PR Ipasa
PR Ipasa
PR Ipasa
Anjoe De Jesus
Jb S. Davis
Leo P. Abordo
Shila Gainsan
October 2023
Chapter I
Around the world, adults consume energy outside of traditional meals such as
breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, because there is no consistent definition of a
“snack,” it is unclear whether those extra eating occasions represent additional meals
or snacks. The manner in which an eating occasion is labeled (e.g., as a meal or a
snack) influence other food choices an individual makes on the same day and satiety
after consumption (Hess, Jonnalagadda & Slavin 2016).
By definition, a snack is a small portion of food that is smaller than a regular meal,
generally consumed between meals. Snacks are defined as smaller, less structured
meal that are not eaten during regular meal times, such as breakfast (morning), lunch
(midday), and dinner (evening). Snacks come in a variety of forms including fresh
ingredients and packaged and processed foods (Tumuluru, 2016).
Eating out is always an enjoyable treat. But as this can be one of the biggest drains on
your finances and again, if you can't do without your fill, our guide to saving money
on takeaways can at least help you spend less, and also Bring your own snacks from
home. Prepare snacks like fruit, nuts, or granola bars in advance to avoid buying
expensive snacks on the go.
Students in my third-grade class often complained about being hungry, not having a snack,
and requesting a snack from me. At times, being hungry prevented them from focusing in
class and completing activities. This led to the purpose of this study is to explore the ways
that providing a nutritious snack to my students during the school day shapes their
engagement and learning. For two weeks, this study used focus groups, observations, and
document collection as data collection methods to explore the ways providing snacks to
my students during the school day shapes their engagement and learning (Cervantes, 2022).
Snacking, defined as the intake of foodstuffs between main meals, is among the main
sources of calorie intake. It accounts for around of the total calorie consumed daily by
Iranian school students. Around noontime, students, even those who eat breakfast, feel
hungry and thus, lose concentration; therefore, an appropriate snack at this time can
promote their concentration and learning. Snacks should be chosen not only based on
students’ interests and preferences, but also on their nutritional needs. Moreover, snacks
should not affect their appetite for the main meals. Healthy snacks may include fresh fruits
and vegetables, natural fruit juices, nuts (such as walnut, hazelnut, pistachio, and almond),
and simple biscuits (Bastami, Zamane, & Mostafavi, 2019).
Due to limited allowance, students buy food primarily because it is cheap and delicious.
The nutrient contents of the food are the least that they consider. This study proposes snack
item that will meet the buying capacity of the students at the same time meeting the
nutritional and palatability value of the food. In order to do this, a linear programming diet
model is used to develop a model recipe for snacks that would meet the energy requirement
for the growing up years of adolescents. This study involved 1364 adolescent participants
from various public high schools of East II District of Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines in
order to examine the sources of income of their parents, daily allowance allotted for their
snacks in school, their prevalent food choices and the reasons for such food choice
(Namoco, 2015).
Results revealed that consumers expected a healthy snack to contain low levels of calories,
fat, salt and sugar, and to contain high levels of whole‐grain, oats, bran, nuts, seeds, pulses
and fruit, e.g. blueberries, cranberries, gogi berries. Additionally, healthy snacks were
required to be free from any artificial colours, sweeteners and flavours. Major factors
encouraging healthy snack consumption included reduced risk of weight gain, diabetes,
heart burn and bloating. Conversely, perceived taste, portion size, the lack of available
convenient nutritional snacks, accessibility and confusion over the credibility of the
“healthy product” tag were the main factors preventing healthy consumption in the adult
population examined. Consumers expressed a desire for a wider choice of filling snacks
with specific health benefits for a variety of usage occasions, particularly those with
associated health claims such as “high fibre”, “omega 3 for mental health” and “reduces
cholesterol”. (Crofton et al. 2013).
Snacking, defined as the intake of foodstuffs between main meals, is among the main
sources of calorie intake. It accounts for around 40% of the total calorie consumed daily
by Iranian school students. Around noontime, students, even those who eat breakfast, feel
hungry and thus, lose concentration; therefore, an appropriate snack at this time can
promote their concentration and learning. (Bastami et al, 2019).
Snacks should be chosen not only based on students’ interests and preferences, but also on
their nutritional needs. Moreover, snacks should not affect their appetite for the main meals.
Healthy snacks may include fresh fruits and vegetables, natural fruit juices, nuts (such as
walnut, hazelnut, pistachio, and almond), and simple biscuits. (Bastami et al, 2019).
Studies in different areas of the world reported unhealthy snacking among students. For
instance, a study in Poland found potato chips as the most commonly used non-nutritious
snack among students. Moreover, the most commonly used snacks among American
adolescents were candies, carbonated drinks, sweet drinks, and high-salt snacks. Studies in
Iran also reported that children and adolescents eat unhealthy snacks. A systematic review
in Iran also reported that the most commonly used unhealthy snacks in urban and rural
areas were candies (30.8 and 33.2%), carbonated drinks (21.5 and 27.2%), and cheese puffs
and potato chips (20.3 and 25.8%), respectively. Consumption of unhealthy snacks can
bring children and adolescents different health problems such as obesity, dental caries, and
chronic illnesses. Moreover, consumption of these snacks during childhood and
adolescence puts them at risk for developing health problems in adulthood such as
cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. (Bastami et al, 2019).
Another finding is that no significant correlation exists between students’ inclination for
purchasing from school buffets and the independent variables including the city where the
student’s study, gender, parents' jobs, and the pocket money. It was also found that the
students' evaluation of the school buffet, their grade, important others (parents, teachers
and friends) expectations and approval contribute to the student’s tendency for buying from
school buffets. (Foroughzadeh, 2013).
Conceptual Framework
Students - this research provides insights into the effects of snacks on students' energy
levels, concentration, and overall well-being during school hours.
Snack vendors - the study offers valuable market insights to those selling snacks within
or around the school, helping them tailor their offerings to meet the preferences and
nutritional needs of the students.
Research Environment
The research will be conducted in Taclobo National High School. it is located in
Dumaguete City Negros Oriental.
Research Instrument
In this study, the researcher will be using a survey questionnaire. The survey
questionnaire is a set of orderly arranged questions carefully prepared to answer by a
group of selected students in TNHS, about How much does a Taclobo National High
School senior student spend on snacks in October 2023. The question can be designed to
Research Procedure
The researcher first sought the approval to their adviser in Practical Research 2 Senior
High. The survey should be clear and brief with questions that are simple to comprehend
and respond to. The must first obtain consent from the appropriate authorities including
the school administration and parents. Once preparations are finished and the required
authorization is attained, the researchers will commence the survey and may recruit
Data Processing
For data processing, the following methods and formulas were utilized:
*Formula: *
= Number of cases or events
2. *Percentage* represents the proportion or part of the total population that a particular
group or category represents. It is used to show the relationship of a specific group to the
overall population.
*Formula: *
X/N × 100 = p
P = percentage
X = frequency
N = total number of respondents
*Formula: *
\[ \text{Percent} = \left( \frac{\text{Number of cases or occurrences}}{\text{Total
number of cases or occurrences}} \right) \times 100\% \]
4. *Weighted Mean: * The weighted mean is used to obtain the average of data with
different weights or significance. It is used to give attention to responses that have a
greater influence on the study results.
*Formula: *
Through these methods and formulas, data collected from survey questionnaires can be
processed and analyzed. The aim is to determine how much students at Taclobo National
High School spend on snacks in October 2023.
Operational definition of terms
Starved -The verb starve means suffering or death caused by a lack of food.
Consumption -the act of using resources to satisfy current needs and wants.
According to the table, the most respondent are HUMSS 12-A & B, 30 (15%) out of 200
respondents. However, ABM-11 has the lowest respondents 5 (2.5%).
Question 1: How much do you spend during snack time?
frequency Percentage
20Php 51 25.5%
30Php 27 13.5%
40Php 39 19.5%
50Php 62 31%
60Php up. 21 10.5%
Total 200 100%
Mean 3.12
According to the table, 50Php has the highest percentage and frequency (31%) and 62.
Therefore, 50Php is highest amount of money spend during snack time. And the lowest is
60Php up. And its percentage and frequency (10.5%) and 21.
Frequency Percentage
Kweck Kweck 71 14.2%
Tempura 86 17.2%
Juice 61 12.2%
Siomai 78 15.6%
Bananaque 115 23%
Hotcake 89 17.8%
Total 500 100%
Mean 3.33
According to the table, Bananaque has the highest percentage and frequency (23%) and
115. Therefore, Bananaque is the most commonly purchase during snack time. And the
lowest is Juice. And its percentage and frequency (12.2%) and 61.
Question 3: Can you estimate your total spending on snacks for the month of
October 2023?
Frequency Percentage
₱100-200 32 16%
₱200-300 87 43.5%
₱300-400 67 33.5%
₱400 up. 14 7%
Total 200 100%
Mean 2.69
According to the table, Php200-300 has the highest percentage and frequency (43.5%)
and 87. Therefore, Php200-300 is the highest estimated amount of money for the month
of October 2023 during snack time. And the lowest is Php400 up. And its percentage and
frequency (7%) and 14.