Computer Science
Verification of Factorio Belt Balancers using Petri Nets
Analyse von Factorio Belt-Belancer mit Hilfe von Petri Netzen
2 Used notation 4
4 First model 7
4.1 Non-deterministic model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2 Using alternating input / output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.3 Handling of empty inputs / outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.4 Enforcing of input / output priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.5 Problems with the current model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5 Second model 19
5.1 Used modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.2 Communication between modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.3 Module internals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.3.1 Item generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.3.2 Item consumer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.3.3 Item transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.3.4 Item loopback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.3.5 Item splitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.3.6 Dummy modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.4 Examples for module usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
7 Verification 46
7.1 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
7.2 Modified deadlocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7.3 Place invariants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7.4 Model checker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
8 Conclusion 52
1 Introduction
Factorio [1] is a game about designing, building and maintaining factories. After crash landing on an alien
planet the player has to launch a rocket back to space in order to win the game. To achieve this it is required
to automate various processes, which comes with its own challenges. These range from space occupying trees,
over logistical problems, to hostile, native inhabitants, which are not happy about the increasing pollution
levels caused by the ever growing factory.
In the following chapters we will focus on one of the logistical problems. Factorio provides multiple transporta-
tion methods to get items from A to B, and transport belts are one of them. To work with belts efficiently Belt
Balancers are used in certain locations, which act as load balancer and consist of splitters, underground belts
and normal belts. These components are described in detail in Section 3. While the design and design process
of Belt Balancers is certainly an interesting problem, we will focus on the verification and automation of this
verification instead. We will analyse whether the outputs are actually balanced, how the Belt Balancer affects
overall throughput and its resistance to external interferences. Since the manual verification of Belt Balancers
is rather time consuming and monotone, it is desirable to automate this process. To do this we model the
components of Belt Balancers with Petri Nets. Later on those Petri Net modules can be arranged to form
a given Belt Balancer. Additionally we use linear temporal logic to define properties, which are commonly
used to describe Belt Balancers in the Factorio community. For the automatic verification of this model the
modelling language PROMELA is used, together with SPIN as interpreter. While the translation of Petri Nets
to PROMELA works, the actual verification with SPIN does not. Reasonably sized Belt Balancers, which where
translated with the algorithm we use, cannot be verified with SPIN due to internal limitation of the interpreter.
2 Used notation
A Petri Net is defined as a tuple (P, T, F ) [2] [3], where P is the set containing all places, T contains all
transitions and F ⊆ ((P × T ) ∪ (T × P )) is a flow relation. This relation contains all arcs of the Petri Net,
therefore if (a, b) ∈ F there exists an arc from a to b. To reduce the overall complexity of the Petri Nets we
use inhibitor arcs to simplify inverse places. For this the Petri Net definition is expanded to (P, T, F, I). The
sets P , T , F are defined as in the previous version. The new set I ⊆ (P × T ) describes all inhibitor arcs,
similar as F does for all normal arcs. We also use notation to access places influencing or influenced by a
given transition t ∈ T . For this • t contains all places p ∈ P , such that there exists an arc from t to p, and is
defined as • t := {p ∈ P : (p, t) ∈ F }. Its counterpart is t• . This set contains all places which receive a token,
if the transition t ∈ T fires. It is defined as t• := {p ∈ P : (t, p) ∈ F }. Similar to • t the set tinhib contains all
places, which inhibit the activation of t ∈ T . Therefore it is defined as tinhib := {p ∈ P : (p, t) ∈ I}. If a Petri
Net is drawn, each place in P is represented by a circle, each transition in T by a box and each arc in F by an
arrow. To represent an inhibitor arc in I an arrow is used as well, but unlike the arrow for a normal arc it has
a dot as head. Figure 1a contains examples for this.
Additionally two kinds of double headed arrows are used to reduce the total amount of arcs shown. An arrow
with a pointy head at each end between (a, b) translates to (a, b), (b, a) ∈ F . The second kind has a dot at one
end and a normal head at the other end. An arrow between a and b, where the dot is at a and the normal
head at b, translates to (a, b) ∈ F ∧ (b, a) ∈ I. Figure 1b visualises this.
A marking of a Petri Net is defined as a function M := P → N which maps a given place to the amount of
tokens currently at this place. The initial marking is defined as M0 . With this it is now possible to define
the behaviour of Petri Nets. A transition t ∈ T can fire in in a Marking M , if ∀p ∈ • t : M (p) ≥ 0 and
∀p ∈ tinhib : M (p) = 0. If an activated transition t ∈ T fires, it transforms M to M ′ , such that (∀p ∈ • t \ t• :
M ′ (p) = M (p) − 1) ∧ (∀p ∈ t• \ • t : M ′ (p) = M (p) + 1) ∧ (∀p ∈ P \ ((• t ∪ t• ) \ (• t ∩ t• )) : M (p) = M ′ (p))
To make larger Petri Nets easier to understand we use different colours for places, transitions and arcs.
Besides providing visual aid ,those colours have no further meaning, except grey. A grey place is part of the
interface of its Petri Net module. Module interfaces are used to connect two modules with teach other, which is
done by merging a place belonging to the interface from one module with an interface place from the other one.
To define the properties of Belt Balancers we use linear temporal logic (LTL) [4] [5]. The unary operator □ is
defined as always and ♦ as eventually. Furthermore we use the binary operator U , which represents until. In
order for a U b to hold a has to hold at least until b holds. As soon as b holds, a does not have to hold any
more. If b never holds a has to hold forever. Additionally we use |p| for a given place p ∈ P to receive the
amount of tokens in p at the current state. This can be seen as an alternative version to M (p).
It is possible to set an input or an output priority for a splitter. If for example the top input should be prioritized
(see Figure 2e) the splitter will no longer take items from alternating inputs. Instead it will prefer items
from the prioritized one. However, if both inputs receive items and both outputs are connected to a belt,
a single input can no longer satisfy both output belts. In that case additional items will be taken from the
non prioritized input to satisfy both outputs. The output priority works in the same way. If an output is
prioritised it will receive all incoming items. If the prioritised output is satisfied, but more items are provided
via both inputs, excess items will be transferred to the non prioritised output (see Figure 2f). If an output is
arc from P_01
to T_01
place transition
P_01 T_01
P_02 T_02
inhibitor arc
from P_02 to T_02
(a) Petri Net with examples for places, transitions and arcs
prioritised it may also receive a filter, which means only a specific kind of item may be transferred to that
output. However we will not model those filters. Belt Balancers usually handle one kind of items only.
4 First model
Factorio Belt Balancer consist of belts, underground belts and splitter. But since belts and underground belts
only connect the inputs and outputs of two splitter they can be abstracted as edges between them. Therefore
the first modelling idea is to create a splitter model with two input and output places, which represent the
two inputs and outputs of its original. Later on the output and input places of multiple instances can be
connected with transitions, much like splitter in Factorio are connected with each other via belts. With this
each original splitter translates to one splitter module and each connection with belts results in a transition
between two splitter modules. This makes translating an arbitrary Belt Balancer to its corresponding model
rather fast and easy. As we will see this approach is to simplistic. Connecting two splitter with only a single
transition leads to several interleaving issues which cause instability and non-deterministic behaviour, which
is described in Section 4.5. Fixing those requires more complicated and in depth changes to this modelling
approach, therefore this is only the first model of two.
(a) Belt Balancer example with 4 inputs (b) A belt moving green circuits from left
and 4 outputs to right
(c) An underground belt moving green (d) A splitter splits a belt with green
circuits crosses a belt with red cir- circuits into two belts with half the
cuits amount of items each
(e) A splitter with input priority at the top: (f) A Splitter with output priority at the
Red circuits from the bottom are not top: Excess circuits are moved to the
moved to an output bottom output
EP_0 IN_0 T_00 OUT_0 EP_2
IN_1 OUT_0
EP_1 T_11 EP_3
the bottom output and receives a token after T_00 or T_10 has fired.
Those two extensions provide the ability to consume tokens from alternating inputs and generate them at
alternating outputs. But in the current state the Petri Net cannot handle an empty input or a blocked output
indefinitely. Assume the initial marking in Figure 5a. If a token arrives at the input IN_0 (Figure 5b) the
transition T_00 will transfer it to the top output OUT_0 (Figure 5c). This causes the tokens in the red and
green extension to switch places which enables transition T_11 only. Now another token has been generated
at the top input (Figure 5d). Since the red token switched places the new token cannot be transferred to the
bottom output, but the original Factorio splitter would do so. Therefore the current Petri Net is insufficient
and needs to be extended further.
If all extensions, i.e. the red, green, orange and blue one, are applied to the basic Petri Net they model the
EP_0 IN_0 T_00 OUT_0 EP_2
IN_1 OUT_0
EP_1 T_11 EP_3
IN_0 OUT_0
EP_0 T_00 EP_2
EP_0 IN_0 T_00 OUT_0 EP_2 EP_0 IN_0 T_00 OUT_0 EP_2
T_01 T_01
T_10 T_10
EP_1 IN_1 T_11 OUT_0 EP_3 EP_1 IN_1 T_11 OUT_0 EP_3
T_01 T_01
T_10 T_10
behaviour of a Factorio splitter accurately. To give an example we assume the same situation as in 4.2. After
the initial marking in Figure 7a IN_0 receives a token (Figure 7b) which is transfered to OUT_0 by T_00
(Figure 7c). Another token as been generated at IN_0 (Figure 7d) but, with the orange extension, ORG_1 can
handle this case by moving the token from RED_1 to RED_0 (Figure 7e). Now T_01 can transfer the token to
OUT_1 (Figure 7f).
But one problem remains, the current Petri Net does not support input and output priorities. To add this
feature more extensions are needed.
To move the token from the red extension to the right place two additional transitions are added (Figure 9),
IN_0 OUT_0
EP_0 T_00 EP_2
IN_1 OUT_0
EP_1 T_11 EP_3
IN_0 OUT_0
EP_0 T_00 EP_2
IN_1 OUT_0
EP_1 T_11 EP_3
Figure 6: Additional orange and blue extension to handle input / output anomalies
EP_0 IN_0 T_00 OUT_0 EP_2 EP_0 IN_0 T_00 OUT_0 EP_2
T_01 T_01
T_10 T_10
T_01 T_01
T_10 T_10
EP_1 IN_1 T_11 OUT_0 EP_3 EP_1 IN_1 T_11 OUT_0 EP_3
(c) Token transferred to OUT_0 by T_00 (d) Another token generated at IN_0
EP_0 IN_0 T_00 OUT_0 EP_2 EP_0 IN_0 T_00 OUT_0 EP_2
T_01 T_01
T_10 T_10
EP_1 IN_1 T_11 OUT_0 EP_3 EP_1 IN_1 T_11 OUT_0 EP_3
(e) ORG_0 moves token from RED_1 to RED_0 (f) Token transferred from IN_0 to OUT_1 by T_01
P_IN_0_ENF and P_IN_1_ENF. They enforce the priority by moving the red token if the respective input
contains an item to move, if the input is prioritised and if the red token needs to be moved. In case of
P_IN_1_ENF the transition fires if IN_1 and P_IN_1 contain a token, if P_IN_0 is empty and if the red token is
at RED_0 and therefore enables the transitions for the top input. By firing it moves the token from RED_0 to
RED_1 which enables transitions for the bottom input. Now only one problem remains, if e.g. the top input
has priority none of the transitions for the bottom input may ever fire.
The handling of empty, prioritised inputs is done by 2 new transitions (Figure 10). P_IN_0_EMP fires if IN_0
is empty and has priority, if IN_1 contains a token and has not priority and if P_IN_1_EN is empty. This
creates a token at P_IN_1_EN and enables T_10 and T_11. The same applies for its bottom counterpart
P_IN_0_EMP. This allows the unprioritised input to fire once, if the prioritised input is empty. An example run
with prioritised input is shown in Figure 11.
Output priorities are handled by the lime extension (Figure 13) which is pretty much the same as the turquoise
one. There are some minor differences since the edge cases occur if the output is full instead of empty. For
example P_OUT_0_ENF does not checks whether OUT_0 contains a token, but fires if this output is empty.
P_IN_0 P_IN_0_EN
P_IN_0 T_P_IN_0 P_IN_0_EN
IN_0 OUT_0
EP_0 T_00 EP_2
P_IN_0 T_P_IN_0 P_IN_0_EN
IN_0 OUT_0
P_IN_0_EMP EP_0 T_00 EP_2
P_IN_1 P_IN_1_EN
P_IN_0 P_IN_0_EN P_IN_0 P_IN_0_EN
T_P_IN_0 T_P_IN_0
T_01 T_01
T_10 T_10
T_01 T_01
T_10 T_10
(c) Token generated at P_IN_0_EN (d) Token transferred from IN_0 to OUT_0
T_01 T_01
T_10 T_10
P_IN_0 T_P_IN_0 P_IN_0_EN
5 Second model
This approach aims to add more control over the components of a splitter. Instead of allowing each splitter
module to perform a step whenever an item arrives at its input it should start processing the tokens only if it
is certain that all splitter before it are finished. To receive this information from its predecessor some sort of
communication needs to be implemented between splitter modules. To achieve this more modules are added.
P_IN_0 P_IN_0_EN P_IN_0 P_IN_0_EN
T_P_IN_0 T_P_IN_0
T_01 T_01
T_10 T_10
T_01 T_01
T_10 T_10
(c) Token generated at IN_0 (d) Token transferred from IN_0 to OUT_0
T_01 T_01
T_10 T_10
P_IN_0 T_P_IN_0 P_IN_0_EN
Each input and output port consists of 3 places and represents an interface for other modules. Those places
are VALUE, VALUE_RDY (value ready) and VALUE_VAL (value valid). Ports are always used to connect the
output port of one module with the input port of another one by merging the places belonging to those ports.
Therefore the VALUE place of the input port is merged with the VALUE place of the output port and the same
applies to both VALUE_RDY places and VALUE_VAL places.
There are two possibilities for he initial marking, depending on whether a transfer module output is connected
with a working module input or a working module output with a transfer module input. In the first case the
handshake starts with state (a). The token at VALUE_RDY signals the output module that the input module is
ready to receive new information via VALUE. But at this point the output module may not create any tokens
in VALUE_RDY or VALUE_VAL, it needs to consume a token from VALUE_RDY first. Additionally the input
module may not revoke the ready token (the token from VALUE_RDY). Once it has been created it is final and
the module has to wait until it received a token from VALUE_VAL.
In state (b) the output module consumed the ready token and is now working internally to create the data
which will be generated at VALUE. In our case the module determines whether it generates a token at VALUE
or not.
After it is finished, it creates the data at VALUE and generates a token at VALUE_VAL to ensure the validity
of the data. This allows the transfer of an ”empty token”, meaning the information that no token has been
generated. Additionally the output module may neither revoke the valid token (token in VALUE_VAL) nor
modify VALUE as soon as it creates the token in VALUE_VAL. Furthermore it is possible that VALUE already
contains a token, because the input module did not consume the data from a previous transfer. In that case
the output module may not generate another token at this place. Instead it has to create just the token in
With a token in VALUE_VAL, the input module may now consume the valid token from VALUE_VAL and the
information from VALUE, but the consumption of the content of VALUE is optional. If for example a splitter
module is not able to distribute the token it may just stay in VALUE.
Eventually the input module creates a token at VALUE_RDY again to start the cycle again.
As noted above there is a second possibility. If the input module belongs to the category of working modules
and the output one to transfer modules the handshake starts at (c) with no tokens in VALUE, but the constrains
and steps are the same.
It is important to note that none of the modules have to add or remove a token from VALUE, but they have to
perform their consume and generate operations on VALUE_RDY and VALUE_VALID as described above always
The core structure of this module consists of the transitions T_GENERATED, T_NOT_GENERATED and the
places belonging to the input and output port. The idea is to let the module decide non-deterministically
whether it generates a token at the output or not. This is achieved by firing one of those two transitions
once. If T_GENERATED fires it creates a token at the output, T_NOT_GENERATED does not. To ensure that
only one of them fires, both are enabled by the place LOCAL_EN. Only one token will be generated at this
place and therefore only one of the transitions can fire. T_IN generates this token together with the token
at GLOBAL_EN. To do so the transition requires a token at IN_VAL and OUT_RDY, it waits until the input
value is valid and the module at the output is ready to receive a new value. Only if both tokens are present it
consumes them and generates the tokens for GLOBAL_EN and LOCAL_EN.
If either T_GENERATED or T_NOT_GENERATED consumed the token from LOCAL_EN the transition T_OUT
may fire. This transition creates tokens at IN_RDY, to signal the predecessor the module is ready to receive a
new value, and OUT_VAL, to mark the output value as valid. Since LOCAL_EN is empty most of the time,
T_OUT would generate those tokens permanently. To prevent this, it also requires the token from GLOBAL_EN.
With this it fires only if the module is currently working. After T_OUT fired the module waits until T_IN fires
and therefore enables it again.
In an abstract way, the module has a working and an idle state. If GLOBAL_EN contains a token the module
is working. If GLOBAL_EN is empty, the module is idle and waiting for an input. T_IN and T_OUT serve as
Output Input Input
Module Module Module
(a) Initial marking (b) Output module consumes token from VALUE_RDY
Output Input Output
Module Module Module
(c) Output module generates token in VALUE_VAL and (d) Input module consumes potential data and token
potential data in VALUE from VALUE_VAL
Output Input
Module Module
(e) Input module generates token in VALUE_RDY
transitions between the two states. The same idea is used in the item consumer and transfer module as well.
connect multiple places distributed across the entire Petri Net which creates long, intersecting arcs. Now this
Petri Nets misses an equivalent to the LOCAL_EN place. In the item generator, consumer and transfer module
it enables only one of the central transitions to fire, but firing just one of the central transitions (T_00, T_01,
T_10, T_11) is not enough for a splitter. For example if both inputs contain a token and both outputs are
empty both tokens should be moved to an output before switching back to the idle state, and this requires two
of the central transitions to fire. Therefore we add an additional place per input (IN_0_HAND, IN_1_HAND)
and output (OUT_0_HAND, OUT_1_HAND) port. Those places contain a token if the corresponding port has
not been handled jet. There are three circumstances under which an input port is seen as handled, therefore
the token from IN_n_HAND has been consumed. First, if a token from IN_n_VALUE has been moved. In this
case the corresponding central transition consumed the token from the ’handled’ place. Second, if the input is
empty. In this case no token can be moved from there. Therefore the transition IN_0_EMPTY consumes the
token from IN_0_HAND if the top input is empty and IN_1_EMPTY does the same for the bottom one. The
third case involves the outputs. If both outputs are handled no token from the input can be moved to any
output any more. Because of this both inputs can be seen as handled as well, which enables OUT_HANDLED_0
and OUT_HANDLED_1 which in turn consume possible tokens from the corresponding IN_n_HAND places. It
is not possible to merge both transitions. If only one output is empty, but both inputs contain a token only
one of those input tokens can be moved. This causes the corresponding handled token, those are tokens in
IN_0_HAND and IN_1_HAND, to be consumed as well. Now only one of the input places has its handled token,
but both outputs are full. If OUT_HANDLED_0 and OUT_HANDLED_1 would be a single transition, it could
not fire, since this transition requires a token at IN_0_HAND and IN_1_HAND. Therefore two independent
transitions are required.
The ’handled’ handling for the output ports works the same. An output port is handled if a token has been
moved to the port, if the port is full or if both input ports have been handled. Now those handled places,
therefore OUT_0_HAND and OUT_1_HAND, are used to control when T_OUT can fire. If T_IN generates
the token in GLOBAL_EN, to switch to the working state, it also creates a token at all those handled places.
If all of those handled places are empty and if GLOBAL_EN contains a token, T_OUT may fire to switch the
splitter back to its idle state. With those modifications, the model is up to date again and we can start to add
priorities. Figure 22 provides a visual representation of the current state of the Petri Net.
One way to model priorities is to ensure, that the tokens in the red and green places are at the right position.
Currently, if RED_0 and both inputs contain a token, the token from IN_0 will be consumed first. With this in
mind, the idea is to ensure that the token is at the right place to consume from the prioritised input first. Of
course the same applies for the output and the green extension. To prevent any interleaving issues, a new
state needs to be added. This state could be added before or after the working state. If we insert this state
after the working one, it would move the tokens from the red and green extensions after handling the input
tokens. But for this to work, the initial marking of the module has to be changed, based on existing input
and output priorities. For example, if IN_1 has priority, the token from the red extension has to be at RED_1
instead of RED_0. This is not necessarily a problem, but it can be prevented. Instead of resetting the module
after it finished its working phase it can be prepared before it starts working. This means a preparation phase
is added before the module actually distributes tokens from its inputs. With this, the initial marking does not
need to be changed depending on priorities, since the module will move the red and green tokens itself if
needed. To sum this up, the splitter module starts in its idle state, switches to the preparing state if T_IN fires
and after that it starts working.
To prepare the splitter module a preparation module is introduced in Figure 23. It consists of an enable place
PM_EN, which enables the module much like the LOCAL_EN of the previous ones. PM_PRIO contains a token
if the respective port is prioritised. PM_IN is the red or green place from which a token should be taken and
moved to PM_OUT if the port has priority. The three central transitions handle those actions. If the token
needs to be moved, T_TRANSFER will move it from PM_IN to PM_OUT. If no movement is needed, T_EMPTY
just consumes the enable token. In the case that a priority is set but PM_EN contains a token, none of those
two transitions will fire. Instead T_NO_PRIO will consume the token from PM_EN. Each input and output
port of the splitter module will receive such a preparation module. A visualisation of all changes is provided by
Figure 24. For IN_0 the instance of such a module is called PREP_IN_0. PM_PRIO of PREP_IN_0 is equivalent
to P_IN_0, the same holds for PM_EN and IN_0_PREP_EN. Since this module handles the preparation, in
case the top input is prioritised it needs to move the token from the red extension to RED_0. Therefore the
corresponding PM_IN place merges with RED_1 and PM_OUT with RED_0. The same applies for PREP_IN_1,
PREP_OUT_0 and PREP_OUT_1. They are the same module type, which has been connected to different places.
To prevent the orange (ORG_0, ORG_1) and blue (BLUE_0, BLUE_1) extension from messing up the positioning
of the red and green token during the preparation phase new arcs are added. ORG_0 is only allowed to move
the red token if IN_1_HAND contains a token. Therefore it can only act during the working phase. Now it is
only allowed to enable T_10 and T_11 by moving the red token if the bottom input has not been handled yet,
which makes sense.
Figure 24: First part of the second model with priorities. Continued at Figure 25
To add the new splitter module state a new transition between T_IN and T_OUT is added. This transition
T_FINISHED_PREP creates tokens at the old output of T_IN. T_IN in turn now creates a token in the new
place PREP_EN, which acts as the GLOBAL_EN of the preparation phase. Additionally T_IN generates tokens
at all four PREP_EN places. If all 4 places are empty T_FINISHED_PREP ends the preparation phase and
starts the working phase by firing.
P_IN_0 P_OUT_0
P_IN_1 P_OUT_1
(a) Dummy generator module (b) Dummy consumer module
Figure 26: Dummy modules for unused splitter inputs and outputs
Figure 27: Original Belt Balancer Figure 28: Original Belt Balancer
for Figure 29 for Figure 30
is needed. Since they count as transfer modules no item transfer module is added between them. Last but not
least, the item loopback is added. This does not have any clear equivalent in the original Belt Balancer, it is
only needed by the model to work properly.
To sum this translation process up, each Belt Balancer input becomes a item generator module, each output an
item consume module and each splitter becomes an item splitter module. The belts between inputs, outputs
and splitter are abstracted with the item transfer module and if any input or output port is not used a input or
output dummy is added respectively. The item loopback module is added at the end to connect each item
consumer module with each item generator module and has no in game equivalent.
Figure 28 together with Figure 30 provides a more complex translation example. But unlike the previous one
this is a real, commonly used Belt Balancer and not just a construct for demonstration purpose.
IN_0 OUT_0
IN_0 OUT_0
OUT_0 IN_0
OUT_2 IN_2
Figure 29: Example Belt Balancer containing all modules with all possible connections. Figure 27 shows the original in Factorio
IN_0 OUT_0 IN_0 OUT_0
IN_0 OUT_0
IN_0 OUT_0 IN_0 OUT_0 ITEM IN_0 OUT_0 IN_0 OUT_0
IN_0 OUT_0 IN_0 OUT_0
OUT_0 IN_0
OUT_1 IN_1
OUT_3 IN_3
Figure 30: Classical 4 -> 4 Belt Balancer. Figure 28 shows the original in Factorio
6 Properties of Belt Balancer
With the model from Section 5 it is now possible to define certain properties for a Belt Balancer. The goal of
this Section is to give definitions in linear temporal logic (LTL) for properties commonly used in the Factorio
community. This includes, but is not limited to, whether a given Belt Balancer actually balances its output,
how it effects throughput and how well it responds to irregular inputs and outputs.
Those two sets are rather intuitive. G contains all generator modules used in the Petri Net for the Belt Balancer.
With this it is possible to argue about the inputs of the given Belt Balancer. C does the same, but for all
consumer modules and therefore all Belt Balancer outputs.
hasFiredPositive : G ∪ C → B
hasFiredNegative : G ∪ C → B
hasFired : G ∪ C → B
hasFired(m) := hasFiredPositive(m) ∨ hasFiredNegative(m)
Those functions are used to determine whether a given module caused the last state transition by firing the
corresponding transition. For example assume two generator modules g1 , g2 ∈ G and during the last step g1
generated a token. Therefore T_GENERATED, belonging to g1 , fired. In this case hasFiredPositive(g1 ) = true.
Logically hasFiredPositive(g2 ) = false since only one transition fires per step, but hasFiredNegative(g2 ) = false
as well. The negative variant is not a logical negation of hasFiredPositive, but instead it indicates the decision
of a generator module to not create a token during this cycle, which means no item arrived at this Belt Balancer
input. The same applies for consumer modules.
canFirePositive : G ∪ C → B
canFireNegative : G ∪ C → B
canFire : G ∪ C → B
canFire(m) := canFirePositive(m) ∨ canFireNegative(m)
The canFire functions are used to determine, whether a given module could fire during the next state change.
Therefore whether all preceding places of T_GENERATED, T_CONSUMED or their counterparts, which are
T_NOT_GENERATED and T_NOT_CONSUMED, contain a token.
history : G ∪ C → N
how often T_GENERATED fired, if m ∈ G
history(m) :=
how often did T_CONSUMED fired, if m ∈ C
This history function returns the amount of generated tokens at a given item generator or the amount of
tokens consumed by a given item consumer, depending on the type of the module. For all following properties
we assume one-safety for the model as a whole. In Section 7.3 we prove this for the item generator module.
For all other modules one-safety is assumed. Therefore each place may only contain 0 or 1 token.
∃g ∈ G : ♦□¬canFirePositive(g)
To get the definition of a Belt Balancer, that is never stuck, this formula needs to be negated.
¬(∃g ∈ G : ♦□¬canFirePositive(g))
⇔∀g ∈ G : ¬(♦□¬canFirePositive(g))
⇔∀g ∈ G : □♦canFirePositive(g)
Therefore in order for a Belt Balancer to be never stuck every input has to be able to generate a token always
eventually. However this insight did not occur immediately. In fact it originally began with a definition for a
Balancer, that is never stuck.
In order for a given Balancer to be stuck some token had to be generated in the past at an item generator,
but for some reason this token cannot be moved from the generator and therefore blocks the generation of
additional ones. The idea is to define a property which guarantees, that every generated token will be moved
eventually from its item generator to an item consumer module later on. The removal of the token from the
generator module is guaranteed by the implication hasFiredPositive(g) ⇒ ♦canFirePositive(g), because the
tokens has to be moved elsewhere eventually in order for ♦canFirePositive(g) to be true. The implication
hasFiredPositive(g) ⇒ ∃c ∈ C : ♦canFirePositive(c) is used to guarantee the arrival of a token at an item
consumer eventually, but not its consumption. This can be resolved by later conditions, but since it is possible
to eliminate this part of the implication it does not matter.
The expression can be shortened by removing the part about item consumers. This is due to the fact that
Belt Balancers, the originals from Factorio and the model, have a limited capacity. In Factorio each belt can
only hold on to a limited amount of items at any given time, this is also true for splitter and underground
belts. And since each Belt Balancer consists of a limited amount of belts, underground belts and splitter the
maximum amount of items, which can be in a given Belt Balancer at any given time, is also limited. The same
is true for the model. We assume one-safety for all modules, therefore each place holds no more than one
token at any given time. And, much like belts, underground belts and splitter in Factorio, each module in our
model can only contain a finite amount of tokens at once, since the amount of places is limited. Additionally
the model of a given Belt Balancer consists of a limited amount of modules, therefore the model as a whole
can only contain a limited amount of tokens at once. Now, in order to be able to move a newly generated
token from an item generator (hasFiredPositive(g) ⇒ ♦canFirePositive(g) holds) there needs to be space
in the rest of the model. To provide this space for all generated tokens indefinitely some of them need to
be consumed by an item consumer eventually. This means, if □(hasFiredPositive(g) ⇒ ♦canFirePositive(g))
holds, □(hasFiredPositive(g) ⇒ ∃c ∈ C : ♦canFirePositive(c)) has to hold as well for any given g ∈ G.
Therefore the second part can be removed from the definition altogether. This results in the following.
∀g ∈ G : □(hasFiredPositive(g) ⇒ ♦canFirePositive(g))
In its current state, this property would be false. If an item generator would never create a token the
implication would always be true, even if a generated token would never be moved. Therefore we reduce it
further and get the following.
∀g ∈ G : □♦canFirePositive(g)
With the proper definition of a Belt Balancer, that is never stuck, it is now possible to add various premises
to guarantee this stuck free behaviour in certain environments. For example, one variant could define, that
every item generator, that can generate a token, will do so eventually. Another example would be a property
which guarantees, that only item consumers actually consume items. We will give two examples for this. The
first one guarantees stuck free behaviour under optimal conditions. Therefore every item generator, that can
generate a token will do so. This means if T_GENERATED and T_NOT_GENERATED can fire T_GENERATED
will always be chosen. The same applies to all item consumer modules, T_CONSUMED is prioritized over
This is achieved by preventing hasFired(m) to become true until hasFiredPositive(m) becomes true. The
second variant is the opposite, it guarantees at least one item generator and item consumer at any given time,
which create or consume a token eventually, if they can.
This can result in the extreme case of having only one item generator with a token and only one item consumer,
where it could go. Therefore if a Belt Balancer is never stuck with this condition, every of its inputs has to be
connected to every output. Otherwise there would exist an input-output pair with which it would be stuck, if
they are the only one to create and consume tokens. Assume a Belt Balancer with two inputs and two outputs.
The top input is connected to both outputs, but the bottom one is only connected with the bottom output.
This Balancer would not hold. If only the bottom input generates tokens and only the top output consumes
them, then the Belt Balancer would be stuck since there is no way for the tokens from the bottom input to
reach an output, which would consume them. Therefore the Belt Balancer fills up with tokens and stops to
accept tokens from the bottom input eventually.
If this holds, after consuming a token each item consumer may not be able to do so again, until every other
item consumer consumed a token too, therefore hasFiredPositive(m) = true. But instead of enforcing this
immediately we allow a initialization phase by enforcing this property eventually. Most Belt Balancers do not
work immediately since the delay between different inputs and outputs is different or internal belt loops need
to receive items first. If for example the path from the bottom input to the bottom output contains one splitter
and the path from the top input to the top output 3, the items will reach the bottom output faster than the
top one and the output is temporarily unbalanced.
This formula implies a fixed output pattern, which means there is a fixed order at which each consumer
consumes a token. Assume a Belt Balancer with 3 consumer modules a, b, c. Item consumer a removed the
first token, and therefore canFirePositive(a) has to be false until hasFiredPositive(b) and hasFiredPositive(c)
have been true. After that, module b consumes the second token and has to wait for a and c. Since a is still
waiting for c, module c has to be the next one. After consuming its token, module c has to wait for a and b.
Now module a is the only one which can consume the next token, and after that b is the only one to do the
same and the cycle repeats. While such a fixed output pattern may be desirable in certain situations, it does
not cover all valid Belt Balancers. It would be perfectly fine for the pattern to change after a, b and c consumed
their token. For example a, b, c, c, a, b, a, c, b would be fine, every output only consumes a token after everyone
had its turn. One way to allow those pattern changes is to track the amount of tokens consumed by each item
consumer, which is done by history(c) as mentioned in Section 6.1.
This modified property holds if the amount of items consumed between two item consumer modules is less
than or equal to 1. This allows for variations of the output pattern while guaranteeing a balanced output. With
this the output has to be balanced, because if the property above holds, ♦□(∃n ∈ N : ∀c ∈ C : history(c) =
n ∨ history(c) = n + 1). Therefore there are only two possible results for history(c), either its n or n + 1. If
this would not be the case, there has to exist a c′ ∈ C, such that either history(c′ ) < n or n + 1 < history(c′ ).
In case of history(c′ ) < n the property for the Belt Balancer could not hold, since for a c ∈ C : history(c) = n+1
the condition |history(c) − history(c′ )| ≤ 1 would not be true.
The same applies for the case n + 1 < history(c′ ). Now the property does not hold because there is some
c ∈ C : history(c) = n with which |history(c) − history(c′ )| ≤ 1 is false. In order for the property to hold in
future states as well, item consumers c with history(c) = n + 1 may not be able to consume a token until all
other outputs c′ with history(c′ ) = n have consumed one. Otherwise there would exist a consumer c with
history(c) = n + 2 and a consumer c′ with history(c′ ) = n which would violate |history(c) − history(c′ )| ≤ 1.
And this all together results in a Belt Balancer with a Balanced output.
This definition has a problem. Previously the diamond operator was enough to cover the initial period, but
since we are now comparing the total amount of consumed tokens this no longer works. Assume a Belt
Balancer with two outputs. If during initialization the top output consumed three tokens and the bottom
one zero, and after that they output in an alternating fashion, the property above would not hold since the
difference between them would always be greater one. But this should still be seen as a valid Belt Balancer
since the output is balanced after the initial couple of tokens. Our approach for this holds, if there exists some
xn ∈ N for each n ∈ C, such that the following holds.
The idea for this approach is to determine the amount of tokens consumed during the initialization period for
each output and subtract those from their respective history. This normalizes the history for each output to
the point, where the Belt Balancer actually starts to balance its output.
The third step is to generalize this definition even further. With the previous approach we eliminated the need
for a fixed output pattern, but it still does not cover all valid Belt Balancers. Assume a Balancer with 3 outputs
which outputs three items at the top, three items at the middle and three items at the bottom. If this pattern
is repeated indefinitely this would be a valid Belt Balancer, but since the difference between two outputs is
temporarily greater than one it would be rejected by all current definitions. One might be tempted to just
increase the allowed maximum difference, but to truly cover all valid Balancers this limit needs to be infinite.
This in turn would render this definition useless, since it would hold for any given Balancer construct. Assume
a Balancer with two outputs and all incoming items are routed to the top one. Since the limit is infinite this
construct would hold, despite not balancing its output at all. Defining a maximum limit for each Belt Balancer
individually, like in the following definition, would not work either. For a consumer n ∈ C, xn ∈ N is defined
as in the previous approach.
Again, assume a Belt Balancer with two outputs. First, the top output receives an item, then the bottom one.
After that, the top one gets two, the bottom one gets two. Then three at the top, three at the bottom, and
so on. This would be a valid Balancer since the output is always balanced eventually. But there would not
exist a l ∈ N such that the property above holds. While it is not possible to create such a Balancer in Factorio
without being able to either construct infinitely large Balancers or combining a Balancer with Factorios Turing
complete circuit system it still gave inspiration for a generalised definition for a balanced output. Each xn ∈ N
for a consumer n ∈ C is defined as in the previous approaches.
With this the previously used limit is removed entirely and instead an always eventually occurring, balanced
state is defined. But there is still a problem if someone wants to actually prove this property for a given Belt
Balancer with, for example, a model checker. While a quantor over a finite set like C can be resolved to a
series of logical AND and OR operations, this is not always possible in the case of an infinite set like N. At
least this would result in an infinitely long expression which cannot be proven by a model checker. Therefore
it is desirable to remove the ∃xc ∈ N part from the definition. One alternative is the following.
⎛ ⎛ ⎢ ⎥⎞⎞
⎢ |C| ⎥
∑︂ 1
□♦ ⎝□(∀g ∈ G : ¬hasFiredPositive(g)) ⇒ ♦□ ⎝∀c ∈ C : history(c) ≥ ⎣
⎢ ⎥
· ⎦⎠⎠
This approach does not restrict the output pattern at all. Instead it checks, whether at any given point if no
new items are generated at any input, the amount of consumed items at all outputs is distributed equally.
This also eliminates the problem with the initial phase, during witch the balancer does not distribute items
evenly since this also happens if no new items are generated at the input and the rest inside the balancer is
slowly transferred to an output. This approach also handles rather abstract balancers like the previous one,
which increases the amount of items consumed at each output after each cycle.
This is the weakest definition of all properties and is therefore the minimum required for a Belt Balancer in
order for it to be actually usable.
Second, every input has to be connected with every output, which can be defined like this.
Therefore in order for every input to be connected with every output, every output has to receive an item
eventually as long as at least one input receives items.
The last property is maximum throughput. This means depending on a and b the Belt Balancer transfers the
maximum amount of items given optimal conditions (as defined in 6.2).
The maximum amount of tokens transferable per processing cycle is max(|G|, |C|). Each item generator and
consumer module can only process one token per processing cycle. Therefore the Balancer can only move
|G| tokens per processing cycle, if |G| ≤ |C| because only |G| tokens can be generated each cycle. The same
applies for the case |G| ≥ |C|. Since each consumer can only consume one token per processing cycle it is only
possible for up to |C| tokens to be distributed by the Balancer in each cycle. In order to guarantee maximum
throughput each item generator module has to generate a token per cycle in case of |G| ≤ |C| and each item
consumer has to consume a token per cycle in case of |G| ≥ |C|. Together with the premise, which guarantees
each generator and consumer fires positive if it can, this can be expressed by ♦□(¬hasFiredNegative(m)),
since T_NOT_GENERATED or T_NOT_CONSUMED can only fire if T_GENERATED and T_CONSUMED can not.
If all three properties hold, which means the given Balancer is a valid a → b Belt Balancer, each input is
connected with each output and it achieves maximum throughput given optimal conditions, the Balancer is
considered a throughput limited a → b Belt Balancer.
This property is pretty much the same as the maximum throughput property from Section 6.5, except it
guarantees maximum throughput for all combination of subsets of inputs and outputs. Therefore a Belt
Balancer with this property can never be the bottleneck of a system. However it is not guaranteed, that the
output is balanced if only a subset of inputs or outputs is actually used, in those cases the throughput is just
convert all previously defined properties to their universal counterpart we substitute each occurrence of G
and C with X and Y respectively. Additionally the following is added as a condition to all properties.
While a Balancer with universal properties is rather convenient, it is usually difficult do design those. Addi-
tionally they require a lot of space and a large amount of splitters, which translates to high material cost in
the game. Therefore there exists a weaker variant of the universal property. A universal (x − a) → (y − b)
Belt Balancer has a inputs, b outputs from which at least x inputs and y outputs have to be used in order for
the properties to hold.
Those properties are not universal, but they can handle up to (a − x) unused inputs and (b − y) unused outputs
which makes them more flexible than their normal counterparts.February
7 Verification
This Section explains how Petri Net properties can be verified. Since the previously proposed properties are
rather complicated we will focus on verifying one-safety, more specifically one-safety for the item generator
module. We will use two methods. The first one uses a modified version of deadlocks, while the second one
takes the more classical approach of proving a set of place invariants, which in turn guarantee one-safety.
To verify more complex properties tools like model checkers should be used, which will be discussed in Section
7.1 Preparation
At the moment the Petri Net uses inhibitor arcs to simplify the model. But to perform the actual verification
we need to unfold those arcs by adding complementary places. Figure 31 shows the unfolded form of the
item generator module. The IN_VALUE place has been split into IN_VALUE and its inverted counterpart
IN_VALUE_NEG, the same happened with LOCAL_EN and OUT_VALUE. Additional arcs have been added
as well where needed. The item generator module on its own cannot do anything, it is stuck with its initial
marking. Therefore we need to add transitions to model the behaviour of modules at its input and output.
This is achieved by adding two transitions at the input and two transitions at the output (Figure 32). We
assume each module at the input and output always follow the protocol specified in 5.2, which is why T_IN
creates a token at IN_VALUE only if this place is empty (therefore IN_VALUE_NEG needs to contains a token)
and if it can consume one from IN_RDY. Additionally it creates a token at IN_VAL to activate the generator
module. T_IN_NOT models the case of the variant, which does not generate a token at the value place of the
input port. T_OUT and T_OUT_NOT do the same for the output.
This simulation of input and output in its current form is to optimistic. It creates the token at IN_VAL
immediately after consuming one from IN_RDY, but the protocol allows some downtime between consuming
the token from IN_RDY, generating a token at IN_VALUE and creating the token at IN_VAL. To represent this
properly additional transitions and places are added at the input and output (see Figure 32). In preparation
for the verification all transitions have been annotated with a shorter name.
7.2 Modified deadlocks
One Method to prove one-safety uses a modified version of deadlocks [3]. The original definition of a
deadlock Q ⊆ P is ∀t ∈ T : (∃p ∈ Q : p ∈ t• ) ⇒ (∃q ∈ Q : q ∈ • t). This guarantees, if a token is
added to on of the places in Q, there exists at least one place q ∈ Q, from which a token is removed. With
this the total amount of tokens in all places in Q cannot rise, if none of them has a token to begin with
(□((∀q ∈ Q : |q| = 0) ⇒ (□(∀q ∈ Q : |q| = 0)))). In other words, the upper limit for the total amount of
tokens in Q is zero, if all places in Q do not contain a token. Therefore if a deadlock does not contain a token
initially, it is one-safe.
But this is rather unpractical, since a initially unmarked deadlock cannot do very much, because places without
tokens cannot activate transitions. Therefore it would be nice to have a property, which provides an upper
limit for the total amount of tokens even if they are initially marked. The following property is inspired by the
original definition of deadlocks.
This guarantees, that the amount of tokens consumed in Q by t is greater than or equal to the amount of
tokens created in Q by t. With this the total amount of tokens in Q can never rise. Therefore if this property
holds, the initial amount of tokens in Q is the upper limit. If the total amount of tokens is one or zero during
the initialization, all places in Q are one-safe. With this it is now possible to prove one-safety for an entire Petri
Net. If there exists some A, such that A ⊆ P(P ) : (∀Q ∈ A : Q is deadlock-mod ) ∧ ( Q∈A Q = P ) holds, and
if the total amount of tokens in each set Q ∈ A is smaller than or equal to one, the entire net is one-safe. One
possibility to prove this for the item generator is shown in Figure 33. Each orange circle is a set Q ∈ A, such
that the modified deadlock property holds. Additionally they contain only one token each during initialization
and together they contain all places of the Petri Net. Therefore the item generator module is one-safe.
N: a b c d e f g h i k l m n o
IN_NOT 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IN_01 0 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IN_02 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IN_VAL 0 1 0 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IN_VALUE 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IN_VALUE_NEG 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
IN_RDY -1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
GLOBAL_EN 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0
LOCAL_EN 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
LOCAL_EN_NEG 0 0 0 0 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
OUT_NOT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1
OUT_01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 0
OUT_02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0
OUT_VAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 -1 0
OUT_VALUE 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0
OUT_VALUE_NEG 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
OUT_RDY 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Additionally the initial marking M0 is defined in the same format:
M0 = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)T
With the transformation matrix and the initial marking defined we now need to find suitable place invariants.
Since IN_VALUE and IN_VALUE_NEG are inverse to each other, |IN_VALUE| + |IN_VALUE_NEG| = 1 should
be true. This results in the following calculation for the invariant i:
i = (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
⃗0 := (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
i · N = ⃗0
i0 = i · M0 = 1
Since i · N = ⃗0 and i · M0 = 1 are true, the invariant |IN_VALUE| + |IN_VALUE_NEG| = 1 holds as well.
Therefore the places IN_VALUE and IN_VALUE_NEG are one-safe. The same can now be done for the pairs
LOCAL_EN, LOCAL_EN_NEG and OUT_VALUE OUT_VALUE_NEG, since they are inverse to each other too. In
order to prove the rest of the places two additional invariants are needed. Those can be found by analysing
the the movement of the token from IN_RDY. This token is transferred from its initial place to either IN_NOT
or IN_01. In the case of IN_01, it is moved to IN_02 next and both paths meet at IN_VAL. From there it moves
to GLOBAL_EN and back to IN_RDY. With this in mind the total amount of tokens in those places should
always be one. Therefore the following invariant k should hold:
k = (1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
k · N = ⃗0
k0 = k · M0 = 1
Since the calculation for k holds, the place invariant |IN_NOT|+|IN_01|+|IN_02|+|IN_VAL|+|GLOBAL_EN|+
|IN_RDY| = 1 is true and those places are one-save as well. The same applies for the place invariant
|IN_GLOBAL| + |OUT_NOT| + |OUT_01| + |OUT_02| + |OUT_VAL| + |OUT_RDY| = 1, the calculation for this
is the same. Since all places have been covered and are determined one-safe with those invariants, the entire
item generator module is one-safe.
In order to actually verify a Net with PROMELA an interpreter is needed. We tried to use SPIN for this, but
unfortunately it is not capable to verify our models. With SPIN each process receives and 8 bit wide index
which limits the maximum amount of processes to 256. Therefore only a Petri Net with 256 or less transitions
can be verified. The same applies to channel, which have a 8 bit wide index as well. With those limitations to
the amount of transitions and places it is not possible to verify reasonably sized Belt Balancers with SPIN. For
example the Belt Balancer shown in Figure 28, which is commonly used and rather small, consists of 296
places and 271 transitions. Therefore it cannot be verified by SPIN any more.
b e k n
T_IN_NOT_02 T_IN_03 T_OUT_01 OUT_01 T_OUT_NOT_01
b e k n
T_IN_NOT_02 T_IN_03 T_OUT_01 OUT_01 T_OUT_NOT_01
chan P_0 = [2] of { bit };
chan P_1 = [2] of { bit };
chan P_2 = [2] of { bit };
chan P_3 = [2] of { bit };
proctype T_0 ()
:: atomic
// check whether P_0 contains
// at least one token
(len(P_0) > 0) −>
// consume a token from P_0
P_0 ? _ ;
// add a token to P_1 and P_2
P_1 ! 0;
P_2 ! 0;
proctype T_1 ()
:: atomic
(len(P_1) > 0 && len(P_2) > 0) −>
P_1 ? _ ;
P_2 ? _ ;
P_3 ! 0;
proctype T_2 ()
:: atomic
// check whether P_3 contains
// at least one token and
// whether P_0 is empty
// due to the inhibitor arc
(len(P_3) > 0 && len(P_0) == 0) −>
P_3 ? _ ;
P_0 ! 0;
// create initial marking
P_0 ! 0;
P_3 ! 0;
8 Conclusion
In the previous chapters we described a possible model for Belt Balancers consisting of multiple Petri Net
modules, which can be arranged to model the behaviour of a Factorio Belt Balancer. Additionally properties
commonly used in the Factorio community were defined via LTL, which can be verified with a modelling
language like PROMELA. The translation from Petri Net to PROMELA works as well, but due to internal
limitations the actual verification with SPIN does not, if the presented translation is used.
This could be solved by using an alternative verification tool like GreatSPN [11]. This Petri Net validation tool
is a promising alternative due to its ability to verify LTL, CTL and CTL* [12] properties. But unlike PROMELA
it cannot handle inhibitor arcs, those need to be unfolded. Furthermore this project could be expanded by
increasing the scope of the verification. Right now we only focus on a small part in a complex and diverse
logistical system. Instead of only verifying a Belt Balancer, a whole assembly line could be analysed to find
bottlenecks and other causes of inefficiency. There are other logistical systems like logistical drones and trains
as well, which come with their own unique set of problems to solve. A proper integration of those model
checking and verification tools into the game is a sensible next step as well, which could be achieved by using
Factorios modding API [13]. To sum this up we want to mention a seminar [14], which presents more Factorio
related problems involving multiple scientific disciplines. Its authors also develop an interface to communicate
with the game via external optimisers.
[1] Wube Software Ltd. Factorio Website. Aug. 2020. url:
[2] Carl Adam Petri. “Kommunikation mit Automaten”. PhD thesis. Universität Hamburg, 1962.
[3] Wolfgang Reisig. Petrinetze : Modellierungstechnik, Analysemethoden, Fallstudien. 2010.
[4] Fred Kröger and Stephan Merz. Temporal Logic and State Systems. 2008.
[5] Amir Pnueli. “The temporal logic of programs”. In: 18th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer
Science (sfcs 1977). 1977, pp. 46–57.
[6] ARM. AMBA AXI and ACE ProtocolSpecification. Oct. 2020.
[7] Gerard J. Holzmann. “Design and Validation of Protocols”. In: Tutorial Computer Networks and ISDN
Systems 25 (1990). PROMELA proposal, pp. 981–1017.
[8] SPIN Website. Jan. 2021. url:
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