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BattleTech Recognition Guide IlClan Vol 32

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Words which once seemed impossible now seem inevitable: The ilClan is nigh.
The turbulence of the last two decades has brought several of our fellow Clans to Terra’s doorstep, to say nothing of the Inner Sphere powers which gaze upon humanity’s
birthplace with hungry eyes. But we know our people, we know their aggression. One of them will move to take Terra first and claim the mantle of ilClan, however briefly. If
they intend to hold it, however, they will need new hardware—and, as ever, we stand ready to deliver. For a price.
Contained within these volumes is that hardware. It is an intriguing combination of all-new BattleMechs, combat vehicles, and battle armor, and retrofits of existing Inner
Sphere and Clan designs with weapons and equipment suitable for modern combat. All are in our inventories or otherwise obtainable, and I have instructed all Merchant
Caste personnel under my command above the rank of Point Merchant to familiarize themselves with the contents of these reports and be ready to negotiate terms for any
merchandise herein. I hope you will assist me, “old friend,” with their distribution across all Khanates.
The wheel of power is poised to spin once more, but we must be the axle on which it revolves. Who winds up atop that wheel, and who is crushed beneath it, matters
little as long as we profit from each turn.

—Merchant Colonel Reece, aboard CSF Atlantean, Skate Khanate, 14 November 3150

Welcome to Recognition Guide: ilClan, a supplement offering players exciting new units and variants which took to the battlefield during the closing days of the
Dark Age era and the first years of the ilClan era. Inside, you’ll discover a mix of all-new ’Mechs and other combat units only recently seen on battlefields of the Inner
Sphere, alongside modern refits of long-existing and much-loved units.
Each volume of Recognition Guide: ilClan includes full, Technical Readout-style entries on new units or significant rebuilds of existing designs; a selection of brief
write-ups on existing variants; notable pilots for each unit; and record sheets for immediate game use.
Special attention has been given to units which will be redesigned as part of the BattleTech: Mercenaries crowd funding campaign, to ensure that these brand-new
miniatures have a place in games set in the ilClan Era. Many of these units have torn apart battlefields of the Inner Sphere for hundreds of years. With these guides, they
will continue to do so for hundreds more.
Project Development: Johannes Heidler Record Sheets: Dave Nawton, Zac Schwartz FIND US ONLINE
Development Assistance: Aaron Cahall, Étienne Charron-Willard, Proofers, Core Fact Checkers, and Unit Design: Ray Arrastia, Étienne precentor_martial@catalystgamelabs.com
Chris Wheeler Charron-Willard, Matt Cross, Joshua Franklin, William Gauthier, Keith (e-mail address for any BattleTech questions)
BattleTech Line Developer: Ray Arrastia Hann, Johannes Heidler, Mike Miller, Joshua Perian, Luke Robertson, http://bg.battletech.com/
Assistant Line Developer: Aaron Cahall Eric Salzman, Lance Scarinci, Chris Wheeler, Matt Wilsbacher (official BattleTech web pages)
Writing: Keith Hann, Chris Hartford, Edward McEneely, Lance Scarinci
BattleTech Line Editor: Aaron Cahall Additional Fact Checkers: Stephan Frabartolo, Zac Schwartz http://www.CatalystGameLabs.com
Editing: Geoff ‘Doc’ Swift (Catalyst web pages)
Special Thanks: To Chris W. and Étienne, my wingmen who went over
and above to make this last set of RecGuides possible. To Harri, for http://store.catalystgamelabs.com
Production Staff
navigating the space between product and art devs while bringing (online ordering)
Art Director: Anthony Scroggins
Assistant Art Director: Ray Arrastia to life so many blasts from the past. To Geoff, who cleaned up after
our collective messes while remaining remarkably cheerful. Published by Catalyst Game Labs,
Cover Design and Layout: David A. Kerber an imprint of InMediaRes Productions, LLC.
5003 Main St. #110 • Tacoma, WA 98407
Illustrations: Alan Blackwell, Eldon Cowgur, Aaron Harris, Harri Kallio

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©2023 The Topps Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Recognition Guide: IlClan, BattleTech, ’Mech, BattleMech, MechWarrior and Topps logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. in the
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vehicle Intended to range far from supply lines and exploit Alphard Trading Corporation catered to the realities of
weaknesses in enemy defenses, the hovertank’s the Marian Hegemony and produced an ICE-powered
numerous variants never strayed far from the role of fast model that dispenses with complex energy weapons in
harasser. The latest upgrade, employing a modern laser favor of the near-ubiquitous Pontiac light autocannon.
and armor, continues the vehicle’s iterative evolution. After Operation Revival, the Federated
It remains very similar to the hovertank that Jun Edgar Commonwealth and Draconis Combine briefly
and Alphard Trading Company presented to the Star collaborated in various military projects, including the
League Defense Force over 600 years ago. search for a “common light hovertank.” This cooperative
effort upgraded Scarborough’s J. Edgar refit line and
BATTLE HISTORY introduced the vehicle to StarCorps’ portfolio. Birthed
It can be difficult to find a major battle in the Inner by this project, the AFFC’s TAG-equipped variant and
Sphere that J. Edgars have not participated in. While the DCMS’ C3 slave variant share a common chassis.
Mass: 25 tons
Movement Type: Hover rarely singled out in contemporary reports (which After the Jihad, Scarborough revived a J. Edgar
Power Plant: Leenex 145 Fusion simplified ComStar’s erasure), they often appear in concept without the complex fusion engine, enabling
Cruising Speed: 118 kph archival images. them to subcontract to small automotive repair facilities,
Maximum Speed: 183 kph Its most emblematic action was the “unknown though they did rely on our imported chemical lasers.
Armor: ProtecTech 19 Heavy Ferro-Fibrous battle on an unknown world.” This most likely occurred StarCorps increased the range of their J. Edgar
Armament: during an internal conflict on Aldebaran in 2678. J. variant by sacrificing missile ammunition for light PPCs.
1 Diverse Optics Type 25PX Medium X-Pulse Laser Edgars commanded by Roald bin Daoud enveloped
2 Harvester SRM 2 Missile Racks and destroyed a laagered battalion of tracked vehicles NOTABLE VEHICLES
Manufacturer: Alphard Trading Company, Colonial in a lightning surprise attack. The slow, obsolete, heavy AND CREW
Tractors, Pinard Protectorates Limited, Scarborough tanks of their enemies, more symbols of planetary
Manufacturers, Kali Yama/Alphard Trading prestige than weapons of war, were incapable of Illuminatus Malik Feff: The best-known Combine
Corporation, StarCorps Industries traversing their turrets fast enough to track the swift special forces operators are the ISF’s DEST commandos,
Primary Factory: Alphard and Addhara (Alphard), hovertanks. though the Order of Five Pillars maintains a Field
Fronc (Colonial), Pinard (Pinard), Al Na’ir Despite ComStar’s best efforts to suppress reports Operations department. This reduces reliance on
(Scarborough), Kendall (Kali Yama/Alphard), of its use, J. Edgars were in high demand on the their occasional rivals for direct action resources. Feff
Crofton (StarCorps) Federated Commonwealth and Draconis Combine commands a specialist lance of J. Edgar hovertanks
Communications System: Neil 5000 fronts during Operation Revival. They served as fast- for the Order. The invasion of the Federated Suns
Targeting & Tracking System: RCA Instatrac Mark XII moving skirmishers and did yeoman’s work luring overstretched the Dragon’s forces. Feff and his lance
overconfident Clan warriors into ambushes. Only the were repeatedly loaned to the DCMS, where their skills
ComStar’s strange fanaticism once drove the Order to Ghost Bears developed effective counters to this tactic proved as useful against the AFFS as against the disloyal.
erase the original name and design engineer of the Jun before Tukayyid, as their MASC-equipped Fire Moths
Edgar Light Hover Tank, along with the tank’s production could catch J. Edgars as they accelerated to flank speed. “Roebinood”: Roebinood is a mythical figure, to
numbers, from the historical record, because the kanji Recently, during the Combine attempt to retake whom many great deeds are attributed. He has served
character used for her first name meant “Purity.” The Robinson in February, a mixed lance of X-pulse- and light in every House and Periphery military, depending on
adherents believed that this belittled Jerome Blake, the PPC-armed J. Edgars of the Avalon Hussars operated who tells the tale. The only constants are his determina-
galaxy’s only true embodiment of purity in their view. behind enemy lines. They attacked damaged ’Mechs tion to triumph over adversity and his chosen mount,
The tedious study of Exodus-era archives, examination and tanks moving to the rear for refit. Their crowning a humble J. Edgar hovertank. Clan society scoffs at
of seized ComStar records, and careful tabulation of glory was the destruction of a Tenshi OmniMech while Spheroid superstition, but Roebinood’s legend made
active serial numbers revealed these obfuscations. its pods were being replaced. The Combine retasked an the Exodus with Kerensky. Freeborn tank commander
Despite the machinations to conceal its origin, the J. O5P J. Edgar-equipped Field Operations Team to hunt Roald bin Daoud was compared to Roebinhood in
Edgar has been nearly ubiquitous throughout the Inner down the Hussars. The two lances engaged in a series the Hell’s Horses Remembrance. All investigation of
Sphere since before the Clan invasion, a testament to of inconclusive duels, neither able to destroy the other the myth’s origin was soon forbidden by then-Khan
its worth. due to their tanks’ incredible speed. Gottfried Amirault.

Type: J. Edgar
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Movement Type: Hover
Tonnage: 25
Role: Scout
Battle Value: 624

Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 2.5
Engine: 145 7.5
Type: Fusion
Cruise MP: 11
Flank MP: 17
Heat Sinks: 10 0
Control Equipment: 1.5
Lift Equipment: 2.5
Power Amplifier: 0
Turret: .5
Armor Factor (Heavy Ferro): 109 5.5
Front 31
R/L Side 20/20
Rear 14
Turret 24

and Ammo Location Tonnage
Medium X-Pulse Laser Turret 2
2 SRM 2 Turret 2
Ammo (SRM) 50 Body 1

it was also a success, the Drillson remained in high would have sent the Falcon garrison into disarray.
vehicle demand. Around the turn of the century, Scarborough Helmer conducted an inspection of the Sanglamore
Manufacturers licensed the design as a companion for Academy campus in 3140 to determine its suitability
their Maxim II, applying modifications to reduce costs. for training new warriors. Accompanied only by
Though their new Drillson is slower due to relying on unarmored Elementals and a few groundcars, Helmer
surplus engines from the Maxim II, all of its systems are was unprepared for the pair of factory-fresh Drillsons
upgraded, save the reliable Kicker machine guns. Crews that burst from an outbuilding and bracketed the party
remain satisfied that the Evil Eye targeting system with with machine-gun fire. As Helmer took cover and fired
its 360-degree panorama HUD remains intact, making his sidearm, three Elementals jumped onto the lead tank
them feel akin to the true lords of the battlefield. and began damaging its fans and air skirt. Two died, but
the third gained access to the interior when a crewman
BATTLE HISTORY foolishly opened the hatch to shoot at him. The second
Drillsons excel at a number of combat roles, from Drillson fled when the commandeered vehicle fired on
Mass: 50 tons cavalry to fire support to scouting. Being a product of it. The captured crew died under interrogation without
Movement Type: Hover Third Succession War doctrine, they are heavily favored
Power Plant: PowerTech 165 Highlift Fusion surrendering any information.
for objective raids, for which their blend of mobility and
Cruising Speed: 86 kph firepower provides a tactical edge.
Maximum Speed: 129 kph VARIANTS
The Taurian Concordat possesses a surprising Though designers have offered several tweaks, the
Armor: ArcShield Heavy Ferro-Fibrous with CASE number of Drillsons. These are usually organized into
Armament: Drillson did its job so well out of the gate that it has seen
independent platoons, and sent ahead of a main little variation. Early experimentation with recovered
1 Cyclops XIII Large Pulse Laser raiding force, such as on Bromhead in 3145. The
2 Guided Technologies Streak-2 Missile Launchers Star League technology resulted in several variants,
Concordat Jaegers conducted a punitive raid against
2 Helga Series 5-Tube Multi-Missile Launchers such as a model mounting an ER large laser that proved
the Seventh Confederation Reserve Cavalry, to bloody
2 Kicker Machine Guns too troublesome and not worth the reduction in armor.
their nose after repeated strikes against the Concordat.
Manufacturer: Scarborough Manufacturers A more successful version in the wake of the Clan
The Seventh did not take the raid too seriously, and did
Primary Factory: Al Na’ir invasion instead used streak SRMs and mated the new
not deploy their full force as the Taurians ran amok. The
Communications System: Cyclops Surelink Cyclops XIII large pulse laser to the Evil Eye.
Drillson platoon located a CRC barracks and coordinated
Targeting & Tracking System: Evil Eye When the Jade Falcons captured Skye, they
a nighttime strike with the Jaegers that caught the
Capellans sleeping. The Drillsons then raced off to hit retooled the Drillson factory to update both models
Amateur ventures often fail, but occasionally one more targets, while the Jaegers loaded a full company with Clan lasers. Virtually all Falcon garrison Clusters use
meets with such stunning success as to reshape the of new Capellan BattleMechs into their DropShips. these vehicles.
market completely. This was the case in 3025, when Cornet Barbara Engelson was offered one of the new
Cyclops Incorporated debuted the Drillson Heavy Hover ’Mechs as a reward, but she chose to remain with her NOTABLE VEHICLES
Tank. It was the first combat vehicle from a company Drillson platoon. AND CREW
renowned for its civilian hovercraft. Many buyers balked A band of Republic loyalists has held out on Skye
at Cyclops’ choice of an expensive fusion engine, but since the Falcon conquest. These partisans survive by Private Cherenkov Rivers: Rivers holds the distinction
critics swallowed their words upon seeing the Drillson practicing traditional hit and fade attacks. They avoid of serving in three separate militaries in one decade. The
outperform virtually all of its contemporaries. A reprisals by steering clear of population centers. The Wapakoneta native was pressed into Combine service
fundamental alteration to the art of hovercraft design rebels live a mean existence in the wilds, yet somehow after Kurita forces overran his world, along with much
followed, with the Federated Commonwealth, in are never short of equipment, especially new Drillsons. of the Draconis March. Rivers reluctantly served as an
particular, developing a slew of new units, returning The Falcons suspect a sympathizer within the Cyclops infantryman, stationed on Ozawa when Paladin Max
heavy, fusion-powered hovercraft to the battlefield in factory, but they have yet to implement an infamous Ergen captured it from the Dragon. He used his status
numbers not seen since the Star League. Falcon purge. Galaxy Commander Noritomo Helmer as a conscript to bargain for a place in Ergen’s task force
sends routine patrols into rebel hot spots, but these and fought eagerly against the Combine all the way
CAPABILITIES often report no contact. to Robinson. After the battle, he remained behind and
After thirty years of brisk sales, Cyclops created the The rebels’ boldest strike was an attempted enlisted in the AFFS, believing that House Davion offers
Fulcrum to supersede the reliable Drillson. Though assassination of Galaxy Commander Helmer, which the best chance of returning him to his homeworld.

Type: Drillson Heavy Hover Tank

Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Movement Type: Hover
Tonnage: 50
Role: Striker
Battle Value: 910

Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 5
Engine: 165 10
Type: Fusion
Cruise MP: 8
Flank MP: 12
Heat Sinks: 10 0
Control Equipment: 2.5
Lift Equipment: 5
Power Amplifier: 0
Turret: 1
Armor Factor (Heavy Ferro): 109 5.5
Front 25
R/L Side 20/20
Rear 19
Turret 25

and Ammo Location Tonnage
Large Pulse Laser Turret 7
2 Streak SRM 2 Turret 3
Ammo (Streak) 50 Body 1
2 MML 5 Front 6
Ammo (MML) 48/40 Body 2
2 Machine Guns Front 1
Ammo (MG) 100 Body .5
CASE Body .5

The Republic of the Sphere took control of close-in engagements that favored the vehicles’ brutal
vehicle Shimonita in 3085 and allowed our Clan to establish armament. Casualties grew and the lines buckled, but
enclaves on the ocean world. When House Kurita the crews knew that giving their lives would buy time
regained control of the system in the 3130s, they re- for reinforcements to arrive. When the Second Legion of
opened the Sapphire Metalworks plant and found Vega jumped into the system, Sandoval knew his time
numerous challenges in reactivating the factory’s was up. Only three Benjamin Regulars Von Luckners
production lines. In cooperation with our technician remained—and only one was fully operational—but
castemen, who were already manufacturing vehicles on Gunji-no-Kanrei Matsuhari Toranaga honored the fallen
our SFF-SH2 platform, they began to build the new VNL- crews in a speech to the High Command.
K85N variant, to aid in the conflict with the Federated
Suns. The détente between the Aoimaru-gumi, Clan Sea VARIANTS
Fox, and the DCMS has held ever since, but tensions During the FedCom Civil War, the DCMS fielded the
over shipping “tariffs” between our off-shore Sea Fox VNL-K75N. This variant featured MRMs and served as a
Mass: 75 tons
Dens and the land-based yakuza have been rising in template for the more advanced -K85N.
Movement Type: Tracked
recent months. Around the same time, the Word of Blake secretly
Power Plant: VOX 225 XL Fusion
began manufacturing the -K65W on Bryant. This
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
CAPABILITIES variant closely followed the “Royal” design of the Star
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Like its antecedent, the -K85N has thick armor and short- League, using advanced Blakist technologies.
Armor: New Samarkand Teppeki Hardened
range weapons, intended for the tight confines of city Currently undergoing testing—and at the heart of
streets. Resilience and brutality were the watchwords the tensions between Clan Sea Fox and the Aoimaru-
1 Makibishi Type 7 LB 20-X Autocannon
of the designers, building on the ethos of earlier refits, gumi—the VLN-K90 is a divergent Von Luckner variant
2 Holly SRM 6 Launchers but using modern technologies. An XL engine and for longer-range combat. Featuring a more balanced
1 Guided Technologies Improved One-Shot SRM 4 hardened armor improve power and protection, while loadout centered around a Gauss rifle, it is an MBT-style
Launcher the weapon systems are configured around a close-in, vehicle designed for offensive operations. It saw limited
1 Shigunga MRM 10 Launcher no-holds-barred, brawling fighting style. The -K85N’s testing during the Battle of New Avalon in 3146, but the
1 Firestorm Flamer speed remained limited. This was not considered a DCMS has yet to commit to full manufacturing.
1 SperryBrowning Machine Gun disadvantage in urban combat, though development
Manufacturer: Sapphire Metals continues on longer-ranged variants like the -K90. NOTABLE VEHICLES
Primary Factory: Shimonita AND CREW
Communications System: Neil 905 BATTLE HISTORY
Targeting & Tracking System: Epsilon Track The VNL-K85N first saw action in a series of brush- Hauptmann Michael Westenhouser: In 3148,
fire wars against the Lyran Commonwealth and the Westenhouser commanded the Third Tank Company of
The resurgence in fusion-engine production in the Federated Suns after Gray Monday. It later became the Eighth Lyran Regulars, deployed as part of Task Force
thirty-first century saw the nearly extinct Von Luckner a mainstay of conventional forces employed in the Kingbreaker against the secessionist forces of Warlord
slowly return to widespread service with capabilities Dragon’s Tongue during the 3140s. In many assaults, Widmer’s Buena Collective. Leading from his Von Lucker,
closely matching its Star League progenitors. The DCMS Von Luckners proved to be a decisive factor in the Westenhouser and his troops weathered the assault of
DCMS was a leading proponent of this revival, notably seizure of key objectives on their way to New Avalon. the mercenary Thunderstruck. They then closed the trap
the variant produced on Shimonita by “independent Not all of the Von Luckners’ successes were in offensive on the mercenaries when LCAF Colonel Nelson ordered
contractors”—now identified as the Aoimaru-gumi operations. In 3147, Erik Sandoval commanded his troops to give no quarter to the rebels. Expecting
yakuza clan, which was part of the Semeiyoshi-rengo Operation Perceval and attacked a number of Combine- vehicles to be easy targets, the mercenaries found
that allied with Theodore Kurita during the War of 3039. held worlds. Clovis was occupied by the Forty-Fifth themselves the victims of a determined and brutal
After the Jihad, the Republic of the Sphere’s efforts to Benjamin Regulars. The outnumbered DCMS forces counter-assault. In close-in combat, the mercenaries
reduce the ’Mech forces of the Great Houses prompted provided unexpectedly stiff resistance, thanks in part were no match for Westenhouser’s heavy tanks, which
the DCMS to invest significant resources into upgrading to the determination of the Thirty-First Tank Company, pinned them in place and began to grind them down.
the already formidable Von Luckners, resulting in a newly equipped with -K85Ns. The tanks exploited Within forty-eight hours, the Second Collective Guards
series of refits built on the classic chassis. the terrain to force the Davion troops into a series of were driven off-world.

Type: Von Luckner Heavy Tank

Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 75
Role: Juggernaut
Battle Value: 1,587

Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 7.5
Engine: 225 7.5
Type: XL Fusion
Cruise MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks: 10 0
Control Equipment: 4
Lift Equipment: 0
Power Amplifier: 0
Turret: 2.5
Armor Factor (Hardened): 176 22
Front 41
R/L Side 30/30
Rear 30
Turret 45

and Ammo Location Tonnage
LB 20-X AC Turret 14
Ammo (LB-X) 15 Body 3
2 SRM 6 Turret 6
Ammo (SRM) 15 Body 1
SRM 4 (I-OS) Turret 1.5
Machine Gun Turret .5
Ammo (MG) 100 Body .5
Flamer Front 1
MRM 10 Rear 3
Ammo (MRM) 24 Body 1

Notes: Features the following Design Quirk: Difficult to


what was once its strength has proved a limiting factor VARIANTS
vehicle in its ability to keep up with developments. Even with Not all developments on the Schrek have proceeded in
the lighter engine, heat management issues prevented a linear manner. In addition to the “classic” model, New
installing extended-range PPCs. This left the Schrek at Samarkand Metals developed a variant inspired by the
a range disadvantage and forced a speed upgrade to Narukami Heavy Tank and its use of hardened armor.
keep it relevant at all. Alternatively, the tank’s future This variant removes two of the PPCs and replaces them
may lie with more extreme refits, such as those now with LB 10-X autocannons, turning it into a formidable
being assembled on New Samarkand. anti-tank and anti-air platform.
Increasing scarcity of fusion engines and difficulty
BATTLE HISTORY manufacturing power amplifiers during the Succession
While the Schrek has fought in many battles during Wars forced some models to switch to missiles or
its 300-year career, the years following the Blakist autocannons. In the modern era, the Schrek variant
Mass: 80 tons Jihad—and the resulting downscaling of BattleMech produced on Leximon in the Lothian League typifies
Movement Type: Tracked forces—led to increased reliance on vehicles. Always a this. It carries a trio of Ultra autocannon/10s in lieu of
Power Plant: Hermes 240 XL Fusion mainstay of long-range bombardments, the Schrek saw PPCs, built using imported Marian components and
action in numerous conflicts in the past century, notably ensuring a steady income to the Hegemony.
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
the Victoria War and Operation Triumvir. The final variant is perhaps the greatest divergence
Maximum Speed: 64 kph
Amanda Hasek’s assault on the Capellan from the baseline Schrek. This CCAF model was
Armor: Hellespont Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
Confederation between 3103 and 3105 saw the CCAF’s developed in conjunction with Grumman Amalgamated
dogged defense of Victoria. Hasek’s expectations of an on Shiro III in the Duchy of Andurien, applying lessons
3 HellStar PPCs
easy victory were quickly dashed, in part by the valiant learned in the bloody Victoria War. It employs both
Manufacturer: Aldis Industries, New Samarkand Metals
actions of the Victoria Militia, which employed two stealth armor and an ECM suite to yield a mobile
Primary Factory: Betelgeuse and Terra (Aldis), New
companies of refitted Schreks to snipe at the invaders carrier of light Gauss rifles that is difficult to track and
Samarkand (NSM) during the initial invasion. The slow and poorly armored target. Most of these stealth Schreks are employed by
Communications System: Olmstead 3000 Capellan Schreks became an anvil against which other the Capellans on the Davion front, though Andurien
Targeting & Tracking System: Omicron IX CCAF troops chewed up the invaders. Few of these has fielded several on the border with their common
tanks survived the fighting at Barns, Victoria’s capital. enemy, the Free Worlds League.
Sustained, heavy-hitting firepower has long been Those which did joined up with Kingston’s Rangers to
the trademark of the Schrek PPC Carrier since it first continue their harassing attacks. NOTABLE VEHICLES
appeared in 2813, employing energy weapons to avoid Almost half a century later, Captain-General Kirc AND CREW
the logistical challenges faced by ammo-dependent Cameron-Jones launched Operation Triumvir against
vehicles. However, as Star League technology the Free Worlds League. The Battle on Sophie’s World Private First Class Mike Archer: Amongst the Schrek’s
returned—and was soon surpassed—the limitations saw the combined-arms forces of the First Orloff large crew, it is rare that any individuals are singled out.
of the vehicle’s chassis hindered the Schrek’s ability to Grenadiers facing the First Regulan Hussars. The One such is Mike Archer, the combat technician of the
keep up with the arms race. Regulan forces had hoped to overrun the numerically Auntie Mae, serving with the First Orloff Grenadiers.
smaller Grenadiers quickly—as they also garrisoned Stationed on Sophie’s Word in 3146, the crew was
CAPABILITIES Kyeinnisan. The Hussars had not counted on the hard-pressed during the Regulan assaults of Operation
Volley fire is a trademark of the Schrek. Its heat sinks supporting conventional forces, however, including Triumvir. The tank was knocked out by enemy fire three
and fusion engine allow it to fire continuously without four lances of Schreks. These units made good times, but Archer jury-rigged repairs and brought the
the heat concerns that plague BattleMechs. The price use of the terrain to ambush the invaders, notably Mae back to the fight. The third time was during the
of fusion power plants made the vehicle an expensive harassing the Hussars as they sought to cross the battle for Gaarder Station. Archer coaxed power from
proposition during the scarcity of the Succession river Porojoki, and in the brutal engagements around the tank’s failing engine mid-battle, allowing the crew
Wars. Since the Clan invasion, increased manufacture Gaarder Station. Only three Schreks remained when to surprise Regulans who believed the vehicle disabled.
of fusion plants and the reintroduction of XL engines the Regulans withdrew. They formed an ad hoc lance Archer received third-degree burns and spent two
extended the lifespan of the classic Schrek. However, during the assault on Tiber in 3148. months in a hospital on Oriente.

Type: Schrek PPC Carrier

Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 80
Role: Sniper
Battle Value: 1,074

Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 8
Engine: 320 17.5
Type: XL Fusion
Cruise MP: 4
Flank MP: 6
Heat Sinks: 30 20
Control Equipment: 4
Lift Equipment: 0
Power Amplifier: 0
Turret: 2.5
Armor Factor (Heavy Ferro): 138 7
Front 38
R/L Side 26/26
Rear 20
Turret 28

and Ammo Location Tonnage
3 PPC Turret 21

Notes: Features the following Design Quirks: Narrow/Low


of its extinction in the Fourth Succession War, warbook Navarre. The performance of Vipers in the makeshift
heavy ’MECH software often misidentified Vipers as Crusaders. Fortune Able mercenary regiment on Hobson against
The Viper was reborn in the Republic era, not Warrior House Kamata in 3147 became a slick marketing
because of demand for a forgotten unit, but because campaign, resulting in a burst of sales to the mercenary
a stockpile of blazers was discovered in a Kallon market. Battlefield footage of a VP-9 immolating and
warehouse in 3123. Kallon engineers were then slowing a Lightning, closing, and obliterating its head
developing a new ’Mech for the RAF. They, like their with its mace captured the imagination of customers
predecessors, realized that the Viper was ideal for the like few other advertisements.
surplus weapons. Viper schematics survived in their
database, and existing Crusader tooling could be readily VARIANTS
adapted. Limited production of the -1 and modernized A variety of regressive models followed the -1 as
-7 variants began the following year. Star League technology faded away. The only well-
documented variant was the VP-5, an improvised
Mass: 70 tons
CAPABILITIES Third Succession War-era downgrade with standard
Chassis: Crucis-B*
Kallon’s production chassis was slightly upsized from components and lasers.
Power Plant: VOX 280 XL
the Crusader, a rugged, proven ’Mech that enjoyed a When our Clan’s merchants finished shaking their
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
good reputation amongst FWLM technicians. The scale- heads at the composite-structured resurrection of
Maximum Speed: 64 kph
up was a bit crude, wasting weight on larger, hastily this ungainly ’Mech in the VP-7, for which we supplied
Jump Jets: Chilton 465
designed armor baffles that give it a ponderous look but ER medium lasers, they tactfully pointed out that our
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
provide impressive protection. Similarly, its brute-force large models were far more capable than centuries-old
Armor: Riese-500
primary armament of a pair of binary laser cannons castoffs, and available at irresistible prices. The VP-8 thus
Armament: was thermally inefficient but could be produced in- replaces the blazer cannons, using the tonnage saved
2 Magna Mk III-B Binary Laser Cannons house, whereas the originally planned ER PPCs were to revert to a conventional structure, boost its heat
3 Intek Medium Pulse Lasers already growing scarce. The one concession to less- dissipation, and increase its speed.
Manufacturer: Kallon Industries straightforward battlefield utility was an advanced The new VP-9 sheds the straight-ahead brawler
Primary Factory: Asuncion, Bernardo communications suite, for which small aerials protrude reputation and immobilizes its prey with a quartet of
Communications System: Garret T11-B2 from head and shoulders. Sea Fox-sourced plasma cannons, stabilized via actuator
Targeting & Tracking System: Garret A6 enhancement. It then closes the distance to deliver the
BATTLE HISTORY coup de grace with its brutal mace. This new variant has
The attrition of the First Succession War made Modern sales of the Viper have been primarily to proven formidable on modern battlefields, despite its
commanders desperate for every BattleMech they could mercenaries and militias. Runs of new VP-1 Vipers have slow top speed.
lay hands on. The horrific devastation of three decades wound up with less prestigious customers who need
of unremitting war drove the Free Worlds League something reliable and do not mind obsolete weapons. NOTABLE ’MECHS
Military in 2828 to issue a tender for a low-maintenance For that reason, they often serve in garrison units and AND MECHWARRIORS
heavy ’Mech that could be manufactured quickly. Most have seen comparatively little action, though VP-1s did
proposals reflected the SLDF mentality that required prove instrumental in the shifting balance of power Lieutenant Jimmy Gunn: Former AFFS MechWarrior
numerous prototypes and lengthy testing, despite the between the Republic of the Barrens and the New Gunn was a garrison pilot of no special note before he
FWLM’s request. These were still in the initial stages Oberon Confederation. The latter acquired a company wearied of lack of action. He left after his first tour to
when Kallon snatched the prize away with a complete, of VP-1s through nebulous means and used them to serve with the Twenty-First Centauri Lancers, inspired
battle-ready ’Mech. good effect against the low-tech opposition the Barrens by the honor and values of that legendary command.
The Viper, built first at Bernardo and later Asuncion, fielded in response. The Vipers’ binary lasers wrought He scored surprisingly well in tests and was assigned a
was manufactured off and on throughout the twenty- havoc with their hapless prey at close range. new VP-9. Gunn proved quite fond of death from above
ninth century. The gaps occurred when Crusader The VP-8 and VP-9 have been in the thick of things attacks, despite the Viper’s delicate internal structure. In
manufacture took precedence. Production never against opponents with cutting-edge technology. Vipers the past year, he decapitated three Jade Falcon ’Mechs
exceeded losses once the Second Succession War have fought with Vandelay’s Valkyries at Kwamashu, in probing skirmishes, including a noteworthy flying
began, and the Viper eventually vanished. By the time the Centauri Lancers on Sorunda, and with Task Force mace strike.

Type: Viper
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Tonnage: 70
Role: Brawler
Battle Value: 1,609

Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 7
Engine: 280 XL 8
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 4
Heat Sinks: 17 [34] 7
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 217 14
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 22 38
Center Torso (rear) 6
R/L Torso 15 23
R/L Torso (rear) 7
R/L Arm 11 22
R/L Leg 15 30

and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage
Binary Laser Cannon RA 4 9
Medium Pulse Laser RT 1 2
Medium Pulse Laser CT (R) 1 2
Medium Pulse Laser LT 1 2
Binary Laser Cannon LA 4 9
2 Jump Jets RL 2 2
2 Jump Jets LL 2 2

Notes: Features the following Design Quirks: Improved

Communications, Rugged (1), Searchlight, Difficult

BATTLE HISTORY Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage

Alternate Configuration E
A contingent of Ravens showed up on New Abilene 2 ATM 3 RA 4 3
in 3149 to offer the Second Magistracy Highlanders Ammo (ATM) 20 RA 1 1
a chance to claim a Blood Asp if they could blood Double Heat Sink RA 2 1
some new troops. Colonel Payne warily accepted, and ER PPC RT 2 6
Medium Pulse Laser RT 1 2
watched in dismay as three Blood Asps decimated an 3 Double Heat Sinks RT 6 3
entire company. Impressed by the Highlanders’ skill Double Heat Sink CT 2 1
and adherence to zellbrigen, the Ravens graciously left ER PPC LT 2 6
behind the lightly damaged OmniMechs. Colonel Payne Medium Pulse Laser LT 1 2
Targeting Computer LT 4 4
refers to the incident as “one hell of a sales pitch.” Double Heat Sink LT 2 1
Memories have lingered among Davion strategists of 2 ATM 3 LA 4 3
a handful of Blood Asps acquired from unknown sources Ammo (ATM) 20 LA 1 1
2 Jump Jets RL 2 4
shortly before the Civil War and deployed at Carver V in 2 Jump Jets LL 2 4
the Chaos March. They were referred to as “the Star Adder Battle Value: 3,179 Role: Skirmisher
’Mech” so often that Star Adder became its official name.
These ’Mechs did not survive the Civil War. Alternate Configuration F
2 Medium Pulse Lasers RA 2 4
NOTABLE ’MECHS 2 Streak SRM 6 RT 4 6
Mass: 90 tons AND MECHWARRIORS Ammo (Streak) 30 RT 2 2
Double Heat Sink RT 2 1
Speed: 43 kph cruising, 64 kph max Double Heat Sink RL 2 1
Jump Capacity: None Star Captain Lono: This Hell’s Horses Watch agent 2 AP Gauss Rifles CT 2 1
Payload: 42 tons of pod space pilots his Clan’s only Blood Asp, an oft-patched relic Double Heat Sink LL 2 1
from the Homeworlds. A product of mixing the 2 Streak SRM 6 LT 4 6
Manufacturer: Snow Raven Industrial Complex Alpha Ammo (Streak) 15 LT 1 1
(Dante) Fletcher and Mitchell bloodlines, Lono towers over Ammo (AP Gauss) 40 LT 1 1
Featured in TRO: 3060 other MechWarriors. Underhandedness and a talent Double Heat Sink LT 2 1
for thinking outside the box let him slide easily into ER PPC LA 2 6
the Watch. Lono looks down on other warriors, seeing Plasma Cannon LA 1 3
The Snow Ravens lost much while fleeing the Ammo (Plasma) 10 LA 1 1
Homeworlds, but one JumpShip staggered to the them as disposable tools in the struggle to advance his Double Heat Sink LA 2 1
Outworlds carrying a valuable prize: the plans for Clan. Lono aspires toward control via the Watch, not Battle Value: 2,908 Role: Brawler
the Blood Asp, acquired by Raven Watch agents from the Khanship.
Alternate Configuration G
the factory on Sheridan. With Raven facilities already Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage
ER Large Laser RA 1 4
gearing up to produce the Deimos, the stolen plans 2 Medium Pulse Lasers RA 2 4
Weapons Configuration T—Mixed
ER Large Laser RA 1 4 Heavy Medium Laser RA 2 1
were filed for later use. Seeing a chance to cut in on Sea ER Large Laser RT 1 4
2 ER Medium Lasers RA 2 2
Fox business, the Ravens recently began producing the 2 Double Heat Sinks RA 4 2 Targeting Computer RT 6 6
powerful OmniMech for export. A simple addition to Plasma Rifle (IS) RT 2 6 Double Heat Sink RT 2 1
Ammo (Plasma) 20 (IS) RT 2 2 Double Heat Sink CT 2 1
the Kingfisher line kept costs down, allowing for a high Heavy Medium Laser LT 2 1
Ammo (SRM) 15 RT 1 1
profit margin. CASE II RT 1 .5 Ammo (HAG) 12 LT 4 4
Double Heat Sink RT 2 1 HAG 40 LT/LA 3/7 16
CAPABILITIES Double Heat Sink RL 2 1 Battle Value: 3,192 Role: Brawler
SRM 6 CT 1 1.5
Raven Blood Asps retain the durability of their Supercharger CT 1 2 Alternate Configuration I—Mixed
Kingfisher ancestors and offer a slew of recommended Double Heat Sink LL 2 1 Large Re-engineered Laser (IS) RA 5 8
Plasma Rifle (IS) LT 2 6 Imp. Heavy Gauss Rifle (IS) RT/CT 9/2 20
configurations. Updated software allows them to Ammo (Plasma) 30 (IS) LT 3 3 Ammo (iHeavy Gauss) 16 (IS) LT 4 4
accept Inner Sphere weapons easily, simplifying field 2 Double Heat Sinks LT 4 2 4 ER Small Lasers LT 4 2
customization and repair. ER Large Laser LA 1 4 Large Re-engineered Laser (IS) LA 5 8
2 ER Medium Lasers LA 2 2 Battle Value: 2,252 Role: Brawler
Double Heat Sink LA 2 1
Battle Value: 3,069 Role: Brawler

Mass: 1 ton Mass: 50 tons Mass: 70 tons

Manufacturer: Alphard Trading Co. (Illyria), Ceres Metals Ind. Manufacturer: Quikscell Co. (Layover), Hellespont Ind. (Sian), Manufacturer: Kallon Weapon Industries (Wernke)
(Capella), Defiance Ind. (Hesperus II), Hellespont Ind. Vandenberg Mechanized Ind. (Pinard), Interstellar Arms Featured in TRO: 3039 and 3050 Upgrade / Succession Wars
(Sian), Corean Ent.-MacAdams-Suharno (Stewart) (Rockwellawan), United Outworlders Corp. (Mitchella)
Featured in TRO: 3058 Upgrade Featured in TRO: 3039, 3058 Upgrade, and Prototypes Desperate for more fire-support BattleMechs to feed the
war machine, First Prince Julian Davion told all Federated
The Inner Sphere’s first widely deployed battle armor (some- For centuries, the soldier’s refrain upon reviewing a new tank Suns manufacturers to bring something to the table.
times called the “Gorilla Suit” for its bulk) remains in heavy has been “How many Vedettes is that thing equal to?” Cost- Kallon Industries responded with their humble classic: the
use. The battlesuit has been repurposed for anti-infantry duty effective reliability turned this simple tank into perhaps the JagerMech, beloved and derided in equal measure. Kallon’s
to remain competitive in a crowded field. Heavy weaponry is Inner Sphere’s most ubiquitous. The latest variant is based new Wernke megacomplex was already tooled up and
sacrificed for the mobility of a jump booster, leaving only a on a Jihad-era Blakist model. This simple upgrade swaps waiting. Kallon chose to resurrect the slightly heavier and
single machine gun as armament. This makes it ineffective the combustion engine for an equivalent fuel cell, freeing far less maligned JM7 “JagerMech II” series. An extralight
against armored targets but deadly to flesh. With Omni tech- enough weight to quadruple its firepower with a class ten gyro and endo-composite skeleton let Kallon apply modern
nology not as prolific in the Inner Sphere as once presumed, Ultra autocannon. Heavy ferro-fibrous compounds nearly upgrades. The JagerMech’s signature twin autocannons are
transport is a question battlesuit commanders answer any double the tank’s protection, leading to the moniker of now Clan-spec Ultra autocannons, supplemented by light
way they can. New Inner Sphere (Magnetic) suits—inspired Armor Vedette. A heavy machine gun restores anti-infantry autocannons. CASE II envelops its enlarged ammo bays, a
by a similar Longinus variant—use magnetic clamps to ride capabilities lost by the V-series models. Adopted by multiple dual comfort to pilots. Federated Suns MechWarriors love
on friendly ’Mechs or tanks. A bevy of manufacturers across manufacturers, the new Vedette is a favorite of line units and autocannons, and they have welcomed the new JM7-DD.
the Inner Sphere offer this suit to all buyers. Bulk discounts militias alike, and it is spreading like wildfire. The AFFS employs it for both direct support and AA duties.
ensure it will continue to proliferate for years to come. MechWarriors are cautioned to stick close to supply lines, or
Corporal Sven Wichert: Wichert likes loud guns. He enlisted be left to fight with only a pair of ER medium lasers and their
Leutnant James Conason: Conason’s induction into the in the LCAF so he could fire bigger ones. Poor safety discipline autocannon-shaped arms.
Lyran military is a statement on the LCAF’s sorry condition. left him deaf, which he “fixed” with a device implanted by a
The Lyrans are so desperate for experienced troops that “ComStar-trained surgeon.” The operation restored Wichert’s Captain Dallan Aurora: Aurora exemplifies the unbroken
they’ll accept soldiers who claim to be veterans of a hearing, perhaps a bit too well. He sometimes responds spirit of the warriors of the Federated Suns. Knowing that
secretly reformed Com Guards. Conason insists that he is to silent people, swearing that he heard them speak. The one only gets so many chances in life, he does not dwell on
a survivor of a Republic purge of Malcolm Buhl’s new Com Eighth Lyran Regulars have no place for psychiatric cases, dire situations. He prefers to fight through them. Failure is
Guards, escaping the slaughter at Epsilon Eridani through so Wichert keeps his condition secret. Wichert’s uncertainty only another teacher, and setbacks are a chance to prove
unspecified means. Unquestioned are his ability to use whether something is truly wrong or if his friends are simply excellence. As the only fighting son of the minor House
a battlesuit fluidly and his knowledge of military police teasing him has made him surly. So far, he has followed only Aurora, he strives to set an example for others of his station.
procedures. As long as he does his duty well, the Twelfth genuine orders in combat, but his commander is watching His combat skills, unwavering loyalty, and morale-boosting
Lyran Guards tolerate both his odd claims and his burning him closely, waiting for the day Wichert cries, “Yessir!” into the talent may soon earn him promotion to major in the Sixth
hatred of the Republic of the Sphere. silence and begins firing on his own. Crucis Lancers.



Type: IS Standard Battle Armor [Magnetic]
Gunnery Skill: Anti-'Mech Skill: TROOPERS ACTIVE MODIFIER
Ground MP: 2 Jump MP: 4 2 4-6 0
Qty Type Dmg Min Sht Med Lng 3 +2
1 Machine Gun 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 3 2 +5
(Medium) 1 +7
1 Jump Booster [E] — — — —
1 Battle Claw — — — —
1 Magnetic Clamps [E] — — — — SWARM ATTACKS TABLE
Mechanized: ✓ Swarm: ✓ Leg: ✓ AP: BATTLE ARMOR BASE TO-HIT
Armor: Advanced Role: Ambusher BV: 209/40 TROOPERS ACTIVE MODIFIER
4-6 +2
1-3 +5
Type: IS Standard Battle Armor [Magnetic]
Gunnery Skill: Anti-'Mech Skill:
(Medium) TROOPERS ACTIVE 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Jump Booster [E] — — — —
4 6 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +2
1 Battle Claw — — — — 5 +0 +0 +0 +1 +2 +3
1 Magnetic Clamps [E] — — — — 4 +0 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4
3 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Mechanized: ✓ Swarm: ✓ Leg: ✓ AP:
2 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Armor: Advanced Role: Ambusher BV: 209/40 1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7


Type: IS Standard Battle Armor [Magnetic]

1 Claws with magnets -1

Gunnery Skill: Anti-'Mech Skill:

Ground MP: 2 Jump MP: 4 2 SITUATION*
'Mech prone -2
Qty Type Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
1 Machine Gun 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 3 'Mech or vehicle immobile -4
Vehicle -2
1 Jump Booster [E] — — — —
4 *Modifiers are cumulative

1 Battle Claw — — — —
1 Magnetic Clamps [E] — — — —
Mechanized: ✓ Swarm: ✓ Leg: ✓ AP:
Armor: Advanced Role: Ambusher BV: 209/40
2 Head Head
BATTLE ARMOR: SQUAD 4 3 Rear Center Torso Front Right Torso

Type: IS Standard Battle Armor [Magnetic]

1 4 Rear Right Torso Rear Center Torso
5 Front Right Torso Rear Right Torso
Gunnery Skill: Anti-'Mech Skill:
Ground MP: 2 Jump MP: 4 2 6 Right Arm Front Right Torso
7 Front Center Torso Front Center Torso
Qty Type Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
1 Machine Gun 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 3 8 Left Arm Front Left Torso
9 Front Left Torso Rear Left Torso
1 Jump Booster [E] — — — —
4 10 Rear Left Torso Rear Center Torso
11 Rear Center Torso Front Left Torso
1 Battle Claw — — — — 12 Head Head
1 Magnetic Clamps [E] — — — —
Mechanized: ✓ Swarm: ✓ Leg: ✓ AP:
Armor: Advanced Role: Ambusher BV: 209/40 TRANSPORT POSITIONS TABLE
BATTLE ARMOR: SQUAD 5 1 Right Torso Right Side
2 Left Torso Right Side
Type: IS Standard Battle Armor [Magnetic]
1 3 Right Torso (rear) Left Side
4 Left Torso (rear) Left Side
Gunnery Skill: Anti-'Mech Skill:
Ground MP: 2 Jump MP: 4 2 5
Center Torso (rear)
Center Torso
Qty Type Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
1 Machine Gun 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 3 TROOPER LARGE SUPPORT
(Medium) 1
1 Jump Booster [E] — — — —
4 2
Right Side (Unit 1/Unit 2)
Right Side (Unit 1/Unit 2)
3 Left Side (Unit 1/Unit 2)
1 Battle Claw — — — — 4 Left Side (Unit 1/Unit 2)
1 Magnetic Clamps [E] — — — — 5 Rear (Unit 1/Unit 2)
6 Rear (Unit 1/Unit 2)
Mechanized: ✓ Swarm: ✓ Leg: ✓ AP:
*Unit 1 and Unit 2 represent two battle armor units.
Armor: Advanced Role: Ambusher BV: 209/40

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
Front Armor
( 31 )
Type: J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (Chemical) Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 25
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 11 Tech Base: Mixed
Flanking: 17 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Hover Role: Scout Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 145 Fuel Cell Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 20 )

Left Side Arm or ( 20 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 24 )
1 Medium Chemical Laser TU 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 CRITICAL DAMAGE
1 SRM 4 TU 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9
2 Machine Gun TU 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Turret Locked Engine Hit
Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo: (Machine Gun) 100, (Medium Chemical Laser) 30, (SRM 4) 25

Rear Armor
BV: 570
( 14 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Front Armor
( 31 )
Type: J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (Kurita) Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 25
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 11 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 17 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Hover Role: Scout Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 145 Fusion Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 20 )

Left Side Arm or ( 20 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 24 )
3 Medium Laser TU 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 CRITICAL DAMAGE
1 Small Laser TU 3 [DE] — 1 2 3
1 C3 Slave BD [E] — — — — Turret Locked Engine Hit
Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Rear Armor
BV: 696
( 12 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
Front Armor
( 26 )
Type: J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (LAC) Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 25
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 8 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 12 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Hover Role: Scout Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 70 ICE Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 16 )

Left Side Arm or ( 16 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 20 )
1 Light AC/5 TU 5 [DB,S] — 5 10 15 CRITICAL DAMAGE
4 Rocket Launcher 10 TU 1/Msl [M,C] — 5 11 18
Turret Locked Engine Hit
Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo: (LAC/5) 20

Rear Armor
BV: 532
( 11 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
Front Armor
( 31 )
Type: J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (Light PPC) Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 25
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 11 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 17 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Hover Role: Scout Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 145 Fusion Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 20 )

Left Side Arm or ( 20 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 24 )
1 Light PPC TU 5 [DE] 3 6 12 18 CRITICAL DAMAGE
2 SRM 2 (I-OS) TU 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9
1 Targeting Computer BD [E] — — — — Turret Locked Engine Hit
Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Rear Armor
BV: 626
( 14 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Front Armor
( 31 )
Type: J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (TAG) Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 25
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 11 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 17 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Hover Role: Scout Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 145 Fusion Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 20 )

Left Side Arm or ( 20 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 24 )
2 Medium Laser TU 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 CRITICAL DAMAGE
1 TAG TU [E] — 5 9 15
1 Active Probe (Beagle) BD [E] — — — 4 Turret Locked Engine Hit
Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Rear Armor
BV: 564
( 12 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
Front Armor
( 31 )
Type: J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (X-Pulse) Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 25
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 11 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 17 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Hover Role: Scout Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 145 Fusion Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 20 )

Left Side Arm or ( 20 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 24 )
2 SRM 2 TU 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9 CRITICAL DAMAGE
1 Medium X-Pulse Laser TU 6 [P] — 3 6 9
Turret Locked Engine Hit
Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo: (SRM 2) 50

Rear Armor
BV: 621
( 14 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Standard Armor
Front Armor
( 22 )
Type: Drillson Heavy Hover Tank (ERLL) Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 50
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 9 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 14 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Hover Role: Striker Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 215 Fusion Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 18 )

Left Side Arm or ( 18 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 22 )
1 LRM 10 FR 1/Msl [M,C,S] 6 7 14 21 CRITICAL DAMAGE
1 Machine Gun FR 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3
1 ER Large Laser TU 8 [DE] — 7 14 19 Turret Locked Engine Hit
1 SRM 2 TU 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9 Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo: (LRM 10) 12, (Machine Gun) 100, (SRM 2) 50

Rear Armor
BV: 960
( 16 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
Front Armor
( 25 )
Type: Drillson Heavy Hover Tank (MML) Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 50
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 8 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 12 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Hover Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 165 Fusion Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 20 )

Left Side Arm or ( 20 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 25 )
LRM 1/Msl 6 7 14 21
SRM 2/Msl — 3 6 9 Turret Locked Engine Hit
2 Machine Gun FR 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
1 Large Pulse Laser TU 9 [P] — 3 7 10 Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
2 Streak SRM 2 TU 2/Msl [M,C] — 3 6 9 Stabilizers
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo (CASE): (MML 5/LRM) 24, (MML 5/SRM) 20, (Machine Gun)
100, (Streak SRM 2) 50

Rear Armor
BV: 910
( 19 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Standard Armor
Front Armor
( 25 )
Type: Drillson Heavy Hover Tank (Streak) Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 50
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 9 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 14 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Hover Role: Striker Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 215 Fusion Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 21 )

Left Side Arm or ( 21 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 25 )
2 Streak SRM 2 FR 2/Msl [M,C] — 3 6 9 CRITICAL DAMAGE
1 Large Pulse Laser TU 9 [P] — 3 7 10
2 Streak SRM 2 TU 2/Msl [M,C] — 3 6 9 Turret Locked Engine Hit
Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo: (Streak SRM 2) 100

Rear Armor
BV: 899
( 20 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Front Armor
( 25 )
Type: Drillson Heavy Hover Tank C Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 50
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 9 Tech Base: Clan
Flanking: 14 Rules Level: Advanced
Movement Type: Hover Role: Striker Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 215 Fusion Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 22 )

Left Side Arm or ( 22 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 25 )
1 LRM 10 FR 1/Msl [M,C,S] — 7 14 21 CRITICAL DAMAGE
w/Artemis V
2 Machine Gun FR 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Turret Locked Engine Hit
1 Large Chemical Laser TU 8 [DE] — 5 10 15 Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
4 ER Small Laser TU 5 [DE] — 2 4 6 Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo (CASE): (LRM 10 Artemis V) 24, (Large Chemical Laser) 20,

(Machine Gun) 100

Rear Armor
BV: 1,295
( 21 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Front Armor
( 25 )
Type: Drillson Heavy Hover Tank C Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 50
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 9 Tech Base: Clan
Flanking: 14 Rules Level: Advanced
Movement Type: Hover Role: Striker Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 215 Fusion Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 22 )

Left Side Arm or ( 22 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 25 )
1 LRM 10 FR 1/Msl [M,C,S] — 7 14 21 CRITICAL DAMAGE
w/Artemis V
2 Machine Gun FR 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Turret Locked Engine Hit
1 Large Chemical Laser TU 8 [DE] — 5 10 15 Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
4 ER Small Laser TU 5 [DE] — 2 4 6 Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo (CASE): (LRM 10 Artemis V) 24, (Large Chemical Laser) 20,

(Machine Gun) 100

Rear Armor
BV: 1,295
( 21 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Front Armor
( 25 )
Type: Drillson Heavy Hover Tank C 2 Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 50
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 9 Tech Base: Clan
Flanking: 14 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Hover Role: Striker Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 215 Fusion Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 22 )

Left Side Arm or ( 22 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 25 )
Standard 2/Msl 4 5 10 15
Extended Range 1/Msl 4 9 18 27 Turret Locked Engine Hit
High Explosive 3/Msl — 3 6 9 Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
2 Machine Gun FR 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
1 Large Pulse Laser TU 10 [P] — 6 14 20 Stabilizers
2 ATM 3 TU [M,C,S] Front Left Right
Standard 2/Msl 4 5 10 15 Rear Turret
Extended Range 1/Msl 4 9 18 27
High Explosive 3/Msl — 3 6 9

Ammo (CASE): (ATM 3) 20, (ATM 3 ER) 20, (ATM 3 HE) 20, (Machine
Gun) 100

Rear Armor
BV: 1,516
( 21 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
Front Armor
( 40 )
Type: Vedette Medium Tank (Armor) Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 50
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 5 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 8 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Tracked Role: Brawler Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 250 Fuel Cell Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 30 )

Left Side Arm or ( 30 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 30 )
1 Heavy Machine Gun FR 3 [DB,AI] — 1 2 — CRITICAL DAMAGE
1 Ultra AC/10 TU 10/Sht — 6 12 18
[DB,R/C] Turret Locked Engine Hit
Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo (CASE): (Heavy Machine Gun) 50, (Ultra AC/10) 30

Rear Armor
BV: 944
( 28 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Front Armor
( 41 )
Type: Von Luckner Heavy Tank VNL-K65W Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 75
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 3 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 5 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Tracked Role: Juggernaut Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 225 Light Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 40 )

Left Side Arm or ( 40 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 45 )
w/Artemis IV
LRM 1/Msl 6 7 14 21 Turret Locked Engine Hit
SRM 2/Msl — 3 6 9 Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
1 Small Pulse Laser FR 3 [P,AI] — 1 2 3 Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
1 Ultra AC/20 TU 20/Sht — 3 7 10 Stabilizers
[DB,R/C] Front Left Right
2 Streak SRM 4 TU 2/Msl [M,C] — 3 6 9 Rear Turret
1 Light Machine Gun TU 1 [DB,AI] — 2 4 6

Ammo (CASE): (Light Machine Gun) 100, (MML 5/LRM) 24, (MML
5/SRM) 20, (Streak SRM 4) 25, (Ultra AC/20) 20

Rear Armor
BV: 1,318
( 31 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Front Armor
( 43 )
Type: Von Luckner Heavy Tank VNL-K75N Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 75
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 3 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 5 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Tracked Role: Juggernaut Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 225 Fusion Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 30 )

Left Side Arm or ( 30 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 46 )
1 MRM 20 FR 1/Msl [M,C] — 3 8 15 CRITICAL DAMAGE
2 Machine Gun FR 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3
1 Ultra AC/20 TU 20/Sht — 3 7 10 Turret Locked Engine Hit
[DB,R/C] Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
1 SRM 6 TU 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9 Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
2 Medium Laser TU 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 Stabilizers
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo: (MRM 20) 24, (Machine Gun) 100, (SRM 6) 15, (Ultra AC/20)

Rear Armor
BV: 1,350
( 30 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Front Armor
( 41 )
Type: Von Luckner Heavy Tank VNL-K85N Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 75
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 3 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 5 Rules Level: Advanced
Movement Type: Tracked Role: Juggernaut Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 225 XL Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 30 )

Left Side Arm or ( 30 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 45 )
1 Flamer FR 2 [DE,H,AI] — 1 2 3 CRITICAL DAMAGE
1 MRM 10 RR 1/Msl [M,C] — 3 8 15
1 LB 20-X AC TU 20 — 4 8 12 Turret Locked Engine Hit
[DB,C/F/S] Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
2 SRM 6 TU 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9 Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
1 SRM 4 (I-OS) TU 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9 Stabilizers
1 Machine Gun TU 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo: (LB 20-X) 10, (LB 20-X Cluster) 5, (MRM 10) 24, (Machine Gun)
100, (SRM 6) 15

Rear Armor
BV: 1,584
( 30 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Front Armor
( 41 )
Type: Von Luckner Heavy Tank VNL-K90 Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 75
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 3 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 5 Rules Level: Advanced
Movement Type: Tracked Role: Juggernaut Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 225 XL Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 30 )

Left Side Arm or ( 30 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 45 )
1 Flamer FR 2 [DE,H,AI] — 1 2 3 CRITICAL DAMAGE
1 Rocket Launcher 10 RR 1/Msl [M,C] — 5 11 18
1 Gauss Rifle TU 15 [DB,X] 2 7 15 22 Turret Locked Engine Hit
1 Snub-Nose PPC TU 10/8/5 — 9 13 15 Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
[DE,V] Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
1 SRM 4 TU 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9 Stabilizers
1 Machine Gun TU 2 [DB,AI] — 1 2 3 Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo: (Gauss) 16, (Machine Gun) 100, (SRM 4) 25

Rear Armor
BV: 1,688
( 30 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Front Armor
( 28 )
Type: Schrek AC Carrier (Lothian) Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 80
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 2 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 3 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Tracked Role: Sniper Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 160 ICE Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 24 )

Left Side Arm or ( 24 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 28 )
3 Ultra AC/10 TU 10/Sht — 6 12 18 CRITICAL DAMAGE
Turret Locked Engine Hit
Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo: (Ultra AC/10) 60

Rear Armor
BV: 1,005
( 21 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Vehicular Stealth
Front Armor
( 36 )
Type: Schrek Gauss Carrier Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 80
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 3 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 5 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Tracked Role: Sniper Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 240 Light Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 24 )

Left Side Arm or ( 24 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 36 )
3 Light Gauss Rifle TU 8 [DB,X] 3 8 17 25 CRITICAL DAMAGE
1 ECM Suite (Guardian) BD [E] — — — 6
Turret Locked Engine Hit
Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo: (Light Gauss) 64

Rear Armor
BV: 1,203
( 24 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Front Armor
( 24 )
Type: Schrek PPC Carrier (LB-X) Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 80
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 3 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 5 Rules Level: Advanced
Movement Type: Tracked Role: Sniper Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 240 Fusion Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 20 )

Left Side Arm or ( 20 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 28 )
1 PPC TU 10 [DE] 3 6 12 18 CRITICAL DAMAGE
2 LB 10-X AC TU 10 — 6 12 18
[DB,C/F/S] Turret Locked Engine Hit
Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Ammo (CASE): (LB 10-X) 20, (LB 10-X Cluster) 20

Rear Armor
BV: 1,258
( 20 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
Front Armor
( 38 )
Type: Schrek PPC Carrier (XL) Crew:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 80
Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:
Cruising: 4 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Flanking: 6 Rules Level: Standard
Movement Type: Tracked Role: Sniper Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Engine Type: 320 XL Modifier to all skill rolls Modifier to Driving skill rolls

Right Side Arm or ( 26 )

Left Side Arm or ( 26 )
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Turret Arm or
Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
( 28 )
3 PPC TU 10 [DE] 3 6 12 18 CRITICAL DAMAGE
Turret Locked Engine Hit
Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
Front Left Right
Rear Turret

Rear Armor
BV: 1,074
( 20 )


2* Front (critical) Rear (critical) Side (critical) 6-7 Minor damage; +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
3 Front† Rear† Side† 8-9 Moderate damage; -1 Cruising MP, +2 modifier to all
4 Front† Rear† Side† Driving Skill Rolls
5 Right Side† Left Side† Front† 10-11 Heavy damage; only half Cruising MP (round fractions up),
6 Front Rear Side +3 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls
7 Front Rear Side 12 Major damage; no movement for the rest of the game
8 Front Rear Side (critical)* Vehicle is immobile.
9 Left Side† Right Side† Rear†
10 Turret Turret Turret Attack Direction Modifier: Vehicle Type Modifier:
11 Turret Turret Turret Hit from rear +1 Tracked, Naval +0
12* Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Turret (critical) Hit from the sides +2 Wheeled +2
Hovercraft, Hydrofoil +3
WiGE +4
* A result of 2 or 12 (or an 8 if the attack strikes the side) may inflict a critical hit on the vehicle. For each result of 2 or *All movement and Driving Skill Roll penalties are cumulative. However, each Driving Skill Roll
modifier can only be applied once. For example, if a roll of 6-7 is made for a vehicle, inflicting
12 (or 8 for side attacks), apply damage normally to the armor in that section. The attacking player then automatically rolls a +1 modifier, that is the only time that particular +1 can be applied; a subsequent roll of 6-7
once on the Ground Combat Vehicle Critical Hits Table below (see Combat, p. 192, inTotal Warfare for more information). has no additional effect. This means the maximum Driving Skill Roll modifier that can be
A result of 12 on the Ground Combat Vehicles Hit Location Table may inflict critical hit against the turret; if the vehicle has inflicted from the Motive System Damage Table is +6. If a unit’s Cruising MP is reduced
to 0, it cannot move for the rest of the game, but is not considered an immobile target. In
no turret, a 12 indicates the chance of a critical hit on the side corresponding to the attack direction. addition, all motive system damage takes effect at the end of the phase in which the damage
† The vehicle may suffer motive system damage even if its armor remains intact. Apply damage normally to the armor in occurred. For example, if two units are attacking the same Combat Vehicle during the
Weapon Attack Phase and the frst unit inflicts motive system damage and rolls a 12, the -4
that section, but the attacking player also rolls once on the Motive System Damage Table at right (see Combat, p. 192, in immobile target modifier would not apply for the second unit. However, the -4 modifier would
Total Warfare for more information). take effect during the Physical Attack Phase. If a hover vehicle is rendered immobile while
§ Side hits strike the side as indicated by the attack direction. For example, if an attack hits the right side, all Side results over a Depth 1 or deeper water hex, it sinks and is destroyed.
strike the right side armor. If the vehicle has no turret, a turret hit strikes the armor on the side attacked.


2-5 No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit No Critical Hit
6 Driver Hit Cargo/Infantry Hit Weapon Malfunction Stabilizer
7 Weapon Malfunction Weapon Malfunction Cargo/Infantry Hit Turret Jam
8 Stabilizer Crew Stunned Stabilizer Weapon Malfunction
9 Sensors Stabilizer Weapon Destroyed Turret Locks
10 Commander Hit Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Weapon Destroyed
11 Weapon Destroyed Engine Hit Ammunition** Ammunition**
12 Crew Killed Fuel Tank* Fuel Tank* Turret Blown Off

*If Combat Vehicle has ICE engine only. If Combat Vehicle has a fusion engine, treat this result as Engine Hit.
** If Combat Vehicle carries no ammunition, treat this result as Weapon Destroyed.

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Head ( 9 )
Left Torso Right Torso
( 24 ) ( 24 )


Type: JagerMech JM7-DD Name:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 70
Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill:
Walking: 4 Tech Base: Mixed
Running: 6 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jumping: 0 Role: Sniper Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead
Engine Type: 280 XL
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
1 Ultra AC/10 (C) LA 3 10/Sht — 6 12 18
[DB,R/C] Center
Left Arm Torso Right Arm
1 Light AC/5 LA 1 5 [DB,S] — 5 10 15 ( 22 ) ( 34 ) ( 22 )
1 Ultra AC/10 (C) RA 3 10/Sht — 6 12 18
1 Light AC/5 RA 1 5 [DB,S] — 5 10 15
1 ER Medium Laser (IS) LT 5 5 [DE] — 4 8 12 Left Right
Leg Center Leg
1 ER Medium Laser (IS) RT 5 5 [DE] — 4 8 12 ( 22 ) ( 22 )

Left R ght
Torso Rear Torso Rear
Ammo: (LAC/5) 40, (Ultra AC/10) 40
(6) (6)


Endo-Composite Heat
Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow
Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm
1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder
2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30*
3. Ultra AC/10 [Clan] 4. Endo-Composite 3. Ultra AC/10 [Clan]
1-3 4. Ultra AC/10 [Clan] 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Ultra AC/10 [Clan]
5. Ultra AC/10 [Clan] 6. Life Support 5. Ultra AC/10 [Clan] 28*
6. Ultra AC/10 [Clan] 6. Ultra AC/10 [Clan] Left Right 27
Arm Arm 26*
1. Light AC/5 Center Torso 1. Light AC/5
( 11 ) ( 11 )
2. Light AC/5 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Light AC/5 25*
3. Endo-Composite 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Endo-Composite Center 24*
4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous 3. XL Fusion Engine
4-6 4. Ferro-Fibrous Torso
5. Ferro-Fibrous 1-3 4. XL Gyro 5. Ferro-Fibrous ( 22 )
6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Ferro-Fibrous 22*
5. XL Gyro Left Right
6. XL Gyro 21
Leg Leg
( 15 ) ( 15 )
1. XL Gyro
Left Torso (CASE II) 2. XL Gyro Right Torso (CASE II) 19*
1. XL Fusion Engine 3. XL Gyro 1. XL Fusion Engine 18*
2. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17*
3. XL Fusion Engine 3. XL Fusion Engine
1-3 4. ER Medium Laser
XL Fusion Engine
XL Fusion Engine
1-3 4. ER Medium Laser
Double Heat Sinks: 15*
5. Ammo (Ultra AC/10) 10 5. Ammo (Ultra AC/10) 10 Heat
11 (22)
6. Ammo (Ultra AC/10) 10 Engine Hits 6. Ammo (Ultra AC/10) 10 Level* Effects 14*
Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13*
1. Ammo (LAC/5) 20 1. Ammo (LAC/5) 20
Sensor Hits 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+
26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 12
3. Endo-Composite Life Support 3. Endo-Composite 11
4-6 4-6 25 -5 Movement Points
4. Endo-Composite 4. Endo-Composite
24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10*
5. Ferro-Fibrous 5. Ferro-Fibrous
23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+
6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Ferro-Fibrous 9
22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+
20 -4 Movement Points 8*
19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7
Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6
1. Hip 1. Hip 17 +3 Modifier to Fire
2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 15 -3 Movement Points
14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4
3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator
13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3
4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator
5. Ferro-Fibrous 5. Ferro-Fibrous 10 -2 Movement Points 2
Damage Transfer
6. Ferro-Fibrous 6. Ferro-Fibrous 8 +1 Modifier to Fire
Diagram 1
5 -1 Movement Points

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Standard Armor
Head ( 9 )
Left Torso Right Torso
( 23 ) ( 23 )


Type: Viper VP-1 Name:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 70
Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill:
Walking: 4 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Running: 6 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jumping: 4 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead
Engine Type: 280 XL
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
1 Binary Laser (Blazer) LA 16 12 [DE] — 5 10 15
Cannon Center
Left Arm Torso Right Arm
1 Binary Laser (Blazer) RA 16 12 [DE] — 5 10 15 ( 22 ) ( 38 ) ( 22 )
1 Medium Pulse Laser LT 4 6 [P] — 2 4 6
1 Medium Pulse Laser RT 4 6 [P] — 2 4 6
1 Medium Pulse Laser CT 4 6 [P] — 2 4 6 Left Right
Leg Center Leg
(R) ( 30 ) ( 30 )

Left R ght
Torso Rear Torso Rear
(7) (7)


Standard Structure Heat
Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow
Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm
1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder
2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30*
3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator
1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator
5. Double Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28*
6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink Left Right 27
Arm Arm 26*
1. Double Heat Sink Center Torso 1. Double Heat Sink
( 11 ) ( 11 )
2. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon 25*
3. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon Center 24*
4-6 4. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon 3. XL Fusion Engine
4-6 4. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon Torso
5. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon ( 22 )
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22*
5. Gyro Left Right
6. Gyro 21
Leg Leg
( 15 ) ( 15 )
1. Gyro
Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19*
1. XL Fusion Engine 3. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18*
2. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17*
3. XL Fusion Engine 3. XL Fusion Engine
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
Medium Pulse Laser (R)
Roll Again
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
Double Heat Sinks: 15*
5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink Heat
17 (34)
6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink Level* Effects 14*
Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13*
1. Double Heat Sink 1. Double Heat Sink
Sensor Hits 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+
2. Double Heat Sink 2. Double Heat Sink
26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 12
3. Double Heat Sink Life Support 3. Double Heat Sink 11
4-6 4-6 25 -5 Movement Points
4. Medium Pulse Laser 4. Medium Pulse Laser
24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10*
5. Roll Again 5. Roll Again
23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9
22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+
20 -4 Movement Points 8*
19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7
Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6
1. Hip 1. Hip 17 +3 Modifier to Fire
2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 15 -3 Movement Points
14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4
3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator
13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3
4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator
5. Jump Jet 5. Jump Jet 10 -2 Movement Points 2
Damage Transfer
6. Jump Jet 6. Jump Jet 8 +1 Modifier to Fire
Diagram 1
5 -1 Movement Points

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Standard Armor
Head ( 9 )
Left Torso Right Torso
( 23 ) ( 23 )


Type: Viper VP-5 Name:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 70
Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill:
Walking: 4 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Running: 6 Rules Level: Introductory Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jumping: 4 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead
Engine Type: 280 Fusion
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
3 Medium Laser LA 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9
3 Medium Laser RA 3 5 [DE] — 3 6 9 Center
Left Arm Torso Right Arm
1 Large Laser LT 8 8 [DE] — 5 10 15 ( 22 ) ( 38 ) ( 22 )
1 Large Laser RT 8 8 [DE] — 5 10 15

Left Right
Leg Center Leg
( 30 ) Torso ( 30 )

Left R ght
Torso Rear Torso Rear
(7) (7)


Standard Structure Heat
Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow
Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm
1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder
2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30*
3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator
1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator
5. Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Heat Sink 28*
6. Medium Laser 6. Medium Laser Left Right 27
Arm Arm 26*
1. Medium Laser Center Torso 1. Medium Laser
( 11 ) ( 11 )
2. Medium Laser 1. Fusion Engine 2. Medium Laser 25*
3. Roll Again 2. Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24*
4-6 4. Roll Again 3. Fusion Engine
4-6 4. Roll Again Torso
5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 22 )
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22*
5. Gyro Left Right
6. Gyro 21
Leg Leg
( 15 ) ( 15 )
1. Gyro
Left Torso 2. Fusion Engine Right Torso 19*
1. Heat Sink 3. Fusion Engine 1. Heat Sink 18*
2. Heat Sink 4-6 4. Fusion Engine 2. Heat Sink 17*
3. Large Laser 3. Large Laser
1-3 4. Large Laser
Roll Again
Roll Again
1-3 4. Large Laser
Heat Sinks: 15*
5. Roll Again 5. Roll Again Heat
6. Roll Again Engine Hits 6. Roll Again Level* Effects 14*
Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13*
1. Roll Again 1. Roll Again
Sensor Hits 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+
2. Roll Again 2. Roll Again
26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 12
3. Roll Again Life Support 3. Roll Again 11
4-6 4-6 25 -5 Movement Points
4. Roll Again 4. Roll Again
24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10*
5. Roll Again 5. Roll Again
23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9
22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+
20 -4 Movement Points 8*
19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7
Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6
1. Hip 1. Hip 17 +3 Modifier to Fire
2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 15 -3 Movement Points
14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4
3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator
13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3
4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator
5. Jump Jet 5. Jump Jet 10 -2 Movement Points 2
Damage Transfer
6. Jump Jet 6. Jump Jet 8 +1 Modifier to Fire
Diagram 1
5 -1 Movement Points

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Standard Armor
Head ( 9 )
Left Torso Right Torso
( 23 ) ( 23 )


Type: Viper VP-7 Name:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 70
Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill:
Walking: 4 Tech Base: Mixed
Running: 6 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jumping: 4 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead
Engine Type: 280 Light
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
1 Binary Laser (Blazer) LA 16 12 [DE] — 5 10 15
Cannon Center
Left Arm Torso Right Arm
1 Binary Laser (Blazer) RA 16 12 [DE] — 5 10 15 ( 22 ) ( 37 ) ( 22 )
1 ER Medium Laser (C) LT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15
1 Targeting Computer LT — [E] — — — —
(IS) Left Right
Leg Center Leg
1 ER Medium Laser (C) RT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 ( 30 ) ( 30 )
1 ER Medium Laser (C) CT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 (6)
1 Active Probe HD — [E] — — — 5

Left R ght
Torso Rear Torso Rear
(7) (7)


Composite Heat
Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow
Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm
1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder
2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30*
3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Active Probe [Clan] 3. Lower Arm Actuator
1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator
5. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon 6. Life Support 5. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon 28*
6. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon 6. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon Left Right 27
Arm Arm 26*
1. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon Center Torso 1. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon
( 11 ) ( 11 )
2. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon 1. Light Fusion Engine 2. Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon 25*
3. Roll Again 2. Light Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24*
4-6 4. Roll Again 3. Light Fusion Engine
4-6 4. Roll Again Torso
5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 22 )
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22*
5. Gyro Left Right
6. Gyro 21
Leg Leg
( 15 ) ( 15 )
1. Gyro
Left Torso 2. Light Fusion Engine Right Torso 19*
1. Light Fusion Engine 3. Light Fusion Engine 1. Light Fusion Engine 18*
2. Light Fusion Engine 4-6 4. Light Fusion Engine 2. Light Fusion Engine 17*
3. Double Heat Sink 3. Double Heat Sink
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
ER Medium Laser [Clan] (R)
Roll Again
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
Double Heat Sinks: 15*
5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink Heat
13 (26)
6. ER Medium Laser [Clan] Engine Hits 6. ER Medium Laser [Clan] Level* Effects 14*
Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13*
1. Targeting Computer 1. Roll Again
Sensor Hits 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+
2. Targeting Computer 2. Roll Again
26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 12
3. Targeting Computer Life Support 3. Roll Again 11
4-6 4-6 25 -5 Movement Points
4. Targeting Computer 4. Roll Again
24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10*
5. Targeting Computer 5. Roll Again
23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+
6. Targeting Computer 6. Roll Again 9
22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+
20 -4 Movement Points 8*
19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7
Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6
1. Hip 1. Hip 17 +3 Modifier to Fire
2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 15 -3 Movement Points
14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4
3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator
13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3
4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator
5. Jump Jet 5. Jump Jet 10 -2 Movement Points 2
Damage Transfer
6. Jump Jet 6. Jump Jet 8 +1 Modifier to Fire
Diagram 1
5 -1 Movement Points

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Light Ferro-Fibrous
Head ( 9 )
Left Torso Right Torso
( 23 ) ( 23 )


Type: Viper VP-8 Name:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 70
Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill:
Walking: 5 Tech Base: Mixed
Running: 8 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jumping: 5 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead
Engine Type: 350 XL
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
QtyType Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
1 ER Large Laser (C) LA 12 10 [DE] — 8 15 25
1 ER Large Laser (C) RA 12 10 [DE] — 8 15 25 Center
Left Arm Torso Right Arm
1 ER Medium Laser (C) LT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 ( 22 ) ( 38 ) ( 22 )
1 Targeting Computer LT — [E] — — — —
1 ER Medium Laser (C) RT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15
1 ER Medium Laser (C) CT 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 Left Right
Leg Center Leg
(R) ( 30 ) ( 30 )
1 Active Probe HD — [E] — — — 5 (6)

Left R ght
Torso Rear Torso Rear
(7) (7)


Standard Structure Heat
Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow
Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm
1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder
2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30*
3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Active Probe [Clan] 3. Lower Arm Actuator
1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator
5. Double Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28*
6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink Left Right 27
Arm Arm 26*
1. Double Heat Sink Center Torso 1. Double Heat Sink
( 11 ) ( 11 )
2. ER Large Laser [Clan] 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. ER Large Laser [Clan] 25*
3. Light Ferro-Fibrous 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Light Ferro-Fibrous Center 24*
4-6 4. Roll Again 3. XL Fusion Engine
4-6 4. Roll Again Torso
5. Roll Again 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 22 )
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22*
5. Gyro Left Right
6. Gyro 21
Leg Leg
( 15 ) ( 15 )
1. Gyro
Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19*
1. XL Fusion Engine 3. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18*
2. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17*
3. XL Fusion Engine 3. XL Fusion Engine
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
Jump Jet
ER Medium Laser [Clan] (R)
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
Double Heat Sinks: 15*
5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink Heat
18 (36)
6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink Level* Effects 14*
Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13*
1. ER Medium Laser [Clan] 1. ER Medium Laser [Clan]
Sensor Hits 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+
2. Targeting Computer 2. Light Ferro-Fibrous
26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 12
3. Targeting Computer Life Support 3. Light Ferro-Fibrous 11
4-6 4-6 25 -5 Movement Points
4. Targeting Computer 4. Light Ferro-Fibrous
24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10*
5. Light Ferro-Fibrous 5. Light Ferro-Fibrous
23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9
22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+
20 -4 Movement Points 8*
19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7
Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6
1. Hip 1. Hip 17 +3 Modifier to Fire
2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 15 -3 Movement Points
14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4
3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator
13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3
4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator
5. Jump Jet 5. Jump Jet 10 -2 Movement Points 2
Damage Transfer
6. Jump Jet 6. Jump Jet 8 +1 Modifier to Fire
Diagram 1
5 -1 Movement Points

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Standard Armor
Head ( 9 )
Left Torso Right Torso
( 23 ) ( 23 )


Type: Viper VP-9 Name:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 70
Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill:
Walking: 4 Tech Base: Mixed
Running: 6 Rules Level: Advanced Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jumping: 4 Role: Brawler Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead
Engine Type: 280 Light
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
4 Plasma Cannon LA 7 [DE,H,AI] — 6 12 18
1 AES LA — [E] — — — — Center
Left Arm Torso Right Arm
1 Mace RA — 18 — — — — ( 22 ) ( 37 ) ( 22 )
1 Active Probe HD — [E] — — — 5

Left Right
Leg Center Leg
( 30 ) Torso ( 30 )

Left R ght
Torso Rear Torso Rear
Ammo: (Plasma Cannon) 60
(7) (7)


Composite Heat
Head Left Torso ( 15 ) Right Torso ( 15 ) Overflow
Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm
1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder
2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30*
3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Active Probe [Clan] 3. Lower Arm Actuator
1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator
5. Plasma Cannon [Clan] 6. Life Support 5. Mace 28*
6. Plasma Cannon [Clan] 6. Mace Left Right 27
Arm Arm 26*
1. Plasma Cannon [Clan] Center Torso 1. Mace
( 11 ) ( 11 )
2. Plasma Cannon [Clan] 1. Light Fusion Engine 2. Mace 25*
3. AES 2. Light Fusion Engine 3. Mace Center 24*
4-6 4. AES 3. Light Fusion Engine
4-6 4. Mace Torso
5. AES 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Mace ( 22 )
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22*
5. Gyro Left Right
6. Gyro 21
Leg Leg
( 15 ) ( 15 )
1. Gyro
Left Torso 2. Light Fusion Engine Right Torso 19*
1. Light Fusion Engine 3. Light Fusion Engine 1. Light Fusion Engine 18*
2. Light Fusion Engine 4-6 4. Light Fusion Engine 2. Light Fusion Engine 17*
3. Ammo (Plasma Cannon) 10 3. Double Heat Sink
1-3 4. Ammo (Plasma Cannon) 10
Roll Again
Roll Again
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
Double Heat Sinks: 15*
5. Ammo (Plasma Cannon) 10 5. Double Heat Sink Heat
13 (26)
6. Ammo (Plasma Cannon) 10 Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink Level* Effects 14*
Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13*
1. Ammo (Plasma Cannon) 10 1. Double Heat Sink
Sensor Hits 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+
2. Ammo (Plasma Cannon) 10 2. Double Heat Sink
26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 12
3. Roll Again Life Support 3. Roll Again 11
4-6 4-6 25 -5 Movement Points
4. Roll Again 4. Roll Again
24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10*
5. Roll Again 5. Roll Again
23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9
22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+
20 -4 Movement Points 8*
19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7
Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6
1. Hip 1. Hip 17 +3 Modifier to Fire
2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 15 -3 Movement Points
14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4
3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator
13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3
4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator
5. Jump Jet 5. Jump Jet 10 -2 Movement Points 2
Damage Transfer
6. Jump Jet 6. Jump Jet 8 +1 Modifier to Fire
Diagram 1
5 -1 Movement Points

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Standard Armor
Head ( 9 )
Left Torso Right Torso
( 24 ) ( 24 )


Type: Blood Asp (Star Adder) T Name:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 90
Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill:
Walking: 4 Tech Base: Mixed
Running: 6 [8] Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jumping: 0 Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead
Engine Type: 360 XL
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
1 ER Large Laser (C) LA 12 10 [DE] — 8 15 25
2 ER Medium Laser (C) LA 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15 Center
Left Arm Torso Right Arm
1 ER Large Laser (C) RA 12 10 [DE] — 8 15 25 ( 28 ) ( 40 ) ( 28 )
2 ER Medium Laser (C) RA 5 7 [DE] — 5 10 15
1 Plasma Rifle LT 10 10 [DE,H] — 5 10 15
1 Plasma Rifle RT 10 10 [DE,H] — 5 10 15
1 SRM 6 (C) CT 4 2/Msl [M,C,S] — 3 6 9 Left Right
Leg Center Leg
( 34 ) Torso ( 34 )
( 13 )

Torso Rear Torso Rear
Ammo: (Plasma Rifle) 50, (SRM 6) 15
( 11 ) ( 11 )


Endo Steel Heat
Head Left Torso ( 19 ) Right Torso ( 19 ) Overflow
Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm
1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder
2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30*
3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Endo Steel 3. Lower Arm Actuator
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
5. Double Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28*
6. ER Large Laser 6. Double Heat Sink Left Right 27
Arm Arm 26*
1. ER Medium Laser Center Torso 1. Double Heat Sink
( 15 ) ( 15 )
2. ER Medium Laser 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. ER Large Laser 25*
3. Endo Steel 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. ER Medium Laser Center 24*
4-6 4. Endo Steel 3. XL Fusion Engine
4-6 4. ER Medium Laser Torso
5. Endo Steel 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Endo Steel ( 29 )
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22*
5. Gyro Left Right
6. Gyro 21
Leg Leg
( 19 ) ( 19 )
1. Gyro
Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso (CASE II) 19*
1. XL Fusion Engine 3. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18*
2. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17*
3. Double Heat Sink 3. Double Heat Sink
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
Double Heat Sinks: 15*
5. Double Heat Sink 5. Plasma Rifle [IS] Heat
22 (44)
6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Plasma Rifle [IS] Level* Effects 14*
Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13*
1. Plasma Rifle [IS] 1. Ammo (SRM 6) 15
Sensor Hits 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+
2. Plasma Rifle [IS] 2. Ammo (Plasma Rifle) 10
26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 12
3. Ammo (Plasma Rifle) 10 Life Support 3. Ammo (Plasma Rifle) 10 11
4-6 4-6 25 -5 Movement Points
4. Ammo (Plasma Rifle) 10 4. CASE II
24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10*
5. Ammo (Plasma Rifle) 10 5. Endo Steel
23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+
6. Endo Steel 6. Roll Again 9
22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+
20 -4 Movement Points 8*
19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7
Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6
1. Hip 1. Hip 17 +3 Modifier to Fire
2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 15 -3 Movement Points
14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4
3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator
13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3
4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator
5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink 10 -2 Movement Points 2
Damage Transfer
6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink 8 +1 Modifier to Fire
Diagram 1
5 -1 Movement Points

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Standard Armor
Head ( 9 )
Left Torso Right Torso
( 24 ) ( 24 )


Type: Blood Asp (Star Adder) E Name:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 90
Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill:
Walking: 4 Tech Base: Clan
Running: 6 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jumping: 4 Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead
Engine Type: 360 XL
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
2 ATM 3 LA 2 [M,C,S]
Standard 2/Msl 4 5 10 15 Center
Left Arm Torso Right Arm
Extended Range 1/Msl 4 9 18 27 ( 28 ) ( 40 ) ( 28 )
High Explosive 3/Msl — 3 6 9
2 ATM 3 RA 2 [M,C,S]
Standard 2/Msl 4 5 10 15
Extended Range 1/Msl 4 9 18 27 Left Right
Leg Center Leg
High Explosive 3/Msl — 3 6 9 ( 34 ) ( 34 )
1 ER PPC LT 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23 ( 13 )
1 Medium Pulse Laser LT 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12
1 Targeting Computer LT — [E] — — — —
1 ER PPC RT 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23
1 Medium Pulse Laser RT 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12

Torso Rear Torso Rear
Ammo: (ATM 3) 40
( 11 ) ( 11 )


Endo Steel Heat
Head Left Torso ( 19 ) Right Torso ( 19 ) Overflow
Left Arm (CASE) 1. Life Support Right Arm (CASE)
1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder
2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30*
3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Endo Steel 3. Lower Arm Actuator
1-3 4. Hand Actuator 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Hand Actuator
5. ATM 3 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28*
6. ATM 3 6. Double Heat Sink Left Right 27
Arm Arm 26*
1. ATM 3 Center Torso 1. ATM 3
( 15 ) ( 15 )
2. ATM 3 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. ATM 3 25*
3. Ammo (ATM 3) 20 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. ATM 3 Center 24*
4-6 4. Endo Steel 3. XL Fusion Engine
4-6 4. ATM 3 Torso
5. Endo Steel 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Ammo (ATM 3) 20 ( 29 )
6. Endo Steel 6. Endo Steel 22*
5. Gyro Left Right
6. Gyro 21
Leg Leg
( 19 ) ( 19 )
1. Gyro
Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19*
1. XL Fusion Engine 3. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18*
2. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17*
3. Double Heat Sink 3. Double Heat Sink
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
Double Heat Sink
Double Heat Sink
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
Double Heat Sinks: 15*
5. ER PPC 5. Double Heat Sink Heat
20 (40)
6. ER PPC Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink Level* Effects 14*
Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13*
1. Medium Pulse Laser 1. Double Heat Sink
Sensor Hits 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+
2. Targeting Computer 2. Double Heat Sink
26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 12
3. Targeting Computer Life Support 3. ER PPC 11
4-6 4-6 25 -5 Movement Points
4. Targeting Computer 4. ER PPC
24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10*
5. Targeting Computer 5. Medium Pulse Laser
23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+
6. Endo Steel 6. Endo Steel 9
22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+
20 -4 Movement Points 8*
19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7
Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6
1. Hip 1. Hip 17 +3 Modifier to Fire
2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 15 -3 Movement Points
14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4
3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator
13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3
4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator
5. Jump Jet 5. Jump Jet 10 -2 Movement Points 2
Damage Transfer
6. Jump Jet 6. Jump Jet 8 +1 Modifier to Fire
Diagram 1
5 -1 Movement Points

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Standard Armor
Head ( 9 )
Left Torso Right Torso
( 24 ) ( 24 )


Type: Blood Asp (Star Adder) F Name:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 90
Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill:
Walking: 4 Tech Base: Clan
Running: 6 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jumping: 0 Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead
Engine Type: 360 XL
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
1 ER PPC LA 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23
1 Plasma Cannon LA 7 [DE,H,AI] — 6 12 18 Center
Left Arm Torso Right Arm
1 ER PPC RA 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23 ( 28 ) ( 40 ) ( 28 )
2 Medium Pulse Laser RA 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12
2 Streak SRM 6 LT 4 2/Msl [M,C] — 4 8 12
2 Streak SRM 6 RT 4 2/Msl [M,C] — 4 8 12
2 AP Gauss Rifle CT 1 3 [DB,AI,X] — 3 6 9 Left Right
Leg Center Leg
( 34 ) Torso ( 34 )
( 13 )

Torso Rear Torso Rear
Ammo: (AP Gauss) 40, (Plasma Cannon) 10, (Streak SRM 6) 45
( 11 ) ( 11 )


Endo Steel Heat
Head Left Torso ( 19 ) Right Torso ( 19 ) Overflow
Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm
1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder
2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30*
3. Double Heat Sink 4. Endo Steel 3. ER PPC
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Sensors 1-3 4. ER PPC
5. ER PPC 6. Life Support 5. Medium Pulse Laser 28*
6. ER PPC 6. Medium Pulse Laser Left Right 27
Arm Arm 26*
1. Plasma Cannon Center Torso (CASE) 1. Endo Steel
( 15 ) ( 15 )
2. Ammo (Plasma Cannon) 10 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Roll Again 25*
3. Endo Steel 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24*
4-6 4. Endo Steel 3. XL Fusion Engine
4-6 4. Roll Again Torso
5. Endo Steel 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 29 )
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22*
5. Gyro Left Right
6. Gyro 21
Leg Leg
( 19 ) ( 19 )
1. Gyro
Left Torso (CASE) 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso (CASE) 19*
1. XL Fusion Engine 3. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18*
2. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17*
3. Double Heat Sink 3. Double Heat Sink
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
AP Gauss Rifle
AP Gauss Rifle
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
Double Heat Sinks: 15*
5. Streak SRM 6 5. Streak SRM 6 Heat
19 (38)
6. Streak SRM 6 Engine Hits 6. Streak SRM 6 Level* Effects 14*
Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13*
1. Streak SRM 6 1. Streak SRM 6
Sensor Hits 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+
2. Streak SRM 6 2. Streak SRM 6
26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 12
3. Ammo (Streak SRM 6) 15 Life Support 3. Ammo (Streak SRM 6) 15 11
4-6 4-6 25 -5 Movement Points
4. Ammo (AP Gauss) 40 4. Ammo (Streak SRM 6) 15
24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10*
5. Endo Steel 5. Endo Steel
23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 9
22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+
20 -4 Movement Points 8*
19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7
Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6
1. Hip 1. Hip 17 +3 Modifier to Fire
2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 15 -3 Movement Points
14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4
3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator
13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3
4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator
5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink 10 -2 Movement Points 2
Damage Transfer
6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink 8 +1 Modifier to Fire
Diagram 1
5 -1 Movement Points

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Standard Armor
Head ( 9 )
Left Torso Right Torso
( 24 ) ( 24 )


Type: Blood Asp (Star Adder) G Name:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 90
Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill:
Walking: 4 Tech Base: Clan
Running: 6 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jumping: 0 Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead
Engine Type: 360 XL
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
1 HAG/40 LT/LA 8 40 [C,F,X] 2 8 16 24
1 ER Large Laser RA 12 10 [DE] — 8 15 25 Center
Left Arm Torso Right Arm
1 Heavy Medium Laser RA 7 10 [DE] — 3 6 9 ( 28 ) ( 40 ) ( 28 )
2 Medium Pulse Laser RA 4 7 [P] — 4 8 12
1 Heavy Medium Laser LT 7 10 [DE] — 3 6 9
1 ER Large Laser RT 12 10 [DE] — 8 15 25
1 Targeting Computer RT — [E] — — — — Left Right
Leg Center Leg
( 34 ) Torso ( 34 )
( 13 )

Torso Rear Torso Rear
Ammo: (HAG/40) 12
( 11 ) ( 11 )


Endo Steel Heat
Head Left Torso ( 19 ) Right Torso ( 19 ) Overflow
Left Arm (CASE) 1. Life Support Right Arm
1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder
2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30*
3. HAG/40 4. Endo Steel 3. ER Large Laser
1-3 4. HAG/40 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Heavy Medium Laser
5. HAG/40 6. Life Support 5. Heavy Medium Laser 28*
6. HAG/40 6. Medium Pulse Laser Left Right 27
Arm Arm 26*
1. HAG/40 Center Torso 1. Medium Pulse Laser
( 15 ) ( 15 )
2. HAG/40 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Endo Steel 25*
3. HAG/40 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Roll Again Center 24*
4-6 4. Endo Steel 3. XL Fusion Engine
4-6 4. Roll Again Torso
5. Endo Steel 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 29 )
6. Endo Steel 6. Roll Again 22*
5. Gyro Left Right
6. Gyro 21
Leg Leg
( 19 ) ( 19 )
1. Gyro
Left Torso (CASE) 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso 19*
1. XL Fusion Engine 3. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18*
2. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17*
3. HAG/40 3. Double Heat Sink
1-3 4. HAG/40
Double Heat Sink
Double Heat Sink
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
Double Heat Sinks: 15*
5. HAG/40 5. ER Large Laser Heat
16 (32)
6. Heavy Medium Laser Engine Hits 6. Targeting Computer Level* Effects 14*
Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13*
1. Heavy Medium Laser 1. Targeting Computer
Sensor Hits 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+
2. Ammo (HAG/40) 3 2. Targeting Computer
26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 12
3. Ammo (HAG/40) 3 Life Support 3. Targeting Computer 11
4-6 4-6 25 -5 Movement Points
4. Ammo (HAG/40) 3 4. Targeting Computer
24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10*
5. Ammo (HAG/40) 3 5. Targeting Computer
23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+
6. Endo Steel 6. Endo Steel 9
22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+
20 -4 Movement Points 8*
19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7
Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6
1. Hip 1. Hip 17 +3 Modifier to Fire
2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 15 -3 Movement Points
14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4
3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator
13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3
4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator
5. Roll Again 5. Roll Again 10 -2 Movement Points 2
Damage Transfer
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 8 +1 Modifier to Fire
Diagram 1
5 -1 Movement Points

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.
Standard Armor
Head ( 9 )
Left Torso Right Torso
( 24 ) ( 24 )


Type: Blood Asp (Star Adder) I Name:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 90
Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill:
Walking: 4 Tech Base: Mixed
Running: 6 Rules Level: Advanced Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jumping: 0 Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead
Engine Type: 360 XL
Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)
Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
1 Large Re-engineered LA 9 9 [P] — 5 10 15
Laser Center
Left Arm Torso Right Arm
1 Large Re-engineered RA 9 9 [P] — 5 10 15 ( 28 ) ( 40 ) ( 28 )
4 ER Small Laser (C) LT 2 5 [DE] — 2 4 6
1 Imp. Heavy Gauss CT/RT 2 22 [DB,X] 3 6 12 19
Rifle Left Right
Leg Center Leg
( 34 ) Torso ( 34 )
( 13 )

Torso Rear Torso Rear
Ammo: (iHeavy Gauss) 16
( 11 ) ( 11 )


Endo Steel Heat
Head Left Torso ( 19 ) Right Torso ( 19 ) Overflow
Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm
1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder
2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30*
3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Endo Steel 3. Lower Arm Actuator
1-3 4. Large Re-engineered Laser [IS] 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Large Re-engineered Laser [IS]
5. Large Re-engineered Laser [IS] 6. Life Support 5. Large Re-engineered Laser [IS] 28*
6. Large Re-engineered Laser [IS] 6. Large Re-engineered Laser [IS] Left Right 27
Arm Arm 26*
1. Large Re-engineered Laser [IS] Center Torso (CASE) 1. Large Re-engineered Laser [IS]
( 15 ) ( 15 )
2. Large Re-engineered Laser [IS] 1. XL Fusion Engine 2. Large Re-engineered Laser [IS] 25*
3. Endo Steel 2. XL Fusion Engine 3. Endo Steel Center 24*
4-6 4. Endo Steel 3. XL Fusion Engine
4-6 4. Roll Again Torso
5. Endo Steel 1-3 4. Gyro 5. Roll Again ( 29 )
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 22*
5. Gyro Left Right
6. Gyro 21
Leg Leg
( 19 ) ( 19 )
1. Gyro
Left Torso 2. XL Fusion Engine Right Torso (CASE) 19*
1. XL Fusion Engine 3. XL Fusion Engine 1. XL Fusion Engine 18*
2. XL Fusion Engine 4-6 4. XL Fusion Engine 2. XL Fusion Engine 17*
3. ER Small Laser 3. Imp. Heavy Gauss Rifle [IS]
1-3 4. ER Small Laser
Imp. Heavy Gauss Rifle [IS]
Imp. Heavy Gauss Rifle [IS]
1-3 4. Imp. Heavy Gauss Rifle [IS]
Double Heat Sinks: 15*
5. ER Small Laser 5. Imp. Heavy Gauss Rifle [IS] Heat
14 (28)
6. ER Small Laser Engine Hits 6. Imp. Heavy Gauss Rifle [IS] Level* Effects 14*
Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13*
1. Ammo (iHeavy Gauss) 4 1. Imp. Heavy Gauss Rifle [IS]
Sensor Hits 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+
2. Ammo (iHeavy Gauss) 4 2. Imp. Heavy Gauss Rifle [IS]
26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 12
3. Ammo (iHeavy Gauss) 4 Life Support 3. Imp. Heavy Gauss Rifle [IS] 11
4-6 4-6 25 -5 Movement Points
4. Ammo (iHeavy Gauss) 4 4. Imp. Heavy Gauss Rifle [IS]
24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10*
5. Endo Steel 5. Imp. Heavy Gauss Rifle [IS]
23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+
6. Roll Again 6. Endo Steel 9
22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+
20 -4 Movement Points 8*
19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7
Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6
1. Hip 1. Hip 17 +3 Modifier to Fire
2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 15 -3 Movement Points
14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4
3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator
13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3
4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator
5. Roll Again 5. Roll Again 10 -2 Movement Points 2
Damage Transfer
6. Roll Again 6. Roll Again 8 +1 Modifier to Fire
Diagram 1
5 -1 Movement Points

© 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, 'Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.

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