Gays in The Military Essay
Gays in The Military Essay
Gays in The Military Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "Gays in the Military" can be both challenging and nuanced. The
subject involves exploring the historical context, legal aspects, societal attitudes, and the impact on
the individuals involved. Addressing the complex interplay between personal rights, military
effectiveness, and the broader cultural landscape requires careful research and a well-balanced
One difficulty lies in navigating the diverse range of opinions on this matter. Different individuals,
communities, and nations may hold contrasting views, adding a layer of complexity to the analysis.
Additionally, the ever-evolving nature of LGBTQ+ rights and the shifting dynamics within the
military make it crucial to stay abreast of the latest developments and policy changes.
The essay may delve into the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals serving in the military, exploring
their challenges, triumphs, and contributions. Analyzing the legal framework and its evolution over
time can be another intricate aspect, demanding a thorough understanding of relevant policies and
court decisions.
Furthermore, one must be cautious to avoid biases and ensure the essay is grounded in factual
information. Striking a balance between personal opinions and an objective examination of the topic
is essential to provide a comprehensive and fair analysis.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Gays in the Military" requires a thoughtful and nuanced
approach, encompassing historical, legal, and societal perspectives. Tackling the intricacies of this
topic demands thorough research, careful consideration of diverse viewpoints, and an ability to
navigate the evolving nature of LGBTQ+ rights in the military.
Gays In The Military Essay Gays In The Military Essay
The Elements Of Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing
June 12
Unit No: 30
Unit Title: Internet Marketing
Assignment Cover Sheet
Assignement N: 1 and 2
I hereby confirm that this assignment is my own work. I have identified and
acknowledged all sources used in this assignment and have referenced according to the
Harvard referencing system. I have read and understood the Plagiarism and Collusion
section provided with the assignment brief and understood the consequences of
Signature ...........................................
Date: 12.06.2015
Table of contents
2.1 Search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO)
2.2 Opt in email and email marketing
2.3 Best practices in online public relations
2.4 How business use digital media communities
3.1 Secondary market research
3.2 Design of an online survey
3.3 Use of electronic customer relationship marketing
4.1 An outline of internet marketing plan
4.2 A presentation on pay per click advertisement
The purpose of this report is to explain what the internet marketing is and how to use
internet for advertising, promotions, sales, market research, interactive communication,
Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Essay
Genetic Engineering is highly controversial since some people believe that genetic
engineering is playing God. As this fact there is opposition to the progression of the
field by people who do not see the value in genetic engineering, or they fear what
genetic engineering may lead to for us as people. There is a history of discover that
belongs to genetic engineering, which has led to numerous products that have emerged
which have brought numerous applications to the society of the world. Though there are
benefits to genetic engineering, there are also drawbacks to genetic engineering
including ethical and legal issues that are dealt with in today s society in order to try and
regulate the growth of genetic engineering. Genetic... Show more content on ...
Then the field advanced further when in 1865 Gregor Mendel published his discovering
on the breeding of peas, which became a basis for the study of modern genetics. A more
important discovery occurred in 1869 when Friedrich Miescher discovered nuclei, which
is a major component in the formation of DNA, in the nucleus of a cell. In 1910 T. H.
Morgan expanded the knowledge we have of chromosomes by demonstrating that
genes are carried by chromosomes. Then in 1913 A.H. Sturtevant constructed a gene
map giving people knowledge of where genes were located. Then in 1927 H. J. Muller
demonstrated how X rays could generate mutation in genes, expanding on knowledge
that waves can affect the cells of organisms (A brief history of genetic modification). A
major step forward in genetic engineering occurred in 1941 when George Beadle and E.
L. Tatum managed to pin a gene defect to a single point of origin in the biochemical
pathway which would have been carried out by an enzyme that was missing (A brief
history of genetic modification). They managed to reinstate the normal growth of a
mutant micro organism by adding in the missing enzyme, proving that humans can
correct gene defects by adding in the missing ingredient. Furthering the study of
Essay Identity Theft
Identity theft is one of the most pervasive and rapidly growing criminal activities in
America. It is also one of the most devastating crimes for victims. One of the most
common forms of identity theft is credit and debit card fraud. Credit card fraud not only
exposes private payment information to thieves, but possibly the cardholder s name,
address, and social security number. A 2003 survey from the Identity TheftResource
Center found that approximately seven million people were victims of identity theft over
the previous 12 months. 73% of respondents indicated that the theft of their identity
involved the unauthorized use of their credit cardinformation, while only 15% of these
victims find out about the theft of their credit... Show more content on ...
As recent examples of widespread security failure at the highest corporate levels highlight
the need for reliable protections that will effectively minimize consumer exposure to
credit fraud. Potential victims do have options to protect themselves, but not all are
equally effective. While consumers may choose from any number of privatized
surveillance options to monitor their credit activity (services typically offered by
independent security companies) this recourse does little to prevent identity fraud.
Security surveillance flags fraudulent activity only after it has occurred. A security freeze
(or credit freeze ), on the other hand, is a proactive tool designed to prevent fraudulent
activity before it starts.
The conveniences and pleasures of a more advanced group of humans. Though life
becomes more civilized as we move away from savagery, Rousseau argues that as man
grows more sociable, he grows weak, timid, and servile (279).
Market leader in pitcher filter category, strong brand image
Large retail distribution system, presence in multiple channels ( Class to Mass )
Loyal customer base, repeated purchasing replacement filters
Strong advertising and brand image, waterfall equals good, clean taste
Slowing growth in pitcher market
Lack of product diversity
Change in customer preferences, deficient attention paid to health concerns
Existing channel relationships may not work for faucet launch
Untapped markets to be explored, possible new segment with faucet filter
Migrate current customers to new faucet, pitcher becomes a stepping stone
New ... Show more content on ...
In 1992, sales units in faucet mounts are 3 times more than those in pitchers. It seems
that Brita had tried to take the market share from faucet mounts system at first. They
might struggle to inform customer with pitcher system s benefits, so they could be
known as a consideration set. And after that, as people s needs for purified water were
growing, they could enlarge their market.
In fact, Brita has focused their R D into the taste of water not the technology of
purification. If they focused on the numerically expressed technology, it might be easily
threatened by competitors with better number. They targeted their purification system
with emotional and sensitive benefits (abstract but in comparable) not functional
And they set up the efficient business model, could make customer loyalty with repeated
purchasing; replacement filters.
They kept insisting trustful price. They reimburse retailers not to feature the price below
their MAP(minimum advertised price).
Class to Mass strategy. They pursue their product to be established in class, first in mass,
and alone in grocery. They managed two market plan, Ultra pitcher (upscale one) in
department store and Standard pitcher in mass merchandisers, grocery and drug stores.