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International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, 7(03): 272-279, 2021
Copyright © 2021 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
ISSN: 2455-3778 online
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46501/IJMTST0703041
Available online at: http://www.ijmtst.com/vol7issue03.html

Analysis & Design of Flyover by using Staad.

Pro v8i
1 2 3
Narigiri Vijiya Bhargavi | J. Lakshmi Sudha | Dr. Dumpa Venkateswarlu

1PG Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology (A), Rajahmundry
2AssistantProfessor, Department of Civil Engineering, Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology (A), Rajahmundry
3Professor & Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Godavari Institute of Engineering & Technology (A), Rajahmundry

To Cite this Article

Narigiri Vijiya Bhargavi, J. Lakshmi Sudha and Dr. Dumpa Venkateswarlu, “Analysis & Design of Flyover by using Staad.
Pro v8i”, International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 07, Issue 03, March 2021, pp.: 272-279.

Article Info
Received on 15-February-2021, Revised on 10-March-2021, Accepted on 21-March-2021, Published on 23-March-2021.

As the population is growing, urbanization is caused which results in increasing of traffic with usage in more
number of vehicles for different means of transport.As stated above the growth of population and the usage of
vehicles for their different means will automatically result in increase in flow of vehicles which is called as
traffic. To overcome the issue of traffic getting jammed (which means having obstacles for free moment or flow
at a particular place), there are many different ways implemented to overcome it. When coming to Highways
one of the efficient ways of overcoming it is construction of a flyover.Here in this project we are going to a
design a flyover at Morampudi Junction located in Rajahmundry Andhra Pradesh along the National
Highway 216A as a proposal in order to overcome the issue of traffic jam and also to reduce the rate of
accidents occurring at the junction.
By considering all the data collected conducting different examinations I am going to design and analyze the
flyover using software STAAD.Pro V8i to study Bending Moment, Shear Force, Nodal Displacement values by
considering various types of loads considered are Dead Loads, Live Loads, Wind Loads, Vehicle Load which
are taken from Indian Standard Codes IS – 456, IS – 800 & IRC: 6 - 2016.

KEYWORDS: STAAD.PRO V8i, Shear force, Bending moment, IS – 456, IS – 800 &IRC: 6-2016

INTRODUCTION It is a construction that is built over physical

India is the country with the second largest road obstacles such as water bodies, valleys and roads
network across the world with 5.4 million Km. This which are provided for passage over the obstacle.
road network helps transportation more than 60% Designs of flyover vary depending on the
of all goods in the country and 85% of passenger requirements and functionalities of the flyover, the
traffic in India. Road transportation system has nature of the soil where the flyover is constructed,
gradually increased over yearswith the the material that are used for construction and the
improvement in connectivity between cities, towns funds available to build it.
and villages across thecountry. One of the major
components of roadways if Flyover‟s. 1.2. History Flyover
1.1. Introduction to Flyover
Flyover may be referred as an overpass, a h The first flyover in the world was constructed and
igh-level road bridge that crosses over a highway started in the year 1843 by the London and
interchange or intersection. Croydon Railway department at Norwood Junction

272 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

railway station to carry its atmospheric railway As the usage of number of vehicles on the road is
vehicles over the Brighton Main Line. increasing and we don‟t have any area for
In India the first flyover was constructed and extension on both sides, thus the only option left is
allowed to access from 14 April 1965 in Kemps to go with the third dimension and that is
Corner in Mumbai. The length of the bridge was 48‟ construction of a flyover.
(foot) which was constructed in about seven
months by Shirish Patel with the expenditure of 1.4. Components of Flyover
17.5 lacks.
A flyover consists of, number of spans with The components of flyover is divided into two
columns (piers), deck, and foundation etc. To categories they are
construct a flyover all these elements are to be 1. Sub Structure.
designed properly after analyzing. For large 2. Super Structure.
construction the process of designing and Based on the type of construction few parts get
analyzing for the structure becomes complicated added and subtracted for better stability of the
when done manually, it consumes lot of time and structure as-well to support the distribution
may lead to commencement of errors also, in order process of loads applied on the structure.
to meet the requirements of the proposed
construction and complete the task without any 1.4.1 Sub Structure:
problems, software's are used for efficient work.
This is the base supportive structure of the
The software's are used to perform analysis and
construction. Following are the parts which come
designing with less effort and no errors with in
under sub structure.
short period of time, by which the designing of
a) Foundation
complex flyovers become easier using different
b) Pier / Abutment
c) Bead Block
Some of the software's which are generally used for
d) Bearing
analysis and designing of structures are ETABS,
1.4.2 Super Structure:
A flyover has three main elements. First the
substructure, which is known as foundation, that This is the structure which distributes the loads
which absorbs and transfers the load and weight of transferred by the vehicles moving on the
the bridge to the ground. It consists of components construction. Following are the parts which come
such as columns (also called piers) and abutments. under sub structure.
An abutment is the connection between end of the a) Girder / Slab
bridge and the road carried by the earth; it provides b) Pavement
support for the end sections of the flyover. c) Railing / Parapet wall / Barrier
Secondly, the superstructure of the flyover is the
horizontal platform that spans the space between 1.5. Objectives:
columns. Finally it comes to the deck of the bridge. 1. The main objective of this study is to know the
reasons for variations in traffic flow at different
1.3. Scope times and occurrence of accidents at Morampudi
junction and design a flyover as a solution for it. To
The investigation was performed on High Strength
provide free flow of traffic and enhances safe
Grade ie., M60 grade concrete by using glass fibers
and GGBS as mineral admixture The OPC was
2. To study average density of traffic flow per day at
replaced by GGBS in the proportions of 0,10%,
Morampudi Junction on NH 216A.
20% ,30%,40% and glass fibers in the range of
3. To study and calculated Vehicle moving capacity
0.5%,1%,1.5%,2% with a SP dosage of 1.5% by
at Morampudi Junction.
weight of cement for mix along with 10%,20%,30%
4. To know the effect of different load types i.e. Dead
and 40% pumice stone as replacement to coarse
loads, Live loads, Wind loads, Vehicle
aggregate.Mixes were prepared, cured and tested
loadwhichmay be taken considering codes as
for identifying the mechanical strength
characteristics of concrete after 28 days of
conventional curing.
Why flyover?

273 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

5. To know the effect of design parameters on the functions and sources of weakness in the bridge
structure i.e. bending moment, Shear force and and there are many examples of distress in bridges,
Nodal Displacement. due to poor performance of these two elements
6. To know the maximum load capacity of the primarily. This can be avoided by adopting Integral
flyover type of structures. Integral Bridges are the
structures without joints. Integral bridges are
RELATED WORK characterized by monolithic connection between
Design of Flyover Bridge in TRICHY, in this the deck and the substructure (piers and
paper the study deals with the problems occurring abutments). They span from one abutment, over
in high traffic area in Trichy. The analysis intermediate support to the other abutment,
influences traffic behavior of both the structural without any joint in the deck. Integral bridges have
components of highway and fly over bridge been constructed all over the world including India.
systems. Additionally, it is also demonstrated that The work includes analysis and design of Integral
beneficial effect on the superstructure response structure by using STADD PRO software and
and sometimes produce detrimental effects on the manual analysis for simply supported structure.
system behavior and is dependent on the
characteristics of the high volume of vehicle Vikash Khatri et., at (2012) in this paper
movement intensity. Here I consider the place to be describesGrillage analysis is the most common
from Trichy to Chennai Highway because there are method used inthe bridge analysis. In this method
more traffic problems especially in peak hours. It is the deck isrepresented by an equivalent grillage of
an overpass and underpass together form a grade beams. Thefiner grillage mesh, provide more
separation. Stack interchanges are made up of accurate results. Itwas found that the results
many over passes. For Pedestrians crossing over obtained from grillageanalysis compared with
busy road without impacting traffic. experiments and morerigorous methods are
accurate enough for designpurpose. The finite
Design of Flyover By Uing Staad Pro The element method is a well-knowntool for the
objective of this project is to do designing and solution of complicated structuralengineering
analysis of flyover using Staad.Pro. The location of problems, as it is capable ofaccommodating many
the flyover is at Velagapudi Ramakrishna complexities in the solution. Inthis method, the
Siddhartha Engineering College (KANURU- actual continuum is replaced by anequivalent
VIJAYAWADA), which is facing major traffic idealized structure composed of discreteelements,
problems. Completion of the flyover work is referred to as finite element, connectedtogether at a
expected to ease traffic movement on the Bandar number of nodes.
Road. The flyover is a part of the 3.3-km new
Pantakaluva Road that connects Autonagar‟s 100 Dr. Maher Qaqish et., al. (2008) this method is
ft. road and Tadigadapa- Enikepadu Road via usually used for analysis of bridges based on the
Sanath Nagar, Kanuru Vijayawada Andhra consideration of the bridge deck as an elastic
Pradesh. The road follows the defunct irrigation continuum in the form of an orthogonally
stream (pantakaluva). The flyover is 204 m length anisotropic plate. Using the stiffness method of
with 12 spans, 17m of each span. The diameter of structural analysis, it became possible to analyse
the pier is about 1.6 m and the Beams are of the bridge deck structure as an assembly of elastic
I-section. The height of the columns is 4.2 m .The structural members connected together at discrete
Flyover has a road width of 8m (2lanes), in which nodes. There are four distinct techniques which
0.5 m is of median. It also consists of footpath of 2 have been found useful by bridge engineers:
m width. In the post processing mode of the design grillage and space frame analysis, folded plate
we have worked on the structure and studied the method, finite element method and finite strip
bending moment and shear force values. method .The grillage analogy method involves a
plane grillage of discrete interconnected beams.
Analysis And Design of Integral Flyover In
general Flyovers/Bridges are built with M.A.Sobhan, A.F.M.Saiful Amin, the point of this
conventional method. In conventional method paper is to upgrade and further invigorate the
various elements like Bearings; Expansion joints diverse controls of structural engineering and
need regular inspection and maintenance. The design that can enhance the execution and
expansion bearings and joints, by virtue of their monetary return of a bridge over the long haul. To

274 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

this end, the paper takes a note of current pattern EXPERIMENTAL STUDY METHODOLOGY
of bridge engineering in Bangladesh and endeavors The objective of the project is to design a flyover at
to give an advanced vision to improvement in the Morampudi Junction located in Rajahmundry
coming decades by keeping a match with the Andhra Pradesh along the National Highway 216A
financial improvement status of the nation. to overcome the issue of traffic jam and also to
Narabodee Salatoom1, Pichai Taneerananon, reduce the rate of accidents occurring at the
suggested that to lessen traffic blockage at an junction.
at-grade crossing point close to a major city, one 3.0 Problem statement
technique is construction a flyover bridge at the old
junction in two bearings on one of the principle By conducting different examinations like road
interstates. The flyover encourages the traffic survey and traffic analysis we came to a conclusion
stream in the bearings of the bridge, however the that the problem at Morampudi junction on NH
framework can't completely take care of the 216A is due to insufficiency of road space for the
majority of the issues particularly on the optional vehicles to pass through the junction at different
road. Under the bridge, despite the fact that it instants of time in a day which is effecting the free
mitigates the traffic blockage at the crossing point; flow of traffic, and improper movement of traffic
the traffic flag still uses an indistinguishable also results in occurrence of accident in different
control from the "before" circumstance, that is the instants of time
settled time control plan. With the flyover bridge 3.1 Survey
set up, it was found that around 30-35% of all
Survey is a method of research used for collection
traffic volumes occupied to the bridges, and time
of data from different sources to execute the project
delay reduced by 30% over a similar period.
Kavitha.N, Jaya kumari.R, Jeeva.K, Bavithra.K,
In order to execute the project I have conducted
Kokila.K, project manages the Design of a grade
survey to obtain the density of traffic flow and to
separator in a convergence. The area is at four
determine the density of traffic flow in instants of
roads junction at SALEM town, which is
time at Morampudi Junction on NH 216A.
confronting real traffic issues because of the
Here by I have surveyed regarding density of
construction. We have done a traffic survey and
vehicles at Morampudi Junction on NH 216A at
designed all the structural parts for this grade
different time intervals to obtain adequate results
separator. The grade separator is of 640 m length
at that particular junction. I also have noticed that
with 21 ranges, 20m for every traverse. It
there are many different types of vehicles that are
comprises of a deck slab, longitudinal braces, cross
passing through Morampudi junction on NH 216A
supports, deck pillar, wharf and establishment.
at different instants of time. There is variation in
Structural design of one traverse was made for all
vehicles that pass through this junction, I here
the above segments.
have noted down the density of traffic follow which
Anuj Dubey Tajammul Sayed, this paper passes through Morampudi Junction and came up
underscores on the utilization of software's for with the conclusion of choosing the path along with
scheduling purposes in Project Management. In the National Highway 216A for the construction of
India, dreary and tedious regular strategies are as the flyover by taking necessary considerations.
yet utilized for project management as opposed to
utilizing present day software instruments. The
Hadapsar-Saswad Bridge in Pune is selected for
construction booking as a contextual analysis. In
this project the exercises were drilled down,
amounts were evaluated, assets were assigned and
henceforth a calendar was made. A few proposals
were made on the site to beat the obstructions on
the site without influencing the project's duration
and furthermore not hampering excessively with
the cost.

275 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

4.0 Test Results and Discussion

Table 1: Average density of traffic flow per day

at Morampudi Junction on NH 216A

Fig.3 Live Load

Zone Basic wind speed (m/sec)

I 33
II 39
III 44
IV 47
V 50
VI 55

Table.2 Zone wise basic wind speed in m/s

Fig.1Dead Load

Fig.2 Vehicle Damaging Factor

276 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Fig.4 Table of wind pressure in different cities & Total Load
towns 825

Based on the values given in the table 3.3, vales of = 4.125m2

zone VISHAKAPATNAM_A are being considered. As footing is square
B= 2.1 m

b. Upward soil pressure:

Factored load = 1.5 x 750

= 1125 KN

Soil pressure at ultimate load (qu) =
area of footing
Fig.5 Wind Load =
2.1 𝑥 2.1

= 255 KN/m2
qu= 0.255 N/m2

c. Depth of footing
Mu =Mu lim
Mu = 0.138 fck Bd2
Mu= qu
2100 2100 −300 2
= 0.255 x
Mu = 216.88 x 106N-mm

0.138 x FckxB

Fig.6 Axial Load 216 .88 x 106

0.138 𝑥 20 𝑥 2100
Vehicle impact loads are calculated using IS
875(Part-5)-1987. d= 193.43mm
Axial loads are calculated using IS 456-2000.
Depth required to resist shear in footing is much
Design Process: higher than required for B.M
Let us assume the effective depth is twice the depth
Size of column = 600 x 600 cm required for B.M
Axial load = 750 KN d =193.43 x 2
Safe Bearing Capacity (SBC) = 200 KN/m 2 d= 386.86mm ≈ 400mm
fck = 20 N/mm2 D=d+50
fy = 415 N/mm2 D=400+50

a. Size of floating: D=450mm

Load from the column (P) = 750 KN
Self-weight of footing = 10% of column weight d. Reinforcement (Area of steel)
= 750/10
fy x Ast
=75KN Mu =0.87fy x Ast x d [1- ]
Fck x Bd
Total load = 750+75 216.88 x 106 = 0.87 x 415 x Ast x 400 x [1-
= 825 KN 415 x Ast
20 x 2100 𝑥 400

Area of footing Ast =1561.86 m2 ≈ 1562m2

277 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Spacing Check for development of length (Ld):
ast 0.87 x fy x ∅
S= x 2100 Ld =
Ast 4 x τd
Assuming ∅ of bar as 12mm ∅ is 12mm of bar
π (12)2 0.87 x 415 x 12
= 4
x 2100 =
4 x τd x 1.2 x 1.6
151 .86
S = 152.06 ≈ 152mm Length available beyond the column is
2100 −300
Providing 12mm ∅ bars at 152mm C/C = 900
∴ 900 >564
e. Check for shear: (𝛕c>𝛕v)
Table for maximum Shear Force values in x, y, z
The critical section for one-way shear is at a
distance„d‟ from the face of column [Take value of 𝛕c
from IS 456-2000 from table 19 P. No 73]
𝛕v =
Vu = qu x Bx [ ]-d
2100 −600
= 0.255 x 2100 x [ ]-400
Vu= 401.225 x 103 N
267 .75 x 10(3)
𝛕v = = 0.318 N/mm2
2100 x 400
𝛕c = x 100
= x 100
2100 x 400
Pt= 0.2%
From table no 19 𝛕c based on Pt and grade of
concrete M20 is taken as 0.32 N/mm2

∴𝛕c>𝛕v (Hence safe)

Check for two ways shear:

The critical section is at distance of d/2 from face of Table for maximum Bending Moment values in
column x, y, z directions
Perimeter of the section (p) = 4(b + d)
P = 4(600 + 400)
P = 4000mm
Area of cross section (A) = p x d
= 4000 x 400
= 16 x 105 mm2
Vu2 = qu x (Area of shaded portion)
= 0.255 x [(2100 x 2100) – (700 x 700)]
Vu2 = 999.86 x 103N
Vu 2
Two-way shear =
999.86 x 10(3)
1.12 x 10(6)
𝛕v2 = 0.89 N/mm2
Permissible punching stress (𝛕p)
𝛕p = 0.25√fck
= 0.25√20
= 1.12 N/mm2
∴ 𝛕p>𝛕v2 Hence safe
In two-way shear, form claws 26.2.11 P. No 43
based on the grade of Concrete is 1.2
From HYSD or deformed bars the value is
increased by 60%

278 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Table for summary of Node Displacements 9. Design structures using software‟s like
STAAD.Pro V8i, helps in finding failed members
and better section is given by the software.
10. Design structure by using software results in
obtaining details of each and every member,
reduces time of design work, and improved the
accuracy of results.

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[2] Rajeev Sharma (2015) „Nonlinear Static Analysis of RC
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[3] IRC 6-2000 – Standard Specifications And Code Of Practice
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by IEG Group. Bentley System Inc.
[5] AASHTO (2003), Standard Specifications For Highway
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[6] Vikash Khali, P.R. Maiti, P.K. Singh (2012),“Analysis Of
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[7] K.S.RAKSHIT, Design and Construction of Highway
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[8] JAYARAM,T.R. JAGADEESH AND M.A. Design of Bridge
Structures Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
CONCLUSIONS [9] D.JOHNSON VICTOR, Essentials of Bridge Engineering
This project concludes with planning, design and Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
[10] C.S. PAPACOSTAS, Fundamentals of Transportation
analysis of a fly over.
Engineering Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
1. Based on study area flyover construction is best [11] Ajit Singh (2006),“Analysis of skew effect on slab bridges”,
and economically low cost which is essential at M.Tech Dissertation IIT Roorkee.
National Highway 216A which is always busy with [12] Ahmed Abdel-Mohti and Gokhan Pekcan
(2013),“Assessment of seismic performance of skew on RC
traffic moment. Located at Morumpudi junction in
box gireder bridges” International Journal of Advanced
Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India. structural engineering.
2. The maximum flow of traffic is along National [13] Ansuman Kar, vikas khatri, P.R.Maiti and P.K.Singh
Highway 216A which includes transportation of (2012),“study on effect of skew angle in skew bridges”
International journal of Engineering Research and
agricultural goods and industrial goods, so path
Department, ISSN: 2278-067X, P-ISSN: 2778-800X.
chosen for the execution of flyover is along at
National Highway 216A.
3. Construction of this structure at that junction
results in the traffic control and enhances safe
4. The structure is designed basing codes IRC class
AA loading, IRC 6-2016 for designing.
5. The calculated Vehicle moving capacity at
Morampudi Junction is 9.8x103KN/m2.
6. It has obtained that maximum load capacity of
the flyover is 98x103 KN.
7. It has been observed that the maximum shear
force is 381.051KN and bending moment is
1161.445 KNm which are in safe limit.
8. The maximum nodal displacement is occurred at
node 107; 7.164 mm in x, -70.178 mm in y and
0.56 mm in z directions.

279 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

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