E5 - LS - W4 - S3 (Speaking) PDF
E5 - LS - W4 - S3 (Speaking) PDF
E5 - LS - W4 - S3 (Speaking) PDF
Learning objective:
Learn about the content and format of Linguaskill
Module I: Speaking
Linguaskill familiarization session
Session 7
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Learn about the content and format of Linguaskill Module I: Speaking
Lesson Overview:
1. GET STARTED: Getting to know the test format
Lesson Overview
avoid rushing.
Speaking exercises: Part 2
Sentence 1 of 8
You will see 8 sentences on the screen. You will have 10 seconds to read each
sentence aloud after 10 seconds. Your instructor will time your answers.
In the not too distant future many of the diseases we suffer from today will
be eradicated.
Speaking exercises: Part 2
Sentence 2 of 8
You will see 8 sentences on the screen. You will have 10 seconds to read each
sentence aloud after 10 seconds. Your instructor will time your answers.
The match has been canceled out of respect for the death of our previous
Speaking exercises: Part 2
Sentence 3 of 8
You will see 8 sentences on the screen. You will have 10 seconds to read each
sentence aloud after 10 seconds. Your instructor will time your answers.
There is little support within the party for a change of leadership and most
politicians seem happy to support the Prime Minister.
Speaking exercises: Part 2
Sentence 4 of 8
You will see 8 sentences on the screen. You will have 10 seconds to read each
sentence aloud after 10 seconds. Your instructor will time your answers.
The press are calling into question Government claims that the crime rate
has fallen and point to latest research figures as evidence that this isn't
Speaking exercises: Part 2
Sentence 5 of 8
You will see 8 sentences on the screen. You will have 10 seconds to read each
sentence aloud after 10 seconds. Your instructor will time your answers.
Thank you for your suggestions; I'll take them on board when I start my
next project.
Speaking exercises: Part 2
Sentence 8 of 8
You will see 8 sentences on the screen. You will have 10 seconds to read each
sentence aloud after 10 seconds. Your instructor will time your answers.
• the language
• cultural differences and culture shock
• distances from home country
PREPARE Long turn
Speaking tips: Part 4 • Answer the question as fully as possible.
Long turn 2: In this part of the text you are • Give examples, expand on your points
and where possible use a variety of
given one or more graphics (for example a
language (e.g. structures, vocabulary etc.)
chart, diagram or information sheet) to talk
• Make sure you use the preparation time to
about for one minute. One minute is allowed
think about what you’re going to say.
for preparation.
• Use a pencil and paper to make notes on
what you’re going to say.
• Don’t worry if you get interrupted before
the end of your answer – you won’t be
penalized for this.
• Don’t worry about talking about everything
you see – you can pick out what you think
are the most important things to talk about.
Speaking exercises: Part 4
The headmaster at school wants to know how technology affects learning. She has
asked you for your opinion. Have a look at chart at and give your opinion on the matter.
You have 40 seconds to prepare your answer and 1 minute to speak.
Please, speak for all the time you have. You will be able to look at the chart during your
answer as well.
PREPARE Communication activity:
Speaking tips: Part 5 • Answer the questions as fully as
Communication activity: In this part of the
• Give examples, expand on your points
exam you have to give your opinion in the and where possible use a variety of
form of short responses to five questions language (e.g. structures, vocabulary
related to one topic. 40 seconds are allowed etc.)
for preparation. • Use the preparation time to look at the
bullet points and think about the topic,
what questions you could be asked
and the vocabulary you will need to
• Use a pencil and paper to make notes
on what you’re going to say.
• Don’t worry if you get interrupted
before the end of your answer – you
won’t be penalized for this.
Speaking exercises - Part 5
You will hear five questions about a topic. First, you have 40 seconds to read the task.
After you hear each question, you will have 20 seconds to give your answer. Please
speak for all the time you have. Your instructor will time your answers.
Question 1. Some people say that we are becoming too dependent on our computers, what do
you think?
Question 2. Do you think online advertising is always effective? Why? Why not?
Question 3. Do you think the internet makes us more or less sociable? Why?
Question 4. Do you think security is a problem when paying online? Why / Why not?
Question 5. Do you think it’s a good idea for us to limit the time we spend using the internet?
Now I know . . .