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Cat - 950H - 962H - Compettive Bulletin - TEJB9281

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Caterpillar Product Information

Competitive Bulletin
December 2006

Cat® 950H / 962H

Volvo L110E / L120E
EPA Tier 3 Compliant

The aim of this study was to compare Caterpillar' 950H & 962H
Wheel Loaders versus the Volvo L110E & L120E Tier 3 in a
standardized test application designed to measure machine
productivity, and fuel efficiency. The applications included
aggressive truck loading, moderated truck loading, and a load and
carry test cycle.

For Dealer Sales Personnel

This document supplements information in the Specalog. Marketing content will be available only
on secured dealer extranets and by accessing the PDF in the Electronic Sales Library on INFOCAST.
Engine Type C7 ACERT™ C7 ACERT™ D7E LB E3 D7E LA E3
Technology Technology
Gross Power kW (hp) 161 (219) 172 (234) 170 (231) 180 (245)
rpm 1800 1800 1700 1700
Net Power – ISO 9249 kW (hp) 147 (200) 158 (215) 169 (230) 179(243)
rpm 1800 1800 1700 1700
Net Peak Torque Nm 907 907 1059 1059
rpm 1400 1400 1500 1500
Engine Displacement liters (in³) 7.2 (439) 7.2 (439) 7.1 (433) 7.1 (433)
Numbers of Cylinders 6 6 6 6
Transmission - Auto Shift Planetary Planetary Countershaft Countershaft
4th Gear Forward Km/h 40 40 36.2 35.1
Hydraulic Cycle Time seconds 11.1 11.1 10.0 10.0
Steering System Load sensing Load sensing Load sensing Load sensing
Sound Level in Cab dB (A) 69 69 68 68
Sound Level External dB (A) 106 106 106 106
Bucket used for Spec
Comparison m3 (yd³) 3.3 (4.25) 3.3 (4.25) 3.3 (4.25) 3.3 (4.25)
Operating Weight kg (lb) 18452 (40,680) 19622 (42,259) 18240 (40,212) 19060 42,020)
Breakout Force kN (lb) 158 (33,520) 158 (33,520) 153 (34,396) 162 (36,419)
Straight Static
Tipping Load kg (lb) 13007 (28,676) 13681 (30,558) 12900 (28,440) 14080 (31,041
Full Turn Static
Tipping Load kg (lb) 11410 (25,155) 11914 (26,266) 11070 (24,405) 11670 (25,728)
Dump Clearance mm (ft/in) 2835 (9’3”) 2896 (9’5”) 2860 (9’4”) 2930 (9’6”)
Reach @ full lift and
45 degree discharge mm (ft/in) 1158 (3’8”) 1207 (4’0”) 1130 (3’7”) 1130 (3’7”)

The table below shows Volvo gross power increase of 10% over Cat from Tier 2 to Tier 3
Model 950H 962H L110E Tier 2 L110E Tier 3 L120E Tier 2 L120E Tier 3

Engine C7 C7 D7D LB E2 D7E LB E3 D7D LA E2 D7E LA E3

Gross Power hp 219 234 210 231 224 245

Gross Power kW 161 172 155 170 165 180

Net Power kW 200 215 209 230 223 243

Net Power hp 147 158 154 169 164 179

2 Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E

Job Description
The job study was performed at the Quadrifolio Quarry, located in Bergamo, Italy together with the CGT dealership.
The material used was made up of sand and rocks, with a density of approximately 3371 lb/yd³ (2000 kg/m3). Ambient
temperatures ranged from approximately 25-30 degrees.

Both Cat machines, 950H & 962H used in this study are Tier 3 compliant, equipped with Michelin
XHA L3 tires, and a 4.25 yd³ (3.3 m³) Universal bucket with teeth. Other options included CCS
(Command Control Steering), Autodig and Ride control. Both Volvo machines, L110E & L120E
are Tier 3 compliant and were also delivered with Michelin XHA L3 tires and a 4.25 yd³ (3.3 m³)
4.5 4.5 General purpose bucket with teeth. Other options included Stick Steer and Rear camera.
3 3
The tire pressure on the machines has been set up the same on all machines before starting the
productivity tests at 4.5 bars on the front and 3 bars on the rear.

The new 950H & 962H are equipped with the Tier 3 compliant ACERT C7 engine with 7.2 liters
displacement, and features multiple other improvements, including a new Caterpillar Load-Sensing Hydraulic system
designed to improve performance and efficiency. The L110E & L120E features a new 7.1 liters displacement Tier 3
compliant engine, with Volvo’s V-ACT internal exhaust gas recirculation technology. A major change seen on the new
Tier 3 Volvo machines is the reverse air flow from the back to the side, doing the same as Cat.

For loading operations, three on-highway trucks of 20t were used. These trucks were 3 pass loaded, and weighed on
mobile scales at the quarry site. Fuel measurements were taken using external fuel tanks fitted on the machines and
equipped with supply and return ports. In line on/off valves were used to switch the fuel supply from the main machine
tank to the auxiliary test tanks. The tanks were filled and weighed before and after each individual test segment to
determine fuel consumption. All cycle times were recorded using a computerized software and splitting the travel time
empty, loading time, travel time loaded and dumping time. All results presented in this study are in metric tons.

Fuel Scale
Test Area

20 Ton On-Highway Trucks

Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E 3

Job Description

Truck Scale

Cat Universal Bucket 4.25 yd³ with teeth Volvo General Purpose Bucket 4.25 yd³ with teeth

4 Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E

Aggressive Truck Loading

2nd Gear with 1st Gear Bucket Loading, 20 Sec Average Cycle Time
The aggressive truck loading cycle is designed to reflect
maximum machine production per hour with an average
cycle time of 20-22 sec. It consists to drive the machine in a
"tight V" shape when loading the trucks. Typical operators
would have a difficult time maintaining this cycle for an
entire shift, but could equal or approach this pace during
peak quarry truck loading periods.
In this study, the operator was asked to run the machines at
the quickest pace at which he felt comfortable but keeping
the 20 sec average cycle time.
Three trucks were placed at the base of the material pile and
were three-pass loaded for a total of 18 trucks. After loading
three trucks, the operators were asked to wait for 1 minute
while the three trucks were coming back to their initial
position. On the Cat machine, the parking brake was actuated so that the low idle was activated after 10 sec going
down to 600 rpm. This unique function really saves fuel while the machines are waiting for the trucks.
Machines were tested with demand fan systems operating, Variable Shift Control set to the “ aggressive” position, ride
control off, and neutralizer function on for the Cat machines.

950H / L110E:
In the aggressive truck loading application, the 950H shows similar productivity numbers and a significant reduction in
fuel consumption, burning 7.4 gallons/hour which represents an advantage of 16% over the 8.2 gallons/hour of the
Volvo L110E. With the combination of a better production and less fuel consumption, the 950H is well positioned in
terms of fuel efficiency showing an advantage of 20%.
With the improvement of the breakout force and the lifting force on the H series, we can see a real advantage when
loading the bucket, resulting in a 14% faster cycle time, which represents 3.3 seconds faster. The 950H’s ability to
maintain engine speed during directional shifts and simultaneous lift and tilt capability helped make it quick during all
the cycle.

962H / L120E:
In this application , the 962H machine shows outstanding numbers in terms of productivity and fuel consumption,
resulting a great fuel efficiency factor of 18 % better than Volvo. Through key feature changes on the 962H, the
machine stability has improved and that translates into faster digging & traveling cycle times. The higher horse power
and rimpull also permitted to penetrate better in the pile resulting a higher productivity.
The control throttle shifting for the L120E during directional shifts made it more difficult for the operator to maintain
smooth hydraulic motion while approaching the truck. Tilt over lift hydraulic priority also slowed the L120E and
lengthened its cycle times. The smoother, and quicker overall cycle time of the 962H helped it to demonstrate the best
productivity, producing material at the rate of 957 tons/hour. This was 11% better than the 860 tons/hour produced by
the L120E. In terms of fuel consumption, the 962H was burning 7.9 gallons/hour vs the 8.4 gallons/hour of the L120E,
which represents a 6% in fuel advantage for the 962H.
Volvo presented a better bucket fill factor of 110% vs. 100% but with Cat machine 16% faster cycle times, Cat offsets
Volvo bucket fill factor and produces more per hour. Volvo gross power increase from Tier 2 to Tier 3 of 10% helped in
for Volvo's productivity and digability but at the expense of fuel consumption.
Cat great stability would permit the machine to operate with a larger bucket size than Volvo as the 4.25 yd³ was at
Volvo’s static tipping load limit.

Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E 5

950H Aggressive Truck Loading
P roductivity ( T / hr)
950H L110E
Tons/hr 848 835
950H Advantage 2%

848 835 Fuel Consumption
500 Economy (gallons/hr) 7.4 8.8
400 950H Advantage 16%

Fuel Efficiency

Efficiency (tons/gallon) 114 95


950H Advantage 20%


950H L 110E

Cycle Time
Fuel Consumption
F u el Co n su mp t i o n ( g al / h r)
Seconds 19.6 22.9
950H Advantage 14%
14. 0

12. 0

10. 0

8. 0
Disadvantage for +/- 3% Advantage for
Cat Difference Cat
6. 0
7. 4 Important Note: Any results within 3% for
4. 0 8. 8 productivity (tons/hr) and fuel efficiency
(tons/liter) are considered equal within the
2. 0 accuracy

0. 0
950H L 110E

Fuel Efficiency
F u el Efficien cy ( T / g al)
125. 0 Cycle Times

100. 0 25

Time (Seconds)

75. 0
114. 0 15
95. 0 6.19

50. 0 6.80
4.96 5.72
25. 0
950H L110E
Travel Empty Load Travel Loaded Dump
0. 0
950H L 110E

6 Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E

962H Aggressive Truck Loading
962H L120E Productivity
Productivity 1000
Pro d u ctiv ity ( T / h r)

Tons/hr 957 860 900

962H Advantage 11% 800

Fuel Consumption 957 860
Economy (gallons/hr) 7.9 8.4
962H Advantage 6%

Fuel Efficiency 300

Efficiency (tons/gallon) 121 104 200

962H Advantage 18% 100

Cycle Times 962H L 120E

Seconds 18.9 22.6 Fuel Consumption

962H Advantage 16% F u el Co n su mp t i o n ( g al / h r)

14. 0

12. 0

10. 0

Disadvantage for +/- 3% Advantage for
Cat Difference Cat 6. 0
Important Note: Any results within 3% for 7. 9

productivity (tons/hr) and fuel efficiency 4. 0

(tons/liter) are considered equal within the 8. 4

2. 0

0. 0
962H L 120E

Fuel Efficiency

F u el Efficien cy ( T / g al)
Cycle Times 125. 0

100. 0
121. 0
Time (Seconds)

3.06 104. 0

15 6.77 75. 0
5.39 50. 0
4.92 5.63
0 25. 0
962H L120E

Travel Empty Load Travel Loaded Dump

0. 0
962H L 120E

Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E 7

Moderate Truck Loading

2nd Gear with 1st Gear Bucket Loading, 25-26 Sec Average Cycle Time
Moderate truck loading is a performance test designed to
most accurately represent a typical truck loading pace. In
this test, the operator is asked to run the machines at a
cycle time pace that he would be comfortable with over an
extended period of time, or as he would if working a
complete shift. Cycle times tended to increase
approximately 5 seconds, or 20% vs. those of the
moderated truck loading cycle. The key difference between
this and aggressive truck loading is the measure. In the
truck loading cycle, the key comparison is fuel efficiency,
or the amount of fuel burned per ton of material moved. As
in the aggressive cycle, trucks were placed at the base of
the material pile and three-pass loaded. Machines were
tested with demand fan systems operating, Variable Shift
Control set to the “economy” position, ride control off, and neutralizer function on for the Cat machines.

950H / L110E:
As expected, productivity fell during this test cycle. Production fell 6% (848 to 804 tons/hr) on the 950H, and 8% (835
to 771 tons/hr) on the L110E. Fuel consumption also followed. In gallons/hour the fuel rate fell 20% (7.4 to 6.0) on the
950H and 35% (8.8 to 5.7) for the L110E compared to the results of the aggressive truck loading cycle.
In the moderate truck loading application, the 950H shows 4% more productivity but even with consuming a bit more
than the competitive machine, the Cat machine shows equivalent fuel efficiency as Volvo.
According to the operator, the 950H is a fast machine and it could ideally run at a faster moderate cycle. With this Cat
can beat Volvo on productivity if needed, using faster comfortable cycles times and Volvo can no longer claim the
advantage on fuel efficiency on moderate cycles. The average 950H cycle time was up to 11% faster than Volvo,
which resulted higher productivity.

962H / L120E:
Fuel consumption fell during this test cycle. In gallons/hour the fuel rate fell 35% (7.8 to 5.1) on the 962H and 33%
(8.4 to 5.6) for the L120E compared to the results of the aggressive truck loading cycle.
In the moderate truck loading application where fuel efficiency is the key measure, the 962H is well positioned in
terms of fuel efficiency with the combination of a similar production and burning only 5.1 gallons per hour. The
average 962H Cat cycle times were similar to the L120E Volvo machine.

The dealer should tailor the demonstration according to major customer critical requirement (fuel burn / productivity).

8 Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E

950H Moderated Truck Loading
950H L110E
P r o d u ctiv ity ( T / h r )
Productivity 1000

Tons/hr 804 771 900

950H Advantage 4% 800


Fuel Consumption 771

Economy (gallons/hr) 6.0 5.7

950H Disadvantage 6%

Fuel Efficiency
Efficiency (tons/gallon) 134 137
950H Disadvantage 2%

950H L 110E
Cycle Times
Seconds 24.6 27.6 Fuel Consumption
F u el Co n su mp t i o n ( L / h r)
950H Advantage 11%
14. 0

12. 0


Disadvantage for +/- 3% Advantage for

8. 0
Cat Difference Cat
Important Note: Any results within 3% for 6. 0
productivity (tons/hr) and fuel efficiency
(tons/liter) are considered equal within the 4. 0

5. 7
2. 0 6. 0

0. 0
950H L 110E

Fuel Efficiency
F u el Efficien cy ( T / L)

Cycle Times 150. 0

30 125. 0

25 4.44
4.12 100. 0
Time (Seconds)

20 8.29 134. 0 137. 0

15 75. 0

6.98 7.86
50. 0
7.17 7.03
0 25. 0
950H L110E
Travel Empty Load Travel Loaded Dump
0. 0
950H L 110E

Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E 9

962H Moderated Truck Loading
Pro d u ctiv ity ( T / h r) 962H L120E


Tons/hr 727 747

962H Disadvantage 3%

Fuel Consumption
727 747
Economy (gallons/hr) 5.1 5.6
962H Advantage 9%

Fuel Efficiency
Efficiency (Tons/gallon) 143 146
962H Advantage 6%
962H L 120E

Fuel Consumption Cycle Times

F u el Co n su mp t i o n ( L / h r) Seconds 27.3 27.2
962H Advantage 0%
14. 0

12. 0

10. 0

Disadvantage for +/- 3% Advantage for
6. 0 Cat Difference Cat

4. 0 Important Note: Any results within 3% for

productivity (tons/hr) and fuel efficiency
2. 0 5. 1
5. 6 (tons/liter) are considered equal within the
0. 0
962H L 120E

Fuel Efficiency
F u el Efficien cy ( T / L)
150. 0 Cycle Times

125. 0

25 4.11 4.76
100. 0 146. 0
Time (Seconds)

143. 0 20 8.09 8.16

75. 0 15
7.70 7.27
50. 0
7.41 6.99
25. 0
962H L120E

Travel Empty Load Travel Loaded Dump

0. 0
962H L 120E

10 Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E

Load and Carry

Short Load and Carry with Ramp

To simulate hopper charging in a typical
aggregate operation, material was loaded and
moved to 12 trucks, placed 50 meters away, at
the top of a 10 meter inclined ramp (10-15%
grade). Machine settings were identical to
those used in the other test runs, with the
exception of ride control, which was placed in
automatic mode.

950H / L110E
In the load & carry application, the 950H
shows a 6% higher productivity where as fuel
consumption is penalized. As observed, when
traveling up the hill, Cat load sensing
hydraulics presented an advantage vs. Volvo
as the Cat machine was not going slower
when lifting the bucket and the speed was
The 950H demonstrated cycle times in this
test of just under 42 seconds. This proved to
be 2 seconds, or 4% quicker than the L110E
average time of 44 seconds. The L110E was
at the same path than the 950H in the pile
loading the buckets.

962H / L120E:
On the 962H, the additional power on the
machine helped when traveling up the ramp,
enhancing cycle times but burning more fuel
per hour. According to the operator, one of
the great features is the Cat planetary
transmission that is smoother when changing
gears vs. Volvo that demands more operator
input when traveling empty down hill.
The 962H demonstrated cycle times in this
test of just under 40 seconds. This proved to
be 3 seconds, or 7% quicker than the L120E
average time of 43 seconds.

Picture above is the Inclinometer indicating ramp inclination

Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E 11

950H Load and Carry
Pro d u ctiv ity ( T / h r)
950H L110E
1000 Productivity
900 Tons/hr 559 526
800 950H Advantage 6%

Fuel Consumption
Economy (gallons/hr) 8.2 7.5
950H Disadvantage 10%

300 526
Fuel Efficiency
Efficiency (Tons/gallon) 68.1 70.6
950H Disadvantage 4%
950H L110E
Cycle Times
Fuel Consumption
F u el Co n su mp t i o n ( L / h r)
Seconds 41.9 44.0
950H Advantage 4%
14. 0

12. 0

10. 0
8. 0 Disadvantage for +/- 3% Advantage for
Cat Difference Cat
6. 0
Important Note: Any results within 3% for
8. 2
4. 0
productivity (tons/hr) and fuel efficiency
7. 5
(tons/liter) are considered equal within the
2. 0 accuracy

0. 0
950H L 110E

Fuel Efficiency
F u el Efficien cy ( T / L)
100. 0
Cycle Times
90. 0

80. 0 50
70. 0 4.19
40 4.36
Time (Seconds)

60. 0 35 10.48
50. 0 25 8.32
40. 0 6.10
68. 1 70. 6 15 6.10
30. 0 10
13.02 14.89
20. 0
10. 0 950H L110E
Travel Empty Load Travel Loaded Up Ramp Ld Dump
0. 0
950H L 110E

12 Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E

962H Load and Carry
962H L120E
Pro d u ctiv ity ( T / h r)
Productivity 1000

Tons/hr 595 552 900

962H Advantage 8% 800


Fuel Consumption
Economy (gallons/hr) 8.5 7.9
962H Disadvantage 8%
400 552

Fuel Efficiency 300

Efficiency (tons/gallon) 70.0 70.4 200

962H Advantage 0% 100

Cycle Times 962H L120E

Seconds 39.7 42.7 Fuel Consumption

F u el Co n su mp t i o n ( L / h r)
962H Advantage 7%
14. 0

12. 0

10. 0
Disadvantage for +/- 3% Advantage for 8. 0
Cat Difference Cat
Important Note: Any results within 3% for 6. 0

productivity (tons/hr) and fuel efficiency

7. 9
(tons/liter) are considered equal within the 4. 0 8. 5

2. 0

0. 0
962H L 120E

Fuel Efficiency
F u el Efficien cy ( T / L)
100. 0
Cycle Times
90. 0

40 80. 0

35 4.18 4.12 70. 0

Time (Seconds)

9.54 9.87 60. 0

20 8.09 50. 0
7.70 40. 0 70. 4
10 7.27 70. 0
5 7.41 6.99
30. 0

20. 0
962H L120E
10. 0
Travel Empty Load Travel Loaded Up Ramp Ld Dump
0. 0
962H L 120E

Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E 13

Low Idle

Engine Low Idle Test

Engine Idle Management System (EIMS) was introduced during

production of G Series II wheel loaders and is one of a host of small
features available to help minimize fuel consumption on today’s H
Series wheel loaders. When the parking brake is applied, the engine
will automatically reduce idle speed from the working low idle speed
of 825 rpm to what is referred to as “hibernate mode” at 600 rpm.

In order to evaluate the value of this unique feature, both machines

were placed in neutral, with parking brake applied and engine running
for 1 hour. For reference purposes, low idle on the Volvo L110E is set
at 780 rpm. At the end of one hour, fuel measurements were taken for
both machines.

When parked with engine running at low idle, the 950H / 962H
consumed fuel at a rate of .66 gallons/hr vs the L110E / L120E at .76
gallons/hr which represents 14% less fuel consumption than the

950H / 962H L110E / L120E

Fuel Consumption
gallons/hr .66 .76
950H / 962H Advantage 14%

Iff we consider the Load & Carry application, which is the worst case
scenario in this productivity test, and we take into account 30% of the
time is idling and 70% of the time is productivity, Cat ties with Volvo
in fuel efficiency. The numbers below show that we come to an
equivalent fuel efficiency for Cat and Volvo.
Load and 30% idle
Carry Tonne/hr Gallons /hr Tons /gallon
950 361.9 6.4 61.0
110 398.0 6.0 61.3
962 416.5 6.6 63.1
120 386.7 6.3 61.4

14 Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E

Summary and Observations
It is likely that most customers will view the fuel consumption rates reported in these tests as excessive
compared to what they experience in normal operations. The explanation for this is in part the high load
factors these test machines experience in some of the cycles, especially aggressive truck loading.
Additionally, all values reported in these results are based on full, 60 minute per hour work times,
which is not typical of most customer work sites.


950H L110E 950H compared
to L110E
Productivity (tons/hr) 848 835 102%
Fuel Consumption (gallons/hr) 7.4 8.8 84%
Fuel Efficiency (ton/gallon) 114 95 120%
Productivity (tons/hr) 804 771 104%
Fuel Consumption (gallons/hr) 6.0 5.7 106%
Fuel Efficiency (tons/gallon) 134 137 98%
Productivity (tons/hr) 559 526 106%
Fuel Consumption (gallons/hr) 8.2 7.5 110%
Fuel Efficiency (tons/gallon) 68.1 70.6 96%


962H L120E 962H compared
to L120E
Productivity (tons/hr) 957 860 111%
Fuel Consumption (gallons/hr) 7.9 8.4 94%
Fuel Efficiency (tons/gallon) 121 104 118%
Productivity (tons/hr) 727 747 97%
Fuel Consumption (gallons/hr) 5.1 5.6 92%
Fuel Efficiency (tons/gallons) 143 146 106%
Productivity (tons/hr) 595 552 108%
Fuel Consumption (gallons/hr) 8.5 7.9 108%
Fuel Efficiency (tons/gallon) 70.0 70.4 100%

Cat/Volvo equal
Cat Better
Volvo Better Productivity (tons/hr) considered equal for anything <3%. Fuel efficiency (tons/liter) considered equal for anything <4%

Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E 15

Key Features Comparison
The following are key selling points/ feature changes that Volvo is promoting with their updated Tier 3 compliancy
on the L110E and L120E. Listed as well, are the key selling points/features that Cat utilizes when promoting our
Tier 3 950H and 962H Wheel Loaders.

I. Durability / Reliability

Cat Engine
• Cat 950H / 962H is powered by the Cat C7 engine
with ACERT™ Technology
• Fuel Efficiency advantage over competitive Tier 3
solutions – competitive Systems use EGR
• Cat engines with ACERT Technology use only cool,
clean, fresh air to control combustion temperatures
through multiple injection fuel delivery.
• Proven Technology
• Over 10 000 000 hours of operation to date
• Low new parts content -990% common core parts from
previous engine
• Trained dealer technician network with stocked parts

Volvo Engine
• Volvo D7E with Volvo Advanced Combustion
Technology, V-ACT
• Internal EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) technology
is used to meet Tier 3 regulations
• A double rocker with an extra arm (follower arm)
creates a small second exhaust valve lift, in turn,
reintroducing exhaust gases back into the combustion
chamber during the inlet stroke
• L110E / L120E benefits from increased low speed
torque between 800 and 1500 rpm
• Maximum fuel economy is realized when operating the
loader at 1600 rpms or less
• Increased fuel consumption is reported in aggressive
applications at full throttle

16 Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E

Key Features Comparison

I. Durability / Reliability

Articulation Stop Articulation Stop

Caterpillar’s use of steering neutralizer valves prevents Volvo uses rubber frame stops in the articulation joint.
frame-to-frame contact during articulation. This feature
not only eliminates forces through the frame but also reduces
loss of engine horsepower from wasted hydraulic flow.

Alternator Alternator
Cat uses a brushless alternator designed to provide Volvo’s brush style alternator requires a breather to
long life. By removing the brushes from the alternator, cool the alternator and reduce ingestion of debris.
the system is not susceptible to fine dust contamination Volvo also offers an optional filter for this breather,
like that of the brush type alternator. which is a serviceable part.

Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E 17

Key Features Comparison

I. Durability / Reliability

Cat Rear Structures Volvo Structures

• Redesigned counterweight to provide excellent • Massive counterweight that can create excessive
weight distribution and stability stress through the machine’s structure
• One piece design for improved durability on 962H • New counterweight design incorporates recesses for
• NEW LED rear light packages integrated into the added lifting eyes and reinforcement plates around
counterweight for improved durability (not tow pin
applicable with roading package)

Transmission Transmission
Standard on the 950H/962H is a new Cat designed and Volvo L110E/L120E uses a countershaft transmission that
manufactured planetary transmission that spreads gear presents several disadvantages when compared to a
contact over a larger area. Thanks to the optimized planetary transmission. The first disadvantage is that there
gear ratio, the 950H/962H transmission presents a 5% are fewer gears in contact with each other than
rimpull increase in 1st gear versus the previous GII in a planetary transmission. The result is fewer teeth
Series. spreading more force. The second disadvantage is the
spreading forces created from gears “repelling” against
one another. These two factors reduce transmission
component life compared to a planetary transmission.

18 Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E

Key Features Comparison

II. Productivity

Cat Hydraulics
• New, proprietary Load Sensing Hydraulic
Implement System
• 20% increase in lift force over the 950G II and 962G
II Volvo Hydraulics
• Simultaneous lift and tilt capabilities facilitates • The Volvo L110E/L120E uses a common hydraulic
quicker truck loading and hopper charging cycles. circuit for steering and the implements. The operator
• New fingertip electro-hydraulic controls with soft will easily notice that the bucket raise time will
detents and fine modulation capabilities for improved considerably slow when steering and attachments
ease of operations and improved bucket control. are used concurrently.
• Optional Command Control Steering system (CCS), • Stick Steer Option is available on Volvo machine.
provides nearly quarter-turn steering
(± 70 degrees) for less operator fatigue.

Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E 19

Key Features Comparison

III. Owning and Operating Cost

• Cat engines with ACERT Technology use only cool, • Volvo utilizes Internal EGR (Exhaust Gas Re-circulation)
clean, fresh air to control combustion temperatures to suppress combustion temperatures. Internal EGR
through multiple injection fuel delivery. reintroduces non-combustible exhaust gas back into the
• Caterpillar Engine Idle Management Software (EIMS) cylinder chamber during combustion. This gas contains
will reduce engine rpm during machine idle, in turn, contaminants that can potentially reduce the life of key
improving fuel economy. In addition to reduced engine components resulting in earlier engine rebuilds and
rpm during idle, there are three other modes available increased operating costs.
with EIMS: low voltage, warm-up and working mode. • Volvo uses multiple engine oil and system breather
filters that are all serviceable parts, in turn driving up
O&O costs.

IV. Operator Comfort

• Caterpillar right side armrest and implement pod are mounted to the seat
and travel with the operator. This feature reduces shock loads into, and up
through, the operator’s arm during movement over rough terrain.
• The sloped hood of the 950H/962H provides excellent and superior rear
visibility to the L110E/L120E
• Standard electro-hydraulic implement controls provide operators with
fingertip controllability.
• The 950H/962H has in-cab programmable lift/tilt and bucket kick-outs.
This feature allows operators to quickly adjust settings without having to
manually change the position of an external magnetic sensor as done on
the L110E/L120E.

20 Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E

Key Features Comparison

V. Serviceability

Engine Enclosure Engine Enclosure

Caterpillar has a one-piece tilting hood which provides Volvo loaders use multiple doors to completely access
unobstructed access to the engine and cooling both areas. Access to the top of the engine is quite
compartments. limited. Top panels must be removed before servicing
any item that cannot be reached through the side panels.
In addition, closing the engine enclosure doors after
servicing is complicated due to their elevated location.
Note: Due to limited photo engine access photos pictured is a L220E

Service Centers
• The Hydraulic and Electric Service Centers on the 950H/962H
provide ground level access to key filters and drain ports
as well as diagnostic taps, centralized grease points
and S•O•SSM ports.
The transmission oil and hydraulic oil filters are located
in the Hydraulic Service Center, behind the hinged,
right-side access ladder. Service Centers
Batteries, relay panel and an optional tool box are conveniently • Not all Volvo filters are at ground level.
located below the left-side access platform. The engine The cartridge style hydraulic filter must be
shutdown switch is housed with the relay panel. A changed from the cab platform.
compartment integrated into the access platform contains the
hood tilt actuation switch, battery disconnect switch and
optional jump-start receptacle.
• Caterpillar S•O•SSM ports allow fluid sampling without using a
plunger as on the Volvo. This key feature prevents system
contamination during the process.

Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E 21

Key Features Comparison

Fuel Priming Pump Fuel Priming Pump

Electric fuel priming pump on the 950H/962H provides Volvo's manual priming pump requires multiple pumps
complete priming in seconds. Additionally, Cat Electric of the plunger.
fuel priming pump saves expensive fuel injectors by
eliminating the need to pre-fill fuel filters, additionally it
speeds up the service time by requiring only a few minutes
to fill the filters.

Cat Cooling System Volvo Cooling System

• Electronically controlled, On-Demand Fan • Electronically controlled, On-Demand Fan
• The new cooling package provides excellent access for • Reverse air-flow cooling
service. A new corrugated and perforated swing out rear • Air is drawn in from the rear of the tractor and
grill minimizes entry of debris into the cooling cores and exhausted through openings in the side hatches and top
provides easy access to the hydraulic oil cooler and air plate
conditioner condenser. • Fixed mount aluminum radiator with 7 fins per inch –
• The unit core radiator joints are brazed for superior durability. requires Volvo specification coolant
• The standard, square wave unit core radiator has six fins • Optional hydraulic oil cooler and air conditioning
per inch for greater resistance to plugging and easier cleaning. condenser are mounted in front of the radiator and swing
out for service

22 Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E

Key Features Comparison

Batteries Batteries
Maintenance-free, high quality batteries on the Per the L110E/L120E maintenance guidelines, the Volvo
950H/962H are located the LH side behind the access batteries require maintenance once a week in moderate
ladder. Both batteries are in the same compartment and weather and more frequently in warm weather.
are easily accessible with the removal of four bolts.
Batteries slide out (once ladder is removed) for
servicing if required.

Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E 23

Additional Cat Selling Features to Promote

• In-cab programmable lift/tilt and bucket kick-outs. This feature allows operators to quickly adjust settings without
having to manually change the position of a magnetic sensor as done on the L110E and L120E.
• Simultaneous lift and tilt hydraulic functionality facilitates quicker truck loading and hopper charging cycles.

Owning and Operating Cost

• Cat engines with ACERT Technology use only cool, clean, fresh air to control combustion temperatures through
multiple injection fuel delivery.
• Volvo utilizes Internal EGR (Exhaust Gas Re-circulation) to suppress combustion temperatures. Internal EGR
reintroduces non-combustible exhaust gas back into the cylinder chamber during combustion. This gas contains
contaminants that can potentially reduce the life of key components resulting in earlier engine rebuilds and increased
operating costs.
• Volvo uses multiple engine oil and system breather filters that are all serviceable parts, in turn driving up O&O costs.
• Caterpillar Engine Idle Management Software (EIMS) will reduce engine rpm during machine idle, in turn,
improving fuel economy. In addition to reduced engine rpm during idle, there are three other modes available with
EIMS: low voltage,warm-up and working mode.

• Volvo radiator guard is gray plastic with lightweight tubular frame, not very durable and expensive to replace.
• Caterpillar uses steering neutralizer valves to prevent frame-to-frame contact during articulation. This feature not
only eliminates forces through the frame but also reduces loss of engine horsepower from wasted hydraulic flow. Volvo
uses rubber frame stops in the articulation joint.
• Cat uses a brushless alternator designed to provide long life. Volvo’s brush style alternator requires a breather to cool
the alternator and reduce ingestion of debris. Volvo also offers an optional filter for this breather, which is a
serviceable part.
• The planetary transmission in the 950H and 962H spreads gear contact over a larger area vs. Volvo’s countershaft

Operator Comfort
• Caterpillar right side armrest and implement pod are mounted to the seat and travel with the operator. This feature
reduces shock loads into, and up through, the operator’s arm during movement over rough terrain.
• 950/962H rear visibility is superior to L110E and L120E, which promotes safer operation during stock piling and truck
loading applications.
• Standard electro-hydraulic implement controls provide operators with fingertip controllability as well as the ability to
set lift/tilt/bucket kick-outs from within the cab.

• Caterpillar has a one-piece tilting hood which provides unobstructed access to the engine and cooling compartments.
Volvo loaders use multiple doors to completely access both areas.
• Electric fuel priming pump on the 950H and 962H provides complete priming in seconds compared to Volvo’s manual
priming pump, which requires multiple pumps of the plunger. Additionally, Cat Electric fuel priming pump saves
expensive fuel injectors by eliminating the need to prefill fuel filters, additionally it speeds up the service time by
requiring only a few minutes to fill the filters.
• The Hydraulic and Electric Service Centers on the 950H and 962H provide ground level access to key filters and drain
ports as well as diagnostic taps, centralized grease points and S•O•SSM ports. Not all Volvo filters are at ground level.
The cartridge style hydraulic filter must be changed from the cab platform.
• Caterpillar S-O-SSM ports allow fluid sampling without using a plunger as on the Volvo. This key feature prevents
system contamination during the process.

24 Competitive Bulletin Cat 950H / 962H vs. Volvo L110E / L120E

Competitive Bulletin
Cat 950H/962H vs. Volvo L110E/L120E

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