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Test End Speak Out Intermediate

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Intermediate End of Course Test A

Listening Vocabulary and Grammar

1 Track 13 Listen to a teacher talking about a
4 Match 1–6 wi th a)–f).
school trip and complete the notes. 1 organic d a) learning
2 traffic b) out
Visit to the Science Museum 3 search c) taker
Date: 127th May 4 print d) food
Coach leaves at: 2a.m. 5 high e) pass
Museum opens: 3a.m. to 6p.m. 1st guided tour at: 4 6 period f) engine
Name of exhibition: Antenna 7 distance g) lights
8 risk h) on
9 driving i) achiever
10 try k) drama
5 break at : 11a.m.
11 boarding l) licence
Number of themed galleries: 20
Recommended: 6the Modern World and The Secret Life of the 7
Lunch: in picnic area at 8 p.m. IMAX film 5at: 1.15p.m.
Name of film : 9Station
2nd guided tour at: 2.45p.m. Name of exhibition: Fast 10 5 Complete the sentences with the prepositions in
Free time: 11to 5.30p.m. Home by: 8.00p.m. the box. Use some words more than once.

1 I with
at made
in friends
to on by withdown
manyuppeople at
work yet.
2 We try to save energy by not leaving electrical
appliances standby.
3 The letter didn’t arrive because it was delivered to
the wrong house mistake.
5 4 Do you believe magic?
5 You’ll get better playing the piano if you
2 Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) practise every day.
or false (F)? 6 Unfortunately, speaking a foreign language
1 The teacher advises his students to be doesn’t come naturally me.
in the car park by 7.30a.m. F 7 If you got up earlier, you might arrive t
2 They’ve all been to the museum before. ime for a change.
3 The Wellcome W ing had been closed 8 You shouldn’t forget to shut your computer
until last week. at night.
4 The teacher recommends two exh ibit ions 9 Did you know that Ben’s split up Jo?
about gadgets in the home. 10 When I get home from work, I like to relax and
5 They’ll watch a film about what it’s put my feet .
like to live and work in space. 11 He succeeded passing the exa m after a lot
6 The afternoon guided tour is about the of hard work.
development of Formula One cars.
6 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form
Pronunciation of the word in capitals.
1 She’s been unemployment for six months. She
3 Track 14 Listen and write the number of words can’t find a job. EMPLOY
in each sentence. Contracted forms count as 2 The job market for university graduates is much
one word. more these days. COMPETE
3 My son wants to specialise in
1 7 engineering. GENE
2 4 I heard a talk about the meaning of
3 dreams. FASCINATE
4 5 They were sent home from school for
5 the teacher. OBEY
6 6 I didn’t get an interview because I didn’t have the
5 right QUALIFY

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson

Intermediate End of Course Test A

9 Complete the second sentence so that it means

7 Correct one mistake in each question.
the same as the first.
1 What for did you do that?
1 We last saw each other six months ago.
What did you do that for?
We haven’t seen each other for six months.
2 Who did gave you those lovely flowers?
2 There aren’t many nice places to eat here.
There are only .
3 If sales don’t improve, I’ll lose my job.
3 If you saw him, what would you said?
Unless .
4 They’re building a new factory near the river.
4 Where were made these shoes?
Anew factory .
5 He told them they shouldn’t smoke so much.
5 Who’s the man that he stole your bag?
He warned .
6 I wasn’t able to get in touch with her.
6 Have you speak to her last night? I didn’t .

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson

Intermediate End of Course Test A
8 Underline the correct answer : a), b), c) or d).
10 Complete the text about popular words wi th
1 We don’t c eat out on Tuesdays.
one word in each gap.
a) easily b) early c) usually d) never
Do you tweet on Twi tter?
2 I couldn’t leave at six because I finished
It 1 will probably come as no surprise that
the report.
not only was Twitter the fastest growing website
a) had b) hadn’t c) wasn’t d) wouldn’t 2
2009, but ‘Twitter’ was also the
most widely used word in the media. ‘Obama’
3 We talked for hours about we used to live.
was in
a) where b) which c) that d) which 3
place and ‘H1N1’, the name of the
swine flu virus that spread all over 4
4 She to get promoted before me.
world, was in third. More surprisingly, the
a) should b) might not c) won’t d) isn’t likely
success of Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series of
and films pushed the word
5 Your order sent by first class post and will
‘vampire’ into fifth place.
arrive tomorrow.
a) is being b) has being c) will d) is The popularity of the 6 ‘Twitter’
summed up the rise of social networking on the
6 He asked me what time arrive. Internet. It was also a ‘fun’ word, 7 led
a) we ’ll b) we’d c) would we d) we have to the creation of a whole new set of vocabulary.
For e xa mple, ‘tweet’, ‘tweetaholic’ and even ‘tweet
7 If I’d seen you, I hello. up’, which means to arrange to 8 up with
a) ’d say b) ’ll say c) would’ve said d) had said your friends.
If further proof of social networking as
8 We them since we were children. 9
huge cultural force was needed, the
a) know b) knew c) ’ve been knowing
New Oxford American Dictionary chose ‘unfriend’
d) ’ve known
as its 2009 Word of the 10 . To
‘unfriend’ means to remove someone as a friend
9 While we to check in, they announced that
on a social networking 11 like Facebook.
our plane was delayed.
a) waited b) are waiting c) were waiting
d) had waited

10 He’s been working there since .

a) five months b) March c) two years
d) a long time.

11 we arrived, the concert had started.

a) While b) Until c) As soon as d) By the time


PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson

Intermediate End of Course Test A

a) The cold and the lack of o xygen has killed many
11 Match gaps 1–6 in the text with sentences
a)–g) opposite. There is one extra sentence climbers in the past.
you do not need. b) It’s my dream we are following.
c) Their knowledge and experience of the mountain
Teenage boy climbs Everest will help keep us all safe.
In May 2010, American teenager Jordan Romero d) He conquered the first one, Mount Kilimanjaro
(5,895m), in Africa when he was ten.
made history by becoming the youngest person to
climb the highest peak in the world, Mount e) Jordan was 13 years old.
f) Age has nothing to do with anything.
Everest (8,848m). 1 e . The first thing he did
g) Jordan says he was first inspired to climb at the
when he reached the summit was to make a phone
age of nine.
call, 10
saying, ‘Mom, I'm calling you from the top of the
world!’ 12 Read the text again and choose the correct
Jordan made the climb with his father Paul, his step- ans wer: a), b) or c).
mother Karen Lundgren and three Sherpa guides, 1 When Jordan got to the top of Everest, he called
all e xperienced mountaineers. However, despite his c .
Jordan’s age, he was by no means an inexperienced a) father
climber. In fact, this was his sixth major b) friends
achievement in his dream to climb the Seven c) mother
Summits, the highest peaks on all seven
continents. 2 He’d already climbed of the highest
mountains in the world.
. Bet ween 2007 and 2009, he climbed five a) five
others in North and South America, Australia and b) six
Europe. Having climbed the Asian one, this left c) seven
only the Vinson Massif (4,892m) in Antarctica to
achieve his dream of being the youngest person to 3 Jordan climbed Kilimanjaro when he was .
climb all seven. a) seven
. There was a painting on a corridor wall in b) nine
his California school which showed the highest c) ten
point on every continent, and it fascinated him. He
did some research and then one day he said to his 4 Some people thought Jordan shouldn’t climb
father, ‘Dad, I want to climb the Seven Summits.’ Everest because .
His father immediately started training him and the a) he would get frostbite
following year they climbed Kilimanjaro. b) the mountain was too high
c) he wasn’t old enough
Despite Jordan’s achievements, the Everest climb
also attracted criticis m from people who said he 5 Before the climb, .
was too young to take such risks. It is true that a) Jordan trained very hard
climbing at such high altitudes can be dangerous. 4 b) he spent several months on Everest
Furthermore, a previous record holder for the c) his father was very worried
youngest person to climb Mount Everest, 16-year-
old Temba Tsheri from Nepal, lost five fingers from 6 Jordan would like .
frostbite during his climb due to the extre me cold. a) everybody to climb mountains
But Jordan’s father rejected the criticisms, saying, b) to inspire other teenagers
‘We were so prepared, everything went absolutely c) to find more challenges
perfectly. 5 ’. He said they’d spent several
weeks getting used to the high altitude. He thought
Jordan had trained hard and had been ready for the
Jordan himself said, ‘I’m the one who started this
project. 6 . I know it’s a big goal and
luckily for me, my family is supporting me every
step of the way. In fact my family is my team.’
He hopes his adventure will inspire young people

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Intermediate End of Course Test A

13 Cross out the option or response that is not
possible. 15 Underline the correct alternati ves.
1 So should I dress smartly tonight? The best meal of my life!
a) I see. b) Of course. c) That’s right.
2 I’m afraid the party’s been cancelled. What’s the 1more / most delicious food you’ve ever
a) Really? b) Well done. c) That’s a shame. eaten? Mine was chicken soup. 2In general / In all
3 A: Do you recommend taking a sweater? likelihood it wasn’t just the soup itself, but
B: Yes, quite cold in the evenings. where and 3what / when it was eaten. It happened
a) it ’s generally b) on the whole, it ’s when I was working in Morocco 4while / during
c) it tends to Ramadan, when Muslims don’t eat 5or / but drink
4 A: That was a fantastic meal, wasn’t it? anything
B: Yes, but I the food was overpriced. from sunrise to sunset, and never complain.
a) for one thing b) do think c) must say 6
Although / However I’m not a Muslim, I
5 Did you know that if you listen to Bach, it helps admired the willpower of my friends so much 7than /
you to learn better? that one day I decided to share the experience with
a) Oh, really? b) I have no idea. them. It was one of the most memorable days of
c) Does it? That’s interesting. my life, full of unexpected feelings and emotions.
6 What should we get Harry and Sara for their
wedding anniversary? Finally / By the time the sun was setting, I’d
a) Don’t forget to buy them a plant. joined the crowds of people in the square, 9which
b) I don’t know. / where the cafés had prepared bowls of steaming
c) If I were you, I’d just send them a card. chicken
5 soup 10as well as / also deliciously sweet desserts.
Everyone had a bowl of soup in front of them and
14 Match gaps 1–11 in the conversation with held their spoons ready to eat. 11After that / As
a)–k) below.
A: 1Have a my car keys, Anna? 5
B: I’m 2 sure I left them on the table. 16 Choose one of the topics below and write an
A: No, I’ve looked there. Did you put them in your essay / a story on a separate piece of paper.
handbag? Use the paragraph notes to help you. Write
B: Maybe. I 3 . Where is my handbag anyway? 130–150 wor ds.
A: I haven’t got 4 . You know, I think we
should buy a red carpet! Topic A
B: 5 ? Why red?
A: I read an art icle about it. Apparently red helps If you could choose to be a famous person from
history, who would you choose?
you remember details better. Para 1: say who the person is and what they are
B: You’ve 6 . famous for
A: Well, 7 thing, we’re getting very forgetful Para 2: give two or three reasons why you would
these days. like to be them
B: Yes, but 8 I see it, that’s because we spend Para 3: say what things you would do differently
too much time using computers. from them, and why
A: Exactly! I think I’ll try using a red screen on
mine. Topic B
B: OK, but whatever 9 , don’t buy a red carpet!
A: Don’t worry. Hey, you’ll 10 what! Write a story beginning with these words:
B: You found the keys? It was the most important day of my life.
Para 1: say why the day was important
A: Yes, in my pocket …
Para 2: describe what happened on this day
B: 11 joking! Para 3: say what the conclusion was – positive or
a) you seen g) Really 10
b) the way h) a clue
c) you do i) lost me Total: 100
d) fairly j) can’t remember
e) never guess k) for one
f) You’re

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson

Intermediate End of Course Test

Listening Vocabulary and Grammar

1 Track 13 Listen to a teacher talking about a
4 Match 1–6 wi th a)–f).
school trip and complete the notes. 1 organic d a) money
Visit to the Science Museum 2 natural b) off
Date: 1 27th May 3 hand c) course
Coach leaves at: 2a.m. 4 dating d) food
Museum opens : 10a.m. to 3 5 genetic e) research
1st guided tour at: 4
p.m. 6 romantic f) luggage
Name of Exhibition : Antenna
7 log g) talent
8 raise h) estate
Coffee bre ak at : 5a.m. 9 online i) site
10 council k) comedy
Number of themed galleries: 6
11 do l) engineering
Recommended: Making the 7World and The Secret Life of the Home
Lunch in: 8area at 12.30p.m. IMAX film at : 1.15p.m. 5
Name of film : Space 9
5 Complete the sentences with the prepositions in
2nd guided tour at : 2.45p.m.
the box. Use some words more than once.
Name of exhibition: 10Forward
Free time: 3.45 to 11p.m. Home by: 8.00p.m.
1 I with
to friends
on down withup formanyat people at
work yet.
2 Please come in and make yourself home.
3 Ben’s always had an aptitude cooking.
4 I don’t think it’ll work. She has so little in
common him.
5 Since they got back from Singapore, they haven’t
5 been able to settle again.
6 His teacher thinks Tim’s not paying enough
2 Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) attention his homework.
or false (F)? 7 If they’d left earlier, they would ’ve been able to
1 The teacher advised his students to be check for their flight on time.
in the car park by 7.30a.m. F 8 I was embarrassed because I was wearing my
2 The Wellcome W ing has exhib itions jeans, but everybody else had dressed for
about modern art and science. the party.
3 The teacher recommended two permanent 9 I wouldn’t rely him if I were you.
e xhibit ions about contemporary 10 I know you didn’t do it purpose.
science. 11 Unfortunately, dancing doesn’t come naturally
4 The students will watch a film about him.
daily life on the International Space 5
5 Fast Forward is an e xhibit ion about 6 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form
how Formula One technology is being of the word in capitals.
adapted for use in daily life. 1 She’s been unemployed for six months. She
6 The visit will end with a guided tour can’t find a job. EMPLOY
of some interesting new galleries. 2 They the teacher so they had to do
5 e xtra homework. OBEY
3 The problem is that she’s too good. She’s
Pronunciation for the job. QUA LIFY
3 Track 14 Listen and write the number of words 4 I think he’s got a very job in the
in each sentence. Contracted forms count as government. INFLUENCE
one word. 5 Please accept my apologies. I what
you said. UNDERSTAND
1 7 4 6 If you’d arrived on time, he wouldn’t have been
2 5 so . ANNOY
3 6

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Intermediate End of Course Test
7 Correct one mistake in each question.
1 What for did you do that? 9 Complete the second sentence so that it means
What did you do that for? the same as the first.
2 Who’s the woman that she was so rude to you? 1 We last saw each other six months ago.
We haven’t seen each other for six months.
3 Have you see them last weekend? 2 They’re delivering the furniture tomorrow.
The furniture .
4 Who did sent you that lovely card? 3 She told us it would be a good idea to take a taxi.
She advised .
5 If he’d spoke to you, what would you have done? 4 The quality isn’t as good as it used to be.
The quality is .
6 How is made this table? 5 There wasn’t much food left after the party.
There was only .
5 6 If it doesn’t stop raining, we won’t be able to go
for a walk.
8 Underline the correct answer : a), b), c) or d). Unless .
1 We don’t c eat out on Tuesdays.
a) easily b) early c) usually d) never 10 Complete the text wi th one word in each gap.5
2 She them since she was at primary school.
a) knows b) knew c) ’s been knowing
d) ’s known Do you tweet on Twi tter?
It 1 will probably come as no surprise that
3 While they at the gate, they found out the
not only was Twitter 2 fastest
flight would be five hours late.
growing website in 2009, but ‘Twitter’ was also
a) waited b) are waiting c) were waiting
d) had waited 3
widely used word in the media.
‘Obama’ was in second place and ‘H1N1’, the
4 I’ve been working here for .
name of the swine flu virus that spread all over the
a) five months b) March c) two years ago
world, was in 4 . More surprisingly, the
d) last year
success of Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series of
books and
5 we arrived, the concert started. 5
pushed the word ‘vampire’ into
a) While b) Until c) As soon as d) By the time
fifth place.
6 He couldn’t leave work early because he The popularity of the word ‘Twitter’ summed up
asked his boss. the rise of 6 networking on the internet. It
a) had b) hadn’t c) wasn’t d) wouldn’t was also a ‘fun’ word, which led to the creation of a
whole new set of vocabulary. For e xa mple,
7 We talked for hours about we used to play ‘tweet’, ‘tweetaholic’ and even ‘tweet up’, 7
together in a band. means to arrange to meet 8 with
a) when b) which c) that d) which your friends.
If further proof of social networking as a huge
8I to get promoted before him.
cultural force was needed, 9 New
a) should b) might not c) won’t
Oxford American Dictionary chose ‘unfriend’ as
d) ’m not likely
its 2009 Word of the Yea r. To ‘unfriend’ means
9 Your order sent by first class post and will
arrive tomorrow.
a) ’s been b) has being c) will d) is 5

10 She asked them what time leave.

a) they’ll b) they’d c) would they d) they have

11 If I’d met you, we had lunch.

a) would b) won’t have c) could’ve d) might

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson

Intermediate End of Course Test

a) Jordan was 13 years old.
11 Match gaps 1–6 in the text with sentences b) Age has nothing to do with anything.
a)–g) opposite. There is one extra sentence c) Jordan says he was first inspired to climb at the
you do not need. age of nine.
Teenage boy climbs Everest d) The cold and the lack of o xygen has killed many
climbers in the past.
In May 2010, American teenager Jordan Romero e) It’s my dream we are following.
made history by becoming the youngest person to f) Their knowledge and experience of the mountain
climb the highest peak in the world, Mount will help keep us all safe.
Everest (8,848m). 1 a . The first thing he did g) He conquered the first one, Mount Kilimanjaro
when he reached the summit was to make a phone (5,895m), in Africa when he was ten.
call, 10
saying, ‘Mom, I’m calling you from the top of the
world!’ 12 Read the text again and choose the correct
ans wer: a), b), or c).
Jordan made the climb with his father Paul, his step- 1 When Jordan got to the top of Everest, he called
mother Karen Lundgren and three Sherpa guides, his c .
all e xperienced mountaineers. However, despite a) father
Jordan’s age, he was by no means an inexperienced b) friends
climber. In fact, this was his sixth major c) mother
achievement in his dream to climb the Seven
Summits, the highest peaks on all seven 2 He hasn’t climbed the highest mountain in
continents. yet.
. Between 2007 and 2009, he climbed five a) Africa
others in North and South America, Australia and b) Asia
Europe. Having climbed the Asian one, this left c) Antarctica
only the Vinson Massif (4,892m) in Antarctica to
achieve his dream of being the youngest person to 3 Jordan first got interested in climbing when he
climb all seven. was .
a) at school
. There was a painting on a corridor wall in b) seven
his California school which showed the highest c) a teenager
point on every continent, and it fascinated him. He
did some research and then one day, he said to his 4 The main crit icis m of Jordan’s Everest climb was
father, ‘Dad, I want to climb the Seven Summits.’ .
His father immediately started training him and the a) the cold
following year they climbed Kilimanjaro. b) his age
Despite Jordan’s achievements, the Everest climb c) the lack of o xygen
also attracted criticis m from people who said he was
too young to take such risks. It is true that 5 Before the climb, .
climbing at such high altitudes can be dangerous. 4 a) Jordan did a lot of training
. b) Jordan’s father was very worried
Furthermore, a previous record holder for the c) Jordan had frostbite
youngest person to climb Mount Everest, 16
year old Temba Tsheri from Nepal, lost five 6 Jordan wanted to climb Everest because .
fingers from frostbite during his climb due to the a) it was what he dreamt of
extre me cold. b) his family wanted him to do it
c) he wanted to encourage young people to keep
But Jordan’s father rejected the criticisms, saying, fit
‘We were so prepared, everything went absolutely
perfectly. 5 .’ He said they’d spent several
weeks getting used to the high altitude. He thought
Jordan had trained hard and had been ready for the
Jordan himself said, ‘I’m the one who started this
project. 6 . I know it’s a big goal and lucky
for me, my family is supporting me every step of
the way. In fact my family is my team.’

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Intermediate End of Course Test
Speaking Writing
13 Cross out the option or response that is not 15 Underline the correct alternati ves.
1 So should I dress smartly tonight? The best meal of my life!
a) I see. b) Of course. c) That’s right. What’s the 1more / most delicious food you’ve ever
2 Did you know that if you miss breakfast, you eaten? Mine was chicken soup. 2In all probability /
can’t concentrate so well?
On the whole, it wasn’t just the soup itself, but
a) Oh, really? b) I have no idea. c) Can’t you? where and when it was eaten. It happened 3during /
3 What should I get them as a wedding present? while I was working in Morocco during Ramadan,
a) Don’t forget to send them a card. 4
which / when Muslims don’t eat or drink anything
b) I don’t know. from sunrise 5until / by sunset, and never
c) If I were you, I’d give them some money. complain.
4 I’m afraid our flight has been cancelled.
a) You can’t be serious. b) Well done. I’m not a Muslim, 6however / also I admired the
c) That’s terrib le! willpower of my friends 7so / such a lot that one
5 A: Would you suggest taking a swimsuit? day I decided to share the experience with them. It
B: Yes, quite hot in June. was one of the most memorable days of my life,
a) it ’s generally b) on the whole, it ’s full of unexpected feelings 8or / and emotions.
c) it tends to 9
Finally / As the sun was going down, I joined the
6 A: That was a fantastic play, wasn’t it?
crowds of people in the square, 10which / where
B: Yes, but I the seats were overpriced. cafés had prepared bowls of steaming chicken soup
a) for one thing b) do think c) must say and sticky, sweet desserts. Everyone had a bowl of
soup and held their spoons, ready to eat. 11As
soon as / As well as the sun set, we lifted our

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson

Intermediate End of Course Test

14 Match gaps 1–11 in the conversation with a)–

k) below.
A: 1 Have a my car keys, Anna?
B: I’m fairly 2 I left them on the table. 16 Choose one of the topics below and write an
A: No, I’ve looked there. Did you put them in your essay / a story on a separate piece of paper.
handbag? Use the paragraph notes to help you. Write
B: It’s 3 . I can’t remember. Where is my 130–150 wor ds.
handbag anyway?
A: I 4 a clue. You know, I think we should Topic A
buy a red carpet! If you could choose to be a famous person from
B: Really? Why red? history, who would you choose?
A: I read an art icle about it. Apparently red helps Para 1: say who the person is and what they are
you remember details better. famous for
B: What exactly 5 mean? Para 2: give two or three reasons why you would
A: Well, for one 6 , we’re getting very like to be them
forgetful these days. Para 3: say what things you would do differently
B: Yes, but the way I 7 , that’s because we from them, and why
spend too much time using computers.
A: 8 ! I think I’ll try using a red screen on Topic B
mine. Write a story beginning with these words:
B: OK, but 9 you do, don’t buy a red carpet! It was the most important day of my life.
A: OK, don’t worry. Hey! 10 guess what! Para 1: say why the day was important
B: You found the keys? Para 2: describe what happened on this day
A: Yes, they were in my pocket … Para 3: say what the conclusion was – positive or
B: You’re 11 ! negative

a) you seen g) Exact ly 10

b) whatever h) joking
c) possible i) haven’t got Total: 100
d) thing j) do you
e) You’ll never k) see it
f) sure

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Intermediate Tests Answer
End of Course Test A

1: 2 8 3 10 4 10.15 5 coffee 6 Making 11: 2d 3g 4a 5f 6b (sentence c is not

7 Home 8 12.30 9 Space 10 Forward needed)
11 3.45 12: 2a 3c 4c 5a 6b
2: 2F 3T 4F 5T 6F 13: Delete: 2b 3c 4a 5b 6a
3: 2 7 3 11 4 9 5 12 6 8 14: 2d 3j 4h 5g 6i 7k 8b 9c 10e 11f
4: 2g 3f 4b 5i 6k 7a 8c 9l 10h 11e 15: 2 In all likelihood 3 when 4 during
5: 2 on 3 by 4 in 5 at 6 to 7 on 8 down 5 or 6 Although 7 that 8 By the time
9 with 10 up 11 in 9 where 10 as well as 11 As soon as
6: 2 competitive 3 genetic 4 fascinating 16: (sample answer: 145 words)
5 disobeying 6 qualifications If I could, I’d choose to be King Henry
7: 2 Who gave you those lovely flowers? VIII of England. He’s most famous for
3 If you saw him, what would you say? having six wives, but that’s not the
4 Where were the se shoe s made? reason I’d like to have been him. I
5 Who’s the man that stole your bag? admire him because he had the
6 Did you speak to her last night? courage to challenge the Pope in
8: 2b 3a 4d 5a 6b 7c 8d 9c 10b 11d Rome and change the religion of Great
9: There are only a few nice places to eat Britain.
here. I’d like to be like him because he was
3 Unless sales improve, I’ll lose my job. brave, innovative and charismatic. He
4 A new factory is being built near the was king at a very dangerous time in
river. British history and it was important for
5 He warned them not to smoke so him to have sons to become king when
much. he died. For this reason, he divorced
6 I didn’t manage to get in touch with his first wife and married five more
her. times. However, he had many enemies
10: 2 in 3 second 4 the 5 books 6 word who didn’t agree with this.
7 which 8 meet 9 a 10 Year 11 site It’s easy to say I’d do things differently
but I would try to trust people more
than he did, and not execute them. His
people suffered too much when he was

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Intermediate Tests Answer
End of Course Test B

1: 2 8 3 6 4 10.15 5 11 6 20 11: 2g 3c 4d 5b 6e (sentence f is not

7 Modern 8 picnic 9 Station 10 Fast used)
11 5.30 12: 2c 3a 4b 5a 6a
2: 2F 3F 4T 5 T 6 F 13: Delete: 2b 3a 4b 5c 6a
3: 2 7 3 11 4 9 5 12 6 8 14: 2f 3c 4i 5j 6d 7k 8g 9b 10e 11h
4: 2g 3f 4i 5l 6k 7b 8a 9c 10h 11e 15: 2 In all probability 3 while 4 when
5: 2 at 3 for 4 with 5 down 6 to 7 in 5 until 6 however 7 such 8 and 9 As
8 up 9 on 10 on 11 to 10 where 11 As soon as
6: 2 disobeyed 3 overqualified 16: (sample answer: 145 words)
4 influential 5 misunderstood If I could, I’d choose to be King Henry
6 annoyed VIII of England. He’s most famous for
7: 2 Who’s the woman that was so rude having six wives, but that’s not the
to you? reason I’d like to have been him. I
3 Did you see them last weekend? admire him because he had the
4 Who sent you that lovely card? courage to challenge the Pope in
5 If he’d spoken to you, what would Rome and change the religion of Great
you have done? Britain.
6 How is this table made? I’d like to be like him because he was
8: 2d 3c 4a 5c 6b 7a 8d 9a 10b 11c brave, innovative and charismatic. He
9: 2 The furniture’s being delivered was king at a very dangerous time in
tomorrow. British history and it was important for
3 She advised us to take a taxi. him to have sons to become king when
4 The quality is worse than it used to he died. For this reason, he divorced
be. his first wife and married five more
5 There was only a little food left after times. However, he had many enemies
the party. who didn’t agree with this.
6 Unless it stops raining, we won’t be It’s easy to say I’d do things differently
able to go for a walk. but I would try to trust people more
10: 2 the 3 most 4 third 5 films 6 social than he did, and not execute them. His
7 which 8 up 9 the 10 friend 11 Have people suffered too much when he was

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Intermediate Tests Audio
Track 13: End of Course Test, Listening exercise

T = Teacher

T: Good morning everybody. Before we start the class today, I

need to give you some information about our field trip on the

27th of May – next Friday, in fact. As you know, we’re

spending the day at the amazing Science Museum in London.

The coach will pick us up in the school car park. We’ll leave at

8 o’clock so plan to be here at least 15 minutes before that –

7.45 at the latest. You’d better set your alarms for 6.30, OK?

Our visit’s been confirmed by the museum and I’ ve just

received the itinerary and information about the activities they’

ve organised for us. If you’ve visited the Science Museum

before, you’ll know that it’s enormous and we can’t possibly see

everything in one day. You may want to take some notes now –

though I’ ll also put the info on the class website later on.

The museum opens from 10a.m. to 6p.m. If all goes well, we

hope to arrive by 10.15 latest, when we’ll have our first guided

tour of the day – there are two, by the way. If you read the

newspaper last Sunday, you’ll have seen the article about the

re-opening of the Welcome Wing last week. It now has three

state-of-the-art galleries which deal only with contemporary

science. We’re going to have a guided tour of one of them –


Intermediate Tests Audio

Intermediate Tests Audio
exhibition called Antenna, which is about how the latest scientific

discoveries could change our lives. You’ll also have the

opportunity to give your opinions about the latest ideas.

Remember, the museum has lots of hands-on multimedia stuff

so you won’t get bored – I’m sure you’ll find it fascinating.

Then at 11 o’clock we’ll have a coffee break and you’ll be free

to visit the permanent exhibitions until 12.30. There are twe nty

galleries with different themes so you’ll only have time to see

two or three properly. If I were you, I wouldn’t miss the one

called Making the Modern World – which is marvellous. It shows

the development of the modern industrial world in a really

entertaining and creative way. Also watch out for The Secret

Life of the Home. It’s great fun and you’ll be amazed by all the

gadgets people used to use in the house – and will use in the


Then it’s lunchtime. We’ ve ordered a picnic from the café,

which we’ll eat in the ‘picnic area’ on the first floor. We’ll all

meet up there at 12.30 so don’t be late – we have to go to the

cinema at 1.15! Yes, but not an ordinary cinema – an IMAX 3D

cinema! At quarter past one, we’re booked to have a 3D

experience ca lled Space Station. You’ll blast off into space with

astronauts from

Intermediate Tests Audio


Intermediate Tests Audio
the USA and Russia, and experience life on the International

Space Station, 220 miles above Earth. How does that sound?

Great. OK, then we have our second guided tour at 2.45 –

quarter to three – to see one of the special temporary

exhibitions called Fast Forward. It’s about twenty ways that

Formula One technology is being used in our hospitals, homes

and work places. For example, the materials and machines they’

ve developed for the Formula One cars are now being used to

make racing bikes, and sophisticated machines to monitor

hospital patients. The tour should take about an hour – until

3.45. And I’m pleased to tell you that you’ll then be free for the

rest of the afternoon! You’ll be able to go back to any galleries

you’re particularly interested in, or see something new. We’ll

leave the Museum at half past five so tell your parents you

should be home by about 8p.m.

I think that’s all for now. Oh, one last thing, check out the

Science Museum website before we go. The more you read

about it, the more interesting the visit will be.


Intermediate Tests Audio
Track 14: End of Course Test, Pronunciation exercise

We won’t go unless you come too.

We won’t go unless you come too.

They told us they wouldn’t be late.

They told us they wouldn’t be late.

That was the moment when he knew they’d win the match.

That was the moment when he knew they’d win the match.

We haven’t been told what time it starts yet.

We haven’t been told what time it starts yet.

If she hadn’t driven so carelessly, she wouldn’t have had an accident.

If she hadn’t driven so carelessly, she wouldn’t have had an accident.


Intermediate Tests Audio

He promised he’d help me if he could.

He promised he’d help me if he could.



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