artifactsfs2WPS Office
artifactsfs2WPS Office
artifactsfs2WPS Office
Personal qualities as well as professional competencies were tought to me. Also, I learned that
using professional competency in teaching provides a more encouraging environment for students
and creates a bread honizon of knowledge for them, making them feel secure in the knowledge
they gain from the teacher. Another thing I learned is that as a professional you must seek out all of
your students' needs provide or give them the appropriate treatment for their difficulties. I also
learned that as future educators, we must priorities what is the best for our students over all else
because it is one of the most important aspect of being a teacher. Furthermore, it gives me on idea
of how these two qualities help you work towards your goals while also working efficiently with
your students. I realized that if you want to be a great teacher, you must demonstrate certain
competences in Order to meet the standards of a great teacher. I also realized that having the two
qualities would help me become a better teacher in the future. Another thing is that it would be
ideal if I possessed these two qualities because they would be of great assistance to me since we
still be practicing teaching soon. Developing these skills, or qualties, through the course. I'm will be
extremely benefecial to me. I know it won't be easy, but I'm willing currently enrolled in will to work
hard to improve these skills through the course I'm currently studying. And so I will do my best to
develop all of the competencies because, for me, each course teaches requires improvement, and I
want to excel in each competency in order to be a better teacher for my students. Also I want to
have these qualities now I am halfway through my future career. Maybe right now, but I hope to
have those qualities in the near future. This simply a matter of willingness and acceptance to
develop such qualities. It would be difficulty but I'm willing to give it a shot and see what happens.
Work on my Artifacts
It is widely that the problem for my children who have limited consonant and vowel knowledge
limited concrown words within text that they are exposed to in their in this studies have targeted
teaching segmenting and. Heading class on the identification of simple time units. which in turn
increases the success a In this child has in this more of Phonemic awareness. I present study, three
students in year one who have reacling difficulties were exposed to explicit teaching of eight two
letter rime units from the thirty-seven dependable rimes, The teaching consolidated the childrens
Prior knowledge and targeted their developing awareness of time units and their ability to blent
and segment words containing these. Word reading accuracy was tested bes before and after the
Action Research project. After the initial testing a services of lesson was developed which were
appropriate to the group of children. Students were withraw from their classrooms in a group for
eight. 30 minutes lessons over a two-weeks period. The eight two letter rime units were taught
intensively over this period and a further assessment was carried out at the conclusion of the
teaching period.
The aim of the study was to examine the effect of the perception of students about classroom
learning environment on their academic achievements at secondary level to the Mathematics
classrooms. The participants were selected from the secondary level of Tchsil Rawalpindi and
Islamabad (Faderal Area), Pakistan. Twenty four schools were selected randomly. A total of five
hundred sixteen students of 10th grade studying Mathematics in Twenty Seven Schools/
classrooms, were included in the sample. Classroom Environment Instrument (Personal Form) was
used to measure the students' perceptions after translating it into Undu por Undu medium schools.
The pilot testing was carried out before the actual application of this Instrument. The reliability of
the instrument was determined by the use of Cronbach Alpha which was found on 0.85. The moiks
Obtained by Students in the subject of Mathematics in annual examination in 10th grade conducted
by both BISE Rawalpindi and PBISE Islamabad were taken as achievements in Mathematics. The
data was organyzed using multiple regression, Pearson r and ANOVA to find out the spect of
perception of students about classroom learning environment on their academic achievements. The
results of study revealed that the subscales, 'Involvement, Personal Relevance, Emphosis' on
understanding! were major parts predictions contributing towards classroom learning environment
and students academic achievements where as subscales "Investigation and "Autonomy' have
negative effect on students academic achievements. The rescorter recomends that active
involvement of the low actievers may affect thair learning Positively.
III. Abstract
The area of focus for my project is Improving Reading Comprehension through Higher order
thinking skill Activities. Without the solid foundation. Higher thinking skills feels the children the Use
of reading skill the My leaming the best comprehension strategies and how to best teach these
strategical to the pupils, the restorasenhores to prosits the solid foundation needed to suced. A the
school's NAT result has met er exceeds its expectation, still the researcher has a of a way to improve
it. In reading class, the grade three pupil's scored 84%, but the scorgis dropped in the 4th grade. So
the researcher concludes that the pupils score decreaseres because of the pupils have very poor
higher-order thinking skills to Increase reading test scores and develop meaning ful reading
experience to the pupils.
The metacomprehension strategy index had a total of 25 questions divided into three ports that
asked about the strategles students used to help them better understand the Story Part I of MSI is
consist of stolement about the strategies used while used prior to readling a storg, Part is of the MSI
consist of statement of about the strategies used white reading a story, and the part III of the MSI
consist of statement about the strategies wed after reading the story.
The second quality is openness, I'd like to decorate the walls with students artwork. This will
increase the student's self-steem, creating a cozy reading comer for six-year-olds. For evaniple, will
urage the learner to read more. Furthermore, I Believe that I encourage t can help the children Can
reach their full physical, mental and emotional potential by introducing shared open spaces with
other closses.
The third foctor is the availability of resources, As a future teacher, I must remember that not only
will making the most of the resources save me time and money, but Student's ability to leam it will
also benefit a and develop. So I'm going to give myself permission to obtain the resources I require
to Improve my students learning experience. Video, powerpoint presentation, worksheets, folders
and files, and books and dictionaries are examples. This enables me and my students to keep an
organized environment while also ossissting them in making the most of their learning experience.
Throughout this episode, I accomplished a lot in terms of giving my own ideas of what should be
included in the learning materials you teach, it should be have an accurate and meaningful content
so that students engage in a setting where they can learn and grow also. It's important that you as a
teacher can come up a good lesson so that the stuctent will not be bored and focus or the lesson
and not on other things. Second is elicits students you need to catch their ideas to the class.
Students should be the center of the lesson, you need to embody them to (be able to Share their
ideas to the class) the contents so that they leam and understand equally and holistically, another
one is inclusive and free from cultural bias this is one thing we should consider always. Coss ore
composed of girs and boys so be careful to come up a biased leaming situation so that you don't
create conflict and we need to have o conductive yet equal teaching. If you apply any of that, then
you can have wonderful teaching and learning.
A learning management system (LMS) is one of e-learning tool that has been widely used to
improve students learning experience and the construction of their understanding of certain topic.
In the past decade, learning management system (LMS) have become the standard on college
campuses. However, some teachers are growing Increasingly frustrated with LMS and its
limitations, especially within online classrooms. The use of Learning Management System (LNS) as
tools for learning in the present internet age is seen as an Important solution to remedy major
bleans particularly force by higher education Instructors, students and universities.
Throughout this episode, I accomplished a lot in terms of giving my own ideas of what should be
included in the learning materials you teach, it should be have an accurate and meaningful content
so that students engage in a setting where they can learn and grow also. It's important that you as a
teacher can come up a good lesson so that the student will not be bored and focus on the lesson
and not on other things. Second is elicits students you need to catch their ideas to the class.
Students should be the center of the lesson, you need to embody them to (be able to Share their
ideas to the class) the contents so that they leam and understand equally and holistically, another
one is inclusive and free from cultural bias this is one thing we should consider always. Coss ore
composed of girs and boys so be careful to come up a biased leaming situation so that you don't
create conflict and we need to have o conductive yet equal teaching. If you apply any of that, then
you can have wonderful teaching and learning.
A Learning management system (LMS) is one of e-learning tool that has been widely used to
improve students learning experience and the construction of their understanding of certain topic.
In the past decade, leaming management system (LMS) have become the standard on clalege
campuses. However, some teachers are growing Increasingly frustrated with LMS and its
limitations, especially within online classrooms. The use of Leaming Management System (LMS) as
tools for leaming in the present internet age is seen as an Important solution to remedy major
bleans particularly focad by education Instructors, students and universities.