Ijramt V3 I7 11
Ijramt V3 I7 11
Ijramt V3 I7 11
Abstract: This report includes the introduction to the company. information about the candidate, they are included
it also includes the list of industries served by the organization. 1. Promotion: Promotion refers to the shifting oaf person to
This report includes SWOC analysis. The purpose of the summer
a position carrying better prestige, higher responsibilities,
internship project is to gain practical knowledge. This study gave
a chance to co-relate the theoretical knowledge gain in academics and more pay. Within the organization, a higher position
with practical work taking place in the organization. The project may be filled. The number of promotions does not
report is about a study recruitment and selection process that’s an increase in the organization.
important part of any organization. In fact, recruitment and 2. Transfer: Transfer means shifting of the person from
selection gives a home ground to the organization system that is present jobs to other jobs which are similar to the present
needed for proper functioning of the organization. it gives an
job. These do not involve any change in rank,
organizational structure of the company. It’s a methodology in
which the particular organization works and how a new candidate responsibilities, or prestige. The number of persons does
could be recruited in such a way that employee would be fitted for not increase with the transfer.
the right kind of career. The objective of selection decision is to 3. Job Posting: Job posting defines as the arrangement in
choose the individual who can most successfully perform the job which an organization internally posts a list of open
from the pool of qualified candidates. Selection activity’s typically positions for the person so that the existing employees
follow a standard patter, beginning with an initial screening
who wish to move to different functional areas can move
interview and concluding with final employment decision. In any
organization HR plays a very important role in the organization easily.
and is like a backbone. It contributes significantly for an Merits of internal source of recruitment:
organization to run its business smoothly and efficiently in order 1. Internal source of recruitment has the advantage of
to achieve its sustained organizational goals by adopting best absorbing people already acquainted with the company
recruitment and selection strategies. The overall HR department culture.
is responsible for employee’s selection, their administration and
2. The employees are tried and tested people and the
welfare by keeping healthy, stress free culture and motivational
policies in the organization. this in turn helps the organization to company can depend upon them.
retain their employees and attract best talent from the market to 3. It reduces labor turnover gives employees a sense of job
overcome manpower deficiencies faced from time to time. security and opportunity for advancement.
Demerits of internal source of recruitment:
Keywords: Recruitment, selection, hiring, sources. 1. It limits the choice to a few employees only.
2. The likes and dislikes of the superiors play an important
1. Introduction role in the selection of employees.
Recruitment definition: 3. It creates frustration among those employees who are not
Hiring is defined as the process of finding reliable sources of selected.
communication for desirable employees that meet the staff 4. Internal sources of recruitment are less costly than other
needs of the organization. Through the recruitment process, an sources of recruitment.
organization can attract a sufficient number of employees to External Sources of Recruitment:
facilitate an effective selection process and the integration of Hiring people from outside the organization. In other words,
successful employees. finding the application from those who are external to the
Source of recruitment: organization.
The source of recruitment is of two types: 1. Media Advertising: The most common and preferred
• Internal source source of external recruiting is an advertisement. The ads in
• External source newspapers, professional journals, give full detail about the
Internal Source: organization, the type, and structure of the organization, and
Internal sources include personnel already on the payroll of nature of job positions, the skills required, the qualifications and
an organization. Filling a vacancy from internal source by experience expected, etc. This helps an individual to self-
promoting employees of the company so that the advantage of evaluate himself against the job requirements and apply for the
increasing the general level of moral and existing employees jobs which suit him.
and new employees providing to the company more reliable 2. Employment Exchange: Office run by the government
wherein the detail about the job seekers such as name, Selection:
qualification, experience, etc. is stored and is given to the The selection process in HR is the activity of testing,
employers who are searching people for their organizations. evaluating, and hiring new employees. The selection processes
For certain jobs, every organization must provide detailed begin once interested candidates send their CVs and apply for a
information about the job to the employment exchange. It is the job. CV shortlisting, written tests, group discussions,
most common source of external recruitment that offers jobs to interviews, job offers, medical tests, appointment letters are all
unskilled, semi-skilled, and skilled workers in the organization. a part of the HR selection process.
3. Direct Recruitment: Direct recruitment also called factory HR selection process:
recruitment is an important source of hiring, especially the There are several categories that an HR company must
unskilled workers who are paid on a daily wage basis in the conduct to ensure that the right person is hired.
organization. The company put a notice on a notice board and The basic selection steps are:
the factory gate regarding the jobs available, such that the • Applications - the first step involves checking all the
applicant sees it and applies for the job directly. applications received by the various channels and
Recruitment Process: extracting any CVs that have been sent inaptly.
1. Recruitment planning • Summary OF CVS - based on a person's education, job
2. Strategy development experience, skill sets, etc. The CVs of candidates will
3. Searching be shortlisted in the following steps of the selection
4. Screening process.
5. Evaluation and control • Written Tests - to test the technical knowledge and
skills of shortlisted people, written tests are performed.
1. Recruitment planning: • Group Discussions - if there are a large number of
Planning is the first recruitment process. Planning involves candidates who use the party discussion or GD it
comprehensive job specification for the vacant position for the becomes a step to assess the candidate's knowledge,
people in the organization, outlining its major and minor language, confidence, participation, etc.
responsibilities for the employees the skills, experience, and • Dialogue - after all the above steps, a few nominees
qualifications needed, grade and level of pay structure, starting are selected to negotiate with the heads of
date, whether the temporary or permanent job and mention of departments. Interview times are detailed to help the
special conditions if any attached to the job to be filled. employer understand the candidate as much as
2. Strategy development: possible. Usually, conversations are face-to-face, but
Once it is known how many with what qualifications of can also be done by telephone, video conference, etc.
candidates are required, the next step involved in the • Selection - once the company has selected the last
recruitment process is to devise a suitable strategy for recruiting person, give them a paid job, benefits, etc.
the candidate in the organization.
• Medical checkup - when a candidate for baptism
The strategic considerations to be considered recruiting
accepts a job, a medical examination is performed to
people, issues like whether to prepare the required candidates’
determine if he or she is healthy.
information by themselves or to hire it from outside the
• Appointment letter - once all of the above selection
organization, what type of recruitment method to be used in the
criteria have been completed satisfactorily, the
organization, what geographical area be considered for
nominee is nominated and the job profile is
searching the best candidates, which source of recruitment to be
recognized. Employee selection process
practiced while hiring and what sequence of activities to be
followed while recruiting people in the organization.
2. Research Methodology
3. Selection:
This step includes attracting people to the organization. Need for the study
There are two types of sources used to attract candidates they • To understand the aspects of recruitment and selection
are: in the organization.
• Internal source • To study the process of the selection process.
• External source • Identify the current and future needs of the
4. Screening: organization for staff planning and job evaluation.
Though some view screening as the starting point of the • To understand the employee satisfaction level in the
selection process, we have considered it as an integral part of recruitment process
the recruitment process. The reason being the selection process Research design:
starts only after the applications have been screened and The purpose of this section is to describe the process
shortlisted by the organization. performed to complete a task. Practice plays a major role in any
5. Evaluation and control: research project. The effectiveness of any research project
Here the organization evaluates the candidate’s depends on the accuracy and effectiveness of the research
performance. And see to it that the process should have to be in method.
control. This describes the methodology used to find out the study on
Shetty et al. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics, VOL. 3, NO. 7, JULY 2022 46
recruitment and selection process at hydro pack Pvt ltd. This Table 2
Statistical representation of the rating of the selection policy of the
part covers all the data collection techniques (population and
sampling) and explains the research design taken for this Option No. of Respondents In Percentage
research Excellent 2 6.66%
Data Collection Methods: Good 13 43.33%
The data for this research study is collected from two sources. Average 13 43.33%
Poor 2 6.66%
They are as follows: Total 30 100%
Primary data: Primary data consist of original information
gathered for a specific purpose at hand as,
• Questionnaire
• Discussion with the worker
• Through observation
Secondary data: it consists of information that is already
there and was being collected in the past for another purpose.
1. Website
2. Manuals
3. Reports
4. Other books related to the title of the study
5. Student Research paper
Fig. 2.
• Research type: Exploratory & Descriptive.
• Source: Questionnaire. Interpretation:
• Method: Survey method Sample unit: the employees The sample size of the survey is 30. 6.66% of respondents
of hydro pack Pvt. Ltd. rated excellent in the selection process, 43.33% of respondents
• Census: 30. rated good in the selection process, 43.33% of respondents rated
• Sample frame: employees from various departments average in the selection process, 6.66% of respondents rated
like sales, manufacturing, production, finance, HR poor in the selection process
• Sampling Technique: Non-Probability Convenience. Table 3
Statistical representation of method used for recruitment according to the
Table 1 candidate
Statistical representation of the rate the HR department’s performance in Option No. of Respondents In Percentage
recruitment and selection Structured 7 23.33%
Option No. of Respondents In Percentage Unstructured 5 16.66%
Excellent 4 13.33% Problem question 14 46.66%
Good 10 33.33% Other 4 13.33%
Average 12 40% Total 30 100%
Poor 4 13.33%
Total 30 100%
Fig. 3.
The sample size of the survey is 30. According to the
Fig. 1. respondents they think problem question is the best way for
requirement than structured, unstructured
The sample size of the survey is 30. Maximum of Table 4
Option No. of Respondents In Percentage
respondents had rated good for the HR departments Yes 22 73%
performance and only few of respondents had rated poor for the No 8 27%
HR department performance. So overall maximum respondents Total 30 100%
were satisfied with the HR departments performance.
Shetty et al. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics, VOL. 3, NO. 7, JULY 2022 47
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