Ed Ebreo - Presentation Skills Training
Ed Ebreo - Presentation Skills Training
Ed Ebreo - Presentation Skills Training
Edwin C. Ebreo
(632)8933199 or (63918)9399394
Edwin C. Ebreo
(632)8933199 or (63918)9399394
You may ask Ed for his CV detailing his career background and the number of courses and clients he already has.
Our Methodology
We offer more than training
We offer you five reasons to avail of our service. 1. Customization we are eager to know more about your company and the target participants in order to enhance the accuracy of our program in addressing your employees real needs. 2. Preparation We believe that training and change go hand-in-hand. We prepare our participants for training by giving them a briefing and helping them prepare for the requirements of the training. Because of this approach, our participants are ready to jump in with both feet when they attend our training. 3. Engaging workshops We make sure that our courses are highly interactive. We employ the most interactive activities to help participants be more engaged and focused on learning. 4. Post-training report During our workshops, our facilitators carefully observe the behaviors of our participants and take notes of possible issues and challenges that may get in the way of application of learning. We also observe participants for demonstration of leadership, creativity and communication skills. These, together with the many outputs of the program are organized into a report together with our recommendations for next steps. This helps our clients keep tab of the participants learning and follow through. 5. Follow through session We offer a half-day session meeting with the participants one month after the session to find out how they applied the learning and what additional help they need so they can be more effective in their jobs.
Edwin C. Ebreo
(632)8933199 or (63918)9399394
Presentation Dynamics
They say..
Conducting a presentation or speaking before an audience is feared more than heights, flying or as mentioned in one survey even dying! Its crazy but if this is true most people would prefer to be lying in the casket than to give a eulogy. In the business world, however, there is no avoiding having to present a product, a report, or an idea. It is necessary, therefore, to have the confidence to be able to present effectively. Develop this confidence by developing your employees skills. Develop their skills by knowing what skills they already have. This workshop allows the participants the chance to assess and develop the presenter in them and put together an action plan to use techniques for getting their message across, keeping their audience interested and eliciting the desired reaction. The Workshop would be a two-day, week apart skills development training. It starts with a gap analysis of each learners presentation skills vis--vis the ideal. This analysis would enable the learner to develop a Skills Inventory, which may be used to identify areas for improvement. Effective presentation techniques and guidelines will be taught and demonstrated through a series of lectures and experiential activities. By the end of the workshop, each learner will demonstrate learning by simulating a workrelated presentation. The presentations will be videotaped and will be critiqued by the learner, the class, and the trainer. Feedback and the learners progress will be recorded in the Skills Inventory which will be used by the learner to identify further development needs, and track progress. Workshop Objectives By the end of the workshop, the learners would be able to: Assess their strengths and their areas for improvement as speakers and presenters Learn and practice techniques for effective presentations Manage interactions with the audience Respond effectively to difficult questions and situations Use presentation tools more effectively Build an action plan for developing their presentation skills in relation to their job requirements Pre-workshop requirement: Participants should prepare a 5-7 minute presentation with visual aids which they will use in the diagnostic activity at the beginning of the workshop.
Edwin C. Ebreo
(632)8933199 or (63918)9399394
Presentation Dynamics
Course Content
Time 9:00 to 9:30 Topics Introduction - Opening Remarks - Ice Breaker - Guidelines and house rules - Leveling of expectations - Workshop Objectives Diagnostic Activity - Individual 3 to 5-min presentations and critiquing Facing the Presentation Challenge -Identifying problems with presentations Five Steps to Successful Presentation - Preparation - Prevention - Presentation - Practice - Pursuit Building the Presentation Skill - What makes an effective presenter - Use of body language/gestures - Vocal variation - Controlling nervousness and bad habits Getting Your Message Across - Using structure to strengthen the message - PREP, AIDA, SMG, PPF and Two-point patterns Developing Your Presentation Materials - Your Handouts - Audio Visual Materials and other equipment Managing your Audience - Dealing with different types of audience - Dealing with hecklers Putting It all together - Skill Practice - Feedback and Critique - Review of Skills Development Menu - Commitment Exercise Closing Activities Activity Objectives Know the objectives of the program and follow the house rules.
Assess the participants presentation strengths and areas for improvement Identify reasons why presentations fail Identify the five important steps to successful presentation
2:00 to 5:00
9:00 to 10:30
Describe techniques for structuring the presentation Describe ways to make the presentation materials contribute to the success of the presentation Identify tactics for dealing with different types of audiences. Practice all the skills shared in the program and make action plans for continuous improvement.
10:45 to 11:00