CE100 Jan 2016
CE100 Jan 2016
CE100 Jan 2016
Reg. No.: _ Name: ----------
. Part A
1. Explain relevance of Civil engineering in the overall infrastructural development of the country.
2. Discuss the difference between plinth area and carpet area.
3. Enumerate the principles considered for the survey of a land.
4. Explain different types of steel with their properties.
5. Defme bearing capacity of soil.
6. What are the various roofing materials available?
7. List the different types of flooring materials.
8. What are the .............................................
purposes of air conditioning a building?
9. Write short note on towers.
10. .............................................
Difference between elevators and escalators.
11. List out the types of building as per occupancy. Explain any two, each in about five sentences.
12. Discuss the components of a building with a neat figure.
13. List the steps'in the setting out of foundation in centre line method
14. What are the open space requirements you should provide in constructing a building?
15. What are the points to be considered while selecting the position of doors and windows inside a
16. Write short notes on Total Station.
17. The following staff readings were observed successively with a level, instrument having been
moved after third, sixth and eighth readings: 2.228, 1.606, 0.988, 2.090, 2.864, 1.262, 0.602,
1.982, 1.044, 2.684, meters. Enter the above readings in a page of a level book and calculate.
R.L. of points if the first reading was taken with a staff held on a bench mark of 432.384 m.
18. What are the constituents of cement and explain the function of each?
19. Write short notes on electronic distance meter and digital level.
20. What are the different kinds of cement available and what is 'their use?
Answer any 2full questions
22. A) Explain step by step procedure for fmishing of a wall using plastering (5)
B) What is meant by intelligent building? What are the various conditions-to be satisfied by
intelligent buildings? (6)
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