62 Eng
62 Eng
62 Eng
Fig. 6.4. Simple GTU cycle with fuel combustion under con- Fig. 6.5. Binary cycle of a steam and gas unit:
stant pressure: 1—2—3—4—1 — ref. to Fig. 6.4; а—б —condensate heating
1—2 —air compression in the compressor; 2—3 — heating of (feed water) in the heat-recovery boiler; б—в — water evaporation
fuel combustion products in the combustion chamber; 3—4 — in the heat-recovery boiler; в—г — steam superheating in the heat-
expansion of combustion products in the gas turbine (work); 4—1 recovery boiler; г—д —steam expansion in the steam turbine
— cooling of fuel combustion products (exhaust) (work); д—а — steam condensation;
Perfection of GTU as any thermal engine is characterized Binary SGUs are designed with condensation or heat ex-
by efficiency factor — a relation of useful power to heat, traction steam turbines. Electric efficiency of such SGUs in
supplied to GTU at to fuel combustion. the condensation mode makes 50 … 58 %, in units with heat
The efficiency depends on parameters of thermodynamic extraction the fuel heat utilization factor makes 85 … 87 %,
cycle: relation of an absolute gas temperature at the input to and the relation of quantity of the supplied electricity to the
the one at the output, as well as a compression degree — re- supplied heat is more than 1500 kW h/Gcal. For comparison:
lation of an absolute pressure at the input to the one at the the maximum relation of the supplied electricity amount to
output from the gas turbine, and also on energy losses in the the supplied heat at heat extraction units with steam turbines
compressor, turbine, in input and output branch pipes, in the of Т-250/300-240 type makes 750 kW h/Gcal.
combustion chamber, in cooled parts of GTU. SGU characteristics and efficiency of application of gas
Initial gas temperature at the input to the gas turbine is turbines in combined cycles essentially depend on parame-
determined by the progress in materials technology and de- ters and characteristics of GTUs. Increase in GTU efficiency
velopment of systems of cooling of blades and other parts of raises a share of gas turbine capacity in SGU that improves
the turbine. SGU efficiency and reduces specific costs of the whole SGU.
Compression degree depends on the compressor design Since in GTU only pure, almost ash-free fuel is com-
and possibilities of its manufacturing. busted, concentration of ash, carbon monoxide, unburnt hy-
Power GTUs, designed for the last years, are based on a drocarbon in exhaust gases is considerably lower than the
simple thermodynamic cycle. Unit capacities of the largest of ecological requirements. The most serious environmental is-
them make 280 MW, air consumption is more than 600 kg/s. sue is generation of nitrogen oxides in GTU combustion
Gas turbine units, designed on the base of aviation gas chambers. The simplest method of reduction of its concentra-
turbine engines (GTEs), are constructed with a separated tion in GTU combustion products is injection of water or wa-
power turbine. Gas for the power turbine is generated in the ter steam into a combustion chamber, thus reducing a com-
bustion temperature. Injection of 0,6 … 1,0 kg of water or
0,9 … 1,5 kg of steam for 1 kg of fuel provides NOx concen- ditional difficulties at silencer designing.
tration in combustion products below the ecological require- Intensity of the noise, coming through GTU case, makes
ments. GTU capacity thus increases. 100 … 110 dB (A) at all octaves. For its reduction the GTU
The most radical and efficient way to decrease NOx emis- case is closed by a protective casing. As a whole, decrease in
sions is creation of “dry” GTU combustion chambers. De- GTU noise to sanitary requirements, doesn't cause technical
pending on GTU load, in order to provide the combustion ef- difficulties.
ficiency and environmental requirements in them, the air dis- Unlike other thermal engines, applied in power engineer-
tribution between flame pipes is regulated by changing of ing, which have insignificant possibilities of perfection, de-
flow cross-sections of a mixer and bypasses or a number of velopment of GTU is in progress. This includes an increase
working burners is changed. Abroad reduction of NOx emis- in initial gas temperature and turbine efficiency, increase in
sions in “dry” combustion chambers achieved less than 50 air consumption and unit capacity.
mg/m3 at 15% of oxygen content in combustion products. Improvement of GTU provides an increase in SGU effi-
Gas turbine units make significant noise: aerodynamic, ciency and its environmental characteristics.
magnetic, mechanical. The greatest noise is aroused in an air Wide application of SGU at new construction and tech-
intake channel of the compressor. Intensity of this noise nical modernization of power plants allows saving to 20 % of
reaches 155 dB (A), frequency is in the range of 1 … 4 kHz. fuel in comparison with common steam turbine units with
Its reduction is provided with the silencers, built in the en- simultaneous reduction of unit capital investments and unit
trance channel and muffling isolation of channel walls. Noise manpower.
intensity at turbine gas exhaust makes 140 … 145 dB (A). Tab. 6.2 presents characteristics of GTU, manufactured in
It’s muffling is a more complicated task due to low frequen- Russia and the Ukraine.
cies (30 … 125 Hz) and high speed of sound under high
temperature of gases (450 … 550 °С). The above brings ad-
Table 6.2. Characteristics of gas turbine units, manufactured in Russia and the Ukraine
Air con- Fuel con-
Capacity, Efficien- Compression Initial gas Exhaust gas
Manufacturer Model sumption, sumption,
MW cy, % rate temperature, °С temperature, °С
kg/s kg/s
LMZ, St-Petersburg GTE-160 157 34,4 12,1 1060 537 509 9,26
UTZ, Yekaterinburg GTE-6 6,12 23,5 6,2 760 415 45 —
GTE-16 16,46 30,4 11,5 920 420 85 —
GTE-6U 6,35 31,0 12,0 920 406 33 —
GTE-25U 32,0 32,5 13,5 1060 466 125 —
NKT “Dvigately NK”, NK-37 25,0 36,4 23,1 1147 425 — —
Samara NK-37-1 30,2 37,3 25,6 1219 455 — —
OJSC “Saturn”, AL-31STE 20 36,5 18,1 1252 518 61,7 —
(Moscow — Rybinsk) GTE-110 110 35,1 14,7 1210 524 360 —
“Aviadvigatel” — GTU-12PE 12 35 16,9 1049 426 — 51
“Permskie motory” GTU-16PE 16 37,5 19,6 1143 466 — 57
SPU “Motor”, Ufa GTE-10/95 10 30,1 8,41 906 478 — 62,4
CIAM — “SOUZ”, Moscow 55ST-20 20 31,7 — 957 457 — 98,0
SPO “Turboatom”, GTE-45-3 54,8 28 7,8 900 475 270 —
Harkov (Ukrain)
SPU “Mashproekt”, GTG-6 6 30,5 14,0 1000 410 — 30
Nikolaev (Ukrain)
GTG-15 15,8 31,0 12,7 870 360 — 98,5
(DA-90) 17,0 35,5 19,5 — 427 — 71,0