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import csv

import copy
import argparse
import itertools
from collections import Counter
from collections import deque

import cv2
import numpy as np
import mediapipe as mp

from utils import CvFpsCalc

from model import KeyPointClassifier
from model import PointHistoryClassifier

def get_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
#function defines a command-line argument parser using the argparse
module in Python.
#This function is typically used to parse command-line arguments when
running a script or program.

parser.add_argument("--device", type=int, default=0)

parser.add_argument("--width", help='cap width', type=int, default=960)
parser.add_argument("--height", help='cap height', type=int, default=540)

parser.add_argument('--use_static_image_mode', action='store_true')

args = parser.parse_args()

return args
#python script.py --width 1280 --height 720 --use_static_image_mode

def main():
# Argument parsing // if none given takes the default
args = get_args()

cap_device = args.device
cap_width = args.width
cap_height = args.height

use_static_image_mode = args.use_static_image_mode
min_detection_confidence = args.min_detection_confidence
min_tracking_confidence = args.min_tracking_confidence

use_brect = True
#an option for choosing the need of a bounding box

# Camera preparation
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(cap_device)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, cap_width)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, cap_height)

# Model load of mediapipe

mp_hands = mp.solutions.hands
hands = mp_hands.Hands(
#use_static_image_mode is True, the model may optimize for static
images rather than a continuous stream of frames.
#Initially when we create an instance of the model
#It has to detect the hands and it has to track the hands..det_conf
is the minimum confidance needed to first detect the hands
# min tracking is the confidance needed to plot it when the hand is
moving around.=Threshold for tracking after an initial detection

keypoint_classifier = KeyPointClassifier()

point_history_classifier = PointHistoryClassifier()

# Read labels in the created models for classification process

with open('model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint_classifier_label.csv',
encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
keypoint_classifier_labels = csv.reader(f)
keypoint_classifier_labels = [
str(row[0]) for row in keypoint_classifier_labels if row!= None
with open(

encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
point_history_classifier_labels = csv.reader(f)
point_history_classifier_labels = [
str(row[0]) for row in point_history_classifier_labels if row!

# FPS Measurement------------------------------------------------
cvFpsCalc = CvFpsCalc(buffer_len=10)
#buffer to smooth out FPS calculations, especially if you want to display
#an average FPS over a certain number of frames rather than the
instantaneous FPS.

# Coordinate history ----------------------------------------------------

history_length = 16
point_history = deque(maxlen=history_length)

#deque is part of the collections module in Python and provides a

versatile data structure.
#Double ended queue

# Finger gesture history ################################################

finger_gesture_history = deque(maxlen=history_length)
#This deque will be used to store historical information about hand
landmarks or points,
# and it will automatically discard the oldest elements once the
specified maximum length is reached.
mode = 0 #default

while True:
fps = cvFpsCalc.get()

# Process Key (ESC: end)

key = cv2.waitKey(10)
if key == 27 or key==ord('q'): # ESC,q
number, mode = select_mode(key, mode)

# Camera capture
ret, image = cap.read()
if not ret:
image = cv2.flip(image, 1) # Mirror display
debug_image = copy.deepcopy(image)
In Python, you can create a deep copy of an image using the copy
module or by using NumPy's copy function. A deep copy
creates a new object that is a copy of the original object, and it
recursively copies all nested objects within it.'''
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# rgb as input to mediapipe

image.flags.writeable = False
#setting the flags to be false
#passing the image as input to the called model with initial
thresholds set
results = hands.process(image)
#Setting us to render on the img/draw stuff on it
image.flags.writeable = True

if results.multi_hand_landmarks is not None:

#results.mul_hand_landmarks gives us x:position in the x axis,y
axis,depth from the camera as the coordinates opt
#looping through each of the results
#This condition checks if there are hand landmarks detected in
the current frame (results). If hands are detected, the code proceeds to
process the hand landmarks.
for hand_landmarks, handedness in

#Handedness refers to whether a detected hand is the left

hand or the right hand. It is essential to distinguish between left and right
# especially in applications where specific gestures or
actions depend on the hand's orientation
# Bounding box calculation
brect = calc_bounding_rect(debug_image, hand_landmarks)
# Landmark calculation
landmark_list = calc_landmark_list(debug_image,

# Conversion to relative coordinates / normalized coordinates

pre_processed_landmark_list = pre_process_landmark(
pre_processed_point_history_list = pre_process_point_history(
debug_image, point_history)
# Write to the dataset file
logging_csv(number, mode, pre_processed_landmark_list,

# Hand sign classification

hand_sign_id =
if hand_sign_id == 2: # Point gesture
point_history.append([0, 0])

# Finger gesture classification

finger_gesture_id = 0
point_history_len = len(pre_processed_point_history_list)
if point_history_len == (history_length * 2):
finger_gesture_id = point_history_classifier(

# Calculates the gesture IDs in the latest detection

most_common_fg_id = Counter(

# Drawing part
debug_image = draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, debug_image,
debug_image = draw_landmarks(debug_image, landmark_list)
debug_image = draw_info_text(
point_history.append([0, 0])

debug_image = draw_point_history(debug_image, point_history)

debug_image = draw_info(debug_image, fps, mode, number)

# Screen reflection
cv2.imshow('Hand Gesture Recognition', debug_image)


def select_mode(key, mode):

number = -1
if 48 <= key <= 57: # 0 ~ 9
number = key - 48
if key == 110: # n
mode = 0
if key == 107: # k
mode = 1
if key == 104: # h
mode = 2
return number, mode

def calc_bounding_rect(image, landmarks):

image_width, image_height = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]

landmark_array = np.empty((0, 2), int)

for _, landmark in enumerate(landmarks.landmark):

landmark_x = min(int(landmark.x * image_width), image_width - 1)
#TO just make sure the point doesnot fall outside of the frame
landmark_y = min(int(landmark.y * image_height), image_height - 1)

landmark_point = [np.array((landmark_x, landmark_y))]

landmark_array = np.append(landmark_array, landmark_point, axis=0)

x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(landmark_array)
#x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(landmark_array): Calculates the bounding
rectangle (x, y, width, height) around the set of landmarks using the
cv2.boundingRect function.

#The function returns the bounding rectangle coordinates as [x, y, x + w,

y + h].
return [x, y, x + w, y + h]

def calc_landmark_list(image, landmarks):

image_width, image_height = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]

landmark_point = []

# Keypoint
for _, landmark in enumerate(landmarks.landmark):
landmark_x = min(int(landmark.x * image_width), image_width - 1)
landmark_y = min(int(landmark.y * image_height), image_height - 1)
# landmark_z = landmark.z

landmark_point.append([landmark_x, landmark_y])

return landmark_point

def pre_process_landmark(landmark_list):
temp_landmark_list = copy.deepcopy(landmark_list)

# Convert to relative coordinates

base_x, base_y = 0, 0
for index, landmark_point in enumerate(temp_landmark_list):
if index == 0:
base_x, base_y = landmark_point[0], landmark_point[1]

temp_landmark_list[index][0] = temp_landmark_list[index][0] - base_x

temp_landmark_list[index][1] = temp_landmark_list[index][1] - base_y

# Convert to a one-dimensional list

temp_landmark_list = list(

# Normalization
max_value = max(list(map(abs, temp_landmark_list)))

def normalize_(n):
return n / max_value

temp_landmark_list = list(map(normalize_, temp_landmark_list))

return temp_landmark_list

def pre_process_point_history(image, point_history):

image_width, image_height = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]

temp_point_history = copy.deepcopy(point_history)

# Convert to relative coordinates

base_x, base_y = 0, 0
for index, point in enumerate(temp_point_history):
if index == 0:
base_x, base_y = point[0], point[1]

temp_point_history[index][0] = (temp_point_history[index][0] -
base_x) / image_width
temp_point_history[index][1] = (temp_point_history[index][1] -
base_y) / image_height

# Convert to a one-dimensional list

temp_point_history = list(

return temp_point_history

def logging_csv(number, mode, landmark_list, point_history_list):

if mode == 0:
if mode == 1 and (0 <= number <= 9):
csv_path = 'model/keypoint_classifier/keypoint.csv'
with open(csv_path, 'a', newline="") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow([number, *landmark_list])
if mode == 2 and (0 <= number <= 9):
csv_path = 'model/point_history_classifier/point_history.csv'
with open(csv_path, 'a', newline="") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
writer.writerow([number, *point_history_list])

def draw_landmarks(image, landmark_point):

# Sketching the design plan:

if len(landmark_point) > 0:
#To check if it actually exists
# Thumb
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[2]), tuple(landmark_point[3]),
(0, 0, 0), 6) #6 is the thickness of line in pixels
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[2]), tuple(landmark_point[3]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
#Atempting to get white line with black borders
#Thumb line1
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[3]), tuple(landmark_point[4]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[3]), tuple(landmark_point[4]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
#Top of that thumb line 2

# Index finger
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[5]), tuple(landmark_point[6]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[5]), tuple(landmark_point[6]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
# Index line 1
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[6]), tuple(landmark_point[7]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[6]), tuple(landmark_point[7]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
# Index line 2 on top of that
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[7]), tuple(landmark_point[8]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[7]), tuple(landmark_point[8]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
# Index line 3 on top of that as well
# Middle finger
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[9]), tuple(landmark_point[10]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[9]), tuple(landmark_point[10]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
#middle line 1
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[10]), tuple(landmark_point[11]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[10]), tuple(landmark_point[11]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
#middle line 2 on top of that
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[11]), tuple(landmark_point[12]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[11]), tuple(landmark_point[12]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
#middle line 3 on top of that as well

# Ring finger
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[13]), tuple(landmark_point[14]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[13]), tuple(landmark_point[14]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[14]), tuple(landmark_point[15]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[14]), tuple(landmark_point[15]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[15]), tuple(landmark_point[16]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[15]), tuple(landmark_point[16]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)

# Little finger
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[17]), tuple(landmark_point[18]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[17]), tuple(landmark_point[18]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[18]), tuple(landmark_point[19]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[18]), tuple(landmark_point[19]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[19]), tuple(landmark_point[20]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[19]), tuple(landmark_point[20]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)

# Palm
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[0]), tuple(landmark_point[1]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[0]), tuple(landmark_point[1]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[1]), tuple(landmark_point[2]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[1]), tuple(landmark_point[2]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[2]), tuple(landmark_point[5]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[2]), tuple(landmark_point[5]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[5]), tuple(landmark_point[9]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[5]), tuple(landmark_point[9]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[9]), tuple(landmark_point[13]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[9]), tuple(landmark_point[13]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[13]), tuple(landmark_point[17]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[13]), tuple(landmark_point[17]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[17]), tuple(landmark_point[0]),
(0, 0, 0), 6)
cv2.line(image, tuple(landmark_point[17]), tuple(landmark_point[0]),
(255, 255, 255), 2)

# Key Points
for index, landmark in enumerate(landmark_point):
if index == 0: #Wrist
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
-1) #completefill
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 1: #Thumb cmc
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 2: # Thumb mcp
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 3: # Thumb ip
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 4: # Thumb tip
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 8, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 8, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 5: # Index mcp
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 6: # index pip
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 7: # index dip
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 8: # index tip
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 8, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 8, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 9: # middle mcp
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 10: # middle pip
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 11: # middle dip
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 12: # middle tip
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 8, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 8, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 13: # ring mcp
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 14: # ring pip
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 15: # ring dip
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 16: # ring tip
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 8, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 8, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 17: # little mcp
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 18: # little pip
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 19: # little dip
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 5, (0, 0, 0), 1)
if index == 20: # little tip
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 8, (255, 255, 255),
cv2.circle(image, (landmark[0], landmark[1]), 8, (0, 0, 0), 1)

return image
#RGB values (e.g., white is (255, 255, 255), and black is (0, 0, 0)).

def draw_bounding_rect(use_brect, image, brect):

if use_brect:
#Checking the truth condition
# Outer rectangle
cv2.rectangle(image, (brect[0], brect[1]), (brect[2], brect[3]),
(0, 0, 0), 1)

return image

def draw_info_text(image, brect, handedness, hand_sign_text,

cv2.rectangle(image, (brect[0], brect[1]), (brect[2], brect[1] - 22),
(0, 0, 0), -1)

info_text = handedness.classification[0].label[0:]
if hand_sign_text != "":
info_text = info_text + ':' + hand_sign_text
cv2.putText(image, info_text, (brect[0] + 5, brect[1] - 4),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (255, 255, 255), 1,

if finger_gesture_text != "":
cv2.putText(image, "Finger Gesture:" + finger_gesture_text, (10, 60),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (0, 0, 0), 4, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.putText(image, "Finger Gesture:" + finger_gesture_text, (10, 60),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (255, 255, 255), 2,

return image

def draw_point_history(image, point_history):

for index, point in enumerate(point_history):
if point[0] != 0 and point[1] != 0:
cv2.circle(image, (point[0], point[1]), 1 + int(index / 2),
(152, 251, 152), 2)

return image

def draw_info(image, fps, mode, number):

cv2.putText(image, "FPS:" + str(fps), (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,
1.0, (0, 0, 0), 4, cv2.LINE_AA)
#cv2.LINE_AA stands for anti-aliased line, which helps in rendering
smoother text
#1.0 font scale factor
cv2.putText(image, "FPS:" + str(fps), (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,
1.0, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)

mode_string = ['Logging Key Point', 'Logging Point History']

if 1 <= mode <= 101:
cv2.putText(image, "MODE:" + mode_string[mode - 1], (10, 90),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (255, 255, 255), 1,
if 0 <= number <= 100:
cv2.putText(image, "NUM:" + str(number), (10, 110),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (255, 255, 255), 1,
return image

if __name__ == '__main__':

# Volume controller:

import mediapipe as mp
import cv2
# pycaw. This library will handle the controlling of our system volume.
#from cvzone.HandTrackingModule import HandDetector
import math
import numpy as np

from ctypes import cast, POINTER

from comtypes import CLSCTX_ALL
from pycaw.pycaw import AudioUtilities, IAudioEndpointVolume

mpHands = mp.solutions.hands
mpDraw = mp.solutions.drawing_utils

class HandDetector:
def __init__(self, max_num_hands=2, min_detection_confidence=0.5,
self.hands = mpHands.Hands(max_num_hands=max_num_hands,


def findHandLandMarks(self, image, handNumber=0, draw=True):

originalImage = image
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # mediapipe needs RGB
results = self.hands.process(image)
landMarkList = []

if results.multi_hand_landmarks: # returns None if hand is not found

hand = results.multi_hand_landmarks[handNumber]
#results.multi_hand_landmarks returns landMarks for all the hands

for id, landMark in enumerate(hand.landmark):

# landMark holds x,y,z ratios of single landmark
imgH, imgW, imgC = originalImage.shape # height, width,
channel for image
xPos, yPos = int(landMark.x * imgW), int(landMark.y * imgH)
landMarkList.append([id, xPos, yPos])

if draw:
mpDraw.draw_landmarks(originalImage, hand,

return landMarkList

webcamFeed = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

handDetector = HandDetector(min_detection_confidence=0.7)

#Volume related initializations

devices = AudioUtilities.GetSpeakers()
interface = devices.Activate(
IAudioEndpointVolume._iid_, CLSCTX_ALL, None)
volume = cast(interface, POINTER(IAudioEndpointVolume))
print(volume.GetVolumeRange()) #(-65.25, 0.0)

while True:
status, image = webcamFeed.read()
handLandmarks = handDetector.findHandLandMarks(image=image, draw=True)

if(len(handLandmarks) != 0):
#for volume control we need 4th and 8th landmark

x1, y1 = handLandmarks[4][1], handLandmarks[4][2]

x2, y2 = handLandmarks[8][1], handLandmarks[8][2]
length = math.hypot(x2-x1, y2-y1)

#Hand range(length): 50-250

#Volume Range: (-65.25, 0.0)

volumeValue = np.interp(length, [50, 250], [-65.25, 0.0]) #coverting

length to proportionate to volume range
volume.SetMasterVolumeLevel(volumeValue, None)

cv2.circle(image, (x1, y1), 15, (255, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED)

cv2.circle(image, (x2, y2), 15, (255, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED)
cv2.line(image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (255, 0, 255), 3)

cv2.imshow("Volume", image)
key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF # Add the bitwise AND operation
if key == ord('q'):


# Counter using media pipe

from HandTrackingModule import FindHands
import mediapipe as mp
import cv2
import os
import time


for imPath in folder:


while True:
ret,img =cap.read()


hand1_positions = detector.getPosition(img, range(21), draw=True)

hand2_positions = detector.getPosition(img, range(21), hand_no=1,
for pos in hand1_positions:
cv2.circle(img, pos, 5, (0,255,0), cv2.FILLED)
for pos in hand2_positions:
cv2.circle(img, pos, 5, (255,0,0), cv2.FILLED)
#print("Index finger up:", detector.index_finger_up(img))
#print("Middle finger up:", detector.middle_finger_up(img)(img))
#print("Ring finger up:", detector.ring_finger_up(img) (img))

if( (detector.little_finger_up(img) in ["NO HAND FOUND",])==False):

#print("Little finger up:", detector.little_finger_up(img)(img))
if(detector.index_finger_up(img)==True and
detector.middle_finger_up(img)==False and detector.ring_finger_up(img)==False
and detector.little_finger_up(img)==False):
if(detector.index_finger_up(img)==False and
detector.middle_finger_up(img)==True and detector.ring_finger_up(img) ==False
and detector.little_finger_up(img)==False):
if(detector.index_finger_up(img)==False and
detector.middle_finger_up(img)==False and detector.ring_finger_up(img) ==True
and detector.little_finger_up(img)==False):
if(detector.index_finger_up(img)==False and
detector.middle_finger_up(img)==False and detector.ring_finger_up(img) ==False
and detector.little_finger_up(img)==True):
if(detector.index_finger_up(img)==False and
detector.middle_finger_up(img)==False and detector.ring_finger_up(img) ==False
and detector.little_finger_up(img)==False):
if(detector.index_finger_up(img)==True and
detector.middle_finger_up(img)==True and detector.ring_finger_up(img) ==False
and detector.little_finger_up(img)==False):
if(detector.index_finger_up(img)==True and
detector.middle_finger_up(img)== True and detector.ring_finger_up(img) ==True
and detector.little_finger_up(img)==False):
if(detector.index_finger_up(img)==True and
detector.middle_finger_up(img)==True and detector.ring_finger_up(img) ==True
and detector.little_finger_up(img)==True):





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