Business Tax Provisions in the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024
Some argue evidence suggests that there is underinvestment from repaying debt in cheaper dollars are not recognized),
in research because the social benefits of the assets exceed while most interest is not taxed to the lender. For estimates
the private benefits. That is, companies cannot fully capture of total effective tax rates with full or partial debt finance,
the earnings from investments in research. Both expensing see CRS Report RL34229, Corporate Tax Reform: Issues
and the R&E credit, they argue, are often justified on this for Congress, by Jane G. Gravelle. This favoritism may be
basis. For a discussion of this evidence, see CRS Report offered as a reason for limiting interest deductions.
RL31181, Federal Research Tax Credit: Current Law and
Policy Issues, by Gary Guenther. First-Year Depreciation Dollar Limits
(Section 179 Expensing)
Reinstatement of the Earnings Before This provision permanently raises the dollar limits on the
Taxes, Interest, Depreciation, and amount of investment that can be expensed.
Amortization (EBITDA) for Determining
the Interest Deduction Limit Regardless of the general rules on depreciation, a provision
The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of allows expensing of equipment up to a specified dollar
2024 would temporarily reinstate EBITDA as the basis for amount, a provision aimed at smaller businesses. The TCJA
the 30% limit on interest deducted as a share of income for raised that limit to $1 million, with the expensing phased
2022 through 2025. out dollar for dollar after investment of $2.5 million. Those
provisions were indexed for inflation and were $1.16
Prior to the TCJA, the deduction for net interest was limited million and $2.9 million in 2023. The proposal would raise
to 50% of adjusted taxable income for firms with a debt- these limits to $1.29 million and $3.22 million in 2024,
equity ratio above 1.5. (Adjusted taxable income is income respectively, and index them for inflation. Because of the
before taxes, interest deductions, and depreciation, extension of expensing, this change is not that relevant until
amortization, or depletion deductions.) Interest above the 2026.
limitation could be carried forward indefinitely. The law
limited deductible interest to 30% of adjusted taxable The expensing for smaller businesses is sometimes done as
income for businesses with gross receipts greater than $25 a simplification measure and sometimes to encourage
million. The provision also had an exception for floor plan investment for small businesses. However, it also could
financing for motor vehicles. Businesses providing services discourage investment in the phaseout stage.
as an employee and certain regulated utilities are excepted
from this new limit. Also, certain real property and farming See CRS Report RL31852, The Section 179 and Section
businesses can elect out of this limit but must adopt a 168(k) Expensing Allowances: Current Law, Economic
slower depreciation method for real property or farming Effects, and Selected Policy Issues, by Gary Guenther for
assets. further discussion.
Under prior law and the temporary provisions of the TCJA, Revenue Costs
this interest limit applies to earnings (income) before The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that the total
interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, or depletion cost for these provisions is $32.8 billion over 10 years
(referred to as EBITDA). After 2021, the TCJA changed (FY2024-FY2033). Temporary expensing for depreciation
the measure of income to earnings (income) before interest and R&D would have their initial losses ($68.3 billion and
and taxes (referred to as EBIT). Because EBIT is after the $96.6 billion in the first two years) largely offset by future
deduction of depreciation, amortization, and depletion, it gains because these provisions are timing shifts, with 10-
results in a smaller base and thus a smaller amount of year estimates at $3.0 billion for bonus depreciation and
eligible interest deductions. The temporary broader base $8.5 billion for R&D. There would nevertheless be a cost to
(EBITDA), which expired in 2021, allowed more interest the government in increased interest payments to allow the
deductions. The more generous rules for measuring the deferral of revenues. The move from EBITDA to EBIT has
adjusted taxable income base are more beneficial to a 10-year cost of $18.8 billion for FY2024 through
businesses with depreciable assets, although affected FY2033, with most of the cost ($16.4 billion) in the first
businesses might be able to avoid some of the change in the two years. The increase in the dollar limit for Section 179
deduction rules by leasing assets from financial institutions, expensing is estimated at $2.5 billion over 10 years.
such as banks, that generally have interest income.
Macroeconomic Effects
The restrictions on interest, called thin capitalization rules, The Joint Committee on Taxation has indicated that the
were partially enacted to address concerns about large macroeconomic effects of the bill, which also includes an
multinational businesses locating borrowing in the United increase in the child credit, are too small and uncertain to
States as a method to shift profits out of the United States quantify. The committee indicated that the business
and to foreign, lower-tax jurisdictions. See CRS Report provisions will cause a shift in investment already planned
R45186, Issues in International Corporate Taxation: The into the years through 2025.
2017 Revision (P.L. 115-97), by Jane G. Gravelle and
Donald J. Marples, for a discussion. Jane G. Gravelle, Senior Specialist in Economic Policy
In addition, debt-financed investments are favored by the IF12572
tax law because nominal interest is deducted (i.e., the gains
Business Tax Provisions in the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024
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