Qualified Institutions Placement QIPs 2
Qualified Institutions Placement QIPs 2
Qualified Institutions Placement QIPs 2
January 2022
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To continuously earn trust of investors and emerge as solution provider with integrity .
2. Key terms of the QIP included in the PPD which is sent to select QIBs on issue
opening date, include the following:
the relevant date (typically the date when the issuer’s board of directors or
committee of directors duly authorised by the board of directors decides to open
the QIP)
the floor price (determined in terms of the SEBI (ICDR) Regulations)
3. QIP Closing Date: QIBs participating in the QIP should look out for the outcome of
the meeting of the board of directors of the issuer or a committee of directors, notifying
the date of closure of the QIP and the final QIP price. In this regard, a minimum notice
period of at-least 2 working days (excluding the date of notice and the date of meeting)
is required to be provided by the issuer under the Securities and Exchange Board of
India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations.
4. Application Process: QIBs submit the filled-in application forms to the lead managers
along with credit of their subscription monies (which is kept in a separate bank
account), on or prior to the close of the QIP.
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5. Allotment: QIBs should take note of the following regarding allotment pursuant to
QIP issue size <= Rs.250 crores; minimum 2 allottees.
QIP issue size > Rs.250 crores; minimum 5 allottees.
Minimum 10% to be allotted to mutual funds. However, any unsubscribed portion
may be allotted to other QIBs
No allotment, either directly or indirectly, to any QIB who is a promoter or any
person related to the promoters of the issuer.
No individual allottee is allowed to have more than 50% of the total amount issued.
QIB under the same group/ under same control is considered as single allottee.
On approval of the allotment by the board of directors of the issuer/ committee of
directors, QIBs which have received allotment in the QIP receive a serially
numbered PD (including the final QIP price, issue period details etc.) and
confirmation of allotment note (CAN). Thereafter, the credit of shares to
successful allottees takes place.
Sr. Activity Timeline for which Information where
No. activity takes place available
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available in the websites
of Stock Exchanges and
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9. Confirmation of Allocation Typically on the same day BRLMs to circulate
Note (CAN) and serially as the issue closing or the serially numbered
numbered PD sent to next day CANs and PDs to
successful allottees successful applicants;
CAN includes details of
securities allocated to
each QIB applicant,
issue price and bid
amount, probable date
of credit of securities to
the applicant’s demat
12. Board/ Committee meeting Typically the same day as Outcome of meeting
to approve allotment circulation of CANs and uploaded on websites of
PD to successful allottees Stock Exchanges
13. List of allottees allotted Typically given together Websites of the Stock
more than 5% of the with the outcome of Exchanges
securities Board/Committee
meeting for allotment
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approval of allotment or
next working day
1. Receive transferable and transmittable equity shares that rank pari passu in all respects
with the existing equity shares of the Issuer Company.
2. Receive PPD, PD, application form, CAN from the Issuer Company/ Lead Managers.
3. Response to investor queries.
4. All such rights as may be available to a shareholder of a listed public company under
the Companies Act, the Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association.
1. Carefully read through and fully understand the PD, PD, application form, CAN and
other issue related documents, and abide by the terms and conditions.
2. Ensure accurate updation of demographic details with depositories - including the
address, name, investor status, bank account details, PAN, e-mails addresses, contact
details etc.
3. Ensure active demat/ broking account before investing, as securities will be allotted in
dematerialized form.
4. EnsEnsure valid QIB registration.
5. Provide full and accurate information in duly filled-in application form.
6. Review Stock Exchange website for the outcome of the meeting of the board/
committee of directors of the Issuer, notifying the date of closure of QIP, the final QIP
price etc.
7. Submit duly filled-in application forms to Lead Managers along with credit of the
subscription monies, which is kept in a separate bank account on or prior to the close
of QIP.
8. Provide accurate information and investor details while making any query.
1. Investors should not sell securities allotted in a QIP during the lock-in period, except
on the floor of the Stock Exchanges.
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2. Investors should not trade in the securities allotted in a QIP, prior to the receipt of
final listing and trading approvals from Stock Exchanges.
3. Investors should not participate in the Issue, if the Investor is not an eligible QIB as
defined under Regulation 2(1)(ss) of SEBI ICDR Regulations.
4. Investors should not forward, circulate or distribute the application form, PPD, PD
and CAN or any accompanying issue related documents sent to them to any third
5. Investors cannot withdraw, modify, cancel or revise their application downwards
after the Issue Closing Date.
Investor Complaint
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6 Lead Manager to respond to the investor with the reply ` Upto X+3
7 Best efforts will be undertaken by lead manager to resolve the grievance within T+30
The following modes of receipt will be considered valid for processing the grievances in
the timelines discussed above :
1. Letter from the investor addressed to the lead manager at its address mentioned in the
offer document, detailing nature of grievance, details of application, details of bank
account, date of application etc
2. E-mail from the investor addressed to the lead manager at its e-mail ID mentioned in
the offer document, detailing nature of grievance, details of application, details of
bank account, date of application etc
3. On SEBI Complaints Redress System (SCORES) platform
1. Read the PPD, PD, application form and other issue related literature carefully and
fully before investing.
2. Fully understand the terms of investment and timelines involved in the issue process
as disclosed in the PPD, PD, application form, and issue related literature.
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3. Consult his or her own tax consultant with respect to the specific tax implications
arising out of their participation in the issue.
4. Provide full and accurate information in the application form as maybe required while
making an application and when making investor grievances; Also keep records of the
5. Ensure active demat/ broking account before investing.
6. Applications using third party bank accounts are liable for rejection.
7. Shareholders should ensure to register E-mail Id with the Company or Depository for
timely updates on Corporate actions like dividend, Buyback, takeover etc.
8. Keep themselves informed of material developments relating to the company inter alia
by checking the company’s website or the websites of the Stock Exchanges including
for corporate actions like mergers, de-mergers, splits, rights issue, bonus, dividend etc.
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