AERO - Q407 - Fragment
AERO - Q407 - Fragment
AERO - Q407 - Fragment
by Jeanne Mason,
Senior Specialist Engineer,
Engine Performance and Operability,
Propulsion Systems Division
Since 1990, there have been at least 100 jet for flight near convective weather. It also discusses
ice crystal Icing engine power-loss events on both commuter and the importance of pilot reporting of ice crystal
can occur deep large transport airplanes, mostly at altitudes higher power-loss events.
in the engine, than 22,000 feet, the highest altitude where airframe
where surfaces icing is expected to exist. “Power loss” is defined
high-altitude ice crystal icing
are warmer as engine instability such as a surge, stall, flame
than freezing. out, or rollback that results in a sub-idle operating
Several engine power-loss and damage events
condition. High-altitude ice crystals are believed
have occurred in convective weather above the
to have caused most or all of these events.
altitudes typically associated with icing conditions.
This article explains the ice crystal phenomenon,
Research has shown that strong convective
how ice crystals cause power loss, the types of
weather (thunderstorm activity) can lift high
power-loss events, where and when engine power-
concentrations of moisture to high altitudes where
loss events have occurred, conditions associated
it can freeze into very small ice crystals, perhaps
with ice crystal formation, and recommendations
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Figure 1
This NASA Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) combined satellite radar image shows
a vertical cross-section of a convective storm. The image shows the freezing level clearly by the
“bright band” where ice particles become coated with melted water and are excellent reflectors
of radar energy. Below the freezing level, liquid water is highly reflective. Above the freezing
level, while the concentration of moisture may still be high, the cloud is mostly composed of
frozen ice particles with radar reflectivity below 20dBZ (units of radar energy). Small ice crystals
are irregular in shape and poor reflectors of radar energy. These small ice crystals are believed
to be associated with engine power-loss events.
as small as 40 microns (the size of flour grains). For this reason, flight in visible moisture types of power-loss events
These are the crystals that can affect an engine near deep convective weather, even without
when flying through convective weather. The radar returns, and at temperatures below freezing, The actual mechanism for ice crystal-related
industry is using the phrase “ice crystal icing” to is very likely to be in ice crystal conditions. engine power loss takes many forms, depending
describe these icing conditions, and to differentiate Ice building up on the inlet, fan, or spinner on the design characteristics of each particular
it from icing conditions due to supercooled liquid. would likely shed outward into the fan bypass duct engine type (see table below).
Ice crystals do not adhere to cold airframe without causing a power loss. Therefore, in these
surfaces because the ice crystals bounce off. power-loss events, it is reasonable to conclude that
Where and when ice crystal
However, the crystals can partially melt and stick ice must have been building up in the engine core. power‑loss events have occurred
to relatively warm engine surfaces. It is now believed that ice crystal icing can occur
“Glaciated conditions” refers to atmospheric deep in the engine where surfaces are warmer
About 60 percent of recorded ice crystal power-
conditions containing only ice crystals and no than freezing (see fig. 2). Both older generation
loss events have occurred in Asia. Researchers
supercooled liquid. “Mixed phase conditions” jet engines and the new generation of jet engines
speculate that this may be due to the fact that the
refers to atmospheric conditions containing both (high bypass ratio engines with electronic engine
highest sea surface temperatures are also found
ice crystals and supercooled liquid. Both glaciated controls) can be affected by ice crystal icing.
and mixed phase conditions occur in convective
clouds and have been present during engine Power-loss Type Description Effect Recovery
power-loss and damage events.
Surge/Stall* Ice shed into compressor Thrust loss and Throttle to idle. Cycling
On-board weather radar can detect large
drives engine to surge, high exhaust gas of the fuel switch may
particles such as hail, rain, and large ice crystal
then stall causes rotor temperature. be required to clear
masses (snowflakes). Small particles, such as ice
speeds to decay, and some stalls.
crystals in high concentrations near thunderstorms,
reducing airflow while
are invisible to on-board weather radar, even
combustor remains lit.
though they may comprise the majority of the total
mass of a cloud (see fig. 1). Flameout* Ice shed into the Thrust loss and all Ignition. Many events
Sophisticated satellite radar technology has combustor quenches parameters dropping. self-recover due to
been used to detect crystals smaller than the lower the flame. auto-relight or having
limit of on-board weather radar. Above the freezing the ignition already on.
level, where icing can occur in a deep convective
Engine Damage Engine blades become Typically no effect As appropriate — refer
cloud, satellite radar has confirmed that large
damaged as shed ice at time of initial to Quick Reference
particles, which can be detected by on-board
impacts them. damage, but damaged Handbook.
weather radar, are only found near the convective
blades may fail later
precipitation core. Away from the convective
causing vibration
precipitation core, satellite radar has confirmed
or engine stall.
that small ice crystals, which are invisible to
*In every large transport power-loss event occurring due to stall and flameout that has been tracked to date, the engines
on-board weather radar, exist.
were successfully restarted.
W ei m/co m m e r c ia l / a e r om a g a z in e
Figure 2
Figure 3
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Figure 4
in this region. Higher temperature air can hold recognizing high ice can contain up to 8 grams per cubic meter
more water. There is a heavy concentration of crystal conditions of ice water content; by contrast, the design
ice crystal power-loss events between 20 and standard for supercooled liquid water for
40 degrees north latitude with a few events farther Researchers have identified several conditions that engines is 2 grams per cubic meter.
than 45 degrees from the equator (see fig. 3). are connected to engine ice crystal icing events. ■ Areas of visible moisture above the altitudes
Engine power-loss events have occurred in The most important factors are: typically associated with icing conditions.
three phases of flight: climb, cruise, and descent. This is indicated by an absence of significant
■ High altitudes and cold temperatures.
However, most events occur during the descent airframe icing and the ice detector (when
Commercial airplane power-loss events
phase, most likely because of a combination of installed) not detecting ice, due to its ability to
associated with ice crystals have occurred
two factors. First, for icing to occur, the ambient detect only supercooled liquid, not ice crystals.
at altitudes of 9,000 to 39,000 feet, with
temperature must be below the freezing level, and
a median of 26,800 feet, and at ambient These additional conditions are also typically
therefore icing tends to occur at the higher altitude
temperatures of –5 to –55 degrees C with a found during engine ice crystal power-loss events.
associated with the descent phase. Second, the
median of –27 degrees C. The engine power-
engine is least tolerant to ice shedding at idle ■ No pilot reports of weather radar returns at
loss events generally occur on days when
power, which occurs in the descent phase. Icing the event location.
the ambient temperature is warmer than the
at high power and high altitude is possible due to ■ Temperature significantly warmer than
standard atmosphere (see fig. 4).
the existence of high concentrations of ice crystals standard atmosphere.
■ The presence of convective clouds. Convective
for long distances, such as in the anvil of a large ■ Light-to-moderate turbulence.
weather of all sizes, from isolated cumulo
convective storm, and the fact that ice can build ■ Areas of heavy rain below the freezing level.
nimbus or thunderstorms to squall lines
up on warm engine surfaces. ■ The appearance of precipitation on heated
and tropical storms, can contain ice crystals.
windshield, often reported as rain, due to
Convective clouds can contain deep updraft
tiny ice crystals melting.
cores that can lift high concentrations of water
■ Airplane total air temperature (TAT) anomaly-
thousands of feet into the atmosphere, during
reading zero, or in error, due to ice crystal
which water vapor is continually condensed
buildup at the sensing element (see case
and frozen as the temperature drops. In doing
study on following page).
so, these updraft cores may produce localized
■ Lack of observations of significant airframe icing.
regions of high ice water content which spread
downwind. Researchers believe these clouds
W ei m/co m m e r c ia l / a e r om a g a z in e
An ice crystal power-loss
event case study
■ A commercial airplane on descent, flying in convection conditions, experienced a TAT anomaly. (The
anomaly is due to ice crystals building up in the area in which the sensing element resides, where
they are partly melted by the heater, causing a 0 degrees C reading. In some cases, TAT has stabilized
at 0 degrees C during a descent, and may be noticeable to pilots. In other cases, the error is more
subtle, and not a reliable-enough indicator to provide early warning to pilots of high concentrations
of ice crystals.)
■ At 38,000 feet (–42 degrees C), the pilot encountered moderate turbulence and noted some lightning
in the vicinity.
■ A brief power-loss event occurred at 30,000 feet — the engines restarted quickly.
■ There were no radar echoes at the altitude and location of the airplane.
■ An absence of a response from the ice detector indicated that no supercooled liquid was present.
■ The pilot reported heavy rain at –25 degrees C.
■ Initial report of rain on the windscreen was later determined to be ice crystals, and confirmed
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Pilots are advised to familiarize
themselves with the conditions under
which ice crystal icing typically occurs
and follow the recommendations
in related technical bulletins.
recommendations for flight These recommendations are included in flight Pilots encountering conditions such as those
near convection operations technical bulletins Nos. 707-06-1, described in this article are encouraged to provide
727‑06-1, 737-06-1, 747-15, 747-400-55, as many details about the conditions as possible to
Even when there are no radar returns, there may 757-75, 767-75, 777-21, 787-1 issued by Boeing their airlines for subsequent use by researchers.
be significant moisture in the form of ice crystals on August 1, 2006: Convective Weather Containing
at high altitudes. These are not visible to airborne Ice Crystals Associated with Engine Power Loss
radar. As a result, it is not possible to avoid all ice and Damage.
crystal conditions. However, normal thunderstorm
Ice crystal icing conditions have been recognized
avoidance procedures may help pilots avoid
further research as a hazard to turbofan engines. Ice can build up
regions of high ice crystal content.
deep in the engine core.
These avoidance procedures include:
Today, knowledge of the nature of convective Pilots are advised to familiarize themselves
■ Avoiding flying in visible moisture over storm weather and the exact mechanism of ice crystal with the conditions under which ice crystal icing
cells. Visible moisture at high altitude must buildup and shedding in the engine is limited. A typically occurs and follow the recommendations
be considered a threat since intense storm research program is being developed by an industry in related technical bulletins.
cells may produce high concentrations of ice icing group to address these needs. It involves Airline awareness of the potential for ice
crystals at cruise altitude. flights into convective clouds to measure their crystal icing on all engine models/airplane types
■ Flying upwind of storms when possible. properties, as well as ground-based engine testing. may provide additional information that will
■ Using the radar antenna tilt function to scan Most of what is currently understood about the help Boeing and the industry better understand
the reflectivity of storms ahead. Assess the environment associated with engine events is this phenomenon.
height of the storms. Recognize that heavy rain based on pilot reports and flight data. Additional For more information, please contact Jeanne
below the freezing level typically indicates high pilot reports of high-altitude ice crystal encounters Mason at
concentrations of ice crystals above. (with or without engine events) will help researchers
■ Avoiding storm reflectivity by 20 nautical miles understand the conditions associated with engine Material for this article has been drawn from AIAA 2006-0206
“Ice Particle Threat to Engines in Flight,” Mason, Strapp
has been commonly used as a recommended events, ensure that the flight program is directed and Chow.
distance from convection. This may not be into the appropriate flight conditions, and help
sufficient for avoidance of high concentrations develop cues for these flight conditions.
of ice crystals, as they are not visible on
airborne radar.
W ei m/co m m e r c ia l / a e r om a g a z in e