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DLL Tle-Ia6 Week 5

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GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI

Teacher: Learning Area: TLE-IA

Teaching Dates and Time: December 5-9, 2022 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of knowledge and skills in as an alternative source of income

Perfomance Standards Enhancing/decorating products performs necessary skill in enhancing/ decorating finished products
(Pamantayan sa Pagganap)

Most Essential Learning 1.6 Constructs Project Plan TLE6IA-0d-6

Competencies 1.6.1 considers deliberate policies on sustainable development in constructing the project plan
(Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto) 1.6.2 demonstrates resourcefulness and management skills in the use of time, materials, money, and effort

Subject Matter Resourcefulness and Resourcefulness and

(Paksang Aralin) Management skills in the Management skills in the
Weekly Test
use of Time, Materials, use of Time, Materials,
Money, and Effort Money, and Effort
Learning Resources
(Kagamitang Panturo) TLE-IA - K to 12 MELC d. 413 TLE-IA - K to 12 MELC d. 413

a. Reviewing Why do we need to construct a project plan? Why do we need to construct a project plan? Recall their past lessons.
Previous Lesson or Preparation of test materials
Presenting the
New Lesson

Balik-Aral sa
nakaraang aralin
at/o pagsisimula
ng aralin

b. Establishing Directions: Write Yes in your answer sheet if the following Directions: Write Yes in your answer sheet if the following situation is Why should you get a high
purpose for the situation is essential essential score in any given test?
lesson in the preparation a project plan and No if not. in the preparation a project plan and No if not.
___________ 1. The amount to be used in the preparation of the ___________ 1. The bill of materials contains the unit, quantity and
Paghahabi sa project should be procedure in
layunin ng aralin given consideration. the preparation of the project
___________ 2. Prepare workable and attainable target. ___________ 2. A project plan is needed only in project costing ten
___________ 3. The kind and quality of materials need to be check thousand pesos or more.
before the start
of a project.

c. Presenting Randy a Grade 6 learner of San Miguel Elementary School wanted Randy a Grade 6 learner of San Miguel Elementary School wanted to Setting of standards in taking
example/instances to buy a new pair of shoes. He promised himself that he will not ask money the test
of the new lesson buy a new pair of shoes. He promised himself that he will not ask from his Tatay and Nanay he wanted to have it through his savings.
money from his Tatay and Nanay he wanted to have it through During class days, he
Pag-uugnay ng his savings. During class days, he sees to it that he would have save some of his baon. And on weekends,
mga halimbawa sees to it that he would have save some of his baon. And on after doing
sa bagong aralin weekends, after doing his household chores, he thought of helping Aling Mameng in making
his household chores, he thought of helping Aling Mameng in kakanin to have extra income.
making kakanin to Weeks past, but Randy was not able to do his plan, he had a hard time
have extra income. managing his time doing his task at home, his homework and helping Aling
Weeks past, but Randy was not able to do his plan, he had a hard Mameng.
managing his time doing his task at home, his homework and Will he be able to manage his time? How?
helping Aling Mameng.

What do you think is the problem of Randy?

d. Discussing new Accomplishing task, activities or project need thorough Resourcefulness and Management skills in the use of the following: Distributes test materials to
concepts planning and preparations. One would be able to achieve his or 1. Time – Time management is essentially the ability to organize and plan the pupils.
her goal, if he or she is resourceful enough in managing the time, the time
Pagtatalakay ng money, materials and even the effort. spent on activities in a day. It increases effectiveness and productivity. It is
bagong konsepto A resourceful person can achieve maximal results from a
at paglalahad ng minimal key aspect of project management and involves skills such as planning,
bagong resources. Wise utilization of available resources on hand to setting
kasanayan #1 implement a propose goals and prioritizing for a better performance.
project. Being resourceful means one can find effective and Time is an important element in the accomplishment of a project. Poor
efficient ways of doing management of time will result to delayed accomplishment of project or
things; they tend to be innovative and imaginative. task.
Resourcefulness is the ability to Manage your time effectively and you will achieve your goals successfully
find a way to achieve your goal or to make one.

e. Continuation of Time Management includes: Effective time management allows individuals to assign specific time slots Answering of test items
the discussion of 1. Effective Planning to
new concepts 2. Setting goals and objectives activities as per their importance.
3. Setting deadlines 2. Money – One of the most important thing in the accomplishment of a
Pagtatalakay ng 4. Delegation of responsibilities project or plan. Managing money or finances well will result to a better
bagong konsepto 5. Prioritizing activities as per their importance project implementation thus, make sure that is managed wisely to avoid
at paglalahad ng 6. Spending the right time on the right activity wastage of
bagong materials.
kasanayan #2 3. Effort – The result of an action to achieve your goal. You must be
persistent in
pursuing your goal and achieving your desired project. Investing energy
sometimes means investing physical strength to do something. Follow
what is written in the plan to go away of errors and repetitions.
4. Materials – The supplies that you will need in making your project.
may include apparatus, equipment, tools, gears, machinery and other
resources that are necessary for completing the different processes in
f. Developing Directions: Read the situations below. Tell whether it tells about Directions: Read the situations below. Tell whether it tells about
Mastery wise use of Time, management of Time, Money, Materials or Effort. Write
Money, Materials or Effort. Write your answer on a separate sheet your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Paglinang sa of 1. Using resources that are available in the locality in the preparation of a
Kabihasaan paper. project.
___________ 1. Mr. Cruz always consider the amount she will be 2. Simeon sees to it that he is in the right condition before starting his
using in work, he
the preparation of his project. is 100 percent ready and is prepared.
___________ 2. Nancy always prepares delicious and nutritious 3. Observing the allocated number of days in accomplishing of a plan or a
merienda project.
for her younger siblings. She uses her strength to make 4. Checking the prices of the resources to be used that is durable but
them happy and satisfied. within
___________ 3. Mang Adong always arrive fifteen minutes before allocated budget.
the 5. Observance of the objectives and activities in the planned task.
scheduled meeting.
___________ 4. Lando check the kind and the quality of wood he
will be
using in the construction of their side table.
___________ 5. Linda always prepare her daily plan of activities
ahead. This
serves as her daily guide.
g. Finding practical The Grade 6 learners of Mr. Ramos planned to make souvenir The Grade 6 learners of Mr. Ramos planned to make souvenir items to be
applications of items to be sold during the city “Pasalamat Festival” as their income generating
concepts and skills sold during the city “Pasalamat Festival” as their income generating project.
in daily living project. If you were one of Mr. Ramos learner, what are you going to
If you were one of Mr. Ramos learner, what are you going to consider in the
Paglalapat ng consider in the preparation of their project as a resourceful learner in terms of?
aralin sa pang preparation of their project as a resourceful learner in terms of? 1. Time Management - ____________
araw-araw na 1. Time Management - ____________ 2. Money - ___________________
buhay 2. Money - ___________________ 3. Materials - _____________________
3. Materials - _____________________ 4. Effort - _________________
4. Effort - _________________
h. Making Directions: Fill in the blank with the appropriate word or terms Directions: Fill in the blank with the appropriate word or terms from the
generalizations from the box below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
and abstractions box below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. 1. ____________ include apparatus, equipment, tools, gears, machinery
about the lesson 1. A ____________ person can find effective and efficient ways of and other physical resources that are necessary for completing the
doing different processes in project.
Paglalahat ng things; they tend to be innovative and imaginative can achieve 2. _______________ is the result of an action to achieve your goal.
Aralin 2. ____________ is the ability to find a way to achieve your goal or
to make
3. ____________ the most important thing in purchasing materials
in the
accomplishment of a project or plan.

i. Evaluating Directions: Read the situations below. Tell whether it tells about Directions: Tell what each situation demonstrates. Write in your answer Checking and recording of
learning management of Time, Money, Materials or Effort. Write sheet test results
your answer on a separate sheet of paper. E - if it demonstrates effort, M for money, MM for management of
Pagtataya ng 1. Using resources that are available in the locality in the materials, T for time and R for being resourceful.
Aralin preparation of a ________1. Keeping a journal and making a list of what needs to be
project. accomplished
2. Simeon sees to it that he is in the right condition before starting for a day, a week or a month.
his work, he ________2. Carlo buys cheap but durable materials for his project.
is 100 percent ready and is prepared. ________3. Linda and Lowela check and compare all prices of the
3. Observing the allocated number of days in accomplishing of a materials that
plan or a they will use in their project before buying their needed materials.
project. ________4. Allan’s group use the skills they’ve learn in their EPP class in
4. Checking the prices of the resources to be used that is durable making
but within the project.
allocated budget. ________5. Reno check available materials that can still be used to
5. Observance of the objectives and activities in the planned task. lessen the
amount in purchasing materials.
j. Additional List down the different activities or steps in the preparation of your List down the different activities or steps in the preparation of your
activities for previous previous
application or project plan. Check whether you are managing your Time, project plan. Check whether you are managing your Time, money,
remediation money, materials and effort efficiently and effectively. Write your materials and effort efficiently and effectively. Write your answer on your
answer on your answer sheet. answer sheet.
Karagdagang 1. Time 1. Time
gawain para sa 2. Money 2. Money
takdang-aralin at 3. Materials 3. Materials
remediation 4. Effort 4. Effort
REMARKS ___ The Lesson was successfully ___ The Lesson was ___ The Lesson was successfully done. ___ The Lesson was
done. successfully done. ___ The lesson was not carried due to; successfully done.
Mga Tala ___ The lesson was not carried due ___ The lesson was not ___ a. suspension of class ___ The lesson was not
to; carried due to; ___ b. special non-working holiday carried due to;
___ a. suspension of class ___ a. suspension of ___ c. emergency meeting ___ a. suspension of
___ b. special non-working holiday class ___ d. the pupils need more mastery class
___ c. emergency meeting ___ b. special non- ___ b. special non-
___ d. the pupils need more working holiday working holiday
mastery ___ c. emergency ___ c. emergency
meeting meeting
___ d. the pupils need ___ d. the pupils need
more mastery more mastery
REFLECTION _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got _____% of the pupils got 80% mastery _____% of the pupils got
mastery 80% mastery 80% mastery
a. Number of ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who
learners who additional activities for remediation require additional activities for remediation require additional
earned 80% of activities for remediation activities for remediation
the evaluation
b. Number of ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
learners who ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson ____ of Learners who
require lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson
activities for
who scored
below 80%
c. Did the ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who
remedial additional activities for remediation require additional activities for remediation require additional
lesson work? activities for remediation activities for remediation
d. Number of Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work
learners who ___ Group collaboration well: ___ Group collaboration well:
have caught ___ Games ___ Group collaboration ___ Games ___ Group collaboration
up with the ___ Power PointPresentation ___ ___ Games ___ Power PointPresentation ___ ___ Games
lesson Answering preliminary ___ Power Answering preliminary ___ Power
activities/exercises PointPresentation ___ activities/exercises PointPresentation ___
___ Discussion Answering preliminary ___ Discussion Answering preliminary
___ Case Method activities/exercises ___ Case Method activities/exercises
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ ___ Discussion ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Rereading ___ Discussion
Rereading of ___ Case Method of Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Case Method
Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Role ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ ___ Rereading of Playing/Drama ___ Rereading of
Role Playing/Drama Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Discovery Method Paragraphs/Poems/Stories
___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated ___ Lecture Method ___ Differentiated
___ Lecture Method Instruction ___ Role Why? Instruction ___ Role
Why? Playing/Drama ___ Complete Ims Playing/Drama
___ Complete Ims ___ Discovery Method ___ Availability of Materials ___ Pupils’ ___ Discovery Method
___ Availability of Materials ___ ___ Lecture Method eagerness to learn ___ Group member’s ___ Lecture Method
Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Why? Cooperation in doing their tasks Why?
Group member’s Cooperation in ___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims
doing their tasks ___ Availability of ___ Availability of
Materials ___ Pupils’ Materials ___ Pupils’
eagerness to learn ___ eagerness to learn ___
Group member’s Group member’s
Cooperation in doing Cooperation in doing
their tasks their tasks
__ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
__ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’
__ Colorful Ims behavior/attitude __ Colorful Ims behavior/attitude
__ Unavailable Technology __ Colorful Ims __ Unavailable Technology Equipment __ Colorful Ims
Equipment (AVR/LCD) __ Unavailable (AVR/LCD) __ Unavailable
e. Number of
__ Science/ Computer Internet Lab Technology Equipment __ Science/ Computer Internet Lab Technology Equipment
learners who
__ Additional Clerical works (AVR/LCD) __ Additional Clerical works __Reading (AVR/LCD)
continue to
__Reading Readiness __ Science/ Computer Readiness __ Science/ Computer
__Lack of Interest of pupils Internet Lab __Lack of Interest of pupils Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical
works __Reading works __Reading
Readiness Readiness
__Lack of Interest of __Lack of Interest of
pupils pupils
Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
f. What __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
difficulties did __ Making use big books from views __ Making use big books __ Making use big books from views of the __ Making use big books
I encounter of the locality from views of the locality locality from views of the locality
which my __ Recycling of plastics to be used as __ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to be used as __ Recycling of plastics to
principal or Instructional Materials be used as Instructional Instructional Materials be used as Instructional
supervisor can __ local poetical composition Materials __ local poetical composition Materials
help me __Flashcards __ local poetical __Flashcards __ local poetical
solve? composition composition
__Flashcards __Flashcards
g. What ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next ___Lesson carried. Move
innovation or next objective. on to the next objective. objective. on to the next objective.
localized ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
materials did I
which I wish
to share with
Prepared by:

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