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IS3370 Part3 2021

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भारतीय मानक IS 3370 (Part 3) : 2021

Indian Standard

जलीय तरल पदार्थों को प्रतिधारित करने के

लिए कंक्रीट सरं चनाएंँ — रीति सहं िता
भाग 3 पूर्वप्रबलित कंक्रीट
( पहला पनु रीक्षण )

Concrete Structures for Retaining

Aqueous Liquids — Code of Practice
Part 3 Prestressed Concrete
( First Revision )

ICS 23.020.10; 91.080.40

© BIS 2021

भारतीय मानक ब्रयू ो

मानक भवन, 9 बहादरु शाह ज़फर मार्ग, नई िदल्ली – 110002
NEW DELHI-110002

March 2021  Price Group 6

Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 02

This Indian Standard (Part 3) (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division
The design and construction methods in reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structures for retaining
aqueous liquids are influenced by the prevailing construction practices, the physical properties of the materials
and the climatic condition. To lay down uniform requirements of structures for the retaining liquids giving due
consideration to the above mentioned factors, this standard has been published in four parts. The other parts in
the series are:
Part 1 General requirements
Part 2 Plain and reinforced concrete
Part 4 Design tables
This standard was first published in 1967. This revision has been brought out with a view to keeping abreast
with the rapid development in the field of construction technology and concrete design and also to bring further
modifications in the light of experience gained while applying the earlier version of this standard. In this revision,
the title of the standard has been modified from ‘Concrete structures for storage of liquids — Code of practice:
Part 3 Prestressed concrete structures’ to ‘Concrete structures for retaining aqueous liquids — Code of practice:
Part 3 Prestressed concrete’ for better representation of the contents of the revised standard.
While the common methods of design and construction have been covered in this standard, for design of structures
of special forms or in unusual circumstances, special literature may be referred to or special systems of design
and construction may be permitted on production of satisfactory evidence regarding their adequacy and safety by
analysis or test or by both.
In this standard it has been assumed that the design of liquid retaining structures, whether of plain, reinforced or
pre-stressed concrete is entrusted to a qualified engineer and that the execution of the work is carried out under the
direction of a qualified and experienced engineer.
The concrete used in liquid retaining structures should have low permeability. This is important not only for its
direct effect on leakage but also because it is one of the main factors influencing durability, resistance to leaching,
chemical attack, erosion, abrasion and frost damage and the protection from corrosion of embedded steel. The
standard, therefore, incorporates provisions in design and construction to take care of this aspect.
The requirements of IS 456 : 2000 ‘Plain and reinforced concrete — Code of practice (fourth revision)’ and
IS 1343 : 2012 ‘Prestressed concrete — Code of practice (second revision)’, in so far as they apply, shall be deemed
to form part of this standard except where otherwise laid down in this standard. For long term performance of
the structure, use of dense, nearly impermeable and durable concrete, adequate concrete cover without macro
defects in cover concrete, proper detailing practices, control of cracking, effective quality assurance measures in
line with IS 456 and good construction practices particularly in relation to construction joints should be ensured.
Designer should take appropriate measures to the need for chemical resistance while dealing with liquids or
Following are the significant modifications incorporated in this revision:
a) Scope and provisions of the standard have been updated to reflect the applicability of the standard to
concrete structures retaining all aqueous liquids.
b) Design recommendations are generally applicable to the retaining of aqueous liquids having temperature
not exceeding 50 °C, and the same has been indicated.
c) A new sub-clause on loads has been added.
d) Limit state method has been introduced and working stress method has been removed.
e) All the design provisions, as per limit state method, have been revised and made comprehensive.
f) Prestressed concrete members retaining liquid shall be designed as either Type 1 or Type 2, based on
tensile stresses permitted.

(Continued to third cover)

IS 3370 (Part 3) : 2021

Indian Standard
( First Revision )

1 SCOPE IS No. Title

1.1 This standard (Part 3) lays down requirements 456 : 2000 Plain and reinforced concrete —
applicable specifically to design of prestressed concrete Code of practice (fourth revision)
structures, intended for storage or retaining of aqueous 1343 : 2012 Prestressed concrete — Code of
liquids. A concrete structure or member can function as practice (second revision)
liquid retaining, when the amount of liquid permeating
3370 Concrete structures for retaining
through its thickness, under hydraulic gradient, is
aqueous liquids — Code of practice:
practically negligible.
(Part 1) : 2021 General requirements (second
The recommendations are generally applicable to the
storage/retaining of aqueous liquids having temperature
not exceeding 50 °C and no detrimental action on (Part 2) : 2021 Plain and Reinforced concrete
concrete and steel or where sufficient precautions have (second revision)
been taken to ensure protection of concrete and steel (Part 4) : 2021 Design tables (first revision)
from damage due to action of such liquids.
12330 :1988 Sulphate resisting Portland
1.2 This standard does not cover the requirements for cement — Specification
concrete structures for storage/retaining of hot liquids,
hazardous materials and liquids of low viscosity and 3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
high penetrating power, such as petrol, diesel and Design and construction of prestressed concrete liquid
oil. This standard also does not cover dams, pipes, retaining structures shall comply with the requirement
pipelines, tunnels and damp-proofing of basements. of IS 3370 (Part 1) and IS 1343, unless otherwise laid
This standard does not cover all the requirements of down in this standard.
pressurised tanks, floating structures and tanks having
the additional requirement of gas tightness. The 4 DESIGN
selection and design of coatings and linings are not
4.1 General ­
covered in this standard.
4.1.1 Provisions shall be made for all conditions
1.3 This standard applies to members having prestress
of stresses that may occur in accordance with the
in one or more direction. For liquid retaining structures,
principles of mechanics, recognized methods of design
members not prestressed in any direction shall be
and sound engineering practice. In particular, adequate
designed conforming to IS 456, IS 3370 (Part 1) and
consideration shall be given to the effects of monolithic
IS 3370 (Part 2), and additional requirements, if any,
construction in the assessment of axial forces, bending
given in this standard for the junction of such members
moments and shear.
with liquid retaining members.
4.1.2 Before taking up the detailed design, the designer
2 REFERENCES should satisfy himself on the correct estimate of
The following standards contain provisions, which loads and adequate static equilibrium of the structure,
through reference in this text constitute provisions of particularly in regard to safety against overturning of
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions overhanging members [see 10.1 of IS 3370 (Part 1)].
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
4.1.3 The design of members in contact with the liquid
revision, and parties to agreements based on this
on any face or enclosing the space above the liquid
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility
shall be based on consideration of adequate resistance
of applying the most recent editions of the standards
to cracking as well as adequate strength.
indicated below:

IS 3370 (Part 3) : 2021

4.2 Loads For the purpose of analysis of stresses, a statically

determinate member subjected to axial (or nearly axial)
4.2.1 The provisions given in 4.2.1 to 4.2.5 and 4.2.7 prestressing, should be assumed to have a minimum
to 4.2.12 of IS 3370 (Part 2) shall apply. eccentricity of prestressing 20 mm or 0.05 times the
4.2.2 Allowance should be made for the effects of overall thickness in the plane of bending, whichever is
any adverse soil pressure on the walls, according to less. The requirement of minimum eccentricity need not
the compaction and/or surcharge on the soil and the be considered in case of indeterminate and cylindrical
condition of the structure during construction and in prestressed members.
service. Relief may be given for beneficial soil pressure For the prestressed member, in the direction
effects on the walls of liquid retaining structures in the other than prestress, the crack-width requirement as
container full condition (see 6.2). given in 4.4.3 of IS 3370 (Part 2) with limiting crack
4.3 Method of Design width of 0.1 mm shall govern the design, in addition to
requirements given in this standard.
4.3.1 General basis of design shall be in line with the
requirements of IS 1343 and IS 456, except where Flexural tensile stress in concrete
stated otherwise in this standard. Structural elements In the direction of prestress, tension shall not be allowed
that are not exposed to the retained liquid shall be at the joints in the members (cold/construction joint) or
designed in accordance with the requirements of junctions of members (cast separately or precast) under
IS 456 and IS 1343, as applicable. design load. The criteria of tensile stress for Type 1 and
4.3.2 While designing the liquid retaining concrete Type 2 prestressed concrete members shall be as follows:
structure, plastic redistribution of moments as per Type 1 member — No tensile stress under normal
IS 456 shall not apply. For design of flat slab, estimate working loads.
of bending moments as per direct design method of Type 2 member — The design flexural tensile
IS 456 shall not apply. Bending moments and stresses stress shall not exceed the design flexural strength
shall be worked out based on methods such as finite of concrete, in case of pre-tensioned members, and
element method. 0.8 times the design flexural strength of concrete,
in case of post-tensioned members (these limits
4.3.3 Additional provisions for design of floors, walls
are also applicable for stress at transfer).
and roof shall be as given in 5, 6 and 7, respectively.
The design flexural strength shall be 0.5 times
4.3.4 Prestressed members shall be designed for the the characteristic flexural strength of concrete, fcr,
exposure condition as per 5 of IS 3370 (Part 1). which should be determined from the test results
on the concrete mix being used. The values given
4.4 LIMIT STATE DESIGN in Table 1 may be used in the absence of the test
4.4.1 Limit State Requirements results.
All relevant limit states shall be considered in the Table 1 Design Flexural Tensile Stress, fcr
design to ensure an adequate degree of safety and for Type 2 Members
serviceability. ( Clause ) Limit state of collapse (ultimate limit state) Limiting Stress for the
Characteristic Concrete (in MPa)
The recommendations given in IS 1343 shall be Strength
followed. M35 M40 M45 M50 and above Limit state of serviceability Characteristic

3.90 4.20 4.40 4.60
flexural strength, fcr
a) Deflection — The limit of deflection shall be as
per IS 1343.
For temporary load, which may be rare or occur few
b) Cracking — The cracking shall be limited by times in the life of structure, the design flexural tensile
checking tension in concrete under limit state of stresses may be increased by 25 percent, provided
serviceability, as per 4.4.2 and 8.1. that the stress is compressive under normal conditions
4.4.2 Cracking Control to ensure that any cracks which might occur would
close. In such case, tendons should be well distributed
The prestressed concrete members retaining liquid throughout tension zone, in case of pre-tensioned
shall be designed either as, Type 1 or Type 2 members, members and supplemented by reinforcement near the
as given in tension face, in case of post-tensioning.
Design maximum wind or design seismic loads may be
treated as temporary loads.

IS 3370 (Part 3) : 2021

4.4.3 Exposure Conditions a sulphate resisting portland cement conforming to

For the purpose of design, type of member should IS 12330 or other special cement as given in IS 456
be decided by the designer on the basis of exposure may be used.
conditions. However, the following guidance may be 5.3 Floors of Tanks Resting on Supports
See 5.3 of IS 3370 (Part 2).
a) A member in contact with the liquid, considered
to be subject to very severe/extreme exposure 6 WALLS
conditions or liquid can penetrate in the concrete in
normal service condition at a pressure (equivalent 6.1 Provision of Joints
to water column) more than 25 times the concrete
thickness, shall be designed as Type 1. 6.1.1 Sliding Joints at Base of the Wall
b) A concrete member in which liquid can penetrate Where it is desired to allow the wall to expand or
at a pressure less than the limit in (a), may be contract separately from the floors, or to prevent
designed as Type 2. moment at the base of the wall owing to its fixity with
the floor, sliding joints may be employed.
4.4.4 In the direction of prestress, the member shall
not have residual tension due to direct tension in the 6.1.2 Considerations should be given to the positions
member. of the joints in the floor affecting the spacing of vertical
movement joints in wall. While the majority of these
4.4.5 Shrinkage and Creep of Concrete joints may be the partial or complete contraction
The provisions regarding shrinkage and creep shall type, sufficient joints of the expansion type should be
comply with the requirement of IS 1343. Where provided to satisfy the requirements of 11 of IS 3370
reservoirs are protected with an internal impermeable (Part 1).
lining, consideration should be given to the possibility
of concrete eventually drying out. Unless the engineer 6.2 Effect of Earth Pressure
is satisfied that the lining has sufficient crack-bridging When a tank wall is built in the ground or has earth
properties, allowance for the increased effect of drying fill against it, relief in bending moments due to
shrinkage should be made in the design. simultaneous action of water pressure inside the wall
and that due to earth pressure (up to 0.5 times the
4.4.6 Losses in Prestress active earth pressure only) from outside the wall may
While assessing the stresses in concrete and steel be made, provided that,
during tensioning operations and later in service, due a) there is no risk of slip in the embankment or fear
regard shall be paid to all losses and variations in of a reduction in the earth pressure arising from
stress resulting from creep of concrete and steel, the shrinkage or future excavations or any other
shrinkage of concrete, the shortening of concrete at cause; and
transfer, friction and slip of anchorage. Requirements
b) the earth pressure allowed by way of relief in
given in IS 1343 shall be complied with.
the bending moment caused by internal water
4.4.7 For cylindrical prestressed tanks, additional pressure is the minimum which can be relied upon
requirements as specified in 8 shall also be satisfied. under the most unfavourable conditions possible,
including those under which the reservoir is to be
5 FLOORS tested for liquid-tightness.

5.1 Provision of Movement Joints 7 ROOFS

Movement joints shall be provided in accordance 7.1 Provision of Movement Joints
with 11 of IS 3370 (Part 1).
The movement joints in the roof shall correspond with
5.2 Floors of Tanks Resting on Ground those in walls, if roof and walls are monolithic to avoid
If the tank is resting directly on ground, its floor may the possibility of sympathetic cracking. This is not
be constructed of concrete with the nominal percentage applicable if provision for movement between the roof
of reinforcement conforming to IS 3370 (Part 1) and and the wall is made by means of a sliding joint.
IS 3370 (Part 2), if not prestressed. 7.2 Loading
5.2.1 Under normal circumstances PCC base concrete Roofs should be designed for gravity loads, such as the
shall be of grade not leaner than M15; where injurious weight of roof slab, earth cover, if any, live loads and
soils or aggressive water are expected, the base concrete mechanical equipment. Imposed load arrangements
shall be of grade not leaner than M20, and if necessary, which can give more critical bending moments should
also be considered.

IS 3370 (Part 3) : 2021

They should also be designed for upward pressure, if d) When the structure is full (with liquid), there
the tank is subjected to internal pressure or if roof is should be no resultant tension in the concrete
subjected to upward pressure due to sloshing of liquid. in the circumferential direction, after making
allowances for all losses of prestress, and on the
7.2.1 An adequate load condition to ensure safety in assumption that the top and bottom edges of the
case of unequal intensity of loading, which may occur wall are free of all restraint.
during construction and the placing of the earth cover,
e) The bending moment in the vertical direction
should be considered in the design. In roof design,
should be estimated on the basis of a restraint
allowance should be made for the temporary condition
equal to one-half of that provided by a hinged
of some spans loaded and other spans unloaded, even
bottom, if the bottom of the wall is free to slide. In
though in the final state the load may be small and/or
other cases, where sliding at the bottom of the wall
evenly distributed.
is prevented, the moment in the vertical direction
7.2.2 In tanks having fixed or floating covers, the gas should be estimated for the actual restraint at the
pressure developed above liquid surface shall be added bottom of the wall. The tensile stress resulting
to liquid pressure for design of wall. from the vertical moments should not exceed
1.0 MPa in concrete.
7.3 Liquid-tightness f) If the structure is to be emptied and filled at
In case of tanks intended for the retaining treated frequent intervals, or may be left empty for a
water or liquid for domestic purposes, the roof shall be prolonged period, the structure should be designed
made liquid-tight. This may be achieved by designing so that there is no residual tension in the concrete
the roof as liquid retaining member, and by providing at any point when the structure is full or empty.
slopes to ensure adequate drainage. Cylindrical concrete structures which are
7.4 Protection Against Corrosion prestressed circumferentially and reinforced
vertically may be allowed to have tensile stresses
Protective measures shall be taken to prevent the not exceeding 1 MPa. The design for the vertical
underside of the roof from corrosion due to condensation reinforcement shall be as per IS 3370 (Part 2) with
and chlorine attack. It shall also be designed as a liquid limiting crack width of 0.1 mm.
retaining member, particular care being taken that the
g) The average shear stress on the gross cross-section
stipulations regarding minimum cover to reinforcement
of the concrete under serviceability state should
and crack width are complied with.
not exceed one third of the maximum shear stress
8 CYLINDRICAL PRESTRESSED TANKS specified in Table 9 of IS 1343.
8.2 Prestressing wires may be placed outside the walls,
8.1 For cylindrical structures prestressed provided they are protected with pneumatic mortar.
circumferentially and vertically, the following design Prestressing shall be protected by proper coating before
recommendations shall apply: applying pneumatically placed mortar. However, in
a) The jacking force in circumferential tendons industrial areas or near the sea coast, where there is a
shall not exceed 75 percent of the characteristic possibility of inadequate protection against corrosion
strength. by such mortar, the cables should preferably be placed
b) The principal compressive stress in the concrete within the wall and grouted. Non-bonded tendons may
should not exceed 0.3 fck. be used provided that they and their anchorages are
adequately protected against corrosion.
c) The temporary vertical moment induced during
the circumferential prestressing operation in Pneumatically placed mortar should have water
the partially stressed condition should also be cement ratio less than 0.40, low permeability and good
considered. adhesion.
The maximum value of the flexural stress (caused 8.3 Radial tensile stress across the thickness direction
due to moment in vertical direction) may be should be checked to protect prestressed concrete
assumed to be numerically equal to 0.3 times the cylindrical cell from delamination, where outer layer of
circumferential compressive stress, in the absence concrete separates from inner layer, when prestressing
of FEM results. Where the tensile stress would cables are provided inside the thickness. Radial
exceed 1 MPa, either the vertical prestress should reinforcements in the form of links should be provided,
be increased or the circumferential prestress if radial tensile stresses are more than permissible direct
should be built up in stages, with each stage tensile stress of concrete and the following design
involving a progressive application of prestress recommendations shall apply:
from one end of the cylinder.

IS 3370 (Part 3) : 2021

a) Radial force per unit length of cable can be direction of the axis of the cylinder (vertical) should
estimated as P/R, where P is average prestress always be investigated.
force without long term loss and R is the radius
of curvature of prestressing cable (from the centre 8.9 Longitudinal prestressing may be replaced with a
of cylinder). This shall be multiplied with clear reinforced concrete section satisfying the requirements
spacing between the cables to get tensile stress. of IS 3370 (Part 2) with limiting crack width of
0.1 mm.
b) This shall be checked for post-tensioned
cylindrical tank during construction stage before
grouting and during tank empty condition, when
un-grouted cables are used. This check may not 9.1 Concrete Cover
be required in case of external prestressing cables.
Permissible stress in reinforcing bars should be The minimum cover to prestressing rods, wires or
as per construction load case or service load case, cables, and to sheathings, spacers and reinforcement,
whichever is applicable. if present, shall conform to the requirements given in
IS 1343 and IS 456.
8.4 The base of wall may be designed either fixed with
the floor or as sliding or hinged at the junction with the 9.2 The requirements of untensioned steel shall be
floor. as per IS 1343. For a member not prestressed in a
direction, minimum reinforcement (in the direction
8.5 Prestressing should be provided on the transverse having no prestress) shall conform to the requirement
and longitudinal cross-section so as to contain these given in IS 1343 and IS 3370 (Part 2).
effects within the critical stresses specified.
9.3 Un-bonded cable may be used if they and their
8.6 When the stressing of the prestressing wires is anchorages are adequately protected against corrosion.
proposed to be carried out with wires in position,
anchorages may advantageously be staggered and 9.4 Construction joint shall not be provided along the
placed at suitable points of the cylinder with a view to prestressing wire/strand/tendon/cable/duct or within a
offset the heavy frictional losses. distance of d from it, where d is the diameter of the
prestressing element.
8.7 The worst conditions of stresses resulting from
the pressure of retained liquid, surrounding pressure, 10 WORKMANSHIP, INSPECTION AND
if any, temperature, shrinkage, restraint from roof, etc, TESTING
should be considered.
The requirements specified in IS 3370 (Part 1) and
8.8 Necessity of prestressing the cylinder wall in the IS 1343 shall be complied with.

IS 3370 (Part 3) : 2021

( Foreword )

Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 02

Organization Representative(s)

In personal capacity (Grace Villa, Kadamankulam Shri Jose Kurian (Chairman)

P.O, Thiruvalla 689583)
ACC Ltd, Mumbai Shri Rajesh J. Modi
Dr Manish V. Karandikar (Alternate)
Ambuja Cements Limited, Ahmedabad Shri Umesh P. Soni
Shri Sukuru Ramarao (Alternate)
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai Shri L. R. Bishnoi
Shri Sourav Acharya (Alternate)
Builders’ Association of India, Mumbai Shri Sushanta Kumar Basu
Shri D. R. Sekor (Alternate)
Building Materials & Technology Promotion Shri C. N. Jha
Council, New Delhi
Cement Manufacturers’ Association, Noida Dr V. Ramachandra
Ms Shashwati Ghosh (Alternate)
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi Shri D. K. Garg
Shri Naveen Kumar Bansal (Alternate)
Central Soil and Materials Research Station, Director
New Delhi Shri U. S. Vidyarthi (Alternate)
Central Water Commission, New Delhi Director (CMDD) (N&W)
Deputy Director (CMDD) (NW&S) (Alternate)
Conmat Technolgies Pvt Ltd, Kolkata Dr A. K. Chatterjee
Dr Subrato Chowdhury (Alternate)
Construction Chemical Manufacturers’ Association, Shri Samir Surlaker
Mumbai Shri Nilotpol Kar (Alternate)
CSIR ‒ Central Building Research Institute, Shri S. K. Singh
Roorkee Shri Subhash Gurram (Alternate)
CSIR ‒ Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi Dr Rakesh Kumar
Dr V. V. L. Kanta Rao (Alternate)
CSIR ‒ Structural Engineering Research Centre, Dr K. Ramanjaneyulu
Chennai Dr P. Srinivasan (Alternate)
Delhi Development Authority, New Delhi Shri Laxman Singh
Shri Vijay Shankar (Alternate)
Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Shri S. S. Kohli
Science and Technology, New Delhi
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi Shri Rajanji Srivastava
Shri Anurag Sinha (Alternate)
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai Shri Shriram B. Kulkarni
Shri Rahul Biradar (Alternate)
Hindustan Construction Company Limited, Shri Satish Kumar Sharma
Mumbai Shri Mukesh Valecha (Alternate)

IS 3370 (Part 3) : 2021

Organization Representative(s)

Housing and Urban Development Corporation Representative

Limited, New Delhi
Indian Association of Structural Engineers, Shri Mahesh Tandon
New Delhi Shri Ganesh Juneja (Alternate)
Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai Shri Vivek Naik
Secretary General (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi Dr Shashank Bishnoi
Dr Dipti Ranjan Sahoo (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai Dr Devdas Menon
Dr Manu Santhanam (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee Dr V. K. Gupta
Dr Bhupinder Singh (Alternate)
Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi Shri S. K. Nirmal
Shri R. V. Patil (Alternate)
Military Engineer Services, Engineer-in-Chief’s Maj Gen S. K. Srivastav
Branch, Army HQ, New Delhi Shri Man Singh (Alternate)
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Shri Y. Balakrishna
New Delhi Shri Sanjeev Kumar (Alternate)
National Council for Cement and Building Shri V. V. Arora
Materials, Ballabgarh Dr S. K. Chaturvedi (Alternate)
National Test House, Kolkata Shri D. V. S. Prasad
Dr Somit Neogi (Alternate)
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd, Mumbai Shri Arvind Shrivastava
Shri Raghupati Roy (Alternate)
Nuvoco Vistas Corporation Limited, Mumbai Shri Pranav Desai
Shri Ravindra Khamparia (Alternate)
Public Works Department, Govt of Tamil Nadu, Superintending Engineer
Chennai Executive Engineer (Alternate)
The India Cements Limited, Chennai Representative
The Indian Hume Pipe Company Limited, Mumbai Shri P. R. Bhat
Shri S. J. Shah (Alternate)
The Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata Dr H. C. Visvesvaraya
Shri S. H. Jain (Alternate)
The Ramco Cements Limited, Chennai Shri Balaji K. Moorthy
Shri Anil Kumar Pillai (Alternate)
Ultra Tech Cement Ltd, Mumbai Shri Surya Valluri
Dr M. R. Kalgal (Alternate)
Voluntary Organization in Interest of Consumer Shri M. A. U. Khan
Education, New Delhi Shri B. Mukhopadhyay (Alternate)
In personal capacity [B-803, Oberoi Exquisite, Shri A. K. Jain
Oberoi Garden City, Goregaon (East), Mumbai]
In personal capacity (36, Old Sneh Nagar, Shri L. K. Jain
Wardha Road, Nagpur)

IS 3370 (Part 3) : 2021

Organization Representative(s)

In personal capacity (EA-92, Maya Enclave, Shri R. C. Wason

Hari Nagar, New Delhi)
BIS Directorate General Shri Sanjay Pant, Scientist ‘F’ and Head (Civil Engineering)
[Representing Director General ( Ex-officio ) ]

Member Secretaries
Shri S. Arun Kumar
Scientist ‘E’ (Civil Engineering), BIS


Shri Milind Gupta

Scientist ‘C’ (Civil Engineering), BIS

Concrete Subcommittee, CED 2:2

Organization Representative(s)

In Personal Capacity (Grace Villa, Kadamankulam Shri Jose Kurian (Convener)

P.O, Thiruvalla 689583)
ACC Limited, Mumbai Shri Prahlad Mujumdar
Shri Anil Kulkarni (Alternate)
Ambuja Cements Limited, Ahmedabad Shri Umesh P. Soni
Shri Sukuru Ramarao (Alternate)
AFCONS Infrastructure Limited, Mumbai Shri Manish Mokal
Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India), Shri Avinash D. Shirode
Bengaluru Shri K. K. Meghashyam (Alternate)
Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai Shri L. R. Bishnoi
Shri Sourav Acharya (Alternate)
Building Materials and Technology Promotion Shri Pankaj Gupta
Council, New Delhi
Bureau of Design for Hydel and Irrigation Project, Shri S. K. Khare
Bhopal Shri Bhagwati Prasad Gupta (Alternate)
Bureau Veritas India Ltd, Mumbai Representative
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi Shri D. K. Garg
Shri Rajesh Khare (Alternate)
Central Soil and Materials Research Station, Shri Rajeev Kumar
New Delhi Shri Raj Kumar (Alternate)
Creative Design Consultants & Engineers Pvt Ltd, Shri Aman Deep Garg
Ghaizabad Shri Manik Chatterjee (Alternate)
CSIR ‒ Central Building Research Institute, Dr Rajesh Deolia
Roorkee Shri H. C. Arora (Alternate)
CSIR ‒ Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi Shri J. B. Sengupta
Shri Satish Pandey (Alternate)

IS 3370 (Part 3) : 2021

Organization Representative(s)

CSIR ‒ Structural Engineering Research Centre, Dr B. H. Bharathkumar

Chennai Dr P. Srinivasan (Alternate)
Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Shri S. S. Kohli
Science and Technology, New Delhi
Elkem South Asia Pvt Ltd, Navi Mumbai Shri Brajesh Malviya
Shri Surendra Sharma (Alternate)
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi Shri Rajanji Srivastava
Shri Anurag Sinha (Alternate)
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai Shri Sudeesh Rajendran
Hindustan Construction Company Ltd, Mumbai Shri Satish Kumar Sharma
Shri Khatarbatcha Jimmetain (Alternate)
Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai Shri K. C. Tayade
Secretary General (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi Dr B. Bhattacharjee
Dr Shashank Bishnoi (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur Dr Sudhir Mishra
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai Dr Manu Santhanam
Dr Radhakrishna G. Pillai (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee Representative
Indian Society of Structural Engineers, Mumbai Shri Umesh Joshi
Shri Hemant Vadalkar (Alternate)
Irrigation and Power Research Institute, Amritsar Chief Engineer (Research)
Research Officer (Alternate)
Larsen and Toubro Limited, ECC Division, Dr B. Sivarama Sarma
Chennai Shri S. Manohar (Alternate)
Military Engineer Services, Engineer-in-Chief’s Maj Gen S. K. Srivastav
Branch, Integrated HQ of MoD (Army), Shri Man Singh (Alternate)
New Delhi
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Shri A. P. Pathak
New Delhi Shri A. K. Pandey (Alternate)
NBCC (India) Ltd, New Delhi Shri H. S. Yadav
Shri Arun Kumar Sharma (Alternate)
National Council for Cement and Building Shri V. V. Arora
Materials, Ballabgarh Shri P. N. Ojha (Alternate)
National Institute of Technology Warangal, Dr C. B. Kameswara Rao
Warangal Dr D. Rama Seshu (Alternate)
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Shri Arvind Shrivastava
Mumbai Shri N. M. Rao (Alternate)
Pidilite Industries Limited, Mumbai Dr Suguna Naik
Ready Mixed Concrete Manufacturers’ Association, Shri Vijaykumar R. Kulkarni
Mumbai Shri Srirang Sondur (Alternate)
Research, Designs & Standards Organisation Joint Director Stdrs (B&S)/CB-I
(Ministry of Railways), Lucknow Joint Director Stdrs (B&S)/CB-II (Alternate)
RDC Concrete (India) Pvt Ltd, Thane Shri Anil Banchhor
Shri Simranjit Singh (Alternate)

IS 3370 (Part 3) : 2021

Organization Representative(s)

Shapoorji Pallonji and Company Private Limited, Shri Girish Bonde

Mumbai Shri D. N. Vishwanath (Alternate)
Tandon Consultants Pvt Limited, New Delhi Shri Mahesh Tandon
Shri Vinay Gupta (Alternate)
Tata Consulting Engineers Limited, Mumbai Shri S. N. Diwakar
Shri Manos Kumar De (Alternate)
Ultra Tech Cement Ltd, Mumbai Dr V. Ramachandra
Dr A. K. Singh (Alternate)
Water Resource Department, Govt. of Madhya Shri S. K. Khare
Pradesh, Mumbai Shri B. P. Gupta (Alternate)
In personal capacity (452 Sector 14, Sonipat, Shri R. K. Jain
In personal capacity (36, Old Sneh Nagar, Wardha Shri L. K. Jain
Road, Nagpur)
In personal capacity [B-803, Oberoi Exquisite, Shri A. K. Jain
Oberoi Garden City, Goregaon (East), Mumbai]
In personal capacity (EA-92, Maya Enclave, Hari Shri R. C. Wason
Nagar, New Delhi)
In personal capacity (M1 F1 VGN Minerva Dr C. Rajkumar
Apartments, Guruswamy Road, Nolambur,

Panel for Review/Revision of IS 3370, CED 2:2/P1

Organization Representative(s)
In personal capacity (36, Old Sneh Nagar, Shri L. K. Jain (Convener)
Wardha Road, Nagpur 440015)
Creative Design Consultants & Engineers Pvt Ltd, Shri Aman Deep Garg
Ghaziabad Shri Manik Chatterjee (Alternate)
CSIR‒Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi Director
CSIR‒Structural Engineering Research Centre, Dr B. H. Bharathkumar
Chennai Dr P. Srinivasan (Alternate)
Gammon Engineers & Contractors Pvt Ltd, Shri S. W. Deshpande
Mumbai Shri Mukund C. Butala (Alternate)
Government College of Engineering, Pune Dr Namdeo A. Hedaoo
Hindustan Construction Company Ltd, Mumbai Shri Satish Kumar Sharma
Shri Mukesh Valecha (Alternate)
Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai Representative
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi Dr Dipti Ranjan Sahoo
Dr Shashank Bishnoi (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee Dr Ashok K. Jain
Military Engineer Services, Engineer-in-Chief’s Shri J. B. Sharma
Branch, Integrated HQ of MoD (Army), Shri Yogesh K. Singhal (Alternate)
New Delhi

IS 3370 (Part 3) : 2021

Organization Representative(s)
National Council for Cement and Building Shri V. V. Arora
Materials, Ballabgarh Shri T. V. G. Reddy (Alternate)
Tata Consulting Engineers Limited, Mumbai Shri S. M. Palekar
Shri S. Krishna (Alternate)
In personal capacity (Grace Villa, Kadamankulam Shri Jose Kurian
P.O., Thiruvalla 689 583)
In personal capacity (A2B/37A, Ekta Apartments, Shri Arvind Kumar
Paschim Vihar, New Delhi)
In personal capacity (Flat No. 220, Ankur Dr V. Thiruvengadam
Apartments, Mother Dairy Road, Patparganj,
In personal capacity (K-L/2, Kavi Nagar, Dr A. K. Mittal
In personal capacity (House No. 2103, Sector 7D, Shri Harish Kumar Julka
In personal capacity (EA-92, Maya Enclave, Hari Shri R. C. Wason
Nagar, New Delhi)

(Continued from second cover)

g) The clause on ‘cylindrical prestressed tanks’ has been modified to include guidance on radial tensile
h) The title of the standard has been modified to address the actual coverage.
In the formulation of this standard, assistance has been derived from the BS 8007 : 1987 Code of practice for
design of concrete structures for retaining aqueous liquids, issued by British Standards Institute (BSI).
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex A.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final
value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS 2 :1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. The number of significant places retained
in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 02 (13640).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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