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Technocracy Inc. - The Design FAQ

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

25. 26. 27.

Briefly, what does Technocracy propose to substitute for a Price System? Is Technocracy a socialist or democratic system? What are the requirements for a High Energy Society? What would be the benefits of the design Technocracy proposes over our current system? How did the Technocrats come by this design for organization? What is Technocracy's proposed organization for society? What is a Functional Sequence? What are the Special Sequences? How are positions attained in this organization? What geographical area would the Technocratic society cover? What are Regional Divisions? Why is the design limited to only North America? Is this not selfish? Could either Canada or the United States operate a Technate without the other? What sort of mechanism of distribution would be required by a High Energy Society? What is the difference between a method of Distribution, and a method of Exchange? What is Energy Accounting? How would I purchase things? (dr) Is Technocracy proposing that everyone receive the same income? Would the Technate produce everything for the people? What methods does Technocracy plan to employ to achieve abundance and security? What is Load Factor? Why is Load Factor control important? How does the Quality of Products affect the design? Does Technocracy plan to change the calendar? How does the new calendar benefit us? How can standardization benefit us? What would be done with the people whose present jobs, like banking, would cease to exist in a Technate?

1. Briefly, what does Technocracy propose to substitute for a Price System? Technocracy proposes: first, a carefully planned production adjusted so as to maintain as high a physical standard of living for the people of North America as is compatible with the limitations of non-replaceable natural resources; second, a carefully planned distribution based upon the total amount of energy consumed in production. This two-fold plan would give to each individual an equal and substantial income. 2. Is Technocracy a socialist or democratic system? Although elements of both socialist and democratic systems might be found in Technocracy's design, this should not be taken as Technocracy being similar to either. While it is both easy and common to want to group Technocracy together with more familiar political and economic systems, this would be a mistake. The simple reason for this is because Technocracy is

more familiar political and economic systems, this would be a mistake. The simple reason for this is because Technocracy is far too different from any other social system ever devised. It cannot be grouped with other political systems because Technocracy does not involve politics. Technocracy is about the scientific control of technology, not a philosophical method of controlling people. Likewise, Technocracy cannot be grouped with other economic systems because Technocracy relies on the existence of an established, technological abundance, whereas all other systems, i.e. "Price Systems", all rely on the existence of a natural state of scarcity. Therefore, we find that Technocracy is not, and cannot be easily compared to, either a socialist or democratic system. Incidentally, if one were to pick these systems apart for their good and bad points, it would be likely that one would find the best elements of these other systems existing in a Technocratic society, with all the problems of those same systems being absent. This, however, is another discussion. 3. What are the requirements for a High Energy Society? When sufficient technology has been installed in a society that it is capable of providing an abundance to its citizens, then the rules of the game change. That is, technology behaves in a way that is different than people do. Currently we are trying to control technology by using the antiquated methodologies of people control, i.e. politics and money. Since technology behaves differently, and because it is doing over 98% of the work in our society, the situation has become dangerous. Greater emphasis should be placed on the proper control of technology because of its great power. What then are the requirements of a society that is operating so much technological power?

1. Register on a continuous 24-hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy, which would determine (a) the availability of energy for continental plant construction and maintenance, (b) the amount of physical wealth available in the form of consumable goods and services for the consumption by the total population during the balanced load period. 2. By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load. 3. Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption. 4. Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used. 5. Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual. 6. Allow citizens the widest latitude of choice in consuming their individual share of Continental physical wealth. 7. Distribute goods and services to every member of the population.

On the basis of these requirements, it should be noted that on each of these counts, money fails to meet our requirements as our medium of distribution! 4. What would be the benefits of the design Technocracy proposes over our current system? The benefits would be many Without explaining them individually, they are listed here in summation: The elimination of:

Industrial waste, poverty, homelessness, pollution, waste of natural resources, most crime, huge income disparity, political and financial control over others, corruption, overloading peak periods of the day, disparity in availability of health care and education, economic instability, discrimination, taxes, debt, insecurity, inefficient and haphazard transportation, profit and greed motives. The creation of conditions such as: Free and quality education for all, free and quality health care, a high income and standard of living for everyone, inexpensive and top quality housing, clean air and water, economic security, equality for all humans, work for less than 20 hours per week at a job you enjoy and are properly trained for, 78 days consecutive vacation, cheap communications, freedom and income to pursue personal hobbies and interests. As we can see from the partial list, there is much to be gained from living in a Technocratic society. 5. How did the Technocrats come by this design for organization? Technocracy's proposal calls for the control of technology, not people. In so being, its design was not decided upon, but dictated by the physical requirements of operating the installed technology. However, since human beings are involved, the design must also be in accord with the biological nature of the human animal. Thus when the time came to plan a design for social organization, the Technocrats based their design of the most successful operating principles to date that have similar, if not identical, operating requirements. The example chosen was the Bell Telephone system. The Bell Telephone system well resembled a single sequence of a Technate. its primary purpose was to provide continuous and quality communications to every citizen across a continental scope of operations. In doing so it did three things:

1. It maintained in continuous operation what was probably the most complex interconnected array of physical apparatus in existence. 2. It was dynamic in that is continuously changed the apparatus with which it had to deal and remolded the organization that came into existence as a mere handful of personnel in the 1880s. Starting initially with no equipment, it designed, built, and installed equipment and replaced this with still newer equipment until it spanned most of the North American Continent as a single network and maintained interconnecting long-distance service with almost all parts of the world. All this was done with rarely an interruption of 24 hour-per-day service to the individual subscriber. In the meantime the organization had grown from zero to more than 800,000 people. 3. That the right people must have been placed in the right job is sufficiently attested to by the fact that the system worked. The fact that an individual on any one telephone in a given city could call any other in that city at any hour of the day or night -and in all kinds of weather- with only a few seconds of delay, or that a long distance call could be completed in a similar matter in a mere matter of a minute or two, is ample evidence that the individuals in whatever capacity must have been competent to handle their jobs.

Thus these are some of the basic properties of any competent functional organization. It has no political precedents. It is ih d i i di i l I d i db h i f h j b h h b d d

neither democratic, autocratic, nor dictatorial. It determined by the requirements of the job that has to be done and, judging from the number of human beings performing quietly within such an organization, it must be in accord with the biological nature of the human animal. 6. What is Technocracy's proposed organization for society? This structure of Technocracy's Design can be best illustrated in the Schematic Administration Chart of the North American

Technate, and will be briefly described here. The chart is primarily composed of Functional Sequences, such as Transportation, Communication, and Education. At the top of the chart is the Continental Director. As the name implies, this is the chief executive of the entire social mechanism. On the Director's immediate staff are the Directors of the Foreign Relations, Continental Research, Social Relations, Armed Forces, and Area Control. Next downward in this sequence comes the Continental Control, composed of the Directors of the Foreign Relations, Continental Research, Social Relations, Armed Forces, Area Control, and also of each of the Functional Sequences. This superstructure has the last word in any matters pertaining to the operating system of the North American Continent. It not only makes whatever decisions pertaining to the whole social mechanism that have to be made, but it also has to execute them, each Director in his or her own Sequence. This latter necessity, by way of contrast with present political legislative bodies, offers a serious curb upon foolish decisions. 7. What is a Functional Sequence? A Functional Sequence is a branch of the Continental Control that is responsible for the entire coordination of its responsibility. For example, the Communications Sequence would be responsible for the design, building, and installation of all communications equipment. It would also be responsible for maintaining this equipment, and coordinating with other sequences, such as industrial sequences for obtaining materials, and the Continental Research sequence, for developing new equipment and forms of communication. The personnel of all Functions will pyramid on the basis of ability to the head of each department within each sequence, and the resultant general staff of each sequence will be part of the Continental Control. A government of function! Most Functional Sequences can be grouped into either Industrial Sequences (such as Transportation, or Mining), or Service Sequences (such as Health and Education). There are five, however, that do not fall into either of these categories, and these Special Sequences are described below. 8. What are the Special Sequences? There are five Special Sequences that are considered neither considered Industrial nor Service. Some, like Continental Research and Social Relations, deal with all other functional sequences. Others, like Foreign Relations, and The Armed Forces sequences, normally don't deal specifically with any other sequence, except in cases such as needed equipment or information

information. The five Special Sequences are listed and described here. a) Continental Research This sequence is in charge of all the scientific research that the continent does. Most of this work will be in conjunction with other functional sequences to help develop better equipment, methods, and materials. Some of the work will also be done without other sequences, and will involve more general research and development. While such things as basic chemistry or astronomical research could be conducted by the C.R. sequence alone, its findings and discoveries would be made available to all sequences that would benefit from them. b) Social Relations The nearest comparison in present day society to a Technate's Social Relations sequence would be that of the judiciary. It would be responsible for the maintenance of harmonious relations between all people on the continent. While its purpose is similar to today's judiciary, its methods would not. None of the outworn devices of the present legal system, such as the sparring between scheming lawyers or the conventional passing of judgement by "twelve good men and true" would be used. Instead, questions to be settled would be investigated by the most impersonal and scientific methods available. Of course, this won't be nearly as needed in a Technate as today, for two reasons. The first is that the need for most modern legal activity, namely litigation over property rights, will already have been eliminated. The second is that for nearly the same reasons, most crime in a Technate would disappear, but more on this is discussed in questions 5.2.4.c, 6.11, and 6.25. c) Armed Forces The Armed Forces sequence would be responsible for the security of the North American Continent. This would entail protection from foreign hostilities, as well as domestic dangers to the public. The most significant difference would be this latter responsibility. The A.F. sequence would establish a Continental Constabulary, which has no precedent at the present time. At present the internal police force consists of a hodgepodge of local municipal police, county sheriffs, state troopers, and various denominations of federal agents. The Continental Constabulary, by way of contrast, is a single, disciplined organization under a single jurisdiction. Information and resources can be easily transferred from one area to another on a moments notice, with no problems of jurisdiction. While it is under the discipline of the Armed Forces sequence, the Continental Constabulary receives its instructions and authorization for specific action from the Social Relations and Area Control. d) Area Controls The Area Controls are the coordinating bodies for the various Functional Sequences and social units operating in any one geographical area of one or more Regional Divisions. It operates directly under the Continental Control.

e) Foreign Relations The Foreign Relations sequence occupies a position similar to the Area Controls, except that its concern is entirely with international relations. All matter pertaining to the relation of the North American Continent with the rest of the world are its domain. 9. How are positions attained in this organization? Positions are filled based on the proven method of nomination from below and appointment from above. For example, if a position were vacated for whatever reason, then the people immediately below that position would nominate candidates from among their ranks for the position. Then, the managers from the rank above the position would choose from those candidates the person most qualified for the job. This is the method that is most often used in the technical portions of present organizations, and is based on competence. Competence of the person is determined by the consistent operation of the technology involved. If such machinery should fail to operate within acceptable parameters, then the person responsible would be quickly removed and replaced with someone who could perform the job adequately. The only exception to this is the position of Continental Director, only because there is no one higher. This position is selected from the members of the Continental Control by the Continental Control, for it is they who best know who among them is most capable of handling the job. 10. What geographical area would the Technocratic society cover? The Technocratic society, or Technate, would embrace the entire North American Continent plus the peripheral islands north to the North Pole, the West Indian archipelago, and those in the Pacific Ocean east of the International Date Line and north of the Equator. In addition, the northern tip of South America would be invited to join, embracing that portion of the southern Continent north of the Amazon River basin. Editor's Note: While this is what was initially considered for the maximum in resources and defence of a Technate, not all these countries are necessary. Primarily a Technate could function with simply Canada and the United States if it were necessary, though perhaps not quite as well as with the others.) 11. What are Regional Divisions? Regional Divisions are Technocracy's method of dividing the Technate area into smaller units for the purpose of organization. In deciding what method to use, Technocracy considered methods used today, like the present political and administrative areas, states, provinces, and precincts, but found them all too random and arbitrary. Natural boundaries were considered as well, but again, fell apart due to the abstract and random nature of these divisions. What was decided on was a method that greatly simplified the process of locating places on a map. It is based on the presently used units of Longitude and Latitude, already in common usage. A Regional Division, therefore, would be defined as a quadrangle limited by two successive parallels of latitude and two successive parallels of longitude, and designated by a number comprised of the longitude and latitude of the south-east corner of this quadrangle. Thus the Regional Division in which New York City is located is 7340; Cleveland, 8141; St. Louis, 9038; Los Angeles, 11834; Mexico City, 9919;

y ; , ; , ; g , Edmonton, 11353, etc. Thus the number not only designates an area, but also locates it.


In this manner all present political boundaries are dispensed with. The whole area is blocked off into a completely rational and simple system that is far easier to use and learn than any of today's methods. 12. Why is the design limited to only North America? Is this not selfish? For no reason other than that North America is a geographical and industrial unit, whereas the whole world is not. Because of intervening oceans it is not possible to integrate the river systems of the world in the way that can be done for the rivers of a continent, nor can any number of other physical feats be accomplished practically for the same reason. Moreover, it is impractical to attempt to have an impartial, world-embracing governmental control that would deal similarly with all parts of the earth; and especially has this been the case since World War II when most countries of the world have had more than their fill of political and economic interference from the Price System controls of North America. Until this Continent sets its own affairs in order, it is unlikely that any other area of the world would be interested in any proposition that might issue from here. Apart from the above considerations, there is a further important one: as yet North America is the only land area that, because of its fortunate supply of physical resources and because of its advanced development of the technical arts, has crossed the threshold from an environment of scarcity to one of abundance (notwithstanding certain present manifestations to the contrary) and thus has reached the point where a new distributive mechanism is not only desirable but mandatory if civilization on this land area is to survive. Editor's Note: For those of you who insist on a global range of thought, consider this. It is quite likely that after a Technate is installed and operational in North America, the resulting stability and high standard of living would be seen as quite attractive to other areas of the world. If they so desired, we would of course help them develop their own technates, which could later be integrated on some global level. This, however, cannot even begin to be considered until at least two fully functioning technates exist to do such a thing. Such a global body would only be involved in global matters, and is thus not included anywhere in the present design of the North American Technate.) 13. Could either Canada or the United States operate a Technate without the other? No, because each nation in itself has deficiencies that in large measure can be met only by joining with the other. Canada, for instance, except for cereal grains, grows very little of its own food, depending otherwise mostly on importations from the climatically better located United States. On the other hand, Canada is far better endowed than the United States with certain essentials that the latter needs to sustain its technological mechanism. Important among these are fuel and energy resources, various metals, and abundant water supply and accompanying hydroelectric power potential. 14. What sort of mechanism of distribution would be required by a High Energy Society? In examining the operational requirements of a high energy society in question 5.1.3?, we find money to be entirely inadequate for the distribution of an abundance. Taking this one step further, if this was actually tried, one could easily see the chaos that would result. Since abundance would mean an oversupply of goods and services, then prices would drop to near zero. This would mean profits would become insufficient to allow companies to continue to operate, even though from

near zero. This would mean profits would become insufficient to allow companies to continue to operate, even though from a strictly physical viewpoint, there is nothing to stop them. The entire social mechanism would break down, and no one would get anything, even though it was all actually available. What is needed then, is an entirely new system of distribution. This mechanism would need to be in accordance with the physical requirements dictated by today's large technological apparatus. It would need to provide every every citizen of the continent with a high standard of living, and do so regardless of the type or amount of work they do. The reason for this is simple; if people were paid according to how much work they do, since machines are doing over 98% of the work, they would get paid very little. There would also develop a disparity between those who worked in labor and those who performed more cerebral jobs, who are no less deserving of a high income. In addition this system would need to be free of the characteristics of money that make for fluctuations and instability in an economy. These characteristics include transferability, inconsistent value, and the ability to save. Each of these can cause fluctuations that are entirely unnecessary. A single, non-transferable, and personalized currency based upon the physical factors that went into the building and transportation of the good or service and was canceled out upon use would provide for an accurate accounting of the totality of production and distribution. Thus, with these requirements, production could be geared to consumption, thus eliminating waste and shortages, while also providing the widest possible latitude of choice for individual consumption. The method thus designed based on these requirements is called Energy Accounting. 15. What is the difference between a method of Distribution, and a method of Exchange? Money used today is a method of exchange. It is used to represent debt, and can be exchanged with or by anyone for any good or service imaginable, including those that are less than socially acceptable. Suppose we illustrate this by showing an example of how money is inadequate to distribute an abundance. Suppose, for instance, that we attempted to distribute by means of money the goods and services produced. Suppose that it were decided that 200 billion dollars worth of goods and services were to be produced in a given year, and suppose further that during that time 200 billion dollars were distributed to the population with which to purchase these goods and services. Immediately the properties of money would create trouble. Due to the fact that money is not a physical measure of goods and services, there is no assurance that prices would not change during the year, and that 200 billion dollars at the end of the year would be adequate to purchase the goods and services it was supposed to purchase. Due to the fact that money can be saved, there is no assurance that the 200 billion dollars issued for use in a given year would be used in that year, and if it were not used this would immediately begin to curtail production and to start oscillations. Due to the fact that money is negotiable and that certain human beings, by hook or crook, have a facility for getting it away from other human beings, this would defeat the requirement that distribution must reach all human beings. A further consequence of the negotiability of money is that it can be used very effectively for purposes of bribery. Hence the most successful accumulators of money would be able eventually not only to disrupt the flow line but also to buy a controlling interest in the social mechanism itself, which brings us right back to where we started from. Due to the fact that money is a species of debt, and hence cumulative, the amount would have to be continuously increased, which in conjunction with its property of being negotiable, would lead inevitably to concentration of control in a few hands and to general disruption of the distribution system that was supposed to be maintained

distribution system that was supposed to be maintained. Thus, money in any form whatsoever is completely inadequate as a medium of distribution in an economy of abundance. Any social system employing commodity evaluation (commodity valuations are the basis of all money) is a Price System. Hence it is not possible to maintain an adequate distribution system in an economy of abundance with a Price System control. A method of distribution, on the other hand, eliminates these problems. It would be individually issued, and non-transferable. This not only guarantees an individual's income and protects them from the predations of fiscally wily individuals, but also eliminates the political power it can exercise over others. In other words, it becomes far more difficult to actually "buy someone off." Because a method of distribution would be canceled after use, or if not used canceled after a certain time period, it could thus be used as an accurate method of measuring the exact amounts of things consumed. It could also be given the ability to keep track of what types of goods and services are consumed, thereby allowing production to match consumption. A person's purchase of a product or service would also serve as an instant "vote" for that product or service. Thus we find that a method of Distribution satisfies the requirements of a High Energy Society such as ours is now, and is outlined in Question 5.1.3. 16. What is Energy Accounting? Energy Accounting is a method of Distribution based on the only measurable factor common to all products and services, and that is Energy. In an Energy Accounting system, all the energy used in the production, conversion, and transportation of goods and services would be accurately accounted for. This would be done by the relevant personnel in each Functional Sequence. Primarily, Energy Accounting provides the accurate measurement of consumption, as well as production. This would be done with a device relevant to the available technology of the time. Technocracy's first proposed device was called the Energy Certificate. It would be distributed to all citizens and have the features of both a blank cheque and a traveller's cheque. It would be a document that would identify the user, with spaces to record information concerning the purchase, including what was purchased, the time and date, and what distribution center it was purchased from. This information would be immediately tabulated and sent to the Distribution Sequence , which could then use the information to determine what products were needed and where. Today, it is more likely that some sort of smart-card would be used. It could contain a microchip that could record all the relevant information, and also make the card far more difficult to tamper with. What this would allow is for the Continental Control to know exactly how much of what items are being consumed and where. This information would allow production to be geared to consumption, and that the appropriate amounts of goods be delivered to the areas where they are desired. Since the energy it takes to produce and transport an item does not change, cost of items, measured in terms of energy, would not fluctuate, except in cases where a more efficient method of production was discovered, in which case the cost would only go down. 17. How would I purchase things? (dr)

Via Energy Accounting thusly, the cost of goods will be stated in terms of energy units and costs would never rise. The available net energy units allocated to people would be deposited automatically into their own accounts as energy credits for them to 'spend.' There would be no tokens (cash) rather like a using a `debit card' that always worked. Once 'spent' by the individual these energy credits which represent amounts equal to the energy used to produce the item would then be used for replacement of the item just purchased by the spender. 18. Is Technocracy proposing that everyone receive the same income? Yes. Why attempt to differentiate between incomes when there is more than enough for everybody? Despite our extensive wastage of resources resulting from Price System operation, it is still possible to provide an optimum abundance to all citizens if careful management is exercised. An abundance cannot be sold it can only be distributed. It must not be thought that the extension of equal consuming power to everybody presumes that everyone would receive exactly the same commodities as everyone else; such doling out is indicative of scarcity conditioning. A more analogous circumstance would be that of letting a group of, say, 10 persons spend similarly large sums of money as they wished. It is highly unlikely that they would all buy the same things, or even that their purchases would coincide throughout on any single item. If they still think they should receive consuming power on the basis of what they earn through work done, they had better be prepared to starve to death, for when over 98 percent of all work is performed by mechanical energy, none of them can really say they earned their living on the basis of their minuscule energy contribution to the total expended. 19. Would the Technate produce everything for the people? Mostly. The production of goods mentioned in Energy Accounting refers only to those items that can be mass produced; food, clothing, transportation, housing, furniture, etc. Certain items such as works of art would still be produced by individuals and/or groups, and it would be up to them as to how they wish to share their art with the rest of the world. Of course, much of this art (such as music and paintings) could be reproducible. If allowed, such items would be mass reproduced at the highest quality for distribution to the public; how much was made would be up to the consuming public. That the Technate actually produces these items instead of individual people, groups, or corporations should not make one think that the choice in products would in any way be limited. On the contrary, the public would 'vote' for what it liked by purchasing items, and not vote for them by not purchasing them. For items that didn't exist yet, it would be a small matter for opinion polls and idea catalogues to be conducted electronically thereby obtaining the latest and most accurate accounts of what the public wishes to spend its energy credits on. 20. What methods does Technocracy plan to employ to achieve abundance and security? The simple answer to this is that a Technate would employ only the latest and most objective scientific means of controlling production and distribution. More specifically, certain methods have already been found to be enormously helpful in reducing waste, increasing production, and reducing the amount of work that is required by human beings to produce any given amount of product. These methods include, but are not limited to, adjusting Load Factor, improving Quality of Products, implementing a new work calendar, and utilizing standardization. Also, it would be found that in using Energy

Accounting, certain jobs would no longer exist, thus freeing up even more of the available work force. These techniques are described briefly below. 21. What is Load Factor? Load factor is the ratio between the extent of actual usage of equipment and the total time that it could be used. Thus, if equipment is running only 12 hours per day for six months of a year, it is operating at just 25 percent of its load factor for that period an inexcusably low figure but not at all uncommon in today's Price System society. The private automobile, for example, operates at a load factor no higher than five percent. 22. Why is Load Factor control important? The extreme inefficiency of present low load factors is a major reason for many current difficulties, most of which could be overcome by scrapping much equipment and raising the operating load factors on the remainder to the highest possible degree. Rather than suffering loss from such action, the public would experience a considerable gain in services rendered. We could, for example, get just as much service from one-tenth of the existing number of cars on the road if we boosted the load factor on that one-tenth from the present five percent to only fifty percent of potential. 23. How does the Quality of Products affect the design? It is common practice today to implement what is known as "Planned Obsolescence." The reason for this is simple: the sooner a product ceases to be of any use, the more frequently a consumer must purchase a new one. This insures a greater amount of any product being bought by the population during any given time period, and thus greater profit. However, this also leads to other side affects, such as waste of resources, overpackaging, and in some cases safety hazards. When the incentive for profit is removed and only the concerns of the consumer and the environment are left, it becomes obvious what the advantages of better quality products are. If a car tire was made to last 100% longer than the original, only half as many need be produced. Of course, creating better quality products may require greater amounts of energy. Hence, the quality of product chosen would be based on the ratio of energy required to produce that quality item to its known life span, which is known as Optimum Quality. 24. Does Technocracy plan to change the calendar? Technocracy plans no changes to the calendar currently in use. It will, however, propose a new calendar for the purposes of organizing work done. Whether the population will choose to abandon the current calendar or not for every day use is entirely up to them. The purpose of the new calendar is to illustrate how a Technate might organize its work force to provide a minimum of work for its people, along with a maximum of convenience. The current calendar is another prevailing cause of poor load factors. With it, practically everybody works on the same days and is off on the same days. This introduces traffic jams and small periods of peak load on our places of recreation, distribution, as well as on industrial equipment. In order to improve the load factor on these things it is necessary for these peaks to be eliminated so that the traffic on any one day is similar to the traffic on any other day. The same goes as well f i i d d i h d

for time periods during the day. The revision of the calendar smooths out the most offensive irregularities and is based on the Day and the Year, the two astronomical events that cannot be ignored. The Technocracy calendar, therefore, would consist of 364 days numbered consecutively, plus one zero day (two zero days on leap years). The work period would run for four consecutive days for each individual, followed by three days off. Every day is a day off for three-sevenths of the working population all healthy adults between the age of 25 and 45 who are not on their vacation. The working population is divided into seven groups, each of which has a different sequence of working days and days off. These sequences are staggered so that the same number of people are working at any given time. On the basis of 660 annual work-hours and four hour daily shifts, we arrive at 165 working days, or 41 as the nearest whole number of working periods of working days on and days off a total of 287 days. There remain, then, 78 consecutive days as a yearly vacation period for each individual. Of course, all these numbers are based on the industrial and technological developments of the 1930s. Since technology and the population have both progressed since then, these numbers would obviously be different today, the exact figures to be calculated by the people that finally install the Technate. It is reasonable to assume, however, that the amount of work required would be even less than it was then, allowing for even more free time to enjoy a high standard of technological living. 25. How does the new calendar benefit us? The effect of this calendar on the load factors of the industrial mechanism would be tremendous. It means that where load factor is a critical concern, almost the same amount of activity would be going on every hour of the day and every day of the year. Thus recreation centers would no longer be deserted as they now are at times and then jammed beyond capacity for the remainder of the time. Ample recreation facilities could be provided so that at no time would playgrounds, swimming pools and beaches, parks, theaters or other places of recreation be overcrowded. Similar effects would be achieved with electrical power consumption since industrial equipment would be running 24 hours per day, all year. Of course, variations for lighting during the night cannot be avoided, but certainly minimized. 26. How can standardization benefit us? In the field of more generalized design, standardization of more essential parts will be carried as nearly as possible to perfection. Most of our industrial progress up to the present time has been rendered possible through standardization. The trouble is that standardization has not been carried far enough. There are too many arbitrary sizes and varieties of what is functionally the same commodity. Take a simple product such as soap. Chemically there are only a small number of separate basic formulas for soap. The number of brands of soap on the market, however, runs into the thousands. Not only has the achievement of standardization made possible our quantity production methods, but also the lack of standardization has at the same time been in no small part responsible for our low load factors. In many fields, particularly in those of clothing and automobiles, the lack of standardization has been promoted as a highly remunerative racket the style racket. If styles can be manipulated properly, it is possible to increase the consumption of goods by rendering the styles of old goods obsolete long before the goods themselves are worn out. Thus, clothing that is good for two years is

styles of old goods obsolete long before the goods themselves are worn out. Thus, clothing that is good for two years is discarded at the end of a single season because it is out of style. Last year's automobile is traded in for next year's extra-fancy model. The effect of this upon the load factors of the industry concerned is to cause it to run with a short spurt at peak production while getting out the new model or the latest style, and then idling or remaining completely shut down for the rest of the year. 27. What would be done with the people whose present jobs, like banking, would cease to exist in a Technate? Many, of course, would be retired with full consuming privileges, having already passed the Technate retirement age of 45. The rest would be retained for function in other roles, whatever their talents.

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