Credit Line $0
Days in Billing Cycle 33
Account Services or Information
Payment Due Date November 30, 2023
Customer Service/Fraud 877-473-7431
Payment Due $0.00 TTY 855-886-6784
Outside U.S./Canada +1 706-644-4981
PO BOX 84090, COLUMBUS GA 31908-4032
PO BOX 23054, COLUMBUS GA 31902
you're paying:
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84150 Checks PO BOX 23054
Payable to:
Tran Post
Date Date Reference Number Transaction Detail Amount
Tran Post
Date Date Reference Number Transaction Detail Amount
The HSBC Commercial Card is a business purposes only account. Please refer to your Company Card
Program Administrator for a list of goods or services this card should be used to procure.
Unauthorized Use: The Company will not be liable for unauthorized use of a card which occurs after you notify us
of the loss, theft or possible unauthorized use of a card. To notify us, please call 877-473-7431. If outside the US
or Canada please call +1 706-644-4981.
Payments: This is a pay in full account. The Company is responsible for paying your New Balance in full by the
Payment Due Date which appears on the front of your billing statement. However, the Company may have
requested that HSBC Bank USA, N.A. send you your individual statement so that you can settle the balance on
your individual card. Payments must be in US currency by cash, check, money order or available electronic
means drawn on or clearing through a US bank and must be received on or before the Payment Due Date. If we
receive your payment with the statement stub at the address listed on the front by noon Monday through Friday,
that is not a holiday, we will credit your payment on the date it is received. Payment by any other means will be
credited to your account within 5 days of receipt. You have at least a 3 day grace period from your billing date to
your payment due date.
Credit Balance: We will refund any credit balance in excess of $1, if you contact us to request the refund. You
may mail a request to the address shown on the front under Account Services or Information or you may
contact us at 877-473-7431. If outside the US or Canada please call +1 706-644-4981.
Calculation of Late Fee: Payment of the New Balance listed on your periodic billing statement must be made in
full by the payment due date to avoid a late fee. In the event payment in full is not made by the payment due date,
a late fee equal to 3% of the Amount Past Due listed on your periodic billing statement will be assessed
CREDITOR: This statement is mailed by and payable to HSBC Bank USA, N.A. The account is governed by the
laws and regulations of the Commonwealth of Virginia, as well as applicable federal laws and regulations of the
United States. Please contact your Program Administrator for detailed terms and conditions.