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Essay For Family

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Essay For Family

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Essay For Family" can be both an intricate and deeply
personal endeavor. Family, being a multifaceted concept, presents a myriad of perspectives and
dimensions to explore. The challenge lies not only in the ability to articulate thoughts coherently
but also in capturing the essence and significance of the intricate web of relationships that
constitute a family.

The difficulty arises from the need to balance objectivity and subjectivity. On one hand, the
essay should delve into the broader societal aspects of family, touching upon its evolving
dynamics, cultural variations, and the impact of societal changes. On the other hand, it should
navigate the intimate realm of personal experiences, emotions, and memories that make each
family unique.

Moreover, the challenge extends to addressing the diverse nature of families – nuclear,
extended, blended, chosen families, and more. Each type carries its own set of dynamics and
complexities, demanding a nuanced approach to ensure inclusivity and relevance.

The struggle to strike a balance between the macro and micro aspects of the subject is
compounded by the need to maintain a coherent narrative flow. Weaving together anecdotes,
research findings, and theoretical frameworks into a seamless fabric requires finesse in writing
and a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Furthermore, the reflective nature of such an essay adds an additional layer of complexity.
Evaluating personal beliefs, values, and experiences in the context of family life requires
introspection and a willingness to explore one's own vulnerabilities.

In the end, however, the difficulty in writing an essay on this topic is outweighed by the
rewarding experience of unraveling the intricate layers of human connection and the impact of
family on individual growth and societal structure.

For those seeking assistance in navigating the challenges of essay writing, it's worth noting that
help is available. Similar essays, along with a plethora of other academic and creative writing
services, can be accessed on platforms like HelpWriting.net . These resources can provide
valuable insights, guidance, and even custom-crafted content to aid in the successful completion
of essays and various writing projects.
Essay For Family Essay For Family
Serve Our Members With Distinction
Serve Our Members with Distinction

Every committee members concerns regarding issues like CAST SEs, Human
Trafficking, Fatigue, PED in Cabin, Duty and Rest Time, Communicable Disease,
and New Least Risk Bomb Location Procedure were addressed by either inviting
expert to the quarterly meetings or setting up teleconference.
It was a challenging year when it came to provide our members with timely data
reports using the promised tools Tableau and SAS. However, throughout the delays,
members were informed and updated on the progress of the project and were still
provided timely injury and damage reports using Excel and PPT.
In all the meetings, members are asked if there are areas that they want us to
improve on and I follow up on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I enjoy working with my A4A colleagues and I appreciate being part of a great SSO
team who support me with my strengths and provide me guidance on what I need to
improve on.

Technical Skills

The past year has been a challenging, yet a rewarding year in improving my technical
I ve come to understand Excel better and have taking courses on Tableau that has
help me improve my data analysis skills

Summary of 2017 Accomplishments

Built continued relationship with the FAA, ASIAS, CAST, MITRE, international
delegations and other members in the industry by facilitating meetings at A4A and
continued sponsorship efforts at events like InfoShare, improving perception and
reputation of A4A
Resolved our Safety Data Reporting System issues by bringing in a new vendor Data
Meaning and by taking Tableau Desktop and Visualization courses for better
understanding of the data reporting tool.
Updated the Safety Enhancement Deliverable Dashboard for members
Addressed committee members current issues like Occupational Exposure to
Beryllium, Human Trafficking, Walking and Working Surfaces Rule, Unruly
passengers, Flight Attendants Fatigue, Cabin/Cockpit emergency communication
Teen Depression

The research project my group and I decided to do was on teen depression. We

wanted teens to be more familiar with this major teen issue and how it affects our
daily lives. Teen depression is a major concern and it is not fully acknowledged
within high schools. Many people even adults don t understand the results of teen
depression. The statistics on teen depression are sobering. Studies indicate that one
in five children have some sort of mental, behavioral, or emotional problem, and that
one in ten may have a serious emotional problem. Some quick facts, one in eight
teens may suffer from depression. Of all these children and teens struggling with
emotional and behavioral problems, 30 % of these teens receive any sort of ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Counselling means talking about your feelings with a professional trained
psychologist who can help you change your thoughts about life, or behaviours that
may be causing you to be depressed. Medicine is used to treat depression that is
more severe. When you feel seriously depressed and its taking over your life than
antidepressant medications might be necessary. With some sort of depression many
depressed teens say they feel it just a few weeks. Remember, when you feel as if
everything is impossible and you don t feel wanted, you are not alone.

For our groups results we tallied up all 50 surveys and divided them into three
groups: The first group being Grade 9 boys, second group Grade 12 boys and the last
group females in high school. Within these groups we found out some interesting
Below is a chart with all our findings filled in:
|Questions: |Grade 9 Boys |Grade 12 Boys |High school Girls |
|Gender: |11 Boys |21 boys |18 girls |
|Grade: |Grade 9 |Grade 12 |Grade 9: 7 |
| | | |Grade 12:
Summary Of Situational Ethics And College Student
By perusing and examining the articles, The Saints and The Roughnecks ,
Situational Ethics and College Student Cheating and Denying The Guilty Mind we
can interpret a purpose behind why people end up plainly freak. For example, a
superior comprehension of abnormality can be gotten from taking a gander at how
the group s perception impacted the results for the two groups of young men in the
Saints and the Roughnecks. Additionally we can find out about how the Procedures
of Neutralization permit con artists in school classes to standardize their aberrance.
Likewise in the wake of making sense of how the clerical culprits standardize their
own particular abnormality in comparable approaches to the con artists in school we
can at long last... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Labeff, Robert E. Clark, Valerie J. Haines, and George M. Diekhoff comprehension
of how con artists can standardize degenerate conduct with balance methods.
Understudies kill their degenerate duping conduct by the possibility that depending
on the circumstance their standards and principles controlling conduct to act freak
can be legitimized. They likewise utilize the five methods of balance called
disavowal of responsibility, judgment of condemners, appeal to higher loyalties,
foreswearing of harm, and refusal of casualty. These help concoct rationalization or
contend that there are special conditions that exist, which make them confer freak
conduct. A standout amongst the regularly balances utilized by miscreants was
dissent of responsibility , which includes the wrongdoer to pronounce that they
can t be considered responsible because of conditions and outside powers made
them must choose the option to submit the degenerate demonstration. For
example, I was working forty plus hours a week and we had a great deal to peruse
for that day. I just couldn t get everything in... I m not saying duping is alright,
some of the time you simply need to. (LaBeff 1990, p.306) For the balance, appeal
to higher loyalties includes giving up responsibility and good commitments for peer
groups or expectations of others. The dependability to people makes them help
companions to cheat with a specific end goal to not double cross their relationship.
For example, I was mentoring this young lady yet she just couldn t comprehend the
material... I felt I needed to help her on the test. (LaBeff 1990, p.307) The balance,
judgment of condemners accuses the expert figure (i.e. professors) for their
motivations to cheat and censure their educating aptitudes. The purposes behind
degenerate conduct of an individual is not their blame but rather another person s
blame totally. For example, The educators here are
Money Laundering Essay
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, money laundering is the process by
which one conceals the existence, illegal source, or illegal application of income
and then disguises that income to make it appear legitimate. Money laundering
involves a three step process which includes placement, layering and integration
(Albrecht et al, 2009). Placement is the first step and it includes the launderer
opening up an account at a bank or some other type of financial business to make
deposits with the illegal money. The placement step is often looked at as the most
risk taking step because the launderer does not know the reaction of the bank and
how they are going to accept a large cash deposit. If the deposit is too large the bank
can... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Money Laundering According to Hopton (2009), the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 was
created in order to prevent money laundering. The act was made to try to discourage
illegal acts such as money laundering from happening and to deter the criminals from
even thinking about committing the crime. Woods (1998) stated that money
laundering was not a criminal offense at the time the Bank Secrecy Act was passed.
The act provides information on the movement of money through financial
institutions in the United States and it monitors the movement of money into and out
of the United States. It requires banks and other financial businesses to help the
government in trying to prevent and detect money laundering. The federal
government law enforcement agencies use the information gathered through the
Bank Secrecy Act to detect criminal activities and regulatory violations. These
businesses are required to keep track of all of their cash transactions of ten thousand
dollars and more and report them to the IRS within forty five days. These transactions
could include anything such as deposits, withdrawals, exchanges, payments, multiple
transactions in one day and any cash deposits over the weekend or holidays (Woods,
1998). They also have to identify individuals who are requesting these large
transactions and keep any records that relate to their transactions.
Pioneering Space Essay
Pioneering Space

That s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Those words, spoken by
Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon, have passed into history. Their
emotional delivery, their meaning, and the historically monumental event they
commemorate make them some of the most famous words ever spoken. Anyone
who was old enough to remember the time can probably remember exactly where he
or she was and what he or she was doing when man first walked on the moon. Along
with the inscription on the plaque placed at the point of the landing ( we came in
peace for all mankind ), Armstrong s words are often enough to bring tears to the
eyes of nearly every American and indeed much of the world. As great an ... Show
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These events and machines often go without the recognition they deserve. Many of
mankind s most significant achievements in space go unnoticed by much of the
public yet they are, and have been, integral to the creation of the manned space
program which garners much of the spotlight.

In order to sufficiently examine the impact of the unmanned space program, there are
several areas we must consider. First, we must look at the significant firsts
accomplished by the unmanned program. The vast majority of the public sees and
remembers little of the major milestones that have occurred within the robotic
research undertaken by NASA. Second, what foundation work did this program give
to the manned missions that used its technology? Lastly, why has the series of
unmanned missions and their accomplishments gone so long without significant
recognition? By looking at these several important points, we can begin to understand
the significant yet understated contributions made to the space program by the
workhorses of the crewless spacecraft.

In 1961, President John F. Kennedy announced to the world that the United States
would make it a national priority that by the end of the decade we would land a man
on the moon and return him safely to the earth. This assertion was made only twenty
days after the first American had entered space. America did not
Zap Vap Essays
OCTOBER 6, 2010 INTRODUCTION Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) is the
second most common infection that patients develop while in the hospital and the
leading cause of death due to hospital acquired infections (Augustyn, 2007). Hospital
acquired infections are also known as nosocomial infections. VAP usually happens
when patients are on mechanical ventilation (the ventilator) for over 48 hours. VAP is
costly because it increases the hospital length of stay, often times in the Intensive
Care Units (ICU). Patients are often on the ventilator and are receiving antibiotics to
treat the pneumonia. This paper will show that... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Nosocomial infections relate directly to nursing care so nurses should understand the
pathophysiology, risk factors, and prevention strategies for VAP. Augustyn (2007)
explains there are two types of VAP, early onset and late onset. Early onset occurs 48
96 hours after intubation and is associated with antibiotic susceptible organisms. Late
onset VAP occurs more than 96 hours after intubation and is associated with antibiotic
resistant organisms. The pathophysiology of VAP involves two main processes:
colonization of the respiratory and digestive tracts and microaspiration of secretions
in the airway. If the patient has preexisting conditions such as immunosuppression,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or another respiratory disease, the
chance of getting VAP increases. As was previously stated, VAP is caused by
bacteria. Bacteria can spread to the lungs from different sources. These include nares,
dental plaque, gastrointestinal tract, patient to patient contact and the ventilator
circuit. The endotracheal tube can provide a direct route for bacteria to enter the
respiratory tract. The bacteria come from pooled secretions above the endotube s
cuff or in the upper airway and can get disseminated into the lungs by ventilator
induced breaths. Aspiration of gastric contents is another potential cause of VAP
because the stomach acts as a reservoir for bacteria. If the patient has a
Fall Of Icarus
The Fall of Icarus by Pieter Breugel The greek myth of Icarus begins with Icarus
and his father Daedalus are imprisoned in Crete. Daedalus decides to create wings
made of wax so that Icarus can fly and find help to get them out of jail. Before
Icarus leaves his father, Daedalus warns him not to fly too low, the water will
make his wings too heavy; and not to fly too high for the sun will melt his wings.
Unfortunately, Icarus is so excited to be able to fly, he forgets his father s warning
and flies too close to the sun, which makes his wax wings melt. Icarus then
plummets to the ocean and drowns. In Pieter Breugel s painting, Icarus is drowning
in the water but no one seems to notice him at all. In fact the paint shows more the
daily activities of the people more clearly than Icarus drowning. Looking at the time
that this was painted, it is noticed that people were more interested in... Show more
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In the painting, all of the people are only aware of what they are doing and their
personal task at hand. Icarus is not a concern for any of the other people, showing
they have great self awareness. Breugel wants to show that Icarus drowning is no
one s concern except that of Icarus. In the poem Landscape with the Fall of Icarus
by William Carlos Williams, he talks about the self awareness of the people
surrounding Icarus s fall: According to Brueghel/ when Icarus fell/ it was spring/ a
farmer was ploughing his field/ the whole pageantry/ of the year was/ awake tingling
near the edge of the sea/concerned with itself/ sweating in the sun that melted/ the
wings wax/ insignificantly the coast there was/ a splash quite unnoticed this was
Icarus drowning. (www.poet.org). The quote concerned with itself refers to the rest
of the audience of the painting only concerned with themselves instead of Icarus s
fate of
AnГЎlisis multimodal de la caricatura polГtica....
AnГЎlisis multimodal de la caricatura polГtica. ReconstrucciГіn de la imagen del
expresidente ГЃlvaro Uribe VГ©lez.

Tema: AnГЎlisis multimodal de la caricatura polГtica hecha por Matador en el

periГіdico El tiempo, y la reconstrucciГіn de la imagen del expresidente ГЃlvaro
Uribe VГ©lez.

Antecedentes Hacer anГЎlisis del discurso implicaba llevar a cabo una investigaciГіn
desde un enfoque cuantitativo (de manera descriptiva y esquemГЎtica) relacionando
un nГєmero de apariciones de expresiones con el ejercicio de dominaciГіn de un
grupo sobre otro, por ejemplo; pero, sin llegar a interpretaciones que dieran cuenta de
cГіmo se construye el discurso y de quГ© manera se ejerce el dominio. Por tal
motivo, recientemente, los analistas del discurso estГЎn abogando por dar cuenta de
cГіmo se produce y reproduce el discurso para ejercer el poder, atendiendo
bГЎsicamente a su carГЎcter multimodal.

En ese sentido, en la producciГіn investigativa del programa de la MaestrГa en

LingГјГstica de la Universidad PedagГіgica y TecnolГіgica de Colombia, se observa
que desde el aГ±o 2011 solo ha habido dos investigaciones que parten de la
preocupaciГіn por hacer un anГЎlisis de tipo multimodal. Una de ellas, es la que las
autoras RodrГguez y VelГЎsquez (2011) llevaron a cabo bajo el tГtulo de AnГЎlisis
crГtico del discurso multimodal en la caricatura internacional del periГіdico The
Washington Post , en donde analizaron cuГЎles son los significados contenidos en las
caricaturas internacionales
The Old Tradition In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson
The Lottery a short story by Shirley Jackson, features a small town during the time
of their lottery. The lottery is an annual event, organized by Mr. Summers. It is a
highly important time, as the whole town comes to the town square on the day of
the lottery. The guidelines are quite simple: everyone takes a slip of paper out of
the symbolic black box, and the slip of paper with the black mark carved on it, is the
lucky winner . But their definition of the lotteryis differentдёЂusually, a lottery is a
valuable thing to win. But when Tessie Hutchinson, the lucky winner gets her reward
by getting stoned to death by the rest of the villagers, it is clear that winning this
lottery can t be a good affair... So what is the purpose of this lottery? Rather than
discontinuing the lottery, the towncontinues with it because they don t want to upset
an old tradition.
Already, it is clear that the lottery is especially old. Old Man Warner, the oldest
man in town, proves that the lottery is an old tradition: Seventy seventh year I been
in the lottery, Old Man Warner said as he went through the crowd. Seventy seventh
time (p.23, lines 280 282) . 77 years is a long time for a tradition to be going on.
This line of text undoubtedly shows how old the lottery must be if Old Man Warner,
the oldest man in town remembers participating in the lottery for 77 years. Another
example is on page 16, and lines 93 96: Because so much of the ritual had been
forgotten or
Income Inequality In The Middle Class
Income inequality has been a common problem among people in the United States.
A prime example of a group facing income inequality is the middle class. The
middle class has served as the backbone to a working economy for decades.
Though, lately, the middle class is facing a downward spiral: it is slowly shrinking
in number. Because the Middle classwill never truly be eliminated, solutions can be
limited; however the best thing to do is to try to strengthen this weak link. As
Richard Nixon said in his Address to the Nation, we are a working class as a whole,
we should be using that backbone to uphold our nation. The middle class does so
much in our economy that the fall of this keystone could possibly cause a complete
domino effect in the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Thee middle class is constantly referred to as the working class . Former President
Richard Nixon explains this in his speech address to the nation on labor day
September 6, 1971. This speech was given to talk about something Nixon felt
America has failed to achieve: a home without war or inflation. In his speech, he
describes that this nation is under the impression that it is immoral... to strive for a
higher standard of living (Nixon). He was explaining that this nation has come to
know that where you are is where you stand you do not shift from that position. If
you are making a life for yourself, you should be happy. Middle income Americans,
however, cannot be held at a stand still. Because so many people make up the
middle class, it is always a question to many Americans if they qualify as middle
class . Richard Fry and Rakesh Kochhar are two of the many minds behind Pew
Research Center. PRC is specific on being unbiased and developing har facts from
both sides of a situation. In 2016, they made a study that provides a solution of
who is considered middle class. It has been proved that over 51% of all workers
are a part of the middle class (Fry and Kochhar). Thus, making up a little more than
half of what our economy runs on. These middle class people are people with jobs
like a secretary, a truck driver, even a high school teacher. These people contribute in
everyday life throughout our society. Because the middle class makes up most of
what is the working class, they definitely economically benefit the
The Headless Horseman
On this humid and dusky night, with the trees whistling in the wind, the village of
Sleepy Hollow stood still. The silence of the town would consistently be interrupted
by the loud echoes of disturbing crows.The stillness invites the evils that lurk at
night. Sitting atop a magnificent and graceful, yet demanding creature, lied a
beautifully built soldier. However, this soldier carried a sinister aura around him
and, with a closer look, it appeared that he carried a strange replacement for his
missing head and that is what he lurked about this town for. Once nightfall hit, the
haunting of The Headless Horseman began. Willing to killanyone in his way, he
stopped at nothing to complete his task. The rise of the sun was his one and only
The Gogol Grotesque Characters
Grotesque Characters When talking about the grotesque uncertainty and confusion is
often common because when someone or something is grotesque it is out of the
norm we don t usually see or hear about it. In Gogol s The Nose the grotesque is
present throughout the whole story and especially with the two main characters Ivan
Yakovlevich and Collegiate Assessor Kovalyov. A reader of this story will notice the
similarities and the differences that these two characters share. This response to The
Nosewill compare and contrast the two main characters and show how they are
grotesque. The title of this story alone should tell the reader that this is most likely
about a nose or something pertaining to that particular body part which is different.
The title alone can make the reader ask questions before they even start to read the
story. As one may read and find out that the story is about a nose and how Collegiate
Assessor Kovalyov (also referred to as major) loses his nose. As Ivan Yakovlevich is
sitting down to eat a roll he feels something in the roll. He pokes two fingers in and
pulled out a nose! (Gogol 113). Ivan freaks out as any normal person would do and
decides to get rid of the evidence and drops it off a bridge. The major on the other
hand wakes up one morning to find he has lost his nose and has no idea where it is.
He later finds his nose acting as a person who has a rank that is three higher than
his. The major even tries to talk his own nose and holds a
Case Study of an Eighteen Month Old Toddler In
As a respiratory therapist at a local hospital, I was called to the Emergency
Department to await the arrival by ambulance of a 32 lb. (14.54 kg.), eighteen
month old male toddler with a history of coughing, congestion, fever, and runny
nose for the previous five days. He is currently taking prescribed medication, by his
pediatrician, consisting of acetaminophen to control fever as well as cough syrup to
lessen his cough, congestion and runny nose. He has been on this medication for the
past two days but suddenly, within the past hour, has developed an audible wheeze
and cyanosis around his lips. This change in condition alarmed his mother and she
called 911 to have an ambulance come to her home. While in route to the hospital, the
EMS... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I would choose pressure controlled continuous mandatory ventilation (PC CMV)
for this patient. I would set up the ventilator with the following settings: initial PIP of
20 cm H2O and once patient is attached, I would adjust the PIP to 10 cm H2O above
the determined plateau pressure, tidal volume at 90 ml (patient s IBW is 14.5 kg and
the recommended VT is 5 8 ml/kg), frequency at 30 (recommended is 20 35 for a
toddler), FiO2 at 100%, PEEP at the recommended pressure of +5 cm H2O, and
inspiratory time of 0.6 seconds (recommended is 0.6 0.7) (Walsh 335). I would also
add heated humidity to the circuit via a heated pass over humidifier set at 37 degrees
Celsius. The alarm settings would be the following: humidifier high temperature
alarm at 38 degrees C. and low temperature alarm at 30 degrees C., high pressure
alarm set to 10 cm H2O above PIP and low pressure alarm set to 5 10 cm H2O below
PIP, low exhaled tidal volume alarm set to 80 ml (10 15% below set tidal volume),
high PEEP set to 7 cm H20 and low PEEP alarm set to 3 cm H2O (2 3 cm H2O above
and below set PEEP), high respiratory rate alarm set to 42 and low respiratory rate
set to 18 (40% above and below the set rate) (Cairo 106 109). To assess the
appropriateness of the ventilator settings, I would first assess the patient by listening
to breath sounds, monitoring heart rate, respiratory
Reverse Transcriptase Polmerase Chain, Reaction is an...
Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, also known as RT PCR, has
been recognized as a reliable, accurate, and sensitive method for quantifying gene
transcription. Polymerase chain reaction, also known as PCR, is considered an
essential tool in molecular biology that allows for the amplification of nucleic acid
sequences. Specifically, the three main consecutively repeating steps in PCR are
denaturation, annealing, and elongation. If the reaction runs with 100% efficiency,
there will be a two fold increase in target amplicons after each cycle of PCR.
Therefore, with n cycles of the reaction, the copy number of the target sequences
will be 2n. However, one of the main disadvantages of conventional PCR, also
called end point PCR, is that the results of amplification can only be visualized after
all the cycles of amplification are complete (Nestorov 326). Therefore, in recent
years, modifications of conventional PCR methods have been developed to improve
the performance and specificity of the technique. One such example is RT PCR,
which has many advantages over conventional PCR methods. For instance, RT PCR
is a quantitative method for determining gene expressionlevels, while endpoint PCR
is only semi quantitative. Additionally, through RT PCR, data can be collected during
the exponential phase of the PCR amplification process, in which the PCR reaction is
not limited by enzymatic activity or substrate concentration. Alternatively, in end
point PCR, data is
A Clockwork Orange Psychopath
To take a look into the mind of a psychopath is like looking at the gears of a clock
at work. Anthony Burgess lifts the curtains in A Clockwork Orange showing us a
peek into the mind of a psychopath and how it works. Alex, a young boy infuriated
with violence, is the victim of the government s new project. Burgess craft in A
Clockwork Orangesheds light on, everyone has always known but refuses to admit; It
doesn t matter how hard anyone tries; people will never change.
Psychopathy is the disorder in which they are able to function and appear to be
normal, even charming. However, they lack empathy and a conscience thus, making
them manipulative, violent, and often times a criminal. Anthony Burgess introduces
Alex in A Clockwork Orange ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Alex views violence as an artform as beautiful classical music. After Alex and his
gang got away with the hospitalizations of two citizens, they continued their night
by having a rumble with a rival gang then broke into a house, beat a man while
forcing him to watch as Alex raped his wife. Once again, they return to the bar
after their mischief, when they arrived there was a woman singing. Her physique
wasn t what caught Alex s attention though, it was her beautiful vocals singing the
classical music that Alex cherishes so much. One of Alex s gang members, Dim,
did not share the same appreciation for classical music. In the middle of her
performance Dim shouts something disrespectful and Alex hits him so swiftly as
if it was like a reflex. This upset Dim and made the rest of the gang uncomfortable.
They tried to make Alex see the situation and all its unfairness by trying to put him
in their shoes. Alex, however doesn t see the problem since he feels that he is the
sole leader of this gang so he sees it fit that he disciplines them as he pleases. Even
after he explains to the boys they still don t see how it was necessary for Alex to
swing at Dim. As Alex sees the rest of the hang getting weary, he tells Dim You
understand about that tolchock on the rot, Dim. It was the music, see. I get all
bezoomny when any veck interferes with a ptisa singing, as it might be. (Burgess.
Pg. 34) Dim accepts Alex s apology and decides it time for him to go home. Alex
find that this is a good idea, he leads everyone home and calls it a night. He spends
the rest of the night blasting classical music in his
Examples Of Epiphany In The Dead By James Joyce
In 1914, James Joyce published a collection of fifteen short stories entitled Dubliners,
which depict with realistic detail the lives of middle class Irish citizens. Throughout
the tales, Joyce s use of the secular epiphany emerges as a key element. For instance,
in the final short story of the Dublinerscollection, The Dead, the protagonist Gabriel
experiences an epiphany in the denouement of the tale. Throughout the story, Joyce
develops the interpersonal conflicts and the character of Gabriel simultaneously to
facilitate this final epiphany; Gabriel s internal struggles mirror the external obstacles
he faces, culminating in his realization that his preoccupation with image and class
has hindered his ability to make connections with others. The story begins at the
residence of Kate and Julia Morkan, two elderly sisters who host an annual dance
and dinner on the Feast of the Epiphany. The sisters await the arrival of their
favourite nephew, Gabriel Conroy, and his wife, Gretta. When... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
At the beginning of the tale, he agonizes over the speech he will be giving later in
the evening. He worries that the other guests will think that he [is] airing his
superior education by quoting Robert Browning and that he [will] fail with them
.... His whole speech [will be] a mistake from first to last, an utter failure (Joyce
1246). Gabriel fears humiliation and public disgrace, and how he appears to other
people engrosses [him] (Walzl 24). As such, he is cross with Miss Ivors for trying to
make him ridiculous before people (Joyce 1251). Molly Ivors may even be seen as
Gabriel s foil (O Hehir 6). Gabriel strives to maintain what he considers his public
image of a well educated and respectable man and, thus, is dismissive of Miss Ivors
whose vivacious and unapologetic manner so contrasts his own guarded and
constructed personality. Like with Lily, Gabriel fails to form a connection with Molly
The Effects Of Carbon Dioxide During The Industrial...
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a type of odorless and colorless gas that can be either
manmade or naturally made. Carbon dioxide is a vital greenhouse gas; in moderation.
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the concentration of carbon dioxide
has increased significantly. The concentration of carbon dioxidein the air is leading to
global warming, ocean acidification and a multitude of many problems. In a report
released from NASA, the scientist state that that human made carbon dioxide
(CO2) continues to increase above levels not seen in hundreds of thousands of
years: currently, about half of the carbon dioxide released from the burning of
fossil fuels remains in the atmosphere and is not absorbed by vegetation and the
oceans . The current assessment of carbon dioxide in the air is 402 parts per million
(ppm). One PPM is equivalent to one microgram/one kilogram (0.6 of a mile).
Scientist claims that it needs to be brought down to 350 ppm to even start... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is called carbon dioxide scrubbing. According to Jaunsen JR (US Naval
Academy Technical Report), he states that any hydroxide or anything with a strong
base will essentially scrub carbon dioxide right out of the air . This includes sodium
hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, lithium hydroxide and lithium peroxide. It is able to
scrub carbon dioxide by chemically reacting with it. The simplified process is that the
CO2 is absorbed into the solution turning it into dissolved sodium carbonate. From
there the dissolved sodium carbonate can be easily extracted and the oxygen returned.
Currently, the only technology that is being evaluated seriously is called amine
scrubbing. This technology primarily uses monoethanolamine but has been
repeatedly rejected due to it high cost of installing and
The Impact of the Three Principles of the People on China...
We shall establish a united Chinese Republic in order that all the peoples Manchus,
Mongols, Tibetans, Tartars and Chinese should constitute a single powerful nation....
Such a nationalism is possible, and we must pursue it. Sun Yat sen, Three Principles
of the People. Countless nationalists across the world seek for the rights Dr. Sun Yat
sen stated in his Principles. Sun Yat sen was born in Cuiheng, a small village in
Guangzhou Province, during the Qing Dynasty in 1866. At this time, the Qing was
slowly declining. The Taiping Rebellion, an unsuccessful, large scale revolt against
the Qing dynasty led by Hong Xiuquan, threatened the survival of the empire, the
Confucian system. The ascension of the two year old Emperor Puyi also made... Show
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Because of this, Sun stated that a modern and ideal government system must be
established. Sun had his new government system divided into two powers: the
power of politics and the power of governance. The powers of politics are the rights
of the people to express their political wishes. An example of this today is Britain s
Parliament s House of Commons. Sun declares that the people have four major
rights or civil rights, which are: election, recall, initiative, and referendum (ABC
CLIO Sun Yat sen ). Election means the right to vote, recall is the right to remove
an elected official from power, initiative is the right to petition and referendum is
the right to refer measures passed by the legislative branch to the approval or
rejection of the electorate. The second power was the power of governance or the
power of the officials. Sun proposed the use of a five branch government system
within the power of governance, including the three branch system of the U.S.
(Legislative, Judicial and Executive), the use of checks and balances, as well as
two other branches: Control Branch (similar to the Censorate Branch) and the
Examination Branch (similar to the branch responsible for the Civil Service
Exams). The Second Principle of the People was meant to represent a Western style
of government (ABC CLIO Sun Yat sen ). The last principle of Sun s Three
Principles of the People is the development of
Device That Can Be Thought As A Gun
device that can be thought as a gun. The second screen has a surface that can record
or detect any wave or particle that manages to pass through the slits and strike the
screen. As will be seen, sometime the researcher will open just one slit and other
times both slits. The experiment is conducted in stages in order to contrast waves
from particles.

In the first stage a series of bullets (particles) will be fired toward the barrier with
one slit open. As expected a vertical pattern of bullet holes will appear behind slit 1.
After opening the second slit and firing another volley, a second vertical pattern will
appear right next to the first one. In other words the bullets behave just like particles
in accordance with classical physics as would be expected.

In stage two a monochromatic light (light with just one wavelength) will be emitted
toward the screen. This is in contrast to the light from a normal light bulb that is
composed of many differing wavelengths (making it difficult to observe the
interference pattern). The second screen is coated with a chemical that illuminates
when impacted by light. When the monochromatic light is emitted with only one slit
open, a pattern of brightness appears just behind the slit. But with both slits open an
interference pattern is observed consisting of bright bands where constructive
interference occurred and dark bands where destructive interference occurred. Again,
this is just what is expected.

In the third stage

The Things They Carried And The Catcher In The Rye
Both Tim O Brien and Holden Caulfield have told lies in their stories to try and
preserve the truth and to make the readers feel more emotions, to understand a
deeper meaning in their stories. They both express how their stories are either
completely made up, I m a writer now, and a long time ago I walked through
Quang Ngai Province as a foot soldier. Almost everything else is invented (O Brien
171), or the fact that, I m the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. (Salinger
16), and that we shouldn t trust what he has to say. In the books The Things They
Carried and The Catcher in the Rye, the truth can sometimes be more painful or
difficult to express than the actual story, but sometimes the importance of truth can be
less... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This chapter covers the transition of Mary Anne Bell, of how she changed from
being a normal, sweet teenage girl to being one of the Green Berets, filled with
enthusiasm for the war and intrigued with the culture of Vietnam. This message is
about how the innocence of women is consumed by the war and how once they
begin to learn more about it, they are hopelessly entranced by it, far from returning to
their usual selves. Rat talks about how, Anne made you think about those girls back
home, how they ll never understand any of this, not in a billion years. Try and tell
them about it, they ll just stare at you with those big round candy eyes. They won t
understand zip. (O Brien 108), and this shows that women won t understand what
Vietnam really is like, they have to experience it themselves. Women also won t
understand the grueling mental pain that soldiers experience in the war.
For the chapter The Dentist , O Brien attempts to illustrate the truth that physical
suffering is much easier to accept than mental pain. The platoon in the book have had
unknown soldiers/people as their greatest enemy. Lemon wanted to get his anguish
out of the way, he tried to accomplish this by getting used to the feeling of suffering.
By experiencing and becoming familiar with such pain of the dentist yanking out his
tooth, it calms him down and his panic of not knowing what such pain might feel
like, There was some pain, no doubt, but in

THESIS: Bigger Thomas represents the black man s condition and his revolt against
the injustices of the white caste society.

When one looks at the contribution of blacks in the world of American literature,
Richard Wright is considered one of the great contributors. Truly one of his books
which highlights the black s view of American society has to be Native Son. In
Native Son, Richard Wright creates the characterization of native sons who are
products of American civilization. From his own life experience, he portrays in
Bigger Thomas a combination of character traits that illustrate persons who have lost
meaning in their lives. Bigger Thomas represents the black man s ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
That s the truth...I hurt folks cause I felt I had to; that s all. They were crowding
me too close; they wouldn t let me...Mr. Max, I didn t mean to do what I did. I was
trying to do something else [sic] (Smith 393).

In Native Son, fear and hate are determining factors in Bigger s life. The root of all of
Bigger s fears is realization of what he, as a black man, has to endure and will
become (Margolies Art 2). Bigger attacks his friends because he thinks that they
can see his fear. By attacking them, he gives himself a false sense of courage
(Margolies Study 76). He accidentally kills Mary Dalton because he is afraid that
her mother will accuse him of sexually assaulting Mary. He also shows fear by
burning her body so that no one will find it (Smith 392).

Bigger hates the fact that his black skin keeps him from having the opportunities
and luxuries of the white world. I could fly a plane if I had a chance, Bigger said.
If you wasn t black and if you had some money and if they d let you go to aviation
school, you could fly a plane, Gus said [sic] (Wright Native 20). He hates to be
reminded of this condition and hates those who do remind him. White people
constantly remind Bigger that he cannot succeed (Discovering 5). I feel like
somebody s poking a red hot iron down my throat. Goddammit, look! We live here
and they live there. We black and they white. They got things and we don t. They
Rhetorical Devices In The Convergence Of The Twain By...
The construction of the Titanic started on March 31, 1909 and finished on May 31,
1911. During the process, constructors made sure to make the Titanic as attractive as
possible, accessorizing it with many iconic features such as the ship s grand staircase
and its promenade deck. Many people at the time believed that the Titanic would
never sink, therefore naming it the Unsinkable ship after it has set sail. Unfortunately,
the unsinkable ship collided with an icebergon April 14, 1912, claiming the lives of
1,500 passengers. As a result, the Titanic broke into two and sunk, leaving behind
its legacy. Thomas Hardy provides a poem that acknowledges the sinking of the
Titanic. Unlike the many similar reactions of grief and sorrow that the people had,
Hardy approaches the event differently. In the poem, The Convergence of the Twain,
Thomas Hardy uses a variety of rhetorical devices to express his disdain for the
vanity of humans during the first half of the poem and to explain that fate s work
resulted in the outcome of the Titanic during the second half of the poem.

Throughout the first five stanzas of the poem, Hardy utilizes allusion, juxtaposition,
and alliteration to emphasize the idea that the excessive pride of humans is useless
and it has led to the downfall of the Titanic. Therefore, Hardy provides insight on the
vanity of those that built the ship. He describes the people as the Pride of Life. The
description alludes to the book of John in the Christian Bible.
Reveille Experiment Lab Report
Results and Purpose: Reveille was hit by a biker. The purpose of the experiment is
to determine who hit Reveille and caused her to get injured. A series of experiment
were conducted in order to determine the person who hit Reveille. The experiments
consisted of gel electrophoresis, fingerprint evidence, blood evidence, and hair
evidence. The gel electrophoresis results are shown below. The results display that
DNA from Reveille and the DNA from the Maroon Flash shirt match distances. It is
indicating that Maroon Flash person is a primary suspect in the crimes against
Reveille. The second experiment conducted in determining the which of the two
suspects ran into Reveille is the fingerprint evidence. The fingerprints were viewed
Good Readers Good Writers
Nabokov: Providing a Flood and Lifeboat

In Nabokov s 1948 Good Readers and Good Writers, the reader has the opportunity
to view the possibilities of a beautiful collision of a major reader and a major writer.
This piece discusses reading and writing: skills that have become standardized and
slightly devalued as education has advanced. Literacy has become so expected that
little thought is put into what defines a good reader or writer; Nabokov tackles this
idea head on. Nabokov s intention of this piece is to passionately display a
relationship that is formed between a good reader and a good writer, and the
essential need for an open mind. He stresses the vitality of understanding instead of
immediately identifying when reading; ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Instead Nabokov states: study that new world as closely as possible, approaching it as
something brand new, having no obvious connection with the worlds we already
know (1). When approached in such a manner a major reader can see the new world
in its entirety and once it has been explored and understood then there is room to
compare its connections to other worlds and knowledge.
Nabokov uses bold and unafraid language to emphasize his thoughts and chooses
to speak only to those who choose to listen. The lesson he teaches requires the
audience to look past personal comparison and preference. The audience must gain
understand and appreciate first; then let Nabokov s ideas apply to the world of
reading and writing they themselves know it. Nabokov displays this message by
refusing to dull any of his thoughts: for example phrases like, Can anybody be so
naive as to think he or she can learn anything about the past from those... historical
novels? (1). He still has a definite message but in a lot of sentences and phrases they
have a condescending punch to them. Nabokov uses superlatives such as: the best
temperament for a reader to have... (3). As well as opinionated statements such as:
nothing is more boring or more unfair... (1). Statements like these can prevent his
audience to open their minds because his language is emotionally provoking.
Nabokov purposely tests his audience by using powerful provoking language
Confucius And Confucianism
Confucius s philosophical teachings about government and society discussed in the
Analects revolve around morality and how a ruler and his people should act in order
to stabilize society. Confucius looked to the past to discuss the problems of the
present by modeling his teachings from the former Zhou empire. Confuciussought to
bring back the Zhou traditions in order to better society. By linking moral
behaviors to social roles and hierarchies, he emphasized that the stability of the
government and society was directly correlated to the relationship between the ruler
and the people. With the title Son of Heaven, the ruler was expected to act morally
towards his subjects and treat them with love and concern ( Introduction to
Confucian Thought , 2009). This idea is directly related to the concept of ren,
which discusses the well being of others as the moral drive of society. He extended
this idea into social harmony, being first and foremost embedded in the family.
Confucius believed that the virtue of filial piety was the foundation for not just
family life but also had implication for the ruler subject bond ( Mencius and his
development of Confucian teachings , n.d.). Similarly, Mencius centered his
teachings on this idea by stressing that the well being of the family directly
corresponded to the well being of the state. Most importantly however, Confucius also
discussed the importance of the ruler ruling over the people with virtue, which was
achieved through ritual
Scandal in Bohemia, Gender Roles Essay
Scandal in Bohemia, Gender Roles

In A Scandal in Bohemia, by Arthur Conan Doyle, society places women at an

inferior level pushing them to the background therefore never allowing us, the reader,
to know them, except for Irene Adler who shows the gender shift of the time period
by becoming the main character in Sherlock Holmes investigation and the story. A
Scandal in Bohemia speaks about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his
adventure in retrieving a damaging photograph for a king from his ex mistress. In
the society Watson describes, the role of women is of little to no importance except
for emphasis that focused on the Kings mistress Irene Adler.
In this society, women were the nurtures and the protectors of the children ... Show
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Rather than surrendering to the trickery of Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler outsmarts
him using his own tricks and makes her escape right under his nose. The narrowly
defined roles of women were evident for the only means to discuss women in this
story is through their relations with men. No woman, not even Irene Adler, has her
own story. After all in the end, even Irene Adler runs away with a man. Out of the
five female characters mentioned or referred to in this story, only one is given a
name and a personality. This lack of female representation shows how dominant
males were in the society of the story and in the society of the real world.
Irene Adler exemplified the massive shifts in gender roles that were occurring during
this time in many ways other than becoming the main character in the story along
with being feared of having too much power by the men. Throughout the story
there were many hidden examples of how Irene Adler was the main character of
how the roles of gender were changing drastically in the period of this story. Adler
is the character of changing gender roles which is revealed through a division of
female physiology and male psychology. The king remarks that she had the face of
the most beautiful women and the mind of the most resolute men . She also freely
crosses gender barriers by wearing men s clothing, confessing that male costume is
nothing new to me. I often take advantage of the freedom which it gives. Adler s
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Saraca Asoca
The plant Saraca asoca has been used in various traditional medicine systems and has
been reported to be pharmacologically active against various pathological states.
Bark, Flower and Seeds are used traditionally for the treatment of various diseases and
aliments. S.asoca is used in many pharmacological activities like anti cancer,
antimenorrhagic, anti oxytoxic, antimicrobial activity and have extend uses in
ayurveda, unani and homeopathy system of medicine. S.asoca is available as various
marketed formulations such as Ashokarishta, Ashokkwath, Seed powder, Flower
powder, Ashokghrita, decoction, pill, paste, herbal wine, syrup, capsules etc
containing bark extract (Hegdea et al., 2007).
There are considerable scientific evidences that ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Research showed that plant containing flavonoids, saponin, and tannin are useful in
many CNS disorders same reflected in S.asoca. This may be the probable reason for
the sleep and lethargy in animals (Verma et al.; 2010). No significant changes were
seen in their food water intake and utilization of food indicating normal metabolism
in the animals. The reduction in body weight gain and internal organ weights is a
simple and sensitive index of toxicity after exposure to toxic substance (Raza et al.,
2002; Teo et al., 2002). There were no significant differences in body weight gain
or internal organ weight such as liver, lung, heart, spleen, kidney and brain when
compared with the control group. Moreover, gross morphological examinations of
the internal organs revealed no abnormality. According to the OECD guideline for
testing of chemicals, the results of acute toxicity test in this study indicate that the
aqueous extract from bark of S.asoca is fairly non toxic after an acute exposure to
the dose of 2000mg/kg. From these findings the doses 250 mg/kg, 500 mg/kg and
1000 mg/kg were selected for the further
Bipolar Disorder And Major Depressive Disorder
Moods are feelings we all go through. Many different things can affect our moods.
We can be super happy or super down by anything instantly. If we were to
accomplish something, get a good grade, or a raise that will instantly change our
mood and bring us to a happy state. If we were to fail, lose a job, get a ticket that
might make us go into a down or depressive mood. It is very normal for us to have
our moods affected by day to day life events. People who experience mood
disorders get affected longer and more severe to where it affects their lives so
badly they can t function well. Even if things are going well some people still get
depressed, or when something they encounter bothers them. People who experience
extreme mood swings suffer drastically with their emotions. Their are two types of
mood disorders: bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. Bipolar disorder is
also known to be called manic depressive disorder. Research shows that bipolar
disorder is genetic. Bipolar disorder has two stages that people deal with, the
manic stage and depressive stage. These stages can each last from hours, days, to
even years. Stress plays a role in these stages. These stages go from an intense happy
stage to a deep derisive stage. People suffer with elevated moods and personality
change, and this tends to affect their friends and family around them. Medication and
psychotherapy both help treat this disorder.
In the manic phase people tend to be extremely happy and work and
Examples Of Leadership In Braveheart
In the movie Braveheart you can discover the specifics of one man who assumes
numerous difficulties of life and in battle. William Wallace established numerous
leadership skills that assisted his army in being successful as an underdog. Several of
the abilities Wallace utilized are usual in current day industry leaders. Organizational
Change in Braveheart
The movie Braveheart is a movie in which you can uncover the indirect elements of a
man that deals with several problems of life and fight. William Wallace arranged
several authority aptitudes that assisted his armed force in being victorious as a
weaker one. A big amount of the aptitudes Wallace used were normal as a part of
present industry leaders. As a result of rising in an authority part, Wallace widened
the high sensation of the comprehensive armed force regardless of the fact that he
was not the specific individual that was put in control. One of the important things
that Wallace did was rule through his commitments. Through ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The movie Braveheart is depicted to take place in the 13th century throughout a time
of turbulence. The English was oppressively ruling the Scots. Following the loss of
Murron and observing the devastation of his people, Wallace sensed the desire to take
a stand. Going to battle for a purpose you are enthusiastic over and looking death in
the face produces an enormously high pressure atmosphere. Leaders may break under
duress and show unacceptable characteristics, nevertheless, William Wallace utilized
the barren, daunting, and overpowering pressure of the circumstances to encourage
greatness out of the most improbable of individuals from the local farmers. An
assured and constructive attitude, even when encountering horrible situations, can
considerably effect the point of view and conduct of
Essay on Lyft Stp
Lyft is all about taking cars off the road via ridesharing. This is NOT merely a cool
new use of technology to efficiently onboard and route more cars, cabs, town cars
and limos. Lyft wants to use technology to get everyone who currently owns a car to
join a trusted information network to share rides. Scott Weis, 2013

Lyft current specific segments are:

Socially conscious
Environment friendly
Tech savvy millennials
Busy city professionals
Population active at night o College towns o Large cities
Cost conscious

Lyfts general segments are:

Geographic regionAcross all United States
DensityUrban, Suburban, Rural
Demographic ageAll ages
Family sizeAll sizes
GenderAll genders ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These, of course, align with some of the key values towards a unique customer
service that Lyft possesses and can capitalize on.

One of Lyfts differentiating factor is it prides itself on possessing the most social
experience there is for a rideshare company. As the American population continues to
become more educated, their consumer behavior has shifted to where they are more
conscious of corporation impacts to the environment they live in or hope their
children will reside in. Lyft through the ridesharing platform where ridesharing can be
argued reduces greenhouse gas via reducing car densities on the road, they can
capitalize on it and target more environment conscious customers. Furthermore, Lyft
can continue to strengthen their commitment to contributing to reduce negative
environment impacts pertaining to cars and court the next generation of customers
after the millennials, generation Z which are expected to continue to become more
educated and environment conscious.
Another target Lyft should capitalize on are cities/towns that have profiles centered
on community orientation and social bonds. Lyft mission can easily align with such

Lyft through their data collection should start targeting light to medium users to
convert to heavy users while attempting to convert 90% of first time users to regular
users. Furthermore understanding their passive customers and converting them to
loyal customers. Also, Lyft can target a segment that is
Socrates Trial In The Apology By Plato
The Apology by Plato is a firsthand account of how Plato remembers Socrates trial
and the speech he gave while he was trying to prove his innocence. In the first part
contains Socrates introductory statement in which he states his manner of speaking.
He will speak only the truth and he asks the judges to pay attention to his words.
Socratesbegins his defense by explaining his philosophical way of life. He goes on
to discuss the accusations made against him and how he had old accusers and new
accusers. The old charges against him were that because he exposed ignoration, he
was a Sophist which is someone who was good at winning arguments through verbal
quibbling (Westacott, 2016). The new charges he is accused of are two criminal
offenses by Meletus, Anytus, and Lycon. He was accused of having atheistic views
and not recognizing the gods, and of corrupting the young people of Athens. Socrates
argued that if he corrupted the young, he did so unknowingly since he believed that
one never deliberately acts wrongly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
His actions of questioning people were prompted by the prophecy of the Oracle of
Delphi declared that Socrates to be the wisest man. Socrates was baffled by this
because the Oracle couldn t be lying but he felt that he was ignorant and had no
wisdom. To try to figure out what the Oracle meant, Socrates began approaching
people who were believed to be wise to find out what makes them wise. He
approached politicians, poets, and artist and after speaking with all of them he
determined that they all had false wisdom and in fact were ignorant. Many things
they thought they knew, they in fact didn t know. Socrates felt that a wise man
should understand that he doesn t know everything. This caused many people to
dislike Socrates. The young people of Athens admired this about him but also earned
him much hatred from those people that he
How Hybrid Cars Have Developed And Its Integration
How Hybrid Cars Come to the Future
For a few decades, pollution has become an emergent hazard to the Earth. To solve
that problem, human have been putting a great effort into filtering atmosphere,
cleaning wastes from industrial factories, and making things greener. Waste from
transportation is one of the most serious effects on environmental problems. It
appears that scientists are searching for alternative fuels and evolutions in automotive
industry, which must satisfy energy requirements and offer, at least, same
performance compared to conventional car. The automotive industry, therefore, has
turned to a new project, which is called hybrid transportation. This proposal presents
how hybrid cars have developed and how that technology works in order to protect
environment and save expenditure on fuel economy. Also, this will consider positive
side of hybrid vehicle technology and its integration into society.
Since cars were invented in 18th century, they have become the most popular
transportation around the world. With mass industry, automobiles are currently
cheaper than before, and they become affordable for most people to pay. According
to Voelcker (2014), there are 1.2 billion vehicles on world s roads now, and it is
predicted to reach 2 billion by 2035. As vehicles are kept being produced day by day,
the supply of energies increases to fill up demand. Since fuels are fixed resources
and getting scarcer in the future, they will cause an increase of price due to a
Reclining Mouflon Analysis
Once humans entered the agrarian age, they began to create more than just tools for
survival. Previously, humans had hunted for their food, taking down gigantic beasts
with sharpened stones. Upon discovering they could grow and harvest food, these
peoples shifted from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled one. Due to this change, human
tribes were able to advance into a civilization. These people then had the leisure to
think, create and imagine, and one of the many culminations from this new era was
One such work would be the Reclining Mouflon originating from the Mature
Harappan period in the Indus River Valley a time in which the crops such as wheat
and barley were introduced. The Reclining Mouflon sculpture, carved out of marble,
is 28 cm long. Instead of the portable figurines and statuettes created from earlier
ages, the Reclining Mouflon is a much larger in comparison. This evidence shows
that the sculptor took a fair amount of time to craft this work, yet still made it a
relatively comfortable ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This bust demonstrates how the Egyptians were meant to see, remember and worship
the pharaohs. These pharaohs were great people, more powerful and graceful than
others. They were supposed to look like someone Egyptians would want to worship
and obey, instead of someone possessing an unattractive face. In contrast, the
Reclining Mouflon doesn t reveal as much in regards to its purpose. Though it does
demonstrate the amount of leisure time civilization came to possess after settling
down. In truth, the Reclining Mouflon s intent, for those in the modern age, may
simply be to show a shift in lifestyle. Nonetheless, both works represent the
advancement of technology resulting from the agrarian age. Although these pieces
are artifacts from society with religious functions and other such things, they also
function as works of
How Do Pigs Affect Popular Culture
The Impact of Pigs on Popular Culture

We all know what pigs are, generally speaking. However, one thing that not all of us
know is that pigs had various impacts on certain aspects in popular culture. We are
not only talking about cartoons and films here, but in most of the areas of popular
culture. So get ready to see some of the cultural areas where pigs brought their
presence into.

Pigs in popular culture

Many aspects of culture were influenced by the presence of pigs, in different ways.
Here are some of the main categories of culture in which we can meet references to
pigs, or their occurrence in different ways:
Folklore and mythology
Literature, film and logos
Music, television and art
Children s world

Pigs in Religion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...

Examples in this matter include:
ancient Egypt, where pigs were associated with Set
Hinduism, where god Vishnu took the form of a humanoid with four arms and boar
head that was called Varaha
The Celts, who had a God of swine, known as Moccus
Pig is one of the twelve animals that are representative for the Chinese zodiac signs.

Pigs in Folklore and Mythology

In epic The Odyssey in the Ancient Greek, the hero s ship s crew is transformed into
pigs by Circe.
In many European countries, slaughtering a pig is followed by a feast.
In Germany, pigs are considered as a symbol for good luck and they offer Marzipan
pigs as gifts on New Year s Eve.
In New York, peppermint flavored hard candy pig is shared with family after
Christmas Dinner. This is as a symbol that is supposed to bring health and prosperity
throughout the next year.
Sailors and fishermen consider pigs to be unlucky and they don t accept to carry pigs
on boats. They consider pigs to be a symbol of the Devil, because of their cloven
hooves and fear of water.

Literature, film and logos

This is one of the categories in which pigs really made a difference. Some of the
most popular appearances of pigs in these categories include the following:
Summary Of Lucy In The Lion, The Witch And The
Lucy in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe is a hero because she helps fight
off the evil White Witch and save Narnia. Even though no one believes Narnia is
real she continues to go there and visit the faun and beavers. She also later in the
book helps defeat the white witch and her army and then saves the faun. After the
battle she then heals all of the wounded soldiers with her healing potion. These prove
that Lucy is a hero.

In the lion the witch and the wardrobe the ordinary world is earth, it s where they
first start out. the place where there isn t Lucy finds a wardrobe. The wardrobe is
in a plain room. She continues to look around the wardrobe and eventually go
inside. This would be the call to adventure. She finds a magical place in the
wardrobe called Narnia. this must simply be an enormous wardrobe! Thought
Lucy, going still further in and pushing the soft folds of the coats aside to make
room for her. She then noticed that there was something crunching under her feet.
The next moment she noticed she was rubbing her hands and face against
something hard and prickly. Why, it is just like branches of trees! She then goes on
to find a faun, the faun is half man half goat. The faun goes by the name of Mr.
Tumnus. Mr. Tumnus explains to Lucy that there is a Witch and that is the reason it
snows all the time. He goes on to explain that she is the queen of Narnia and when
she finds animals or people she doesn t like she turns them into stone. Lucy is
My Social Identities Portrait Assignment Essay
My Social Identities Portrait Assignment
1.Race: People of color Bi or multiracial people and families.
My father is Mexican, and my mother is White. I was born in California, however,
when was 4 yrs. old we moved to Mexico. We did not returned to the United States
till I turned 15 yrs. old. Although my first language was English, once I moved to
Mexico, I became fluent in Spanish. Life coming back to America was hard, I did
understand English perfectly since my mother always spoke to us in English,
however, and I could no longer speak it. I was placed in ELL classes, and although
I was very smart in many subjects, because I did not speak English, I was placed in
easy classes, where we did nothing. They focus so much on learning the language
that they fail to teach you. I survived; however, I knew the other classmates looked
down at us. They would not speak to us, and they will make rude racial comments
when referring to any of us.
2.Ethnicity/Heritage: All other defined or recognizable ethnicities.
Every time I fill any paper work, and they ask the question, Ethnicity? I
automatically feel I am being judge just by where I came from. Although, I am half
white, people do not care, I even ponder if its worse if you are from a multiracial
family. Discrimination makes life harder; and if you are proud of your heritage, and
your not afraid to show it, you get even more discriminated against.
3.Language: Home language other than English. Mine is Spanish.
Merchandising Agreement
LICENSE AGREEMENT (the M/L Agreement ) is made and entered into as of
December 15, 2010 (the Effective Date ) by and between LICENSEE( LICENSEE
) and ARTIST( Licensor ) with respect to the recording and performing artist,
RECITAL FOUR. Licensor and Artist represent and warrant to and for the benefit of
LICENSEE that neither Artist no Licensor will now or hereafter make any effort or
take any action to waive, disavow, renounce or reject this Agreement or Licensor and
Artist s obligations hereunder whether based on the Artist Declaration or any
assertion made by Artist therein. RECITAL FIVE. THE parties agree that the... Show
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g) Sponsorships Endorsements. The non exclusive right and license to seek and enter
into agreement covering sponsorship and endorsement opportunities for Artist. h)
For the avoidance of doubt all distribution rights set out above, including those of
third party licensees, include the right to promote and advertise the approved
Merchandise arising from such rights. For the avoidance of doubt a license to
manufacture Merchandise includes the right to have such Merchandise
manufactured by third parties. i) Support of the Official Online Store and Fan Club
Website. Licensor shall use reasonable efforts to actively promote the Official
Online Store and Fan Club including, without limitation, on Artist s album
packaging (subject to the consent of Artist s record company), and at Artist s live
performances. Licensor shall provide unique textual content and other services to
support the Official Online Store and Fan Club as reasonably requested by

The following capitalized terms, when used in this M/L Agreement shall the
meanings ascribed to them below: a) Concert Peripherals means merchandise and
product typically sold at live performances whether or not relating to Artist or
bearing the Licensed Marks and Materials (such as glow sticks, binoculars, blinkies
and the like). b) Digital
Analysis Of The Novel Life Of Pi
Life Of Pi Despite the fact that the story hops over and over again in time, the
novel follows Pi s advancement and development in a customary bildungsroman, or
transitioning story. Pi is a willing, cordial, and volatile kid, reliant on his family for
assurance and direction. In school, his essential concerns include keeping his
classmates from misspeaking his name and adapting to the extent that he can about
religion and zoology. However when the boat sinks, Pi is torn from his family and
left alone on a raft with wild creatures. The catastrophe serves as the impetus in his
enthusiastic development; he should now get to be independent. Despite the fact that
he grieves the loss of his family and apprehensions for his life, he meets... Show more
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Propelled to take in more, Pi begins honing Christianity and Islam, understanding
these religions all have the same establishment: faith in an adoring higher force.
His thriving requirement for profound association develops while adrift. In his first
days on the raft, he practically surrenders, not able to hold up under the loss of his
family and unwilling to face the troubles that still anticipate him. By then, in any
case, he understands that the certainty he is still alive implies that God is with
him; he has been given a marvel. This thought provides for him quality, and he
chooses to battle to stay alive. All through his experience, he begs customarily,
which gives him comfort, a feeling of association with something more noteworthy,
and an approach to relax. Of focal vitality to this novel is the topic of survival, even
in apparently incomprehensible and antagonistic conditions. For Pi, the test of
surviving works on a few levels. In the first place, there is the need of physical
survival: he must keep his body alive. This obliges nourishment and water, both in
short supply, and additionally security from the components. Pi knows he must guard
himself from the quick danger, Richard Parker, however he is likewise mindful that
there is an entire host of dangers holding up to destroy him. Sea storms, enormous
waves, sharks, sunstroke, drying out, suffocating any of these things represent a
danger to his life. Pi s imaginativeness and creativity (he blankets
The Past, Present, And Future Of Traditional Chinese...
The Past, Present, and Future of Traditional Chinese Medicine Treating Dysmenorrhea

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, theory, diagnostics

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a collection of theories and practices that

work together to restore harmony to the body. The two main ideas are a holistic view
and treatment based on a differential diagnosis. To utilise those principles there are a
number of theories to understand how the body functions so we can understand its
pathology. Theories such as yin yang theory, five element theory, vital substance
theory, and basic knowledge of qi are the basis for the treatments in TCM. Treatments
including acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, ... Show more content on
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Acupuncture is the practice of puncturing the dermis of the skin at a specific place,
called an acupuncture point, to change the way the bodies qi is flowing. Needles can
be used to reduce, renforce, or apply even stimulation depending on the symptoms
that a person shows. Another method applying renforcing, reducing, or even stimulus
is cupping.

Cupping is where a cup with a low pressure inside is placed on a person s skin.
There are three types of cupping, fire cupping, dry cupping, and wet cupping. In
fire cupping, a glass cup that has had a cotton ball burned inside is used. The cup
can be left in one place or it can be moved along the body. Moving it across the
body can create the sensation of being massaged while leaving long red marks
because the low pressure in the cup causes the capillaries in the skin to burst.
When the cup is left in one place it can lead to a round mark. Another style of
cupping that leaves a mark is wet cupping. Wet cupping where an incision is made
then a cup is placed over the incision. The cup places over top can be applied either
by fire cupping or dry cupping. Both required special training to perform unlike dry
cupping which does not require any special training. Dry cupping is where plastic
cups are placed on the body. The low pressure can be created with a small hand
pump. Dry cupping with give the same type of bruise as fire cupping and has the
same benefit.
Lord Of The Flies Are Humans Good Or Bad
Do you think that humans are good or bad? Throughout history, it can be seen that
humans have not always treated others kindly. Even though some humans act kind,
there are still many ways humans are bad. I believe that humans are bad because of
how they treat each other in the book and how people have treated each other
throughout history. William Goldings novelLord of the Flies shows that humans are
bad through how they treat each other. In the book, the other boys on the island
treat Piggy differently because he is different than the others. For example, he has
asthma, is fat, and wears glasses. The other boys treat him as if he and his opinions
and ideas don t matter. Also in the book, some of the boys fight with each other. For
example,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, white people always treated black people differently through
segregation. In history, black people were treated differently because of their race.
They had different places they could eat, separate drinking fountains, and things
for the black people weren t as good of quality as things the white people had.
Another example is that black people would have to give up their seat on the bus
or train is a white person wanted to sit. This can relate back to the Lord of the Flies
because in the book Piggy was treated differently as were the black people. Another
example from history that supports Golding s view that society is bad is the
Holocaust. During this time, many people were murdered and put in prison
camps. This relates back to the Lord of the Flies because two people were
murdered and one kid went missing. Also, in the book, a couple boys were tied up
unless they agreed to do what Jack wanted, which relates back to history because
people were sent to prison camps. I think that humans are bad because in the book,
they treated Piggy differently, just like black people were treated differently than
white. Also, there were two murders in the book. Which can relate to history because
many people were murdered during the

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