Kirwin V Pilbara Infrastructure Pty LTD
Kirwin V Pilbara Infrastructure Pty LTD
Kirwin V Pilbara Infrastructure Pty LTD
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Simon Di Rosso
Kirwin v Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd
| (2012) 217 IR 203 | [2012] WASC 99 | BC201201523
Court: WASC
Judges: Hall J
WorkSafe WA has lost its appeal against a Magistrates Court decision that Fortescue Metals Group did not fail to
provide a safe work environment at a railway camp during Cyclone George in 2007. Numerous workers were
injured and one killed when the storm tore pre-fabricated accommodation buildings away from their footings. It was
accepted at trial that the buildings did not meet relevant design standards. The court agreed with the magistrate's
conclusion that the nature of the hazard and the means to reduce any associated risk fell within the expertise of an
independent contractor, not Fortescue. Apart from seeking assurances that buildings had been built to an
appropriate standing, there was nothing more Fortescue could reasonably have been expected to do in the
Industrial law — Occupational health and safety — Duties of employers — Duty to do all that is reasonably
practicable to ensure safe working environment
Winds caused buildings to pull away from footings and, as consequence, numerous workers injured and one killed.
Subsequent investigation revealed that buildings did not meet relevant design standards.
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Kirwin v Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd
Respondents charged under (WA) Occupational Health and Safety Act 1984 with failing to provide and maintain
working environment which did not expose workers to hazards.
Claimed had no expertise in designing and building work camps and had contracted others to do work and had
relied on contractors to meet necessary standards.
WAMC not satisfied that respondents had failed to do all they reasonably could to protect workers from hazards and
dismissed charges.
Appellant WorkSafe claimed WAMC erred in finding that respondent reasonably relied on expertise of contractors.
Established issue of design and of ensuring that buildings were checked by appropriately qualified engineers were
matters that were taken into account when respondents engaged contractors.
Established fact that contractors did not do what respondents expected them to did not lead to conclusion that
respondents failed in their duty.
Established nature of hazard and means to reduce risk of harm fell within expertise of contractors.
Established, other than seek assurances that buildings had been built to appropriate standards, nothing more that
respondents could reasonably have been expected to do.
Appeal dismissed.
Litigation History
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Kirwin v Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd
BC202040506at [572]
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Kirwin v Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd
BC201103077at [31]-[32]
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Kirwin v Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd
(2008) 36 WAR 492; (2008) 173 IR 307; [2008] WASCA 84; BC200802582
BC200510588at [26]-[28]
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Kirwin v Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd
BC200300965at [45]
BC200107984at [55]
(1990) 170 CLR 249; (1990) 95 ALR 481; (1990) 64 ALJR 599; (1990) 50 A Crim
R 85; (1990) 34 IR 412; [1990] HCA 41; BC9002934
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Kirwin v Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd
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Simon Di Rosso