English 1 Book Report
English 1 Book Report
English 1 Book Report
John D. Mock
English 1-A/B
21 November 2023 (I’ll need the report 10 days before the Recurso Exam to get it graded
in a timely fashion) (The same is true of the special exam: 10 days before the exam).
All projects should be word-processed using Microsoft Word. You should deliver an
The pages should be set up with margins of 2.5cm on all sides (File > Page setup); the font
should be Times New Roman 12pt (Format > Font); the line-spacing should be 2.0 (Format >
Paragraph); the first line of paragraphs should be indented (meaning no extra space between
paragraphs). This text is formatted already… so you can duplicate the instructions, delete
The papers should be presented as a continuous piece of text. The information should be
organized into paragraphs. The main topic of each paragraph should be clear to the reader,
and the paragraphs should be both coherent in themselves and sequenced intelligently, with
logical transitions from one paragraph to the next. You should write in a relatively formal
style, as is appropriate for an academic context. (i.e. without using short forms, colloquial
language, etc).
Your Full Name 2
Your Name
John D. Mock
English 1-A/B
21 November 2023
The Book Report on The Foreign Student (This is MY title: you all need to think of your
This exercise, which is worth 25% of the periodic grade and 30% of the Recurso and
Special Exam grade, is based around summary writing skills, as presented in the first unit of
OEAP. A report is, after all, a summary, for the most part. Reporters report. Teachers teach.
Students study. A report does not begin with the words "I think" or "I believe". It is like,
perhaps, an autopsy. :) (Oh, come on, the book begins with death, in some ways, so why not
go morbid?)
It is to be remembered that this is not compare and contrast or pros and cons. It is a
report/summary. The foreign student though helps you, the student, to organize things. In the
table of contents, you already have a good possible outline for a summary/report.
I. Introduction. Paris. Of course it is not just a summary of that little bit of writing
called "Prologue." It needs to set up the rest of the report. We think more about intros and
conclusions in English 2. But you need to be thinking about them already. And easy way of
doing this is: "Phillippe Labro's The Foreign Student begins in a classroom..."
V. Conclusion. In this case, a summary of the epilogue springs to mind. But already, I
am allowing some judgement for the last two sentences, for example. This is a place where I
Your Full Name 3
am allowing you to say "I think/believe" is you wish. Believe it or not, in academic writing
you can express an opinion without using the word "I". But this is English 2 and 3 and 4 stuff.
Frequently, in high school, the easy route is taken... which is not entirely academic. But how
to high school teachers know how many or which students will be taking the next academic
leap? :)
Skype. Covid did teach "me" that conferencing sometimes works better via video. :) There are
things you can do that can't be done physically face-to-face. It is personal and professional at
the same time. On-to-one. More people added to online instruction ... more people in little
First things first... start reading, and I'll give you that spoiler alert you think you don't
want: the foreign student gets to stay in the good ole USA. :) Reading academically is
different than reading for pleasure. You enter the arena of the Coliseum as informed as you
can possibly be. About your opponent... In this case ... a "text". Sometimes opponents can
become friends... :)