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My love.

my son fell down on the step and he need to do heart surgery operation


My son is in the hospital and the mail i received is that they need money for his
treatment and you and i understand my work here in the camp i can not live here now
and i can not send the money myself because of the law holding this camp, my work
here in Syria i don't have access to send money here my love... I am very worried
about my son's treatment.


My love can you help me? I mean pay for son's treatment, honey i am asking you to
do this for me and for the life of my son too my love all you have to do is to make
the payment.


I love you with all my heart, you mean the world to me. my live will be incomplete
without you. please my love, understand me, my son is in a critical condition, i do
not want to lose him, i do not want him to die. You have really helped me so much,
please try by all means and send the money to save his life. Please do not allow
the boy to die because of the little money. I swear with the name of my dead mother
and father, that i will never do anything to hurt you, i want to live with you
forever. Honey, please understand. i love you with all my heart. please! please!!
please!!! If you don't have the money you can simply borrow the money and any money
you borrowed will be paid back without delay even with interest as soon as possible
I come over there I will paid back the money, I hope you understand me well


My love, God bless you and protect you always. Here is my son's teacher information
he will help Tony to receive the money immediately.. Send it through western union

Receiver's name.... EBUKA EZEA

Country....... Ghana.
City........ Accra.

He is in 37 military hospital Accra Ghana, but you can send the money with the
information above.

___________________________________LOVE LETTERS
___________________________________LOVE LETTERS
___________________________________LOVE LETTERS
___________________________________LOVE LETTERS

Together you and I can reach stars in the sky together you and I can touch rainbows
if we try together you and I can make the moon smile together you and I make heaven
seem like a mile Together you and I can make the rain fall Because our love is
special and together we have it all

I love you forever and I kept on believing that someday I will be able to be by
your side and love you more as time goes by. I don't know what to say, because I
have a lot. If you ever feel the same as I do, then I would be completely glad for
the both of us. Nothing can change my love for you and I will always be the love of
your life ... forever. I kept on believing.

I will always put a special spot of you in my heart. No matter where I go, I carry
you in me. I'm hoping that it is you,, who feels the same way as I do. Remember, I
love you!

Love always,

1...My Dear,

If only I could have come up with the right words to describe the depth of this
beautiful feeling that I have for you, I would have whispered them to you the first
time we met. The best thing that I can do is to show you now.

I love you so much, Sweetie. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You
are like the best poetry ever composed, the best song ever played, the best picture
ever painted. I never thought that someone like me could get so lucky!

I love you more than my life, more than my world. I love you more and more each day
and that is the most wonderful feeling any man can ever hope to experience.

Forever Yours,

2..I love you. I love every little thing about you. I love your cute smile, your
magical eyes, and the sound of your voice. and I love the warmth I feel when I�m by
your side chatting to you. I can't stop thinking about you when we are apart. I
need you by my side. You complete me. You mean the world to me. You are the best
thing that has ever happened to me. You are the one I've always wished for. I never
thought that I would ever meet someone as special as you. I love each and every
moment I share with you.

Love Always,

3..Since day one we've shared something incredible, something that most people only
dream of. I had been searching for you all of my life. You have made me the
happiest I have ever been. You are sincere, caring, loving man and I wouldn't trade
you for the world. I am so thankful and blessed that you loved me as much as I
loved you, and that you made me your love...And

Our life together is already amazing, and together it will only get better and
better. I will forever be grateful that you came into my life and made all my
dreams come true. Together we're perfect, and I will enjoy enjoying spending the
rest of my life with you. I love you more than words can say.

Love always,


I want to start by saying that I miss you, and you have no idea how much I love
you.I know you don't need another reminder because I tell you a thousand times a
day how much I love you, but I do and that is my only way to show you. I love the
hundred ways you show me how much you love me, and I know my simple words can never
From day one, I knew there was something in you that no other woman had. You are
the most AMAZING woman I have ever known. Thinking back to the strange way we met,
how we grow so close in just a few short days, and i love you soo much

Baby, you make my heart beat faster each time I see your pictures or i hear the
sound of your voice, and you give me butterflies when you kiss me on phone i love
you so much. You are the one I want to hold for the rest of my life. In your arms
is where I belong.

You melt me every time you tell me about the future that you want to spend with me
and how we could show the world the real meaning of being in love with the right
person.And honey...

. Every time I look into your eyes I know that is where I want to live and die, and
soon we will be together and i will hold you tight and i will never let you
go..honey you are my true love..and i promise to love you and take good care of
you...no matter what happen

And my love i want you to know that you are everything to me i swear to love you
and make you happy for the rest of our life..., and I look forward to the day when
we will meet and share our whole life together....Thousand kisses for you my

Love Always,

5....Ever since you walked into my life I have been smiling. There hasn't been a
night when I have gone to sleep with a frown on my face, and it's all because of
you. Honey, I am glad that you came into my life. I have always wanted the love of
my life to be understanding, loving, caring, and faithful. I wanted someone who
would accept me for who I am. I know that I�ve found that person in you. My heart
told me that my princess was there when I first said hello to you over the site. I
didn't have to think twice when I asked you to be my love. I knew that you were the
perfect match for me. I don't think that there is, or that there ever could be,
anyone better than you out there for me.

I love you with my whole heart. I have never trusted anyone the way I trust you.
Sometimes I even doubt myself, but I know I will never doubt you because you are my
true love. I know deep down inside that you will never break my heart or let me
down in any way.

Thank you for everything, honey. I pray to God every day to bless you with
everything you deserve. I will love you until the end of time.

Always and Forever Yours

6...I want you to know how much I love you. We have been through so much in these
last few months, but our love has always come out on top. You mean so much to me,
and my only desire is to make you as happy as you make me. With each passing day I
fall more in love with you. You can do the slightest thing and it warms me; most of
the time you don't even realize it. You are always in my thoughts and in my heart.
I never knew that love could be so wonderful until I met you. You have given me a
new perspective on so many things. I will always treasure our love and keep it
safe. I love you, Baby.
Love Always,

7....I know this may sound clich�' but to be honest you changed my life. From the
moment I saw you I knew you were a gift from God. You constantly shower me with
unconditional love and you always understand my shortcomings without criticism.
Just looking at you is enough to make me happy. My life is now full of promise,
every day is worth looking forward to, and it�s all because of you. You made me
become a better person. I never thought I could love someone the way I love you
now. I know you hear this all the time, but I want to tell you again and again that
I truly love you and my life would never be the same without you. I miss you every

Love always,

8....I wake up every morning with thoughts of you in my head. Sometimes I wonder if
I dreamed you up, but then I roll over and see your smiling face in your pictures
and I know that you're real. It's not a dream anymore. I know I can make you mad,
but you still love me with everything you have. I was scared to love you at first,
fearing that you would hurt me, but I dove right in and it's the best choice I've
ever made. Now, the only fear I have is rolling over one morning and finding that
you were really just a dream. If this is a dream world, then don't wake me up
'cause you're the only one for me. I love you with everything I have.

Love always,

9....I am so thankful I met you! You are the most important person in my life. I
never thought I would find someone like you to share my life with, and now I don't
even want to imagine what my life would be like without you in it. I love the way
you make me laugh, how we tell each other everything, how we do everything
together. Wherever you are is where I want to be. When we are together chatting I
feel like it's just you and me, there's no one else on earth. It feel like we're
the only ones here. I fall madly in love with you more and more each day. If
there�s one thing in this world I know, it's that I AM SO IN LOVE WITH YOU!!

Love always,

10,,,I can be myself when I am with you chatting. Your idea of romance is dim
lights, soft music, and just the two of us. You make me feel like I have never felt
before. I can tell you anything, and you won't be shocked. Your undying faith is
what keeps the flame of our love alive. You and me together, we can make magic.
We're a perfect match. Thinking of you fills me with a wonderful feeling. Your love
gives me hope that the best is still ahead. You never give up on me, and that's
what keeps me going. I love you because you bring out the best in me. Every time I
look at you, my heart skips a beat. You are simply irresistible. You're the one who
holds the key to my heart. You always say what I need to hear. I have had the time
of my life and I owe it all to you. And, of course, I know you�re intelligent,
because you were smart enough to fall in love with me. :) I love you with all of
my heart and soul....

Love always,

11...Let me start by saying that I thank God every night since I found you. You
came into my life when everything seemed so dark but you provided the light to find
my way. I've never been so certain of anything in my life like I am of us. You have
totally changed my outlook in life and I thank you for that. I never thought that
someone could love me like you do, but guess what? I love you that much too. I feel
as if I'm walking over clouds just thinking about you. You make my life complete. I
know you've said we could do foolish things while in love, but you know what? With
you I wouldn't mind being a fool for the rest of my life. I love you so much and I
know you love me too. I know that others looking into our relationship might think
that we're saying too many foolish things too soon but they just don't know how we
feel about each other. There's nothing foolish about the things I've told you, I
meant every word I said. I love you and for you and D. I would do anything, I love
you both so much. Today I promise you that I would do anything in my power to make
you a great person, outstanding father and loving husband. I LOVE YOU!!

12...There are no words to express the gratitude I feel in my heart that our hearts
have come to dwell together, as one. You are my life, my heart, my soul. You are my
best friend. You are my one true love. The day we met was fate. Our lives
intertwining was fate. You are my destiny. I love you more today than I did
yesterday, and I'll love you more tomorrow than I do today. Love is the only thing
that makes life worth living. Your love. With all my heart I am forever yours.

Love Always,

13....I wish I could remember when I first met you. All I can remember now is the
way you held me when we first danced together, and the look of pure love in your
eyes. I hate it that we aren't together, but I know we will be. One day. You are my
best my everything and I love you -- not in the shadows, rather in heaven's fullest
beauty. You complete me and I just wish something could make you feel the utter
perfection that occurs whenever you're near me. Open your eyes baby. Just look and
I will show you.

Until Eternity Ends,

14...You make me feel loved, you make me feel safe, but more importantly, you make
me feel wanted. Something that I hadn't felt in a very long time. We both knew our
friendship would grow right from the very first day we spoke. But, neither one of
us could begin to imagine the love we both feel, not exploding or thundering into
our hearts, but just slowly growing into a beautiful relationship that only you and
I can understand.

Love Always,

15...You make me feel special, like I'm your one and only. You make me feel like
I'm a star in the sky lighting up your life. You make me feel safe when I'm near
you, wrapped up in your arms. You make me feel like an angel from heaven because
you never stop telling me how much you love me. You're always lighting up my heart
with the things you do and say. I feel so happy just being with you this way.
You're my baby, and will forever be my baby. You'll will always be the love of my

Love Always,

16...You are my everything. Thank you for loving me the way no one can. You
understand me and you know just how to make things right. You will never know just
how much I love you, but I will spend the rest of my days trying to show you. You
saved me from the worst, and you are always there for me. Fighting is never an
option and making love is always as sweet as the first time. No matter what, there
will never be another for me and I will always keep you safe. I love you... for all
eternity. Thank you, baby!

17...My Dearest, life can be cruel but when it all comes together there is no
moment as sweet. That is how I feel about you entering my life. You have rekindled
the flame called love in me. You have given one more reason to look forward to
tomorrow. Now, you are a significant part of my life and I look forward to the day
when we can make it permanent. I love you so much. I love you for your kindness,
for your caring and giving nature, for your beauty - both inner and outer, and most
of all I love you because you are you. The fact that you show me who you really are
and not what you think I may want. Sweetie, let this letter be a testament to my
true feelings for you. The whole world can see and know how I feel for you. I love

I am glad that finally, I have found someone like you. Now that I have you here
with me, I would like to let you know how happy and grateful I am for you... every
night I thank God for sending you to me. I may not tell you this as often as you
expect me to, but trust me, I love you with all my heart and my soul. You mean so
much to me.

It is you that I want to see waiting for me at the altar... it is also you that I
want to hold my hand in the delivery room and it is you that I want to spend my
life with. Now that we're together I promise to be always true to you, to love you
and trust you. I love you more than anything this life can offer me.

You made me realize that I don't need to wait for everybody's approval for
anything... as long as I am happy and as long as it feels right for me. I guess
destiny has lead you to me so I guess we're really meant for each other.

19...Here is to a man I thought I'd never know. The one who stole my heart so
innocently, but with care and grace and perfect love. The perfect thought is us
together forever. The sweetest word is your name. And the greatest thing is your
love. Every silent prayer that has left my mind, all the empty words that have left
my mouth and chased my lips, and all the lonely tears that have escaped my eyes
have made me who I am, one to love you more. All the times I felt I've found the
one, and all the times I've mourned over a bleeding heart, all the times I've given
it all I've got is are as many as I have found my face in the mud. I love you so
much, those five words I tell you so much can't have more meaning than anything
else ever possibly could. I love you with all my faults and all my achievements. I
love you with all that I am. I love you for who you are. I hope in the quietest of
the night when I whisper out to you you know just what to do. You listen to hear my
voice how much I love you.i love you for ever and ever

Love Always,

20.....I am thinking about you. We are so close here ... it's not like I am feeling
that you are far - it's just that I want to let you know again HOW MUCH I am in
love with you. I will love you forever and for always, Baby. You are a woman every
man is dreaming about and that`s not all ... you are all mine. I don`t know what I
did good in this life to deserve you, but I have must been doing something very
good in my life! Being with you makes me feel like the entire world is mine. One
day we will marry and ... I am dreaming about that. I love you, Baby, and I am
yours forever!!

Your baby,

21...You are my queen and my angel. You are my knight in shining armor. We have so
much in common. I am so glad we like the same things

I know you have been hurt in the past and I will never hurt you like that. I am
yours and you are mine forever and always. I want to die loving you. I want you to
be the last woman I ever kiss. You are the first thing I think of in the morning
and the last thing at night. I love to hear you laugh, see you smile .You are
irresistible to me and I don't know how anyone could let you go. I know I never

I didn't used to be romantic but you bring it out of me. You have taught me so much
and I admire your strength. The thing I love most about you is how you can change
my mood from sad to happy. I am yours for as long as you will have me.

Love always,

22...........Never in a million years did I ever think that I could find the kind
of happiness and love that I have found with you. You are a dream come true and I'm
really glad that fate brought us together. You mean everything to me, Babe, all
that and a bag of chocolate kisses! And I know that with every day we are together,
the love just gets stronger and stronger. I love you, Babe, with all my heart.

Love always,

23...Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would meet a woman that could
captivate and win my heart at "Hello". Every moment from when I wake up till deep
in the night, there is no place on earth I would rather be than holding and kissing
you tenderly.

You are a special woman with unique and intriguing qualities that drive my desire
for you far beyond any imagination. Never in my life until the day I found you in
my live..

A wise man once told me, "When it is real, you will know," � I know.And this is
real i love you..

Love, hugs & kisses,


I wanted to tell you today how good I feel about us and our future. I enjoyed being
with you. It seems that everything we do is even more meaningful because it isn't
just for today ... it's for always. You make me feel really happy, and I'll always
love making you feel special too.

I'm glad that I can count on you to be there when I need someone to understand, to
encourage, to reassure me and I hope you realize you can always count on me too. We
share so much of our lives, but it's nice to know that we can still go our own ways
now and then and somehow, the more we grow as individuals, the closer we become.
I'm so satisfied with all we have together, and I'm sure that those feelings will
last ... that I'll cherish you through a lifetime of beautiful tomorrows. I want
you to know how pleased I am to be a part of your life, how much it means to me to
know I'll always be in love with you and only you!

Love always

25...I just wanted you to know how truly I deeply love you and how much I deeply
care for you. We've been together for almost weeks now and nothing could change the
way I feel about you and us as a couple. You are my one and only. I don't think
there could ever be enough words in this world that could really capture how I
truly feel about you. I love you so much; I just don't know how I could ever
explain it. But I do know that the one person I can count on always is you. I hope
you knew this and if you didn't, hopefully you'll know this now and forever. I love
you very much.


Good evening mummy, I want to inform you that my teacher confirmed that we need
money to receive the phone you sent, I have already informed my daddy but I
confirmed from my dady that he don't have accsee to send money in Syria camp..
Mummy please try to help me and send the money to receive the phone you send to me,
mummy I am very happy to have you in my life. Mummy please help me with 500 euro
together with my foodstuffs, mummy my foodstuffs is finished here in the school,
please help me and send the 500 euro to my teacher with this information:

Receiver's name: EBUKA EZEA

Country: Ghana
City: Accra

Mummy please you can make the payment through western union money transfer


Good afternoon Mummy.

Thank you very much for the money you sent to receive the phone, I want to inform
you that my teacher have already received the money you sent to me.. God bless you
with joy, peace, happiness always, how's your work mummy? i am always praying for
you all the time Mummy. I am very happy to have a good mother like you. Mummy
please try all your best and send the money for my foodstuffs. Mummy I trust you
and I believe you will make it possible and send the money for my foodstuffs this
week. May the LORD bless you and protect you. Thank you a lot Mummy. I am glad to
have you in my life Mummy.


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