8 Uv
8 Uv
8 Uv
Cancer Epidemiology
The International Journal of Cancer Epidemiology, Detection, and Prevention
Article history: Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is part of the electromagnetic spectrum emitted naturally from the sun or
Received 23 June 2014 from artificial sources such as tanning devices. Acute skin reactions induced by UVR exposure are
Received in revised form 10 October 2014 erythema (skin reddening), or sunburn, and the acquisition of a suntan triggered by UVR-induced DNA
Accepted 14 December 2014
damage. UVR exposure is the main cause of skin cancer, including cutaneous malignant melanoma,
Available online 19 June 2015
basal-cell carcinoma, and squamous-cell carcinoma. Skin cancer is the most common cancer in fair-
skinned populations, and its incidence has increased steeply over recent decades. According to estimates
for 2012, about 100,000 new cases of cutaneous melanoma and about 22,000 deaths from it occurred in
Ultraviolet radiation
Europe. The main mechanisms by which UVR causes cancer are well understood. Exposure during
Ultraviolet light
Skin cancer childhood appears to be particularly harmful. Exposure to UVR is a risk factor modifiable by individuals’
Melanoma behaviour. Excessive exposure from natural sources can be avoided by seeking shade when the sun is
Sunburn strongest, by wearing appropriate clothing, and by appropriately applying sunscreens if direct sunlight is
Tanning unavoidable. Exposure from artificial sources can be completely avoided by not using sunbeds. Beneficial
Adverse effects effects of sun or UVR exposure, such as for vitamin D production, can be fully achieved while still
Primary prevention avoiding too much sun exposure and the use of sunbeds. Taking all the scientific evidence together, the
recommendation of the 4th edition of the European Code Against Cancer for ultraviolet radiation is:
‘‘Avoid too much sun, especially for children. Use sun protection. Do not use sunbeds.’’
ß 2015 International Agency for Research on Cancer; Licensee ELSEVIER Ltd https://creativecom-
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S76 R. Greinert et al. / Cancer Epidemiology 39S (2015) S75–S83
Fig. 1. Skin type chart: a numerical classification scheme for the colour of the skin according to the response of the different types of skin to ultraviolet radiation.
p16, RAS) which play important roles in the aetiology of skin three times lower than those required for immunosuppression in
cancer. For instance, >90% of all SCCs detected in the United States women [1,26].
carry UV signature mutations in the p53 gene [20].
In addition to CPDs, UVB induces a second pyrimidine dimer, 1.3.3. Tanning of the skin
the pyrimidine-(6-4)-pyrimidone photoproduct ((6-4)PP), in a UVR-induced melanogenesis, or tanning, is widely recognised
ratio of 3:1 (CPD:(6-4)PP) [21]. as the major defence of exposed skin against further UV damage
[27]. Two types of tanning can be distinguished according to their
1.3.2. Immunosuppression UV-wavelength dependence: UVA-induced early pigmentation
UVR, in addition to inducing mutations which may lead to skin (immediate pigment darkening, IPD) and UVB-induced delayed
cancer, also causes suppression of certain aspects of the immune pigmentation (delayed tanning, DT). Tanning provides a limited
system [1,22]. In human skin all the necessary cellular require- degree of protection against subsequent UVR (though not against
ments to elicit anti-tumour immunity are present. Therefore, the the primary mutagenic effects of UV exposure). Tanning induced
development of skin cancer appears to involve failures in or by solar-simulated UVR in human skin (skin types II and III)
suppression of immune responses [23]. For this reason, any induces only moderate protection against erythema [28], and
suppression of the immune system may facilitate the development pigmentation delivers a sun protection factor of only about 2 for
of UV-induced skin cancer. Patients with organ transplants who CPD induction in persons of skin types III/IV (i.e. it doubles the
receive immunosuppressive medication are very prone to skin amount of UVR exposure necessary to produce a similar effect) and
cancer [24]. gives no protection at all for skin types I/II [29,30].
Exposure to UVB suppresses the immune system by (1) The tanning process appears to involve cross-talk between
inducing the production of immunosuppressive mediators, (2) keratinocytes and melanocytes, and results in the transfer of
damaging and triggering the premature migration of the antigen- melanin-containing melanosomes into the more superficially
presenting cells required to stimulate antigen-specific immune located keratinocytes, where the pigment forms a ‘‘cap’’ over
responses, (3) inducing the generation of suppressor cells, and (4) the sun-exposed surface of the nucleus [31].
inhibiting the activation of effector and memory T cells [1]. However, the stimulus that triggers the tanning pathway [27] is
For UVA-induced immunosuppression the production of DNA damage. Therefore, it is very unlikely that tanning can occur
reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species alters the without an increase in carcinogenic risk. The proposed concept of
redox equilibrium, targeting proteins, lipids and DNA. This altered ‘‘safe tanning’’ thus warrants scientific scepticism [32], and tan
equilibrium may modulate immunocompetent cells, resulting in should be considered a sign of damaged skin, not a sign of good
aberrant behaviour and migration of antigen-presenting cells, the health.
inhibition of T-cell activation, and generation of suppressor cells
[25]. In experimental systems and in human skin, UVR can induce 1.3.4. Vitamin D production
immunosuppression locally and systemically [1]. Immunosuppres- UVB triggers cutaneous synthesis of pre-vitamin D from
sion by solar-simulated UVR in men has been observed at doses 7-dehydrocholesterol [33,34]. This is the body’s principal source
S78 R. Greinert et al. / Cancer Epidemiology 39S (2015) S75–S83
of vitamin D, because usually only small amounts are obtained exposure (sum of ‘‘intermittent’’ and ‘‘chronic’’ exposure) generally
from the diet [35]. It has long been known that vitamin D showed weak, null or negative associations [1,49].
deficiency leads to severe bone disorders such as rickets and Recent large meta-analyses indeed show that most risk factors
osteomalacia. There is also strong evidence that vitamin D for CM are associated with UVR, such as the number of acquired
deficiency is associated with secondary hyperparathyroidism, nevi (which are UV-induced), number of atypical nevi, sunburn,
bone loss, fractures, muscle weakness and reduced calcium intermittent sun exposure, presence of actinic tumours and total
absorption [36,37]. sun exposure (all statistically significantly related with CM).
In addition to these well-known positive effects of vitamin D, Chronic sun exposure seemed not to be associated with overall CM
there is some debate as to whether increased levels of vitamin D risk. However, studies which focus more on the anatomical site of
(and thereby UVR) potentially have a protective effect on the the melanoma show that CM of the head and neck is strongly
development of certain types of cancer. The evidence base of such associated with actinic keratoses (caused by ‘‘chronic’’ UVR
an effect is still poor, and current evidence from randomised trials exposure), whereas CM on the trunk is strongly associated with
does not support it. acquired nevi (‘‘intermittent’’ UVR exposure) [1,50,51].
Other beneficial effects of vitamin D on many other conditions About 50–60% of all CMs carry BRAF mutations, leading to
(in addition to cancer) have been suggested: for instance, kinase activation in the MAPK pathway inducing proliferation of
cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, asthma, melanocytes and impairment of apoptotic response to metabolic
multiple sclerosis, neuropsychological functioning, pregnancy stress. BRAF mutations occur more frequently in CM on intermit-
outcomes, and overall mortality. The evidence for such effects is tent UVR-exposed human skin areas than in CM in more
weak, and alternative explanations for findings in observational chronically exposed areas of human skin [52], indicating that
studies are plausible (e.g. confounding, reverse causation, etc.); UVR exposure pattern is a determinant of mutation induction.
further randomised trials seem warranted [38–41]. Although BRAF mutations make up only about 2–3% ‘‘UV signature
The World Health Organization (WHO) and other institutions mutations’’ [53], they seem to play an important role in the
request more ‘‘balanced’’ communications when dealing with UVR aetiology of CM. This has been shown in a recent sequencing study
protection [42], but more scientific evidence backing up this of a melanoma metastasis genome, which demonstrated that
request appears to be needed, especially in the context of UV about 70% of single- and di-nucleotide substitutions in the genome
causing skin cancer. In 2008, a literature review by the IARC represent C–T, CC–TT ‘‘UV signature mutations’’ [54].
suggested a possible protective role for high vitamin D levels in Important risk factors for NMSC are closely related to the
colon cancer and adenomas of the colon [43–46]. However, a individual sensitivity of the skin to UVR, such as skin type [55,56]),
protective role for vitamin D supplementation in the development presence of actinic keratosis [57], a personal history of NMSC [58],
of colon cancer was not observed in one of the largest and immunosuppression [59–61].
interventional trials on vitamin D supplementation [47]. There is increasing evidence that certain risk factors for CM (e.g.
intermittent UVR exposure and sunburn) are also relevant for BCC
2. Cancer association with ultraviolet radiation (UVR) [62,63]; UV signature mutations have been found in the p53, PTCH
and smoothened genes [64,65], all involved in BCC development.
2.1. Carcinogenicity of UVR This has been taken as a further indication that UVR plays an
important role in the aetiology of BCC.
UVA and UVB from the sun and from UV-emitting devices (e.g. SCC appears frequently on sun-exposed areas of the human
sunbeds) are classified as known carcinogens in humans (IARC body (nose, forehead, ears) and depends to a high degree on total
Group 1) [1]. This classification is based on experimental and cumulative sun exposure [49]. Therefore, SCCs are common in
epidemiological data and their meta-analyses. It was concluded occupationally UVR-exposed populations such as farmers, street
that there is sufficient evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity workers, or seamen.p53 mutations are found in more than 90% of
of solar radiation in CM, BCC and SCC. With regards to artificial in situ SCC cases [66]. These mutations are predominantly of a ‘‘UV
sources of UVR, there is sufficient evidence for an increased risk of signature’’ type and occur non-randomly in the p53 gene in so-
CM and of ocular melanoma, and a positive association was called ‘‘mutational hot spots’’, which are located in the gene in
observed between sunbed use and SCC [1]. certain positions where nucleotide excision repair of pre-
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in fair-skinned mutagenic lesions (CPDs) is hindered [67]. According to a well-
populations around the world [48]. CM accounts for about 5–10% described model for SCC development, specific p53 mutations lead
of all skin cancers, whereas of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) to a pre-cancerous skin lesion (actinic keratosis, AK) where one
BCC accounts for approximately 80–85% and SCC for 15–20%. CM allele of the p53 gene is already mutated. This mutation disturbs
derives from pigment- (melanin-)producing melanocytes, whereas the p53-dependent apoptosis of UVR-damaged cells (‘‘sunburn
NMSC develops from epidermal keratinocytes. cells’’) and favours clonal expansion of AK cells [68]. If AK cells are
Overwhelming evidence from epidemiological studies and further exposed to UVR, this can induce mutation of the second p53
basic science shows that the main risk factor for the three main allele, leading to a total loss of the ‘‘p53 checkpoint’’ responsible for
types of skin cancer is UVR; most other important risk factors are cell-cycle control in skin keratinocytes. This leads to uncontrolled
related to sensitivity to UVR (sensitive skin type, characterised by cell division and eventually to the development of invasive SCC
low MED) [1]. alongside additional gene mutations (e.g., RAS) [69,70]. There is
Most of the evidence for a causal relationship between solar good evidence that SCC in mouse models as well as in human skin
radiation and CM comes from descriptive epidemiological and case- originates from inter-follicular epidermal stem cells [71] which
control studies. The main measures of exposure were participant- might not be able to fully repair UVR-induced damage and
recalled sun exposure. ‘‘Intermittent’’ sun exposure – which loosely therefore accumulate persistent DNA lesions (CPD retaining basal
equates with certain sun-intensive activities such as sunbathing, cells) [72,73].
outdoor recreations, and holidays in sunny climates – has shown
moderate to strong positive associations with melanoma, particu- 2.2. Burden of skin cancer
larly if exposure occurred during childhood or adolescence (see
below). However, ‘‘chronic’’ or ‘‘more continuous’’ exposure, which The incidence of both CM and NMSC has increased steeply in
generally equates with ‘‘occupational’’ exposure, and total sun fair-skinned populations over the past 50 years [74,75]. Worldwide,
R. Greinert et al. / Cancer Epidemiology 39S (2015) S75–S83 S79
the highest incidence rates are by far those observed in Australia and registry; registration of BCC is either absent or rather sporadically
New Zealand, where fair-skinned populations are exposed to registered in population-based cancer registries.
intensive UVR [74,75]. Among European countries, Denmark, Finland, Scotland, Malta
According to estimates for 2012, more than 230,000 new cases and the Netherlands have extensive population-based registration
of CM occurred globally, of which 100,000 occurred within Europe of NMSC over long time periods. Age-standardised incidence rates
[76]. The lifetime risk of CM is highest in New Zealand and (ASRs) of primary BCC are estimated to be 77–158 cases per
Australia (3.6%) compared to 0.3–1.6% in European countries 100,000 person-years in those regions [78]. In Denmark, the BCC
[74]. In Europe, incidence rates are particularly high in the Nordic ASR increased from 27.1 to 96.6 cases per 100,000 among women
countries, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and and from 34.2 to 91.2 cases among men between 1978 and 2007
Slovenia, while Mediterranean countries, as well as the Baltic and (world standard population). For the Netherlands, an increase from
Eastern European countries, tend to have lower rates [74,76] 34.4 to 157.3 among women and from 40.2 to 164.7 among men
(Fig. 2). In most parts of Europe, the incidence rates are higher was observed between 1973 and 2009 (per 100,000, European
among women than among men. Recent findings indicate a standard) [79]. The largest relative increases in BCC in both
uniformly increasing trend in European countries over the last Denmark and the Netherlands occurred in young women [79,80]. A
decades, with the strongest increases seen among older ages and recent systematic review of geographical variations and trends
with strong North-to-South and East-to-West variation (higher worldwide indicated that the BCC incidence rates have increased at
incidences in the North and East) [74,77]. However, for Norway a similar rate (about 5.5% per year on average) over the past four
and perhaps also France and Iceland indications of a levelling off in decades in mainland Europe [75].
CM incidence rates are observed, most notably in young people In comparison to BCC, the SCC incidence rates are much lower
aged 25–44 years. Nonetheless, incidence rates continue to rise [75,80,81]: for instance, 12 cases per 100,000 person-years among
irrespective of age in most European populations, and predictions women and 19.1 among men in Denmark (world standard) [80],
suggest a continuation of this trend [74,77]. 13.8 among women and 36.9 among men in Scotland [81], and 20.5
Incidence rates and time trends are difficult to estimate for among women and 35.4 among men in the Netherlands (per
NMSC, as they are often either not registered at all or incompletely 100,000, European standard) [82]. However, SCC incidence rates
covered by population-based cancer registries [75]. Of the specific are increasing rapidly, although the rate of increase varies between
NMSC types, SCC is included in relatively few cancer registries. populations [75].
Actinic keratosis is considered by some to be in situ SCC, and to our In general, the steep increase in incidence rates of all skin
knowledge is not registered by any population-based cancer cancers has been attributed to population changes in lifestyle from
sun avoidance towards sun-seeking behaviour, as well as improved
[(Fig._2)TD$IG] diagnosis and registration. A more positive attitude towards
sunbathing, more revealing fashion trends (e.g. the bikini in the
1960s), more outdoor leisure activities, and an increasing trend of
holidays spent at sunny destinations has resulted in increasing
both intermittent and cumulative sun exposure, and probably to
increasing skin cancer rates [83,84]. In the 1960s, artificial UV
sources (e.g. tanning devices such as sunbeds) were introduced and
became increasingly popular during the following decades [85,86].
According to recent estimates 55,500 deaths from melanoma
occurred worldwide in 2012, including 22,200 in Europe
[76]. Whilst NMSC represents the most frequent type of cutaneous
cancer, and contributes to the rising morbidity as well as to a
significant economic burden to health services, mortality has
remained consistently low (only <0.1% of diagnosed cases die
because of NMSC) [87,88]. CM is the most serious skin cancer
due its high potential for metastasis [89]. CM mortality rates in
Europe range between 3.6/100,000 in Norway and 0.7/100,000 in
Malta (Fig. 3) [76]. Overall, mortality rates continue to rise in
several European countries as a result of increasing incidence,
particularly in older age groups. However, in some countries – for
instance Scandinavia – mortality rates appear to be already
levelling off [90]. Survival of CM depends on the gender of the
patient (better in women irrespective of stage), histological type,
tumour thickness, body site, and – most importantly – stage at
diagnosis [86]. A steady improvement in survival among CM
patients has been reported over the last decades, with 5-year
survival exceeding 80% in Europe [91]. Improvements in survival
are most likely due to diagnosis at earlier stages of the disease for
which effective treatment is available. Recently important break-
throughs have been made in the treatment of late-stage cases,
which may be reflected in improved survival in the coming years
Fig. 2. Estimates of age-standardised incidence rates (ASR) of malignant melanoma [92].
in 2012: European variation in estimates of national age-standardised cutaneous
malignant melanoma incidence rates (per 100,000) in 2012 (a) among men, and (b) 2.3. UVR risk in children
among women, all ages.
Adapted from Ferlay J, et al. GLOBOCAN 2012 v1.0, Cancer Incidence and Mortality
Worldwide: IARC CancerBase No. 11 [Internet]. Lyon, France: International Agency Epidemiological findings from several migrant studies into
for Research on Cancer; 2013. Available from: http://globocan.iarc.fr. countries with a high UVI indicate childhood as a susceptible
S80 R. Greinert et al. / Cancer Epidemiology 39S (2015) S75–S83
Conflict of interest
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