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The Role of Indigenous People Knowledge in The Biodiversity Conservation in Gursumwoerda, Easternhararghe Ethiopia

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Annals of Ecology and Environmental Science

Volume 2, Issue 1, 2018, PP 29-36

The Role of Indigenous People Knowledge in the Biodiversity

Conservation in Gursumwoerda, Easternhararghe Ethiopia
Yeneayehu FenetahunMihertu
Ethiopia Biodiversity Institute (EBI), Harar Biodiversity Center
*Corresponding Author: Yeneayehu FenetahunMihertu, Ethiopia Biodiversity Institute (EBI), Harar
Biodiversity Centre.

The term biodiversity refers the number and variability of living organisms. It also incorporates human and
cultural diversity. The Gursum indigenous people and their knowledge on the biodiversity conservation
represent one of the oldest traditionally valuable systems in Ethiopia. Indigenous peoples and their socio
cultural relationship with biological systems have largely been contributing to sustainable conservation of
biodiversity. Lack of awareness and knowledge on the part of the people about biodiversity is one of the
major factors that contribute for loss of biological resources. The main objective of this study was to
analyze the role of indigenous peoples and their knowledge on biodiversity conservation. For this research
key informant interview, Filed visit and informal discussion were carried out to generate primary data. The
collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentage. Mainly indigenous biodiversity
conservation method dominantly owned by Gursum community was home garden/traditional agro forestry
practice. And the methods are its own advantage to mitigate environmental problems such as loss of
biodiversity and high concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Lack of prioritization for indigenous
people due to neglect, decay, as well as destruction of socio-cultural values and their knowledge on the
biodiversity conservation were the reasons for the degradation of biodiversity. Therefore, we concluded that
evidence of culture; spiritual, social and ethical norms possessed by indigenous peoples have often been
determining factors for sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity.
Keywords: Gursum area, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous people, Biodiversity;

INTRODUCTION through organic manuring, a succession of

specific crops and short fallow at the lowland
Ethiopia has reach in community indigenous
(Elias, 2002). Farmers in Tikurso catchments
knowledge in a wide range of fields like soil and (northern Ethiopia) rank the qualities of their
water conservation, seed selection and land by using slope, soil depth, soil fertility
preservation, advancement of traditional farm (quality), agro climatic zones and water logging
implements, development of appropriate as criteria (Bekele, 1997).The Borana pastoral
farming systems, and adaptation of effective community practiced regulated water use
coping mechanisms withstanding food insecurities through local leaders to conserve water for
through time (Tizita E.E, 2016).It has well livestock and human use during the dry period.
appreciated indigenous technologies that have In general different part of Ethiopian community
been devised by the community, using their own has its own traditional knowledge system to
indigenous knowledge to cope up harsh time conserve biodiversity and climate condition.
and be able to sustain the livelihoods. For
instance In Eastern Hararghe, remnants of the Most of the Gursum people are one of the
Harla civilization could be observed (near Dire Oromifa language speaking groups of Eastern
Dawa) where improved soil and water haraghe Ethiopia. The Gursum indigenous
conservation practices are still traceable (Norbert peoples perform their cultural practice in their
et al., 2002). Advanced soil and water conservation daily life a significant role in the conservation
in Konso is a well-known living example of and maintenance of biodiversity. According to
strategy to cope up with moisture-deficient soils DesalegnDesissa, a plant ecologist (2007) who
and is still sustaining the livelihoods of the ever- has studied the area, the Gursum‟s “traditional
increasing population (Besha, 2003).Farmers in activities depend on a friendly relationship with
KindoKoishaworeda (southern Ethiopia) the local environment, which frequently
mitigate the problem of declining soil fertility contributes to minimizing environmental

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The Role of Indigenous People Knowledge in the Biodiversity Conservation in Gursumwoerda,
Easternhararghe Ethiopia

disruption and thereby maintaining an overall high variation from year to year, ranging from
ecological equilibrium.” Since most of the 470.6 mm to 1270.4 mm year. Rainfall is
Gursum communities are pastoral and agro- bimodal, occurring from February to April
pastoral they have buffer areas that are off limits (short rain season) and June to September (long
to grazing and cultivation. Besides this the rain season) (Source: National Metrological
community use organic and terraced cultivation Service Agency of Ethiopia Data from 2000 to
and composting practice, which has greatly 2015). The livelihood of the local people in the
controlled soil erosion and water pollution and district is based on mixed farming but
allowed them to cultivate most of their total land pastoralism predominates over crop production.
area. Careful use of manure as fertilizer is a key The vegetation of the woreda belongs to the
to soil fertility throughout the region. According Acacia- Commiphora woodland, semi-desert
to Desissa (2007), the communities are lead scrubland and evergreen scrub types. There are
elders and they are apaternal symbol, a protector also riverine woody species in the area that
of communities against misfortunes.” And most include species of Acacia robusta Burch.
study indicated that in range land area the Tamarindusindica L., OncobaspinosaForssk.,
abundance of biodiversity is high as compared Acokantheraschimperi (A. DC.) Schweinf. And
to other cultivated areas. In each of the community Capparistomentosa Lam. (Anteneh and
the elders are responsible for leading community Demissew,2011).
ceremonies and are also considered the “father”
A total population for this woreda of 171,931, of
or traditional custodian for the rangeland. In this
whom 91,819were men and 80,112 were
system, knowledge is transmitted to younger
women; 12,048 or 7.93% of its population was
generations from stewards of the spiritual life,
urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants
who hold the community responsible for the
said they were Muslim, with 97.35% of the
protection and well-being of the lands and
population reporting they observed this belief,
waters. However, the issues of indigenous
while 2.34% of the population practised Ethiopian
peoples, their socio-cultural values and
Orthodox Christianity (Source: Statistical Abstract
knowledge on the biodiversity conservation are
of East Hararge Administrative Zone, East
not give emphasis on the government and
Hararge Planning and Economic Development
documented yet not only in the Gursum area but
Office. Harar: BirhanSelam Printing Press;
also most part of Ethiopia. Therefore, the main
objective of this study was to assess the current
situation and analyze the role of indigenous Gursum Indigenous Knowledge
peoples and their knowledge in biodiversity Gursum indigenous knowledge is knowledge of
conservation. an indigenous community accumulated over
MATERIALS AND METHODS generations of living in harmony with their
environment. It is a broad concept that covers
Study Area forms of knowledge, technologies, know-how,
The study was conducted in Gursum woreda, skills, practices and beliefs that enable the
eastern Hararghe Zone of Eastern Ethiopia indigenous community of the area to achieve
(Figure 1). , Gursum is bordered on the south by stable livelihoods in their environment. It is
Babille, on the west by the Harari Region, on traditional cultural knowledge that includes
the north by Jarso, and on the east by the Somali intellectual, ecological, technological, and
Region. The woreda is located at about 562 km medical knowledge. The Gursum indigenous
southeast of Addis Ababa. It is delimited a communities had a vast stock of knowledge on
latitude and longitude of 9°21′ N 42°24′ E prediction and early warning of rainfall, weather
Coordinates with an elevation between 1980 - forecasting, time-testing coping mechanisms,
2049 m.a.s.l. food production and storage techniques, and an
impressive plant-based pharmacopoeia for both
The mean annual temperature is about 20.2°C, human, plant and animal health. For instance, in
ranging from a mean minimum of 12.8°C to the field of prediction and early warning of
mean maximum of 29.4°C. There is only a rainfall, the Gursum indigenous community
slight difference in temperature throughout the
have a large number of climate monitoring
year, with the hottest months during April to indicators that enabled them to tell such things
June (maximum 29.4°C) and the coldest during as the right time to start soil and water
October to December (minimum 12.8°C). The conservation practice, to start planting in
mean annual rainfall is 740.6 mm year, with

30 Annals of Ecology and Environmental Science V2 ● I1 ● 2018

The Role of Indigenous People Knowledge in the Biodiversity Conservation in Gursumwoerda,
Easternhararghe Ethiopia

anticipation of the rains or to preserve and store promote higher yields and at the same time
food in anticipation of a dry season as well as conserving the environment, this system in
help to determine the rainy season (kirment) and agreement with the study done in Gamo district
dray season (Bega) in order to plan and design by Tizita (2016).The Gursum indigenous
the cultivation and tillage type. These indicators people’s mind also possesses detailed information
included observation of the movement of sun, about species of plants, animals, and some
moon and star, behavior of animals, birds, microorganisms; they also recognize types of
reptiles, amphibians, insects, vegetation and minerals, soils, landforms, vegetation and
trees, celestial bodies, wind sand level of landscapes. In case of soil, black soil (Tikurafer)
which is suitable for growing crops such as
Many of the area indigenous knowledge techniques sweet potatoes and potatoes. In case of
to environmental conservation included such microorganism: they also decide the type of
technologies and practices as shifting cultivation, microorganism those are living in soil to
mixed cropping or intercropping, minimum decompose organic matter of a soil through
tillage and agro-forestry, home garden as well as using smell of soil and observing the soil color.
transhumance. These technologies and practices If the soil have deep dark color and pungent
were commonplace and were used with various smell, they decide that the soil contain soil
other methods of land use and management to microorganism called as Bacteria (Nifesat).

Figure1. Map of the study area

Source of Data and Analysis survival and dominant biodiversity practice
implemented on the community to mitigate
The study approach includes both secondary and
climate change and adaptation to answer the
primary data collection method to generate
research questions: Which biodiversity
appropriate information for the study. The
conservation method that is practiced by Gursum
primary data were obtained through key informant
Indigenous peoples could contribute to climate
interview. The interviews were focused to collect
change mitigating and adaptation in the area?
data on the relationship between indigenous
And their coping approach adapted to overcome
peoples, their knowledge and culture on the
problems associated with the degradation of
biodiversity conservation to answer the research
biodiversity could be associate with what are the
questions: Why the indigenous peoples and their
main causes and consequences of biodiversity
knowledge are critical in biodiversity
degradation in the area? Whereas, secondary
conservation? How are indigenous peoples, their
data were collected through an examination of
knowledge, biodiversity and culture related
the peer reviewed literature, as published in
between each other? And also focused to collect
journal and books for the data of dominant
data on the their strategies for the conservation
biodiversity practices in the area
and improvement of the resources necessary for

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The Role of Indigenous People Knowledge in the Biodiversity Conservation in Gursumwoerda,
Easternhararghe Ethiopia

Sampling and Sampling Procedure representatives, top governmental office of

woreda agriculture and rural development
Based on the information of different stakeholders
in the woerda from different perspectives 75 key bureaus, who know the history of the areas very
informants were selected purposively from the well. The elders have been above 45 years old,
area with the assistance of clan leaders, peasant acceptable by community for different social
association leaders and members of the local and cultural affairs. Based on the blew selection
community. criteria the sample size were 60 from elders, ten
(10) from community based organization and
Key Informants Interview five (5) from top governmental office.
Key informant interviews were carried out with Therefore, the total sample sizes were seventy
elder people and community based organization five (75) (Fig.1).

Figure1. Summary of key informants during interview

Data Analysis known as Guaro in the Gursum language are
dominantly used to biodiversity conservations.
The quantitative data was analyzed using both
descriptive and inferential statistical tools like Some researchers are carried out on home-
percentages whereas qualitative data where gardens in detail in certain localities of the
analyzed by cross checking with different data Grsum area by Belachew et al. (2003), some
sources in the study area. land part of Gursum area are stated as traditional
home-gardening is a sustainable agricultural
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION practice; it is environmentally friend and also
Values of Gursum Indigenous Knowledge in allows the harvesting of diverse products to the
the Biodiversity Conservation satisfaction of farming families as well as urban
dwellers. This farming system that is composed
Gursum indigenous knowledge is essence of the
of diverse and complex vegetation arrangements
social capital of Gursum peoples and plays a
deserves unique nomenclature as it shares more
significant role in conservation of biodiversity.
with natural forests than it does with man-
Local culture, spiritual, social and ethical norms
induced agro-ecosystems. According to the
possessed by these peoples has often been
Gursum community based organization
determining factors for sustainable use and
representative responds, the cultivated garden
conservation of biodiversity. According to the
plants are composed of both food and non-food
35% of key informant interview responds,
species. According to woreda agriculture and
indigenous knowledge owned by the Gursum
rural development bureau representative
people to conserve biodiversity are shifting
responds most of the area women encouraged
cultivation, sacred groves, local method of soil
the neighbors, husbands and youths to conserve
and water conservation practice (physical and
home gardens by planting diverse plant species
biological structure) were as according to 65%
and by taking proper care of the gardens. As
of key informant interview responds, home
they said, women’s play a silent but active role
garden/traditional agro forestry practice, locally
in home garden conservation and management
of plant genetic resources and seed selection.

32 Annals of Ecology and Environmental Science V2 ● I1 ● 2018

The Role of Indigenous People Knowledge in the Biodiversity Conservation in Gursumwoerda,
Easternhararghe Ethiopia

During key informant interview with the elder However, many were also interested in preserving
women’s, it was notice that women were the environment and reducing biotic pressure on
interested because they thought that home forests.
gardens could help them to earn and save money.
Tradational/H methods 35%
omegardenMe 0%
thods 65%

Figure2. Gursum indigenous knowledge in the biodiversity conservation

Role of Home Garden in the Climate Change area. As they explained, water and soil
Mitigation and Adaptation pollutions emanated from improper disposal of
urban and poorly regulated wastes from
Based on the 69% of key informants interview
industries, unwise uses of chemical fertilizers
responds, pollution (water, soil, air and noise),
and locally produced wastes. In Gursum society,
stream cuts, erosion, flood, rugged topography
almost all of the generated solid wastes are
and quarry were identified as the potential
indiscriminately dumped into drainage channels,
hazards/constraints of biotic resources in the
streams, open surfaces, culverts, and residential
Gursum area but 31% of Key informants
compounds and even on the road including
respondents, erosion, flood and rugged topography
highway passing through the town and this is
and quarry were identified as the potential
highly cause for environmental pollution.
hazards/constraints of biotic resources in the
However, as they said that the contribution of the vegetation because of the slowing of air
home-gardens of the study area in sustaining the movement. In line with this, home-gardens of
environment is promising. These Home gardens, the study area offer relevant service in
developed and nurtured by the local farmers mitigating the currently aggravating trend of
through generations of innovation and climate change and in rehabilitating soil
experiment, are often cited as the epitome of degradation. Soil erosion is minimized because
sustainability, yet have been long neglected by of high vegetation cover that prevented the
the developmental activities. Today, however, exposure of bare ground to heavy rainfall,
these age-old systems are receiving increasing improve the soil structure and increase the level
attention owing to their perceived potential to of organic nutrient through the literal fall and
mitigate environmental problems such as loss of releasing nutrient contain fluid through their
biodiversity and high concentration of roots. This help to increase the infiltration rate
atmospheric carbon dioxide. According to of the soil and also help to keep healthy soil.
Ajibade and Shokemi (2003) it is widely The healthy soils are a medium for sustainable
recognized that agro-forests play an important growth of diversity plant and clean the
role in the global carbon cycle by sequestering environment through the process of organic
and storing carbon(C). matter decomposition. Since there is almost no
use of pesticides in gardening, their produce is
During the interview, woreda agriculture and
clean contributing to environmental protection
rural development bureaus pointed out that this
as well as public health. Therefore, these home
homo garden plants help remove pollutants from
garden practices of the study area have dual
the air in three ways: absorption by the leaves or
service of reducing the emission of GHG (Green
the soil surface; deposition of particulates and
House Gas) from anthropogenic sources, and
aerosols on leaf surfaces; and fallout of
enhancing carbon sink. As they reported that
particulates on the leeward (downwind) side of

Annals of Ecology and Environmental Science V2 ● I1●2018 33

The Role of Indigenous People Knowledge in the Biodiversity Conservation in Gursumwoerda,
Easternhararghe Ethiopia

“home garden also play a significant role in adoption of hardy varieties of crops and selective
adaptation to the local climate change through keeping of livestock in home garden”.
practices of the planting early maturing crops,

Figure3.The potential hazards/constraints of biotic resources in the Gursum area

Causes and Consequences of Biodiversity drought-stricken regions to fertile areas has also
Loss in the Gursum Area resulted in the deterioration of traditional
practices. As they reported, lack of prioritization
According to (100%) of Gursum indigenous
for indigenous people due to neglect, decay, as
elders respondents (Fig. 4), the main causes for
well as destruction of socio-cultural values and
the loss of biodiversity are: neglecting of local-
their knowledge on the biodiversity conservation
biodiversity relationship through belittling of
were the other reasons for the loss of biodiversity.
local knowledge, beliefs and practices has led to
Furthermore, woreda’s agriculture and rural
a disconnection of local peoples from their local
development bureau respondent (Fig.4) pointed
nature (biodiversity).As they explained that
out that the misunderstanding of the principle of
when the links of local people with nature have
conservation by those conservationists and
been severed, it becomes difficult for local
developers who have considered conservation
people to wake up to the call to take up their
strictly as the act of keeping biodiversity from
responsibilities to care for and work with nature
change or loss, by protecting and preserving it
for their own good (let alone for the good of
or preventing, disallowing and denying the use
nature and others).
of biodiversity by people in order to“ save
This eventually results in the loss of culture and biodiversity”. If the principle of conservation
biodiversity and lead the development programs has been understood, then actions on the ground
implemented in such an area are hardly have indicated that the principle has been
appropriate and will very likely be unsuccessful. misapplied. This misapplication whatever in the
Therefore, the local communities have often area on the ground results as regards
been led to believe that their own way of life, development and biodiversity conservation
depending on local biodiversity must be programs have not been satisfactory.
shunned in favor of alternative lifestyles. These
Almost all interviewees quite agreed the impact
alternatives, however, usually alter traditional
patterns of interaction with the environment of biodiversity loss lead to the indigenous
beginning with mismanagement and eventual peoples particularly youth to long-term-long
destruction of local biodiversity and cultural distance internal migration on the women left
practices. behind in local areas. This indicates that the
livelihood of women who are left behind as the
All most all of Gursum community based male household head migrates out is highly
organization representatives respondents,(Fig.4) affected by the labor gap and the social, cultural
the main causes for the biodiversity loss are and institutional barriers, which constrain
with regarding to policy failure: The policy and women’s effort to improve and diversify their
legislative frameworks do not articulate
livelihood and come out of poverty and food
strategies specific to the conservation and
insecurity. Women heads reported, labor gap at
sustainable use of biodiversity for indigenous
household level has forced most women to
people. As they said, migration from rural areas
to town’s and resettlement of people from reduce the acreage of land they cultivate or

34 Annals of Ecology and Environmental Science V2 ● I1 ● 2018

The Role of Indigenous People Knowledge in the Biodiversity Conservation in Gursumwoerda,
Easternhararghe Ethiopia

leave some of their plots fallow. As a result the productivity of diversity. Especially at
women heads reported a decline in their current time drought become a very seriously
agricultural production and high reliance on issue on the loss of biodiversity. Dry-season
purchased food for survival. Were women grazing and watering areas have dried up, the
effectively take over home garden conservation water table in the shallow wells has fallen, and
when household heads migrate out, in the study there is little or no water for the livestock as
area the labor demanding tasks like land well as humans‟ nascent efforts to practice
preparation and chat transplanting are practically small-scale irrigation. As a result, they said that
impossible for women to stay in the home they have to move their livestock further away
garden conservation. It is also learned that reliance to non-traditional grazing areas, that is, into the
on hired labor has a lot of negative effect on the territory of their enemies, although they were
conservation of home garden lead to decline in fully aware that this could lead to more conflict.

Figure4. The main cause of biodiversity loss in the study area according to key informant’s response
CONCLUSIONS First and for most I would like to glorify and
bring the greatest of all thanks to God for
Indigenous peoples and their socio-cultural helping me start and finish this work. My
relationship with biological systems have special word of thanks also goes to study area
largely been contributing to sustainable community who were so kind and willing to
conservation of biodiversity. Field-based studies supply me with information on traditional ways
or interview were identified that the indigenous of conservation system about biodiversity and
knowledge dominantly practiced to conserve environment and I would like to thank the
biodiversity were the practice of home-garden in
woerda agricultural office experts for giving
small scope traditional agro ecosystem having relevant information and support during data
diverse plant species was carried out in the area collection.
of Gursum. The indigenous farmers have well
founded ingenious knowledge to conserve home REFERENCES
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