Critical Review of Kaalbhojan in Ayurveda
Critical Review of Kaalbhojan in Ayurveda
Critical Review of Kaalbhojan in Ayurveda
12(01), 858-861
Priyanka Sharma1, Avadhesh Kumar2, Ruby Rani Aggarwal3 and Sanjay Kumar Tripati4
1. Ph.D. scholar Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga U.A.U Gurukul Campus, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
2. Professor and head, Dept. Of Swasthavritta and Yoga U.A.U. Gurukul Campus, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
3. Professor and head, Department of Vikriti Vigyan U.A.U Rishikul Campus, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
4. Professor, Department of Kaya Chikitsa U.A.U. Rishikul Campus, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
Manuscript Info Abstract
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Manuscript History Ayurveda advocates three sub pillars (Ahara, Nidra and Brahmacharya)
Received: 16 November 2023 which are essential for total wellbeing. Ahara is not only needed for the
Final Accepted: 21 December 2023 continuity of life, but for Bala, Varna, Upacaya etc. also. The proper
Published: January 2024 diet if taken in proper manner will lead to better health. On the contrary
if not taken in proper manner can lead to disease state. Ahara may be
Key words:-
Ahar, Kaalbhojana, Meal Time wholesome as well as unwholesome. The wholesomeness depends
upon the quantity,quality, time, methods of preparation, habitat, and
constitution of the body, disease and the age of an individual. There is a
proper time to do everything and for aahar in ayurveda its term is kaal
bhojanam. Kaal bhojanam given utmost importance for aarogya i.e. it is
foremost factor deciding the status of health. It is strongly advised that
a person should never consume aahar out of greed or when he is
unaware of what, when and how to eats. Kaalbhojan help in digestion
of food, maintaining condition of agni. kala-bhojana is best preventive
and clinically applicable way of dealing mandaagni. This article
explores the concept of Kalabhojan as explained by Ayurveda and its
health benefits.
Corresponding Author:- Dr. Priyanka Sharma
Address:- Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, U.A.U Gurukul Campus, Haridwar
249404, Uttarakhand, India.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(01), 858-861
mentionedtime to time in samhita in order to imply the importance of it. According to Ayurveda, Bhojana vidhi just
resembles as the Agnihotra homa vidhi. So, as Agnihotra home vidhi can only be practised exactly at morning and
evening every day and no other timings of the day, Bhojana vidhi should be followed the same.[3] Kala – bhojana is
a best method of maintaining health as explained in Agrya sangraha. [4]
Kala denotes both Rtu, Vyadhiyāpeksā and also refers to the digestive state, weather properly digested or in the
stage of improper digestion.So, any bhojana said to be kaalbhojan when its fits properly
1. According to Ritu
2. According to Vyadhi or state of health.
3. According to Jirna Lakshan
Under Dwadashasnapravicharna acharya sushuruta advocates Persons with impaired digestion should be given only
one meal every day, so that the digestion fire may have opportunities be rekindledand Persons with the proper
amount of digestion should be given two meals a day.The time for taking food is said to be morning and evening
and taking of food is contraindicated in between, as the process of taking food is compared to Agnihotra karma and
the time for this karma is morning and evening. In Dwikala bhojan 1stmeal should be taken at 11/4 Prahara that
means 9.45 to 10.30 am. And second meal should be taken at 31/2 Prahara that means 4.30 pm. If sun rise time is
6am If Food taken in the mornings is not digested properly, the next food can be taken in the nights without any
harmful effects but If the food taken in mornings, in undigested food of last night, causes harmful effects. Because
in daytime body is active and can digest ajirna but in night due to low acitivity ajirna converts in visha. Trikala
bhojan alsomentioned by Bhavprakash in such a way that meal should not be taken in between 1Yama and meal
should not be skiped after 2 Yama. In Ratricharya,1st and last Yama of Ratri is indicated for Veadabhyas and middle
2 Yama is for sleep.Yogratankar also emphasis on if once food is taken again food should not be taken before one
Yama(3hr) as it infers with Rasoutpatti and creates Ama. As well as food should be taken before two Yama because
if the person fast for more than two Yama, he will experience Bala Kşaya
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(01), 858-861
All these symptoms are signs of the complete digestion of previous food which is the perfect time to have meal.For
the proper digestion, it is necessary that the food should be taken atappropriate time, i. e. when the person feels
hungry. Food should not be partaken either before the usual time or after the lapse of the usual time; neither in
inadequate quantity nor in excess quantity. The person who eats before the usual time though stout becomes a victim
of many diseases or even of death; he who eats after the lapse of the usual time, his digestive power getting affected
by Vāta, the food gets digested with difficulty and the person does not desire to partake the second meal. Food eaten
in appropriate time feels tasty, increases satisfaction and nutrition, gets digested easily and due to
continuous/prolong eating of food and indigestion the diseases do not develop.sumaring all views ayurveda principal
of eating at time is utmost important determinant of health. Food that is taken long after the prescribed time, will
cause Vatavarodha to the movements of Vata, takes longer time for digestion, makes the body lean and diminishes
the desire for taking food. When the digestive fire has not become keen after the morning meal, a secondmeal should
not be partaken; if a second meal is partaken when the earlier food is undergoing for digestion, it only destroys the
Jatharagni (digestive fire).
Acharya charaka had explained Kala as one of the Aharaparinamakar bhavas. Ushma, vayu, kleda, sneha, kala and
samayoga are 6 Aharaparinamakar bhavas responsible for parinaman of panchbhautik aahar into body entity i.e.
transform food from complex form to a digestible and absorbable form. Kala helps in proper digestion of food by
letting it go further in a state of parinamana. In grahani chikitsa, sthool pachan is described. Pranavayu carry Ahara
to the koshtha,then there solid aahar gets separated by dravadi in body and get softens by the sneha guna . Then gets
digested by jatharagni and pachak pitta induced by samana vayu. This leads to proper digestion of food. Kaalbhojan
had been given utmost important factor for health.One should always consume aahar respective of ritucharya and
avastha. Healthy person can have two meal a day morning and evening while if person have mandaagni they should
follow once a meal.
Irrespective of season and avastha if one had to follow kalbhojana then jirna ahar lakshan are best. The first line of
treatment in any disease is nidana parivarjan(Avoiding causative factors). As per Ayurveda all the diseases are
manifested due to the mandaagni and the main causes of Mandagni are Ajeerna ,Malina ahara and Mala sanchaya
.hence adopting jirnaasniyat is best prevention.Jeerna Ahara Lakshanas indicates the completion of the digestion
process, so if person consume meal after obeseving jirna ahar lakshan food gets properly digested and prevents
Ama formation. Kaal bhojana in modern can be corerelated with time restricted feeding. Time-Restricted Feeding
(TRF) involves following the same eating routine each day. That means a certain number of hours are designated as
the feeding window and the remaining hours as the fasting period.Because of the tight interaction between the
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 12(01), 858-861
circadian clock and metabolism, meal timing is an important to maintain healthy metabolism. Dietary approaches
based on meal timing are a promising strategy for the modulation of circadianrhythms and clock-controlled
metabolic functions in humans. In preclinical animal models, TRF without reducing caloric intake has been shown
to prevent or attenuate severity of several metabolic diseases, including obesity, glucose intolerance, hepatic
steatosis, dyslipidemia, and age-related decline in cardiac function.In pilot human studies, TRE with or without
explicit calorie reduction can reduce body weight, glucose intolerance, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. Thus it
clearly proves that kala bhojana strategy of ayurveda is best way to maintain health and prevent diseases.
Kala denotes both nityaga kaal (day-night, ritu)and avasthika kaal ( vaya, Vyadhiavastha).kaalbhojana
aarogykaranam in agrya varga clearly proves that its supremacy over other determinants of health. kaalbhojan
implies meal should be taken always according to season(ritucharya), according to age in healthy, according to stage
of vikrit dosha in disease state to maintain state of health. .above all kaalbhojan simply advocates to take meal only
after observing jeerna aaharlakshan . The Jeerna Ahara Lakshanas indicates the completion of the digestion process,
and signs indicate the time of food consumption. Jirnaasniyat keeps Dosas and agni in samyavastha. Healthy
individual can take twoMealsPer day i.e.Morning and evening .eating an evening meal on time is not a problem
even if the morning meal is not thoroughly digested. If the food is not appropriately digested regularly, one Meal a
Day should be considered.sumaring all viewsayurveda principal of eating at time is utmost important determinant
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