Beech Prop 215-Manual
Beech Prop 215-Manual
Beech Prop 215-Manual
Beech Aircraft Corporation . . . Wichita
1, Kansas, USA.
115187 A1
Revised Nsvember 16,1962
This propeller handbook contains complete maintenance, servicing, inspection
and overhaul instructions for the BEECHCRAFT 7 215 series
controllable-pitch propellers. It contains also an illustrated parts breakdown and
numerical parts list for each propeller series.
The handbook contains a major section for each propeller series. Each section,
in turn, is divided into sub-sections as foHows: Operation and Service Instructions,
Overhaul Instructions and Illustrated Parts Breakdown.
So that the handbod may be used conveniently by both large and small shops,
each section is complete within itself, with individually-numbered pages, so that
they become a series of small pamphlets. Their uniformity in style and organiza-
tion make it possible to use the entire volume intact, or it may be broken up and
the sections rearranged to suit the user's purpose: for example, all three parts
sections kept in the stockroom, the overhaul sections in the propeller shop proper
and the service and maintenance sections in a place convenient to flight line
personnel. For convenience in making revisions and keeping each section current,
each has its own title page and list of dective pages.
In carrying out the procedures in this handbook, bear in mind that it supplements,
but does not supersede, the general methods, requirements and qua%cations for
propeller maintenance and repair set forth in Civil Air Regulations and Civil
Aeronautics Manuals.
LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES NOTE: he ponion of the text affected by h e current &ision i s
indicated by a venicd line in the outer nurgins of the page.
This section consists of the following:
Title Original /
*A November 16, 1962
1-1 thru 1-6 Original I
The Series 215 Propeller is a controllable pitch cmtrof bolt (7). The bronze bushing (10) attached
propeller. The pitch of the propeller blades is to the yoke (11) fits into slots fn the base of the pra-
changed by means of an electric motor mounted on peller blade. When the ring gear is actuated by the
the fixed sleeve (1, figure 1-1). A pinion gear ac- motor, the position of the pitch control bearing is
hatee by the motor throllgh a gear box drives the changed; this motion is transmitted to the yoke by
ring gear (3) which controls the position of the pitch the control bolt and thereby to the propeller blades,
contr'ol bearing (2). The pitch control bearing is changing the pitch of the propeller.
mechanically linked to the yoke (11)by means of the
The BEECHCRAFT Series 215 Controllable Pitch assembly extend forward into the propeller hub and
I'ropeller is basically mechanical in operation and a r e attached to the yoke (11). The busEing (IOj
provides a positive means of controlling the blade attached to the yoke (11) engages a slot in the pro-
angle with few moving parts. (See figure 1-1 .) The peller blade. As the ring gear is rotated in either
pinion gear is directly coupled to the motor assem- direction, the bearing assembly (Z), is moved either
tqly (19), and meshes with the ring gear (3). The fore o r aft within the ring gear hub. This fore or
ring gear is attached to the ring gear hub (4), which a£t movement is transmitted to the yoke by means of
contains internal threads that engage a set of lags the control bolts. As the yoke is moved, the move-
on the bearing assembly (2). These lugs also en- ment is transmitted to the propeller blades by the
gage slots in the sleeve, which is rigidly mounted, bushing attached to the yoke, thereby chanping the
and prevent the external race of the bearing assem- pitch of the propeller blades. The pitch range is
bly from rotating with the propeller. The control limited by the mechanical spring stops (5) located
bolts (7) attached to the inner race of the bearing an the ring gear (3).
B2OO Propeller
Special Tools - Perlodie Inspection
tronically controls the propeller pitch change motor IN-FLIGHT OPERATION.
to change the -&lade angle with variations in load or
engine output, maintaining a constant engine.-rprn. T W - O F F . The manually operated propeller eon-
The governor-eontrolled propeller is independently trol switch is held in the "HI RPM" position until
manually - c o n ~ b 1 ein event of governor&failure. the rprn will increase no more. On a governor-
The propeller is operated by a four-position toggle equipped airplane, the switch should be in "AUTO"
switch and a governor control knob on the control and the governor control at "TAKE-OFFt'.
/ panel. Moving the toggle switch into "AUTO" posi-
tion energizes the governor and the propeller then CRUISING. The desired cruising rprn is attained by
is controlled by the governor control knob. Turning moving the manually operated propeller control
the control knob to "TAKE-OFF", "CLIMB", or switch to the "LO RPM" position and releasing the
"CRUISE" posWon directs the electric governor to switch when the desired rprn is indicated. The
control the eqgine rpm at a constant speed for the desired cruising rpm on the governor -controlled
selected setting, through the propeller pitch change propeller is attained by moving the governor control
motor. knob on the instrument panel to the desired rprn
in cruise position. After the desired cruising rprn has
been set with the propeller control, the governor
GROUND OPEXATION. The engine is started in the will hold a constant engine speed. Changes in air-
normal manner with the cockpit propeller control plane attitude or in engine manifold pressure can be
switch in the "'HI RPMii position. On a governor- made without affecting the engine rpm as long a s the
equipped airplane, the switch should be in "AUTO" propeller blades do not contact the pitch limit stops.
and t@e governor control at "TAX%-OFF". After
the engine has been warmed up in accordance with APPROACH AND LANDING. For approach and land-
the manufacturers recommendations, the throttle ing, the propeller control switch should be held in
should be advanced according to preflight instruc- the "HI R P M position until the rprn will increase
tions for a ground operational check on the pro- no more. With this setting, the power output of the
peller. To check propeller operation, the propeller engine is controlled by the throttle during the approach
switch can be moved several times through the full and giide, and emergency power r e q ~ i r e m e n t scan
range from "HI RPWLT' to "LO RPM". Governor be met by the throttle alone. The governor control
operation can be checked by advancing the throttle knob on the governor controlled propeller is placed
to obtain mannfacturers recommended static rpm; in the "TAKE-OFF' position. On the ground the
if the control h o b then is turned to the "LO RPM" prppeller control switch should not be c-hanged from
position, the tachometer should drop t o the mini- the previous "HI RPM" setting, or the control knob
mum governing speed. The customary check of en- should be kept in the "TAKE-OFF' position; this
gine manifold pressure against engine rprn should leaves the blade in the full low pitch position, and
be made with the propeller switch in the "HI RPM" affords better ground control and more satisfactory
position. engine operation.
No special tools a r e required for the servicing of the B200 Series Propeller.
Propeller Blades. Metal tipping for looseness or slip- Postflight nearest 50 hours.
page, separation of soldered
joints, distortion, loose screws,
loose rivets, breaks, cracks and
Propeller Hub and Blade retentiox1 and propeller Postflight nearest 100 hours.
Blades. track.
215 Propeller
Lubrication - Adjustments and Mabtenance
With proper care, the Series 215 Propeller can give 215-213-84 propeller blades, the critical area
many hours of efficient operation. Inspect the blades is between stations 31 and 37.
and hub at the intervals noted in PERIODIC LN-
SPECTION and perform only the maintenance des- The defect should be corrected by removing material
cribed m the following paragraphs; maintenance with round files or sandpaper in such a manner that
md repairs which require more involved procedures the finished repair will be rounded off and all sharp
or disassembly of the propeller must be performed corners removed. See figure 1-2. With the excep-
>y a licensed propeller repair station. If an out-of- tion of cracks, it will not be necessary to completely
13alance condition is suspected, remove the pro- remove deep dents or nicks provided the edges are
peller and send it to a licensed propeller repair saucered out and the bottom of the dent is com-
.station. Line maintenance personnel should not at- paratively smooth. J i is important that no material
1 empt to balance the propeller since balance pro- be removed unnecessarily.
i:edures a r e intricate and require special tools and
PLANE. The following procedure should not be
IdLhjOR BLADE REPAIR. Dents and abrasions may attempted unless it is known that the engine shaft
be removed from metal propeller blades by use of is not out of line. When checking the track, the
suitable sandpaper or round fine cut files. In no airplane must be in a hangar where air currents
case should dents, nicks, abrasions be repaired by will not rock it. Use the following procedure.
neth hods which attempt to relocate metal by cold-
working to cover or conceal the defect. a. Place a stationary object at the tip of one of the
blades and make a mark on the object where the
center of the blade touches it.
b. Rotate the propeller 180 degrees and repeat the
The leading edges of the 215-207-88 blades, above operation with this blade.
between stations 35 and 42 and back 1-112
inches, must be well maintained with the c. Measure the distance between the centerline of
Continental E225-8 engine. Keep this area the two marks. The allowable difference is 1/8-
free of nicks, scratches or gouges. Oo the inch.
A 0-t
PROPELLER REMOVAL. Remove the propeller in a. Install the rear cone spacers, the rear cone,
the following manner: and the propeller mounting bracket.
a. Remove the propeller spinner. b. Install the propeller mounting bracket with the
four special hexagonal head screws and stake in
b. Disconnect the motor leads at the motor. place. The flat side of the mounting bracket should
be located about 45 degrees to the right of the per-
e. Remove the six bolts that connect the propeller pendicular centerline of the airplane (looking aft).
sleeve to the nose case bracket.
c. Place the face of the mounting plateperpendicular
d. Remove the clevis pin from the propeller retain- to the crankshaft centerline with 0.010-inch total
ing nut and engine crankshaft. indicator reading.
e. Turn the propeller retaining nut counterclock- d. Install the rubber grommets and spacers in the
wise. When loosening the nut, care must be taken fixed sleeve (see figure 1-4).
to prevent damage to control bolts and counter- 2-
and the propeller mounting bracket. t;ained between the aleeve and the hub at the closest
point throPtgh a complete 360-degriee rotation of the
b. Install the propeller mounting bracket with the propeller, when the rubber gromkets a r e flush with
four special hexagonal head screws and stake in
place. The flat side of the mounting bracket should
the mounting bracket. This distance may be nried
by adding o r subtracting spacers behind the rear
be located about 45 degrees to the right of the per- cone. Apply 400 to 440 foot-pounds torque to re-
pendicular centerline of the airplane (looking aft). taining mtt when propeller is properly ininstalled.
Safety the retaining nut in place.
c. Place tbe face of the mounting p h t e perpen- /
dicular to the crankshaft centerline with 0.010-inch f. Attach the pitch control sleeve to the mounting
total indicator reading. bracket using the six bolts and nuts pravided. These
are to be tightened using a large thick washer under
d. Instal1 the rubber grommets and spacers in the the head of the bolt and large thin washers behind
fixed sleeve (see figure 1-3). the rubber grommet and the washer under the nut to
prevent the nut from riding up on the non-threaded
e. Install the propeller and tighten the retaining nut. portion of the bolt.
Check to see that 3/16 rt 1/32-inch distance is main-
I LlST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES NOTE: The portion of the text afTmed by the currenr revision is
i n d i d by a v e n i d line in rhe ouur mugins of che page.
( page NO. Issue
This section consists of the following:
Page No. Issue Page No. . Issue
Title Original
*A November 16, 1962
&-I thru 2 -4 Original
*2-4~ November 16, 1962
2-5 thru 2-16 Original
215 Propeller
Identification -Disassembly
The following tools are used in overhauling the 215 Series Propellers.
See figure 2-1 for index numbers referenced in the f. Remove the pitch change motor assembly (9).
following steps:
g. Rotate the ring gear (25) to place the bearing as-
a. Place the propeller on a mandrel for support. sembly (28)at the top of thd sleeve (26).
b. Check the propeller blade angle in extreme low h, Remove the ring gear (25)and the bearingassem-
pitch and note the degree. bly (28)by removing the nuts that secure the bearing
assembly to the bolts (14).
c . Remove the propeller blade Locks (29).
i. Loosen the yoke lock nut.
d. Remove the propeller blades (1) from the hub
body (18) by turning out retaining nut with a special j. Remove the actuator bolts (14) from the yoke
wrench. (22)-
e. Remove the low pitch safety stop cotter pin and k. Turn out the control bolts and remove the yoke
nut. lock nut. Remove the yoke from the hub assembly.
Cleaning - Inspection
After disassembly of the propeller, all parts shall cleaned and free of foreign particles. The cleaning
be thoroughly cleaned by spraying, immersion or fluid shall be kept free from all foreign matter by
wiping in cleaning solvent, Federal f+ecification suitable strainers, and shall be periodically re-
- P-S-661a. Except as authorized herein for opera-
tions of etching and repair, scrapers, power buffers,
newed. AU parts shall be completely free of oil and
wiped dry of cleaning fluid M o r e inspection. ff
steel wool, stet$ brushes o r abrasive compounds the parts are to remain idle for some time after in-
that will scratch, o r otherwise mar the surface will spection and before reassembly, coat with anti-
not be used an blades. Internal passsges shall be corrosion compound, Specification Ma-C-5545.
blown out with compressed air to insure that they a r e
a. Visually inspect the condition of the blades. g. Clean and relubricate actuator bearing using &=
MIL-G-3278(AtC-G-25) grease.
b. Check operation of propeller pitch change through
the entire range. VISUAL INSPECTION. Carefully inspect all parts
for wear, galling, metal pickup, cracks, nicks, burrs,
c . Check propeller operation for roughness. and other damage. Examine a l l gaskets for deforma-
tion and deterioration. Check blade races for chip-
100-HOUR INSPECTION. ping at break points. This will cause a severe
"brinelling" action to the bearings. Races showing
a. Remove and replace rubber mounting grommets. chipping effect a t break points will be replaced.
Check all threads for rough edges and irregularities.
b. Check tightness of blades, (Should have slight Inspect hub and blade retention nut threads for metal
play .I pickup, galling and/or out of tolerance pitch diam- * -
eters. Thoroughly w e all plated and painted
c. Visually check condition of hub and blades. parts for damage exposing bare metal. It shoald be
noted at this point that the Beech 215 Series Propel-
d. Blades that have been straightened must be in- l e r blades a r e anodized giving them a dull gray
spected for cracks after each 100 hours of operation. finish. Inspect moving parts for freedom- of move-
ment. Check shrink fits such as the blade retainer
e. Visually inspect the spinner bulkheads for cracks. for tightness. Ewmine internal passages for clean-
liness and freedom from loose particles of metal
250 -HOUR INSPECTION (Includes 100-hour Inspec - or other substances. Ewmine the control -bolts
tion.) thoroughly for severe scoring on the bearing sur-
a. Remove blades, clean and relubricate bearings.
b. Remove actuator bearing. Clean and relubricate. &- LIGHT. Propeller blades may be inspected for
cracks by use of near ultraviolet light inspection
c. Inspect propeller mounting plate for cracks. in conjunction with a solution of fifty percent air-
craft engine oil and fifty percent kerosene. The
500-HOUR INSPECTION (Includes 100-Hour Inspec- solution should be tested to make certain that it has
tion.) fluorescent quality.
a. Check track of propeller. a. Clean the blade carefully with carbon tetrachlor-
ide and dry the blade thoroughly, using an air blast
b. Remove, disassemble, and magnaflux all steel if necessary. The fluorescent oil solution should be
hub components. placed in a suitable dipping tank and maintained at a
temperature of 90° to 130° F,
c. Check all parts for wear.
b. Completely immerse the bIade in the solution,
d. Clean the blade thrust bearing and repack with including the blade retaining nut and allow it to re-
grease u s h g 1MIL-L-7'711 (AN-G-15). main for a minimum of thirty minutes. After this
period, remove the blade from the bath and allow the
e. Check the ring gear and pinion drive gear for excess fluid to drain. Spray the blade with carbon
wear. tetrachloride t o completely remove the remaining
'. solution. Allow the blade t o stand for fifteen min-
f. Remove the paint from the blades and inspect utes s o that the solution will bleed out of any cracks
for cracks using caustic etch, anodic, or fluorescent present.
215 Propeller
Repair and Replacement
c. Carefully inspect the entire blade under a near through the part; two, bar tppe inducedemagnetization,
ultraviolet light source.' The inspection must be con- in which the part (usually circular in shape) is sus-
ducted in a dzrkened booth or room. Solution bleed-
ing fro= a surface crack will show up under the light
pended from a bar carrying the current. In general,
the hub ahail be magnetized twice in such a manner
as a bright iiuorescent b e . that the magnetic field w i l l show defects lying in all
planes of the part.
d. Cracks may be repaired using the same proce-
dure as outlined for repairing dents and abrasions, 'I
with the exception that the crack must be completely a. Magnetize the hub inductively by contacthg the
removed and still be within the repair limits. ends of a brass rod through the center of the hub,
thus checking for cracks around the outer circum-
Where facilities are available the blades may be
inspected for cracks by anodizing the blade surface b. Turning hub 90°, magnetize directly by contacting
and careful inspection for evidence of cracks. When each pair of opposite lugs successively between the
chromic acid anodizing is used, the blade shall be electrode plates checking for cracks in the welded
completely anodized only from the tip to a point areas, and threads in blade sockets. Metal pickup,
which is 6-inches from the shank. This area will be cracks, distortion or out of tolerance pitch diam-
inspected by the fluorescent inspection method. Do eters will be cause for rejections.
not allow the chromic acid bath to contact the blade
retainer nut and bearings. Completely mask off When checking the blade races, place a copper braided
these areas. The anodizing sball be performed in cable between the races and the blade. Then placing
accordance with Specification AAF 200400. Immedi- the bar between the electrode plates, fashion the
z.tely after anodizing, the blade shall be rinsed In cable between plate and bar thus inducing magnetic
c old, clear running water for three to five minutes, contact. Magnetize the races in five or more equally
and then dried with an air blast. Allow the blade to spaced positions to insure complete coverage, No
stand for a minimum period of 15 minutes, then insulation is necessary between cable and races.
icspect it for cracks and other damage. A crack
9 7 i l l usually show up as a brown line against the INSPECTION AFTER OVERSPEED.
clear anodized background when this process is used.
Eblades having cracks or damage that cannot be The following inspection procedures apply to the
worked out within the repair limits given in this 215-110 propeller using the 215-109 hub and215-207-
section shall be scrapped. For sealing of the ano- 88 blades; the 215-108 propeller using the 215-107
dized surface, the blade may be immersed in hot hub assembly and 215-207-88 blades; the 215-116
aater 82O -100" C. (180" -212O F.), for hatfan propeller using the 215-107 hub assembly and 215-
b u r after inspection. 213-84 blades; and the 215-117. propeller using the
215-109 hub assembly and 215-213-84 blades.
.BLXGNETIC INSPECTION. A careful magnetic check
3hould be made to determine whether any fatigue cracks a. Up to 3000 rpm - visually inspect.
have developed on the following parts: hub, control
bolts, yoke, blade races, retention nut and a l l steel b. 3000 to 3506 rpm - Disassemble and compl&tely
nuts and bolts. Before magnetization, all parts shall inspect (magnetically inspect all steel parts; etch or
bt? cleaned d dirt, grease, corrosion preventive com- anodize and inspect aluminum portion of blade for
pound, and discolorations by wiping with a suitable cracks by one of the standard approved methods;
solvent. In order to provide good contact in the ma- visually examine blade hardware and blade reten-
cfune, it may be necessary to remove ~ r f a c oxidation
e tion, but do not disassemble blade hardware). Keep
with fine emery and crocus cloth from the cantact areas. anodize solution off steel parts on blade.
Two methods of magnetization are used: one, direct
magnetization, in which the current flows directly c. Over 3500 rpm - scrap blades and hub.
MINOR HbZ3 REPAIR. Inspect the hub visually and material and over-aIl repairs to the blade will be
by the magDaDux method. Minor galling and scoring confined to within the limits shown in the repair Limit
of the front and rear flanges may be removed by chart, figure 2-2. If it Is necessary to reduce the
poiishing with emery paper. Galling and scoring in dimension beyond the limits established by the repair
the control bolt holes may be polished out with emery limit chart to repair a blade, the blade will be re-
paper. Scrap the hub if threads in hub f o r the blade tired from service, The repair limit chart shows
retention nut are damaged beyond repair. the maximum percentage of reduction of either the
width or the tbicknesa of the blade at all stations.
PLATED PARTS. AU plated parts showing exposed To determine the maximum dimension reduction,
base metal shall be replated. After cadmium plate, first determine the station location of the defect.
all parts must be embrittlement relieved. Locate the station on the repair Limit chart. Follow
the station line vertically to the curve intersection
' BLADE REPAIR LIMITS. Tbe removal of blade point. Read the maximum allowable percentage re-
215 Propeller
in such a manner that it is necessary to reFove a eighty-eight inches is the original propeller diameter
portion of the tip, i t is permissible to shorten the and both blades in the propeller must be reduced by
length of the blade a maximum of 7/8-inch from the the same amount resulting in a total reduction in .
ciesign length. The tip, within the 7/8-inch, nlay be diameter of 1-3/4 inches. Two inches is the nearest
cut off to any desired shape; however, if the tip is full inch and the drawing number 215-207-88 -14 will
rounded off simi1a.r to the original form, the width of be changed to 215-207-86-14.
the blade cannot be faired in past the 41-inch station
(see fiewe 2-4). The tip may be cut off square if
desired; however, the corners should be rounded off
with one inch radii a s shown in figure 2-4. Where I Propeller blades stamped 215-316-88 on the
the tip of one blade is cut off it will be necessary to blade butt a r e 215-207-88 blade assemblies
make a template of the finished tip s o that the oppo- and propeller blades stamped 215-359-88 on
site blade may be cut off to match. A reference sta- the blade butt a r e 215-207-88-14 blade as-
tion should be marked on each blade s o that the semblies. The part numbers 215-316-88 and
templare may be properly located on the second 215-359-88 a r e for the blade without the
blade. This will assure that both blades will be the sleeve, bearings, retention nut and counter-
same length, and have the same tip contour. weight attached.
Dents and abrasions in the tip area from the 41-inch T-ABLE I, DESIGN MAXIMUM THICKNESS
station to the 43.125-inch station may be removed
provided the thickness or width is not reduced more Wanufacturing Tolerances Not Included)
than the limits shown in figure 2-4,
The blade may be cut off with a hacksaw and then
dressed down to proper contour with a sander and
files. The blade tip should be smoothed off to r e -
move all file marks with fine sandpaper such a s 400
and 600 wet-or -dry paper o r fine emery cloth. The
side view of the reworked tip should appear a s illus-
trated in figure 2-5.
.I0 .RO -310 -350 -390 ,430 -470 .SlO .550 .590
i I
I 1.165 -680
~ A T ~ O
~ T A T I O Y3 3
4o 1 STATION 42
should be checked on a surface table after com- blades having minor paint damage, due to repair
oleting the straightening procedure. Check the blade operations or wear. Blades requiring complete re-
angle at the following stations: painting shall first be stripped of their remaining
I paint and then painted according to the following in-
Station Blade Angle 1 structions: #
E35 and F35 with E-225-8 engine Hot over 2230 Low 13-
with 88" blades. Not under 2130 High - Not under 30"
E35 and F35 with E-185-11 engine
and 84" blades.
1 Not over 2450
Not under 2150
Low 13-3/4"
High - Not under 30"
F35 and G35 with E-225-8 engine
and 84" blades.
*Engine serials before 5 1 2 2 ~
Not aver 2380
Not under 2280
1 Low 12.5"
High Not under 29.5"
and races of #e thrust b e a r k s a r e subjected to been thoroughly cleaned and dried. Hand-load the
extreme loads that cause a ,ubrinellV condition. bearing by holding the inner race stationary and
applying an opposing load to the outer race while
This condition has no effect on the operation of the
propeller; however, if the bans show evidence of slowly rotating it. Check the entire circumference <
chipping and the races have deep wear areas, re- by using this method.
placement should be made. Replace the blade thrust
bearings in the following manner: NOTE'
a. Place the -2 race in position on the b w e ferrule. Do not spin dry bearings at high speed,
a. Remove the snap rings on both sides of the h. When the seal and snap ring a r e properly in-
bearing with needle nose pliers, stalled, rotate the bearing rapidiy for about 3 min-
utes. This may be done by holding the inner race
b, Push the seal inward and at the same time run firmly and holding the outer race against a pulley
a finger around the circumference of the bearing or belt. The seal and the snap ring must remain
until the seal is raised, allowing it to be lifted out. stationary. Aiter the run-in period, recheck the
Remove both seals. seal to make certain there a r e no wrinkles and re-
check the seal retainer snap ring for tightness.
c. Clean the bearing thoroughly in unleaded gasoline
or a good grade of grease-dissolving cleaner, such
a s Stoddard solvent (Federal Specification P-S-66la).
ING. The propeller blade bearing must be repacked
d. Examine the ball retainer rivets to make certain b. Work the grease into the bearing until it ap-
that 211 the heads a r e below the surface of the bronze pears on the other side.
bearing retainer. Dress any rivets o r burrs that
appear above the retainer with a riffle file and c. Rotate the bearing several times and work in
thoroughly clean the bearing once more. more grease.
e . Examine the bearing for roughness after it has d. Wipe off a l l excess grease.
Each propeller blade is balanced individually. This for perfect balance must be made on the hub as-
single blade balance procedure results in a per- sembly. The lead in the balance ring of a new blade
fectly balanced propeller blade both horizontally must not be disturbed when balancing the propeller.
a.nd vertically at two different blade angles matching To do so may result in a rough propeller even though
a master blade. Lead is added to the hole in the the static balance is correct. After a blade has been
shank of the blade and to the balance ring on the repaired it will be necessary to correct i t s balance
blade sleeve to bring each blade into the same bal- to match with the opposite blade, o r if both blades
ance and the Number 3 is marked in front of the have been repaired, the blades should be matched
blade serial number on the blade decal. In this to each other. In either event, unless a repaired
respect all new blades a r e interchangeable. When
two new blades a r e installed in a hub assembly and
blade is balanced to match a new blade the weight
Category Number should be crossed out.
:he propeller assembly is balanced, the correction
215 Propeller
Reassembly. '.
..i 3
SINGLE BLADE BALANCE. A repaired blade should d. Lay the cut pieces of lead on balance ring of t h ~
be balanced to an unrepaired blade or a ne- blade light blade and double check for horizontal balance'.
and both must be equipped with counterweight, bal-
ance ring, lubricated bearing and the hole in the e. Lay the cut pieces of lead 180 degrees apart on
shank of the metal blades full of MLL-L-7711 grease. balance ring and double check for vertical balance.
The balance ring on the blade to be balanced should
be empty of lead. f. Locate lead accurately for perfect vertical bal-
ance with the blade angle a t approximately 13 de-
a. lnstall the blades in the hub to be used and set grees. Mark the position of the lead and change the
each blade at 13 degrees measured a t the 75% blade angle of both blades to 30 degrees. Adjust the
station. Both blades must be set exactly the same. lead until the vertical balance is perfect a t this
Balance the blade horizontally using a single piece blade angle. If adjustment was necessary, mark and
of lead of the required weight molded to f i t the check the vertical balance again a t the same low
contour of the balance ring and lying loosely on the blade angle first used. Repeat as necessary until
balance ring; then balance the blade vertically in the the vertical balance at both blade angles i s perfect.
upright position with another piece of lead of the r e -
quired weight lying loosely on the balance ring 90 g. Mark the position of each ring and solder lead in
degrees to the axis of rotation. If more than 1/2 place. When the lead is soldered in place the added
a ring M l of lead is required for horizontal balance, weight of the solder is intentional for minor final
pack lead wool in the hale in the center of the shank balance corrections,
of the blade.
h. Install the balance ring on the blade sleeve and
h. In most instances, the piece of lead required to locate it according to the mark. Pry balance ring
balance the blade horizontally will be larger than the to its extreme position toward the tip and tighten the
piece required to balance the blade vertically. How- attaching screws. Recheck the horizontal and vertical
ever, if the piece for vertical balance is the larger, balance. The horizontal balance should show the
the condition must be corrected by removing the blade to be slightly heavy but this must be corrected
lead, if any, from the hole in the center of the blade last. If either of the vertical positions (low pitch
or changi~gto a lighter counterweight. To achieve and high pitch) is out of balance, drill out lead as
the best balance results, more weight must be r e - nearly a s possible to the plane of rotztion from the
quired for the horizontal balance than for the vertical heaviest side or rotate the balance ring slightly.
balanqe .
i. If horizontal balance is heavy, drill out equal
c. After the weight required for horizontal and amounts af lead from each of the two pieces of lead
vertical Salance is determined, aeasure the arc of the added. The drillings must be located 180 degrees
lead pieces on a four-inch protractor. Lay aside apart.
the piece used for vertical balance and subtract the
number of degrees it measured from the number of
degrees of the lead piece required for horizonial MATCHING BLADE BALANCE. When matching pro-
balance. Equally divide the remainder and add one peller blades to balance with each other, the single
half to the amount required for vertical balance. blade balance procedure is used. The location of the
lead in the balance ring and the balance ring on the
EXAMPLE blade being used a s the master blade must not have
been disturbed since the blade left the factory. Cor-
Lead required for horizontal balance 102" rect the balance of only one blade, matching i t with
Lead required for vertical balance 50" the other and cross out the weight category number
Remainder 52" on the decal of both blades. This situation should
One half of remainder 26" only be en count ere^ when the propeller diameter
Lead required for balance - One piece 50" +26" = is reduced; otherwise each blade should be balanced
76" and one piece 26" to a new blade.
When reassembling the propeller, c a r e should be c . Install the other yoke by following the procedure
taken to reinstall all p a r t s in their original places, in step b, above.
and the parts should be free of all dust and dirt.
Apply a small amount of MIL-L-7711 (AN-G-15) d. Install the actuator bolts through the yoke (both
grease to all moving parts. The following assembly sides) but do not tighten the nuts at this time.
procedure is recommended:
e. Set the hub and bearing on the dimension setting
a. Insert the threaded end of the control bolt con- fixture and slide the guide over the yoke actuator
taining the cotter pin hole t h o * r e a r boss in hub. bolt on one side.
b. Install the nut and yoke, and turn in the control f. Turn the control bolt down, finger tight, on the
bolt until the leading thread is flush against the nut. bearing and tighten the jam nut and the control bolt
21 5 Propeller
nut. Repeat this procedure for the other side and trol bolt may again be necessary to make the blade .
safety the jam nuts. .'Check for free operation. angles the same.
g. Set the hub and be&ing on a TgL016 mandrel,
install the bronze bushings over the head of the
?. Remove the blades, tighten the jam nut on the
control bolt, and safety.
actuator bolts, then insert the blades. Tighten blade
retention nuts and back off two notches. NOTE
h. Check the blade angles at/ the 33-inch station. Exercise extreme care that the control bolt
They should be within 1/4 dygree of each other. does not turn when tightening the jam nut.
Check the track and length zt this point.
8. Hold the control bolts firmly on the bearing
NOTE lugs and tighten the a c t d t o r bolts. Check for free
operation and insert the blades.
Should-the difference in blade angles be more
than 1/4 degree, follow this procedure. i. Remove the bearing from the hub and install the
ring gear and fixed sleeve assembly to it. Install
1. Note the blade with the lowest pitch angle. the motor and safety attaching screws.
2. Remove both blades and loosen the jam nut on j. The propeller should be balanced at this time.
the control bolt for the blade with the lowest angIe.
Loosen both actuator bolts. k. Fasten the bearing to the control bolt following
the reverse of directions given in PROPELLER
3. Insert the blades, tighten blade retention nut, DISASSEMBLY. Make certain that the bearing is
and back off two notches. properly aligned on the TK1016 mandrel.
4. Push control bolts firmly on the bearing lugs, 1. InsLall the bearing on control bolts using a
and again check the blade angle of the high blade. TK1016 mandrel.
5. Set the protractor on the blade with the low 2. The propeller retention nut must hold mandrel
angle and screw the control bolt clockwise until the tight in hub and bearing.
blade angle i s the same a s the high blade.
3. Tighten the actuator bearing nuts gradually to
6. Grasp the counterweights, move blades to high
pitch, then snap the blades to low pitch and check
prevent binding. c\
the blade angles again. Some adjustment of the con- 4. Screw the nuts tightly and recheck with a
NOTE 1: Tighten blade retention nut in the hub, then back off approximately 1-1/2 notches or until a
slight amount of play may be felt between the counterweight and retention nut by moving the blade back
and forth.
215 Propeller
.- >
feeler gage to determfne if the bea-ing is cancentrfc '"-
m. LaWen the nut 1 nr 1-1/2 notches and loclc in
with the land on the sleeve atthebottom of the TK1016 position with blade locks. For operation of
mandrel. The face of the inner race should be snug the propeller, a small amount of play a t the blade
on the sleeve land within 0.0015 inch. retention nut must be present. OPertightening w i l l
damage the bearings.
1. Hold the blade by the tip and tighten the retentkm
nut, one notch a t a time until all play (other than NOTE
axial rotation) disappears from the tip.
If balls were removed from the blade bear&,
be sure that the correct number of baHs w e
reinstalled. The earlier blade bearing had
36 balls of 3/8 inch diameter and the later
blades have 7/16-inch balls and require 31
in each bearing.
With the propeller assembled, turn the blades from test, check the blade torque and adjust as necessary.
high pitch to low pitch several times by hand, to If vibration was noticed, check for variations in
check for free movement. Install the propeller on a blade length, pitch and track; rebalance if necessary.
suitable engine. With the engine operating a t maxi- If binding was observed, check the blade changing
mum rpm, run the propeller from low pitch to high mechanism for signs of rubbing or hard contact with
pitch several times, then run at maximum rpm for mating surfaces. The propeller need r,ot be disas-
one minute to seat the blade bearing races, During sembled for iospection after test unless some re-
the test, watch for excessive vibration or evidence work is required.
of binding in the pitch change mechanism. Aiter the
215 Propeller
LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES NOTE: The portion of the text aRected by the currenr.tevision is
i indicaucd by a venicd linc in the outer margins of the page.
This illustrated parts breakdown is composed of the assembly. The quantities shown for component parts
Introduction, Group Assembly Parts List, including listed as details of an assembly indicate the number
exploded view illustrations and Numerical Intlex for of parts used in each assembly,
the propeller assembly Series 215 for Bonanza
t Aircraft manufactured by the Beech Aircraft Corp- To identify a part when part number is known, turn
oration, Wichita 1, Kansas. to Numerical Index to obtain the figure and index
number where part is illustrated, refer to corres-
The Group Assembly Parts Ust fists the main as- ponding figure and index in accompanying text for
semblies, subassemblies and detail parts which make nomenclature, etc. To identify a part when part
up the final assembly. The system of breakdown is number is not known, refer to the exploded view il-
arrar:ged in columnar indention form to indicate en- lustration, locate part in illustration and refer to
gineering relationship of all parts. corresponding figure and index in accompanying text
for nomenclature, etc.
The quantities listed in the "UNITS PER ASSP'
column of the Group Assembly Parts List are, in the The parts Numbering System used is shown ir the
case of assemblies, the total quantity used in each following illustration:
-f Drawing Number
Model Numberr e 1 &jar *asembly
2 Subassembly
3 L)etailPart
4 Installation Information
Y *
215 Propeller
NUT ...................................
SLEEVE ................................
CLIP ..................................
STOP SPRING, (Used with B2M)-384).............
STOP SPRING, (Used with B200-383) .............
BRACKET ..............................
BOLT ................................. . . .
. . BOLT .................................
. . NUT ...................................
YOKE .................................
BOLT .................................
NUT ..................................
BUSFiING.. .............................
m e ..................................
SCREW ................................
hwT ..................................
GEAR .................................
. . BOLT .................................
. . m ........................... . . ':-'
. . SLEEVE ..................................
. . HUBGEAR ..............................
. . BEARLNG ASSEMBLY .......................
. . LOCK .................................
. . BOLT .................................
. . PLACARD, Aluminum blade ...................
. . . CONSTANT SPEED PROPELLER .............
. . PLACARD, Hub identification ..................
. . SCREW ................................
. HUB ASSY, Prop constant speed ..................
. . SWITCH ASSY,Constant speed .................
. . . SPRING, Switch actuator ...................
. . . m T C H ..............................
. . CAM ..................................
. CAM ..................................
* Same as 215-109 Propeller Hub Assembly. except as noted .
215 Propeller
Numerical Endex ,
No. 1- Fig. &
Excerpt from the American Bonanza Society Newsletter, March 1993, pages 3185 and 3186, retyped
The January 1993 ABS The reason for these errors is as The following is a listing of the
Newsletter (Pages 3147 and 3148) follows: After determining the correct minimum blade dimension:
contained a write-up regarding percentage of allowable reduction at
Beech 215 propellers, namely blade the blade station in question from the
dimension information which chart (Figure 2-2), an additional
generated many phone calls to me amount may be subtracted from the
saying, “Hey, what’s this all about? percentage calculation. This
Any effort to keep these Beech additional amount is taken from Table
215 “electric” props going on the III, "Manufacturing Tolerances," page
“oldie but goodie” airplanes is to be 2-11. These amounts are .025" from
applauded. However, this article is all thicknesses and .047 in "chord
the result of a misinterpretation of the width" from blade shank to station 24
procedure outlined in the overhaul and .031" from station 27 to the blade
manual. Published by Beech as PN tip. Don't ask me why. That's the
115187A1. procedure per the example shown on
The procedure outlined in the 215 page 2-6.
propeller manual begins on page 2-4 The errors shown on the blade
and ends on page 2-11. The blade drawing Figure 2-8 stem from the About six years ago, I put together
drawing on page 2-9 (figure 2-8) is "calculator" not subtracting the a paperwork package detailing a
used by most or possibly all propeller additional amount From Table III. method to measure the Beech 215
shops as the limits for reduction in Also, the blade drawing shows blades with the propeller on the
blade width and thickness allowable cross-sections of the blade airfoil airplane. This would allow a person
before the blade is retired from shape at stations 9-12-18-24-30-36 to determine well in advance if the
service. and 42. Each of these cross-sections blades are approaching minimum
There are two errors in the blade has 11 thickness measurements dimensions and to begin a search for
drawing regarding the minimum blade across the blade chord. I think that all replacements without the need to
width and one error regarding blade of the 11 dimensions shown at station rush and miss a better buy on blades.
thickness. It is possible that 42 are in error by .025. The only one I This paperwork is $8.00 plus $1.60
Beech has corrected these errors in a know is incorrect is the minimum postage, a total of $9.60.
manual revision subsequent to my thickness allowed at station 42 at the The tools to perform this
manual pages. However, all of the crest point of the airfoil section, procedure are six-inch vernier or dial
prop shops I know of use page 2-9, determined by calculation. caliper (.001 resolution), carpenters
revised November 1962, which I think the other thickness spirit level, 36” ridged rule,
contains the errors. dimensions shown in the cross- miscellaneous other items.
The procedure allows a section drawing of station 42 are also So that's about it on those blades
percentage of reduction from the .025 too thick because by plotting the dimensions, all of which probably
design dimension. Some of the dimensions on a graph-type drawing, bored the hell out of everybody
confusion which surrounds the the crest point calculated dimension except those few still relying on this
procedures stems from Beech's takes an “unfair” dip in the graph line unique part of aviation history.
usage of three different terms in the when plotted against the other 10 A few years bark, one of our
procedure which allude to the same listed dimensions. members tried to get enough people
dimension. I suppose the guy who did the to sign up to have new 215 blacks
The terms are "design thickness calculations used the pencil and built. The project died on the vine due
or width," "design maximum thickness paper or slip stick method, since 1962 to probably the 'put up or shut up"
or width," and "nominal thickness or was before the small handheld requirement of pre-purchase, front
chord.” AII mean the starting point for electronic calculators we all take for money. Can you image what 200
the computations done to arrive at the granted. The final reductions from pairs of new 215 blades would be
allowable minimum dimensions. the percentage reduction results worth in the market place? Ummm,
The blade drawing contains the weren’t applied at the three points now if we could also get 200 new
"minimum chord" and "minimum described above. pitch change bearings . . . !
thickness" dimensions as calculated Lau Gage may be contacted at
by the "allowable percentage of Sunrise Filters, Inc. 2255 Sunrise
reduction" procedure with errors Reno: NV 89503, 702/826-7184
appearing at station 33 in chord and
station 42 in both chord and