Article Review Marketing Mix
Article Review Marketing Mix
Article Review Marketing Mix
Do the results and discussion within the context of the stated objectives?
Yes, because the objective of the study is to present a realistic picture on ongoing debate about
the merits of the 4P Marketing Mix as a present and future marketing management conceptual
platform. So, in result and discussion they present. ‘’The ongoing debate surrounding the
Marketing Mix as a marketing management tool has been primarily fought on theoretical rather
than empirical level. This due to lack of reliable research data on the way the Mix is used by
practitioners dealing with marketing problems as well as lack of data about the exact effects of
the Ps on the success or failure of marketing programs.’’ The findings of study support the
frequently expressed opinion that marketing management and teaching is ripe for a paradigm
shift, at least within the reviewed marketing domains. New concepts proposed should adequately
deal with the new realities of marketing the old Mix was never meant to address.
How well are conclusions of the article aligned with the results and discussion
of the study?
The conclusion of the article aligned with the results and discussion by merging the result and
conclusion which is clear for the reader.
How well are recommendations associated with the conclusions and findings of the study?
Yes, the recommendations are associated with the conclusion and finding of the study.
Does referencing style follow a standard format?
Yes, the reference style follows the standard format they put the reference with the alphabetic
order which standard format.