Buffer Overflow
Buffer Overflow
Buffer Overflow
Since the 80s, buffer overflow has been responsible for many severe attacks, yet we
are today unable to solve it once and for all, we will get to know this vulnerability and
its impacts and the prevention and mitigation of it.
These are must-knows concepts before diving into the world of buffer overflows
● Terms
Impact Can be exploited to Can be used to Can cause Varies based on the
gain unauthorized gain significant attacker's goals and the
access, cause data unauthorized damage to a nature of the payload
loss, or disrupt access, install system or
operations malware, or network
steal data
● Fetch:
- The CPU fetches the next instruction from the computer's memory. The instruction is
typically located at the address pointed to by the program counter (PC).
- The program counter is a register that keeps track of the memory address of the next
instruction to be executed.
● Decode:
● Execute:
- The CPU carries out the decoded instruction by performing the specified operation.
This could involve arithmetic and logic operations, data transfers between registers
and memory, or control flow instructions.
- The result of the execution may be stored in registers, memory, or other designated
● Stack section
The stack is a region of a computer's memory allocated for function calls and local
variables. It operates in a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) manner, The stack manage function calls
and maintaining local variables during program execution, Each function call creates a new
stack frame, which includes information such as the function's parameters, local variables,
return address, and the state of certain registers.
In figure 2 we can take a look at the stack frame content. One of the most important pieces
of information in the stack frame is the return address ( EIP register ) which holds the
address of the next instruction to be executed. In the context of a stack frame, it is crucial
for managing the flow of program execution.
● Heap Section
The heap is another area of memory used for dynamic memory allocation during a program's
runtime. It is a region where the program can request and manage memory space
dynamically, unlike the stack, which operates in a more structured, last-in, first-out manner.
Location In a stack-based buffer overflow, the buffer In a heap-based buffer overflow, the
that is overflowed is located on the program's buffer that is overflowed is located
call stack. in the heap, which is a region of
memory used for dynamic memory
allocation during a program's
Cause Typically caused by improper input validation Typically occurs when dynamic
and unchecked buffer lengths within memory allocation functions (e.g.,
functions that handle user input. malloc) are not properly validated,
allowing an attacker to write more
data to a dynamically allocated
buffer than it can hold.
Exploitation Attackers often overwrite the return address Attackers can manipulate the
or function pointers on the stack to redirect memory allocation data structures
the program's execution to a malicious or overwrite function pointers
payload injected by the attacker. stored in the heap to execute
malicious code.
How to exploit Buffer overflow vulnerability
● Spiking:
● Fuzzing:
Objective: Identify the exact point in the input where the application crashes and understand
the relationship between the input and the program's execution.
Process: Modify the input payload systematically and observe how the application responds
until a crash is replicated.
Outcome: Determines the offset, or the distance from the start of the input to the point of the
crash. Controlling the EIP (Extended Instruction Pointer) becomes crucial for crafting a
successful exploit.
Objective: Identify characters that may interfere with the payload or cause unintended
Process: Send a series of payloads with different characters and observe which ones are
incorrectly processed or sanitized by the application.
Outcome: Establish a set of "bad characters" that should be avoided in the final payload.
Finding a Jump Point:
Objective: Identify a memory address (jump point) to redirect the program's execution to the
attacker's controlled payload.
Process: Analyze the application's code and libraries to find suitable memory addresses or
gadgets that can be used for redirection.
Outcome: Determines a point in the program's memory that can be leveraged to execute the
attacker's code.
● Generate Payload:
Objective: Create a payload that takes advantage of the identified vulnerability to execute
arbitrary code.
Process: Craft a payload that considers the identified offset, avoids bad characters, and
directs the program's execution to the chosen jump point.
Outcome: The payload is a piece of code designed to be injected into the vulnerable
application to exploit the buffer overflow.
● Exploit:
Objective: Execute the crafted payload to take control of the application or system.
Process: Inject the payload into the vulnerable application using the identified buffer
overflow, triggering the desired behavior.
Outcome: The attacker gains control over the application's execution, allowing for
unauthorized actions, data theft, or further compromise.
Preventing and mitigating buffer overflows is crucial for maintaining the security of software
systems. Here are several strategies and best practices:
Validate and sanitize all user input to ensure it adheres to expected data formats and
Implement bounds checking to ensure that data written to buffers does not exceed the
allocated space.
Choose programming languages that include built-in safety mechanisms, such as array
bounds checking. Languages like Rust and Java provide memory safety features that can
help prevent buffer overflows.
Secure Coding Practices:
Adhere to secure coding practices, including proper use of functions like strcpy_s, strncpy, or
snprintf instead of potentially unsafe counterparts like strcpy.
Avoid using unsafe functions and prefer safer alternatives that automatically handle buffer
Compile code with security flags provided by the compiler, such as those available in GCC
(-fstack-protector, -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE), to enhance protection against buffer overflows.
Utilize memory-safe libraries and functions that have built-in protections against buffer
overflows. For example, use the strncpy_s function instead of strcpy.
● What operation systems are doing to prevent and mitigate buffer overflows:
Utilize ASLR to randomize the memory addresses used by system and application
components, making it more challenging for attackers to predict the location of critical
Enable DEP to prevent the execution of code in specific regions of memory, making it harder
for attackers to execute injected malicious code.