only the
amount of its commission. The amounts collected on behalf of the
principal are not revenue of the entity.
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Accounting Standard 9
➢ The seller has transferred the ownership in the goods to the buyer
for a consideration
all significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to
the buyer.
➢ The seller retains no effective control of the goods transferred.
➢ There is no significant uncertainty exists regarding the amount of the
➢ it is not unreasonable to expect ultimate collection.
In most cases, the transfer of the risks and rewards of ownership coincides
with the transfer of the ownership or the passing of possession to the
In other cases, the transfer of risks and rewards of ownership occurs at a
time different from the transfer of ownership or the passing of possession.
Special Guidance
1. Delivery is delayed at buyer’s request and buyer takes title and
accepts billing
When delivery of goods is delayed at buyer’s request, revenue should
be recognised at the time of transfer significant risks and rewards
of ownership to the buyer. However, at the time sale is recognised
- the item must be on hand,
- the item must be identified and
- the item must be ready for delivery to the buyer
2. Goods are sold subject to installation, inspection etc.
Revenue should normally be recognised when
- the customer accepts delivery and
- installation and inspection are complete.
3. Goods sold on approval basis
Revenue should be recognised when
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Accounting Standard 9
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Accounting Standard 9
4. Rendering of Services:
Following conditions should be satisfied for recognition of revenue from
rendering of services:
(a) Revenue from service is generally recognized as the service is performed.
Revenue should be recognised either
- under the completed service contract method or
- under the proportionate completion method
(b) There is no significant uncertainty exists regarding the amount of the
(c) it is not unreasonable to expect ultimate collection.
Special Guidance
1. Installation Fees
Revenue should be recognised as revenue only when the equipment
is installed and accepted by the customer.
2. Advertising commissions
Commission Income will normally be recognised when the related
advertisement or commercial appears before the public
3. Insurance Agency Commission
Insurance agency commissions should be recognised on the effective
commencement or renewal dates of the related policies.
4. Financial service commissions
Revenue should be recognised when loan has been granted.
5. Admission fees
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Accounting Standard 9
8. Scope
This Standard does not deal with the following
(a) Revenue arising from construction contracts;
(b) Revenue arising from hire-purchase, lease agreements;
(c) Revenue arising from government grants and other similar subsidies;
(d) Revenue of insurance companies arising from insurance contracts.
9. Disclosure requirements:
• Revenue recognition policy adopted should be disclosed.
• Circumstances in which revenue recognition has been postponed.
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