WHO - Ethics and Governance For AI For Health-1
WHO - Ethics and Governance For AI For Health-1
WHO - Ethics and Governance For AI For Health-1
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Executive summary..............................................................................................viii
1 Introduction....................................................................................................1
1.1 Significance of LMMs.................................................................................. 3
1.2 WHO guidance on ethics and governance of AI for health....................... 4
3 Risks to health systems and society and ethical concerns about use
of LMMs..........................................................................................................20
3.1 Health systems......................................................................................... 20
3.2 Compliance with regulatory and legal requirements............................. 23
3.3 Societal concerns and risks..................................................................... 24
Annex. Methods.....................................................................................................77
Acknowledgements v
Development of this World Health Organization (WHO) guidance was led by Andreas Reis
(co-lead of the Health Ethics and Governance unit in the Department of Research for Health)
and Sameer Pujari (Department of Digital Health and Innovation), under the overall guidance
of John Reeder (Director, Research for Health), Alain Labrique (Director, Digital Health and
Innovation) and Jeremy Farrar (Chief Scientist).
Rohit Malpani (consultant, France) was the lead writer. The co-chairs of the WHO expert group
on ethics and governance of AI for health, Effy Vayena (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) and Partha
Majumder (Indian Statistical Institute and National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, India),
provided overall guidance on drafting of the report and leadership of the expert group.
WHO is grateful to the following individuals who contributed to development of this guidance.
David Gruson, Luminess, Paris, France; Lee Hibbard, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France
vi Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
External reviewers
Oren Asman, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; I. Glenn Cohen, Harvard Law School, Boston
(MA), USA; Alexandrine Pirlot de Corbion, Privacy International, London, United Kingdom;
Rodrigo Lins, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil; Doug McNair, Deputy Director,
Integrated Development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle (WA), USA; Keymanthri
Moodley, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa; Amir Tal, Tel Aviv University, Tel
Aviv, Israel; Tom West, Privacy International, London, United Kingdom.
External contributors
Box 2 (Ethical considerations for the use of LMMs by children) of the guidance was drafted
by Vijaytha Muralidharan, Alyssa Burgart, Roxana Daneshjou and Sherri Rose, Stanford
University, Stanford (CA), USA. Box 3 (Ethical considerations associated with LMMs and
their impact on individuals with disabilities) of the guidance was drafted by Yonah Welker,
independent consultant, Geneva, Switzerland.
All external reviewers, experts and contributors declared their interests in line with WHO
policies. None of the interests declared were assessed to be significant.
Shada Al-Salamah, Technical Officer, Department of Digital Health and Innovation, Geneva;
Mariam Otmani Del Barrio, Scientist, Special Programme on Tropical Diseases Research,
Geneva; Marcelo D'Agostino, Unit Chief, Information Systems and Digital Health, WHO Regional
Office for the Americas, Washington (DC); Jeremy Farrar, Chief Scientist, Geneva; Clayton
Hamilton, Technical Officer, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark; Kanika
Kalra, Consultant, Department of Digital Health and Innovation, Geneva; Ahmed Mohamed
Amin Mandil, Coordinator, Research and Innovation, WHO Regional Office for the Eastern
Mediterranean, Cairo; Issa T. Matta, Legal Affairs, Geneva; Jose Eduardo Diaz Mendoza,
Consultant, Department of Digital Health and Innovation, Geneva; Mohammed Hassan Nour,
Technical Officer, Department of Digital Health and Innovation, WHO Regional Office for
the Eastern Mediterranean, Cairo; Denise Schalet, Technical Officer, Department of Digital
Health and Innovation, Geneva; Yu Zhao, Technical Officer, Department of Digital Health and
Innovation, Geneva.
Acknowledgements vii
AI artificial intelligence
Executive summary
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the capability of algorithms integrated into systems
and tools to learn from data so that they can perform automated tasks without explicit
programming of every step by a human. Generative AI is a category of AI techniques in
which algorithms are trained on data sets that can be used to generate new content, such as
text, images or video. This guidance addresses one type of generative AI, large multi-modal
models (LMMs), which can accept one or more type of data input and generate diverse outputs
that are not limited to the type of data fed into the algorithm. It has been predicted that LMMs
will have wide use and application in health care, scientific research, public health and drug
development. LMMs are also known as “general-purpose foundation models”, although it is
not yet proven whether LMMs can accomplish a wide range of tasks and purposes.
LMMs have been adopted faster than any consumer application in history. They are compelling
because they facilitate human–computer interaction to mimic human communication and to
generate responses to queries or data inputs that may appear human-like and authoritative.
With rapid consumer adoption and uptake and in view of its potential to disrupt core social
services and economic sectors, many large technology companies, start-ups and governments
are investing in and competing to guide the development of generative AI.
In 2021, WHO published comprehensive guidance (1) on the ethics and governance of AI for
health. WHO consulted 20 leading experts in AI, who identified both potential benefits and
potential risks of use of AI in health care and issued six principles arrived at by consensus for
consideration in the policies and practices of governments, developers, and providers that
are using AI. The principles should guide the development and deployment of AI in health care
by a wide range of stakeholders, including governments, public sector agencies, researchers,
companies and implementers. The principles are: (1) protect autonomy; (2) promote human
well-being, human safety and the public interest; (3) ensure transparency, “explainability” and
intelligibility; (4) foster responsibility and accountability; (5) ensure inclusiveness and equity;
and (6) promote AI that is responsive and sustainable (Figure 1).
WHO is issuing this guidance to assist Member States in mapping the benefits and challenges
associated with use of LMMs for health and in developing policies and practices for
appropriate development, provision and use. The guidance includes recommendations for
governance, within companies, by governments and through international collaboration,
aligned with the guiding principles. The principles and recommendations, which account
for the unique ways in which humans can use generative AI for health, are the basis of
this guidance.
Executive summary ix
Promote AI that is
Foster responsibility and Ensure inclusiveness and responsive and
accountability equity sustainable
The systemic risks associated with use of LMMs include risks that could affect health systems
(Table 2).
Broader regulatory and systemic risks could emerge with use of LMMs. One concern (being
examined by several data protection authorities) is whether LMMs comply with existing legal
or regulatory regimes, including international human rights obligations, and with national
data protection regulations. Algorithms might not comply with such laws because of the way
in which data are collected to train LMMs, the management and processing of data that have
been collected (or put into LMMs by end users), the transparency and accountability of entities
that develop LMMs, and the possibility that LMMs “hallucinate”. LMMs could also be non-
compliant with consumer protection laws.
Broader societal risks associated with the growing use of LMMs (including and beyond the
use of such algorithms in health care) include the fact that LMMs are often developed and
deployed by large technology companies, due partly to the significant computing, data,
human and financial resource required for development of LMMs. This may reinforce the
dominance of these companies vis-a-vis smaller enterprises and governments with respect
to the development and use of AI, including the focus of AI research in the public and private
sectors. Additional concerns about the potential dominance of large technology companies
include insufficient corporate commitment to ethics and transparency. New voluntary
x Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
Table 1. Potential benefits and risks in various uses of LMMs in health care
Use Potential or proposed benefits Potential risks
Diagnosis and Assist in managing complex cases and Inaccurate, incomplete or false
clinical care review of routine diagnoses responses
Reduce the communication workload Poor quality training data
of health-care providers (“keyboard Bias (of training data and responses)
Automation bias
Provide novel insights and reports from
Degradation of skills (of health-care
various unstructured forms of health
Informed consent (of patients)
Patient-guided Generate information to improve Inaccurate, incomplete or false
use understanding of a medical condition (as statements
a patient or as a caregiver) Manipulation
Virtual health assistant Privacy
Clinical trial enrolment Less interaction between clinicians and
Epistemic injustice
Risk of delivery of care outside the health
Clerical and Assist with paperwork and Inaccuracies and errors
administrative documentation required for clinical care Inconsistent responses depending on
tasks Assist in language translation prompts
Completion of electronic health records
Draft clinical notes after a patient visit
Medical Dynamic texts suited to each student’s Contribute to automation bias
and nursing needs Errors or false information undermine
education Simulated conversation to improve the quality of medical education
communication and to practise in New burden of learning digital skills
diverse situations and with diverse
Responses to questions accompanied by
chain-of-thought reasoning
Scientific Generate insights from scientific data Cannot hold algorithms accountable for
research and research content
and drug Generate text for use in scientific articles, Algorithms encode bias towards the
development manuscript submission or peer-review perspectives of high-income countries
Analyse and summarize data for research Generate information and/or references
Proofreading that do not exist
De novo drug design Undermine key tenets of scientific
research, such as peer review
Exacerbate differential access to
scientific knowledge
Executive summary xi
Table 2. Risks to health systems associated with use of LMMs in health care
commitments by such companies, with one another and with governments, could mitigate
several risks in the short-term but are not an alternative to governmental oversight that might
eventually be enacted.
Another societal risk is the carbon and water footprints of LMMs, which like other forms of AI,
require both significant energy and contribute to AI’s growing water footprint. While LMMs and
other forms of AI can provide important societal benefits, the growing carbon footprint may
become a major contributor to climate change, and increasing water consumption can have
a further negative impact in water-stressed communities. Another societal risk associated
with the emergence of LMMs is that, by providing plausible responses that are increasingly
considered a source of knowledge, LMMs may eventually undermine human epistemic
authority, including in the domains of health care, science and medicine.
The AI value chain often begins in a large technology company, referred to as a “developer”
in this guidance. The developer could also be a university, a smaller technology company,
national health systems, public-private consortiums or other entities that have the resources
and capacity to use several inputs, which comprise the “AI infrastructure”, such as data,
computing power and AI expertise, to develop general-purpose foundation models (a term
used by governments to describe LMMs in legislation and regulation). These models can be
used directly to perform various, often unanticipated tasks, including those related to health
care. Several general-purpose foundation models are trained specifically for use in health care
and medicine.
components known as “plug-ins” to channel, filter and organize the LMMs into formal or
regulated formats to generate “digestible” results.1
Thereafter, the provider can market a product or service based on the LMM to a customer (or
“deployer”), such as a ministry of health, a health-care system, a hospital, a pharmaceutical
company or even an individual, such as a health-care provider. The customer who acquires or
licenses the product or application may then use it directly for patients, health-care providers,
other entities in the health system, lay people or in its own business. The value chain can be
“vertically integrated”, so that a company (or other entity, such as a national health system)
that collects data and trains a general-purpose foundation model can modify the LMM for a
particular use and provide the application directly to users.
Governance is a means for enshrining ethical principles and human rights obligations through
existing laws and policies and through new or revised laws, norms, internal codes of practice
and procedures for developers and international agreements and frameworks.
One way of framing the governance of LMMs is in the three stages of the AI value chain: (i)
the design and development of general-purpose foundation models or LMMs; (ii) provision
of a service, application or product based on a general-purpose foundation model; and (iii)
deployment of a health-care service or application. In this guidance, each phase is examined
with respect to three areas of enquiry:
• What risks (described above) should be addressed at each stage of the value chain,
and which actors are best placed to address those risks?
• What can a relevant actor do to address the risks, and which ethical principles must
be upheld?
• What is the role of government, including relevant laws, policies and regulations?
Certain risks can be addressed at each phase of the AI value chain, and certain actors are likely
to play more important roles in mitigating each risk and upholding ethical values. While there
is likely to be disagreement and tension about where responsibility rests between developers,
providers and deployers, there are clear areas in which each actor is best placed or is the only
entity with the capacity to address a potential or actual risk.
During the design and development of general-purpose foundation models, the responsibility
rests with the developers. Governments bear the responsibility to set laws and standards to
require or forbid certain practices. Section 4 of this guidance provides recommendations to
help address risks and maximize benefits during the development of LMMs.
1 Communication from Leong Tze-Yun, WHO expert on the ethics and governance of AI for health.
xiv Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
During provision of a service or application, governments are responsible for defining the
requirements and obligations of both developers and providers to address specific risks
associated with AI-based systems to be used in health-care settings. Section 5 of this report
provides recommendations to address risks and maximize benefits during provision of
services and applications for health care with LMMs.
Even if relevant laws, policies and ethical practices are applied during development and
provision of an LMM, risks will materialize during their use due partly to the unpredictability
of LMMs and the responses they provide, the possibility that a user applies a general-purpose
foundation model in a way that neither the developer nor the provider had anticipated,
and because LMM outputs may change over time. Section 6 of this report provides
recommendations with respect to risks and challenges that should be addressed during use of
LMMs and applications.
As LMMs gain broader use in health care and medicine, errors, misuse and ultimately harm
to individuals are inevitable. Therefore, liability rules might ensure that users harmed by
an LMM are adequately compensated or have other forms of redress to both reduce the
burden of proof by a user who is harmed, ensuring that such individuals are adequately and
fairly compensated.
Governments must work together to build new institutional structures and rules to ensure
that international governance keeps pace with globalization of these technologies. They
should also ensure stronger cooperation and collaboration within the United Nations system
to respond to the opportunities and challenges for deploying AI in health care, as well as its
wider applications in society and the economy.
International governance is necessary to ensure that all governments are accountable for
their investments and participation in the development and deployment of AI-based systems
Executive summary xv
and that governments introduce appropriate regulations that uphold ethical principles,
human rights and international law. International governance can also ensure that companies
develop and deploy LMMs that meet adequate international standards of safety and efficacy
and are upholding ethical principles and human rights obligations. Governments should also
avoid introducing regulations that provide a competitive advantage or disadvantage for either
companies or themselves.
In order for international governance to be meaningful, such rules must be shaped by all
countries and not only high-income countries (and technology companies that work with
high-income country governments). International governance of AI may require that all
stakeholders cooperate through networked multilateralism, as proposed by the United
Nations Secretary-General in 2019, which would bring together the United Nations family,
international financial institutions, regional organizations, trading blocs and others, including
civil society, cities, businesses, local authorities and young people, to work more closely,
effectively and inclusively.
Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health:
Large multi-modal models
Risks to be addressed What can be done, and by who
False information Require transparency, including source code and data inputs
or misinformation
Enforce data protection laws for user-inputted data
Manipulation Privacy Enact laws requiring impact assessments, audited by third parties and disclosed publicly
Prohibit non-trial experimental use; explore regulatory sandboxes for controlled testing
Apply consumer protection laws to prevent negative impacts on end-users and patients
1 Introduction
This guidance addresses the emerging uses of large multi-modal models (LMMs) for health-
related applications.2 It includes the potential benefits and risks of use of LMMs in health care
and medicine and approaches to the governance of LMMs that could best ensure compliance
with guidelines and obligations for ethics, human rights and safety. The guidance builds
on WHO guidance issued in June 2021 – Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for
health (1), which addressed the ethical challenges and risks of use of artificial intelligence (AI)
in health, identified six principles for ensuring that AI is used to the public benefit of all
countries, and issued recommendations to enhance the governance of AI for health in order to
maximize the promise of the technology.
AI refers to the capability of algorithms integrated into systems and tools to learn from data
to perform automated tasks, without programming of each step explicitly by a human.
Generative AI is a category of AI techniques in which machine learning models are used to
train algorithms on data sets to create new outputs, such as text, images, videos and music.
Generative AI models learn patterns and structures from training data and produce new data
based on predictions made from the learnt patterns. Generative AI models can be improved
by reinforcement learning with human feedback, wherein human trainers rank responses
provided by generative AI models to train algorithms to issue responses that maximize how
much humans will value the response. Generative AI has potential applications in various
fields, including design, content generation, simulation and scientific discovery.
Much attention has been focused on a specific type of generative AI, large language models,
which receive one type of input – text – and provide a response that is also in text. Large
language models are examples of large unimodal models, which are the basis for the
operation of early versions of chatbots that integrate these models. Although large language
models engage in dialogue, the models themselves have no conception of what they are
producing. They merely predict the next word according to previous words, learnt patterns or
combinations of words (2).
This document addresses the growing use of LMMs (including large language models), which,
for use in health care and medicine, are trained with highly diverse datasets, extending
beyond text, and include biosensor, genomic, epigenomic, proteomic, imaging, clinical, social
and environmental data (3). Therefore, LMMs can accept more than one type of input and
generate outputs that are not limited to the type of data entered. LMMs are envisioned for
diverse applications in health care and drug development.
LMMs differ from previous types of AI and machine learning. While AI has already been
integrated widely into many consumer applications, the outputs of most algorithms neither
2 For the purposes of this guidance, the terms “large-multi-modal models” and “general-purpose foundation models”
are used interchangeably, the latter term being used particularly in discussions of governance. It is not yet known,
however, whether LMMs can accomplish a wide range of tasks for general purposes.
2 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
require nor invite participation of the customer or user, except for rudimentary forms of
AI integrated into social media platforms that curate user-generated content to capture
attention (4). Another difference between LMMs and other forms of AI is their versatility.
Previous and existing AI models, including for medical uses, are designed for specific tasks
and are therefore inflexible. They can execute only tasks defined in the training set and its
labels (5) and cannot adapt or carry out other functions without retraining with a different
dataset. Thus, even though more than 500 AI models for clinical medicine have been approved
by the Food and Drug Administration in the USA (5), most are approved for only one or two
narrow tasks. In contrast, LMMs are trained on various datasets and can be used in numerous
tasks, including some for which they were not explicitly trained (5).
LMMs usually have an interface and format that facilitate human–computer algorithm
interactions that might mimic human communication and which can therefore lead users to
imbue the algorithm with human-like qualities. Thus, the way in which LMMs are used and
the content they generate and provide as responses, which may appear to be “human-like”,
are different from those of other forms of AI and have contributed to the unprecedented
public adoption of LMMs. Furthermore, because the responses they provide appear to
be authoritative, many users uncritically accept them as correct, even if an LMM cannot
guarantee a correct response and cannot integrate ethical norms or moral reasoning into the
responses it generates. While this guidance illustrates the different ways in which LMMs are
used (or imagined for use) in health care and medicine, they are already used in numerous
domains, including education, finance, communications and computer science.
LMMs can be considered products of a series (or chain) of decisions on programming and
product development by one or more actors. Decisions made at each stage of an AI value
chain may have both direct and indirect consequences on those that participate in the
development, deployment and use of LMMs downstream. The decisions can be influenced
and regulated by governments that enact and enforce laws and policies nationally, regionally
and globally.
The AI value chain often begins in a large technology company. The developer could also be a
university, a small technology company, a national health system, public-private consortiums
or other entities that have the resources and capacity to use several inputs, which comprise
“AI infrastructure”, such as data, computing power and AI expertise, to develop general-
purpose foundation models. These models can be used directly by a user to perform various,
often unanticipated tasks (including those related to health care). Several general-purpose
foundation models are trained specifically for use in health care and medicine.
3 Communication from Leong Tze-Yun, WHO expert on the ethics and governance of AI for health.
1 Introduction 3
Thereafter, the provider can market a product or service based on the LMM to a customer (or
“deployer”), such as a ministry of health, a health-care system, a hospital, a pharmaceutical
company or even an individual, such as a health-care provider. The customer who acquires or
licenses the product or application may then use it directly for patients, health-care providers,
other entities in the health system or laypeople or in its own business. The value chain can
be “vertically integrated”, so that a company (or other entity, such as a health system) that
collects data and trains a general-purpose foundation model can modify the LMM for a
particular use and provide the application directly to users.
WHO recognizes the tremendous benefits that AI could provide to health systems, including
improving public health and achieving universal health coverage. Yet, as described in the WHO
guidance on the ethics and governance of AI for health (1), it entails significant risks that could
both undermine public health and imperil individual dignity, privacy and human rights. Even
though LMMs are relatively new, the speed of their uptake and diffusion led WHO to provide
this guidance to ensure that they could potentially be used successfully and sustainably
worldwide. WHO recognizes that this guidance is being issued at a time of many competing
views about the potential benefits and risks of AI, the ethical principles that should apply to
its design and use and approaches to governance and regulation. As the guidance is being
issued shortly after the first applications of LMMs in health care and before successively more
powerful models will be released, WHO will update the guidance to keep up with the rapid
evolution of the technology, how society addresses its use and the health consequences of the
use of LMMs beyond health care and medicine.
Many companies are now developing LMMs or integrating LMMs into consumer applications,
such as Internet search engines. Large technology companies are rapidly integrating LMMs
into most applications or creating new ones (7,8). New companies, backed by millions of US
dollars in private investment, are developing competing LMMs (9). Open-source LMMs are also
emerging more quickly and inexpensively than those developed by the largest companies, due
to the availability of such platforms (10).
Even as the advent of LMMs is fuelling new investment in the technology sector, and new
products are being released, some companies themselves admit that they do not fully
understand why LMMs generate certain responses (11). Despite the use of reinforcement
learning with human feedback, LMMs can generate outputs that are not always predictable
or controlled, including LMMs taking part in “conversations”, which can be uncomfortable
for users (12), or publishing content that is erroneous or otherwise faulty but highly
4 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
convincing (13). Nevertheless, much of the support for LMMs is not just enthusiasm for its
functionality, but also by unqualified, uncritical claims about the performance of LMMs in
publications that have not been peer-reviewed (14).
LMMs have been adopted rapidly, although the datasets used to train them have not been
disclosed (15), making it difficult or impossible to know whether the data are biased, whether
they were legally acquired and in accordance with data protection rules and principles and
whether the performance of any task or query reflects that it has been trained on the same
or a similar problem or, rather, has acquired the ability to solve problems. Other concerns
about the data used to train LMMs, including consistency with data protection laws, are
discussed below.
Neither individuals nor governments were prepared for the release of LMMs. Individuals have
not been trained in using LMMs effectively and may not understand that the responses are
not always accurate or reliable, even if an LMM-powered chatbot creates such an impression.
One study found that, while one large language model, GPT-3, “in comparison to humans…
can product accurate information that is easier to understand”, it can also produce “more
compelling disinformation”, and humans cannot distinguish content generated by the LMM
from that generated by a human (16).
Governments have also been largely unprepared. Regulations and laws written to govern
the use of AI may not be fit to address either the challenges or opportunities associated
with LMMs. The European Union, which has reached an agreement to enact an European
Union-wide Artificial Intelligence Act, had to revise its legislative framework in the final stages
of drafting to account for LMMs (17). Other governments are rapidly developing new laws
or regulations (18) or have instituted temporary bans (several of which have already been
rescinded) (19). Companies are expected to release successively more powerful and capable
LMMs in the coming months, which may introduce new benefits but also new regulatory
challenges. In this dynamic environment, this guidance, which builds on previous guidance,
including on ethics, provides suggestions and recommendations for the use of LMMs in health
care and medicine.
Nevertheless, the underlying ethical challenges identified in the guidance and the core
ethical principles and recommendations (see Box 1) remain relevant both for assessing and
for effectively and safely using LMMs, even as additional gaps in governance and challenges
1 Introduction 5
have and will continue to arise with respect to this new technology. The challenges, principles
and recommendations were the basis for the expert group’s approach to LMMs presented in
this guidance.
Box 1. Brief overview of WHO consensus ethical principles for use of AI for health
• Protect autonomy: Humans should remain in control of health-care systems
and medical decisions. Providers have the information necessary to use AI
systems safely and effectively. People understand the role that AI systems play
in their care. Data privacy and confidentiality are protected by valid informed
consent through appropriate legal frameworks for data protection.
• Promote human well-being, human safety and the public interest:
Designers of AI satisfy regulatory requirements for safety, accuracy and efficacy
for well-defined uses or indications. Measures of quality control in practice and
quality improvement in the use of AI over time should be available. AI is not
used if it results in mental or physical harm that could be avoided by use of an
alternative practice or approach.
• Ensure transparency, “explainability” and intelligibility: AI technologies
should be intelligible or understandable to developers, medical professions,
patients, users and regulators. Sufficient information is published or
documented before the design or deployment of AI, and the information
facilitates meaningful public consultation and debate on how the AI is designed
and how it should or should not be used. AI is explainable according to the
capacity of those to whom it is explained.
• Foster responsibility and accountability to ensure that AI is used under
appropriate conditions and by appropriately trained people. Patients and
clinicians evaluate development and deployment of AI. Regulatory principles
are applied upstream and downstream of the algorithm by establishing points
of human supervision. Appropriate mechanisms are available for questioning
and for redress for individuals and groups that are adversely affected by
decisions based on AI.
• Ensure inclusiveness and equity: AI is designed and shared to encourage
the widest possible, appropriate, equitable use and access, irrespective of
age, sex, gender identity, income, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability or
other characteristics. AI is available for use not only in high-income settings
but also in low- and middle-income countries. AI does not encode biases to
the disadvantage of identifiable groups. AI minimizes inevitable disparities in
power. AI is monitored and evaluated to identify disproportionate effects on
specific groups of people.
• Promote AI that is responsive and sustainable: AI technologies are
consistent with the wider promotion of the sustainability of health systems, the
environment and workplaces.
I. Applications, challenges
and risks of LMMs
8 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
Diagnosis is seen as a particularly promising area, because LMMs could be used to identify rare
diagnoses or “unusual presentations” in complex cases (24). Doctors are already using Internet
search engines, online resources and differential diagnosis generators, and LMMs would be an
additional instrument for diagnosis. LMMs could also be used in routine diagnosis, to provide
doctors with an additional opinion to ensure that obvious diagnoses are not ignored. All this
can be done quickly, partly because an LMM can scan a patient’s full medical record much
more quickly than can doctors (24).
Several popular LMMs now being used in pilot programmes to support clinicians were not,
however, trained specifically on electronic health records or medical or other relevant health
2 Applications and challenges of use of LMMs in health 9
data, although their datasets do include such information. For example, in several health-care
systems in the USA, an LMM provided by one technology company is being pilot-tested to read
messages from patients and to draft responses from doctors to reduce the time that medical
staff spend in replying to patient queries. This practice is intended to decrease the burn-out of
health-care workers, who field thousands of messages daily, and to enable them to focus on
their clinical duties (“keyboard liberation”) (25). Thus, when a patient message is received, the
LMM displays a draft reply based on both information from the patient and a version of their
electronic medical history. While the AI is used only for some patient questions, the replies
require heavy editing (25). Nevertheless, a study in the USA found that a Chat GPT-powered
chatbot performed better than qualified doctors in responding to questions posed on an
online forum. Of the 195 questions selected, independent evaluators preferred the chatbot
responses to the physician responses in nearly 80% of cases (26). Chatbots should also be
helpful in answering standardized “curb-side consult” questions and providing information
and responses on the initial presentation of a patient or to summarize laboratory test
results (27).
Companies and universities are also developing LMMs trained with medical and health data
or electronic health records, which include LMMs based on small data sets. For example,
one LMM was trained on a dataset of an estimated 30 000 medical case reports to learn the
relations between medical conditions and symptoms to assist in diagnoses (28). Another LMM
was trained on a dataset of over 100 000 chest X-rays to identify abnormalities and eventually
provide insights or identify conditions (29). Several LMMs that have been publicly evaluated
were trained with an algorithm on millions of electronic health records and other sources
of specialized and general medical knowledge. The approach improved the ability of an
algorithm to process different forms of written medical information and to issue responses
(“medical question answering”) (30).
Several of the largest technology companies are adapting their general-purpose LMMs to ones
that could assist in clinical diagnoses and care. One technology company is developing Med-
PaLM 2, which is intended to answer questions and summarize insights from medical texts and
is now evolving to synthesize images (such as X-rays and mammograms) to write reports and
respond to follow-up questions, to facilitate additional queries by clinicians, a functionality
that could mitigate “peer disagreement” between a health-care worker and a computer (31).
The long-term vision is to develop “generalist medical artificial intelligence”, which will allow
health-care workers to dialogue flexibly with an LMM to generate responses according to
customized, clinician-driven queries. Thus, a user could adapt a generalist medical AI model
to a new task by describing what is required in common speech, without having to retrain
the LMM or training the LMM to accept different types of unstructured data to generate a
response (5).
10 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
The promise of LMMs in clinical care is accompanied by significant risks associated with their
use, several of which predate LMMs. Five major risks have been identified of use of LMMs in
diagnosis and clinical care.
• Inaccurate, incomplete, biased or false responses: One concern with respect to LMMs
has been the propensity of chatbots to produce incorrect or wholly false responses
from data or information (such as references) “invented” by the LMM (32) and
responses that are biased in ways that replicate flaws encoded in training data (33).
LMMs could also contribute to contextual bias, in which assumptions about where
an AI technology is used result in recommendations for a different setting (1). For
example, there is under-representation of training data and perspectives from low-
and middle-income countries. Thus, if an LMM is asked to summarize a treatment
paradigm for a disease to guide a ministry of health in a low-income country, it
might reproduce an approach that is appropriate only for a high-income context (34).
Furthermore, an LMM may provide an incomplete answer, no response at all or a
response that does not account for changed circumstances in the setting in which it is
being used.
• Data quality and data bias: One reason that LMMs produce biased or inaccurate
responses is poor data quality. Many of the LMMs currently available for public use
were trained on large datasets, such as on the Internet, which may be rife with
misinformation and bias. Most medical and health data are also biased, whether
by race, ethnicity, ancestry, sex, gender identity or age. LMMs trained on health
data often encode such biases, as most data are collected in high-income settings.
For example, genetic data tend to be collected disproportionately on people of
European descent (1). LMMs are also often trained on electronic health records, which
are full of errors and inaccurate information (24) or rely on information obtained
from physical examinations that may be inaccurate, thus affecting the output of an
LMM (25). Problems of data quality and bias affect all AI models, including LMMs (1).
2 Applications and challenges of use of LMMs in health 11
One technology company states on the system card for its LMM (GPT-4): “We found
that GPT-4-early and GPT-4-launch exhibit many of the same limitations as earlier
language models, such as producing biased and unreliable content” (37). LMMs can be
limited by the end date of data with which the algorithm was trained, although some
LMMs can now access up-to-date information from the Internet. For example, Chat
GPT-4 was trained on data up to September 2021 (38) but can now search or browse
the Internet for up-to-date information (39). This could, however, lead to generation
of more false or inaccurate information. The previous “end-date” prevented
introduction of false newly published material (39). In medicine, both up-to-date and
highly accurate information is critical for meeting standards of care as well as for
understanding certain diseases.
• Automation bias: Concern that LMMs generate false, inaccurate or biased responses
is heightened by the fact that, as with other forms of AI, LMMs are likely to encourage
automation bias in experts and health-care professionals (and patients, see below).
In automation bias, a clinician may overlook errors that should have been spotted
by a human (1). There is also concern that physicians and health-care workers
12 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
might use LMMs in making decisions for which there are competing ethical or moral
considerations (20). LMMs such as Chat GPT may be very inconsistent as moral
advisers, although, as recent experiments indicated, they can influence users’ moral
judgement, even if users know that they are being advised by a chatbot (40). Use of
LMMs for moral judgments could lead to “moral de-skilling”, as physicians become
unable to make difficult judgements or decisions (20).
• Informed consent: Increased use of LMMs, in person but especially virtually, should
require that patients are made aware that an AI technology may be either assisting
in a response or could eventually be responsible for generating a response that
will mimic a clinician’s feedback. Yet, if and when LMMs and other forms of AI are
merged into regular medical practice, patients or their caregivers, even if they are
uncomfortable or unwilling to rely wholly or partially on an AI technology, may
be unable to withhold consent for its use. This is true especially if other options
(not based on AI) are not easily available or if the clinician who has handed over
responsibility for such functions to a computer cannot provide medical care without
use of AI.
LMMs could accelerate the trend towards use of AI by patients and laypeople for medical
purposes. Individuals have used Internet searches to obtain medical information for two
decades. Therefore, LMMs could play a central role in providing information to patients and
laypeople, including by integrating them into Internet searches. Large language model-
powered chatbots could replace search engines for seeking information (41), including for
self-diagnosis and before visiting a medical provider.
LMM-powered chatbots, with increasingly diverse forms of data, could serve as highly
personalized, broadly focused virtual health assistants. According to one study, “virtual
health assistants can leverage individual profiles…to promote behaviour change, answer
2 Applications and challenges of use of LMMs in health 13
Box 3. Ethical considerations associated with LMMs and their impact on individuals
with disabilities
In the past, individuals with disabilities have been excluded from workplaces,
educational systems and appropriate medical support (56) and therefore from data
sets used to train AI systems. The systems may discriminate against individuals with
facial asymmetry, different gesticulation, styles of communication, behaviour and
action patterns. The groups that are most severely affected are people with disabilities,
cognitive or sensory impairments or autism spectrum disorder (57).
Such bias and exclusion may apply to generative AI. For example, LMMs may introduce a
negative connotation or sentiment to keywords or phrases associated with “disability”
in a patient’s description or biography (58). Chatbots may recognize an individual with
a disability as “not alive”, “non-human” or “emotionally flat” because of a different
behaviour or pattern of actions. Speech recognition systems may be less accurate for
individuals with speech impairments, leading to misinterpretation.
Addressing and overcoming biases related to disability require interventions throughout
the development of AI: inclusion of people with disabilities in the development and
design of AI systems; audits to evaluate disability bias in a dataset and the performance
of an AI system; and ensuring that legislation designed to protect and promote the
rights of people with disabilities takes into account the challenges associated with AI
technologies, while also ensuring laws and policies to regulate AI for probable challenges
and barriers faced by people with disabilities with increased use of AI-based systems.
AI-specific legislation could include “disability-specific” categorization, including how
specific spectrums and conditions are affected by AI systems.
A third application of patient-centred LMMs could be for identifying clinical trials or for
enrolment in such trials (28). While AI-based programmes already assist both patients and
clinical trial researchers in identifying a match (42), LMMs could be used in the same way
by using a patient’s relevant medical data (28). This use of AI could both lower the cost of
recruitment and increase speed and efficiency, while giving individuals more opportunities to
seek appropriate trials and treatment that are difficult to identify and access through other
channels (42).
The ease with which LMMs can be used by individuals may portend significant risks, such as
those listed below.
14 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
• Privacy: Use of LMMs by patients and laypeople may not be private and may not
respect the confidentiality of personal and health information that they share.
Users of LMMs for other purposes have tended to share sensitive information, such
as company proprietary information (50). Data that are shared on an LMM do not
necessarily disappear, as companies may use them to improve their AI models (50),
even though there may be no legal basis for doing so, even though the data may
eventually be removed from company servers (51). A related problem is sharing of
information on an LMM with other users of the LMM, whether because the other user
specifically requests the LMM to disclose such information (52) or, in the case of one
LMM, mistaken disclosure of other people’s chat histories (even if not the substance
of their conversations) (53). Thus, if a person’s identifiable medical information is fed
into an LMM, it could be disclosed to third parties (54).
• Delivery of health care outside the health-care system: AI applications in health are
no longer used exclusively or accessed and used within health-care systems or in
home care, as AI technologies for health can be readily acquired and used by non-
health system entities or simply introduced by a company, such as those that offer
LMMs for public use. This raises questions about whether such technologies should
be regulated as clinical applications, which require greater regulatory scrutiny, or
as “wellness applications”, which require less regulatory scrutiny. At present, such
technologies arguably fall into a grey zone between the two categories.
LMMs that are “lightly” regulated could present a risk if they are used by a patient
with no regulatory safeguard. This includes use of an LMM for medical advice or
self-diagnosis. There is concern that patients may receive false or misleading advice
(see above) and that patient safety may be compromised if individuals are not in
contact with health-care services, including lack of supportive care for individuals
with suicidal ideation who use an AI chatbot, even if the chatbot is not “manipulative”.
Even if the information is correct, individuals without medical training who use such
information for self-diagnosis could misinterpret or misuse it. As such applications,
including LMMs, continue to proliferate and are not necessarily labelled as health-
care applications, the overall quality of health care could be compromised. This could
further exacerbate unequal access to good-quality health care, especially as people
who lack other options may resort to such applications (1).
16 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
LMMs have been singled out as a means of returning to health-care professionals their most
valuable commodity – time – both to reduce burn-out, to allocate more time to providing care
to each patient or to see more patients. One physician who used software that encodes an
LMM to document patient visits reported that “AI has allowed me, as a physician, to be 100
percent present for my patients” and that the software had freed up to 2 h daily (60).
• with other forms of AI, to draft clinical notes after each patient visit (virtual or in
person) (62).
As with other uses of LMMs, serious errors could arise, due to inaccuracies, mistakes (for
example in transcription, translation or simplification) or “hallucinations”. It is therefore
important that most clerical and administrative functions not be completely automated. Even
2 Applications and challenges of use of LMMs in health 17
if oversight and review claim the time of a health-care professional, an LMM is still likely to
be less burdensome than the status quo. Another problem is that LMMs can be inconsistent;
slight changes to a prompt or question can generate a completely different electronic health
record, although inconsistencies are expected to decrease over time (63).
Although use of AI can improve or sharpen the training and skills of a health-care professional,
it could also pose the risk that professionals suspend their judgement (or that of a human
peer) in favour of that of a computer. If an LMM provides incorrect information or responses (or
fabricates a response), it could affect the quality of medical education.
LMMs are extending the ways in which AI can support scientific and medical research as
well as drug discovery. LMMs can be used in a variety of aspects of scientific research. They
can generate text to be used in a scientific article, for submitting manuscripts or in writing
a peer review (34). They can be used to summarize texts, including summaries for academic
papers, or can generate abstracts. LMMs can also be used to analyse and summarize data to
gain new insights in clinical and scientific research. They can be used to edit text, improving
the grammar, readability and conciseness of written documents such as articles and grant
proposals. Additionally, LMMs can be used to gain insights from the data with which it was
trained (34). One LMM, which was trained on millions of academic articles, is claimed to be
able to analyse scientific research to answer questions, extract information or generate
relevant text (64). LMMs are also used in drug discovery and specifically in de-novo drug design
to develop new compounds with specific properties (65).
Leading medical and scientific journals have already responded to the emergence of LMMs,
their potential and their impact on scientific research. For example, one academic publishing
company has set two rules: (1) an LMM will not be accepted as a credited author on a research
paper, and (2) researchers who use LMMs should document their use in the section on
methods and in the acknowledgements (66). The World Association of Medical Editors has
restricted authorship to humans (67).
General concerns about use of LMMs in scientific research include the following:
• High-income country bias: Most of the scientific and medical research used to train
LMMs is conducted in high-income countries. Thus, the outputs of any LMM query are
likely to be biased towards a high-income country perspective (34). This can reinforce
and possibly exacerbate the trend of ignoring and not citing research that originates
from a low- or middle-income country (68), especially if the publication is written in
non-Latin script.
4 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence in drug development. Geneva: World Health Organization; forthcoming.
2 Applications and challenges of use of LMMs in health 19
• Undermining of trust: Use of LMMs for activities such as generating peer reviews could
undermine trust in that process (69).
Although AI (including LMMs) can benefit drug development, there is also concern about the
use of AI in this area, which is examined in a forthcoming WHO publication.
20 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
Some people tend to overstate and overestimate what AI can do, which can result in the
uptake of unproven products and services that have not been subjected to rigorous evaluation
for safety and efficacy (1). This is due partly to the enduring appeal of “technological
solutionism”, in which technologies such as AI and LMMs are considered to be “magic bullets”
for removing deeper social, structural, economic and institutional barriers (1), before it is
shown that such technologies are useful, safe and effective.
LMMs are novel and untested and, as noted above, do not produce facts but information that
resembles facts and may be inaccurate. They have been the subject of intense consumer,
political and public interest but could lead policy-makers, providers and patients to
overestimate their benefits and to dismiss the challenges and problems that LMMs could
introduce. For policy-makers, it may not be possible to obtain the evidence necessary to
determine how widely LMMs should be used until they are already developed and used.
Use of an LMM should not be prioritized over AI-based technologies that are already in use
or over non-AI or non-digital solutions that may be underfunded and underused but have
proven therapeutic or public health benefits. Unbalanced health care policy and misguided
investments, especially in resource-constrained low- and middle-income countries, can
divert attention and resources from proven interventions and intensify the pressure on health
ministries to reduce public expenditure on health care (1).
3 Risks to health systems and society and ethical concerns about use of LMMs 21
Several factors can undermine equitable access to LMMs that could provide benefits to
providers and patients. One is the digital divide, which limits use of digital tools to certain
countries, regions or segments of a population. The digital divide leads to other disparities,
many of which affect the use of AI, and AI itself can reinforce and exacerbate disparity. Another
factor that could undermine access to LMMs is that, unlike the Internet, many LMMs are
available only by paying a fee or subscription, as both developing and operating an LMM can
be expensive. It has been estimated that Chat GPT costs US$ 700 000 per day to operate (71).
Some companies are introducing subscription fees for new versions of LMMs (72), which could
make certain LMMs unaffordable, not just in low- and middle-income countries, but also for
individuals, health systems or local governments in resource-poor settings in high-income
countries (54). Conversely, poor people, in all countries, could be limited to using LMMs as a
“cost-effective solution”, whereas access to “real” health-care professionals will be limited
to wealthier individuals. A third factor is that most LMMs, at present, operate only in English.
Thus, while they can receive inputs and provide outputs in other languages, they are more
likely to generate false information or misinformation (73).
System-wide biases
As noted above, the data sets used to train AI models are biased, as many exclude girls and
women, ethnic minorities, elderly people, rural communities and disadvantaged groups.
In general, AI is biased towards the populations for which there are most data, so that, in
unequal societies, AI may disadvantage a minority population (1). Biases are likely to increase
with the scale of a model (74), which may be a particular problem with LMMs, as the data
used to train successive models continues to increase, even though so-called smaller LMMs
are being developed. Bias could introduce discrimination throughout a health-care system,
affecting people’s access to basic goods, including health services and high-quality care (75).
At the same time, LMMs are likely to include data that could “push back” against forms of bias
and stereotyping. Researchers have found that prompting a model not to rely on stereotyping
had a dramatic positive effect on the algorithm’s response (74).
An investment bank estimated that LMMs will eventually result in the loss (or “degradation”)
of at least 300 million jobs (76). A report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development noted that, in its member countries, the occupations at highest risk from
AI-driven automation are highly skilled jobs, due partly to use of LMMs and specifically that
“occupations in finance, medicine, and legal activities…may suddenly find themselves at risk
of automation from AI” (77). For many countries, however, health care is not an industry but
a core government function, and health-care workers might not be replaced by technology.
Furthermore, many countries continue to have shortages of health-care workers (1), including
in the aftermath of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic (78). WHO has estimated that, by
22 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
2030, there will be a shortage of 10 million health workers (79), mainly in low- and low-middle
income countries. Therefore, LMMs that are proven to be safe and effective might be used
to narrow the gap between the workforce required to provide health care and that which
is available.
A separate concern is the impact of introduction of LMMs on the number of current and
future health-care professionals. A major technology company estimated that up to 80%
of jobs will be affected by the arrival of AI (80). Accenture, a consulting firm, estimated that
40% of working hours could be affected by LMMs and noted optimistically that “the positive
impact on human creativity and productivity will be massive” (81). Yet, as noted above, the
introduction of LMMs could create significant challenges for many health-care workers, who
will require training and adjustment to LMMs. Health systems will have to account for the
challenges it presents to providers and the risks to patients and caregivers.
A third concern is the mental and psychological toll on people responsible for reviewing
content, annotating data used to train LMMs and removing abusive, violent or mentally
disturbing content from a data set. Those responsible for filtering out such content are often
based in low- and middle-income countries, earn low wages and can suffer psychological
distress from reviewing such content, without access to counselling or other forms of medical
care (73).
While LMMs could counter persistent shortages of health workers and extend the reach of
health systems, those systems could become dependent on LMMs and specifically on LMM
technologies developed by industry. Thus, if LMMs used in health care or public health are not
maintained, are diminished or are designed and updated only for use in high-income contexts,
the health systems that have relied on them will have to adjust and potentially deliver health
care without LMMs. This may be difficult if medical professionals have been “de-skilled” and
have outsourced certain responsibilities to AI or if patients expect its use. A related risk is that,
if LMMs do not preserve a patient’s privacy and confidentiality, overdependence on LMMs
could undermine individual and societal trust in health-care systems, as people would no
longer be confident in accessing health-care services without risking their privacy.
Cybersecurity risks
causing it to behave in ways that the developer did not intend (82). A prompt injection could,
for example, instruct an LMM designed to answer questions about a database to delete
information from the database or to change the information. There is as yet no known solution
to address this flaw. Even though prompt injections are currently used by security researchers
to illustrate the challenges of LMMs, they could be used by malicious actors to steal data or to
defraud users (83).
Some such violations have led to investigations of LMMs in European Union Member
States (83) and elsewhere, such as in Canada (86). The violations have included: (i) LMMs
scraped and used the personal data of individuals from the internet without their consent
(and without a ‘legitimate interest’ for collecting such data) (87); (ii) LMMs that cannot inform
people that they are using their data or give them the right to correct mistakes, to have their
data erased (the “right to be forgotten”) or to object to use of such data (87); (iii) LMMs that
are not fully transparent in their use of sensitive data provided to a chatbot or other consumer
interface, although, by law, a user must be able to delete chat log data (83); (iv) LMMs that
do not have an appropriate “age-gating” system to filter out users under the age of 13 and
those aged 13–18 for whom parental consent has not been given (88); (v) LMMs that cannot
prevent breaches of personal information (87); and (vi) LMMs that publish inaccurate personal
information, due partly to hallucinations (89). Other possible contraventions of the General
Data Protection Regulation include the “right to explanation” requirement, such that an
entity that uses personal data for automated processing can explain how the system, such
as an LMM, makes decisions.5 As noted above, companies cannot yet explain how LMMs
make decisions, although some are working on approaches to satisfy the “explainability”
requirement (90).
Many violations are significant. They are associated with how LMMs were trained, how they are
used and how they can be managed by a data controller. It is possible that LMMs may never
be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation or other data protection laws (91).
A complaint filed in 2023 with the data protection authority of one European Union Member
State alleged that the large language model of one company and the approach for which it
was developed and is now operated systematically breached the General Data Protection
Regulation (92).
5 See Article 15(1)(h) and Recital 71 of the General Data Protection Regulation.
24 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
Many violations of data protection may also violate consumer protection laws (93). More
broadly, if these problems cannot be resolved, they are also in direct contravention of the
WHO guiding principles on use of AI in health, including the principles of protecting autonomy
and of ensuring transparency, “explainability” and intelligibility.
The inability of companies to abide by existing laws may be the reason for the expression of
serious concern about forthcoming AI regulations by some companies. In response to the
planned introduction by the European Union of an Act on AI, the head of a major company
stated that it might be unable to offer its key LMM product in Europe, as it might not be able
to comply with its regulations (94). This ultimatum could result in the erosion of privacy rights
and other protections, or provision of health care which will depend on the willingness of a
country to forego certain human rights.
The emergence of LMMs, which continue to grow larger with more and more parameters, has
reinforced the dominance and centrality of a few large technology companies that develop
and deploy AI (96). Few companies and governments have the human and financial resources,
expertise, data and computing power to develop increasingly sophisticated LMMs (96).
Computing power and investment in LMMs have increased, and, with the demand for AI
growing, recruiting “AI talent” is expensive (97,98). LMMs that contain the most powerful
microchips available require many computers and thousands of chips working together to be
trained, the computers working non-stop for weeks or even months (99).
3 Risks to health systems and society and ethical concerns about use of LMMs 25
As the cost of training, deploying and maintaining LMMs continues to rise, there is a risk
of “industrial capture” by a few companies of what is potentially a building block of many
products and services (including in health care) in a way that could crowd out universities
(academics), start-ups and even governments (100). In research on AI, there is already
compelling evidence that the largest companies are crowding out both universities
and governments.
The dominance of “AI inputs” means that large technology companies also now dominate
outputs and outcomes. The industry share of the largest AI models increased from 11% in 2010
to 96% in 2021, while the number of research reports with one or more industry co-authors
increased by 16% between 2000 and 2020 (101).
The dominance of large technology companies defines not only the applications and uses
of AI but also, increasingly, the priorities for early-stage research (101). The dominance of
industry and lack of government investment also mean that alternatives for important AI
technologies that are in the public interest, including health care and medicine, could become
increasingly rare in the absence of appropriate public investment. This differs from the case in
the pharmaceutical sector, for example, where there is substantial government, not-for-profit
and philanthropic investment in research and development, especially in the critical early
stages of drug development and also for late-stage development of certain therapeutics (102).
Companies will therefore increasingly oversee operation of the systems that underpin our
economies and social sectors, including health care, raising concern about the ability of
citizens and officials to manage their lives (101).
In the absence of alternatives and of regulation (which may take several years to be fully
implemented, even if laws are enacted in 2023), how large technology companies make
internal decisions and how they relate to societies and governments becomes more and more
relevant. Companies might start to address various concerns, in partnership, through, for
example, the Frontier Model Forum (103) or with the governments of high-income countries,
including several voluntary commitments with the US Government (104) and forthcoming
commitments with the European Union (105).
26 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
A further concern is that companies may not maintain a corporate commitment to ethics. For
example, major technology companies have been either side-lining or eliminating their ethics
teams that were established to ensure that the design and development of AI models would
adhere to internal ethics principles (106), and to introduce “friction” that would require the
company to slow or cease certain development activities. Eliminating entire teams working on
ethics-related issues for AI means that principles are not “closely tied to product design” (108)
and therefore leaves a gap.
Several large technology companies, through the Frontier Model Forum, have committed
themselves to ensuring “responsible and safe development of frontier AI models”, including
LMMs, “identifying best practices for the responsible development and deployment of frontier
models” and “collaborating with policymakers, academics, civil society, and companies to
share knowledge about trust and safety risks” (103). In voluntary commitments with the US
Government, technology companies have pledged to avoid harmful bias and discrimination
and protect privacy (104). It is not clear, however, whether voluntary commitments or
partnerships will suffice to replace a robust commitment to ethics. Ethics teams in one
company, for example, that had recommended halting the release of a new LMM changed their
documents and downplayed previously documented risks (106).
Large technology companies have neither a history of nor are they specialized in the
development of health products and services. They may therefore not be sensitive to the
requirements of health-care systems, providers and patients and may not address privacy
or quality assurance, for example, which are familiar to traditional health-care companies
and public health providers. Their sensitivity may improve with time, as occurred in other
companies that have provided health-care goods and services for several decades.
Many companies that are developing LMMs are not transparent with either governments
or regulators or with those companies that may use their models and which may require (i)
evidence, data, performance and other information to assess the risks and benefits of an
LMM (97,106) and (ii) the number of parameters in the model, which is an indicator of how
powerful it is (8). Companies that use such models in developing their own products and
services also do not disclose how they assess ethical challenges and risks, the safeguards in
place, the reaction of LMMs to those safeguards and when use of technology should be limited
or stopped. The Foundation Model Transparency Index, which assesses ten leading developers
of large language models against one hundred indicators, found that “no major foundation
model developer is close to providing adequate transparency, revealing a fundamental
lack of transparency in the AI industry” (107). The voluntary agreement between the US
Federal Government and several large technology companies includes two commitments
to transparency. The companies commit themselves to (i) share information on managing
risks with the industry and with governments, civil society and academia and (ii) to publicly
report the capabilities, limitations and areas of appropriate and inappropriate use of their
AI systems (104). While these commitments might be an improvement over the status quo,
they are voluntary and are open to interpretation by each company, which may not result in
adequate disclosure without concrete regulatory requirements.
3 Risks to health systems and society and ethical concerns about use of LMMs 27
Companies are rushing new LMMs to market as quickly as possible, because of internal
commercial pressure or external competition (106), before they fully understand how the
LMMs function (109) and irrespective of whether appropriate testing, safeguards and ethical
risks and concerns have been identified and addressed (106,110). One company executive
remarked that it was an “absolutely fatal error in this moment to worry about things that
can be fixed later” (106). Companies seek a “first-mover” advantage, because the market
share of LMMs in certain domains, such as Internet search, provide revenues. According to
one company, every 1% of market share in a search engine equals US$ 2 billion in additional
revenue (108). An executive at a major technology company remarked that its LMM was “not
perfect” but that it would be released because “the market demands it” (8). Companies
that release LMMs without fully identifying, validating, accounting for and mitigating risks
accumulate an “ethical debt”, the eventual consequences of which will be felt not by the
companies but by those most vulnerable to the negative impacts of such technologies (109).
Members of the Frontier Model Forum have committed themselves to “advancing AI safety
research” and “identifying best practices” (103), and voluntary commitments to the US
Government include internal and external testing of AI systems before their release (104).
Commercial pressure may not only result in companies rushing LMMs to market as quickly
as possible but also to their de-prioritizing or abandoning products and services that have a
significant public health benefit in order to prioritize services that could generate revenue.
In 2023, one major technology company “axed” a team that had developed an LMM called
ESMFold, a protein language model that can predict a full atomic-level protein structure
from a single sequence and which generated a database of more than 600 million protein
structures. There is concern that the company may not be willing to “absorb the costs to
keep the database running, as well as another service that allows scientists to run the ESM
algorithm on new protein sequences” (111).
Another consequence of the increasing size of LMMs is their environmental impact. LMMs
require large amounts of data, and training with data therefore consumes significant amounts
of energy (112). In one large company, training of a new LMM used an estimated 3.4 GWh over 2
months, equivalent to the annual energy consumption of 300 US households (112). While some
LMMs are trained at data centres that use renewable or carbon-free energy, most AI models
are trained with electricity grids powered by fossil fuels (112). Electricity consumption will
continue to increase as more companies introduce LMMs, which could eventually significantly
affect climate change.
WHO considers climate change an urgent global health challenge that requires prioritized
action, now and in the decades to come. Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected
to cause approximately 250 000 additional deaths per year due to malnutrition, malaria,
diarrhoea and heat stress. The cost of direct damage to health by 2030 is estimated to be
US$ 2–4 billion per year. Areas with weak health infrastructure, most of which are in low-
and middle-income countries, will be least able to cope without assistance to prepare and
respond (1).
28 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
LMMs also have a significant water-use footprint. Training of an early LMM in a large
technology company consumed 700 000 L of fresh water, which would have been even greater
at other data centres (113). Although many developers are increasingly aware of their carbon
footprint, many are not aware of their water footprint (114). A short conversation by an LMM
(20–50 questions and answers) requires the equivalent of a 500-mL bottle of water. The overall
water footprint of training an LMM, comprising all the water consumed, including AI server
manufacture, transport and chipmaking, may be significantly larger. (114). Data centres can
stress local water supplies. For example, the data centre of one company used more than 25%
of all the water in a city in Oregon, USA (114). Another large technology company is planning to
construct a data centre in a country that is in the midst of severe drought, such that residents
are obliged to drink salty water (115). Tracking water footprints is difficult, because, while there
is greater awareness, measurement and transparency about carbon footprints, companies are
not equally transparent about their water footprint or do not measure it (114).
A more general societal risk associated with the emergence of LMMs is that, by providing
plausible responses that are increasingly considered a source of knowledge, LMMs may
eventually undermine the epistemic authority of humans, including in the domains of health
care, science and medicine. LMMs do not in fact generate knowledge or understand what they
are “saying” or have any moral or contextual reasoning in answering questions.
If the concerns persist, societies may not be prepared for the consequences of computer-
generated reasoning. Earlier forms of AI that supplied information through social media
algorithms spread misinformation, with negative impacts on mental health and increased
polarization and division (4). Even as technology companies issue repeated warnings of the
dangers of LMMs, they continue to release them directly into society without safeguards
or regulatory oversight in ways that could not just displace human control of knowledge
production but reduce the ability of humans to use knowledge safely, in health care, medicine
and elsewhere, in systems on which societies depend. Such harm could affect people and
communities in resource-poor settings in particular, as their data are unlikely to have been
used to train an AI system, thereby reducing the accuracy of the responses. Such groups
might, however, be likely to follow the advice of an AI system, especially if no health-care
professional or medical provider is available to contextualize or correct an LMM-generated
response that is false or inaccurate.
Release of ever-more imperfect information or disinformation into the public domain and
knowledge bases by LMMs could eventually lead to “model collapse”, whereby LMMs trained
on inaccurate or false information also pollute public sources of information, such as the
Internet (116,117). To avert such a scenario while maximizing the benefits of LMMs in health
care and other areas of social importance, governments, civil society and the private sector
must steer these technologies towards the common good.
II. Ethics and governance
of LMMs in health care
and medicine
32 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
The ethical principles defined by the WHO expert group (see above) provide guidance to
stakeholders on the basic ethical requirements that should direct their decisions and actions
in development, deployment and assessment of the use of LMMs in health care and medicine.
The principles should be the basis for how governments, public sector agencies, researchers,
companies and implementers govern the use of LMMs.
Governance comprises the steering and rule-making functions of governments and other
decision-makers, including international health agencies, for achieving national and global
health policy conducive to universal health coverage. Governance is also a political process
that involves balancing competing influences and demands (1). Current laws and policies are
unlikely to suffice for effective management of the use of LMMs, as many were written before
the release of earlier versions of LMMs. Governance of LMMs, as with overall governance of
AI, involves applying current and new legislation and regulations, “soft law” (such as ethical
principles), human rights obligations, codes of practice and internal procedures of companies,
industry associations and standard-setting bodies.
Currently, LMMs are deployed more quickly than our ability to fully understand their
capability and frailty. An early suggestion for addressing concern about LMMs was for a ban
or a moratorium on their development (118). While some countries do restrict the use of or
even ban certain LMMs, most governments now seek to ensure that their use can be directed
towards socially beneficial outcomes through appropriate governance. Leading AI companies
have also called for careful, deliberative development of LMMs and other forms of AI. Neither
governments nor companies, however, are immune to competition. Several governments
are locked in an “arms race” to technological supremacy, while even AI companies that are
calling for regulation are not immune to commercial pressure (119). While optimists consider
that many of the challenges and risks of AI can be addressed through design, including ever-
larger data sets and more powerful algorithms, critics have pointed out that the limitations of
LMMs are systemic and that increasing the size of training data and model parameters will not
overcome shortcomings but will in fact amplify them (59).
Governance of LMMs must keep pace with its rapid development and increasing uses and
should privilege neither governments seeking a technological advantage nor companies
seeking commercial gain. The initial suggestions and recommendations below place ethical
principles and human rights obligations at the centre of appropriate governance, comprising
both procedures and practices that could be introduced by companies and laws and policies
enacted by governments.
LMMs can be considered products of a series (or chain) of decisions on programming and
product development by one or more actors. Decisions made at each stage of an AI value
chain may have both direct and indirect consequences on those that participate in the
development, deployment and use of LMMs downstream. The decisions can be influenced
and regulated by governments that enact and enforce laws and policies nationally, regionally
and globally. The AI value chain begins with integration of several inputs, which comprise the
“AI infrastructure”, such as data, computing power and AI expertise, to the development of
general-purpose foundation models. These models can be used directly by a user to perform
Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models 33
various, often unanticipated tasks (including those related to health care). Several general-
purpose foundation models are trained specifically for use in health care and medicine.
Appropriate governance of LMMs used in health care and medicine should be defined at each
stage of the value chain, from collection of data to deployment of applications in health care.
Therefore, the three critical stages of the AI value chain discussed are:
At each stage of the AI value chain, the following questions are asked.
• Which actor (the developer, the provider and/or the deployer) is best placed to
address relevant risks? What risks should be addressed in the AI value chain?
• How can the relevant actor(s) address such risks? What ethical principles must
they uphold?
During the design and development phase, the focus is on the practices that developers
can introduce to uphold ethical commitments and norms and government policies and
investments. During the provision phase, the focus is on the measures that governments
can introduce to assess and regulate use of LMMs in health care and medicine. During the
deployment phase, measures are used by governments and all actors in the value chain to
ensure that any potential or actual harm to users is identified and avoided.
34 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
Although most findings and recommendations below could apply to all general-purpose
foundation models, the guidance is intended for such models that may be or are used in
health care and medicine (either directly by a user or through an application or service).
The recommendations below are also intended to guide the design and use of LMMs trained
specifically for use in health care and medicine, which may be used directly by users or
through an application or service.
A developer could use many measures or practices to address such risks, whether as a
commitment to ethical principles or policies or to meet the requirements of governments.
AI expertise (scientific and engineering personnel): A developer can ensure that its scientific
and programming personnel can identify and avoid risks. The WHO ethics guidance (1) made
several recommendations for the training of scientific and engineering personnel and on the
inclusiveness of the design process. In particular, the WHO expert group recommended that
developers consider “licensing or certification requirements for developers of ‘high-risk’ AI,
including AI for health”.
Companies and other entities that develop an LMM that shall or could be used in health care,
scientific research or medicine should consider certification or training to align themselves
with requirements in the medical profession and also to increase trust in their products and
services (1). Any standards, introduced and enforced by either developers or professional
societies, should be written in collaboration with or by government regulators and should
be consistent with the WHO ethical principle of promoting human well-being, safety and the
public interest. Developers that do not intend but can foresee that their LMM might be used in
health may wish to ensure internal expertise to anticipate and address such uses.
Data: While human resources and computing power are essential for the development of
LMMs, data are probably the most critical infrastructure requirement. The quality and type
of data used to train LMMs determine whether it meets core ethical principles and legal
requirements (123). Although AI developers have agreed in qualitative surveys that data
quality “matters” and require a significant commitment of time, work related to data is often
under-valued, which can have significant negative repercussions for AI in “high-stakes”
domains such as health care and medicine (123). If data are not of the appropriate quality,
several WHO guiding principles could be violated, including the promotion of human well-
being, safety and the public interest and the principle of ensuring inclusiveness and equity if
the data are biased.
36 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
As use of data for health care will probably require strict adherence to laws for informed
consent, developers who train LMMs intended for use in health care and medicine might have
to rely on smaller data sets (59). Smaller data sets might also be preferable to ensure the
quality of data, that the data are diversified in order to avoid bias (59) and that they reflect the
composition and reality of the population(s) that will be served by the LMM. Smaller data sets
might, however, increase the risk of re-identification of individuals, which would expose them
to current or future harm. Reliance on smaller data sets may have further benefits, including
reducing the carbon and water footprints (112) of the models and also making it possible
for smaller entities to participate in or develop LMMs that require fewer data, computing,
human and financial resources (59). Regardless of the size of the data set, developers should
undertake “data protection impact assessments”, which would, as required under the
General Data Protection Regulation, require developers to assess the risks of data-processing
operations to the rights and freedom of individuals and their impact on the protection of
personal data (1) before processing such data. Collection of data from low- and middle-income
countries could amount to “data colonialism”, in which data are used for commercial or non-
commercial purposes without due respect for consent, privacy or autonomy (1).
The assessments could extend beyond risks to privacy and include the quality of data, such as
whether they are unbiased and accurate. AI researchers who examine or audit such datasets
are reluctant to invest their resources, noting that, while creation of a data set for AI is simple,
auditing is difficult, time-consuming and costly. As one researcher noted: “Doing the dirty
work is just a lot harder” (124).
Developers can take other measures to improve data quality and adhere to data protection
laws. Irrespective of the model size, developers should, in contrast to how early LMMs were
developed, train LMMs on data collected according to best-practice data protection rules.
Developers should thus avoid using data from third-party sources such as data brokers, as
their data may be old, biased, combined incorrectly or have other flaws that may not have
been corrected (125). Careful collection of data could also ensure that an LMM does not violate
copyright or data protection laws, for which there may be legal repercussions, such that
certain LMMs could be labelled unlawful (126).
If third-party data providers are used, they could, for example, be certified, in order to
build trust and to ensure their expertise and legitimacy (127). All data used to train LMMs by
developers, whether collected directly or from third parties, must be kept up to date. As noted
above, some of the leading AI models were not trained with up-to-date data (38), which can
jeopardize the performance of the model in health care and medicine, in which new evidence
and information meaningfully affect decisions. Data sets should be updated and accurate so
that LMMs are appropriate and relevant for the contexts in which they are used.
It may be difficult to ensure that data are adequately transparent. Companies that launch
new LMMs have become more and more opaque about the data used to train its models.
One leading AI company that released a new LMM stated that: “Given both the competitive
landscape and the safety implications of large-scale models like GPT-4, this report contains
4 Design and development of general-purpose foundation models (LMMs) 37
no further details about the architecture (including model size), hardware, training compute,
dataset construction, training method, or similar” (128).
Unwillingness to be transparent about data is, however, inconsistent with the WHO ethical
principle of ensuring transparency, “explainability” and intelligibility. Developers should be
transparent about the data they used to train a model so that downstream users, including
those who fine-tune the LMM, use the LMM to develop a health-care application and those
who use the LMM directly, are aware of any insufficiency or incompleteness of the training
data set.
When developers improve data quality by using data workers in low- and middle-income
countries to screen the content for abusive, violent or offensive material and to annotate data,
those workers should be paid a living wage and be provided with mental health services and
other forms of counselling; and developers should introduce safeguards to protect workers
from any distress. Governments should update their labour standards to extend benefits to all
data workers, to promote a “level playing field” among companies and to ensure that labour
standards are maintained and improved over time.
Ethical design and design for values: One approach to integrating ethics and human rights
standards into the development of AI technologies is “design for values”, a paradigm for
basing design on the values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity and for
considering them non-functional requirements (1). Several recommendations in the original
WHO expert guidance for the design of AI technologies, including “design for values”, bear
repeating here.
The guidance recommended that the design and development of AI technologies not be done
solely by scientists and engineers and that “potential end-users and all direct and indirect
stakeholders should be engaged from the early stages of AI development in structured
inclusive, transparent design and given opportunities to raise ethical issues, voice concerns
and provide input for the AI application under consideration” (1). Thus, in development of
foundation models, people who might either use or benefit from the models could be involved
in the initial development. One proposal is to introduce so-called “human oversight colleges”,
which would facilitate inclusion of patient representatives in the development of an LMM that
is intended to benefit a patient or caregiver, either directly or indirectly through a medical
provider.6 Medical and health-care professionals, research scientists, patients, laypeople and
vulnerable populations could also be included in the design of LMMs, labelling of data and
testing. Inclusiveness in the design of the LMM could, for example, protect human autonomy,
as the participation of medical providers could forestall or reduce automation bias by
providers. Inclusive design could promote the WHO guiding principle of ensuring inclusiveness
and equity, especially if design teams include diverse viewpoints by age, ability, race, ethnicity,
sex or gender identity.
6 Communication from David Gruson, WHO expert on ethics and governance of AI for health.
38 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
The original WHO guidance also recommended that “designers and other stakeholders should
ensure that AI systems are designed to perform well-defined tasks with the accuracy and
reliability necessary to improve the capacity of health systems and advance patient interests.
Designers and other stakeholders should also be able to predict and understand potential
secondary outcomes” (1). Even before initiating development of an LMM, the developer
could conduct a so-called “pre-mortem” (33) to consider “hypothetical failures”, so that the
development team can reverse-engineer such unanticipated failures. This allows developers
to identify known and unknown risks and to formulate alternatives (33). A second suggestion,
by several developers of general-purpose foundation models, is “red teaming” (129), an
evaluation of a model or system that identified vulnerability in real-world simulations that
might result in undesirable behaviour, such as an LMM providing a biased opinion, so that
the developer can correct the model or system to ensure its reliability and safety. One
company announced that it would submit its latest LMM models to the DEFCON conference, a
hacker convention, in August 2023, so that “experts can further analyse and stress test their
capabilities” (130).
The original WHO guidance also recommended that “the procedures that designers use
to ‘design for values’ should be informed and updated by the consensus principles, best
practices (e.g. privacy preserving technologies and techniques), standards of ethics by
design and evolving professional norms” (1). Appropriate design could limit unauthorized
disclosure of data entered into an LMM or address environmental (carbon and water) concerns
associated with the training and use of LMMs (see below). It could also ensure that users know
that the content produced by an LMM is generated by an AI system and not a human, in order
to avoid displacing humans from the centre of epistemic authority. Such notification can
remind users, communities and societies that, while an LMM can produce useful information,
it cannot be a substitute for knowledge production by humans.
Another means for improving energy efficiency is to develop smaller LMMs that are trained on
smaller data sets and which therefore do not require as much energy to train or to operate.
Smaller LMMs may not only reduce energy consumption but also open opportunities for
smaller companies or entities to develop LMMs and improve the accuracy of outputs (59).
Smaller LMMs might be particularly useful for developing “specialized LMMs”, such as those
intended specifically for use in health care, scientific research and medicine. Several such
LMMs have been introduced, including some developed by large technology companies (59).
4 Design and development of general-purpose foundation models (LMMs) 39
Laws and policies governing use of data: WHO supports application and enforcement of
standards, including data protection rules, that govern how data have and will be used to
train LMMs. Data protection laws are usually based on rights-based approaches and include
standards for regulation of data-processing that both protect the rights of individuals and
establish obligations for public and private data controllers and processers and include
sanctions and remedies in case of actions that violate statutory rights. As data protection laws
have been adopted in over 150 countries, they provide a solid foundation for the development
of all AI technologies, including LMMs (1). A limitation of data protection laws is that most
were enacted before the emergence of generative and other types and uses of AI, and data
protection authorities may be unwilling to apply them too aggressively, as the original laws
may not have had the same intent (120).
One requirement of data protection that should be enforced, especially for health data used
to train LMMs, is that the data are obtained and processed lawfully. This will often require
provision of meaningful informed consent by a data subject for use of their data for the
stated purpose. Any further processing should have its own legal basis, as further processing
cannot be assumed to be compatible with the original purpose. Companies and other entities
that have developed and released LMMs are already under scrutiny for potential use of data
obtained without informed consent. The pursuit of ever-larger LMMs, requiring increasingly
larger data sets, may lead developers to ignore legal requirements (83). This would also violate
the WHO guiding principle of protecting human autonomy. Thus, the WHO expert group
recommended that governments “should have clear data protection laws and regulations
for the use of health data and protecting individual rights, including the right to meaningful
informed consent”.
Other government measures to oversee and regulate the collection and use of data for training
LMMs include regulations for generative AI enacted by the Government of China that came into
effect in August 2023. The Cyberspace Administration of China imposes several obligations,
including that: (i) providers shall employ effective measures to avoid discrimination and bias in
selecting training data, (ii) providers use clear labelling and assess the quality of data labelling;
and (iii) developers take “effective measures” to meet the goals of authenticity, accuracy,
objectivity and diversity of data (131). The requirements are not expected to be applied strictly
to companies, which will be required only to take effective measures to ensure appropriate
data quality. The measures will apply only to those companies that offer services to the
Chinese public (132).
Other measures that governments could take during design and development are
described below.
• Target product profiles: Governments and international agencies could issue target
product profiles to state the preferences and characteristics of LMMs intended for use
in health care and medicine, especially if governments anticipate purchasing such
technologies for use in government-run health systems.
Public infrastructure to develop LMMs in the public interest: As uses of LMMs for health
proliferate, development of LMMs that adhere to ethical principles could be encouraged by
the provision of not-for-profit or public infrastructure, including computing power and public
datasets. Such infrastructure, which could be accessible to developers in the public, private
and not-for-profit sectors, could require users to adhere to ethical principles and values in
exchange for access. It could also help to avoid exclusive control of an LMM by a developer
and "level the playing field" between the largest companies and developers that do not have
access to such infrastructure and resources.
Efforts to level the playing field are also applicable to academia and its resource disadvantage.
The Canadian Government’s national Advanced Research Computing Platform serves the
country’s academic sector, the Chinese Government has approved a national computing
power network system to enable academics and others to access data and computing power,
and, in the USA, the National AI Research Resource task force has “proposed the creation of
a public research cloud and public datasets” (101). There have also been calls by civil society
in Europe for governments to play a more assertive role in build so-called “European Large
Generative Models”, for which AI-specific computing, data infrastructure, science and research
support would be provided by governments (135).
Open-source LMMs may not endure, however, if large technology companies that previously
made their models available choose not to continue to do so (10). Development of most
open-source LMMs was based on an LMM released on a limited basis by Meta (formerly
Facebook) (10). Since the LMM and its weights were leaked (137), the company has stated its
commitment to open-source approaches, noting that openness “leads to better products,
faster innovation, and a flourishing market, which benefits [Meta] as it does many others….
ultimately, openness is the best antidote to the fears surrounding AI” (130). Independent
observers have noted, however, that, while Meta has made its LMM available on a non-
commercial basis, its terms of use includes restrictions, and it is thus not providing its LMM in
a manner consistent with open-source principles (138,139).
Additional requirements for use of open-source models in order to monitor their performance
and outcomes will be difficult for developers to address; however, the benefit of such
models cannot supplant the necessity for regulation and avoidance of harm, such as
security concerns associated with use of open-source models (140). Open-source models are
vulnerable to misuse (141) and can be attacked to exploit such vulnerability (142). A group of
researchers recently found that methods tested on open-source AI systems circumvented
AI safety measures and safeguards and could also bypass the safeguards of so-called closed
systems (143). Ultimately, open-source models are based on the same black-box technologies
used in other LMMs.
One way of encouraging open-source LMMs would be for governments to require that
foundation models built with government funding or intellectual property be widely
accessible, in the same way that governments have required open access to government-
funded research. Governments could also encourage open-source research and development
in public facilities, including next-generation models, under controlled conditions with public
oversight. Public oversight and participation might be better than the new reality in which
Meta’s leaked model allows anyone to “download it and run it on a MacBook M2” (144).
• Developers that design an LMM that shall or could be used in health care, scientific
research or medicine shall consider ethics certification or training for programmers.
This would bring AI developers in line with requirements in the medical profession
and increase trust in their products and services.
• Regardless of the size of the dataset, developers should undertake “data protection
impact assessments” before processing such data, which would require developers
to assess the risk that data processing operations would go against the rights and
freedom of individuals and its impact on the protection of personal data.
• All data sets used to train LMMs, whether collected directly or via third parties by
developers, should be kept up to date and appropriate for the contexts in which the
system may be used.
• Developers should be transparent about the data used to train a model, so that
users, including those who fine-tune the LMM, use the LMM to develop a health-care
application or use the LMM directly, are aware of any insufficiency or incompleteness
of the training data set.
• Developers should pay data workers a living wage and provide them with mental
health services and other forms of counselling. Developers should also introduce
safeguards to protect workers from any distress. Governments should update labour
standards to extend such benefits to all data workers, to promote a “level playing
field” among companies and to ensure that such labour standards are maintained
and improved over time.
• Developers should ensure that LMMs are designed not only by scientists and
engineers. Potential users and all direct and indirect stakeholders, including medical
providers, scientific researchers, health-care professionals and patients, should be
engaged from the early stages of AI development in structured, inclusive, transparent
design and given opportunities to raise ethical issues, voice concerns and provide
input for the AI application under consideration. Such input could be provided
through “human oversight colleges”.
• Developers should ensure that LMMs are designed to perform well-defined tasks with
the necessary accuracy and reliability to improve the capacity of health systems and
advance patient interests. Developers should also be able to predict and understand
potential secondary outcomes. Techniques to meet such requirements include “pre-
mortems” and “red teaming”.
• Developers should take all possible steps to reduce energy consumption (such as by
improving the energy efficiency of a model).
• Governments should have strong, enforced data protection laws and regulations
for the use of health data that apply to the development of LMMs. The laws must
effectively protect people’s rights and give people the tools they need to protect their
rights, including the right to meaningful informed consent. Additional tools are likely
to be needed for data that are collected and processed for use of LMMs in health care.
44 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
• Governments and international agencies such as WHO should issue “target product
profiles” to delineate preferences and characteristics of LMMs intended for use in
health care and medicine, especially if governments anticipate eventual purchase of
such tools for use in government-run health systems.
• Governments should require developers to ensure that the design and development
of a general-purpose foundation model will achieve certain outcomes during the
product’s life cycle. These could include requirements for the predictability of the
model and its interpretability, corrigibility, safety and cybersecurity.
• Regulatory agencies should introduce legal obligations and establish incentives, such
as pre-certification programmes, to require and encourage developers to identify and
avoid ethical risks, including bias or undermining autonomy.
A developer may seek to avoid use of an LMM for a health-care purpose (or another use). If
a developer does not wish an LMM to be used for health or medical purposes (especially in
clinical medicine), it could discourage such use either by preventing entities that develop
applications for health or medicine to use (license) the LMM on an application programming
interface, or, if the LMM is used directly by a user (provider or patient) for a health-care
46 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
purpose, by blocking queries or attaching a clear warning to any responses that include
health or medical information and to direct users to information or services that can provide
appropriate assistance.
If such measures are not taken or if the developer intends that users apply its LMM for
health care, either directly or indirectly through a provider, the developer will have specific
responsibilities that only it can satisfy. Furthermore, both developers and providers have
further obligations to address the risks associated with use of LMMs in health care.
The responsibilities, detailed below, are defined in government-mandated laws, policies and
regulations, as it is governments that must ultimately determine whether an AI-based system
should be permitted for use in health care. Developers and providers must also fulfil mutual
responsibilities if an LMM is to be used in health care. Such responsibilities could be defined by
governments or negotiated between the two parties through a contract if laws have not been
written or updated to account for them.
Major risks that must be addressed before deployment include system-wide bias, false
information or hallucinations for health-care uses, privacy of data entered into an LMM,
manipulation and automation bias.
The speed of development of LMMs and of applications that include an LMM requires that
governments rapidly develop regulations and specific criteria for using these AI algorithms
in health-care systems and for other scientific and medical purposes. The approach should
consist of assessment and approval of AI technologies intended for use in health care or
medicine by a regulatory agency, such as a medical device or pharmaceutical agency,
although governments could establish a new agency for this purpose. One challenge for low-
and middle-income countries is that their regulatory agencies are already under-resourced
and overwhelmed by pharmaceutical regulation.
The government of at least one high-income country has agreed with the largest technology
companies that its foundation models will be assessed in a voluntary public evaluation, with
disclosure of outcomes to provide information to the public and researchers about the models
and to encourage the companies to correct any errors (146); however, a voluntary approach is
likely to be neither sufficient nor sustainable.
Evaluation of LMMs and applications should not address only the AI systems or algorithms
used in the health-care system, as there are also significant risks associated with the use of
LMMs and applications in a grey zone between clinical and “wellness” applications. Given the
rapid proliferation of such technologies, governments should, at least initially, identify such
5 Provision with general-purpose foundation models (LMMs) 47
applications, set common standards and regulations and prohibit applications that do not
meet the standards and regulations from being deployed to the public.
Developers and providers should bear the burden of proof, when required, to demonstrate
that an AI technology intended for use in health care meets the minimum requirements set
out in a law or policy. It should not be assumed that, given the known risks and challenges
associated with LMMs, AI algorithms and applications with an LMM are safe and effective or
that they are superior to AI or non-AI based approaches that are already in wide use.
Several laws, policies and cross-cutting requirements that could apply to use of LMMs in
health care and medicine are described below.
Disclosure and transparency are WHO guiding principles, as well as measures to improve
the “explainability” and intelligibility of an AI-based system, and should be required in the
assessment of a general-purpose foundation model or application. The WHO guidance on
the ethics and governance of AI for health (1) recommended that “government regulators
should require the transparency of certain aspects of an AI technology, while accounting
for proprietary rights, to improve oversight and assessment of safety and efficacy. This may
include an AI technology’s source code, data inputs and analytical approach”. New forms of
disclosure that are relevant for LMMs may include their performance in internal testing and
their carbon and water footprints. Standards may also be required for “open weights”, which
allow regulators, other developers, civil society and providers to understand the outputs of
training an algorithm, or the knowledge that an LMM has obtained during its training (147,148).
Several forms of disclosure could assist a provider, user or regulator, including describing the
capability and limitations of a foundation model, evaluation of the model according to public
or industry standard benchmarks and reporting the results of internal and external testing
of the model and its optimization (134). Disclosures, particularly of the risks that may be
associated with an LMM or application, could be advertised clearly, and has been compared by
one researcher to a “nutrition label” (129).
Data protection laws: The development of LMMs and how developers manage the data
required to train an LMM may violate data protection laws. A separate problem is that data
entered into an LMM or application to produce a specific output that may include sensitive
48 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
All AI systems or tools used in health care and medicine should have to respect ethical
obligations and human rights standards that affect, for example, a person’s dignity, autonomy
or privacy. These include general-purpose foundation models. Human rights and ethical
principles are non-negotiable and must be upheld, irrespective of the risk associated with an
AI technology or the benefit it may confer (153). The fact that an AI algorithm is considered
“low risk” does not exempt it from scrutiny, and a developer or provider should ensure the
algorithm respects human rights and ethical obligations. A human rights impact assessment
can be conducted to determine whether an LMM or an application adheres to such
commitments and can therefore be used safely.
The WHO guidance on the ethics and governance of AI for health (1) recommended that
“governments should enact laws and policies that require government agencies and
companies to conduct impact assessments of AI technologies, which should address ethics,
human rights, safety and data protection, throughout the life cycle of an AI system”. The
guidance also noted that “impact assessments should be audited by an independent third
party before and after introduction of an AI technology and published” (1). The results of
impact assessments should be disclosed publicly, while accounting for proprietary or sensitive
information, and should be available to the public and groups that may be affected. In the
same way as for audits (see above), impact assessments might have to be examined closely,
especially if they are conducted by third parties that offer tools or services, to ensure that they
are of adequate quality and rigour.
5 Provision with general-purpose foundation models (LMMs) 49
Impact assessments can reveal, for example, whether an AI technology might introduce
system-wide bias, risk the privacy of users who share personal data or lead to manipulation
of a user. Risks to privacy should be addressed by collaboration between providers and
developers in developing LMMs that preserve individual privacy. Work on such an LMM
is under way by one company and a hospital system in the USA, although the project is
considered unlikely to succeed because the data cannot be fully de-identified (154). Impact
assessments can also ensure that use of a general-purpose foundation model or application
maintains humans in the loop to avoid automated decision-making in which a user receives
false information or misinformation or a health-care provider or patient relies uncritically on
the output of an LMM, which would be a form of automation bias.
Governments may instead choose to use a risk-based framework for LMMs to be used in health
care and medicine. For those functions that are considered to be higher risk, such as providing
a prescription or mental health advice to a person with severe depression or use of an AI
technology by a vulnerable or marginalized population, the burden of proof will be higher.
There is concern that, if a government selects a risk-based approach, it will be considered
sufficient or be used as a substitute for a human rights-based approach (153). A risk-based
framework might exclude certain LMMs or applications from evaluation, which may appear to
be low risk but could ultimately lead to harm.
This guidance does not include a recommendation on whether all foundation models,
regardless of how they are to be used, should be subjected to a risk-based and/or rights-based
assessment. The guidance also does not recommend whether an AI regulatory assessment
of general-purpose foundation models should apply only to the largest (systemic) LMMs.
The expert group did note one concern about assessments designed to apply to all LMMs,
irrespective of size, which is that it could “freeze in place” the dominance of the largest
companies, as the standards may be such that only those companies can feasibly comply
with them or that the standards best suit their business model and aims (155). This concern
has gained the attention of competition authorities, which have found that first-movers may
use “unfair methods of competition to entrench their current power or use that power to
gain control over a new generative AI market” (141). Competition authorities are expected
to exercise greater scrutiny of the use of LMMs, although they focus on the practices used by
companies that develop LMMs (156).
Providers should also be subject to AI regulatory assessments, as their use of an LMM may
change its purpose and function from those determined by the developer but is controlled by
the provider. Thus, if a general-purpose foundation model is adapted for use in health care or
medicine by a provider, to which the developer agrees, both the developer and the provider
7 Presentation by Kai Zenner, European Parliament, Head of Office for Axel Voss, Conference on AI for Good, 5
June 2023.
50 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
should comply with requirements for use of LMMs in health care and medicine. The regulatory
burden on providers should be greater if their use of a product or application diverges
substantially from or changes the foundation model in ways that are beyond the control of
the developer.
Chatbots based on LMMs that provide medical advice are likely to be characterized as medical
devices under current European Union and US regulatory standards (158). The WHO guidance
on the ethics and governance of AI for health (1) recommended that: “government regulators
should require that an AI system’s performance be tested, and sound evidence obtained from
prospective testing in randomized trials and not merely from comparison of the system to
existing datasets in a laboratory”.
LMMs for clinical decision support are already being used experimentally. Although
these LMMs include disclaimers, they do not obviate application of medical device laws,
“which dictate that such experiments should take place only in an authorized clinical trial
setting under appropriate controls to protect patients and to produce clinically relevant
outcomes” (158). Governments could examine controlled experimental uses of such LMMs
in regulatory “sandboxes”, which would allow testing in a live environment in actual clinical
settings with safeguards and oversight to protect health systems from risks or unintended
consequences. Such use may, however, be appropriate only in countries in which new health-
care products and services and their specifications are subject to formal regulation and data
protection regulations (1).
Consumer protection law: Governments should develop and use consumer protection laws
to ensure that any negative consequences of LMMs and applications do not reach users and
patients. Consumer protection laws could be applied, for example, to prevent practices that
5 Provision with general-purpose foundation models (LMMs) 51
• Governments should ensure that data protection rules apply to data entered into an
LMM or application by a user.
• Government laws, policies and regulations should ensure that LMMs and applications
used in health care and medicine, irrespective of the risk or benefit associated with
the AI technology, meet ethical obligations and human rights standards that affect,
for example, a person’s dignity, autonomy or privacy.
• Governments should enact laws and policies that require providers and developers to
conduct impact assessments of LMMs and applications, which should address ethics,
human rights, safety and data protection, throughout the life cycle of an AI system.
The impact assessments should be audited by an independent third party before and
after introduction of an AI technology and should be in the public domain.
• Governments should use consumer protection laws to ensure that any negative
consequences of use of LMMs and applications do not affect users, including patients.
Consumer protection laws could be applied, for example, to prevent practices that
would be tantamount to manipulation or to address the causes of other negative
consequences of LMMs or applications in order to protect patients and their families
from any current or future harm.
6 Deployment with general-purpose foundation models (LMMs) 53
Risks during deployment may be due to the unpredictability of LMMs and the responses they
provide, the possibility of use of a general-purpose foundation model in a manner that was
not anticipated by either the developer or the provider, and because responses generated by
an LMM may change over time.
This section describes how the actors in the AI value chain, including users, can mitigate or
prevent risks and the role of governments in regulating the use of AI tools once an LMM has
been deployed, while equipping and training health-care workers and other actors in health
systems to maximize appropriate use of an LMM.
54 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
Developers and providers have responsibilities and obligations even after an LMM or
application is approved for use, either because the developer or provider deploys the LMM
or because certain risks can be addressed after deployment only by a developer or provider.
Such obligations might have to be required by regulations or laws to ensure that developers
and providers allocate adequate resources and attention.
Secondly, governments could hold providers or developers responsible for inaccurate, false
or toxic content from an LMM after its release that neither the provider nor the developer took
steps to correct or avoid. The Chinese Government’s regulation on generative AI, for example,
stipulates that it must not produce information that is “false and harmful” (151), with possible
enforcement by the Government. In the European Union, addition of an LMM to a product or
service could create additional responsibilities for the developer and the provider of the LMM.
For example, if an LMM is integrated into a service that is within the scope of regulation of
digital services, such as the European Union Digital Services Act, the LMM would be indirectly
subject to regulatory scrutiny, which could require regulatory oversight because of the
tendency of LMMs to hallucinate (120).
First, a deployer should use information from developers or providers to decide not to use
an LMM or application in an inappropriate setting, because of biases in the training data,
contextual bias that renders the LMM inappropriate for the setting or other avoidable errors or
potential risks known to the deployer. If a deployer receives clear, adequate warning of such
risks and still offers the LMM for use in inappropriate settings, the deployer should be held
accountable for any resulting harm.
6 Deployment with general-purpose foundation models (LMMs) 55
Secondly, deployers should communicate any risks that they should reasonably know
could result from use of an LMM and any errors or mistakes that have harmed users. Such
warnings should not be in fine print or easy to miss. In some circumstances, a deployer may
be responsible, even if not required by a law or regulation, for suspending use or removing an
LMM or application from the market to avoid harm.
Thirdly, deployers can take steps to improve the affordability and accessibility of an LMM.
A deployer can ensure that pricing or subscription fees for use of an LMM correspond to the
capacity of a government or other user to pay and should ensure that appropriate LMMs are
trained and provided in languages and scripts that can be used by people who are otherwise
ignored or excluded from the benefits of technology. Deployers should also request providers
and developers to ensure that current and future LMMs are available in several languages.
As in the design of a general-purpose foundation model (see above), governments could enlist
both health-care professionals and patients in “human oversight colleges” to ensure that new
LMMs and applications used in clinical decision-making are used appropriately and do not
undermine the rights of patients.8
Training and continuing education of health workers is of particular importance for informing
patients, laypeople and other third parties when advice is generated by an LMM or that
information provided by an LMM has been used by the provider in making a medical decision
or for another medical function. In such notifications, the patient or layperson should
be fully apprised of the risks associated with use of LMMs to preserve his or her right to
informed consent.
8 Communication from David Gruson, WHO expert on ethics and governance of AI for health.
56 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
Health-worker training is also critical to ensure that, when they use an LMM professionally,
their duties do not unknowingly violate laws, especially those related to the protection of
health data and information. For example, medical providers who introduce “protected
health information” into an LMM chatbot may be violating laws such as the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act in the USA (150). As popular LMMs become “trusted” by
health-care workers, for example, they may disclose more patient data than they realize (154).
Other stakeholders in a health-care system should be educated on the benefits, risks, uses
and challenges of LMMs in health care and how LMMs differ from other technologies for
generating information or advice and how they been used for other purposes in health care.
Broader public awareness of the use of LMMs in health care and other domains should be
improved. WHO guidance on the ethics and governance of AI for health (1) recommends that:
“The public should be engaged in the development of AI for health to understand forms of
data sharing and use, to comment on the forms of AI that are socially and culturally acceptable
and to fully express their concerns and expectations. Further, the general public’s literacy
in AI technology should be improved to enable them to determine which AI technologies
are acceptable”.
Governments that supply an LMM or application to a health system could use their
procurement authority to foster certain practices among developers, providers and deployers.
Procurement of a critical LMM or application for use in a health-care system can eliminate
barriers to access and affordability if the AI technology does not displace other health-care
investments that may be more effective, equitable and affordable. Public procurement can
establish requirements for transparency with respect to data training, quality assurance, risk
assessment, mitigation and external audits. Such requirements may be critical if a country
has neither relevant legislation nor a regulatory agency with the resources to regulate
LMMs effectively.
• Deployers should communicate any risks that they should reasonably know could
result from use of an LMM, as well as errors that have caused harm to users; such
warnings should not be in fine print (or easy to miss). In some circumstances, a
deployer may be responsible, even if not required by a law or regulation, to suspend
use of or to remove the LMM or application from the market to avoid future harm.
• Ministries of health and universities (health science faculties) should train health-care
professionals and clinicians: (i) to understand how LMMs make decisions (and the
limits of understanding how such decisions are made), (ii) to identify and understand
concerns about appropriate use, (iii) in methods to avoid automation bias, (iv) to
engage with and educate patients who may be or are considering use of LMMs, and (v)
on the cybersecurity risks associated with use of LMMs.
As LMMs gain broader use in health care and medicine, errors, misuse and ultimately harm
to individuals are inevitable. Liability rules will have to be used to compensate individuals
for such harm, with establishment of new forms of redress when current approaches are
insufficient or out of date.
A critical function of rules for civil liability is to ensure that a victim of damage can
claim compensation and redress, no matter how difficult it may be to assign blame and
responsibility among the entities involved in development and deployment of an AI
technology. If victims find it too difficult to obtain compensation, there can be no justice and
no incentive for parties in the AI value chain to avoid such harm in the future. The rules should
also ensure that the compensation is adequate for the harm suffered.
The European Union in its proposed AI Liability Directive simplifies the burden of proof by a
victim by introducing a “presumption of causality” (162). Thus, if a victim can demonstrate
that one or more entities did not comply with an obligation relevant to the harm and that
a causal link with AI performance is likely, the court can presume that non-compliance
was the cause of the damage (162). The onus is thus placed on the liable party to rebut the
presumption, for example by indicating another party as the cause of the damage. The
scope of the legislation is not limited to the original maker of an AI system but includes any
participant in the AI value chain (162). When all the actors in the AI value chain are held jointly
liable, they can demonstrate their effectiveness in assessing and mitigating risks in order to
reduce their liability.
It is still possible, however, that a liability regime does not provide full clarity and redress for
injuries caused by AI-driven products and services, especially if an individual does not know
that a LMM was used in making a medical decision. New rules may leave gaps in liability
for injuries caused by AI-driven medical technologies (163). As LMMs are highly speculative,
poorly understood and being rushed to market, governments may wish to consider LMMs
used in health care as products for which developers, providers and deployers will be held to
a strict liability standard. Holding these actors accountable for any error might ensure that a
7 Liability for LMMs 59
patient will be compensated if the error affects them (1), although this depends on whether
the patient knew that an LMM was used. While such continuing liability might discourage the
use of increasingly sophisticated LMMs, it might also temper a willingness to take unnecessary
risks and to deploy new LMMs into health care or public health settings before their many risks
and potentials harms have been fully identified and addressed (1).
A liability regime for AI might not, however, be adequate to assign fault, as algorithms
are evolving in ways that neither developers, providers nor deployers can fully control.
Furthermore, there may be situations or jurisdictions in which a person who is harmed is
unable to recover damages. For example, in the USA, a patient who is injured when using
an LMM directly to seek advice may not be able to recover damages because AI systems
themselves are not included in professional liability rules, and exceptions or limitations
to product or consumer liability laws may preclude recovery (163). In other areas of health
care, compensation is occasionally provided without assignment of fault or liability, such as
for medical injuries resulting from adverse effects of vaccines. The original WHO guidance
recommended determination of “whether no-fault, no-liability compensation funds are an
appropriate mechanism for providing payments to individuals who suffer medical injuries due
to the use of AI technologies, including how to mobilize resources to pay any claims” (1). That
recommendation is also valid today and could be a means for determining compensation for
injuries caused by LMMs or applications with LMMs.
• Governments should establish liability along the value chain of the development,
provision and deployment of LMMs and applications to ensure that a victim of
damage can claim compensation, irrespective of the difficulty of assigning blame
and of the responsibilities of the different entities involved in the development and
deployment of the technology.
60 Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health. Guidance on large multi-modal models
8 International governance of
Governments should support collective development of international rules for the governance
of LMMs and other forms of AI used in health care, as such uses are proliferating globally. One
example is the WHO global strategy on digital health 2020-2025. The process should include
greater cooperation and collaboration within the United Nations system to respond to the
opportunities and challenges of deploying AI in health care and of its wider application in
society and the economy. Unless governments work together to set appropriate, enforceable
standards, the number of LMMs and other forms of AI that do not meet appropriate legal,
ethical and safety standards will increase, potentially causing harm if regulations and other
types of protection are not introduced or are not properly enforced, whether willingly
or because there are inadequate resources. WHO recently issued a new publication,
in consultation with regulatory agencies worldwide, that outlines key principles that
governments and regulatory authorities can follow to develop new guidance or adapt existing
guidance on AI (164).
International governance can avoid a “race to the bottom” among companies seeking a
first-mover advantage in which standards of safety and efficacy are ignored, and among
governments seeking advantage in the geopolitical race for technological supremacy. Thus,
international governance can ensure that all companies meet minimum standards of safety
and efficacy and also avoid introduction of regulations that provide a competitive advantage
or disadvantage for either companies or governments. International governance can make
governments accountable for their investments and participation in the development and
deployment of AI-based systems and ensure that they introduce appropriate regulations
that respect ethical principles, human rights and international law. The absence of globally
enforceable standards may also have a negative impact on product adoption.
International governance could take several forms. One suggestion is to establish a public
research agency, funded by several governments, such as the European Organization for
Nuclear Research, an international collaboration, with funding and human resources to
pursue large, transformative projects the results of which are shared openly (165,166). In a
separate proposal, it was suggested that such an entity could be charged with developing
the most advanced, and most risky, forms of AI in a highly secure facility, making other
attempts to build such forms of AI illegal (167). At present, such large-scale projects are not
in the domain of publicly funded projects to generate public goods but are the purview of
large technology companies in commercial competition with one another. Other leaders,
including world leaders and technology executives, have called for AI to be treated similarly to
nuclear weapons, with a global regulatory framework similar to treaties for the use of nuclear
arms (109).
8 International governance of LMMs 61
Whatever the form of international governance that is taken forward, it is imperative that it
not be shaped solely by high-income countries or by high-income countries that work mostly
or solely with the world’s largest technology companies (168). Standards developed by and for
high-income countries and technology firms, whether for all applications of AI or for specific
use of LMMs in health care and medicine, will leave most of humanity, in low- and middle-
income countries, with no role or voice in shaping the standards. This would render future AI
technologies potentially dangerous or ineffective in the very countries that might ultimately
benefit the most.
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of era, says Secretary General, opening general assembly session, United Nations,
17 September 2019. (https://press.un.org/en/2019/sgsm19746.doc.htm, accessed 18
September 2023).
Annex. Methods 77
Annex. Methods
This guidance was developed by consensus. WHO relied upon its Expert Group on the Ethics
and Governance of Artificial Intelligence for Health, consisting of 20 experts from all WHO
regions who met fortnightly for approximately four months. The Expert Group applied the
Consensus Principles and Recommendations from previously issued guidance on the ethics
and governance of artificial intelligence for health to the emerging use of LMMs in healthcare
and medicine.
The Expert Group first compiled a preliminary mapping of the potential uses and benefits
of large multi-modal models, as well as the risks, at the level of the end-user. The Expert
Group also identified risks that health systems and societies could encounter with the use of
such AI systems. This was supplemented by a comprehensive literature search of: (a) existing
and proposed uses of LMMs in healthcare that have materialized over several years of its
progressive evolution and use, (b) anticipated uses of LMMs, and (c) critiques and analyses of
LMMs that have been published prior to the issuance of this guidance.
Based on a shared understanding of the known and potential benefits and risks, the expert
group identified an appropriate framework to address the various ethical challenges and
opportunities associated with the use of LMMs. The Expert Group agreed that a “value chain”
approach was well-suited to depict where and how to organize appropriate governance, and
which actor or actors could be held responsible to carry out relevant measures.
While existing or proposed legislation and regulatory measures in several jurisdictions were
referred to and utilized as a means of framing areas for recommendation, the Expert Group
crafted each recommendation to be applicable across multiple countries and legal systems.
The Expert Group also debated recommendations that should be applied by companies,
purchasers of such AI systems, and end-users of LMMs, especially healthcare providers
and patients.
WHO acknowledges that this guidance may need to be revised and updated to ensure that the
Expert Group’s findings and recommendations remain relevant and useful.
World Health Organization
20 Avenue Appia
CH-1211 Geneva 27
Website: https://www.who.int