41 Ijmtst0703117
41 Ijmtst0703117
41 Ijmtst0703117
International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, 7(03): 272-279, 2021
Copyright © 2021 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
ISSN: 2455-3778 online
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46501/IJMTST0703041
Available online at: http://www.ijmtst.com/vol7issue03.html
1PG Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology (A), Rajahmundry
2AssistantProfessor, Department of Civil Engineering, Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology (A), Rajahmundry
3Professor & Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology (A), Rajahmundry
Article Info
Received on 15-February-2021, Revised on 10-March-2021, Accepted on 21-March-2021, Published on 23-March-2021.
As the population is growing, urbanization is caused which results in increasing of traffic with usage in more
number of vehicles for different means of transport.As stated above the growth of population and the usage of
vehicles for their different means will automatically result in increase in flow of vehicles which is called as
traffic. To overcome the issue of traffic getting jammed (which means having obstacles for free moment or flow
at a particular place), there are many different ways implemented to overcome it. When coming to Highways
one of the efficient ways of overcoming it is construction of a flyover.Here in this project we are going to a
design a flyover at Morampudi Junction located in Rajahmundry Andhra Pradesh along the National
Highway 216A as a proposal in order to overcome the issue of traffic jam and also to reduce the rate of
accidents occurring at the junction.
By considering all the data collected conducting different examinations I am going to design and analyze the
flyover using software STAAD.Pro V8i to study Bending Moment, Shear Force, Nodal Displacement values by
considering various types of loads considered are Dead Loads, Live Loads, Wind Loads, Vehicle Load which
are taken from Indian Standard Codes IS – 456, IS – 800 & IRC: 6 - 2016.
KEYWORDS: STAAD.PRO V8i, Shear force, Bending moment, IS – 456, IS – 800 &IRC: 6-2016
Fig.1Dead Load
Soil pressure at ultimate load (qu) =
area of footing
Fig.5 Wind Load =
2.1 𝑥 2.1
= 255 KN/m2
qu= 0.255 N/m2
c. Depth of footing
Mu =Mu lim
Mu = 0.138 fck Bd2
Mu= qu
2100 2100 −300 2
= 0.255 x
Mu = 216.88 x 106N-mm
0.138 x FckxB
[1] IRC 21-2000 – Standard Specifications And Code Of
Practice For Road Bridges Section II
[2] Rajeev Sharma (2015) „Nonlinear Static Analysis of RC
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[3] IRC 6-2000 – Standard Specifications And Code Of Practice
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[4] Bridge Design using the STAAD.Pro/BEAVA AASHTO Code
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[5] AASHTO (2003), Standard Specifications For Highway
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Skew Bridges Using Computational Methods” International
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[7] K.S.RAKSHIT, Design and Construction of Highway
Bridges New Central Book Agency.
[8] JAYARAM,T.R. JAGADEESH AND M.A. Design of Bridge
Structures Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
CONCLUSIONS [9] D.JOHNSON VICTOR, Essentials of Bridge Engineering
This project concludes with planning, design and Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
[10] C.S. PAPACOSTAS, Fundamentals of Transportation
analysis of a fly over.
Engineering Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
1. Based on study area flyover construction is best [11] Ajit Singh (2006),“Analysis of skew effect on slab bridges”,
and economically low cost which is essential at M.Tech Dissertation IIT Roorkee.
National Highway 216A which is always busy with [12] Ahmed Abdel-Mohti and Gokhan Pekcan
(2013),“Assessment of seismic performance of skew on RC
traffic moment. Located at Morumpudi junction in
box gireder bridges” International Journal of Advanced
Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India. structural engineering.
2. The maximum flow of traffic is along National [13] Ansuman Kar, vikas khatri, P.R.Maiti and P.K.Singh
Highway 216A which includes transportation of (2012),“study on effect of skew angle in skew bridges”
International journal of Engineering Research and
agricultural goods and industrial goods, so path
Department, ISSN: 2278-067X, P-ISSN: 2778-800X.
chosen for the execution of flyover is along at
National Highway 216A.
3. Construction of this structure at that junction
results in the traffic control and enhances safe
4. The structure is designed basing codes IRC class
AA loading, IRC 6-2016 for designing.
5. The calculated Vehicle moving capacity at
Morampudi Junction is 9.8x103KN/m2.
6. It has obtained that maximum load capacity of
the flyover is 98x103 KN.
7. It has been observed that the maximum shear
force is 381.051KN and bending moment is
1161.445 KNm which are in safe limit.
8. The maximum nodal displacement is occurred at
node 107; 7.164 mm in x, -70.178 mm in y and
0.56 mm in z directions.