Tybms Sem5 DT Nov19
Tybms Sem5 DT Nov19
Tybms Sem5 DT Nov19
'TrtB ns f <ernY
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[Time:2 % Hours]
N.B. 1) Q. 1 is compulsory.
:. 4.
Q.1 (A) Choose correct alternative and rewrite the statement: (Any 8) (S)
Every assessee is a person and _
Q.l (B) State whether given statements are True or False: (Any 7) (7)
L An association of persons consists of any person.
2. Farnily pension received by a widow of a deceased employee is income from other sources.
3. Gratuity received by Govenrment employee on retirement is fully taxable.
4. Capital gain arises on transfer of any asset.
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Q.2 Mr. Ganesh Kubal is employed with The N.w Cottg , Thane. He gives you following
information for the year ended 3l$ March,20l9. (15)
Particulars Rs.
Basic Salary . 50,000 per month.
Dearness allowance 60,000 per month
Leave Salary 20,000
Perquisite value of Rent-Free House 24,000 per annum
Arrears of salary (Not taxed earlier) i,60,000
Examination Remuneration received from his college 15,000
Examination Remuneration received from'"Mumbai University 8,500
Profession Tax Deducted from salary Rs. 200 per month
Other Information:
a) He received Royalty from writing books Rs. 26,000. Expenses on typing, stationery etc. were
Rs. 2.000
b) He received Honorarium from Sandip Management Institute as a visiting lecturer Rs. 5,000.
Conveyance for visiting the institute Rs. 600
c) He received Best Teacher Award of Rs 21,000 from State Covernment.
d) He received cash gift from father-in-law Rs. 51,000 on his anniversary on 15-03-2019.
e) He purchased National Savings certiflcates VIII worth Rs 50,000 & paid LIC premium of Rs 60,000
for a policy of Rs. 6,00,000 issued on 1-4-2011.
0 He had a taken a loan from Bank of India for higher education of his daughter pursuing Engineering
frorn IIT. Roorkee. For which he paid inlerest of Rs 60.000 during the year.
Compute his taxable Income for the Assessment Year 2019-20.
Q.2 Mrs. Riya Ghosh has earned the following incomes during the financial year ended on 3l't
March, 2019. Compute her Gross Total Income for the assessment year 2019-20. (15)
a) Resident and Ordinary Resident
b) Resident but not Ordinarily Resident
c) Non-Resident
Particulars Rs
!,..,Friyrnents,iedeived iti U.K., for services rendered in Korea 3,00,000
2. Income from agriculture in Bangladesh 1,50,000
.Ditidend, om,,German Company, received in India 60,000
4; IlrtereSt income earned and received in India 1,70,000
'5. Income from business in Japan, controlled from India 2,50,000
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7. Rent from house in Kolkata, received in Korea.
taxed profits 93rn4l1 lgldqt_ 1,50,000
e.3 Mrs. Anjali Kapoor is a physically disabled person (60% disability). She gives you the
following information for previous year 2018-19.
Particulars HousC I '-House II
Nature of occupancy Self-occupied Let Out
Fair Rent 2,00,000 3,00,000
Rent Received (per month) (House no 2. was vacant for 3 Nit 35,000
months) I
', , -12;000, 15,000
I 7,000
r' II t t-tz-zoto
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Q.4 Following is Profit & Loss Account of Mr. Anil Dharmadhikari for the year ended 31't
March,2019. (15)
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Staff Salaries 2.50.000 By.Gross Profit 14.29.000
To Salary to Anil Dharmadhikari 70.000 Bv Winnine from Horse racins 81.000
To Printing & Stationery 50.000 By Dividend from Indian Co. 20.000
To Travelling expenses 60,000
To Rent 48;000
To Depreciation 64"000
To GST paid 30,000
To Advertisement 90.000
To Embezzlement by Empl oyee 1,4,000
To Drawings 56,000"
To Staff welfare expenses 1,58,000
To Income Tax r 42,000
To Net Profit :., 5,98,000
1s.30.000 15.30.000
Add itional Information :
1) Depreciation allowable as per Income Tax Rules Rs 70,000.
2) Staff welfare expenses include Rs 40,000 incurred for medical treatment of his physically
handicapped brother (90% disability).
3) Half of the Rent is for her residential flat and 1/3'd of the Travelling expenses is personal in nature.
4) Advertisement expenses include Rs. 20,000 spent on advertisement in a magazine published by a
political party. You are required to compute her Taxable income for tlie assessment year 2019-20.
Q.4 (a): Mrs. Rani Rane, submit the following particulars of her income for the assessment year
2019-20. (8)
Particulars Rs.
Interest on Bank deposits 5,000
Interest on Government securities 7,000
Interest on Public Provident Fund 6,600
Interest accrued on NSC 7,500
Dividend from Tata Co. 9,700
Income frornAgriculture in Konkan 22,000
Family Pension 42,000
Compute her taxable income under the head Income from other sources.
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e.4 (b) : Dr. Leonard, a USA citizenprovides you the details of his visit to India during the last 6 __,
Previous Year Days
201 8-19 183
20t7-18 190
20t6-1,7 20
2015-16 t25
2014-r5 195
2013-r4 r00
Prior to 1-4-2013 he did not visit India.
assessment y ear 2019-20.
Q.5 (a) Explain Deduction u/s 80D.
(b) Discuss any Seven items specifically taxable under the head - lncome from other sources'
Q.5 Write short notes on (any three):
l) AnY Five items exemPt u/s 10.
2) Lortg term CaPital Gain.
3) Deduction U/s 80U'
4) Incotne from Deemed to be Let Out Property'
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