CSD - Budapest - IBP Security Best Practices
CSD - Budapest - IBP Security Best Practices
CSD - Budapest - IBP Security Best Practices
best practices
Csaba Kabai, SAP
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solutions from
Secure software development and Automated preventive and detective controls Security is part of our core, affecting how we organize,
operation lifecycle Intelligence, operations and response orchestration train and protect people and assets
Product solutions and features for Attestations and reports for our security processes Customer feedback loop supports continuous
enhanced security and controls improvement
Secure-by design environments (SAP and Partner ecosystem enhances security
cloud service providers)
Secure Cloud Software Leading Security and DPP Secure Operations & Comprehensive Contracts
Development Products & Features Landscape Architecture Privacy, security framework, and
Threat Modeling, Code Scans, Authorization Concept, Read Holistic approach: prevent, applicable local regulations
Internal & External Security Access Logging detect, react
Assessment Standardized operations
Independent Audits
Certifications and Attestations
Code of practice
ISO 27002
SA P Integrated Business Planning standards and best practices
1. The management systems are used across all SAP Cloud Secure services, execution of independent certification, and audit depend on service and organizational unit respectively.
Details are available at www.sap.com/about/trust-center/certification-compliance.html.
2. Integrated Business Planning is certified as a subscope of SAP Enterprise Management System.
3. In addition to this certification, the organization uses the standards ISO/IEC 27017:2015 and ISO/IEC 27018:2019 as sources for the control set as defined in the SoA, for a part of the scope.
INTERNAL – SAP and Customers Only 6
1. Build securely
SAP’s secure development and operations lifecycle We build secure-by-design solutions.
Penetration tests
Security testing with shift-left principle
▪ Internal and external
▪ Web applications (SAP IBP, ABAP NW Cloud Platform and others)
▪ SAP Bug Bounty Program
Code scans
▪ Static application security testing (SAST)
▪ Dynamic application security testing (DAST)
SAP or
IaaS administration console and API IaaS orchestration
Customer security
Cloud provider security monitoring monitoring
Incident response
B usiness Role
Customer security
C ommunication User
C ommunication System
C ommunication Arrangement
Access and application
C ontent Security Policy
Protection Allowlist
B usiness User Logon Details. SIEM
The following services are available (subject for future enhancements by upcoming releases):
Launchpad Space: Security – Configuration and Monitoring
Subject to the conditions and restrictions in Penetration Testing Rules of Engagement and the terms of the
Agreement, Customers may be permitted to perform an annual application penetration test of SAP Cloud Services
upon mutual agreement after subscription to the Cloud Service. Customer’s Agreement must be active and in place
prior to testing.
Request Testing Validation Remediation
The customer can execute Customer can execute SAP expects, the customer The SAP Product Security
a vulnerability assessment testing in accordance with will provide proof of Response Team (PSRT) will
or penetration test by the approved test scope. concept, detailed coordinate the
requesting for approval SAP expects customer to illustration of identified communication among
after submitting a service review the results for each vulnerabilities, filter out SAP’s product teams. PSRT
request ticket. The request finding identified if it false positives and validate will provide Product
Possibility to perform
is then reviewed by SAP to belongs to the customer’s findings generated from Security case (PSI) number pentesting on
ensure the proposed test own developed scanners. Scanner results to the customers. “dedicated instance”?
has no impact to other applications or SAP without enough Customers can retrieve
customers or SAP’s developed applications. If documentation of the updates to the issues via
underlying infrastructure. the findings belong to the reported vulnerability may customer support.
Once the request is customer, SAP does not be considered false
approved, a formal need to receive these positive.
authorization will be sent to findings.
the customer via email or
service request. The
approval process takes 10
to 15 business days. Further information
2100758 - How to update the Security Contact - SAP for Me - SAP for Me
3080379 - Customer Penetration Testing Request Process
INTERNAL – SAP and Customers Only 19
3. Act securely
SAP Customer Influence Portal Security-first culture in everything we do.
SAP Customer Influence for IBP enables customers not only to submit ideas, but to vote on them as well.
These voting results inform SAP about product enhancements and changes customers are most interested in seeing in future
SAP Customer Influence is an open and transparent site. This means every SAP customer, as well as SAP employee, can see all
submitted requests – specifically, the content submitted, and who (employee name and company-name) the request came from.
All SAP customers can submit, vote, and comment on improvement requests. By agreeing to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy,
shown during first visit of SAP Customer Influence, you agree to this approach.
1 Influence Portal -> Integrated Business Planning Influence Opportunity Homepage - Customer Influence (sap.com)
2 Submit improvement
SAP addresses urgent security topics to the Security Contacts named by your company via e-mail. It is recommended that you only assign this
authorization to users who must receive urgent security notifications, due to the sensitivity of such notifications.
Further information: 2100758 - How to update the Security Contact - SAP for Me - SAP for Me
The Security Notes application gives access to review SAP Security Notes and important action items to help you maintain security of your
systems. These notes come as Patch Day Security Notes to focus on immediately, and Support Package Security Notes that are im plemented
automatically through support packages.
Note: When using the System drop down, the systems displayed are your recently used systems or ones that you have marked as Favorites
(see KBA 2853522).
How to access application
Important: The application is S-user based not Customer Number based. That means if one person flags a note as Not Relevant it does not
change it for other S-users.
Access the application: Go to SAP for Me > SAP Security Notes
Tabs give access to notes that should be reviewed, those that you confirmed or marked as not relevant, and to the complete SAP Security
Notes list.
Select checkboxes beside the relevant SAP Notes or select all SAP Notes by checking the box beside SAP Component. Confirm them or mark
them as Not Relevant in one click. These SAP Notes will then be removed from the tile counter.
Further information: 2371996 - How to access and use the SAP Security Notes application - SAP for Me
Current issuer: DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1 → DigiCert Global Root CA (default IBP system certificate)
Future issuer: DigiCert Global G2 TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1 → DigiCert Global Root G2
Roadmap / Schedule:
Systems that are provisioned on or after December 1. 2023, come with the new trust chain. Client certificates whose key is rotated after Dec
1. 2023, are signed with the new issuer and root certificate.
Systems that are provisioned this year and certificates that are renewed until Nov 30. 2023, come with the old trust and root certificate. They
will eventually be migrated to the new root certificate during the regular key rotation.
End of 2024.
Customers’ tasks once we start to renew existing certificates using G2 root ca:
ensure that G2 certificate is present in their communication system trust list (for server identity validation, even if basic authentication is
download the new G2-based client certificate from IBP communication scenario configure if certificate-based authentication is used.
update SAP components (e.g.: SDI agents, Excel Add-In) to the minimum version which supports new G2 certificates in their landscapes.
Once the default client-certificate for your tenant expires, SAP generates a new certificate for your tenant and send notification about the upcoming change.
▪ 89 days before expiry
• You receive an email informing you about the upcoming expiration and the planned issuing of the new default client certificate.
• You aren’t required to take any action yet; however, we recommend that you prepare for the certificate replacement by checking which of your
communication systems use the default client certificate for authentication and planning your replacement activities.
• To check which communication systems use the default client certificate, open the Maintain Client Certificates app, select the Client
Default certificate and choose the Communication Systems tab on the right.
▪ 30 days before expiry
• SAP issues a new default client certificate. You are informed about it by email.
• The new default client certificate is available for download in the Maintain Client Certificates app. It is called Client Default. The expiring certificate is
renamed to Client Default Expiring.
▪ On expiration date
• Once the old certificate expires, it is removed from the list in the Maintain Client Certificates app. You receive a confirmation of this action by email.
• What Happens If You Don't Act
• If you don’t update your communication users and your external system trust store with the new certificate, the outbound integration scenarios
which use the default client certificate for authentication will be broken. You get the 403 Forbidden HTTP status code message when trying to
▪ Further information:
▪ Default Client Certificate Renewal | SAP Help Portal
o Usage of Data Privacy features?
o Customer-managed pen-testing on dedicated tenant?
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Knowledge Check
a) True
b) False
a) True
b) False
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