Year 9 CAT
Year 9 CAT
Year 9 CAT
You should ALWAYS show your working in order to gain full credit for
your answers. There are some extra space for you to show your working on
page 13 & 14.
Epsom Girls Grammar School 2019 EOY Year 9 0|Page
Number h) Round your answer to part (g) to the nearest
You are advised to spend 35 minutes on these
questions. Show ALL working to get full marks.
Fractions do not need to be simplified. i) Calculate −2(5 + 2) + 5(1 − 3) 2
27 __________________________________
a) Write 100 as a decimal
j) Write 68 as a product of its prime factors
b) Write 48% as a fraction
c) Calculate 11 + 25 ÷ 5 =
2 3
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
a) The school heater is turned on at 5 am in the
[1] morning. At this time the temperature of the
4 7
×8= college hall was -2°C. By 9 am the temperature
of the hall had increased by 20°C. What was the
_______________________________________ temperature of the hall at 9 am?
_______________________________________ ________________________________________
[1] [1]
b) During the holidays, the caretaker only works 6
hours per day. One day in the holidays, she spent
f) List the following decimals in order from 2
smallest to largest. 5
of her day fixing the heater. How many hours
0.25, 0.31, 0.256, 0.301, 0.176, 0.204 and minutes did she spend fixing the heater?
[1] ________________________________________
g) Add the smallest decimal and the largest
decimal. ________________________________________
[1] ________________________________________
Epsom Girls Grammar School 2019 EOY Year 9 1|Page
c) A science teacher has 18.54kg of rocks. She f) On a Christmas tree, the red lights flash every
wants to divide this into 9 containers of equal 15 seconds and the blue lights flash every 20
weight. What weight of rocks will be in each seconds. How long will it be before both
container? colours flash at the same time?
[1] _____________________________________
d) A plant in the science quad grows 1.25 cm per QUESTION THREE
month. How much would the plant have grown The school spent half of their annual maintenance
in 2 years?
budget on planting new trees. They spent two fifths
of what was left on general maintenance. After that,
they spent a third of the remaining on buying new
chairs for teachers. What percentage of the original
budget remains?
e) A highlighter set cost $16.50 and a pen set
costs $3.20 less than the set of highlighters. ________________________________________
Waimaria has saved $50. Will she be able to
buy two sets of highlighters and one set of ________________________________________
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
_____________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ____________________________________________
c) This year, school fees for international students
has dropped by 10%. The current fee is $18,000 ____________________________________________
per year. What was the international student fee
last year? ____________________________________________
________________________________________ ____________________________________________
________________________________________ ____________________________________________
________________________________________ ____________________________________________
________________________________________ ____________________________________________
[2] [4]
a) 7f + 6q + 4f + 2q = _________________________________________
Calculate the area of a trapezium that has
h = 10 cm, a = 4cm, b = 8cm. __________________________________ [2]
Epsom Girls Grammar School 2019 EOY Year 9 4|Page
(a) The original cost of a book was $n. It is now Martha bought a jacket and a dress.
reduced by $5. Peter bought 7 of these books. The price of the jacket was $10 less than three
Write an expression for the total cost of 7 books. times the price of the dress. She spent $250.
________________________________________ Form an algebraic equation, and solve it to work
out the cost of the dress.
(b) The perimeter of this rectangle is 34 cm. Write
and then solve an equation to find the length of _____________________________________
the rectangle.
_______________________________________ _____________________________________
_______________________________________ _____________________________________
__________________________________[1] _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ [2]
One hexagon is formed by 6 square-tiles
(a) Complete the table below
(d) How many tiles will be needed for 10 hexagons?
Number of Number of Tiles
Hexagon (H) (T) _____________________________________
1 6
_____________________________________ [1]
2 11
List the next two terms in each of the following
Epsom Girls Grammar School 2019 EOY Year 9 6|Page
Measurement (b) The box has the measurements:
30cm long, 12cm wide and 8cm deep.
You are advised to spend 25 minutes on these
questions. You MUST show correct metric units to
receive full marks.
Fill in the gaps with the correct conversion.
8 cm
[1] _____________________________________ [3]
Epsom Girls Grammar School 2019 EOY Year 9 7|Page
(d) The dimensions of a single pack are 12cm long,
5cm wide and 2cm deep. ________________________________________
(f) The perimeter of the label is 33cm.
What is the length of the sloping side?
(e) At the back of the snack box, it has a label with QUESTION THREE
the following shape:
The table below shows the courier’s pick-up and
Diagram is NOT delivery time from different post offices. Pick-ups
to scale and deliveries are done at the same time.
(a) A parcel is picked up (or delivered) at 1443
hours. Write this time in 12-hour clock format.
Calculate the area above.
Epsom Girls Grammar School 2019 EOY Year 9 8|Page
(b) Looking at the table above, how long is it QUESTION FOUR
between the first pick-up time from International
The pool’s deep end is 170cm and the shallow end
and the last delivery time from Tong Thai?
is 70cm. The pool is 15m long and 10m wide.
The water tank has a rectangular base, length 8m,
width 15m.
If water was emptied from pool into a waste water
tank, how deep would the water reach?
________________________________________ Pool
(c) Sophie dropped off a parcel at Chitlom Square
at 12.30pm, she wanted the parcel to be delivered to
Ekkamai just before 3pm. Waste water
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
____________________________________ [3]
Angle 𝒙𝒙 = _______________
Reason: _________________________________
Diagram is NOT
to scale
∆BCF, ∆BEF, ∆CFG are isosceles triangles.
F BE = BF = CF = CG
Calculate the size of angle BFG.
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
Angle ∠CDE = _____________ [1]
Reason: _________________________________
________________________________________ [3]
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
Epsom Girls Grammar School 2019 EOY Year 9 12 | P a g e
Extra space if required.