Multidisciplinary Research and
Registration Sustainable Development
Organizing Secretaries:
Dr. B Vandana
KG Reddy College of Engineering and
Advisory Committee
Technology (KGRCET) International
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Jaros Law Drelich, Michigan Technological University, USA
The college has been established by Aristotle Educational Dr. Fan Gang Tsang, Taiwan
Society, which was started in 2000 by young, highly qualified Dr. Stephen Bigger, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
Mr. Md. Khan,
and motivated group of individuals with an intention to Dr. Vekita Krishna, Deputy Director, VSSC, Trivandrum
Sr.Consultant, NIRDPR, MoRD, Govt. of India
Prof. Diogo Mariano Neto, University of Coimbra, Portugal
provide high quality technical education to students from Dr. S.L. Mannan, Former Scientist, IGCAR, Consultant, GTRE
rural and low socio-economic communities. Since its Dr. K. Phani Raja Kumar, Project Manager, Tech Mahendra Americas, USA
inception, the society has established multiple and diverse Dr. Nitin Muttil, Victoria University Australia
Mr. Md. Sohel Khan,
graduate professionals who are trained and prepared to Dr. M Sandeep, NTU Singapore
Conference Themes
2008, KG Reddy College of Engineering and Technology’s Mr. Raunaq Singh, Ex-Vice President - Credihealth
(KGRCET) sole purpose is to create the next generation of Ms. Shreya Swaminath, Entrepreneurship Program Manager at HSI India
Multidisciplinary research area
engineers who are primed to succeed in the time of constant Ms. Nishtha Yogesh , CEO- Hunar Online Courses
Sustainable Manufacturing processe
Dr. Rajanikanth Aluvala, Vardhaman College of Engineering Hyderabad
flux. By offering globally lauded teaching and learning Dr. KM Lakshmana Rao, JNTUH Hyderabad
Green Technologie
methodologies, supported by state-of-the-art infrastructure Dr Shashikant Kulkarn, Osmania University Hyderabad
Sustainable Materials and Technologie
and facilities, KGRCET has been consistently giving rise to a Dr G Manohar, Matrusri Engineering College
the vision and mission of the institution. Dr. Abhishek Kumar,IIT-Hyderabad, India.
Human resources, Marketing, Finance,
Dr. Zia Abbas, IIIT-Hyderabad
Research and Sustainable Development – 2024 Mr. Veera Chappi, Director – Partnership, People & Culture, Govt. of Telangana
And any other related thrust areas relevant to the main
Organizing Committee theme of the conference.
the fields of science, policy, and practice that aim to address
complex global challenges and promote the well-being of Dr. Hari Krishna B Department of CSE, KGRCET
The integration of multidisciplinary approaches into sustainable Mr. D Srinivas, CIST, KGRCET
comprehensive understanding of complex sustainability Mr K Rama Krishna Reddy, Department of CSE, KGRCET
Mr.Satish, Department of ME, KGRCET
challenges. By bringing together experts from various fields, Mrs. Manasa, Department of CSE, KGRCET Chilkur Village, Moinabad Mandal,
strategies and solutions that consider the economic, Mrs. K. Saikrishna, Department of CSE, KGRCET
Mrs. N Mounika Department of ECE, KGRCET