Astm D3350 00
Astm D3350 00
Astm D3350 00
standard. D 2837 Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials3
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the D 3892 Practice for Packaging/Packing of Plastics4
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responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
D 4976 Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Molding and
Extrusion Materials5
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. D 5033 Guide for the Development of Standards Relating to
NOTE 3—There is no similar or equivalent ISO standard. ASTM D3350-00
the Proper Use of Recycled Plastics5
1.5 For information regarding Molding and Extrusion Ma- F 1473 Test Method for Notch Tensile Test to Measure the
terials see D 4976 Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Resistance to Slow Crack Growth of Polyethylene Pipes
Molding and Extrusion Materials. For information regarding and Resins3
Wire and Cable Materials see D 1248 Specification for Poly- 3. Terminology
ethylene Plastics Extrusion Materials for Wire and Cable.
3.1 Definitions—Terms as described in Terminology D 883
2. Referenced Documents shall apply in this specification.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 3.1.1 polyethylene plastics—as defined by this specification,
D 618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing2 plastics or resins prepared by the polymerization of no less than
D 638 M/[Metric] Test Method for Tensile Properties of 85 % ethylene and no less than 95 % of total olefins with
Plastics2 additional compounding ingredients.
D 746 Test Method for Brittleness Temperature of Plastics 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
and Elastomers by Impact2 3.2.1 materials—polyethylene (PE) resins with the added
D 790 Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced compounding ingredients.
3.2.2 PE compounds—has the same meaning as PE plastics
materials, compounds, and plastics.
3.3 Historical usage and user group conventions have re-
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on sulted in inconsistent terminology used to categorize and
Plastics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.15 on Thermoplastic
Current edition approved Nov. 10, 2000. Published January 2001. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.04.
published as D 3350 – 74. Last previous edition D 3350 – 99. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02.
2 5
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.03.
D 3350
describe polyethylene resins and compounds. The following classified according to density, melt index, flexural modulus
terminology is in use in ASTM specifications pertaining to tensile strength at yield, environmental stress-crack resistance,
polyethylene: and the hydrostatic design basis at 23°C in Table 1.
3.3.1 Specification D 1248: Type (0, I, II, III, IV) = density ranges (same, NOTE 4—It has been a long-standing practice to use the following terms
respectively, as Class in Specification D 4976). in describing polyethylene plastics:
Type I (0.910 to 0.925) = Low Density Class (A, B, C, D) = composition and use.
Type II (0.926 to 0.940) = Medium Density Category (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) = melt index ranges (same as Type III (0.941 to 0.965) = High Density
Grade in Specification D 4976). Grade (E, J, D, or W followed by one or two digits) NOTE 5—The manner in which materials are identified in the cell
classification is illustrated for Class PE233424B as follows (refer also to
= specific requirements from tables.
Table 1 and 6.2):
3.3.2 Specification D 3350: Type (I, II, III) = density ranges (same as Types I, II,
and III in Specification D 1248 and Classes 1, 2, and 3 in
Specification D 4976). Class = a line callout system consisting of “PE”
followed by six cell numbers from Table 1 plus a letter (A, B,
C, D, E) denoting color and UV stabilizer. Grade = simplified line callout system using “PE”
followed by density and slow crack growth cell numbers from
Table 1.
3.3.3 Specification D 4976: Group (1, 2) = branched or linear polyethylene. Class (5, 1, 2, 3, 4) = density ranges (same,
iTeh Standards
respectively, as Type in Specification D 1248). Grade (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) = melt index ranges (same as
Category in Specification D 1248). 4.2 Materials used in polyethylene plastic pipe and fittings
4. Classification (
shall use a cell-type format for the identification, close char-
acterization, and specification of material properties. The
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4.1 Polyethylene plastic pipe and fittings compounds are
2 Melt index D 1238 Unspecified >1.0 1.0 to 0.4 <0.4 to 0.15 <0.15 specify value
3 Flexural modulus, MPa D 790 Unspecified <138 138 – <276 276 – <552 552 – <758 758 – <1103 >1103 specify value
(psi) (<20 000) (20 000 to (40 000 to (80 000 to (110 000) to (>160 000)
<40 000) 80 000) 110 000) <160 000)
4 Tensile strength at yield, D 638 Unspecified <15 15 – <18 18 – <21 21 – <24 24 – <28 >28 specify value
MPa (psi) (<2200) (2200– (2600– (3000– (3500– (>4000)
<2600) <3000) <3500) <4000)
Table 1
6 Hydrostatic design D 2837 NPRB 5.52 6.89 8.62 11.03 ... ...
basis, MPa (psi), (800) (1000) (1250) (1600)
Refer to
NPR = Not Pressure Rated.
D 3350
information from the format is to be used alone or in shall be 220°C when tested in accordance with 10.1.9.
combination. 6.4 Brittleness Temperature—The brittleness temperature
shall not be warmer than −60°C when tested in accordance
NOTE 6—This type format, however, is subject to possible misapplica-
tion since unobtainable property combinations can be selected if the user with Test Method D 746.
is not familiar with commercially available materials. The manufacturer 6.5 Density—The density used to classify the material shall
should be consulted. be the density of the PE base resin (uncolored PE) determined
4.3 Grade—A code for polyethylene pipe and fittings ma- in accordance with 10.1.3. When the average density of any lot
terials that consists of the two letter abbreviation for polyeth- or shipment falls within 60.002 g/cm3 of the nominal value, it
ylene (PE) followed by two numbers that designate the density shall be considered as conforming to the nominal value and to
cell (Property 1) and the slow crack growth resistance cell all classifications based on the nominal value.
(Property 5), as defined by either Test Method F 1473 or Test 6.5.1 For black compounds, containing carbon black, deter-
Method D 1693, of the thermoplastic, as specified in Table 1. mine the density, Dp, and calculate the resin density, Dr, as
For the requirements of Property 5 (slow crack growth resis- follows:
tance), consult the materials section of the appropriate ASTM Dr5Dp20.0044C
standard specification for the end-use application.
NOTE 7—Grade designations were adapted from Specification D 1248 - C = weight percent of carbon black.
84 prior to the withdrawal of D 1248 - 84. Former Specification D 1248 - 6.5.2 For colored compounds, the nominal density of the
84 grades for PE pipe materials were P14, P23, P24, P33, and P34.
base resin shall be provided by the manufacturer, on request.
Equivalent Specification D 3350 grade designations for these materials are
PE11, PE20, PE23, PE30, and PE33, respectively. 6.6 Tensile Strength at Yield—The tensile strength at yield
used to classify the material shall be the tensile strength at yield
5. Materials and Manufacture of the PE resin determined in accordance with 10.1.6. When
5.1 The molding and extrusion material shall be polyethyl- the average tensile strength at yield of any lot or shipment falls
ene plastic in the form of powder, granules, or pellets. within 63.45 MPa (6500 psi) of the nominal value, it shall be
considered as conforming to the nominal value and to all
iTeh Standards
5.2 The molding and extrusion materials shall be as uniform
in composition and size and as free of contamination as is classifications based on the nominal value.
achieved by good manufacturing practice. If necessary, the 6.7 Elongation at Break—As tested per 10.1.6, all pressure
level of contamination may be agreed upon between the
manufacturer and the purchaser.
rated materials shall have a minimum extension at break of
500 % as determined by grip separation.
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5.3 When specified, the color and translucence of molded or
extruded pieces formed, under the conditions specified by the
manufacturer of the materials, shall be comparable within
7. Sampling
7.1 A batch or lot shall be considered as a unit of manufac-
commercial match tolerances to the color and translucence of ture and shall consist of one production run or as a blend of two
standard samples supplied in advance by the manufacturer ASTM
of D3350-00
or more production runs of material.
7.2 Unless otherwise agreed upon between the manufacturer
the material.
and the purchaser, the material shall be sampled in accordance
6. Physical Properties with the procedure described in Sections 9 through 12 of
6.1 Cell Classification—Test values for specimens of the PE Practice D 1898. Adequate statistical sampling prior to pack-
material prepared as specified in Section 9 and tested in aging shall be considered an acceptable alternative.
accordance with Section 10 shall conform to the requirements
NOTE 8—A sample taken from finished product may not necessarily
given in Table 1. A typical property value for a PE material is represent the original batch or lot.
to be the average value from testing numerous lots or batches
and determines the cell number (see Appendix X1). When, due 8. Number of Tests
to manufacturing tolerances and testing bias, individual lot or 8.1 The requirements identified by the material designation
batch values fall into the adjoining cell, the individual value and otherwise specified in the purchase order shall be verified
shall not be considered acceptable unless the user, or both the by tests made in accordance with 11.1. For routine inspection,
user and the producer, determine that the individual lot or batch only those tests necessary to identify the material to the
is suitable for its intended purpose. satisfaction of the purchaser shall be required. One sample
6.2 Color and Ultraviolet (UV) Stabilizer—The color and shall be sufficient for testing each batch or lot provided that the
UV stabilization shall be indicated at the end of the cell average values for all of the tests made on that batch or lot
classification by means of a letter designation in accordance comply with the specified requirements.
with the following code:
Code Letter Color and UV Stabilizer 9. Specimen Preparation
A Natural
B Colored
9.1 Unless otherwise specified in Section 10, the test speci-
C Black with 2 % minimum carbon black mens shall be molded in accordance with Procedure C of
D Natural with UV stabilizer Practice D 1928.
E Colored with UV stabilizer
9.2 When pipe or fitting test specimens are required, they
6.3 Thermal Stability—The PE material shall contain suffi- shall be extruded or molded in accordance with the specifica-
cient antioxidant so that the minimum induction temperature tions of the material manufacturer.